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14 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

*ISB Agents, such as @Agent Kallus, have entered the chat*

The ISB have shown faces and are terrifying. Dedra Meero especially.

I was talking specifically about troopers, of course the higher-ups show their mugs everywhere :laugh:

22 hours ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

I was talking specifically about troopers, of course the higher-ups show their mugs everywhere :laugh:

Don't forget about ISB Agent, @legoturtle

On 7/6/2024 at 8:59 PM, CloneCommando99 said:

*ISB Agents, such as @Agent Kallus, have entered the chat*

The ISB have shown faces and are terrifying. Dedra Meero especially.

It's a shame we've never really seen other agents in same gear Kallus uses especially on screen, the Helmet particularly. They were planned for the cancelled Project ragtag game and I though some of the blurry figs from the solo tie leak were ISB Agents but it was not to be.

5 hours ago, Lego Nostalgia said:

Don't forget about ISB Agent, @legoturtle

Nah, never made agent, he quit the program when heard about jetpacks and inquisitor helicopter sabers.

Edited by Agent Kallus

4 hours ago, Agent Kallus said:

It's a shame we've never really seen other agents in same gear Kallus uses especially on screen, the Helmet particularly. They were planned for the cancelled Project ragtag game and I though some of the blurry figs from the solo tie leak were usb Agents but it was not to be.

Nah, never made agent, he quit the program when heard about jetpacks and inquisitor helicopter sabers.

''THEY FLY NOW ?!'' -legoturtle

Now that 2025 leaks are starting I'll give my hopes for the year

Sets (general) - Accolyte sets 

Sets specific - Imperial Laat/le, Jedi Vector, a Chopper in scale with the Malak Artoo, an imperial BP (but not just stormtroopers I want new unmade imperial troops like army troopers, purge troopers, incinerator stormtroopers, etc), Night trooper BP, the Poland, New Tie defender, Imperial juggernaut 

Minifigs- More Padmé figs, more alien jedi, Agent Kallus ( unlikely I know but if CW can so many new sets can rebels and bad batch have some love) Hero Crosshair,  an actual Enoch ( though he might have to wait for Ahsoka season 2 or the movie), Qimir, Sol, Jecki, Yord, the twins, Vern ( even though the Accolyte ( which I otherwise like) messed her up), Bly, Howser, Yaddle, new Plo Koon, Kit Fisto, 

Biggest hope - MBS Jedi temple 

Never gonna happen hopes - Malachor Sith Temple set, High republic book characters as minifigs, Marchion Ro Helmet, Merrin, Greez, the Stinger mantis in yellow, Durge, Dagan Gera, 

Imperial Navy

The Blood Crow (£129.99): Senior Lieutenant Thrawn, Ensign Eli Vanto, Captain Rossi, Tech Layneo, Lieutenant Gimm, Imperial Navy Trooper and Cygni (Nightswan)

Elite Tie Defender (£54.99): Grand Admiral Thrawn (Field Armour), Governor Pryce, Vult Skerris, Ezra Bridger and a Death Trooper.

Tie Reaper (£79.99): Tie Pilot, 2 Death Troopers, a Death Trooper Commander, ISB Agent (BF2), Wookie Warrior (BF2) and a Rebel commando.

Imperial Patrol Gunship (£59.99): Imperial Pilot, Jumptrooper, Jumptrooper Commander, JFO Scout Trooper, Merrin and a ISB Lieutenant.

Quasar Fire-Class Cruiser-Carrier (£119.99): Commander Titus Bromm, 2 Tie Pilots, Cham Syndulla, Imperial Crewman, Captain Rex and a Stormtrooper Commander.

Imperial Officers Character Pack (£12.99): Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, Admiral Konstantine and Warlord Zsinj.

Imperial Remnant Battlepack (£19.99): 2 Stormtroopers, Incinerator Stormtrooper and a Scout Trooper.

Rebel Fleet

Rebel Hammerhead Corvette (£109.99): Leia, Ezra Bridger (Cadet Disguise), Lieutenant Lyste, Stormtrooper and 2 Phoenix Squadron Rebel Troopers.

Ryder Azadi’s U-Wing (£69.99): Ryder Azadi, Sabine, Hera, Governor Pryce (Field Armour) and Rukh.

Phoenix Squadron A-Wing (£34.99): Zeb, Pheonix Squadron Pilot, Kanan (shaved) and Rebel Kallus.

Hera’s X-Wing (£49.99): Hera (Fighter Pilot), Wedge Antilles, Scout Trooper and Chopper.

Rebel Leaders Character Pack (£12.99): General Draven, Mon Mothma and Carson Teva.

BF2 Rebel Fleet Battlepack (£19.99): Rebel Fleet Officer, 2 Rebel Fleet Heavy Troopers and a Rebel Specialist.

@CloneCommando99 Great ideas as usual!

Count Dooku Wave:

Solar Sailor ($69.99): Count Dooku, FA-4 Pilot Droid, Darth Sidious, Yaddle

Geonosis Duel ($19.99): Flitknot Speeder. Count Dooku, Yoda.

Palpatine's Rescue ($89.99): Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Count Dooku, Chancellor Palpatine, 2x Super Battle Droids.

Attack on Dooku ($29.99): Dooku's bedroom. 2x Nightsister, Count Dooku (fancy pajamas)

Petranaki Skybox ($69.99): Diorama. Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Poggle The Lesser, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Mace Windu. Quote: "This party's over."


I'm a Count now! :grin:


I know they are just rumors for a new MBS Ewok village next year (I am starting to think MBS is our best opportunity to get cool figures anymore).  Here is my wishlist of mini figures for an Ewok village MBS set assuming we get somewhere around what we got for Mos Eisley.

All 15 of the old ewok village (Wicket, Chief Chirpa, Ewok warrior,  Teebo, Logray, Chewie, C-3PO, R2-D2, Luke, Han (prefer Endor version), Leia (same version), two rebel troopers, one scout trooper, one storm trooper)

Plus the following six

1 extra Storm Trooper

1 Imperial Navy Trooper

AT-ST Driver

Imperial Officer

Imperial Crew (someone operating the bunker)

Leia Scout gear (Bunker) - So two versions of Leia (We never get enough versions of Leia or Padme for the record)


The ideal set to me would be most of the village similar to what we had last time (maybe one less tree but the platform area, and the bridge scene area.  Then do a bunker build with an AT-ST.  


Additionally I would like a companion battle pack (big one like the clones/droids) with 2 Stormtroopers, 1 scout trooper, 1 Imperial Officer, 1 Rebel Commando, and 1 Ewok warrior.  with a speeder side build, an Ewok trap, and an Ewok glider.

High Republic Jedi Battlepack (£19.99): Wookie Jedi, Kel Dor Jedi, male human Jedi and a female human Jedi.

Vader’s Fist Battlepack: 2 Vader’s Fist Stormtroopers, Vader’s fist stormtrooper commander and a Purge Trooper.

Clones of Kamino Battlepack (£24.99): 2 Clone Cadets (armoured), 2 Kamino security troopers, ARC Trooper and 3 training battle droids.

Bedlam Raider Vulture Droid (£34.99): Cal Kestis, Merrin, Dagan Gera, Bedlam Raider and 2 battledroids.

The Darkhawk (£79.99): Darth Vader (battle damaged), Commodore Karyn Faro, Commander Kimmund, Morrtic, Rukh and a Grysk.

The Chimera (£149.99): Grand Admiral Thrawn, Lieutenant Eli Vanto (Chiss Ascendancy), Admiral Ar’alani, Lieutenant Hammerly, Assistant Director Ronan, Death Trooper Waffle and Death Trooper Pik.

UCS Lucrehulk (£249.99): Nute Gunray and Admiral Trench (is in scale with the midi invisible hand)

UCS Gozanti (£799.99): The Mandalorian, Bo Katan, Khoska Reeves, 6 storm-troopers, Imperial Captain, imperial lieutenant (black uniform) and a imperial lieutenant (grey uniform)

UCS Republic Frigate (£799.99): Ahsoka Tano, Luminara Unduli, Nute Gunray, P1 Commander Gree, 4 41st P1 Clone Troopers, Senate Commando, Captain Argyus and Ventress

UCS Corvus (£754.99): Iden Versio (Rebel), Del Meeko (Rebel), Admiral Versio, Han Solo (Bearded), BF2 Leia, General Lando Calarisian, Agent Hask, Shriv and a New Republic Navy officer.


I just watched episode 1 and I just can't believe all the elaborate costume changes that Natalie Portman went through for her character!

I am surprised we have only had one Queen Amidala version!

Lego should finally make a chrome starship with at least another Amidala version! (and a couple of her servants and security officers to form an entourage).

I think we all agree with you, on that :tongue: 

I'm momentarily in, what I refer to as, my Star Wars phase, in preparation for Star Wars: Outlaws and am currently playing SWTOR and reading the KotOR comics, which have given me some ideas for sets:

Escape From Jedi Tower: small platform for a landing pad, speeder-bike with side car. Minifigures: Zayne Carrick, Marn 'Gryph' Hierogryph, Lucien Draay 

The Last Resort: The epynomous starship. Minifigures: Zayne Carrick in space suit, Jarael, Camper (Gorman Vondrayk); T1-LB, Rohlan Dyre 

The Deadweight: the small landing craft. Minifigures: Carth Onasi

I can probably think of some more, but my doctors gave me a screentime limit (that's right), so :blush: 
Will be back later!


Star Wars City Modular Ideas (18+)

Imperial outpost (£214.99): Luke Skywalker (Orange Lightsaber), 2 Stormtroopers, Scout Trooper, Imperial Captain, ISB Lieutenant, 2 Imperial Techs, Prisoner (orange jumpsuit), Imperial Gunner, and a Shock-trooper.
Level 1: Entrance, corridor, armoury, small barracks and detention block. 
Level 2: Command Centre (ISD bridge inspired), mess hall and interrogation room. 

Tatooine Markets (£159.99): Greedo, Biggs Darklighter (tatooine attire), Watto (old), Jawa, Kay Vess, Farmboy Luke, Twilek vendor, Aqualish vendor, Weequay Thug, human vendor and a sand-trooper.
Level 1: Weapons stall, fruit stall, moisture evaporator, parked speeder, imperial recruitment poster, womp-ratatouille vendor, scrap stall. 
Level 2: Aqualish vendor’s apartment, Hutt thug’s hideout and Twilek vendor’s apartment. 
Level 3: Watto’s hovel and a communications array.

Tatooine Hovels (£149.99): Shimi Skywalker, Young Anakin, Black Krissantan, Qui-gon, Sebulba, Padme, C3 P0 (semi-built), Jar Jar, Rodian Child, Ben Quadinaros and Quinlan Vos (TPM undercover).
Level 1: Skywalkers’ hovel, podracer repair area, food stall where Jar Jar encounters Sebulba, Trade federation advertisement poster, water storage and abandoned hovel. 
Level 2: Rodian Hovel, levitating spy droid, treasure and weapons room. 
Level 3: domes.

Coruscant Underwold (republic edition) (£219.99): Anakin (AOTC), Obi-wan (AOTC), Zam Wessel, 2 P1 Clone Riot Troopers, Duchess Satine, Cad Bane, Bounty Hunter Ventress, Underworld Police-man, Death Stick guy, Rako Hardeen and 2 civilians. 
Level 1: Club Deja, crashed speeders, market stall, trash, anti-clone grafiti and a small police post.
Level 2: Cad Bane’s hideout, Club Deja and a Coruscanti apartment. 
Level 3: Rako Hardeen’s room, sniper point and a Coruscanti apartment.

Coruscant Underworld (empire edition) (£169.99): Luthen Rael, Lonni Jung, Cal Kestis (JS), Bode Akuna (Underworld police disguise), JFO Scout-trooper, stormtrooper, Purge Trooper, KX security droid, Arihadna Pryce and Senator Sejan. 
Level 1: streets, market stall and an imperial checkpoint and elevator entrance.
Level 2: Pryce’s apartment, Luthen and Lonni’s meeting platform, meat room. 
Level 3: elevator exit, rooftops and Senator Sejan’s meeting point.

Streets of Lothal (£119.99): Ezra (Cadet disguise), Sabine, Zeb, Kanan, Taskmaster Grint, Agent Kallus, Stormtrooper, Minister Tua, Tseebo and an Imperial Combat driver. 
Level 1: Streets, Imperial recruitment station, 2 speeders, crates, Ezra’s apartment, and a market stall. 
Level 2: Ezra’s apartment, imperial post, and another apartment.

Kijimi street (£129.99): Zorii Bliss, FO snowtrooper, Poe Dameron (cloak), FO officer (cold gear), Babu Frik, C3 P0 (red-eyed), Kay Vess (cold gear), Sliro, Rey and Finn. 
 (Build is slanted to allow an uphill style.)
Cellar: weapons cache and stolen credits. 
Level 1: Silro’s Lair, Babu Frik’s workshop, FO checkpoint. 
Level 2: Living quarters and storage areas. 
Level 3: Viewpoint, Communications array and rooftops.


In conclusion, I think that Modular’s can work really well for LSW. Don’t you guys agree?









  • 2 weeks later...

My Wishlist for next year’s May/ summer wave: (I would be overjoyed at any of these)

New Tie Defender 

Tie Reaper (RO based)

ITT (Either Mandalorian or Rebels based)

New A-Wing

New Corporate Alliance Tank Droid

New Endor Bunker

AT RT microfighter


Executor Bridge diorama

Imperial Army BP

Edited by CloneCommando99

55 minutes ago, CloneCommando99 said:

My Wishlist for next year’s May/ summer wave: (I would be overjoyed at any of these)

New Endor Bunker

Imperial Army BP

I think they should approach the Endor battle similarly to the two Mandalore sets from this year, with a playset and a battle pack with both factions releasing in the same wave.

Y'know, I was just thinking that, the other day.
So far we only have Padme and Bail Organa, right?
There's Mon Mothma but not as a senator, really... (then again, neither is Bail Organa, I suppose, now that I think about it)
I'm not sure how much major source material there is for them (right now only a few TCW episodes come to mind), but I wouldn't mind seeing:

Riyo Chuchi
Ask Aak
Onaconda Farr 
Chairman Papanoida
Orn Free Taa
Halle Burtoni
Mee Deechi
Supreme Chancellor Valorum

Lott Dod
Wat Tambor
Mas Amedda
San Hill
Shu Mai

Not all of these are actual senators, but they still have important, political roles so I thought I'd add them to this category :classic: 



  • 2 weeks later...

Personally, I would like to see lego introduces new molds for alien speices like Taurtaur and Jabba the Hutt. They haven’t seen in ages. 

On 8/10/2024 at 10:02 AM, hikouki said:

Lego should consider making more senators.

Yes, exactly what the kiddos want, boring fictional politicians!! :laugh_hard:

Seriously though, unless they have plot relevance like Padme, Leia, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, or Chuchi, I fail to see their point as minifigs. Maybe once they run out of actually cool characters they could do :tongue:

On 8/10/2024 at 11:32 AM, CF Mitch said:

Y'know, I was just thinking that, the other day.
So far we only have Padme and Bail Organa, right?
There's Mon Mothma but not as a senator, really... (then again, neither is Bail Organa, I suppose, now that I think about it)
I'm not sure how much major source material there is for them (right now only a few TCW episodes come to mind), but I wouldn't mind seeing:

Onaconda Farr 

2009 Separatist Shuttle. :wink:

While I don't think we need a lot of senators, some of the more prominent figures of the Clone Wars should be immortalized in plastic. Chuchi, Papanoida, Taa, but especially Mas Amedda (he is Sheev's right hand man).

Not having Wat Tambor is frankly criminal.

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:

Yes, exactly what the kiddos want, boring fictional politicians!! :laugh_hard:

Seriously though, unless they have plot relevance like Padme, Leia, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, or Chuchi, I fail to see their point as minifigs. Maybe once they run out of actually cool characters they could do :tongue:

They'd be cool aliens at a minimum. Mas Amedda is an important member of Palpatine's cabinet (as is Sly Moore), Papanoida doubles as an official GL minifigure, We got such figures in the Hasbro lines (ROTS and TLC), Lego could sprinkle in a couple here and there.

29 minutes ago, ARC2149Nova said:

2009 Separatist Shuttle. :wink:

They'd be cool aliens at a minimum. Mas Amedda is an important member of Palpatine's cabinet (as is Sly Moore), Papanoida doubles as an official GL minifigure, We got such figures in the Hasbro lines (ROTS and TLC), Lego could sprinkle in a couple here and there.


Now we have a full UCS set with full interior for the Razor crest what do people think the chances are of seeing a UCS Naboo Royal Starship with full interior? 

3 hours ago, Legoman123 said:

Now we have a full UCS set with full interior for the Razor crest what do people think the chances are of seeing a UCS Naboo Royal Starship with full interior? 

Slim to none due to chrome.

Sure, they could do metallic silver, but will they?

18 hours ago, ARC2149Nova said:

2009 Separatist Shuttle. :wink:

Oh, oops! I even have that one :blush: 
Well, that minifigure could sure use an upgrade :look: :tongue: 


One of the reasons that 2013 was such a great year was because of an entire wave was dedicated to one battle. (IMO at least) I think that Lego should try to do this every 3-5 years. As it’s such a cool concept and a display of how interconnectivity between sets can work brilliantly.

I’ve chosen 2 battles that I’d think would work well due to their variety of different vehicles and units.

Battle of Jakku

New Republic vs Imperial Forces Battlepack (£19.99): NR Sandtrooper (Pantoran), NR Navy Trooper (with satchel), Imperial Shocktrooper and a stormtrooper (tribal markings)

Jakku AT ST (£44.99): Iden Versio, Shriv, Agent Hask and a AT ST pilot

Phantom Squadron X-Wing (£44.99): Wedge Antilles, Temmin Wexley, Jas Emari and General Borrum

Mister Bones’s Plaything (ITT) (£59.99): Mister Bones, Imperial Combat Driver, Stormtrooper Commander, 2 Stormtroopers, a scout trooper (dirtied) and a Shocktrooper.

SpecForces U-Wing (£79.99): Jom Barell, 2 SpecForces Commandos, Rebel Pilot and a Damaged Stormtrooper.

Imperial Shuttle (£99.99): Norra Wexley, Gallius Rax, Yupe Tashu, Commandant Hux and 2 Stormtroopers (one tribal and one damaged).

The Ravager (£149.99): Moff Randd, Commodore Agate, 2 Stormtroopers, Admiral Versio, 2 Imperial Navy Ensigns and an Emperor’s Sentinel. (Includes a mini-build of a Starhawk)

2nd Battle of Geonosis

Geonosis Clones Battlepack (£19.99): 2 212th ARF Troopers, 21st Flametrooper and a 21st Desert Trooper.

Republic Y-Wing Vs Geonosian Starfighter (£109.99): Obi-Wan Kenobi, P1 Clone Trooper (212th), P1 Clone Pilot, P1 Commander Cody and a Geonosian Warrior.

J-1 Proton Canon (£49.99): Commander Jet, Ki-Adi Mundi, Geonosian Warrior, Super Battledroid and 2 Battledroids.

Republic Gunship (£139.99): Captain Rex, Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker, P1 Clone Pilot, P1 Clone Trooper and 2 Super battledroids.

Republic AV-7 (£49.99): Commander Gree, Luminara Unduli, 41st Clone Trooper, P1 Clone Gunner and a Geonosian Warrior.

Separatist Super Tank (£59.99): Bariss Offee, 41st Clone Trooper, Poggle The Lesser, Tactical Droid and 2 Super Battledroids.


Anyone else agree with my general idea?

So every six months or so I rearrange how my SW minifig display. To give you an idea of my display it’s every single unique depiction of a character, unit , droid etc then it’s the best version of that unique. So my display is not every lego version of “Farmboy Luke” but it does have five versions of “Farmboy Luke” The base one, poncho, training helmet, storm trooper belt, and blue milk. Displaying figs with that sort of criteria puts me between 800- 900 figs.

this is not a brag. All this is to say when you arrange the figs by faction and consider the big six, CIS is without question the least represented. Less than 40 in total, actual number depends on how far we stretch the idea of a unique fig. 9 are some sort of B1 Battle Droid, 5 in my display are grievous with differing numbers of limbs or capes. 20 years and we only have 4 of the CIS leadership. I would settle for three in particular, Nute from the film where he mattered, San Hill, and Wat Tambor.

The lego of today would probably never have given us the Neimoidian Warrior, it not a fig I see mentioned much, but the printing on that torso is beautiful.

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