April 13, 2024Apr 13 2 hours ago, Tariq j said: Profundity: Admiral Raddus, Rebel Trooper (x2), Caitken, Darth Vader and Blue Leader. And whilst obviously not a capital ship, I’d love to see the Hammerhead Corvette from Rebels/Rogue One. These are two I'd like to see. Preferably at midi-scale, but I'll take anything at this point, especially the Hammerhead cruiser. One ship that is and will always be on my wishlist is the Radiant VII from TPM. I wouldn't mind seeing one of the Trade Federation landing craft at midi-scale, either, although I appreciate that's quite a niche choice. And I'm not sure if it counts as a capital ship per se, but the one that Rex, Echo et al use as a base in TBB would be cool too. Wildly unrealistic of course, but it might work as a playset.
April 13, 2024Apr 13 6 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: Iconic Capital Ships that Lego hasn’t made as UCS, midi-scale or play scale as of yet. This is purely my wishlist. UCS Lucrehulk (£299.99): Nute Gunray and Admiral Trench. (Build is in scale with the recent invisible hand.) Acclamator class assault ship (£129.99): Yoda, Clone Navy officer, 2 P1 clone troopers, P1 Clone captain and P1 clone Lieutenant. Victory-Class star destroyer (£119.99): Mara Jade, Warlord Zsinj, 2 stormtroopers, Admiral Daala and 2 crewmen. ISD Chimera (£149.99): Legends Thrawn, Jorus C’baoth, Ezra Bridger, 2x 7th fleet stormtroopers, tactical Red-Guard and Captain Pallaeon. (Based off both canon and legends) Interdictor Class Star Destroyer (£119.99): Commander Sato, Commander Titus Bromm, Agent Kallus, 2 stormtroopers (disguised Rex and Kanan) and an imperial Gunner. Midi-Scale Home One (£69.99) Any other capital ships you guys would like to see?  Are Lucrehulks really that big!?  Great choices all around. Pleading for some Legends love. 3 hours ago, Tariq j said: And whilst obviously not a capital ship, I’d love to see the Hammerhead Corvette from Rebels/Rogue One. Seconded. If they go back to making system-scale capital ships, it deserves a spot. 1 hour ago, TeddytheSpoon said: One ship that is and will always be on my wishlist is the Radiant VII from TPM. I wouldn't mind seeing one of the Trade Federation landing craft at midi-scale, either, although I appreciate that's quite a niche choice. Definitely an overlooked remake (we did get one back in 2007). Be a nice chance to get some Pre-Clone War Republic Officers too. And I'm frankly surprised they've never done a landing craft at any scale, though they do tend to ignore droid spacecraft.
April 18, 2024Apr 18 Some Bad Batch Season 3 set ideas. I don’t know how to hide spoilers so please ignore this post if you have not seen last couple of episodes. Rho Class Shuttle (£169.99): Commander Scorch, 2 Grey Stripe Clone commandos, Black armour Crosshair, Black armour Wrecker, Black Armour Hunter, Black Armour Echo and Bearded Admiral Rampart. Features: Troop bay drop deployment feature, loads of seats in the troop/cargo bay and the upper shuttle can separate from the cargo module. Imperial Turbo Tank (£149.99): Hunter, Wrecker, Crosshair, Imperial Captain,  prisoner Rampart and 2x TK troopers. Early Empire Venator (£149.99): Vice-Admiral Rampart, Young Thrawn, Young Morgan Elsbeth, 1 Clone Commando and 3x TK troopers. In scale with UCS Star Destroyer. CX Stealth Ship (£49.99): CX Clone Assassin, S3 Omega, Commander Wolffe and Captain Howzer (tactical gear). Imperial V-Wing (£34.99): S2 Tech, TK Shock Trooper, TK pilot and Dr Hemlock.  Edited April 18, 2024Apr 18 by CloneCommando99
April 24, 2024Apr 24 New UCS Endor idea. Builds would include a decent-sized bunker, landing platform, AT-ST, and Shuttle Tydirium. A small forest build connects the bunker to the landing pad. Han Solo, Princess Leia, Chewbacca, R2-D2, C-3PO, Endor Rebel Commando (Tan Jacket), Endor Rebel Commando (Trenchcoat), Chief Chirpa, Wicket, Logray, Tokkat, Lieutenant Renz, 2x Imperial Navy Trooper, 2x Stormtrooper, 2x Scout Trooper, AT-ST Driver (boots). Side builds are an Ewok Glider, Catapult, two logs (that the AT-ST slips on), and 2 74-Z Speeder Bikes. Companion set would be a $30 battle pack. Rebels get an upgraded version of the tree turret hybrid from 9489, while the imperials get some type of walker (AT-PT perhaps). 3x Stormtrooper, Imperial Driver, Endor Rebel Commando (Nik Sant/Captain Rex), Endor Rebel Commando (BFII Sniper).
April 24, 2024Apr 24 6 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:  Companion set would be a $30 battle pack. Rebels get an upgraded version of the tree turret hybrid from 9489, while the imperials get some type of walker (AT-PT perhaps). 3x Stormtrooper, Imperial Driver, Endor Rebel Commando (Nik Sant/Captain Rex), Endor Rebel Commando (BFII Sniper). Yes!!!! But for the rebels I would remove the tree build and instead have a (minifigure-scale) salvaged Rebel AT RT. (As seen in the Battlefront 2 map.) and then add a scout trooper to the mix. I would buy 4 of those.
May 6, 2024May 6 With the reveal of the new ISD (Looks phenomenal imo) I have a couple of set ideas for 2025 that could relate to it. Imperial Fleet battlepack (£18.99): 2 stormtroopers, an imperial crewman and a Death Star trooper. Build would be command centre. Or Imperial patrol battlepack (£18.99): 3 stormtroopers and 1 heavy stormtrooper. Build would be an imperial checkpoint. (Has Modular function so that with multiples they can be configured into an imperial forward operating base. Tie Defender (£54.99): Governor Pryce, Agent Kallus and Vult Skerris. MIDI scale Venator class star destroyer (£79.99): is in scale with upcoming ISD playset and has colour customisation feature (can easily be swapped between republic and imperial loadout) MIDI scale Victory Class star destroyer (£54.99): In scale with ISD playset. Sentinel class imperial shuttle (£99.99): Thrawn, 2 death troopers, 2 7th fleet stormtroopers, Ezra Bridger (Rebels S4) and a shuttle pilot. Â
May 9, 2024May 9 Faction Packs ($19.99 ea): Naboo Defense Force: Gian Speeder, Naboo Security Officer, Naboo Security Guard, 2x Naboo Royal Guard. Gungan Grand Army: Captain Tarpals, 3x Gungan Warrior. 2x Kaadu w/artillery/boomba carriers. Geonosian Warriors: Sonic Cannon. Geonosian Drone, Sun Fac, 2x Geonosian Warriors. Utapau Troopers: 2x Pau'an Warriors, 2x 212th Clone Trooper. Crab Droid... Coruscant Guard: 2x Senate Guard (TPM), Senate Commando, Riot Control Clone Trooper (Phase I). Airspeeder. Separatist Security Forces: 2x Droideka, 2x Security Battle Droid, 2x Commando Droid (Citadel), Commando Droid Captain (Citadel) Mandalorian Death Watch: Pre Vizsla (S5), Bo-Katan (S5), Mandalorian Warrior (Mythosaur Skull on chest), Mandalorian Warrior (Death Watch Grunt). Another Mandalorian Speeder.  Galactic Marines: 3x 21st Nova Corps Clone Trooper, 1x Galactic Marine (Plain) Delta Squad: Boss, Scorch, Fixer, Sev. Made-up shuttle thing. Imperial Science Division: Republic Commando (Kaminoan Legion), Republic Commando (Plain), 2x TK Trooper. Imperial Intelligence Operators: Dedra Meero, 2x Death Trooper (Elite), Imperial Shadowtrooper. Imperial Remnant: 2x Remnant Stormtrooper, Incinerator Stormtrooper, Artillery Stormtrooper. Imperial Navy: Imperial Officer (Captain), 2x Imperial Navy Trooper, Imperial Stormtrooper. Imperial Stormtroopers: Imperial Officer (Lieutenant), 2x Imperial Stormtrooper, Scout Trooper.  Also, while I'm here, the recent Imperial Super Commandos have made me realize that I really want the minifigures to do an Imperial Civil War of sorts, based on each Imperial villain having their own troopers essentially. Such as: Gideon and his Super Commandos Hemlock and both the Kaminoan/Science Division Commandos and the TK Troopers Thrawn and his Night Troopers (don't super care about these, though) but I also want an easy way to acquire Death Troopers, particularly the geared-out elite variant. They've been the henchmen of too many officers to not be more common. And while we're at it, I'd like to see Governor Pryce, Captain Bragg, and Admiral Konstantine, as well as movie legends Admiral Ozzel, a new Piett, a distinct Captain Needa, Motti, Tagge, Bast, Grand Moff Jerjerod, and the man himself, Lieutenant Renz (I kid, but the rebel scum line is iconic). We are also missing the following rebel pilots Biggs Darklighter (sigh) John D Branon - Red 4 (Easy to make with available parts) Jek Porkins - Red 6 (passable with available parts, newer head preferred) Zal Dinnes - Red 8 Nozzo Naytaan - Red 9 (More accurate helmet required - T-16 pilot helmet but with a solid dark red stripe down the middle) Puck Naeco - Red 12 (Doubles as Wes Janson) Dex Tiree - Gold 2 (Easy to make with available parts) Davish Krail - Gold 5 Almost none of the above are easy to add to sets, but if at all possible, it'd be amazing. Also, seeing Fives get made really makes me wish Lego would bite the bullet and make more named clones, from the 501st at least. The shortlist would be: Waxer, Hardcase, Jesse (grunt), and Kix for Phase II, and Denal for Phase I.
May 9, 2024May 9 11 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Faction Packs ($19.99 ea): Right after I finished reading these, my wallet jumped out of my pocket and shot itself before I could stop it. Interesting point about a lot of these imperials having unique troopers. Obviously the death troopers have been made more of a general unit, but originally they were sort of seen as Krennic's guys. Then we've got Gideon and his droids and Hemlock with his commandos like you said, plus Thrawn and his roman legion. We have a lot of generic unit battle packs we need right now, but I'd be very happy to get a specific-unit pack like the CX squad, republic commando team, etc. Actually, it'd be kind of funny to release the CW S7 batch as a battle pack to keep messing with scalpers (though then they'd have to put Echo in something cheap too)   Minor update on the wishlist wave I've been working on at the moment- I was super busy this past semester. Now that I'm back I have more time, but I also want to get my collection reorganized, finish another project, and get some contest submissions in before starting my wishlist wave. So that said, if anyone has any suggestions for alterations/replacements on this list, I'd gladly take them. Italics on sets I'd kind of like replaced, but feel free to suggest replacements for any of them: 25th Anniversary Wave 2: Microfighter: The Azure Angel ($12.99): Anakin Skywalker (clone wars 2003)            for all microfighters I'd like something that FEELS like an anniversary set Microfighter: Poe Dameron's X-wing ($12.99): Poe Dameron and BB-8 Microfighter Duel Pack: AT-TE vs Hailfire droid ($22.99): Clone Captain and Geonosian Battle Droid Commander. Battle Pack: Clone Spec Ops ($19.99): AT-RT with ARF Trooper, Clone Sniper, Clone Commando, and a 25th anniversary 2003 ARC Trooper. Battle Pack: Mos Eisley Patrol ($19.99): 3x sandtrooper, brick built dewback, and 25th anniversary Battlefront 2015 shadow trooper (partially cloaked) I like the shadow trooper figure, but a different imperial pack for him could be nice. Standard sets: Rebel Combat Speeder ($9.99): Rebel Fleet Trooper, 25th anniversary minifigure Rebel Friend. Includes a minikit. Assault on Kamino ($37.99): Kamino gantries with explode features. Comes with Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars S1), Ventress, Clone Trooper Echo, and 2 brick-built aqua droids, as well as a 25th anniversary Starkiller (TFU2 so... technically not a character lego has made before)      Same as with the shadow trooper. Like starkiller, don't really care for this specific set. Exogol ($49.99): Sith Throne and Omnic Harness with the Eternal Emperor, Palpatine (omnic harness), Rey, Ben Solo, and 25th anniversary Darth Momin.  Suggest anything here, even a Momin replacement. TIE Phantom ($69.99): TIE Pilot, 2x Shadow Trooper, Emperor Palpatine, and 25th anniversary figure Mara Jade.  So long as Mara shows up, I'm happy. Ultimate Space Battle ($84.99): Anakin and Obi-Wan's ETA-2s (Slightly smaller than the most recent ones), Vulture Droid, Tri-Fighter. Comes with Obi-Wan, Anakin, 2x Buzz Droid, R2-D2, Obi-Wan's astromech, Grievous with cape, and a 25th anniversary figure (Captain Fordo) TIE Advanced vs Y-wing ($109.99): Y-wing and TIE Advanced (sand blue instead of LBG) with Dutch Vander, Dex Tiree, Rebel Astromech, Darth Vader, Rebel ground crew, and anniversary figure Kyle Katarn. Stinger Mantis ($149.99): Interior cockpit (seats all 3), mission select table, living area, kitchen, and workshop. Comes with Cal Kestis, Cere Junda, Nightsister Merrin, Greez Ditruis, Second Sister, 2x Purge Trooper, and 25th anniversary figure Dagan Gera.              I LOVE fallen order, but I have already done a mantis, so it's up to you guys. Edited May 9, 2024May 9 by Mandalorianknight
May 10, 2024May 10 5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Exogol ($49.99): Sith Throne and Omnic Harness with the Eternal Emperor, Palpatine (omnic harness), Rey, Ben Solo, and 25th anniversary Darth Momin.  Suggest anything here, even a Momin replacement. Probably way too big for the price point or would need to be massively scaled down, but if you wanna keep with the Sith(ish) theme plus TRoS, there's always the Bestoon Legacy, which would probably make a neat concept design, and I don't think(?) you have already done that. Sorry to @ you in two separate threads though, mate!
May 10, 2024May 10 5 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Battlefront 2015 shadow trooper (partially cloaked) I like the shadow trooper figure, but a different imperial pack for him could be nice. You just made me realise that LEGO could do a partially-cloaked Shadow Trooper now! Something like the CMF Orion 'fig with a solid helmet and torso, then clear (printed) legs with solid hips and at least one clear arm (maybe with a light grey hand?). Torso and helmet would have light grey cloak shimmering/fading details to continue the effect, and to make the hand(s?) stand out less. Â
May 10, 2024May 10 55 minutes ago, Classic_Spaceman said: You just made me realise that LEGO could do a partially-cloaked Shadow Trooper now! Something like the CMF Orion 'fig with a solid helmet and torso, then clear (printed) legs with solid hips and at least one clear arm (maybe with a light grey hand?). Torso and helmet would have light grey cloak shimmering/fading details to continue the effect, and to make the hand(s?) stand out less.  Exactly my thoughts, and I think it would make a cool anniversary figure. 1 hour ago, Brickroll said: Probably way too big for the price point or would need to be massively scaled down, but if you wanna keep with the Sith(ish) theme plus TRoS, there's always the Bestoon Legacy, which would probably make a neat concept design, and I don't think(?) you have already done that. Sorry to @ you in two separate threads though, mate! No problem. The Bestoon Legacy would be a good idea for that largest price point- though I'm gonna be honest, the Bestoon Legacy is not a ship I'd trade the Mantis for. Still a good concept, though! Edited May 10, 2024May 10 by Mandalorianknight
May 10, 2024May 10 ROTS 20th Anniversary Set Ideas Kashyyyk Warriors Battle Pack: Wookiee Ornithopter, 2x Wookiee Warrior (with helmets), Merumeru, 41st Kashyyyk Trooper. Obi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter ($29.99): Blue version. Obi-Wan Kenobi (with cape), Tion Meddon, R4-G9. Droid Tri-Fighter ($29.99): 3x Buzz Droid (single mold), 2x Security Battle Droid, Count Dooku. Bail Organa's Airspeeder ($39.99): 2x 501st Clone Trooper, Bail Organa, Yoda. I want Zett Jukassa, but knowing Lego... Obi-Wan vs Grievous ($49.99): Obi-Wan Kenobi, General Grievous, 2x Magna Guard. Includes wheelbike and molded Boga. Homing Spider Droid ($49.99): Includes a BARC speeder. Stass Allie, Commander Neyo, 91st Clone Lieutenant (macrovisor in dark red), Battle Droid Commander, 2x Super Battle Droid. AT-AP ($59.99): Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 2x 327th Clone Trooper, 2x Battle Droid. Palpatine's Arrest ($99.99): Chancellor Palpatine, Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Saesee Tiin, Agen Kolar, Anakin Skywalker. Battle of the Heroes ($119.99): Massive Mustafar Refinery Build, including Separatist Council Room. Darth Vader, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, R2-D2, C-3PO, San Hill, Wat Tambor. UT-AT ($139.99): Ki-Adi-Mundi, Commander Bacara, Clone Gunner, 3x Galactic Marine, Super Battle Droid, 2x Battle Droid.  Special Sets: Commander Cody Mech Chewbacca Mech Midi-Scale Venator Star Destroyer ($49.99) UCS Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter ($199.99): Yellow Eta-2 Interceptor. Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2.  Â
May 10, 2024May 10 9 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Assault on Kamino ($37.99): Kamino gantries with explode features. Comes with Anakin Skywalker (Clone Wars S1), Ventress, Clone Trooper Echo, and 2 brick-built aqua droids, as well as a 25th anniversary Starkiller (TFU2 so... technically not a character lego has made before)      Same as with the shadow trooper. Like starkiller, don't really care for this specific set. Exogol ($49.99): Sith Throne and Omnic Harness with the Eternal Emperor, Palpatine (omnic harness), Rey, Ben Solo, and 25th anniversary Darth Momin.  Suggest anything here, even a Momin replacement.  May I suggest a battle of Felucia instead of Kamino (£54.99): Commander Bly, Aayla Secura, 2x 327th troopers 2x B1 droid and 2x B2RP droid. (Builds are a Remake of 2005 republic Swamp Speeder and a Corporate Alliance tank droid.) I love the anniversary figure though, so keep that  please. Instead of Exogol maybe a Fortress inquisitorius play-set at that price. 2 Purge Troopers, 2nd Sister, 5th Sister, Obi-Wan Kenobi (2nd half of season appearance) and Special Anniversary figure: Warlord Zsinj. Build is a underwater hallway with a command station and torture room on each end. (Kenobi breaking glass function is included.) 25 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said: ROTS 20th Anniversary Set Ideas  I love all of those. But I would prefer a Anakin’s Jedi interceptor mech so we can have a Bumblebee look-alike to go with this year’s Star-scream look alike. Edited May 10, 2024May 10 by CloneCommando99
May 10, 2024May 10 13 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: ROTS 20th Anniversary Set Ideas I love how it's actually a stealth "Order 66" wave :D
May 10, 2024May 10 17 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Exactly my thoughts, and I think it would make a cool anniversary figure. I was thinking of a book exclusive more than an anniversary ‘fig, since partially-cloaked Shadow Troopers are not really an army-builder; regular ones are, but you really only need 1-2 that are partially-cloaked to have a cool effect. Â
May 10, 2024May 10 4 hours ago, Classic_Spaceman said: I was thinking of a book exclusive more than an anniversary ‘fig, since partially-cloaked Shadow Troopers are not really an army-builder; regular ones are, but you really only need 1-2 that are partially-cloaked to have a cool effect. Sure, but I can't MOC a book. I mean, I guess I could, but it's a bit of a different skillset. 19 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: May I suggest a battle of Felucia instead of Kamino (£54.99): Commander Bly, Aayla Secura, 2x 327th troopers 2x B1 droid and 2x B2RP droid. (Builds are a Remake of 2005 republic Swamp Speeder and a Corporate Alliance tank droid.) I love the anniversary figure though, so keep that  please. I love all of those. But I would prefer a Anakin’s Jedi interceptor mech so we can have a Bumblebee look-alike to go with this year’s Star-scream look alike. I did the tank droid... I was gonna say recently, but it's been four years. First MOC wave I ever did. Wow. Maybe I'll redo that first wave next year. Anyway, tangent aside, that's a great idea overall, though I might scale it to fit the price point. The swamp speeder is begging for a proper remake instead of that tiny 501st model. Maybe something like this? Battle of Felucia ($37.99): Larger Swamp Speeder and felucia terrain/plants. Comes with Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 2x 327th trooper, 2x b1 battle droid, special anniversary TFU2 Starkiller. At least we're getting real bumblebee this year! My money's on soundwave in 2025, and he bears the CIS coloring already (navy blue and grey/silver with a bit of yellow accents), so any mech for them would be perfect! 20 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said: Commander Cody Mech Midi-Scale Venator Star Destroyer ($49.99) UCS Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Starfighter ($199.99): Yellow Eta-2 Interceptor. Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2. I am willing to bet actual money that one of these three shows up next year. Great list, though I am terrified for every jedi on it- why would you do this to them?  (Can we get a turbo tank with a figure of, like, CGI blocked-in Quinlin?) Edited May 11, 2024May 11 by Mandalorianknight
May 10, 2024May 10 18 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: I love all of those. But I would prefer a Anakin’s Jedi interceptor mech so we can have a Bumblebee look-alike to go with this year’s Star-scream look alike. Well there is a couple of "deleted set ideas" that I forgot to include, one of which is: Anakin's Starfighter vs Vulture Droid ($44.99): Pretty much what it says. Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2, 2x Buzz Droid, Battle Droid Pilot 4 hours ago, Per_SW said: I love how it's actually a stealth "Order 66" wave :D  1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said: Great list, though I am terrified for every jedi on it- why would you do this to them?  (Can we get a turbo tank with a figure of, like, CGI blocked-in Quinlin?) Ssshh! You guys weren't supposed to catch on! "CGI blocked-in", like a poorly brick-built Quinlan, or an actual figure? Cause I can do you one better and have him made exclusive to a new Lego AR app.Â
May 15, 2024May 15 It has come to my attention recently that next year will be Rebel’s 10th anniversary. Therefore here is my wishlist. Stormtrooper Battlepack (£19.99): 3x Stormtrooper and a Stormtrooper commander. Pheonix Squadron A-Wing (£29.99): Rex (Rebel Commando gear), A-Wing pilot, Zeb and Chopper. Minifig Scale Phantom 1 (£34.99): Hera (S1/2), Kanan (S1/2), Agent Kallus (S1/2) and the 7th Sister. Elite Tie Defender (£49.99): Grand Admiral Thrawn (S3 Finale Combat armour), Governor Pryce, Vult Skerris and Sabine Wren (S3). ITT (£69.99): Ezra Bridger (S3-4), 2x Imperial combat drivers,  2x Deathtroopers (tactical gear) and Lieutenant Lyste. MIDI scale Interdictor (£59.99): Is in scale with new ISD playset. Thoughts? And can you guys see anything happening for Rebel’s 10th Anniversary.
May 15, 2024May 15 5 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: It has come to my attention recently that next year will be Rebel’s 10th anniversary. Therefore here is my wishlist. Pheonix Squadron A-Wing (£29.99): Rex (Rebel Commando gear), A-Wing pilot, Zeb and Chopper. Minifig Scale Phantom 1 (£34.99): Hera (S1/2), Kanan (S1/2), Agent Kallus (S1/2) and the 7th Sister. Elite Tie Defender (£49.99): Grand Admiral Thrawn (S3 Finale Combat armour), Governor Pryce, Vult Skerris and Sabine Wren (S3). ITT (£69.99): Ezra Bridger (S3-4), 2x Imperial combat drivers,  2x Deathtroopers (tactical gear) and Lieutenant Lyste. Thoughts? And can you guys see anything happening for Rebel’s 10th Anniversary. Good ideas, though I don't think you realize how big the original Phantom was.  I know you mean system scale, couldn't help myself. I definitely do not see them doing anything for Rebels 10th anniversary. It apparently didn't do too well the first go around, and the show isn't nearly as good or popular as Clone Wars. Odds are we get maybe one set, but those odds are about the same as successfully navigating an asteroid field.
May 16, 2024May 16 7 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said:  Thoughts? And can you guys see anything happening for Rebel’s 10th Anniversary. Agent Kallus buildable figure £25 ISB battlepack - £15 - Laat/le mirocfighter build - Kallus Season 2 outfit, ISB agent ( wearing Kallus,'s season 1 outfit), Colonel Yularen, ISB officer that suspiciously looking like that ginger jedi but totally isn't ( with BD-1) Agent Kallus + Sabine Brickheadz 2 pack - £18 Buildable Agent Kallus helmet - £55 USC Agent Kallus Bust - £200 Laat/e - £65 - Agent Kallus, Tarkin, Season 1 Kanan, Pilot*2, stormtrooper*3 Agent Kallus CMF 1- Agent Kallus ( Season 1) 2- Agent Kallus (Season 2) 3- Agent Kallus (Season 3 after Thrawn beats him up) 4- Captain Alexandr Kallus (season 4 rebels outfit) 5- Agent Kallus ( black imperial technician uniform disguise) 6- Golden Agent Kallus 7- 1999 style Yellow skin Agent Kallus 8- Holographic Agent Kallus 9- Angry Birds Agent Kallus piggy 10- Club Penguin Agent Kallus outfit and haircut on a yellow club penguin penguin.  Edited May 16, 2024May 16 by Agent Kallus
May 16, 2024May 16 55 minutes ago, Agent Kallus said: Agent Kallus buildable figure £25 ISB battlepack - £15 - Laat/le mirocfighter build - Kallus Season 2 outfit, ISB agent ( wearing Kallus,'s season 1 outfit), Colonel Yularen, ISB officer that suspiciously looking like that ginger jedi but totally isn't ( with BD-1) Agent Kallus + Sabine Brickheadz 2 pack - £18  You forgot the UCS Agent Kallus, in the distinguished style of Darth Maul's ABS bust. I suppose if I was interested in Rebels getting a set next year, I'd go for this: Imperial Interdictor ($159.99): Admiral Konstantine (Tan Uniform), Governor Pryce (BDG Uniform), Imperial Officer (BDG Uniform, Navy Captain), Imperial Navy Trooper, Sabine Wren (S4), Ezra Bridger (S3). or I'd settle for this: Duel for the Darksaber ($49.99): Sabine Wren (S3), Ursa Wren, Tristan Wren, Gar Saxon, Imperial Supercommando.
May 16, 2024May 16 9 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: It has come to my attention recently that next year will be Rebel’s 10th anniversary. Therefore here is my wishlist. Stormtrooper Battlepack (£19.99): 3x Stormtrooper and a Stormtrooper commander. Pheonix Squadron A-Wing (£29.99): Rex (Rebel Commando gear), A-Wing pilot, Zeb and Chopper. Minifig Scale Phantom 1 (£34.99): Hera (S1/2), Kanan (S1/2), Agent Kallus (S1/2) and the 7th Sister. Elite Tie Defender (£49.99): Grand Admiral Thrawn (S3 Finale Combat armour), Governor Pryce, Vult Skerris and Sabine Wren (S3). ITT (£69.99): Ezra Bridger (S3-4), 2x Imperial combat drivers,  2x Deathtroopers (tactical gear) and Lieutenant Lyste. MIDI scale Interdictor (£59.99): Is in scale with new ISD playset. Thoughts? And can you guys see anything happening for Rebel’s 10th Anniversary. I'd be surprised if we got anything for the Rebels anniversary. They've really only been celebrating film ones. The clone wars anniversary was, in my opinion, a marketing scheme to sell more clone stuff, as evidenced by the fact that none of the sets were based on the 03 show. (So I guess a rebels anniversary is possible, but it'd be, like, an ahsoka set and an imperial era set with no rebels-specific figs or outfits) That said, these are great set ideas. 2 hours ago, Agent Kallus said: ISB officer that suspiciously looking like that ginger jedi but totally isn't ( with BD-1) You mean a BD-unit in an imperial color scheme that could NEVER be BD-1 in a paint job, because the rebels have NEVER done that. But anyway, I'm sensing a pretty clear bias here- c'mon man, TWO imperial pilots in one set? You can't let liking the imperial pilot character dilute the set! Tone it down, maybe make one of them a helmeted ISB agent with some sideburns on his head.  Edited May 16, 2024May 16 by Mandalorianknight
May 16, 2024May 16 Lego should really bring back Minifigure packs to Star Wars. As either A) Character packs or B) a DLC for the year’s battlepack (special forces or an opposing faction) Here are some of my ideas (all £12.99): Character Packs: Tales of The Jedi Character Pack: Young Dooku, Yaddle and Ahsoka (new version of her early CW outfit) Tales of The Empire Character Pack: Bariss Offee (Inquisitor), 4th Sister and the bird skull inquisitor who hasn’t been named yet. Clone Force 99 character pack: Crosshair, Wrecker and Hunter. Bad Batch S3 character pack: Scorch, Echo and Omega. Jedi Survivor character pack: Cal Kestis, Merrin and Dagan Gera. Faction DLC packs: Imperial specialists: Jumptrooper, Flametrooper and Rick the Door Technician. (Goes with stormtrooper BP) Endor Rebel Commandos: 2x Human and 1x Zabraak. (Also goes with stormtrooper BP) Republic Specialists: Clone Commando, BF2 Arc Trooper and a Wookie Warrior. Republic Navy: Clone Naval officer, updated P1 clone gunner and a helmet accurate P1 clone pilot (Shadow Squadron). Vader’s Fist: Vader’s Fist Stormtrooper, Purge trooper (Shotgun) and a Purge trooper (Electro Staff)  Would you guys like SW Minifig packs to return? And if so would you prefer the former, the latter or one of both per year? Edited May 16, 2024May 16 by CloneCommando99
May 16, 2024May 16 56 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said: Lego should really bring back Minifigure packs to Star Wars. As either A) Character packs or B) a DLC for the year’s battlepack (special forces or an opposing faction) Would you guys like SW Minifig packs to return? And if so would you prefer the former, the latter or one of both per year? Just give us more battle packs. Some can be army builders, some can be named character packs. My problem with blisters is that outside of a really well stocked Lego store, there's no easy way to obtain them. It's why the Clone and Hoth Rebel packs absolutely pissed me off. Rarely on Shop-at-home, never at my closest brick & mortar. Battle Packs will at least be on multiple stores' shelves. 4 figures, some lazy build, and $20. Much better deal when you add the availability. And before you say it, Lego has and will never sell such booster packs at regular retail, except for maybe ToysRus, and even then, that won't be accessible for the average American consumer. Also, DLC is only for video games. They'd be companion sets or add-ons.
May 17, 2024May 17 4 hours ago, CloneCommando99 said: Lego should really bring back Minifigure packs to Star Wars. As either A) Character packs or B) a DLC for the year’s battlepack (special forces or an opposing faction) Here are some of my ideas (all £12.99): Would you guys like SW Minifig packs to return? And if so would you prefer the former, the latter or one of both per year? I feel like I've been shooting down a lot of your ideas for the buildable creature in the discussion thread, so I'm glad I can say that I 100% support this one. If they can solve the distribution issues, I would LOVE to see these packs return. And I like the idea of using named characters or special forces/less common troopers to try and stop army-builders from buying them all up if they kept the lessened distribution. Your ideas are all great, though I'd add a couple, sort of building off yours, as well as the fact that I think this would be a good way to get clone variants while letting other factions have mainline battle packs: Clone Commandos (Generic white, Urban Fighter, Jungle Striker). Build is a Supremacy control point with a crate of explosives. ARC Troopers (BF2 generic, Cobalt Hero, Lambent Seeker). Build is a barricade and repeating blaster. Clone officers (P1 Sargent, P1 Lieutenant, P1 Captain). Build is a 2002 era clone speeder and a tiny- like 4 pieces- bit of geonosis terrain.   It's been forever since the last time I did it, so I'm going to start my runthrough of a wave for mostly everything (which used to be everything, then I subbed resistance for bad batch, and now there are too many shows to count). Additionally, with the increased number of waves and lower number of sets, this is more of a "half-year for each property" than a 2021 onwards wave. Updated format: 2x microfighter, 1x microfighter dual pack, 2x battle pack, 1x $10 system set, 5x system set, 3x Diorama/Midi-scale, 1x UCS/MBS. Content Organization: TPM-AOTC-ROTS-Prequel CMF. ANH-ESB-ROTJ-OT CMF. TFA-TLJ-TROS-ST CMF. CW-Rebels-BB/Resistence/Tales-Animation CMF. Mando+Ahsoka+Andor/TBOBF/Kenobi-Live-Action CMF. Solo-RO-BF2-Other stuff CMF. Starting with TPM: Anakin's Podracer Microfighter ($9.99): Young Anakin Skywalker Core Ship Microfighter ($9.99): Nute Gunray Gungan beast vs MTT ($19.99): Captain Tarpals, OOM-9 Naboo Forces Battle Pack ($19.99): 1x Naboo Security, 1x Naboo Officer, 2x Gungan. Build is a minature Flash Speeder and a small Gungan Catapult. Battle Droids Battle Pack ($19.99): 6x B1 battle droid, 2x pilot droid. Builds are a small droid carrier and a STAP. Desert Duel ($9.99): Maul's Bloodfin and a bit of desert terrain with Maul and Qui-Gon. Naboo Starfighter ($34.99): Naboo Starfighter (not as absurdly oversized as the more recent ones), with Young Anakin, R2-D2, a Naboo Pilot, and a droidika. Battle of Naboo ($59.99): AAT (Larger than 2020 model) and a small buildable Kaadu. Comes with Jar Jar Binks, a Gungan Phalanx, Captain Panaka, 2x b1 battle droid, and OOM-9. Podrace ($79.99): Anakin and Sebulba's podracers, closer in scale to the 2019 model than the 2011 ones. Comes with Young Anakin, Shmi Skywalker, Watto, Qui-Gon, 3x Pit Droid, and Sebulba. Republic Cruiser ($109.99): Downsized from 2011 model. Comes with 2x republic crewers, Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, TC-14, Nute Gunray, and Rune Haako. MTT ($159.99): Massive MTT with 12x B1 battle droid, 3x B1 pilot droid, Padme (Battle Dress), and Obi-Wan Kenobi (padawan). Diorama: Duel of the Fates ($79.99): Naboo laser gates and reactor room with Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Maul, and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Quote is "Promise me you will train the boy", or just "NOOOOOOOO" from Obi-wan) Diorama: Trade Federation landing ($69.99): microscale naboo marsh with droid carriers flying in and MTTs on the ground. Quote is "A communications disruption can mean only one thing- invasion!" Midi-Scale ship: Trade Federation Lucrehulk ($79.99) UCS Naboo Starfighter ($199.99): Young Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2 (new mold with the 2x2 turntable on top of the body to allow for head swivel)
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