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12 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Well I'll hop on the battlepack train, but with a twist. Named character packs, I know they are hated but not by me. 

While on this train of thought:

Red Squadron Pack: Biggs Darklighter (new faceprint and helmet print), Jek Porkins (new face and helmet prints), Puck Naeco, Nozzo Naytaan (updated helmet print)

12 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Adelphi Rangers Pack - Carson Teva ( jacket over flight suit), Zeb Orrelious, Trapper Wolf, Sash Ketter - build of bat with stools below and helmets above.

I would do a pack like this with the rangers all suited up, and swap Zeb for Jib Dodger. The build would also change, but I've always wanted to complete pilot rosters.

Honorable mentions include: Davish Krail, Evaan Verlaine, Grizz Frix, Ekelarc Yong, Sila Kott and Jake Farrell (unique helmet decos for them at least). Not to forget Legends, well legends Corran Horn, Tycho Celchu and of course, Jaina Solo.

I strongly believe Lego need to release more sets to account for the ever-increasing new media churned out by Disney each year. 

Part of this shift would be a return to more expansive January waves. Some of my best memories come from these waves: I think the fact New Year is memorable helps.

Armed with Christmas cash (and in my case birthday too) and affordable sets, winter waves were a perfect way to start the year. Whilst I think the current structure of Winter waves are affordable, I do not like that this is because so few sets are released. 

Hence, here are my predictions for January 2024, infused with my wishlisting due to the amount of sets I predict. Essentially, it’s a hybrid list. 


The Phantom Microfighter £12.99: Hera Syndulla

Clone Trooper Artillery Cannon £13.99 (Minifigure Pack, small artillery cannon based off ROTS Venator scenes): Phase II Shiny Clone Trooper (x2), Republic Officer 

Imperial Beskar Commando Troopers £13.99 (Minifigure Pack, brick-built minifigure launcher - think Corporate Alliance 2009 - and Imperial Turret): Imperial Beskar Commando Captain, Imperial Beskar Commando (x2) 

Rebel Fleet Troopers Battle Pack £19.99 (Small Rebel Hovertank - Battlefront 2005 - with flick-fire muzzles between the engines): Rebel Fleet Trooper (x3), Rebel Commando (Urban Rebel Soldier Battlefront 2005) 


Imperial V-Wing £24.99: (Bad Batch S2): TK StormTrooper, Imperial Commando, Omega

The Mandalorians’ Nevarro Cabin £24.99: The Mandalorian, Grogu, Greef Karga

Grogu’s Jedi Temple Escape £29.99 (Republic Barc Speeder W/sidecar that can be equipped with Grogu’s pram): Kelleren Beq, Grogu, Clone Shock Trooper (x2) 

Bo Katan’s Mandalorian Fighter £74.99 (Larger and more white, landing gear, and no gaps in cockpit compared to 2020 version): Bo Katan, Axe Woves, Moff Gideon 

Overall, 8 sets in total. Many link with pre-existing sets (Clone Minifig pack with UCS Venator; HoverTank with Yavin Base; Shock Trooper army for Gunship), or with others sets in the wave (Beskar Minifigure Pack, Cabin, Bo’s MandoFighter). 

Edited by ArrowBricks

I swear I read somewhere that a lot of the films that were due in the next few years have been pushed back so there is an opportunity for them to catch up with all the missed Disney sets. 

I think a final battle set from the book of boba Fett is needed, I’d love a purge trooper BP from Kenobi/fallen order. Anything more from Andor would be great. Few sets from the Bad Batch wouldn’t hurt either. 

i have a gut feeling that next year they are going to start on prequel sets again. 

I wish Lego would release more battle packs. When they stopped doing them I kind of got it because they were running out of things to do it all felt bit samey. However given all the new Disney+ shows, there are at least 5-6 imperial BPs they could do, another mandalorian BP, new clone units from the Bad batch, new republic troops there are options now and they sold really well, I’m sure the new mechs will sell well but battle packs would do so much more

2 hours ago, Llewop said:

I swear I read somewhere that a lot of the films that were due in the next few years have been pushed back so there is an opportunity for them to catch up with all the missed Disney sets. 

I don't doubt that someone somewhere is claiming this, but it's definately not true. The films can make them hundreds of millions of dollars, they aren't pushing them back so lego can "catch up" on sets. (They are pushing them back, but it's definately not because of/on behalf of lego.)

On 6/10/2023 at 11:26 PM, ARC2149Nova said:

While on this train of thought:

Red Squadron Pack: Biggs Darklighter (new faceprint and helmet print), Jek Porkins (new face and helmet prints), Puck Naeco, Nozzo Naytaan (updated helmet print)

I cannot express how badly we need a biggs head with a visor. 3 biggs figures, 24 years, and he still doesn't have a visored head. Also like that you'd included Fake Wedge.

5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I don't doubt that someone somewhere is claiming this, but it's definately not true. The films can make them hundreds of millions of dollars, they aren't pushing them back so lego can "catch up" on sets. (They are pushing them back, but it's definately not because of/on behalf of lego.)

I don't think that's what @Llewop was saying at all. Merely that the fact that there are delays ( which are repeatingly inevitable in today's TV and film landscape) means that TLG will have the opportunity. Not that that the reason for the delays or anything, just that the delays are happening and so TLG can 'catch up' during the delay, not that that's the why they are delayed.

And there are delays, the film slated for December 2025 is now may 2026 but I'd expect more delays before we see anything, it just seems to be how the industry works nowadays. If I recall correctly almost every  single star wars D+ last year was delayed by at least a day or two.

1 minute ago, Agent Kallus said:

I don't think that's what @Llewop was saying at all. Merely that the fact that there are delays ( which are repeatingly inevitable in today's TV and film landscape) means that TLG will have the opportunity. Not that that the reason for the delays or anything, just that the delays are happening and so TLG can 'catch up' during the delay, not that that's the why they are delayed.

And there are delays, the film slated for December 2025 is now may 2026 but I'd expect more delays before we see anything, it just seems to be how the industry works nowadays. If I recall correctly almost every  single star wars D+ last year was delayed by at least a day or two.

Yes that was where I was going I don’t know how far in advance lego plan their sets but the new films were coming over the next 3 years now they are not there is a gap in what potential sets there will be on the shelves which means they can make sets from existing media already released which I hope would be Disney plus shows but it probably won’t. 

Personally I was looking forward to the rogue squadron film but that isn’t coming out or there has been deathly silence about it

I just built the new buildable Classic Minifigure (40649) and absolutely love it - I put him next to all of my buildable droids and cant help, but think a large minifigure C3-P0 would look great next to R2 (75308). 

10-16$ inquistors scythe microfighter with inquisitor or 5 brother

inquisitor or 5 brother or reva in magazine

I think reva is not minifigure that cost many money to produce so atleast I would like Reva

rae sloane in magazine and I think its likely

On 6/28/2023 at 1:53 AM, omegabadbatch said:

episode 5 diorama with lando vader leia han boba fett chewbacca with quoto: it would be a honor if you join us

This would be the first quote diorama I'd probably buy at full price without batting an eye, if done correctly

  • 2 weeks later...

I am still a little disappointed we never got The Client - Werner Herzog as a minifigure.
The man is a legend. I hope we get him one day.

The new Ghost set is incredible, almost everything I could have asked for. A set that makes me want to buy it so badly, even though it's not in the budget and I have the 2014 ghost. I tried to think of some other sets that'd drain my wallet:

Endor Rebels battle pack ($19.99): 2x endor rebel commando (green trenchcoats), 1x endor rebel commando (tan vest), 1x endor rebel commando (Kes Dameron). Build is a small bit of exterior endor bunker that can be attached to a later set in the list with an exploding wall feature.

Stormtrooper battle pack ($19.99): 4x stormtroopers, as well as a pack of 2 cloth pauldrons (black and orange) to denote rank. Build is a turbolaser turret.

Mando's N-1 Starfighter ($39.99): (Obviously much smaller than the- in my opinion- terrible 2022 set) Comes with Mando, Grogu, R5, and Bo-Katan

Zeffo Exploration ($49.99): Zeffo Tomb with features to represent force push, wall run, and some of Cal's other abilities. Includes a stim crate build. Comes with Cal Kestis (Fallen Order, poncho), BD-1, 1x Purge Trooper, 2x Scout Trooper, and a buildible Tomb Guardian.

Black One ($59.99): Poe Dameron's black one, in between the 2021 and 2018 x-wings in size. Comes with Poe Dameron (pilot), BB-8, Rey (Starkiller Base), and Finn (jacket).

Bode Akuna's Headhunter ($69.99): Z-95 headhunter in Bode's color scheme. Comes with Bode Akuna (blasters, jetpack, Kata hologram), Cal Kestis (Survivor outfit, lightsaber, blaster), BD-1, a scout riot commander, and a buildible DT droid.

Twilight of the Apprentice ($109.99): Malachor temple (some petrified statues outside of the pyramid steps, with interior rooms for the door hallway, chasm, and the superweapon room.), as well as a midi-scale TIE advanced. Comes with Ezra Bridger, Kanan Jarrus (temple guard mask), Ahsoka Tano, Maul, Fifth Brother, Seventh Sister, Eighth Brother, and Lord Vader.

Endor Bunker Assault ($139.99): Endor Bunker (sliding door function. Splits in half for the interior, with an armory and officer's room on one side and the control console and generator room on the other), a speeder bike, and an ewok glider. Comes with Endor Leia, Endor Han, Commander Rex, R2-D2, Paploo, an Ewok Scout, 2x stormtrooper, 2x army trooper, a scout trooper, and an imperial officer.

The Stinger Mantis ($169.99): The Stinger Mantis with interior cockpit (room for 3 figs to sit), holotable/planet select room with couch, retractable ramp, and the common room/small kitchen in the main section, with a workbench and printed tile for the meditation point in a small interior within the engine area. Comes with Cal Kestis (Fallen Order), Greez Ditrius, Cere Junda, Nightsister Merrin, BD-1, the Bogling, Second Sister, and a Purge Commander.

We should be due for a new prequel version of the N1 soon. We haven't had a yellow version since 2015 and that set was too large for what it needed to be. A downscaled version that's similar in size to the 1999 or 2002 sets would be great. Plus we are long overdue for a Theed Battle Padme figure. Perhaps Ric Olie can be included too instead of a generic Naboo Pilot this time?

Still holding out for remakes of Jango Fett's Slave I and Bounty Hunter Pursuit. Hopefully Lego has something in the pipeline before the new movies start picking up again. I'm also hoping Yavin IV can pave the way for more locations to be made outside the MBS label - most notably the Endor Bunker and Geonosis Arena.

Any word on when the TROS Millennium Falcon is due to retire? That one has been going for 4 years now. Surely we must be up for another classic version soon, preferably with that new cockpit piece that came in the 2022 Space Port sets.

Finally I'd also like to see a new Clone Turbo Tank and MTT in the near future. With prequel UCS sets making a comeback I wouldn't mind if the Turbo Tank takes the next spot after the Venator. I just hope that in the case of the MTT it has better storage capacity than what the 2014 set did. I don't mind if they keep the scale roughly the same but the droid rack should at least be able to carry 12-16 Battle Droids. I'd also prefer another TPM version over TCW if it means getting Boss Nass.

5 hours ago, Flieger said:

I am still a little disappointed we never got The Client - Werner Herzog as a minifigure.
The man is a legend. I hope we get him one day.

Unfortunately I think we've missed our chance on The Client unless they come out with a Nevarro Cantina. Would be nice if the next crop of Mando sets could at least cover Axe Woves, Koska Reeves, Cobb Vanth and Gideon in the Dark Trooper armor.

  • 2 weeks later...

The new The Marvels set that just got revealed gives me some hope that lego has the proper pieces now to achieve a midi scale or playset scale Home One, the marvel ship has some similar aesthetics with the slopes and curves.  Before now I felt the scale needed to achieve the look well in lego would have required too many pieces at too big a scale, like that one MOC that i'm sure most of us have seen. Home One was literally the first thing that came to mind when i saw the new set.

I would love to see one of the Diorama sets for the PT of the Jedi Council chamber when Anikan was brought before the council with the quote "I sense much fear in you" - Yoda.

This could include a build of half the council chamber raised on the standard black base. The room would include windows, 6 different chair builds for the council and some tiling on the floor in a similar style to the circular section on the Rivendell build (with the printed tiling and standard tiling mixed). 

Minifigs: Young Anakin, Mace Windu, Yoda, Plo Koon, Ki-Adi Mundi, Yaddle and Yarael Poof.

I think a realistic RRP if this was around 800/1000 pieces would be 120$/120EUR.


I'm still waiting for TLG to revisit Zam Wesell. #7133 was such a great set, but it's badly outdated at this point. 

As for elements from recent Disney media, I'd love to see Maarva and B2EMO from Andor included in a set--although neither character really sees much action. We're also due for an updated Mon Mothma. 

I don't know if TLG would want to develop anything based on Star Wars: Visions, but there are some awesome ships/characters that would be fun to get in Lego form!

Other than the obvious sets that should be made such as a MBS/UCS Jedi Temple & Naboo Royal Starship I have a few more obscure but not too unimaginable sets I’d like from Lego.  

The Mist Hunter, Punishing One & The Hound’s Tooth are all sets I hope to see one day.  Strangely the Skywalker saga included the Mist Hunter so I don’t think that it is too far out of reach to expect to get at least one of them at some point. 

The informous six bounty hunters that Vader hired seem to still be popular with everyone, and now Lego has finally given us all six of those bounty hunters now maybe it’s time we get their ships to.  Personally I’m hoping that we see more of them in the Disneyplus series that are yet to come out.  

2 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

Other than the obvious sets that should be made such as a MBS/UCS Jedi Temple & Naboo Royal Starship I have a few more obscure but not too unimaginable sets I’d like from Lego.  

The Mist Hunter, Punishing One & The Hound’s Tooth are all sets I hope to see one day.  Strangely the Skywalker saga included the Mist Hunter so I don’t think that it is too far out of reach to expect to get at least one of them at some point. 

The informous six bounty hunters that Vader hired seem to still be popular with everyone, and now Lego has finally given us all six of those bounty hunters now maybe it’s time we get their ships to.  Personally I’m hoping that we see more of them in the Disneyplus series that are yet to come out.  

100% agree about those three, I'd love to see them. To be honest, if the justifier can get them, we can get them too. I think the Hound's tooth could be a solid one at the $80-100 price point and if it included some other desirable figs alongside bossk (say, black krssantan), I could see it doing fairly well.

30 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

100% agree about those three, I'd love to see them. To be honest, if the justifier can get them, we can get them too. I think the Hound's tooth could be a solid one at the $80-100 price point and if it included some other desirable figs alongside bossk (say, black krssantan), I could see it doing fairly well.

For sure, I’d be down to get him, ever since I’ve seen him in Boba!  Hopefully with the way Disney plus is going we’ll get a second series based around boba or maybe bobas palace in general with some of these characters and ships. 

Well, here's a slightly more in-depth look at the bounty-hunter ships I thought up. I have to finish the community MOC wishlist first, but I do want to build these:

IG-2000 (800ish pcs): contains a cockpit for IG-88, a cell, and an armory with weapons and spare bodies. Comes with IG-88, 2 spare IG-88 bodies, a weequay defector, 2x weequay pirates, and Hondo Ohnaka.

-One of Hondo Ohnaka's pirates has defected with plans to give Hondo's business strategies to a competitor, and Hondo would prefer those strategies remain secret.

Punishing One (1000ish pcs): cockpit for dengar and one other passenger, a small cell, and a small equipment cache. Comes with Dengar, Mercuial Swift, 2x coruscant underworld police, and a black sun operative.

-Coruscant underworld police believe a high-level black sun operative is on level 1313. Significant reward offered for capture or elimination.

Hound's tooth (1100ish pcs): cockpit for Bossk and one other passenger, three cells, and an armory. Comes with Bossk, Black Krssantan, 2x wookiee warriors, and 2x Hutt Cartel enforcers.

-The Illustrious Jabba orders the capture of two wookiee saboteurs. A greater reward will be given for their capture alive.

Mist Hunter (1400ish pcs): cockpit for Zuckuss, 4-Lom, and up to two others, alongside two cells and a small weapons area. Comes with Zuckuss, 4-LOM, Valance, Villachor, 2x Black Sun guards, and Prince Xixor.

-Arvak Villachor is no longer part of black sun. The rumors he has stolen Prince Xixor's blackmail cards are false, but a substantial reward is offered for his capture, along with any items he may have alongside him.

Slave 1 (1500ish pcs): cockpit for Boba Fett, a lower area with room for 4 figures, and 2 cells. Has a seismic charge holder. Comes with Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Djin Djarren, Migs Mayfield, and Cara Dune.

Is anyone sort of shocked we haven’t seen a carbon freezing chamber diorama yet? For what is arguably among the most iconic scenes and lines in Star Wars, it’s really surprising to me that it’s only appeared like 3 times so far. I’m kind of hoping we see one next year or next time we get a wave of these. For that matter, I’m also shocked how few times we’ve seen the Luke vs Vader duel on Cloud City and the Obi Wan vs Vader duel on the Death Star, seems like these are missed opportunities.

1 hour ago, Brickroll said:

Is anyone sort of shocked we haven’t seen a carbon freezing chamber diorama yet? For what is arguably among the most iconic scenes and lines in Star Wars, it’s really surprising to me that it’s only appeared like 3 times so far. I’m kind of hoping we see one next year or next time we get a wave of these. For that matter, I’m also shocked how few times we’ve seen the Luke vs Vader duel on Cloud City and the Obi Wan vs Vader duel on the Death Star, seems like these are missed opportunities.

Yes and no - as much as it's a well-known scene, there are plenty of other scenes that we can have for the sake of variety. And we did get Luke Vs Vader on Cloud City as the very first one, after all. That said I am surprised it's only been seen the three times, two of which were in big exclusive playsets. It would've been the perfect candidate for one of the duel sets we used to get, for instance.

I'm not sure about the Obi-Wan Vs Vader on the Death Star though. It wasn't much if a duel, and the scene would just be a bit of imperial hallway; not particularly interesting IMO.

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

On 7/21/2023 at 2:53 PM, jjr_2009 said:

As for elements from recent Disney media, I'd love to see Maarva and B2EMO from Andor included in a set--although neither character really sees much action. We're also due for an updated Mon Mothma. 

You might want to try building this custom B2-EMO I found on Youtube. I've personally replicated this user's design and he looks great. Probably not too far off from how Lego would design him if they included him in a future Andor set.

On 7/26/2023 at 1:45 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

Well, here's a slightly more in-depth look at the bounty-hunter ships I thought up. I have to finish the community MOC wishlist first, but I do want to build these:

IG-2000 (800ish pcs): contains a cockpit for IG-88, a cell, and an armory with weapons and spare bodies. Comes with IG-88, 2 spare IG-88 bodies, a weequay defector, 2x weequay pirates, and Hondo Ohnaka.

-One of Hondo Ohnaka's pirates has defected with plans to give Hondo's business strategies to a competitor, and Hondo would prefer those strategies remain secret.

Punishing One (1000ish pcs): cockpit for dengar and one other passenger, a small cell, and a small equipment cache. Comes with Dengar, Mercuial Swift, 2x coruscant underworld police, and a black sun operative.

-Coruscant underworld police believe a high-level black sun operative is on level 1313. Significant reward offered for capture or elimination.

Hound's tooth (1100ish pcs): cockpit for Bossk and one other passenger, three cells, and an armory. Comes with Bossk, Black Krssantan, 2x wookiee warriors, and 2x Hutt Cartel enforcers.

-The Illustrious Jabba orders the capture of two wookiee saboteurs. A greater reward will be given for their capture alive.

Mist Hunter (1400ish pcs): cockpit for Zuckuss, 4-Lom, and up to two others, alongside two cells and a small weapons area. Comes with Zuckuss, 4-LOM, Valance, Villachor, 2x Black Sun guards, and Prince Xixor.

-Arvak Villachor is no longer part of black sun. The rumors he has stolen Prince Xixor's blackmail cards are false, but a substantial reward is offered for his capture, along with any items he may have alongside him.

Slave 1 (1500ish pcs): cockpit for Boba Fett, a lower area with room for 4 figures, and 2 cells. Has a seismic charge holder. Comes with Boba Fett, Fennec Shand, Djin Djarren, Migs Mayfield, and Cara Dune.

Some really great ideas on here!  There are blueprints online for a lot of the ships which shows the interior for them so it’d be nice if they followed that.  

I do think getting a Slave 1 with a full interior like you stated is a must though.  Too many times we’ve seen Slave 1 with enough space just for 1 minifigure like a small starfighter. 

Heres a random minifig I would like. Holiday/ Santa/ Festive Boba Fett.

In the 13 years lego has been doing Star Wars Advent Calendars Boba Fett has never gotten the Holiday treatment. I find that extremely surprising considering Vader has been done 3 times and R2 has been done twice, and technically we have two holiday Yodas.

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