August 10, 20213 yr 21 hours ago, kidtheboss611 said: I'd rather they cut corners and at least give us commandos rather than not give us commandos at all. I think its highly unlikely we see the amount of sets and new characters, including scorch and other commandos, that we would like to from the BB S1. Maybe when S2 comes around next year we could see a couple of the prominent characters: Sid, Rex, Tarkin, Howzer, Rampart, Lana Se, Young Fennec, Cad Bane, Kaminoan Prime Minister, Young Hera and commandos but only if they return. SO if they can do it and save money buy not making a mold then I'm ok with that I don't think its that bad considering other shortcuts TLG has taken. I want almost none of the characters you mentioned. And I think that the only new molds warranted regardless would be the Clone Commando & TK helmets, maybe a Kaminoan head or two. By and large though, Lego's cost cutting has been uninspired at best, downright lazy at worst. It won't kill them to give the RCs the proper respect. Besides, all we really need is a Battle Pack or two, and an excuse to get Omega. Anything else is gravy, or better off tied to a film (V-Wing somewhat included, unless it comes with Scorch) On 8/3/2021 at 11:17 PM, Mandalorianknight said: Commander cody (bigfig) and wrecker's armor Clearly they are both totally in-line with what you're talking about. Meh, I think a mando helmet would work better, but to be honest I think they really need a new mold. Clearly... Mando helmet is a take, feel like that would look worse. I'd say the new Iron Man helmet would be serviceable, still lazy, but with a damn good print, I could vibe with that. P.S. I don't want to be that guy, but I figured I'd mention it the one time: It's the Petranaki Arena, not Pentaki. Great lists though.
August 10, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: I want almost none of the characters you mentioned. And I think that the only new molds warranted regardless would be the Clone Commando & TK helmets, maybe a Kaminoan head or two. By and large though, Lego's cost cutting has been uninspired at best, downright lazy at worst. It won't kill them to give the RCs the proper respect. Besides, all we really need is a Battle Pack or two, and an excuse to get Omega. Anything else is gravy, or better off tied to a film (V-Wing somewhat included, unless it comes with Scorch) I know they're not all popular but I'd really like Sid, cloaked Rex, Vice Admiral Rampart and Kaminoan figures. I think they'd all be great figs since they were/are allies and main villains of the batch and I think they're multiple sets they could come in. Admiral Rampart could come with a Imperial Attack Shuttle or Imperial Venator (formerly Republic) Rex with his Blue Y-Wing Sid with her shop Kaminoans with V-Wings (though scorch would be super cool) While I also want a BP from the Bad Batch I'd like to see TLG do sets from each D+ show (at least 3 per) cause at some point they have to take a break from the main movies and do the new ships and new characters some justice.
August 10, 20213 yr On 8/9/2021 at 10:13 AM, BlueLanturnCorp said: Honestly, I hope they stick to the concept of "Scaled down" ships at the £35-£50 mark. The X-Wing and Tie Fighter were both great, but I'd love to see Darth Vader's TIE Fighter in a similar scale and again at the £35ish mark. Darth Vader, Grand Moff Tarkin and perhaps an Imperial Officer in terms of figures. I'd be happy for them to just re-release the Rebels version of Darth Vader's TIE Fighter as a stand alone set. It's already down scaled and matches perfectly with the 2021 TIE Fighter. Plus there's very little they can do to improve upon the design of the build other than changing up the roof canopy. On the topic of scaled down sets I really want to see a new Naboo Starfighter. The 2007-2015 models feel too long and stretched and it could really benefit from going back to the smaller size of the original 1999 set. Would also be nice to have the astromech droid in the correct orientation, maybe utilizing some SNOT techniques on the sides like the X-Wing does. If they cut down on the side builds they could easily come up with something as low as $29.99.
August 10, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, wesker said: On the topic of scaled down sets I really want to see a new Naboo Starfighter. The 2007-2015 models feel too long and stretched and it could really benefit from going back to the smaller size of the original 1999 set. Would also be nice to have the astromech droid in the correct orientation, maybe utilizing some SNOT techniques on the sides like the X-Wing does. If they cut down on the side builds they could easily come up with something as low as $29.99. To add onto this, not only would I love a downscaled Naboo Starfighter but I would love a downscaled Sith Infiltrator and give The Phantom Menace some much needed love. For minifigs I would love to see Maul, Qui Gonn, Little Ani, and Shmi.
August 10, 20213 yr 4 hours ago, wesker said: I'd be happy for them to just re-release the Rebels version of Darth Vader's TIE Fighter as a stand alone set. It's already down scaled and matches perfectly with the 2021 TIE Fighter. Plus there's very little they can do to improve upon the design of the build other than changing up the roof canopy. I'd pray they keep that roof canopy, have you seen the bricklink prices? Lol
August 11, 20213 yr On 8/9/2021 at 10:16 PM, ARC2149Nova said: Clearly... Mando helmet is a take, feel like that would look worse. I'd say the new Iron Man helmet would be serviceable, still lazy, but with a damn good print, I could vibe with that. P.S. I don't want to be that guy, but I figured I'd mention it the one time: It's the Petranaki Arena, not Pentaki. Great lists though. IDK, the bottom is a bit off, but the "cheeks" and top are great for a republic commando, and the back is closer to the RC helmet back than the new iron man one. Either would still be subpar to a new mold though, I think they'd bite the bullet and just give them one were they to appear in a set. Holy megablocks I've been calling it pentaki for years. Alright, next up is an ANH list: Microfighters: Tantive IV ($9.99): Captain Antilles Death Star ($9.99): Moff Tarkin X-wing vs TIE advanced ($9.99): Luke Skywalker (pilot) and Darth Vader. Battle Packs: Rebel Fleet ($14.99): 4x rebel fleet trooper. Build is a bit of the Tantive Hallway. Death Star troopers ($14.99): 2x stormtrooper, 2x navy trooper. Build is a turbolaser turret. Duel: Jedi Sacrifice ($19.99): Death star hallway build slightly elevated, with a trapdoor-like function for Ben Kenobi to disappear. Comes with Vader and Ben Kenobi. System sets: Lars Homestead ($34.99): The iconic hut, as well as a brick-built bantha and moisture vaporator. Comes with Luke, Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, and a Tusken Raider. Rescuing the princess ($49.99): A tall build with the detention center (console and leia's cell) built above the trash compacter (with a closing walls function), with an opening chute to connect them. Comes with Leia, Stormtrooper Han, Stormtrooper Luke, Chewbacca, and a black-suited imperial officer. Y-wing starfighter ($69.99): A Y-wing (slightly larger than the 2017 model) with Dutch Vander, Dex Tiree, a rebel astromech droid, Han Solo, and a Stormtrooper. Trench Run ($119.99): X-wing (between 2018 and 2021 models in terms of size) and TIE advanced (a bit bigger than the 2016 model). Comes with Luke Skywalker (pilot), Biggs Darklighter, Wedge Antilles, R2-D2, a rebel astromech, Lord Vader (arm printing), a TIE pilot, Grand Moff Tarkin, and a stormtrooper. Sandcrawler ($149.99): Sandcrawler (larger than 2018 model) with a brick-built dewback, Luke Skywalker, 4 jawas, a sandtrooper, R5-D4, R2-D2, C-3PO, a treadwell droid, and a few other droids built with basic system parts and the battle droid limbs. 18+ set: Enter Vader ($59.99): Diorama of the tantive IV hallway with Vader, two stormtroopers, and two rebel fleet troopers (or corpses, if you choose). UCS/MBS: UCS Tantive IV ($499.99): Huge Tantive IV with interior hallway, cockpit, meeting room, and "you're my only hope" area, as well as a detachable escape pod. Comes with Leia Organa (dress part, new hood mold), and Lord Vader (red eye print on helmet, cloth kama and cape). Helmets: Sandtrooper ($59.99) Rebel Pilot ($59.99): Comes with some extra parts to switch between Luke's, Wedge's, Biggs's, and Dutch's. C-3PO ($59.99)
August 12, 20213 yr A wave that TLG will never produce - or everyone would lose their bricks if they did - I present: the Speeder Wave! Flash Speeder: Re-release of the 2015 model, comes with Padmé (handmaiden disguise), Sabé (decoy disguise), Captain Panaka, 2 B1 battle droids Coruscant Speeder Chase: Re-release of the 2002 model, comes with Obi-Wan (Ep II version) Anakin (Padawan outfit), Zam Wesell Jedi Turbo Speeder: from the final episode of TCW S2, comes with Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano (young version with modern face print), Aurra Sing V-35 Courier: Yellow version seen in Rebels, comes with Cikatro Vizago, Kanan Jarrus, Stormtrooper The Daggerstar: Revan's swoop bike from KOTOR, comes with Revan (battle armour), Taris Sith Trooper Mythrol's Speeder: blue speeder belonging to the Mythrol in Mando S2, comes with the Mythrol, Cara Dune, Mortar Trooper All vehicles would be $30, except for the Speeder Chase at $50. Topped off with the UCS X-34 Landspeeder ($200): comes with Luke (with poncho, hat and goggles) and Tosche Station Biggs While the wave itself is tongue in cheek, these are all vehicles that I'd like to see at some point. Edited August 13, 20213 yr by MaximillianRebo
August 12, 20213 yr I would like to see some cool BP based on The Bad Batch, including 1x Regular Phase II Clone Trooper, 1x Clone Commando Trooper, 1x Phase 0 TK Stormtrooper, 1x Elite Squad Trooper.
August 14, 20213 yr Well now that I've seen the entire first season, here's a bad batch wave idea Spoiler Daro Troopers BP : £12.99 - Build is a a target practice build with a stud shooter and knock-overable targets, also includes a brick built tracking animal : figures are a plain Clone Commando, and 3 TK Troopers. (there would be new moulds for both helmets) Early Empire Troopers BP : £12.99 - Build is a chain code hut : figures are an elite squad trooper, and 3 plain phase 2 clones. Rescuing Muchi : £17.99 - Builld is a brick built Muchi and the fountain ruins with debris and rubble : includes figures of Wrecker (with a shock collar instead/as well as a helmet), the lead Zygerrian slaver and the Faleen kid who wasn't Muchi. Order 66 on Kaller : £19.99 Brick built gorge with trees and a function to make Caleb leap : figures of Crosshair (republic), Hunter (same as the bb shuttle) and Caleb Dume are included. Taxi Airspeeder chase : £24.99 - Build is the taxi air speeder (and maybe the green speeder bike but idk cause they put it in the shuttle) includes figures of Civvies Hunter (with jungle Lloyd's hair in black and dark red),Omega and Fennec (same as in the imp cruiser but with a hairpiece as well) Impairral base on Daro : £45.99 - comes with working lift connected to 2 floors, one floor has a jail cell styled, the other has the control room. : Includes figures of Gregor (deserter), echo ( same as bb shuttle (Maybe with a new helmet)), Scorch (using the same new commando helmet mould as the BP) and 2 TK troopers. Rex's Y-wing : £49.99 - the republic y-wing with the blue livery that rex uses in clone season 7 and bb season 1 : comes with Rex, Ahsoka, Todo and Cad Bane. (Sort of a hybrid cw / bb set hence Ahsoka, also I know Cad didn't see rex or the Y-wing, but they were both on bracca, and I wanted to sneak him into the wave with his new design.) Nu Class Shuttle : £64.99 - the build is the titular shuttle - The figures would be, Crosshair (imp), an Elite squad trooper, Young Hera, Omega and Chopper. Kamino training session : £79.99 - the main build would be combat training area with viewing area, but it would also include a small reresentation of the cafteria and clone force 99's baracks : it would come with the following figures, Lama Su, Nala Se, Tarkin, Kamino Security Clone, Tech, Omega (but with the head jewellery thingy) and 2 training droid (dark trooper head in white on a droid body) Cid's Parlour : £35.99 - build is the interior of Cid's parlour with holochess table, the bar, her back office : Includes Figures of Omega, Cid, Bolo, Ketch and Roland. Imperial LAAT : £99.99 - build is a clone gunship : Includes the following figures Rampart, Howzer, Cham, Eleni, Orn free, and 2 clone pilots.
August 14, 20213 yr Probably said a few of these before but meh $15.99 Microfighters: Slave I with mando Boba Fett, Outland TIE with Gideon, Eta-2 with Jedi, Delta 7 with Jedi (Modern Clone Wars Obi-Wan?), AT-RT with trooper $22.99 Cruiser Duel battle pack with Mando, Gideon, Koska Reeves, Dark Trooper, trooper charging station with weapons rack and cargo crates Dark Trooper battle pack with 4 Dark Troopers, light cruiser inspired dropship build with connection points underneath that the dark troopers hang off of Imperial fugitive battle pack with Miggs Mayfield, Burg, Xi'an, Zero, speeder build $29.99 2 Blurgg microfighters with Mando and Kuiil $59.99 ITT with 6 Stormtroopers and a driver $59.99 Downsized Y-Wing with space in cockpit for 2 figures. Classic yellow with Luke Skywalker in yellow jacket, C-3PO, R2-D2 and Boba Fett in original colours OR Republic blue with Rex, Jesse, Ahsoka, 332nd trooper and astromech droid
August 14, 20213 yr Empire Strikes Back list: Microfighters: Snowspeeder ($9.99): Pilot Luke Slave 1 ($9.99): Boba Fett Millenium Falcon vs TIE bomber ($19.99): Han solo (black jacket), TIE pilot Battle Packs: Blizzard force ($14.99): 3x snowtrooper, 1x imperial officer in combat gear (colonel Starck). Build is a probe droid and speeder bike. Echo Base Defenders ($14.99): 2x rebel trooper (white jackets), 1x hoth rebel scout (different torso print), 1x rebel officer (dark tan vest). Build is a small trench with a P-tower. Duel: Duel on cloud city ($19.99): Carbonite freeze chamber build with Luke and Vader. System sets: Shield Generator Attack ($39.99): Large Shield Generator, a brick-built tauntaun, and an E-web. Comes with Hoth Han Solo, Snowy Chewbacca, and two snowtroopers. Ion Cannon Defense ($59.99): Ion Cannon build, probe droid, and a snowspeeder with Dak Ratler, Wedge Antilles, General Riekan, a hoth rebel officer, and a snowtrooper commander. Echo Base ($89.99): Huge Echo Base gates with interior medical chamber and command center, as well as a bit of trench with a DF-9. Comes with Hoth Leia, Hoth Luke, R-3PO, a hoth rebel officer, Toyan Farr, Darth Vader, and two snowtroopers. Dagobah Training ($99.99): Luke's Dagobah X-wing (size between 2018 and 2021 models) with some extra parts for foliage, as well as yoda's hut and a training area with some trees and a function to "lift" rocks. Comes with Luke (pilot), Luke (training), Yoda, and R2-D2 (muddy). Slave One ($149.99): Huge system Slave One with a cargo hold that can fit up to 4 figures, as well as a cockpit for Boba. Comes with Boba, a stormtrooper, a bespin Wing Guard, Lobot, Lando, Bespin Escape Leia, a Carbonite block for Han, and Carbonite-sickness Han. 18+ set: Dark Side Cave Encounter ($39.99): Build of the Dark Side Cave on Dagobah with Luke, and a special darth vader with mist printing, a spare helmet that's a new "damaged" mold, and luke's head underneath. UCS/MBS: UCS Super Star Destroyer ($799.99): Massive Super Star destroyer with a to-scale star destroyer. Comes with Admiral Piett (new face, dual-molded boots) and Darth Vader (side leg printing). Helmets: Snowtrooper ($59.99) AT-AT pilot ($59.99) Bossk ($59.99): Bossk's head. Edited August 14, 20213 yr by Mandalorianknight
August 14, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Bossk ($59.99): Bossk's head. Gimme some of that trandoshan thunder
August 15, 20213 yr Without any rumours yet for 2022, here's a stab at a possible winter wave, mostly focused on the Bad Batch: Battle Packs ($14.99) - Imperial Remnant: two Dark Troopers, one Stormtrooper, one Biker Scout. Build is a Dark Trooper charging station and speeder bike Empire soldiers: two TK troopers, one Commando, one plain Phase 2 clone. Build is a repulsor-lift transport craft. Jabba's minions: two Weequays, one Nikto, one Gamorrean Guard. Build is a miniature skiff. Imperial V-Wing ($29.99): comes with a V-Wing pilot, Imperial astromech and Admiral Rampart Secret Laboratory ($49.99): Nala Se's secret lab on Kamino, comes with Nala Se, Lama Su, Omega and AZI-3 Captain Rex's Y-Wing ($69.99): Prequel era Y-Wing with armour plating and 501st markings, comes with Captain Rex, an astromech and a Bracca guard Similar to how both Mando and Bad Batch each had just one set to start their Lego run, I'm guessing the same will happen with Book of Boba Fett. Without any promotion material for the show yet, all I can think of is: Hail to the King ($39.99): Jabba's throne, with dais and backdrop, comes with Boba (repainted armour), Fennec Shand and Bib Fortuna (old) Edited August 15, 20213 yr by MaximillianRebo
August 16, 20213 yr 22 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said: Hail to the King ($39.99): Jabba's throne, with dais and backdrop, comes with Boba (repainted armour), Fennec Shand This could be the size of a $20 set, charge for $40, and I'd still buy it in an instant. That image of boba on the throne with fennec taking a swig of "spotchka" while laying on the arm DEMANDS an official set. On 8/14/2021 at 3:55 AM, Brikkyy13 said: Gimme some of that trandoshan thunder I can't tell if this is meant to be a joke or not, but yeah, I would 100% purchase that bossk head. The scorekeeper would be pleased. Alright, ROTJ time. This film gets snubbed in terms of sets, it feels like we only ever get the final duel, desert skiff, and imperial shuttle. Microfighters: A-wing ($9.99): A-wing pilot Imperial Shuttle ($9.99): Imperial shuttle pilot Desert Skiff vs sail barge ($19.99): Han Solo and Bib Fortuna. Comes with a sarlacc minibuild as well, sort of like the turret and bomb holder in the TLJ dual-packs. Battle packs: Endor Commandos ($14.99): 1x endor commando (green trenchcoat), 1x endor commando (tan vest), 1x tan ewok with brown hood, 1x black ewok with olive hood. Build is an ewok glider and catapult. Imperial Bunker defenders ($14.99): 2x stormtrooper, 1x scout trooper, 1x navy trooper. Build is a speeder bike and a small bit of endor bunker exterior. Duel: Final Duel ($19.99): Emperor's throne on an elevated platform with a reactor shaft to one side. Comes with Luke, Vader, and the Emperor. System sets: Speeder Bikes ($29.99): 2x speeder bikes and a tree build. Comes with 1x scout trooper, Endor Luke, Endor Leia, and Wicket. Jabba's gate ($49.99): A couple modular rooms that can be added to Jabba's palace. Namely, the gate, a prision cell, and a guard post with jukebox (like in the LSWTCS game), that can be placed on top of each other to make a tower or connected adjacently with pins. Comes with Bib Fortuna, a Gamorrean guard, Chewbacca (printed chain on torso), and Leia (boushh). AT-ST ambush ($79.99): AT-ST build similar to the 2016 model, but with room for two pilots. Also included are two tall trees with a log smash function to smash the AT-ST between them. Comes with 2x AT-ST pilots, 1x scout trooper, 1x chewbacca, 1x logray, 1x paploo, and 1x baby ewok. Death star dogfight ($99.99): TIE interceptor (similar size and style to 2018 tie fighter), and A-wing (smaller than 2017 model). Comes with an A-wing pilot, TIE pilot, Moff Jerjerrod, 1x stormtrooper, 1x endor rebel trooper, endor han, and emperor palpatine. Jabba's Palace ($149.99): Jabba's throne room and rancor pit (throne room is held up by technic pylons to keep it stable, and the rancor pit has a brick-built rancor) as well as a guard tower on the side with the droid torture room, max rebo's instrument, and a guard post inside. Comes with Jabba the Hutt, Huttslayer Leia, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Carbonite Han, 2x gamorrean guard, EV-9D9, and a GNK droid. 18+ set: Victory Celebration ($59.99): Endor terrain and funeral pyre with a tree having some of the village above. Comes with Vader ('s body at least), Luke, and special edition force ghost yoda, obi-wan, and anakin. UCS/MBS: UCS endor bunker ($399.99): Massive endor bunker with interior reactor, armory, and command center. There is a large tree on either side containing bits of an ewok village at the top. Comes with 2x imperial navy trooper, 2x imperial officer, 3x scout trooper, 2x stormtrooper, endor leia, endor han, chewbacca, endor rex, 1x endor rebel trooper, c-3po, r2-d2, chief chirpa, teebo, 2x ewok soldiers (dark tan with dark green hood and brown with tan hood). Helmets: Scout trooper ($59.99): Updated design that can actually flip open Boba Fett ($59.99): Updated, more scarred design that. Royal Guard ($59.99)
August 16, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: I can't tell if this is meant to be a joke or not, but yeah, I would 100% purchase that bossk head. The scorekeeper would be pleased. I’d buy it day one and modify the stand to have the two variants of the minifigure on either side, then I’d display it next to the black series figure and I’d send photos of it to people who send me hatemail in Battlefront II. Dammit, I don’t think I have enough sand green pieces to build my own. Edited August 16, 20213 yr by Brikkyy13
August 16, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Helmets: Scout trooper ($59.99): Updated design that can actually flip open Boba Fett ($59.99): Updated, more scarred design that. Royal Guard ($59.99) I love the list but I think better helmets would be: Boushh ($59.99) Wedge Antilles Helmet ($59.99) Salacious B. Crumb ($59.99) build like Imperial Scout Droid
August 16, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: This could be the size of a $20 set, charge for $40, and I'd still buy it in an instant. That image of boba on the throne with fennec taking a swig of "spotchka" while laying on the arm DEMANDS an official set. I think I overcooked the price on that one. It would probably have a similar piece count to say the Forge, so maybe $30 would be a better price point. Either way, it would be a must buy for most of us. You're right about ROTJ sets not getting a lot of love. Most recently we got the shuttle and final duel, and before that an A-wing, and before that ... shuttle and final duel ... Great list, I'd add in a B-Wing too; eventually we need to see that ship get a re-release.
August 16, 20213 yr Sorry guys, but we have evidence that the best price point for something small like Boba Fett’s throne is actually $70. I wonder with the Book of Boba if we’re going to get a “Boba Fett’s Palace” set before we get another “Jabba’s palace” set. 4 hours ago, kidtheboss611 said: Salacious B. Crumb ($59.99) build like Imperial Scout Droid I didn’t know I wanted this one too. This is why I normally stay out of the wishlist thread.
August 16, 20213 yr 8 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said: I’d buy it day one and modify the stand to have the two variants of the minifigure on either side, then I’d display it next to the black series figure and I’d send photos of it to people who send me hatemail in Battlefront II. Dammit, I don’t think I have enough sand green pieces to build my own. What you need to do is build two seperate heads, one sand green and one olive, then display each variant of the figure underneath, with a giant bossk mosiac up top. Maybe put some chewbacca heads lying on the floor below the display, they're pretty common. Also you're the bossk player in battlefront two, huh? I can't tell you how many times I've waltzed into a command post and been oneshotted from the other side of the map, or blown to hell by those proximity mines. 6 hours ago, MaximillianRebo said: I think I overcooked the price on that one. It would probably have a similar piece count to say the Forge, so maybe $30 would be a better price point. Either way, it would be a must buy for most of us. You're right about ROTJ sets not getting a lot of love. Most recently we got the shuttle and final duel, and before that an A-wing, and before that ... shuttle and final duel ... Great list, I'd add in a B-Wing too; eventually we need to see that ship get a re-release. Oh no, I could totally see a $40 boba fett's throne being sold as such, I'm saying if it was the size of like the mandalore throne, I'd still buy it for $40. Agh, the B-wing. I try to do just 5 system sets that aren't a gimmick (so non-battle packs, 18+, duels, etc), but ROTJ has had so few sets that there were too many options. I think I had the same problem with my ROTS list, where with TPM and ANH I had trouble filling those 5 slots. 8 hours ago, kidtheboss611 said: I love the list but I think better helmets would be: Boushh ($59.99) Wedge Antilles Helmet ($59.99) Salacious B. Crumb ($59.99) build like Imperial Scout Droid Karabast, I forgot boushh. I already did a rebel pilot helmet (I think two actually) in the preceding wishlists, so I thought I'd leave one off this time.
August 16, 20213 yr 32 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said: What you need to do is build two seperate heads, one sand green and one olive, then display each variant of the figure underneath, with a giant bossk mosiac up top. Maybe put some chewbacca heads lying on the floor below the display, they're pretty common. Also you're the bossk player in battlefront two, huh? I can't tell you how many times I've waltzed into a command post and been oneshotted from the other side of the map, or blown to hell by those proximity mines Man, I don’t even know if enough parts exist in olive to do a bossk busst. A mosaic is a great idea, and chewie has become so common in the last few years... Sounds like you’ve been Bossked a few times. I’m on PS4 on the Aussie servers if anyone fancies a game sometime. MAX Bossk from constantly sweating so hard. He’s the best hero in the game imo, even better than Vader and The Senate. Dominates in teammodes and cleans up in HvV. On a map like Pipeline Junction he can cover 3 objectives at once and if you know what you’re doing with those mines nobody will ever touch you... the only things that will get in your way are teammates that don’t watch your back and that one overly angry assault trooper with vanguard. Dear LEGO, More Bossk please. Sincerely, Everyone in the Star Wars fandom
August 16, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said: Sorry guys, but we have evidence that the best price point for something small like Boba Fett’s throne is actually $70. I wonder with the Book of Boba if we’re going to get a “Boba Fett’s Palace” set before we get another “Jabba’s palace” set. I could see a $60-$70 set with Boba's/Jabba's throne, the plinth it's on, and maybe some background decor - the arch, perhaps? - with Boba and Fennec being our next 'budget' (hey, it's all relative) 18+ set. I'd probably buy it in all honestly, would make for a better display piece than Vader's cocoon.
August 16, 20213 yr 42 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said: I could see a $60-$70 set with Boba's/Jabba's throne, the plinth it's on, and maybe some background decor - the arch, perhaps? Doing this with Jabba on the dias would be pretty cool, that part of the 2012 set was my favourite and I kept it built and on display longer than the rest of the set. It would need to come with Bib and Crumb at a minimum but I would love to finally get ROTJ Boba with arm printing, plus Oola and/or Leia and C-3PO to finish out the scene. Some Gamoreans and tatooine scum would be icing on the cake. That amount of figures with the Jabba mould might be asking too much but maybe an exception could be made for a set that’s intended to be a replica of a scene. I could even see them lowering the part count to justify it, maybe not such a bulky display base?
August 17, 20213 yr 11 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said: Doing this with Jabba on the dias would be pretty cool, that part of the 2012 set was my favourite and I kept it built and on display longer than the rest of the set. It would need to come with Bib and Crumb at a minimum but I would love to finally get ROTJ Boba with arm printing, plus Oola and/or Leia and C-3PO to finish out the scene. Some Gamoreans and tatooine scum would be icing on the cake. That amount of figures with the Jabba mould might be asking too much but maybe an exception could be made for a set that’s intended to be a replica of a scene. I could even see them lowering the part count to justify it, maybe not such a bulky display base? If Jabba was thrown in I would almost expect the piece count to be way out of whack compared to the price. If the set was $100+ I could see them adding him in but I think it would need more than just the dias. What's the cheapest set that mold has appeared in? Must be the first Palace, right?
August 17, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said: What's the cheapest set that mold has appeared in? Must be the first Palace, right? Yeah, the old mould was in that one and the sail barge. The new mould was in the newer palace and barge, all more expensive than the first palace. I wonder if they’d go for a brick built Jabba these days.
August 17, 20213 yr With that pay TV series "Obi-Wan Kenobi" starting in 2022, I hope that we'll get a Master Builder Series Lars' Homestead next year. It should include all import rooms (entrance, dining room, kitchen, workshop and garage), a vehicle, a moulded Bantha and two moisture vaporatores. Minifigs then could (like in that MF some years ago) be from Episode 4 as well as from the Kenobi movie. If we didn't get this set as a Master Builder Series, then I hope for either a Jedi Temple, a Courouscant playset or a Tantive 4 Rebel Base. Plus as a regular set I'd so much like to get a TIE Bomber and a TIE Interceptor.
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