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10 hours ago, omegabadbatch said:

10-15$ ghost microfighter with hera

$15 and include Chopper! I suspect that we will actually get this sometime in 2024 (maybe 2HY?), since LEGO often puts Minifigs into Microfighters that already appeared in more expensive sets from prior waves. 

A few that I thought of, in light of the new Swamp Speeder: 

Republic BARC Speeder  
 - $27 
 - Around 150 pieces 
 - 4 Minifigs (1x Commander, 3x Troopers from any Clone unit) 
 - Build is a red-detailed BARC with sidecar 

Republic AT-RT 
 - $27 
 - Around 150 pieces 
 - 4 Minifigs (1x Commander, 3x Troopers from any Clone unit) 
 - Build is a regular (non-unit-specific) AT-RT 

23 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

The Dagger is good, too and was never done if I remember correctly.

They actually made one, 75272. Somewhat oversized, heavily overpriced.

Anyway I'll try to contribute some ideas to this thread, I want to do that occasionally but then I think about details like pricing and minifigs. And then I stop writing my posts.

16 minutes ago, Big_Daddy said:

They actually made one, 75272. Somewhat oversized, heavily overpriced.

Anyway I'll try to contribute some ideas to this thread, I want to do that occasionally but then I think about details like pricing and minifigs. And then I stop writing my posts.

Ah, yes - cheers. I own this, lol.

There is no set way of doing this thread, trust me. I used to read this forum in 2011-14 and writing prices and figs was the main format and I just went with it. 

10 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said:

$15 and include Chopper! I suspect that we will actually get this sometime in 2024 (maybe 2HY?), since LEGO often puts Minifigs into Microfighters that already appeared in more expensive sets from prior waves. 

A few that I thought of, in light of the new Swamp Speeder: 

Republic BARC Speeder  
 - $27 
 - Around 150 pieces 
 - 4 Minifigs (1x Commander, 3x Troopers from any Clone unit) 
 - Build is a red-detailed BARC with sidecar 

Republic AT-RT 
 - $27 
 - Around 150 pieces 
 - 4 Minifigs (1x Commander, 3x Troopers from any Clone unit) 
 - Build is a regular (non-unit-specific) AT-RT 

I really like this post. I would have Phase II Shiny Clones in one and maybe an Arf Trooper in the AT-RT OR an AT-RT Driver and hence kashyyyk based. 

Seeing that we are now getting a UCS 650$ Venator, I could really see us getting a Jedi Temple in lego form.

Lego also seems to be more confident about location sets that are high in detail. The other key indicator would be the Rivendell set, all figures from one faction and no “action features” per se, more just focus on the great architecture and key areas from the location.

I could see this happening in two ways, 1. We get a MBS style Jedi temple that is either the exterior of the temple with key interior locations and some figures or no exterior but some key interior locations fleshed out with figures. 
2. We get a set like the throne room or Dagobah of the jedi council room, showing half or all of the round chamber with between 6 or 12 figures. 

It would be really interesting to hear how other people see this location playing out as a set in the future!

1 hour ago, Batman1 said:

Seeing that we are now getting a UCS 650$ Venator, I could really see us getting a Jedi Temple in lego form.

I think it’s almost a given, really. 

I would expect a UCS prequel set every two years. 

Imagine a Dropship or a Turbo Tank before it, though. 

31 minutes ago, ArrowBricks said:

I think it’s almost a given, really. 

I would expect a UCS prequel set every two years. 

Imagine a Dropship or a Turbo Tank before it, though. 

I remember that one huge MOC for the Turbo Tank back in 2010. Would probably be cheaper than the AT-AT at least.

1 hour ago, ArrowBricks said:

I think it’s almost a given, really. 

I would expect a UCS prequel set every two years. 

Imagine a Dropship or a Turbo Tank before it, though. 

Yes I agree, I think it’s very very likely we will get it in some form now. 
I also agree that we are much more likely to see ‘other content’ UCS/MBS mixed in with the OT ones (by other content I mean anything non OT, so the Razor Crest being a good example).


I’m very intrigued to see how TLG would actually approach a set like this, but my best guess is, something similar in piece count and price to the Venator (maybe more). 

Best case I would hope for something like the Cantina with exclusive alien figs and a great representation of the key areas from the temple!

I know it's early, but time to predict 2024!

1HY Wave


Bo-Katan's Mandalorian Starfighter ($14.99): Bo-Katan Kryze (Mando).

New Republic Battle Pack ($19.99): 2x Rebel Commando (Endor Camouflage), 2x New Republic Fleet Officer. Non-canon Airspeeder.

Imperial V-Wing Starfighter ($29.99): TK Trooper, Tech (S2), Omega (S2).

Y-Wing Starfighter ($64.99): This heavily depends on that New Republic 2-pack coming this year, but here we go: Zeb Orrelios, Astromech Droid, New Republic Ground Crew, New Republic Pilot


Ahsoka set (maybe a Phantom III if one shows up; $49.99): Ahsoka, Main Villain, Ally, Trooper


Is it a spoiler if the set includes Thrawn and/or Ezra? That seems to be common speculation, though nothing's confirmed right?

ARC-170 Starfighter ($69.99): Captain Jag, Clone Pilot, R4-P44, Plo Koon (New Head!).

UCS TIE Interceptor ($239.99): TIE Pilot (Ace Stripes), Tiaan Jerjerrod.

Battle on Mustafar ($59.99): Anakin Skywalker (yellow eyes, burnt robes), Obi-Wan Kenobi (new hair, dual-molded legs). Includes the mining droids, and falling tower. "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you." I know "You were the chosen one" is probably the quote of choice, but this one feels more emotional.

Luke Skywalker's Workshop ($59.99): Luke Skywalker, R2-D2, C-3PO, Princess Leia (hologram). "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope."

Betrayal on Cloud City ($89.99): An elaborate model of the dining room, including part of the hallway and lobby area outside. Han Solo, Princess Leia (New Hair), Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, Boba Fett, and Darth Vader. "We would be honored if you would join us."


2HY Wave

212th Battalion Troopers Battle Pack ($24.99): 3x 212th Clone Trooper, Airborne Trooper, 2x Super Battle Droid, Crab Droid.

Desert Skiff ($34.99): Lando Calrissian, Kithaba, Rintel Aren, Luke Skywalker.

Mando set (including spoiler characters from Season 3; $39.99): The Mandalorian, Villain, 2x Stormtrooper.

Separatist Tri-Droid ($59.99): Ki-Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara, 2x Galactic Marine, Super Battle Droid, 2x Battle Droid.

Gorian Shard's Pirate Corsair ($169.99): Gorian Shard, 3x Pirates, The Mandalorian, Bo-Katan Kryze (NEW Shoulder print), Greef Karga

Republic Attack Shuttle ($139.99): Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, ARC Trooper Jesse, 2x 501st Clone Trooper, Rook Kast, Mandalorian Super Commando.



UCS Jabba's Sail Barge ($649.99): Luke Skywalker (Throne Room Hair), Princess Leia, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, R2-D2, C-3PO, Jabba the Hutt, Salacious Crumb, 2x Gamorrean Guard, Ree-Yees, Max Rebo, Tessik, Saelt-Marae, Pagetti Rook, Boba Fett, Nysad, Brock Starsher, Mercenary Pilot, Pote Snitkin.

31 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

I know it's early, but time to predict 2024!

It is never too early! ;) 

I will comment on your list in due course, and I’ll also attempt at doing both my PREDICTIONS and WISHLIST tomorrow.

I have a seven-hour journey, so plenty of time! 

Let’s say I already know I’ll be agreeing with a few of yours…

What if Lego released a star wars D+ minifig series?

1- muddy Mando with vibro knife, small pram build, new Grogu head with a concentration face print.

2 - Omega (BBS2) with new energy bow part and alternative hair so she can use the hat or hair.

3 - imperial army commander with B2-EMO build with printed Marva hologram.

4 - mechanic Ahsoka with new Montral part with the hat bit included. 

5 - clone commando Scorch with new blaster and helmet parts.

6 - Echo (BBS2) with new helmet and hand parts, kama is printed but goes all the way around thanks to dual molding.

7 - prisoner Cassian.

8 - Saw Gerrera (Andor)

9 - Black Krasantan (BoBF) with new knuckle duster part.

10 - Cobb Vanth ( in boba's Armour)

11 - Cid with Azi

12 - Drash 

13 - Dedra Meero (new hat plus hair part)

14 - Mon Mothma

15 - the 4th sister ( new hat/ tentacle hair part)

16 - force ghost Qui-gon 

Edited by Agent Kallus

Mandalorian: Battle pack: 4 new nite owl with a little speeder and cargo, 2 male and 2 female helmets.

Episode 1: Separatist shuttle with Rune Haako, Nute Gunray, Queen Amidala, 2 battle droids and 2 pilot droids.
                  Theed Palace with Nute Gunray on a walking droid throne, Queen Amidala, Captain Panaka, Naboo security guards and battle droids.
                  N1 Starfighter with Anakin, Naboo Pilots, R2-D2, droids and Naboo Royal Guards.
                  AAT and Kaadu with 3 battle droids and 3 Gungan warriors.
                  Duel set Obi vs Maul and Maul gets his speeder.
                  MTT with a bunch of droids.
                  Naboo Guard and Security Battle Pack.

Episode 2: Slave 1 with Jango Fett, young Boba Fett and Kaminoan.
                  Bounty Hunter Pursuir remake with Zam Wessel, Obi and Anakin. 
                  Duel set with Count Dooku and Yoda.

The Clone Wars: Separatist Shuttle with tactical droid and Wat Tambor.
                            MTT with a bunch of droids.
                            AAT with General Whorm Loathsom, Lok Durd and Trench.
                            Asajj Ventress' Ginivex-class Fanblade starfighter with Asajj and Mother Talzin.
                           WolfPack Battle Pack with 3 standard Wolfpack troopers and 1 Wolfpack Sergeant.
                           Accessory pack with Plo Koon, Ima-Gun-Di, Quinlan Vos and Yaddle.
                           Maul's Super commando Battle pack with 3 Super Commandos and 1 Nite owl.
                           Mandalore accessory pack: Almec in Mandalorian armor, Satine and 2 Mandalorian Royal Guards.

Episode 6: Battle pack with 4 Endor rebels.
                  Battle pack with 3 Stormtroopers (old helmets) and a Biker Scout with an accurate speeder with a QR code that brings you to a page where the person responsible for the new helmet mold gets fired and issues a public apology. I would suggest other forms of punishment, but I don't wanna get banned from the forum.
                 Shuttle Tyderium with Chewie, Han, Leia and few random rebels.


Sorry for the late reply, here is my predictions/wishlist for 2024; I wanted to wait for Celebration announcements…



The Ghost Microfighter (£13.99) Hera Syndulla

Rebel Yavin Troopers (Rebel Scout Speeder; £17.99): Rebel Commando, Rebel Fleet Trooper (x2), Rebel Honour Guard 

Imperial V-Wing Starfighter (£24.99): TK Stormtrooper, Imperial Commando, Omega 

Republic Barc Speeder w/Sidecar (£29.99): Kelleren Beq, Grogu, Phase II Clone Trooper (x2) 

Bo Katan’s Mandalorian Starfighter (£69.99): Bo Katan, The Mandalorian, Moff Gideon(?) 



AT-AT Driver Helmet £59.99 

Sabine Wren Helmet £59.99 

Thrawn Henchman/Trooper(?) £59.99 



Ahsoka Set - Zeb(?) 

Duel on Geonosis (£24.99): Yoda, Count Dooku 

Jabba’s Throne Room Diorama (£79.99): Rumoured 2023 lineup

Betrayal on Cloud City Diorama (£79.99) - @ARC2149NOVA idea, above. 

UCS Tie Interceptor - Same inspiration above. 



4+ Skeleton Crew (£39.99) - main characters, small ship

212th Legion Clone Troopers (£24.99) - @ARC2149NOVA idea, above. 

Desert Skiff and Pit of Carkoon (£34.99): Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Brock Starsher, Pote Snitkin 

Advent Calendar (£44.99) - Disney(?): The Mandalorian (Christmas outfit) 

Imperial AT-AC Walker (£79.99): TK Stormtrooper, Imperial Commando “Scorch”, Imperial Commando, Hunter, Echo 

Skeleton Crew - Main Hero Vehicle; Main Heroes (£89.99) 

Imperial Transport Shuttle £99.99: Dr Royce Hemlock, TK Shock Trooper (x2), Tech, Wrecker 

Clone Turbo Tank (TCW; £139.99): Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, Phase II Wolf Pack Clone Trooper (x2), Battle Droid (x2) 

Gorian Shard’s Pirate Coursier £159.99: Gorian Shard, Pirate Coxswain, Pirate Ugnaught, Pirate Gunner (x2), Greef Karga



Andor Season 2 (£34.99)

Andor Season 2 (£69.99) 

The Acolyte (£99.99) 

Luthen Rael’s Haulcraft (S1; £139.99): Luthen Rael, Cassian Andor, 2 others 


UCS Jabba’s Sail Barge £599.99: Jabba The Hutt, Huttslayer Leia, Salacious B Crumb, R2-D2, C3-PO, Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Max Rebo, Salt-Marae, Vizam, Yotts Oren, Klaatu, Nysad, Taym Dren-Garen

Edited by ArrowBricks

Excellent list @ArrowBricks, I could easily see us getting almost all of those sets. My one super minor nitpick is that we had a christmas outfit for Mando in 2021, so I'm not sure we'd see one again so soon. Maybe a Christmas Ahsoka or Obi-wan.

Edit: I totally blanked and left off my Clone Wars (seasons 1-3) wave:


Anakin's Delta-7 starfighter ($9.99): Anakin Skywalker (clone wars armor). R2-D2 dome printed on the BB-8 head.

Magnaguard Starfighter ($9.99): Magnaguard

Malevolence VS Venator Cruiser ($9.99): B1 Commander, Obi-Wan Kenobi (clone wars armor)

Battle Packs:

91st squadron clone troopers ($14.99): 3x 91st troopers, 1x ARF trooper. Build is an AT-RT

Commando Droids ($14.99): 3x commando droids (new, accurate grey/orange coloration), 1x commando droid captain. Build is a commando droid speeder.

Duel: Versus Grievous ($19.99): Republic frigate bridge with Grievous and Obi-Wan Kenobi.


Plo Koon's Starfighter ($29.99): Plo Koon's Delta-7 with Plo Koon, Ahsoka Tano, and a republic astromech.

Kamino Defense ($39.99): Kamino platforms and catwalk with explode features. Comes with Echo, Fives, 99, 1x b1 battle droid, and 2x buildible Aqua Droids.

AAT ambush ($54.99): AAT (Larger than 2020 model) and a bit of terrain with an explode feature. Comes with Yoda, Jek, Thire, Rys, and 2x tank driver B1s.

Cad Bane's Starfighter ($69.99): The Xanadu Blood with Cad Bane, TODO-360, Aurra Sing, 2x senate commandos, and a Senate Commando Captain.

Republic Shuttle ($99.99): Republic Nu-Class shuttle with Anakin Skywalker, 2x Clone Pilot, Captain Rex (P1), Ahsoka Tano, R2-D2, and 2x clone trooper (p1).

UCS: UCS Anakin's Delta-7 ($199.99): Anakin Skywalker (arm printing, dual-molded legs, clone wars armor) and R2-D2.

Quote sets:

Sacrifice ($69.99): Rishi outpost control room with Heavy, 3x b1 battle droid, and 2x commando droid. Quote is "Do we take prisoners?" -B1 battle droid... "I don't" -Heavy.

The Zillo Beast awakens ($89.99): Large diorama of the Zillo beast emerging from the pit on Malastare with debris around out. Comes with Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Ponds, and 2x clone trooper. Quote is "Where's your starfighter?" - Mace Windu.... "That thing ate it" - Anakin Skywalker.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

1 hour ago, omegabadbatch said:

187th clone in lego magazine

I missed that this was the wishlist thread for a second, you had me hoping that he'd be the one after Kenobi.:laugh: I guess he still could be? :grin:

2 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said:

I missed that this was the wishlist thread for a second, you had me hoping that he'd be the one after Kenobi.:laugh: I guess he still could be? :grin:

I dont know but I hope so

On 4/8/2023 at 2:14 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

Excellent list @ArrowBricks, I could easily see us getting almost all of those sets. My one super minor nitpick is that we had a christmas outfit for Mando in 2021, so I'm not sure we'd see one again so soon. Maybe a Christmas Ahsoka or Obi-wan.


Battle Packs:

91st squadron clone troopers ($14.99): 3x 91st troopers, 1x ARF trooper. Build is an AT-RT

Commando Droids ($14.99): 3x commando droids (new, accurate grey/orange coloration), 1x commando droid captain. Build is a commando droid speeder.

Cad Bane's Starfighter ($69.99): The Xanadu Blood with Cad Bane, TODO-360, Aurra Sing, 2x senate commandos, and a Senate Commando Captain.

UCS: UCS Anakin's Delta-7 ($199.99): Anakin Skywalker (arm printing, dual-molded legs, clone wars armor) and R2-D2.

Thank you very much. 

Ah, that shows my calendar knowledge, haha! 

I forgot to add the MIDI-scale Millenium Falcon £59.99 to my list as well! 

I’d love Lego to do TCW legacy stuff. However, I doubt they ever would. But, I’ve listed some of my favourites here. 


7 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

I’d love Lego to do TCW legacy stuff. However, I doubt they ever would. But, I’ve listed some of my favourites here. 

Yeah, I doubt we'd ever get much TCW legacy stuff. There are just too many movies and shows now, the most we'll generally get is TCW figures/colors for well-known prequel vehicles. Something like the Xanadu Blood will realistically never happen.

And now for seasons 4-7:


Ahsoka Tano's ETA-2 starfighter ($9.99): Ahsoka Tano (S3-5 outfit)

Droid Tri-fighter ($9.99): B1 battle droid.

Umbaran starfighter vs Z-95 headhunter ($19.99): 501st pilot, Umbaran soldier

Battle Packs:

Mandalorian warriors ($14.99): 2x mauldalorian (1 male, 1 female), 2x death watch mandalorian (1 male, 1 female). Build is some of the city terrain with an explode feature.

Republic Clone Troopers ($14.99): 4x P2 "shinies", with the holes in their helmets and a set of black visors, macros, and rangefinders, alongside a cloth kama and pauldron to make one a commander. Build is a BARC in standard GAR colors. (Smaller than 2020 BARC, but with a sidecar)

Duel: Maul returns ($19.99): Hallway in Hondo's base with Maul, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Savage Opress. (Side note: There aren't many 1v1 duels in the latter half of the show. I was gonna do ahsoka V ventress from the trial arc but I realized I needed Obi-Wan in a set)

Gregor's Last Stand ($39.99): segment of landing bay with explosive crates (and explode features), as well as a buildible loadlifter. Comes with Gregor, R2-D2, QT-KT, 2x b1, and 2x b2.

Z-95 headhunter ($49.99): Headhunter with clone pilot, Commander Wolffe, and 2x wolfpack troopers, alongside a buildible droidika.

HMP Gunship ($59.99): HMP droid gunship with Ahsoka, Saw Guerrera, Steela Guerrera, and 2x super battle droids.

Umbaran Starfighter and clone barracks ($89.99): Umbaran Starfighter and a small build for the clone barracks (bunks, crates, etc), as well as a buildible Vixus. Comes with Fives, Hardcase, Jesse, Kix, Rex, Dogma, and 2x umbaran soldiers.

Republic Cruiser ($129.99): Republic Counselor-class cruiser with 2x clone officers (no armor), Thorn, 2x shock trooper, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, 2x Munns, and 2x commando droids.

UCS: UCS BARC Speeder and AT-RT($199.99): P2 "Shiny" (Arm printing), ARF trooper (arm printing, new helmet mold)



And as a reminder,  I'll be starting the annual community wishlist MOC wave in about a month (maybe a little later depending on what the May the Fourth contest here is about this year), so if anyone has any sets they want to see made, let me know! 

This is the template I'm planning on using for the overall wave layout:

2 microfighters

1 microfighter duel pack

2 battle packs

1 200-ish pc "duel" set in the style of the starkiller base or mustafar duels

1 "semi-battle pack", or a 300-400ish pc set with 4-6 figs

4-5 standard system sets ranging from 200ish to 1500ish pieces

2 quote sets ranging from 500ish to 1000ish pieces

1 retail polybag set, like a small vehicle or something

2 GWP style sets: a small 40-ish pc polybag and a 100-200ish pc set. Something like the Lars Kitchen or Endor diorama set.

Seriously guys, any suggestions for these, just list em out!

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Seriously guys, any suggestions for these, just list em out!

I'll throw in a few off the bat:

Microfighter dual pack: Anakin and sebulba's podracers (TPM supremacy!)

Imperial v-wing from the Bad Batch. A mainstay of this thread.

Mon Mothma's Coruscant speeder from Andor, although it might end up being around the same price as the v-wing.

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Yeah, I doubt we'd ever get much TCW legacy stuff. There are just too many movies and shows now, the most we'll generally get is TCW figures/colors for well-known prequel vehicles. Something like the Xanadu Blood will realistically never happen.

And now for seasons 4-7:

Z-95 headhunter ($49.99): Headhunter with clone pilot, Commander Wolffe, and 2x wolfpack troopers, alongside a buildible droidika.

Republic Cruiser ($129.99): Republic Counselor-class cruiser with 2x clone officers (no armor), Thorn, 2x shock trooper, Padme Amidala, Anakin Skywalker, 2x Munns, and 2x commando droids.

With Lego continuing to release Clone legions (and often inaccurately), I wouldn’t be surprised to see these at some point in the future. 

8 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:



And as a reminder,  I'll be starting the annual community wishlist MOC wave in about a month (maybe a little later depending on what the May the Fourth contest here is about this year), so if anyone has any sets they want to see made, let me know! 

This is the template I'm planning on using for the overall wave layout:


Duel on Coruscant (Tales of the Jedi) £24.99 (maybe a speeder though?) 

Republic Barc Speeder w/Sidecar (The Mandalorian s3) £29.99

Clone FireSpeeder (RotS) £34.99 

The Aldhani Heist £39.99

Riot Racing Pod Race (Bad Batch Season 2) £49.99 

Naboo Starfighter Vs Vulture Droid £59.99

Imperial AT-AC Walker (S2 Bad Batch) £89.99

Dragon Attack (The Mandalorian S3) £89.99

Republic Acclamator or Frigate £139.99-159.99 OR

the ship with Echo, Fireball, Nemec, Howser (Bad Batch S2) 

Edited by ArrowBricks

I've been developing a few ideas, thought I'd throw in the first few.

Imperial Zeta-class shuttle - 169 euros /// 1300-1400 pieces /// minifigs: two pilots, two shoretroopers, Jyn in disguise and K-2SO ===|||=== I’d rather have chosen a more generic scenario or even from Jedi: Fallen Order but Rogue One would make the most sense. I haven’t seen that movie often enough to make a good minifig selection so this should do. As for the build, it should have a detachable cargo hold of course.

Midi scale Imperial Star Destroyer - 49-59 euros /// 500 pieces /// minifigs: none (because you can't have it all) ===|||=== Slightly smaller than the upcoming SSD, with a small stand. Just like the 8099 version, but modernized. Pretty straightforward.

Z-95 Headhunter - 39 euros /// 400 pieces /// minifigs: pilot, one ground crew ===|||=== I’m talking a good old Expanded Universe four-engined Z-95 Headhunter, not those funny looking things from TCW. I know this one has been stupidly easy to make a MOC of for more than 20 years but I just want Lego to make one. No I will not be reasonable. The minifigs can be either early Rebel Alliance or whatever pirates/smugglers.

There's more where that came from. Both somewhat realistic suggestions and outlandish (but fun) ones.

Thought of a slightly different idea for a wishlist... An advent calendar. Here are the parameters I have completely arbitrarily come up with on a whim:

8 minifigures, two from each era of: prequels/TCW/TBB, OT/Andor/RO etc, ST/Mandoverse, plus one holiday special character and one exclusive non-holiday character. I know the last couple of calendars seem to have eschewed this in favour of more holiday prints, but getting things like Antoc Merrick or the cloud car pilot was really cool. Since LEGO seems to like using figures from existing sets, I'll try and stick to that too, although it will only include sets that are currently on shelves or announced rather than currently rumoured. I'll try and have an equal split of good guys and bad guys (though not necessarily between eras), and three main characters (not including the holiday special one).

For the mini-builds, I will try and theme them around the minifigures (so a pattern of two minibuilds followed by a minifigure every three days). I know this isn't always done (particularly recently) but it makes things easier here. Aiming for a roughly 2/3 ratio of microscale builds to ones that minifigures can interact with. And there has to be a weapons rack in there somewhere, obviously.

The exact order of days can be chopped and changed too - I just did it chronologically for convenience. So without further ado...

Days 1-3: Minifigure: 212th trooper. Mini-builds: micro AV-7 cannon and micro AT-AP.

Days 4-6: Minifigure: Cad Bane (basically the only prequel option that isn't a battle droid). Mini-builds: a micro Justifier, and a weapons rack but with Todo-360 to sweeten the deal.

Days 7-9: Minifigure: Chewbacca (snow print, same as in the Hoth AT-ST). Mini-builds: snow bank with 'snowball' stud-shooter and a micro Millenium Falcon.

Days 10-12: Minifigure: TIE pilot. Mini-builds: micro TIE bomber and probe droid (again same build as the one in the AT-ST, but maybe in black rather than dark bley).

Days 13-15: Minifigure: Bo-Katan. Mini-builds: micro Gauntlet and micro Mando's N-1.

Days 16-18: Minifigure: Dark trooper. Mini-builds: a sliding door for it to punch, and a micro light cruiser.

Days 19-21: Minifigure: Cobb Vanth (exclusive! New face, torso and maybe leg prints). Mini-builds: micro krayt dragon lair with tiny krayt dragon, and a micro ballista with stud shooter.

Days 22-24: Minifigure: Christmas elf Kuill. Mini-builds: a reindeer blurg, and a sleigh with presents.

I've tried to keep it realistic - it would be quite easy to make each day a super interesting micro-build, but very few calendars have bangers every day. Would love to know people's thoughts, or their own versions of it!

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

@TeddytheSpoon, that's a super interesting idea, I might try my hand at one later. Yours is very good, with that mix of desirable figures, generic ones, and mini-builds. I was going to say that two exclusive figs is too much for SW, but they have started spreading the prints out to different characters, so I think Cobb and Kuill are definately possible (Say Cobb has unique torso and head prints, and Kuill just has an exclusive torso, or something.)


On 4/4/2023 at 4:56 PM, ARC2149Nova said:

ARC-170 Starfighter ($69.99): Captain Jag, Clone Pilot, R4-P44, Plo Koon (New Head!).

Battle on Mustafar ($59.99): Anakin Skywalker (yellow eyes, burnt robes), Obi-Wan Kenobi (new hair, dual-molded legs). Includes the mining droids, and falling tower. "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you." I know "You were the chosen one" is probably the quote of choice, but this one feels more emotional.

212th Battalion Troopers Battle Pack ($24.99): 3x 212th Clone Trooper, Airborne Trooper, 2x Super Battle Droid, Crab Droid.

If it's OK with you, I want to throw all of the quoted into my MOC wave for the summer.

11 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

The Aldhani Heist £39.99

Naboo Starfighter Vs Vulture Droid £59.99

Great suggestions. I've taken the Duel and Acclamator and added them to the list. The Aldhani heist is a maybe, as I saw a solid MOC of it awhile back and don't want to be influenced too much by it.

Naboo Starfighter Vs Vulture droid is good as-is, but what do you think of splitting them into Mando's N-1 and putting the Vulture droid in a set with an ARC-170? I don't really have a preference either way, so it's up to you.

7 hours ago, Big_Daddy said:

Z-95 Headhunter - 39 euros /// 400 pieces /// minifigs: pilot, one ground crew ===|||=== I’m talking a good old Expanded Universe four-engined Z-95 Headhunter, not those funny looking things from TCW. I know this one has been stupidly easy to make a MOC of for more than 20 years but I just want Lego to make one. No I will not be reasonable. The minifigs can be either early Rebel Alliance or whatever pirates/smugglers.

If you're good with it, I'll throw this into my MOC wave as, like, a "retail exclusive" or something.


This is how the list is looking now, assuming @Big_Daddy and @ARC2149Nova are OK with their ideas being made into MOCs:


(OPEN) 2 microfighters

@TeddytheSpoon's Microfighter duel pack: Anakin and Sebulba's Podracers ($19.99): Anakin and Sebulba

(OPEN) 1 battle pack (I'm thinking new republic troopers from Ahsoka unless anyone's got another idea)

@ARC2149Nova's 212th troopers battle pack ($19.99): 3x 212th trooper, 1x 212th airbourne. Build is a BARC Speeder (I did a crab droid in a battle pack for the first MOC wishlist wave, and don't want to repeat)

@ArrowBricks's Coruscant hanger duel ($19.99): Coruscant hanger with collapsing door. Comes with Dooku and Yaddle.

@TeddytheSpoon's Imperial V-wing Starfighter ($24.99): Imperial V-wing with 2x TK trooper and 2x Clone Commando (This has become the semi-battle pack)

@Big_Daddy's Z-95 Headhunter (Celebration Exclusive, $49.99): Mara Jade, 1x New Republic pilot, 1x New republic soldier, 1x NR astromech (NR figs with appearances based on Empire at War).

(OPEN) 400-600 piece system set. 

@ARC2149Nova's ARC-170 Starfighter ($79.99, or $99.99 if it has a vulture droid.): Captain Jag, 1x clone pilot, Republic astromech, Plo Koon, 2x buildible droidikas. (If vulture droid: Commander Wolffe, 2x wolfpack trooper.)

(OPEN) 1000-1300 piece system set. 

@ArrowBricks's Republic Acclamator Star Destroyer ($169.99): Admiral Yularan, 2x clone officer (No armor). 1x jedi, 1x named clone, and 2x clone trooper. Someone tell me who.

@ARC2149Nova Battle on Mustafar ($59.99): The "High Ground", lava river, and fallen tower. Comes with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. a small drawer behind the "high ground" allows for swapping between 3 quotes: "You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!", "You were the chosen one!", and, of course, "It's over Anakin! I have the high ground!"

(OPEN) 1 quote set (700-1000 pcs)

(OPEN) 1 retail polybag set, like a small vehicle or something

(OPEN) 2 GWP style sets: a small 40-ish pc polybag and a 100-200ish pc set. Something like the Lars Kitchen or Endor diorama set.


A great start, only a couple opened slots. I've got some ideas to fill them if necessary, either new ones or throwing in more of Arrowbricks's bad batch sets. Current setup is 7 prequel era, 1 legends, so ideally the OT/mando era would have the remaining slots.

22 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

@TeddytheSpoon, that's a super interesting idea, I might try my hand at one later. Yours is very good, with that mix of desirable figures, generic ones, and mini-builds. I was going to say that two exclusive figs is too much for SW, but they have started spreading the prints out to different characters, so I think Cobb and Kuill are definately possible (Say Cobb has unique torso and head prints, and Kuill just has an exclusive torso, or something.)

Yeah, I tried to limit it to new prints rather than molds, although it would be cool if Kuill could get a little elf hat. (Honestly the idea of him as an elf was too funny to me to pass up, and it makes sense since he's good at making stuff!) At a push, Cobb could probably re-use an OT Boba torso and/or maybe a head print somewhere, but if we consider that last year had three new prints and two each in the preceding two years, I don't think it's too much of a stretch.

The MOC wave is sounding stacked already. Some great suggestions in there.

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

29 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

(OPEN) 1000-1300 piece system set. 

Jango’s Slave 1 - includes Jango, Boba, Taun We, Lama Su, Obi-Wan, R4-P17, Clone (in red fatigues)

44 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

OPEN) 1 quote set (700-1000 pcs)

Executor Bridge - Quote is “No disintegrations” - includes Vader, Boba, Dengar, IG-88, Bossk, 4-LOM, and Zuckuss

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