July 23, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Politics aside, what's in the film is tangible, and any "future canon" that tries to alter what's in the film (see the Captain Rex discussion earlier) should be ignored. Slave Leia is important to the Jabba scenes (if not the palace specifically) because it's the main outfit we see her in. That said, I do believe the Boushh disguise would be the main choice for the palace, with Slave/Hutt Slayer Leia being the pick for a Khetanna. I've done some thinking, and here's how I see them doing a Sail Barge MBS: Battle at the Sarlacc Pit ($349.99): Main build is Jabba's Sail Barge The Khetanna, 2 skiffs, and a Sarlacc pit (bigger than previous renditions, allowing for more figs to be "swallowed". Both skiffs are relatively the same, about the length of the 2012 version, but around 2 studs wider. Open floors on both, with only one of the skiffs having the plank. The Khetanna has Jabba's main chamber, with a piloting station, a kitchen, and a cell. Top deck includes four rail-mounted cannons, and the deck cannon. Minifigures (21, like both current MBS, plus Jabba & Crumb): Luke Skywalker (Grey tunic), Lando Calrissian (Henchman disguise), Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia (Bikini), C-3PO, R2-D2, Boba Fett, 2 Gamorrean Guards, Vizam, Ree-Yees, Pagetti Rook, Weequay Skiff Master, Mercenary Pilot, Brock Starsher, Pote Snitkin, Saelt-Marae, Tessek, Kithaba, Klaatu, Jabba the Hutt, Salacious B. Crumb. My main issue with a Palace MBS isn't cosmetic but rather (surprise, surprise) the minifigure selection. Outside of the central cast, there aren't a ton of memorable faces in the Palace proper, mostly Jabba's "dancing girls". Okay, perhaps I'm a tad facetious, but this is how I see the lineup currently: 7 Heroes: Han Solo (with new Carbonite block), Princess Leia (Boushh), Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian (Henchman disguise), Luke Skywalker (with hood perhaps?), R2-D2, C-3PO. 14 Villains (including associates): Boba Fett, Bib Fortuna, 2 Gamorrean Guards, Oola, Nysad, Wooof, Giran, Jabba the Hutt, Malakili, EV-9D9, Max Rebo, Ak-Rev, B'omarr Monk. Outside of a select few of Jabba's crew (Fortuna & EV-9D9), many of these aren't exactly remarkable/are interchangeable with my Sail Barge lineup. I don't think "future canon" will be a problem in all honesty. The only examples of retconning recently tend to overrule the books and/or comics, and are mostly fairly minor in the grand scheme of things. Overruling the films would be sacrilege and I imagine the story group knows that. (just don't mention Palpatine...) To be fair, you could make the same argument about the Cantina minifigs - a few of the figures included there only have a couple of seconds' worth of screentime, although I agree that they're not as memorable in the palace. Really like the idea of a MBS barge though, that would be a heck of a set.
July 23, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Only problem with Snootles and Droopy is that they'd probably require really specific molds, hence why I didn't include them, but I'd love to see it happen. Yeah unfortunately for Snootles there's no way around that. I think Droopy could get away with using a standard minifigure head like Ten Numb and Goss Toowers do.
July 23, 20213 yr One thing I like about reading these wishlists is then doing a deep dive into Wookiepedia and finding out all the names of background characters who I mostly only know as their Kenner names. For a Jabba's Palace MBS I'd add 8D8 (torture droid) to go along with the Gonk and EV-9D9. Just my opinion but I'd keep the band as the original line-up of Max Rebo, Sy Snootles and Droopy McCool, because Lapti Nek fits the scene better than Jedi RocksÂ
July 23, 20213 yr Large playset wishlist- could be MBS or could be smaller at the £120 or £160 price points. Yavin base with figures from ANH, Rogue One and Rebels. Genosis Arena as many have said Jedi Temple Endor Bunker, like an update of the 2009(?) one Jabba's Palace Scarif Tower The Town in Nevaro from Mando, with the Imperial building (where We see thw client in S1 not the base from s2), the sewers with the Covert hideout, the bar where Greef works for the bounty hunters guild, the school where they leave Grogu, the lava river, etc Â
July 24, 20213 yr Geonosis Arena Battle ($349.99):Â Three pillars, a tower for Dooku & Co. two spectator stands, Geonosian Cannon, Chariot with Orray,2 Massiffs (dog-sized molds). Acklay, Nexu, Reek, 2 Droidekas. Minifigures: 10 Heroes: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Bultar Swan, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Joclad Danva. 11Â Villains: Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Poggle the Lesser, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Boba Fett, Sun Fac, 2 Geonosian Warriors, 2 Geonosian Drones, plus 4 Battle Droids, 2 Super Battle Droids. Edited July 24, 20213 yr by ARC2149Nova
July 24, 20213 yr 12 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Geonosis Arena Battle ($349.99): Three pillars, a tower for Dooku & Co. two spectator stands, Geonosian Cannon, Chariot with Orray,2 Massiffs (dog-sized molds). Acklay, Nexu, Reek, 2 Droidekas. Minifigures: 10 Heroes: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Coleman Trebor, Bultar Swan, Kit Fisto, Plo Koon, Shaak Ti, Joclad Danva. 11 Villains: Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Poggle the Lesser, Nute Gunray, Rune Haako, Boba Fett, Sun Fac, 2 Geonosian Warriors, 2 Geonosian Drones, plus 4 Battle Droids, 2 Super Battle Droids. My dream set. I’d probably change the figures slightly to get two of Sora Bulq/Pablo-Jill/Tarados Gon in. I doubt they will do this anytime soon sadly. If they did a Sail Barge instead I wouldn’t mind to be honest. Or even a palace. Shame about the controversy.Â
July 24, 20213 yr 42 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said: My dream set. I’d probably change the figures slightly to get two of Sora Bulq/Pablo-Jill/Tarados Gon in. I doubt they will do this anytime soon sadly. If they did a Sail Barge instead I wouldn’t mind to be honest. Or even a palace. Shame about the controversy. I was thinking about having a sort of "Jedi Battle Pack" which would include the likes of Tarados Gon & Sarrissa Jeng, maybe add Pablo-Jill & Roth-Del Masona and boom! Perfect add on for the Arena. Then later on down the line we can get Bulq, Tassu, and the Rodian in another random AOTC set. So many characters, so few opportunities... One more MBS for now: Wookie Village ($349.99): Includes an Ewok Village type central build, using dark brown and dark green as the tree colors, with some nougat for wood. Includes the command tower with holotable, AT-RT, Wookie Ornithopter and Catamaran. CIS Tank Droid and Dwarf Spider Droid. 14 Heroes: Yoda, Luminara Unduli, Commander Gree, AT-RT Driver, Tarfful, Chewbacca, Merumeru, 2 Brown Wookie Warriors, 1 Dark Brown Wookie Warrior, 2 Helmeted Wookie Warriors, 2 Kashyyyk Clone Troopers. 7 Villains: Battle Droid Commander, 2 Super Battle Droids, 4 Battle Droids.
July 25, 20213 yr ROTS 20th anniversary fantasy. I know there're still 4 years to go and it probably won't happen, but...a man can dream... And I really hope Lego go back to the 2013-2014 movie-based printings for clones, at least for the upper body. They just look much more exquisite than the current hybrid style. Microfighters     UT-AT ($10): Galactic marine (with pauldron + kama, and preferably a new helmet mold, as it's slightly different from that of an imperial snowtrooper).     AT-OT ($10): 327th Star Corps trooper (pauldron + kama). Battlepacks     41st elite corps ($15): AT-RT driver x 2 (new helmet mold), standard p2 trooper with grey markings x 2. The build is a simplified AT-RT. Playsets     Clone swamp speeder ($20): Aayla Secura, Commander Bly (new helmet mold + pauldron + kama), B1 battle droid x 2.     Senate Chamber duel ($25): Palpatine, Yoda. The build is the Chancellor's podium.    Corporate alliance tank droid ($25): Luminara Unduli, Kashyyyk scout trooper x 1, B1 battle droid commander x 1.    Octuptarra tri-droid ($40): Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara (new helmet mold + kama), B2 battle droid x 2.    ARC-170 Starfighter ($70): Commander Oddball, clone pilot x 1, Plo Koon.    Palpatine's T-2c shuttle ($90): Palpatine, injured Anakin, 2-1B surgical droid, clone pilot x 1, Shock trooper x 1. Includes a medical capsule for Anakin.     Venator-class Star Destroyer ($160): Obi-Wan, Commander Cody (new helmet mold), 212th trooper x 1, Grievous (with cape), IG-100 MagnaGuard x 2. Includes a crab droid.
July 25, 20213 yr On 7/23/2021 at 11:36 AM, Agent Kallus said: Endor Bunker, like an update of the 2009(?) one I would absolutely love an Endor Bunker MBS set! A definite buy for me if one were ever to be released.Â
July 25, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Orearear said: ROTS 20th anniversary fantasy. I know there're still 4 years to go and it probably won't happen, but...a man can dream... And I really hope Lego go back to the 2013-2014 movie-based printings for clones, at least for the upper body. They just look much more exquisite than the current hybrid style. Great list! Would snap up most of the sets here, especially that Swamp Speeder and ARC-170. I too love the 2014 style the most (technically 2013 too, since the Phase I clones debuted that torso print). I for one would like another Kashyyyk Battle Pack, but for the normal scouts (and the AT-RT Driver of course). I currently have 6 of the 2014 ones, and would love some more.
July 25, 20213 yr 7 hours ago, Orearear said: ROTS 20th anniversary fantasy. I know there're still 4 years to go and it probably won't happen, but...a man can dream... I'd kill a man for an official commander Bacara minifigure. List looks great! 2022 1hy predictions (Spoiler tags used to conserve space) January: Spoiler Microfighters: The Razor Crest ($9.99): Beskar Mandalorian TIE outlander ($9.99): TIE Pilot Boga VS wheel bike ($9.99): Kenobi and Grievous. Battle packs: Dark Troopers ($14.99): 2x dark trooper, 1x stormtrooper, 1x comms officer. Build is a dark trooper pod and a small turret with stud shooters. Hoth Rebel troopers ($14.99): 2x hoth rebel trooper, 1x hoth rebel officer, 1x snowspeeder pilot (dak ratler). Build is an updated ice cutter with stud shooters. 4+: Kylo's TIE 4+ ($29.99): TIE silencer and small resistance turret with Kylo Ren, BB-9E, and Finn. System sets: Duel on geonosis ($19.99): small geonosis hanger with entrance and collapsing pillar. Comes with Dooku and Yoda. The Emporor Reborn ($29.99): Sith Throne build with a palpatine-swapping feature akin to the bruce wayne-to-batman batcave features on one side, and the omnic harness on the other. Comes with Palpatine (reborn), Palpatine (omnic harness), Ben Solo, and Rey. Swamp Speeder ($29.99): Swamp speeder and STAP with 2x p2 clone troopers, a wookie soldier, and 2x b1 battle droids. TIE interceptor ($59.99): TIE interceptor with TIE Pilot, scout trooper, an imperial officer, and an imperial astromech. B-wing ($69.99): B-wing with Ten Numb, a human b-wing pilot, Cracken, and an endor rebel trooper. April: Spoiler Helmets: Royal Guard ($69.99) 501st trooper ($69.99) AT-AT driver ($69.99) Statue: Droidika ($69.99) May: Spoiler UCS TIE Advanced ($199.99): Darth Vader (arm printing and red eye printing on helmet), Moff Tarkin (dual molded legs) GWP: Trench Run: death star 1 trench run diorama with mini x-wing and tie advanced. Â
July 26, 20213 yr Just some ideas I have, I don't expect any of these to happen January Imperial Clone Battle Pack ($14.99) - 2 white phase II clones, 1 shock trooper, 1 elite squad trooper Super Commando Battle Pack ($14.99) - 4 Darth Maul super commandos, 2 female 2 male Tri Fighter and Vulture Droid ($29.99) - Tri Fighter similar to the 2005 one in size, Vulture Droid similar to the downscale ones we were getting in the late 2000's but more up to date. Includes 2 battle droids and a buzz droid TIE Interceptor ($39.99) - Build very similar to the 2021 TIE. TIE Pilot and an Imperial Officer Y-Wing ($49.99) - Similar to the 2007 version but a tad smaller and a little more up to date. Includes Gold Leader and R2-BHD The Justifier ($79.99) - Similar size to the new imperial shuttle. Has a small prison cell in the back to fit omega. Includes Cad Bane, Fennec Shand, Omega and Todo  April/May Helmet sets are self explanatory Imperial Royal Guard ($69.99) Phase II Clone Trooper ($59.99) Din Djarin ($59.99) Speeder Bike ($79.99) - Okay hear me out, how about instead of a droid, we start getting smaller UCS style vehicles like this, the AT-RT, BARC speeder etc. I think the classic speeder bike is a good place to start. Include a scout trooper (obviously) Luke's Landspeeder ($199.99) - Yeah, I said it. Probably the last of the $200 range OT vehicles we can get if you don't include the TIE Advanced, Interceptor and AT-ST. Similar size to the UCS Snowspeeder, include Luke (Obviously) and a new C-3P0 with arm printing and a dual molded silver leg  Summer A-Wing Starfighter ($24.99) - Downscaled and similar in size to the 2006 one. Comes with an A-Wing pilot and Mon Mothma Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter ($29.99) - Blue Obi-Wan starfighter with a similar build to the 2020 Anakin one. Includes Obi-Wan, an astromech and Phase II Cody Mos Pelgo Cantina ($49.99) - small cantina build with a Cobb Vanth's speeder. Includes Cobb Vanth, Mando, Grogu and Peli Motto Imperial Dropship ($59.99) - Mandalorian Imperial Dropship. Think Mandalorian Starfighter-ish size. Includes rusty armor Boba Fett, mortar trooper and 2 regular stormtroopers U-Wing Starfighter ($109.99) - Bigger than the 2016 one with longer wings and more space for minifigures. Seeing as Cassian show isn't out, I can really only say Cassian and possibly K2 for the figures Encounter on Kamino ($119.99) - Jango Fett vs Obi wan scene. Includes the room where Jango and Obi-Wan meet, a landing platform (think 2018 Cloud City with some features in it) and a downscaled, 2021 style Jango Fett Slave I. Includes Obi-Wan, R4, Jango Fett with his Kamino outfit and his armor with arm printing, young Boba, Taun We and Lama Su Imperial Turbo Tank ($149.99) - similar size to the 2005 and 2010 Turbo Tanks but based off of Bad Batch, all grey. Include 2 small, 2011-style BARC speeders. Include Howzer, Rampart, young Hera, Cham, Crosshair with scars, Orn Free Ta and 2 basic phase II clones Battle of Endor ($449.99) - a step further than the Endor bunker sets that keep getting suggested. Includes an Endor bunker, a landing pad for an Imperial Shuttle, a small shield generator, an AT-ST and an Imperial Shuttle very similar to the 2021 one, but with an improved cockpit. Figures are mostly what you'd expect, but with the inclusion of Vader and Luke Edited July 26, 20213 yr by necrochasm how did i forget about HOWZER...
July 26, 20213 yr Great Ideas, so I'll bite. Apologies for overlaps. Winter Wave (January/March + May UCS) Imperial Clone Troopers Battle Pack: 2x Phase II Clone Troopers, Clone Shock Trooper (with pauldron), Elite Squad Trooper (ES-02) Endor Rebels Battle Pack: 74-Z Speeder Bike, Ewok Glider. Rebel Commando (Pathfinder Jacket), 2 Rebel Commandos (Trenchcoats), Ewok Warrior (2013 figure) Ambush on Trask ($29.99): Mando, Grogu, Quarren Pirate, Koska Reeves. The boat we see in Chapter 11. V-Wing Starfighter ($29.99): Clone Pilot, Republic Astromech. Padme's Royal Starship ($39.99): Padme's H-type Nubian Yacht in flat silver. Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2, Geonosian Warrior. TIE Bomber ($59.99) TIE Pilot, Stormtrooper, Captain Needa. Republic Attack Shuttle ($69.99): Phase II Clone Trooper, Crosshair, Elite Squad Trooper (ES-04), Hunter. UCS TIE Interceptor ($199.99): TIE Pilot, Tiaan Jerjerrod.  Summer Wave (only ideas I can think of): Assault on Utapau ($29.99): Commander Cody, 2 212th Clone Troopers, 212th Airborne Clone Trooper, 2 Battle Droids. Crab Droid, Octuptarra Tri-Droid. Imperial AT-ST ($39.99): Essentially the RO set. 2 AT-ST Pilots, Chewbacca, Wunka, Widdle Warrick. Count Dooku's Solar Sailor ($49.99): Count Dooku, Yoda, Droid Pilot, Clone Trooper. Airspeeder Pursuit ($59.99): Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Zam Wesell, Jango Fett.  And while I'd love an Endor MBS, I'm warming up to my previous submission: Battle at the Sarlacc Pit ($349.99): Main build is Jabba's Sail Barge The Khetanna, 2 skiffs, and a Sarlacc pit (bigger than previous renditions, allowing for more figs to be "swallowed". Both skiffs are relatively the same, about the length of the 2012 version, but around 2 studs wider. Open floors on both, with only one of the skiffs having the plank. The Khetanna has Jabba's main chamber, with a piloting station, a kitchen, and a cell. Top deck includes four rail-mounted cannons, and the deck cannon. Minifigures (21, like both current MBS, plus Jabba & Crumb): Luke Skywalker (Grey tunic), Lando Calrissian (Henchman disguise), Han Solo, Chewbacca, Princess Leia (Bikini), C-3PO, R2-D2, Boba Fett, 2 Gamorrean Guards, Vizam, Ree-Yees, Pagetti Rook, Weequay Skiff Master, Mercenary Pilot, Brock Starsher, Pote Snitkin, Saelt-Marae, Tessek, Kithaba, Klaatu, Jabba the Hutt, Salacious B. Crumb.
July 26, 20213 yr 2 hours ago, necrochasm said: Imperial Turbo Tank ($149.99) - similar size to the 2005 and 2010 Turbo Tanks but based off of Bad Batch, all grey. Include 2 small, 2011-style BARC speeders. Include Rampart, young Hera, Cham, Crosshair with scars, Orn Free Ta and 2 basic phase II clones While I would really like to see the later A9 turbo tank make a set, with imperial Turbo Tanks of any type making their third canonical screen appearance it would be great to see one released
July 26, 20213 yr 34 minutes ago, Stuartn said: While I would really like to see the later A9 turbo tank make a set, with imperial Turbo Tanks of any type making their third canonical screen appearance it would be great to see one released I'm thinking it does, sooner than later too. I just hope its closer to 2005/2010 in size than 2016, which just didn't work for me
July 26, 20213 yr Some cracking ideas last few days ladies and gents, Lego sign us all up! 2022 is super difficult to predict, I have not got a clue. I would imagine they will continue with the downscaled classic ships from the OT. If they go ANH again it’s clear it will be a Y-Wing and Vader’s Tie Advanced. A-Wing/B-Wing and a Tie Interceptor for ROTJ. I’m also confident in a downscaled Snowspeeder, seems like a good time once again. Other downscaled vehicles from the OT are few and far between. Maybe a Falcon or Star Destroyer later on in the year. Next, I think Bad Batch will resume. Obviously they won’t leave out Omega. My hope is they also find a way to get some Phase II Clone Trooper’s in the sets! We need them!! Plenty of choices here, some really solid ones! Cad Bane’s Justifier, Republic Shuttle, Imperial Turbo Tank are some of my favourites. Heck even an AT-TE! Hopefully we get a few this year, the sets will be refreshing! The Mandalorian season 2 also has a place in next years waves I think. Not too much, but I think a Darktrooper army builder set could be a possibility, a Moff Gideon’s Tie, or even the imperial Transport that would have supposed to have the Mortar trooper. A New Republic X-Wing Microfighter/4+ could easily be released. Maybe they’ll release the Juggernaut tank for the summer, could see that for sure. Book of Boba Fett. Probably a set or two. The fact they released a Slave One and Fennec suggests not too much from this, unless there is something vastly different. The Clone Wars S7 - my own personal preference is that these sets continue, after all I think a Rook Kast, a Mandalorian Super Commando, a Rex and Cody is needed. Gunship, Venator, AT-TE, Tank Droid all could be. But my gut tells me that’s it for Clone Wars. Andor + Kenobi - honestly no idea. Wouldn’t expect too much currently. 20th Ann AOTC - Again maybe the odd set from this film, but I wouldn’t expect anything major. Probably a Coruscant Airspeeder Chase is the most likely here. For the remaining prequels, I doubt anything will come from them at this stage. OT - I would imagine we see a resurgence of sets from here this year as the second half of 2021 was not kind. As above each will be downscaled. Sequel Trilogy - I would love some downscaled sets from these movies, but sadly I can’t see anything here. I am intrigued to know all, what the biggest surprise inclusion will be next year come 2022 - winter or summer. Let me know!Â
July 26, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: I’m also confident in a downscaled Snowspeeder, seems like a good time once again. Yes and no. I think we're gonna see one in the UCS AT-AT if it actually ends up happening, but if that ends up being the case, an individual set for one won't be for a while but if it ends up actually being DSII...
July 26, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, ArrowBricks said: Andor + Kenobi - honestly no idea. Wouldn’t expect too much currently I am going to guess that these series, as well as TBoBF and the Ashoka shows will get the same treatment as the Mandalorian- very little to start off with and much more if they become popular, there are about half a dozen planned shows set for release in the coming years, so I am guessing that TLG will see what is popular and work from that. In terms of downscaling, I hope this will continue into PT sets and land vehicles, though a Y Wing is probably the most likely, I also feel that the clone wars sets have concluded, I am just glad they went out with a bang with the Mandalore arc sets and the insanely popular 501st set. I also agree that the sequel sets are probably paused for now, with the upcoming Rogue Squadron and Taika Watiti movies which will probably get the full movie treatment like the RO and Solo sets I think the ST will take a back seat for the time being. In summary my guess will be each series gets 1 or 2 sets like the BB and Mandalorian (when it started), and more depending on popularity, I also feel that with all this new content, battle packs will remain paused for the time being.
July 27, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, Stuartn said: In terms of downscaling, I hope this will continue into PT sets and land vehicles, though a Y Wing is probably the most likely, I also feel that the clone wars sets have concluded, I am just glad they went out with a bang with the Mandalore arc sets and the insanely popular 501st set. I... agree and disagree here. A lot of the starfighters and air vehicles I think work well downscaled, but we've seen a lot of the big land vehicles downscaled (2010 AT-AT, 2013 AT-TE, 2014 MTT, 2016 Turbo Tank) and honestly, they kind of suck. Downscaling is good to make sure that your flagship set never becomes, like, a $140 ARC-170 or something, but something like the turbo tank or a capital ship is meant to be big and awesome and should stay that way
July 28, 20213 yr I'm not entirely opposed to downsized sets, but I'd like to continue regular sized models as well (this year's TIE did not benefit from the shift). As far as more OT sets, I'm still quite partial to ROTJ sets (Another Imperial AT-ST, Endor Rebels, Jabba's Gang), considering that it's still the film that gets the least attention from Lego (OT at least), but I feel like a MBS (or two ) would handle that film quite well. TIE Interceptor, perhaps another B-Wing, ROTJ Falcon? As for Empire, nothing stands out to be made, and shrinking the Snowspeeder will just make the model worse imo. But I still want/need a GR-75, so I guess I'd like to see that, oh and a TIE Bomber. A new TIE Advanced & Y-Wing combo would do nicely, but I'd like for Lego to not neglect the rest of Gold Squadron (Pops Krail, please). Only problem is that since the ST copypasted so many original models, anything we get from the OT will feel like a retread. As for the Prequels, anything to get Phase II Cody would be welcome, even if they're avoiding him like the plague right now. And I guess new troops to command while we're at it. And if we can get the Star Corps updated, I'll be a happy camper. I could take or leave any of the Disney stuff, but I guess I'd want an Omega figure, but that's about it. Anything else would have to fit nicely with other Clone Wars stuff (read Phase II Clones). Maybe a couple of S2 Mandalorian sets, but I'm afraid the ship is sailing on that until season 3.
July 29, 20213 yr I think downsizing works better for spaceships, rather than land vechiles. I'd like to see a Cid's Parlour set, interior not exterior, say £50 - £60, have the bar, some tables, holochess, the area where Omega was practising with her bow, Cid's back office. have it include Cid, Ketch and Bolo, Omega, maybe Roland, some Pykes or Poncho Rex, maybe a moulded ruby and one of the batch other rthan omega, either echo so you recreate the bow practice scene, Wrecker and then they also include a Mantel Mix shop with a Pantoran vendor, or civvies hunter with Jungle Lloyd's hair in black and red. Not that I think tis a likely set , but I wish for it.Â
July 30, 20213 yr Okay... I really want some Spoiler Phase III Troopers (Phase I Stormtroopers) And some Republic Commandos... And Scorch. On the not-quite-spoiler-y side, I want a new V-Wing now.
July 30, 20213 yr Spoiler Guess Delta Squad is back on the menu, given Scorch's appearance. REALLY hope we get those prototype Storm Troopers in a Battlepack as well. Â
July 30, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, Gontron said:  Hide contents Guess Delta Squad is back on the menu, given Scorch's appearance. REALLY hope we get those prototype Storm Troopers in a Battlepack as well.  I'll be honest, I don't want them in a battlepack, I'd rather get one or two in a system set but keep the battlepack for p2 clones or other figures you'd want to amass. Depends how prominently they feature in later seasons, i guess. 10 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: On the not-quite-spoiler-y side, I want a new V-Wing now. It'd be great. They can make a $30 v-wing with omega, Spoiler a prototrooper (seemed to be the pilot), and a clone commando Â
July 30, 20213 yr 9 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Okay... I really want some  Reveal hidden contents Phase III Troopers (Phase I Stormtroopers) And some Republic Commandos... And Scorch.  They now have a good reason to make a new mould for Spoiler Clone Commando Helmets and I hope they do.  Spoiler I'd really love a set based off of the imp base from this episode but other than the mando forge set, I can't think of a single location set from a Star Wars tv show. Okay I've just remembered the 'Duel for Mandalore', but still. I've now check on brickset ( looking at all set's tagged cartoon in the star wars theme, cause I know all the mando sets). 46 minutes ago, Gontron said:  Reveal hidden contents Guess Delta Squad is back on the menu, given Scorch's appearance. REALLY hope we get those prototype Storm Troopers in a Battlepack as well.  Well the designers implied that we'll get some more battlepacks in the January wave, so I'd love a battlepack with a plain clone commando and 3 proto stormies, though 2 new moulds for a battle pack is probably a lot to ask for but it's not unprecedented. There's a lot of poitential for new battlepacks though, I'd like some phase 2 shinies, maybe 3 with an elite squad trooper. and I'm hoping we'll see some dark troopers in a BP too.   Â
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