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1 hour ago, Terrasher said:

Sorry I'm a little behind on the flood of discussions about the rumored prices, but is the 530$ set confirmed to be UCS or MBS? I see a lot of people betting on it possibly being an MBS Jabba's Palace, which would be pretty cool, but does Jabba's Palace have enough going for it to be made into a 530$ set? I mean, the MBS Cloud City was pretty big and encompassed everything that was shown of Cloud City in Episode V, and it was still "only" 350$. Maybe Jabba's Palace + a medium-scale Khetanna to be able to also recreate the Sarlacc Pit scene would make more sense for that price.

A 530$ minifigure-scale Sail Barge, though, now that would be the dream :drool:

It's pretty much speculation, but based on the recent pattern of releases, MBS seems more likely.  Also, there aren't really any vehicles that would be doable at a $500+ UCS style that are both large enough to warrant a UCS that big and popular enough to actually sell at that price.  They just did a massive ISD, the Falcon and AT-AT will be on shelves, and I can't really think of anything else that could work at that price point, unless it were another non-minifigure scale Death Star.  

Where is the user that basically predicted most of the 2020 summer wave?! We NEED him again:laugh:

Here are my predictions: 

75323 (159.99) - Hoth Echo Base (it is clumped with the Hoth set numbers so makes sense!) - Would be a scaled down version of the UCS Hoth set from 2016(?), and would include some of those larger white turrets, a snowspeeder, the opening doors and some interior of the base, and the generator to go with the UCS set. Minifigures: Han Solo, General Leia, General Rieekan, C3-PO, R2-D2, R3-PO, Hoth Rebel Trooper (x2), Rebel Pilot (x2)

75331 - Assault on Endor (Endor Generator, bunker, landing pad) - c. 22 minifigures. Imperials, Rebels, Ewoks. 

75332 - Hailfire Droid 

75333 - Homing Spider Droid 

75334 - Coruscant Airspeeder Chase 

75335 - AT TE Walker 

75336 - TBoBF/Obi-Wan

75337 - Republic Gunship 

75338 - Death Star Conference Room (18+)

75339 - Republic Fighter Tank 

75342 - (Exclusive) - Cid’s Diner?

Ok, my predictions:

$29.99: V-wing starfighter with Omega, hunter, and a prototrooper.

$29.99: Snowspeeder with pilot luke, Dak Ratler, and a snowtrooper.

$39.99: Larger corporate alliance tank droid with 2x b1 battle droids, a geonosian, a clone seargent, and Obi-wan.

$44.99: downsized TIE interceptor with a TIE pilot, scout trooper, Imperial officer, and Darth Vader.

$49.99: Downsized B-wing starfighter with Ten Numb, a human B-wing pilot, ROTJ Luke, and Admiral Ackbar

$59.99: Andor: Andor's ship with Cassian, 2 stormtroopers, and 2-3 Andor characters.

$69.99: Kenobi: Inquisitor's ship with Kenobi, the primary inquisitor, a secondary inquisitor, and 2-3 other kenobi characters.

$99.99: Some large mandalorian set.

$99.99: Echo Base with the big doors, interior medical bay and command center, as well as a Tauntaun and Probe Droid. Comes with Hoth Luke and Han, K-3PO, Riekan, 2x rebel trooper, and 2x snowtrooper.

$139.99: AT-TE with 4x p1 clones, 1x clone captain, Padawan Anakin, Yoda, Count Dooku, and 2x droidika builds. There are side builds of Dooku's speeder and a small area for yoda and dooku to duel in.

$159.99: ESB millennium falcon with Black Jacket Han, Jumpsuit Leia, Chewbacca, C-3PO, Vader, and two snowtroopers.

$529.99: MBS Endor: Endor bunker (roughly 2500 pcs with sliding door and interior armory, reactor, command center, and hallway) and ewok village (roughly 2000 pcs with trees extending on each side of the bunker with huts at the top, the trees contain a log smash feature), a ROTJ AT-ST, an ewok glider, and two speeder bikes. Comes with Han, Leia, C-3PO, Chewbacca, R2-D2, Wicket, Chirpa, Logray, Paploo, Teebo, a baby ewok, 4x endor rebels (one looks like rex), 1x imperial commander, 2x imperial officer, 2x imperial navy trooper, 2x stormtrooper, and 3x scout trooper.

Also, a look at my progress this week. This one was hard, but I think the shaping turned out nice in the end, if a bit similar to a previous MOC of mine.




I want to see a new republic gunship, but I'm worried about the side bubble turrets. Unless they introduce some new mold, its just gonna be the same technique as the 2002 dropship, and I feel like it should be better than that. I like what they did with the UCS gunship, but the 6x6 domes have a noticeably longer "cylinder" section, which makes them too ovular, as well as the fact that the turrets on the UCS are far too delicate for a playset.

As for an AT-TE, I would love to see a robust middle leg assembly that can hold the weight of the model, just so I can overhaul and improve my MOC dropship

On 12/5/2021 at 6:58 AM, ArrowBricks said:

Here are my predictions: 

75323 (159.99) - Hoth Echo Base  75331 - Assault on Endor 75332 - Hailfire Droid  75335 - AT TE Walker  75336 - TBoBF/Obi-Wan  75338 - Death Star Conference Room (18+)

These all seem totally likely to me, I think an echo base, AT-TE, and an Endor MBS are almost certain. (don't come kill me if they aren't in it!)

Just some random thoughts:

I'd like a slave one around the size and detail of the newer falcons. I want one to have an interior besides the cockpit, and that seems do-able at a $160-ish pricepoint.

I really hope we get an AT-TE sometime soon, like I said earlier. I'm making my own at this point anyway, but an official one will probably be cheaper all things considered.

I do not like most anime, and some of the visions episodes were the first star wars for me that was so bad I stopped mid-viewing. (I did like the duel but that was more for the classic western/samurai influence), but the Ninth Jedi episode enthralled me, and with rumors of a full series for it coming, I hope we at least get Kara, Ethan, and that sick mech suit of the sort of light side palpatine.

And another weekly update/tease, this time coming with a warning: when I reveal my moc wave, just keep in mind that boga would ideally use the bird head element were he an official set (the one they use in those harry potter sets for the dragons and snake dragon thing), but since that element is not in stud.io, I made a....poorly built head mockup. I have four to five sets left depending on if I make any cuts or additions, but as-is I'm hopefully on track to finish by christmas, since with school letting out I should ideally be able to crank out one per day, setting aside a few days for repeated spider-man viewings.

As always, image in spoiler as to not clutter the page:




Star Wars Eclipse could make some interesting stuff but that's rumoured to come out in 2024...

KotoR remake should get sets, I would love that. 

As for High Republic books and comics, I would love one set based on the new Jedi Vector starfighter, it could include Marchion Ro, a Nihil soldier and Avar Kriss as minifigs. The scale would be the 2021 one used for X Wing and TIE fighter. 

Star Wars Visions sets would be something awesome too...I would love a set based on Ronin and The Twins.

Edited by Mr No

  • 3 weeks later...

Someone predicted a Falcon above. While i think that's unlikely as the 2019 one is still around, I'll say right now they can do a straight up remake if it uses the new cockpit mold that some of the space-themed city sets use. The goofy large cockpit is the largest remaining problem with the system scale Falcon and long overdue attention.

I've seen hype for both Endor and Geonosis MBS. Either of them showing any particular evidence?

Much as I'd love Jabba's Palace, I can't see that coming hot on the heels of Boba Fett's palace.

On 12/8/2021 at 12:08 AM, ForgedInLego said:

Unless they introduce some new mold, its just gonna be the same technique as the 2002 dropship, and I feel like it should be better than that. I like what they did with the UCS gunship,

The jurassic gyrospheres must be a possibility surely?

On 12/14/2021 at 12:02 PM, Mr No said:

Star Wars Eclipse could make some interesting stuff but that's rumoured to come out in 2024...

Star Wars Visions sets would be something awesome too...I would love a set based on Ronin and The Twins.

Apparently 2026-2027 now... it's unfortunate, but it also looks dark enough we wouldn't be getting sets anyway.

I usually hate anime to an absolutely irrational extent, but I loved The Ninth Jedi, and with the rumors of a ninth jedi spinoff I could see that at least getting a set.

5 hours ago, Redroe said:

Someone predicted a Falcon above. While i think that's unlikely as the 2019 one is still around, I'll say right now they can do a straight up remake if it uses the new cockpit mold that some of the space-themed city sets use. The goofy large cockpit is the largest remaining problem with the system scale Falcon and long overdue attention.

I've seen hype for both Endor and Geonosis MBS. Either of them showing any particular evidence?

Much as I'd love Jabba's Palace, I can't see that coming hot on the heels of Boba Fett's palace.

We had the 2015, 2018, and 2019 falcons. Admittedly there were films releasing and the solo one was different, but I'd still wager a 2022 falcon isn't that far off. 3 years is definately long enough for popular sets (landspeeder, x-wing, etc) to get a remake. What cockpit do you mean, I can't seem to find the new one on bricklink.

No evidence for either. My money's on endor simply because it's the last major OT location to not receive an MBS type set (counting assault on hoth and death star) except jabba's palace, which like you said is unlikely for this year. IMO it'll be that, or a death star remake, since the old one retired. Geonosis I'd say is 2024 at the earliest, if they deem the gunship to have sold well, which we don't know for sure they will. It looks like it sold about as well as the average UCS, and if I was lego I'd realize there aren't many OT UCS candidates left so PT and ST stuff selling average is good, but lego doesn't always make rational choices.



I've stalled a bit on the wishlist MOC wave, the b-wing is giving me some trouble. I've got 4 sets left: the AT-TE, B-wing (partially complete), homestead, and Yavin. 

Edited by Mandalorianknight

On 1/2/2022 at 3:03 PM, Redroe said:

right now they can do a straight up remake if it uses the new cockpit mold that some of the space-themed city sets use

Ah, right back to the 1999 Falcon cockpit. The part is almost identical

First attempt at predictions.

75323:  $159.99         Millennium Falcon, because of new cockpit piece.
75325: $59.99            "Unknown Book of Boba Fett"  Something with swoop bikes and Tuskens      Jun 2022
75331:  $529.99         Endor MBS
75332:  $29.99           Obi Wans Eta-2
75333:  $29.99           Vulture Droid Starfighter
75334:  $49.99           Rex's Y-wing
75335:  $99.99           Sandcrawler
75336:  $99.99           Andor ship, probably a U-wing
75337:  $139.99         AT-TE
75338:  $69.99           Geonosis Arena
75339: "TBA SW"       Kenobi
75342:  $39.99           Vader's TIE Fighter 
75343:  $59.99           Lars Farm           18+  March 2022

TBoBF set ideas based on the first two episodes.  Spoilers ahead!

Pyke Train Attack - $49.99.  Includes one section of the train (probably the engine), with some space inside, the engine on the roof, and a trapdoor to access the inside.  Includes the driver droid, 1x Pyke guard, Boba Fett (no armor), the Tusken matriarch, and a swoop bike.

Tosche Station - $39.99.  Includes a small build based on Tosche Station (sort of like the 2018 Cantina), with the arcade game thing, a bar, and table.  Includes 1x Nikto (I think those were Nikto?) thug, Boba Fett (no armor, with rifle and wooden staff), Cami, and Fixer.

Garsa's Cantina - $79.99.  Includes Boba Fett (armor), Fennec Shand, Madame Garsa, Max Rebo, drummer astromech, Black Krrsantan, and one of the Hutt twins (on the platform)

Tusken Camp (probably not going to happen since Trouble on Tatooine kind of is the same sort of thing) - $29.99.  Includes a large tent build, rifle rack, some terrain build, 2x swoop bikes, fire, and 2x Massiffs (new mold!).  Includes the Tusken chief, a Tusken child, and Boba Fett (with Tusken robes).

Assassin Attack - $19.99.  Includes a section of wall/rooftop and maybe a street vendor tent.  Minifigures are Fennec Shand, a Gamorrean Guard, and an assassin with trans-orange shield.

Please stop :grin: I want that so bad :cry_happy:
I was actually wondering the same thing, earlier this week. I think it's very plausible, but who knows. 
If so, it'd probably be the Ebon Hawk with its crew.
I'd love to see both versions of Revan, his robed, masked version and how he appears throughout the (original) game itself: some random outfit and his brown hair.


On 1/6/2022 at 1:15 AM, Kit Figsto said:

TBoBF set ideas based on the first two episodes.  Spoilers ahead!


  Hide contents


Pyke Train Attack - $49.99.  Includes one section of the train (probably the engine), with some space inside, the engine on the roof, and a trapdoor to access the inside.  Includes the driver droid, 1x Pyke guard, Boba Fett (no armor), the Tusken matriarch, and a swoop bike.

Tosche Station - $39.99.  Includes a small build based on Tosche Station (sort of like the 2018 Cantina), with the arcade game thing, a bar, and table.  Includes 1x Nikto (I think those were Nikto?) thug, Boba Fett (no armor, with rifle and wooden staff), Cami, and Fixer.

Garsa's Cantina - $79.99.  Includes Boba Fett (armor), Fennec Shand, Madame Garsa, Max Rebo, drummer astromech, Black Krrsantan, and one of the Hutt twins (on the platform)

Tusken Camp (probably not going to happen since Trouble on Tatooine kind of is the same sort of thing) - $29.99.  Includes a large tent build, rifle rack, some terrain build, 2x swoop bikes, fire, and 2x Massiffs (new mold!).  Includes the Tusken chief, a Tusken child, and Boba Fett (with Tusken robes).

Assassin Attack - $19.99.  Includes a section of wall/rooftop and maybe a street vendor tent.  Minifigures are Fennec Shand, a Gamorrean Guard, and an assassin with trans-orange shield.



I like your list :thumbup:



If i could choose one set to be made it has to be Garsa's Cantina. I would also add the "yellow" Twi'lek as a minifig. I hope the Tusken will get a updated print and a robe in the future. A moulded Bantha would be great, but i don't think we will ever get one.


Edited by Yperio_Bricks

I want an expanded droid color palette:

1.  R4-M6 (purple body), QT-KT (pink body), R2-R9 or R2-L3 (orange body)
2.  Any battle droid that gets new 30378 head colors... black, dark blue, or dark bluish gray heads would be nice.  Could use some more leg colors too.

Just a single prediction, I think that the $30 4+ set coming this summer is going to be a Millennium Falcon with Han and Chewbacca.

On 1/10/2022 at 1:25 AM, Agent Kallus said:

Rewatching Mando, and we really need a Kuiil, he's the most glaring omission from Lego's coverage of the show.

Yeah, especially when we got new ugnaughts before the show (in the chamber in 2016 and in the Cloud City MBS). But I guess we are likely to see a set with him than with offworld jawas. I have spoken.

17 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

Just a single prediction, I think that the $30 4+ set coming this summer is going to be a Millennium Falcon with Han and Chewbacca.

Not a bad shout

Last night, I watched Rogue One again, and it got me thinking about how we haven't gotten any more sets from it after the small second wave in 2017.  For whatever reason, I highly doubt we'll ever get more either, but if we did get any more, here's a few that I think are possible.

Imperial Hovertank ($49.99) - Similar in size to the previous model.  The model includes the hovertank plus one of the arches/bridges on Jedha City.  Minifigures are a Hovertank pilot, Stormtrooper, Cassian Andor, Saw Gerrera, and one of Saw's rebels.  (I know including Saw isn't really accurate to the scene, but unless they made Saw's base, a Jedha City set is probably the one way to get him).

Blue Squadron X-Wing Fighter ($49.99) - Includes General Merric, an astromech droid, a Shore Trooper, and Admiral Raddus

U-Wing ($79.99) - Includes U-Wing pilot (blue squadron), Bistan, Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, and a Rebel fighter.

Imperial Cargo Shuttle ($119.99) - Includes Jyn Erso, K-2SO, Bodhi Rook, a Death Trooper, and two Rebel fighters.

Scarif Citadel ($149.99) - The tower building with an open backside.  Outside, at the ground level, there's a small landing pad and entrance door with some beach terrain.  On the first level of the building, there's a command station (modeled after the room that Krennic watches the battle from) and the room with the vault door/computer station.  The middle level is based off of the interior of the vault, with the databank tower.  It also had a couple of platforms, the one that Krennic and the Death Troopers shot from, and the one that Cassian fell onto.  The roof has the antenna dish and the bridge extending off of it.  Minifigures are Jyn Erso (Imperial disguise), Cassian Andor (Imperial disguise), K-2SO, 2x Death Trooper, 2x Shoretrooper, Director Krennic, Melshi, and another Rebel fighter.

Of course, I'd love stuff like an AT-UT or more Jedha sets, but I think realistically, those are probably what they would do if they made any new sets (and even the Blue Squadron X-Wing is a stretch).

Ok, my predictions:

75303: $529.99: Another Death Star. The price makes me think it is more likely than an Endor set.

75323: $159.99: Hoth Echo Base. Luke fig from the Microfighter set is reused. Comes with an snowspeeder.

75325: $59.99: 411p. The BOBF one. A Rancor Pit extension to the Palace. Comes with another Boba, another guard, the keeper and Black K.

75332: $29.99: 87p.  4+ Y-wing. Pilot and astromech droid.

75333: $29.99: Sarlacc escape: a bigger Sarlacc pit build. Comes with Boba Fett (OG armor with sand marks), Jawa and a Tusken raider (new fig, darker clothes).

75334: $49.99: Republic Tank, with Commander Cody, two 212th troopers and an airborne trooper (let me dream!).

75335: $99.99: 1062p. AT-TE. The only Episode II anniversary set. Anakin, Obi-wan, Padmé, clone sergeant and clone trooper.

75336: $99.99: The imperial shuttle from The Bad Batch. Finally an Omega fig.

75337: $139.99: A downsized Millennium Falcon, with the new cockpit pieces. The draw: Lando and Nien Numb.

75338: $69.99: U-wing, for Andor show.

75242: $39.99: Vader's TIE Advanced. Vader, a stormtrooper and the guy he chokes in ANH.

75243: $59.99: The Inquisitor ship from Kenobi. show

Edited by PRbrickbuilder

If they're doing another Falcon I would love to see a ROTJ themed one with Lando Nein Nunb and the other random guys, but it probably won't happen cos no one cares about those characters.

56 minutes ago, LEGODrongo01 said:

If they're doing another Falcon I would love to see a ROTJ themed one with Lando Nein Nunb and the other random guys, but it probably won't happen cos no one cares about those characters.

Honestly I think there's a decent chance we get them in the next one since Lego is starting to run out of minor characters from OT and Nien Numb is a somewhat notable missing character. I know they love throwing in the main characters whenever they get the chance, but the main gang could still be included if they really want.

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