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I was looking at the prices for the 2008 Gunship (I don't like the 2013 or the 2023 ones and refuse to elaborate) and the Republic Dropship w/ AT-OT and I got incredibly sad. (BNISB 2008 Gunship is like $800, and Dropship can go for like $1800+) and while I know Lego apparently doesn't consider the aftermarket when making sets. It would be VERY nice of them to consider those in particular lol.

I do appreciate that many of the more die-hard lsw fans in here would probably gag at the thought of more Clone sets but a remake of a classic gunship (preferably double-doored but i'd settle for the annoying bubble turret one too) and the Dropship, Naturally only after the current dumb red one is gone would be very nice (The current one doesn't even make sense, the coruscant guard very clearly DONT use it on coruscant. It's for diplomatic immunity, it's a negotiations vessel dammit. Are you negotiating with the drive through attendee at Space Mcdonalds?)

As for what those sets would actually look like figures wise? I honestly don't care but I can think up something wishlisty for the topic. I personally would like to see more of a focus on Jedi, CIS and perhaps named clones in the Republic sets. Leave the troopers for battlepacks. Also since we are fairly sure an updated super battle droid is coming, and that opens up the possibility for updated commandos, tacticals and magnaguards, i'll consider that in my list too. Also my pricing is more realistic to what lego would actually do, not what i would actually want.

I'm thinking:

(Spoilerised to take up less space on this one page lol, although I suppose there are Clone Wars spoilers in here)



Republic Gunship (1000ish pcs, $140ish)
-Very similar to 2023 gunship but in normal livery. Not based on any particular scene but moreso a collection of "vibes" from The Clone Wars TV show. It's a bit unoriginal but it's quite a nostalgic line up for me. By the time this set is even possible for the Lego line up some of these figures will be AGONISINGLY in need of an update. Which I'd say they're already PAINFULLY in need of an update.

  • Updated Clone Wars Anakin
  • Updated Clone Wars Obi-wan (2022 RFT Mace Windu has made me greedy)
  • 2x P1 Pilots
  • Asajj Ventress
  • 2x Updated BX Commando Droids

Probably one or two clone troopers just to prevent community outrage but really just put them in a battlepack at the same time idc

Republic Dropship (1000ish pcs, $125ish)
- No AT-OT this time. I don't wanna know how much Lego would charge for a combo set like that in the present day but it'd probably have to take up a UCS slot lmao. Also we can always seperate the AT-OT into another set for another year as another chance for certain characters anyway. I would say, this NEEDS to be compatible with the 2022 AT-TE and the hypothetical other AT-OT otherwise this set is pretty pointless. For this one's Jedi I had a big think about who could help sell a riskier set like this so I went with two reasonably popular characters. Also not based on any particular scene, just a general vibe.

  • 2x Phase 2 Pilots
  • Peak Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano (Red outfit, pre-exile)
  • Peak Clone Wars Kit Fisto (Arm Guards, he has no notable clone legion so just throw him in a generic set)
  • Super Tactical Droid
  • 2x Aerial Super Battledroids

Republic AT-OT (1000ish pcs, $140ish) Clearly I'm planning out some big summer sets for the next decade here)

-Unlike the other two, this one has a scene in mind. Order 66. The gates are open now are they not? with the apparent grogu's escape set.

  • Aayla Secura
  • P2 Commander Bly
  • Clone Gunner
  • 3x 327th Troopers (This set kinda NEEDS some troopers with it)
  • Just a few super battle droids I guess?

Updated Count Dooku's Solar Sailor (400ish pcs? $50ish?)
- We need a new dooku.


  • Dooku (duh)
  • 2x Magna Guards
  • If we're being unambitious, Yoda. If we're being interesting, Night Sister Variant, Asajj Ventress.
  • If we're being really unrealistic, Mother Talzin. (But that'll probably add another $10 knowing lego.)

While I'm at this.

Republic Light Cruiser (1200ish pcs, probably far too expensive)

Like Moff Gideons Light Cruiser but with Republic Colours. We see one in the weird slavery arc of the clone wars where the wolfepack flies a cruiser under a prison to catch some slaves. We see the vehicle in some other scenes as well, certainly more scenes than that bloody red gunship. This set could also just be a republic frigate remake. I guess. This is slightly more creative.

  • Plo Koon (Perhaps with a microscale jedi starfighter, like the tie fighters in the Imperial version)
  • Wolfe P2 (Jetpack)
  • 2x Wolfpack Jet Troopers (Along side a battlepack probably)
  • Admiral Barton Coburn (Guy from the scene I mentioned)
  • If we were feeling daring we could also add in some Zygerian Slavers but that feels EVEN MORE unrealistic than most of this wishlist.


20 hours ago, Hhalcyon said:
  Reveal hidden contents


Republic Gunship (1000ish pcs, $140ish)
-Very similar to 2023 gunship but in normal livery. Not based on any particular scene but moreso a collection of "vibes" from The Clone Wars TV show. It's a bit unoriginal but it's quite a nostalgic line up for me. By the time this set is even possible for the Lego line up some of these figures will be AGONISINGLY in need of an update. Which I'd say they're already PAINFULLY in need of an update.

  • Updated Clone Wars Anakin
  • Updated Clone Wars Obi-wan (2022 RFT Mace Windu has made me greedy)
  • 2x P1 Pilots
  • Asajj Ventress
  • 2x Updated BX Commando Droids

Probably one or two clone troopers just to prevent community outrage but really just put them in a battlepack at the same time idc

Republic Dropship (1000ish pcs, $125ish)
- No AT-OT this time. I don't wanna know how much Lego would charge for a combo set like that in the present day but it'd probably have to take up a UCS slot lmao. Also we can always seperate the AT-OT into another set for another year as another chance for certain characters anyway. I would say, this NEEDS to be compatible with the 2022 AT-TE and the hypothetical other AT-OT otherwise this set is pretty pointless. For this one's Jedi I had a big think about who could help sell a riskier set like this so I went with two reasonably popular characters. Also not based on any particular scene, just a general vibe.

  • 2x Phase 2 Pilots
  • Peak Clone Wars Ahsoka Tano (Red outfit, pre-exile)
  • Peak Clone Wars Kit Fisto (Arm Guards, he has no notable clone legion so just throw him in a generic set)
  • Super Tactical Droid
  • 2x Aerial Super Battledroids

Republic AT-OT (1000ish pcs, $140ish) Clearly I'm planning out some big summer sets for the next decade here)

-Unlike the other two, this one has a scene in mind. Order 66. The gates are open now are they not? with the apparent grogu's escape set.

  • Aayla Secura
  • P2 Commander Bly
  • Clone Gunner
  • 3x 327th Troopers (This set kinda NEEDS some troopers with it)
  • Just a few super battle droids I guess?

Updated Count Dooku's Solar Sailor (400ish pcs? $50ish?)
- We need a new dooku.


  • Dooku (duh)
  • 2x Magna Guards
  • If we're being unambitious, Yoda. If we're being interesting, Night Sister Variant, Asajj Ventress.
  • If we're being really unrealistic, Mother Talzin. (But that'll probably add another $10 knowing lego.)

While I'm at this.

Republic Light Cruiser (1200ish pcs, probably far too expensive)

Like Moff Gideons Light Cruiser but with Republic Colours. We see one in the weird slavery arc of the clone wars where the wolfepack flies a cruiser under a prison to catch some slaves. We see the vehicle in some other scenes as well, certainly more scenes than that bloody red gunship. This set could also just be a republic frigate remake. I guess. This is slightly more creative.

  • Plo Koon (Perhaps with a microscale jedi starfighter, like the tie fighters in the Imperial version)
  • Wolfe P2 (Jetpack)
  • 2x Wolfpack Jet Troopers (Along side a battlepack probably)
  • Admiral Barton Coburn (Guy from the scene I mentioned)
  • If we were feeling daring we could also add in some Zygerian Slavers but that feels EVEN MORE unrealistic than most of this wishlist.



Love this post. Certainly plenty of scope for proper Clone Wars stuff. 

I will add a few sets. 

Republic Acclamator £149.99: Shaak Ti, Republic Officer, Kamino Security Clone Trooper (x3), Astromech Droid 

Republic UT-AT £89.99: Ki-Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara, Galactic Marine (x2), Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid (x2) 

Republic SPHA-T £159.99: Yoda, Phase I Clone Commander, Phase 1 Clone Captain, Phase 1 Clone Trooper (x3), Geonosian Battle Droid (x3) 

Edited by ArrowBricks

After the MBS Cantina was out i was hoping for a playscale version that includes some of the alien cantina patrons. Maybe in the style of Boba's palace and with 6-8 minifigures. This and Garsa Fwip's Sanctuary (I know it will never be done :laugh:) are high on my wishlist.

Generally i wish we would get more location sets and more aliens.

LEGO has released several versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter over the past 20 years. Why was it not the same for Jango Fett's Slave I since this ship is pretty iconic as Jango himself?

5 hours ago, Khargeust said:

LEGO has released several versions of Obi-Wan Kenobi's Jedi Starfighter over the past 20 years. Why was it not the same for Jango Fett's Slave I since this ship is pretty iconic as Jango himself?

We've been having this conversation over in the discussion thread, but the cliffnotes are as follows:

Lego only has x amount of set slots per year, and the amount they can cover from each film decreases rapidly as the amount of new content keeps being pumped out.

Having Boba and Jango's slave ones on shelves at the same time would tank the sales of both, since they're pretty much just recolors. Between the two, boba's is far more well-known and would therefore sell much better.

Due to the aforementioned crunch of new content, by the time there's a slot open for a slave 1, boba's usually has been retired for some time (this is discounting the 2019-2021 gap brought on by mando S2's inclusion of slave one). This means that Boba's is almost always going to be the variant produced.

I am not sue if thee are any existing molds in new sets but I want to see some alien molds, such as Taurtaur, the fat toad-face alien (I forgot his name) and others. I dislike buildable creatures myselfs. 



Imagine a MBS/UCS Jabba's Palace with all of the above characters included as set exclusives!



Something like a mix of these two MOCs, with all the main scenes from the movie on the playset side. The throne room, Han in Carbonite mounted on the wall to the left of the throne, the trapdoor to the Rancor pit, brick built, retractable door for the Rancor, and of course, the droid torture room. 



The exterior of the set should capture the silhouette of the entire palace,  scaled down into a nice display.

Minifigures should include the Max Rebo band and dancers (10 figures total), Jabba, the big fig Rancor, Bib Fortuna, Salacious Crumb, Boba Fett, Oola, Malakili, a Gamorrean Guard, Blind Han with the slicked back hairpiece, Disguised Lando, Leia in Boushh disguise, Chewbacca, Luke with newest hairpiece, R2-D2 and C-3PO with some green slime on his printing. That's 25 figures including the two big molded figures and Salacious Crumb. For reference, the Mos Eisley Cantina has 23 minifigures including the Dewback. The Death Star playset has 25 minifigures. 

They could also do two versions of Leia and include the bikini minifigure, but I am counting on that being an exclusive in the all but confirmed UCS Sail Barge. I could have bloated the minifigure count a bit higher with an extra Gamorrean Guard, a Quarren or Jawa. I guess some of the droids in the torture room would also take up a minifigure slot or two.



potjdeluxeamanamanfront1.jpgShout out to these two characters who would also make great set exclusives. I think I probably hit a quota on new molds with the Max Rebo band, though. Sy Snootles, Droopy Mccool, Joh Yowza and Rappertunie would all need new pieces.


What do y'all think? Also, what's the highest price you'd be willing to pay for a rather large Jabba's Palace playset? I would go upwards of $650-$800, as it would have to be such a large set to host so many characters without being overly cluttered.





I really like the use of colors that this person used for the exterior of his enormous MOC that he is currently working on.

Edited by MasterYoshi

I may have posted these before, but since there has been battle pack discussion, a few ideas:

Eadu Garrison Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Stormtrooper, 1 x Imperial Gunner, 1 x Imperial Scientist.  The main build for the set should be part of the weapons turrets seen during the Battle of Eadu.  Perhaps a small version of a turbolaser tower with the archway onto the landing platform the Rebels bomb during the encounter.  Accessories to include blasters for the Stormtroopers and Gunner.

Scarif Garrison Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Stormtrooper, 2 x Shoretrooper.  The main build for the set should include two orange cargo containers as in Set #75152 and a master switch computer console with antenna.  Accessories to include regular blasters for the Stormtroopers, and double barrel blasters for the Shoretroopers.

Rebel Alliance Pathfinders Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Rebel Pathfinders, 1 x Rebel Pathfinder Officer.  Main build for the set should be part of the landing area around the shuttle “Rogue One”, perhaps some of the grey computer boxes/cargo containers.  Accessories to include blasters for all of the minis, plus a set of macro-binoculars for the officer.

Rebel Alliance Scarif Pilot Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Blue Squadron X-Wing Pilot (Blue Flightsuit), 1 x Gold Squadron Y-Wing Pilot (Orange Flightsuit), 1 x Blue Squadron U-Wing Pilot (Blue Flightsuit); use assorted faces and skin tones.  Could make these all “name” pilots from the film.  The main build for the set should be a maintenance sled with tools as seen in Rogue One hanger scenes.  Accessories should include blaster pistols for all pilots.

Rebel Alliance Fleet Trooper Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Alliance Fleet Troopers, 1 x Alliance Fleet Officer; use assorted faces and skin tones.  The main build for the set should be something like the airlock hallway in the Tantive IV from the start of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.  Alternatively, perhaps a small combat station with a heavy cannon set up and small radio antenna/communications panel.  Accessories to include blasters for all mini-figs.

Rebel Alliance Yavin Base Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2x Alliance Fleet Troopers, 1 x Alliance Officer, 1 x Rebel Alliance Technician; use assorted faces and skin tones.  The main build for the set should be a maintenance station for the Yavin base hanger.  This could include a crane and control panel, or a communications array.  Accessories to include blasters, binoculars, and one of the radar guns seen with the guard in the tower in all of the Yavin hanger shots in the films.

Rebel Alliance Yavin Pilot Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Red Squadron X-Wing Pilot (Orange Flightsuit), 1 x Gold Squadron Y-Wing Pilot (Orange Flightsuit), 1 x Rebel Astromech Droid; use assorted faces and skin tones.  Could make these all “name” pilots from Episode IV.  The main build for the set should be a troop transport sled as seen in both Rogue One & A New Hope.  Accessories should include blaster pistols for all pilots.

Imperial Stormtrooper Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Stormtrooper, 1 x Stormtrooper Officer.  The main build for the set should be one storage crate that can be opened up (storage space inside) and a bunker or weapon emplacement.  Storage crate should be similar to the ones in Set #75141.  Accessories should include a pauldron for the officer, binoculars, thermal detonators, blasters for the Stormtroopers and additional blasters in the crate.

Imperial Sandtrooper Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Sandtrooper, 1 x Sandtrooper Officer, 1 x Dewback Big Figure.  The main build for the set should be a moisture vaporator and sand dune setting, along with a womp rat.  Accessories should include a pauldron for the officer, binoculars, backpacks for all of the troopers, a long riding staff (for the dewback rider as seen in A New Hope), and blasters for the Sandtroopers.

Imperial Inspection Team Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 1 x Death Star Officer (Captain), 2 x Imperial Technician, 1 x Stormtrooper.  The main build for the set should include an inspection cart and tools as carried by the sensor technicians when the Millennium Falcon was inspected in ANH, as well as one or two storage containers/crates.  Accessories to include blasters for the Stormtrooper and Officer, wrenches and tools for the Technicians.

Death Star Crew Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Death Star Trooper, 1 x Imperial Officer (Lieutenant), 1 x Stormtrooper.  Main build for the set should be a section of Death Star corridor that links up with various Death Star playsets to expand the play experience.  There should be link pieces on both ends to allow connection with other sets.  Alternatively, it could be a guard room set up with computer console, table and working door as a play feature.  Accessories to include blasters for all of the mini-figs and a mouse droid.

Tatooine Scavengers Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Tusken Raiders, 1 x Jawa, 1 x Bantha Big Figure.  The main build for the set should include a buildable Gonk Power Droid (in blue), and a sandstone cliff face from Tatooine with a small alcove for R2-D2 or similar droid to hide in.  Accessories to include gaffi sticks for the tuskens, a jawa ion blaster, and a womp rat.

Mos Eisley Scum Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 1 x Wolfman Cantina Patron, 1 x Ithorian Cantina Patron, 1 x Doc Evizan, 1 x Ponda Baba.  Main build for the set should be a market stall/trader’s location outside of the Mos Eisley Cantina.  Perhaps the alley around the corner where R2-D2 and C-3PO hide when stormtroopers come looking for them.  Provide an overhang or cart for a trader’s goods.  Doors in the alley should open and close as action features.  Accessories to include blasters for all of the characters.

[Edited for spacing]

Edited by Omand

14 hours ago, Yperio_Bricks said:

I really like these battlepack ideas! Especially the Tatooine ones :thumbup:

Thank you.  Once upon a time I don't think Lego would have done some of these (especially my big fig ideas), but, with super battle packs now showing up, I think some of them are possible.

Cheers :)

A few more battle pack ideas for us to mull over:

Solo: A Star Wars Story

Mimban Troopers Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Mudtrooper, 2 x Mimban Stormtrooper.  Main build for the set to be part of the imperial assault trenches shown in Solo.  Include the entrance to the AT Hauler landing pad at one end of the trench line.  Include link pieces so that more than one section of trench can be connected together.  Accessories to include blasters for all of the mini-figs, and appropriate cloaks/capes for each type of trooper.



Kashyyyk Wookiee Assault Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Wookiees, 1x Imperial Stormtrooper; the Wookiees should be different in look (or at least one should be different).  The main build for the set should be an imperial pillbox structure with heavy weapon/cannon, as well as some rocks or trees for the Wookiees to attack from behind.  Accessories to include a blaster for the Stormtrooper and bowcasters for the Wookiees.


Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back

Rebel Alliance Hoth Trooper Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Alliance Hoth Troopers, 1 x Alliance Hoth Officer; use assorted faces & skin tones.  The main build for the set should be an Atgar FD P-Tower cannon and a short section of snow trench; similar to the ones included in previous Hoth sets.  The snow trench should have a two or three link pieces so that two or more sets can be connected together for a longer trench set up, or even connected to an opposing battle pack featuring Imperial Snowtroopers.  Accessories should include blasters for all of the mini-figs.

Imperial Snowtrooper Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 3 x Snowtrooper, 1 x Snowtrooper Officer.  The main build for the set should be an E-Web blaster cannon, an imperial probe droid, and a section of snow trench for the troops to attack.  Accessories should include a pauldron for the officer, and blasters for all of the Snowtroopers.  The set should be designed with two or three link pieces so that multiple battle packs can be connected together for a bigger play experience, including linking with an Alliance Hoth Trooper battle pack stretch of trench for head to head battles/play.

Imperial Navy Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Imperial Navy Trooper, 1 x Imperial Navy Crew, 1 x Imperial Navy Officer (Commander).  The main build for the set should include a turbolaser battery, communications desk, and a mouse droid.  Turbolaser battery would have shooter darts and seats for at least one, possibly two operators.  Accessories to include blaster rifles for most of the minis, and a blaster pistol for the officer.

Bespin Citizens Battle Pack

Mini-figs: 2 x Bespin Wing Guard, 1 x Cloud Car Pilot, 1 x Ugnaught.  The main build for the set should be an industrial machine from Bespin.  Perhaps a drill or large weather vane like atmospheric extractor.  Minor build should be a tool stand or cart for the Ugnaught.  At least one of the Bespin Guards should be dark skinned like the main Bespin Guard shown in the movie.  Accessories to include blaster pistols for most of the minis and a tool (hammer or wrench) for the Ugnaght.


Cheers :)

Edited by Omand

Some Ahsoka sets based off the first two episodes:


Temple Fight ($29.99): underground puzzle room with the star map, and functions both for uncovering the star map and opening holes in the floor/ceiling. Comes with Ahsoka and 3 HKs.

Dark Jedi attack ($34.99): Hallway and cell with Baylan Skoll (hooded, robes), Morgan Elsbeth (prisoner), and 2x New Republic soldier.

Sabine's home ($39.99): Sabine's room and the balcony on the exterior. Comes with Sabine (no armor), Shin Hati, and 2 HKs, as well as a buildable Loth-Cat.

Baylan's shuttle ($79.99): Shin and Baylan's Jedi shuttle with Shin Hati, Baylan Skoll, Marrok, an HK, and Ahsoka.


Edited by Mandalorianknight

Not a spoiler since they were in trailers and Mando, but I hope if we do get more Ahsoka sets next year that we get a few HK droids... And here comes the controversial part but I think they'd work well in Threepio or Hyuang style where they are minifigs with moulded heads.

And then of course I'd want them to show up in the magazine :laugh:

4 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Not a spoiler since they were in trailers and Mando, but I hope if we do get more Ahsoka sets next year that we get a few HK droids... And here comes the controversial part but I think they'd work well in Threepio or Hyuang style where they are minifigs with moulded heads.

And then of course I'd want them to show up in the magazine :laugh:

I actually agree, and seeing as some of them have hoods, I don't even think they'd need molded heads.

15 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Not a spoiler since they were in trailers and Mando, but I hope if we do get more Ahsoka sets next year that we get a few HK droids... And here comes the controversial part but I think they'd work well in Threepio or Hyuang style where they are minifigs with moulded heads.

And then of course I'd want them to show up in the magazine :laugh:

Sign me up for some HK Droids!

I do wonder if regular minifigure bodies are going to be the standard for most droids going forward. We haven't really had a specialized droid body since 2-1B in 2018's Hoth Medical Chamber. I also remember there was an interview last year with the Lego designers (I believe from Comic Con) mentioning they are aware of the issues surrounding the Super Battle Droid's brittle joints and how they will need to be redesigned before appearing again in future sets.

I think both the HK Droids and MagnaGuards would work perfectly fine as a standard minifigure and wouldn't be opposed to K2-SO, EV-9D9 and 2-1B getting redesigned in that fashion either.

15 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I actually agree, and seeing as some of them have hoods, I don't even think they'd need molded heads.

As long as they get a new 'hat' piece for when they are unhooded 

4 hours ago, wesker said:

they are aware of the issues surrounding the Super Battle Droid's brittle joints and how they will need to be redesigned before appearing again in future sets.

I think all they need to do to is use the click hinge rather than the clip. But if the were to minifigify all those droids I think some of them would benefit from a sandwich board style part like Ned-B from Kenobi used, rather than just a head. But Magna guards, HKs ( as well as HK 47) and medical droids are all quite slender and would work perfectly well as just Minifigs.

Not sure how to feel about droid minifigs. For Huyang, it makes sense as he‘s similar enough to a protocol droid. Dark Troopers and NED-B also worked well in minifig form, given how humanoid they are. HK droids however are quite slender and more akin to battle droids, and would thus work much better with specialised pieces, in my opinion :classic:

Yeah, add HK droids to the list of stuff I wanna see in 2024, along with Imperial Commandos, Praetorian Guards, and Gideon. Hope they can deliver!

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Not sure how to feel about droid minifigs. For Huyang, it makes sense as he‘s similar enough to a protocol droid. Dark Troopers and NED-B also worked well in minifig form, given how humanoid they are. HK droids however are quite slender and more akin to battle droids, and would thus work much better with specialised pieces, in my opinion :classic:

Yeah, add HK droids to the list of stuff I wanna see in 2024, along with Imperial Commandos, Praetorian Guards, and Gideon. Hope they can deliver!

I do agree that B1 battle droids are too skeletal to work as minifig but I think the HKs are quite as slender so they could work as either, but I did know not everyone would agree with my preference there :tongue:.

Just a fun idea, here's a proposed 2024 2HY:

The Mandalorian's Mech ($15.99): The mandalorian (newer outfit with pearl dark gray instead of dark brown). Grogu is also included and has a little shoulder turret.

Commander Cody Mech ($15.99): Commander Cody (phase 2)

General Grievous Mech ($15.99): General Grievous


Microfighter: T-6 Jedi Shuttle ($15.99): Sabine Wren


Beskar Stormtroopers battle pack ($19.99): 3x Beskar Stormtroopers, 1x Praetorian guard. Build is an astromech terminal and turret with a mouse droid.

Red Five X-wing ($24.99, 4+): Comes with Luke Skywalker (Pilot), R2-D2, and Darth Vader.

Rebel Snowspeeder ($34.99): snowspeeder and P-tower turret. Comes with Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, and 2x snowtrooper.

Battle of Geonosis ($44.99): Corporate Alliance tank droid, a clone speeder, and some geonosis terrain with an explode feature. Comes with 2x clone trooper, 1x clone captain, Stass Alli, and 3x b1 battle droid.

Exogol Duel ($49.99): Sith Throne with the Omnic harness setup on one side and snoke setup on the other. Comes with Rey, Ben Solo, Palpatine (omnic) and Palpatine (reborn)

Baylan Skoll's shuttle ($79.99): Baylan and Shin's shuttle with Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati, Marrok, Ahsoka Tano, and 2x Hk droids.

GNK power droid statue ($79.99): Gonk droid with UCS style plaque and a brick-built Gonk Droid.

Starkiller base Dogfight ($109.99): Black One and a first order tie fighter, both slightly larger than the 2021 rebel x-wing and imperial TIE. Comes with Poe Dameron (pilot), bb-8, First order TIE pilot, 1x first order stormtrooper, Rey, Kylo Ren, and Finn.

Millennium Falcon ($139.99): a slightly smaller Falcon than before. Comes with Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Farmboy), Princess Leia, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2, C-3PO, 2x stormtrooper, and Darth Vader.

Invisible Hand ($159.99): The Invisible Hand with interior dueling area, bridge, shielded hallway, and hanger bay. Comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku, Chancellor Palpatine, General Grievous, R2-D2, 2x b1 pilot droid, 2x b2 battle droid, and 2x magnaguard.

Imperial Star Destroyer ($169.99): ISD with interior bridge, conference room, and armory. Comes with Darth Vader, Admiral Piett, 2x imperial officer, 2x navy trooper, 2x stormtrooper, 1x death star droid, 1x imperial astromech.

MBS Geonosis Arena ($349.99): Semicircular arena with stands, the balcony, and the gates. Beneath/behind the stands are some catacombs. Also included are the three pillars, a 300-400pc gunship, and brick-built arena beasts, as well as an Orray. Comes with Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Bultar Swan, Pablo-Jill, Kit Fisto, 1x Clone Pilot, 3x clone trooper, Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Nute Gunray, Wat Tambor, Boba Fett, Poggle the Lesser, 4x geonosian, 4x b1 battle droid, and 2x b2 battle droid.

59 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

Just a fun idea, here's a proposed 2024 2HY:

The Mandalorian's Mech ($15.99): The mandalorian (newer outfit with pearl dark gray instead of dark brown). Grogu is also included and has a little shoulder turret.

Commander Cody Mech ($15.99): Commander Cody (phase 2)

General Grievous Mech ($15.99): General Grievous


Microfighter: T-6 Jedi Shuttle ($15.99): Sabine Wren


Beskar Stormtroopers battle pack ($19.99): 3x Beskar Stormtroopers, 1x Praetorian guard. Build is an astromech terminal and turret with a mouse droid.

Red Five X-wing ($24.99, 4+): Comes with Luke Skywalker (Pilot), R2-D2, and Darth Vader.

Rebel Snowspeeder ($34.99): snowspeeder and P-tower turret. Comes with Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, and 2x snowtrooper.

Battle of Geonosis ($44.99): Corporate Alliance tank droid, a clone speeder, and some geonosis terrain with an explode feature. Comes with 2x clone trooper, 1x clone captain, Stass Alli, and 3x b1 battle droid.

Exogol Duel ($49.99): Sith Throne with the Omnic harness setup on one side and snoke setup on the other. Comes with Rey, Ben Solo, Palpatine (omnic) and Palpatine (reborn)

Baylan Skoll's shuttle ($79.99): Baylan and Shin's shuttle with Baylan Skoll, Shin Hati, Marrok, Ahsoka Tano, and 2x Hk droids.

GNK power droid statue ($79.99): Gonk droid with UCS style plaque and a brick-built Gonk Droid.

Starkiller base Dogfight ($109.99): Black One and a first order tie fighter, both slightly larger than the 2021 rebel x-wing and imperial TIE. Comes with Poe Dameron (pilot), bb-8, First order TIE pilot, 1x first order stormtrooper, Rey, Kylo Ren, and Finn.

Millennium Falcon ($139.99): a slightly smaller Falcon than before. Comes with Han Solo, Chewbacca, Luke Skywalker (Farmboy), Princess Leia, Ben Kenobi, R2-D2, C-3PO, 2x stormtrooper, and Darth Vader.

Invisible Hand ($159.99): The Invisible Hand with interior dueling area, bridge, shielded hallway, and hanger bay. Comes with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Count Dooku, Chancellor Palpatine, General Grievous, R2-D2, 2x b1 pilot droid, 2x b2 battle droid, and 2x magnaguard.

Imperial Star Destroyer ($169.99): ISD with interior bridge, conference room, and armory. Comes with Darth Vader, Admiral Piett, 2x imperial officer, 2x navy trooper, 2x stormtrooper, 1x death star droid, 1x imperial astromech.

MBS Geonosis Arena ($349.99): Semicircular arena with stands, the balcony, and the gates. Beneath/behind the stands are some catacombs. Also included are the three pillars, a 300-400pc gunship, and brick-built arena beasts, as well as an Orray. Comes with Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Mace Windu, Bultar Swan, Pablo-Jill, Kit Fisto, 1x Clone Pilot, 3x clone trooper, Count Dooku, Jango Fett, Nute Gunray, Wat Tambor, Boba Fett, Poggle the Lesser, 4x geonosian, 4x b1 battle droid, and 2x b2 battle droid.

Hasn’t next year’s MBS already rumored to be the Sail Barge? I’d kill for a Geonosis set but I don’t see Lego releasing two $350+ sets in the same year 

1 hour ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Hasn’t next year’s MBS already rumored to be the Sail Barge? I’d kill for a Geonosis set but I don’t see Lego releasing two $350+ sets in the same year 

It's a wishlist, not a prediction

2 hours ago, Flawless Cowboy said:

Seems better suited for a 2025 wishlist 

Why do people always do this?

It's not a prediction like he said, it doesn't matter where or when it suited for, it's just an idea of what he'd like to see for Summer 2024, like I've said in the Doctor Who thread, people don't need to temper thier desires to suit reality.

Wishlists are not expectation lists, or prediction list and even if they are they are still wish, and those need not be bound by reality.

Edited by Agent Kallus

3 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

Why do people always do this?

It's not a prediction like he said, it doesn't matter where or when it suited for, it's just an idea of what he'd like to see for Summer 2024, like I've said in the Doctor Who thread, people don't need to temper thier desires to suit reality.

Wishlists are not expectation lists, or prediction list and even if they are they are still wish, and those need not be bound by reality.

It was a funny observation lil guy, relax 

Edited by Flawless Cowboy

  • 2 weeks later...

It’s that time again. I have been thinking about what we might see for the second half of the year now we know most things coming in the first half. 

I do predict that in March-May we will see more Ahsoka sets but I’ll wait until the series is over before trying to predict exactly what we will get. After all, we do have some set numbers that do not have any name attributed to them. 

We also have set numbers mentioned by FalconFan on Instagram which alluded to an exclusive set from the diorama, buildable droid, and mid-scale sub-lines. Here, I think we might see Jabba’s Palace, a B1 Battle Droid, and The Ghost respectively. 

Anyway, here goes. 

June 2023:

Duel on Tatooine £19.99: Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn (this will have a moister Vaporator and Darth Maul’s speeder, with some sandy terrain. The Vaporator will have a play feature where it can be knocked over). 

The Mandalorian’s Navarro Hut £29.99: The Mandalorian, Grogu, Greef Karga

Desert Skiff & the Great Pit of Carkoon £39.99: Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Pote Snitkin, Brock Starsher

Trade Federation AAT £44.99: Theed Padme, Naboo Security Guard, Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid (x2)

Captain Rex’s Y-Wing Starfighter £69.99: Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7

Bo Katan’s Mandalorian Fighter £69.99: Bo Katan, Axe Woves, Moff Gideon, Imperial SuperCommando

Republic Turbo Tank £139.99: Plo Koon, Phase II Commander Wolffe, Phase II Wolfpack Clone Trooper (x3), Droideka (x2)

Mechs x3: The Mandalorian, IG-88 & Grogu, Ahsoka Tano

August 2023: 

Imperial Transport Shuttle £89.99: Dr Royce Hemlock, Imperial TK ShockTrooper (x2), Hunter, Wrecker

Luthen Rael’s Fondor Haulcraft £149.99: Luthen Rael, Cassian Andor, Val Sartha, Dedra Meero, Death Trooper

September 2023: 

Advent Calendar: TBC  

The Acolyte £89.99-£99.99: TBC 

Edited by ArrowBricks

Probably the wrong thread for this. I like the idea of them doing a new Lego Star Wars game just on the Disney shows. They could cover everything Disney Plus (Mando, Ashoka, TBB, tales Of Jedi, Kenobi, Andor, TBoBF) or even go further and cover Rebels, Rogue 1 and Solo. 

Like the skywalker saga they can have a few hub worlds, Navarro, Lothal, Ferrix, Tattoine, Mandalore. Maybe this game focus more on the levels. 

22 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

It’s that time again. I have been thinking about what we might see for the second half of the year now we know most things coming in the first half. 

I do predict that in March-May we will see more Ahsoka sets but I’ll wait until the series is over before trying to predict exactly what we will get. After all, we do have some set numbers that do not have any name attributed to them. 

We also have set numbers mentioned by FalconFan on Instagram which alluded to an exclusive set from the diorama, buildable droid, and mid-scale sub-lines. Here, I think we might see Jabba’s Palace, a B1 Battle Droid, and The Ghost respectively. 

Anyway, here goes. 

June 2023:

Duel on Tatooine £19.99: Darth Maul, Qui-Gon Jinn (this will have a moister Vaporator and Darth Maul’s speeder, with some sandy terrain. The Vaporator will have a play feature where it can be knocked over). 

The Mandalorian’s Navarro Hut £29.99: The Mandalorian, Grogu, Greef Karga

Desert Skiff & the Great Pit of Carkoon £39.99: Luke Skywalker, Boba Fett, Pote Snitkin, Brock Starsher

Trade Federation AAT £44.99: Theed Padme, Naboo Security Guard, Battle Droid Commander, Battle Droid (x2)

Captain Rex’s Y-Wing Starfighter £69.99: Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7

Bo Katan’s Mandalorian Fighter £69.99: Bo Katan, Axe Woves, Moff Gideon, Imperial SuperCommando

Republic Turbo Tank £139.99: Plo Koon, Phase II Commander Wolffe, Phase II Wolfpack Clone Trooper (x3), Droideka (x2)

Mechs x3: The Mandalorian, IG-88 & Grogu, Ahsoka Tano

August 2023: 

Imperial Transport Shuttle £89.99: Dr Royce Hemlock, Imperial TK ShockTrooper (x2), Hunter, Wrecker

Luthen Rael’s Fondor Haulcraft £149.99: Luthen Rael, Cassian Andor, Val Sartha, Dedra Meero, Death Trooper

September 2023: 

Advent Calendar: TBC  

The Acolyte £89.99-£99.99: TBC 

The only thing is with the strikes will we get Andor and the Acolyte next year? Feel like that is going to affect the summer wave a lot if we are lucky enough to get those kind of sets. The only thing I want from Andor would be some ISB officers, probably get a K2SO (they have to show how they met) and maybe be a last chance to get a Saw figure 

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