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  On 3/5/2021 at 7:22 PM, AIex said:

what exactly did you mean by this? I'm just curious because the neck seems like the only place to attach things such as jetpacks, pauldrons, backpacks, etc

The attachments are usually placed between the head and the body, making the minifig bigger. In find that in many cases, it makes the figure look worse.

Thus I'd like to have a way to place them here:



  On 3/5/2021 at 7:40 PM, Brickadeer said:

The attachments are usually placed between the head and the body, making the minifig bigger. In find that in many cases, it makes the figure look worse.

Thus I'd like to have a way to place them here:


Often though, its teh only way to make stormtrooper heads articulate! But I think you're right with that suggestion, and in that stormtrooper heads are way too big.

Edited by Stuartn

My current (and somewhat realistic) dream winter wave for 2022. 

Duel On Exegol £19.99 (Throne): Palpatine, Rey 

Mos Pelgo Attack £24.99 (Vanth’s Speeder, portion of Mos Pelgo): Cobb Vanth, Weequay Proprietor, Mining Guild Soldier

Anaxes Clone Troopers £24.99 (Red + Grey Barc, E-Web Turret, CIS Flipknot Speeder): Mace Windu Clone Trooper (x2), 212th Clone Trooper (one with Jetpack - (x2)), Commando Droid (x2) 

Darth Vader’s Tie Advanced £34.99: Darth Vader (arm printing), Grand Moff Tarkin, R4-M9 

Rebel Y-Wing Starfighter £44.99: Rebel Pilot, Celebration Chewbacca, Rebel Technician, R4-D6 

Naboo Starfighter £39.99 (Chrome stickers): Anakin Skywalker, Naboo Pilot ‘Arven Wendik’, R2-D2, R2-C4, Theed Padme Amidala, Naboo Engineer - aswell as two Droideka’s 

Separatist Tri-Droid £54.99: Anakin Skywalker, Clone Captain Rex, Super Tactical Droid, Battle Droid (x2) 

Republic Attack Shuttle (Bad Batch) £74.99: Clone Pilot, Covert Ops Clone Commander, Covert Ops Clone Trooper, Grey Clone ShockTrooper 


Edited by ArrowBricks

I'd love these battle packs. :classic:

CIS Droid Super Battle pack 1
2 IG-100 MagnaGuards, 4 BX-Series Droid Commandos, Spider Droid

CIS Droid Super Battle pack 1
T-Series Tactical Droid, 4 B2-Series Super Battle Droid, 2 Droidekas

Galactic Republic Super Battle pack
Wolfpack 104th Battalion Clone Trooper Super Battle Pack
Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, 4 Wolfpack Clone Troopers

  On 3/6/2021 at 4:56 PM, ArrowBricks said:

Naboo Starfighter £39.99 (Chrome stickers): Anakin Skywalker, Naboo Pilot ‘Arven Wendik’, R2-D2, R2-C4, Theed Padme Amidala, Naboo Engineer - aswell as two Droideka’s 

Nice, I'd like that set.

  On 3/8/2021 at 10:17 PM, Sarah_H7744 said:

Wolfpack 104th Battalion Clone Trooper Super Battle Pack
Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, 4 Wolfpack Clone Troopers

I want this one so bad! Plo Koon and the wolfpack are some of my favorite prequel characters, and wolfpack troopers are SO EXPENSIVE on bricklink, making them impossible to mass.


Moving on from my TPM wave, an AOTC wave:

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  On 3/9/2021 at 3:05 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

Republic Gunship ($139.99): Republic gunship with 2x clone pilot (new mold), Padme (no tear, cape), Padawan Anakin, 4x clone trooper, 1x clone commander, Mace windu, and 2x b1 geonosis battle droid.

This would be amazing!!


  On 3/9/2021 at 3:05 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

I want this one so bad! Plo Koon and the wolfpack are some of my favorite prequel characters, and wolfpack troopers are SO EXPENSIVE on bricklink, making them impossible to mass.

I'm re-watching The Clone Wars at the moment, Plo Koon & the 104th Battalion were featured in an episode. I was reminded how cool the Wolfpack clones are & I need some. :classic:

Microfighters list - 

Single packs:

Gungan Sub (Jar Jar Binks)

Trade Federation Control Ship (Nute Gunray)

Venator-Class Cruiser (Clone officer or clone pilot)

Eta-Class Jedi Starfighter (either Anakin or Obi-Wan)

Solo Millenium Falcon (Solo Han)

Cloud Swoop Bike (Enfys Nest)

Solo Blue landspeeder (Qi'ra)

Luke's Landspeeder (ANH Luke)

Death Staar (not going to happen but it would be kind of hilarious, Grand Moff Tarkin minifigure)

Slave I (ESB Boba Fett)

Cloud Car (I know one came in that book, but I'd like to see one with a wider release, either a Bespin guard, Cloud Car pilot, or Lando, if they want to be really generous)

A-Wing (Arvel Crynyd) 

The Razor Crest (Mando)

Moff Gideon's TIE (Moff Gideon)

Double packs: 

Anakin vs. Sebulba's podracers (young Anakin & Sebulba minifigures)

Kaadu vs. MTT (Gungan Warrior & Battle Droid commander minifigures)

Coruscant Chase (Zam Wessell & AOTC Anakin minifigures)

Slave I vs. Jedi Starfighter (Ep II Obi-Wan & Jango Fett minifigures)

Geonosis Arena (Reek vs. Geonosis speeder thingy, Padme and Geonosian minifigures)

Grevious' Wheelbike vs. Boga (Obi-Wan & General Grievous minifigures)

AT-Hauler vs. Convex Train (Rio Durant & Range Trooper)

Jabba's Sail Barge & Skiff (Maybe make it a bit larger, $30 and have it fit Jabba, or otherwise do a Gamorrean Guard and ROTJ Luke)






  On 3/10/2021 at 9:41 PM, Kit Figsto said:

Microfighters list - 

These are great, I especially like the slave one vs jedi starfighter one. And I can't believe there hasn't been an official landspeeder one yet, given lego's enthusiasm for the vehicle.


Chronologically the next thing in the timeline is clone wars, but since there's so much of it I'm splitting it into 3 waves: seasons 1-3, 4-7, and the Siege of Mandalore movie.

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  On 3/11/2021 at 7:57 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

And I can't believe there hasn't been an official landspeeder one yet, given lego's enthusiasm for the vehicle.

Love the Kamino set idea, the only thing I'd add is a 99 minifig.

And yeah, the Landspeeder and Slave I are the two that I'm most surprised haven't been made.  I know they did Chibi versions before Microfighters were even a thing, at Celebration/Comic Con, but very few people got those.  Plus, a Slave 1 giving people access to Boba Fett for $10 would sell like hotcakes, especially among kids, since the cheapest Boba Fett set in like eight years will be the $50 Slave 1, which is still kind of a lot.  The last time I can think of an inexpensive Boba Fett was in the Skiff set from...2013?  2014?  Which was $30 or whatever.

On the topics of wishlist, by the way, that one is definitely due for a remake.

Edited by Kit Figsto

I’ve seen a few people anticipating a 20th anniversary AOTC wave or, atleast, a few sets. It won’t happen. It did not for TPM. However, that does not stop me from creating a list of stuff I’d love them to release to celebrate the movie. 

75XXX Homing-Spider Droid £29.99: Shaak Ti, Clone Trooper, Geonosian Battle Droid Commander, Geonosian Battle Droid 

75XXX Geonosian Starfighter w/turret (use those new pieces in the Tie Dagger) £34.99: Geonosian Pilot, Winged Geonosian (x2) 

75XXX Coruscant Airspeeder Chase £49.99: Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Zam Wessell 

75XXX Republic AT-TE Walker £84.99: Kit Fisto, Pablo-Jill, Clone AT-TE Driver, Clone Sergeant, Super Battle Droid (x2) 

75XXX Jango Fett’s Slave One £99.99: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Taun We 

75XXX Republic SPHA-T £129.99: Yoda, Mace Windu, Sora Bulq, Clone Commander, Clone Trooper (x2) 

75XXX Petranaki Arena £139.99: Count Dooku, Nute Gunray, Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, Coleman Trebor, Geonosian Picador, Winged Geonosian, Geonosian Battle Droid (x2), Super Battle Droid, Roth-Del Masona, Bultar Swan, Tarados Gon

The Geonosians and the battle Droids new design and colour to fit movie. Guys this wave is my dream. 

  On 3/11/2021 at 11:49 PM, Kit Figsto said:

Love the Kamino set idea, the only thing I'd add is a 99 minifig.

And yeah, the Landspeeder and Slave I are the two that I'm most surprised haven't been made.  I know they did Chibi versions before Microfighters were even a thing, at Celebration/Comic Con, but very few people got those.  Plus, a Slave 1 giving people access to Boba Fett for $10 would sell like hotcakes, especially among kids, since the cheapest Boba Fett set in like eight years will be the $50 Slave 1, which is still kind of a lot.  The last time I can think of an inexpensive Boba Fett was in the Skiff set from...2013?  2014?  Which was $30 or whatever.

On the topics of wishlist, by the way, that one is definitely due for a remake.

I thought 99 might be too dark for the set since it'd basically be his death scene, but that said I also included a set with a flametrooper and a geonosian for it to burn, so...

Boba fett was in the $25 freezer in 2015-16 (I forget) and the $30 skiff in 2017, but he's still pretty hard to get a hold of and the bricklink prices are absurd for a figure that appeared in sets that cheap. He's one of those figures that's just always going to be in high demand.

  On 3/12/2021 at 7:59 PM, ArrowBricks said:

I’ve seen a few people anticipating a 20th anniversary AOTC wave or, atleast, a few sets. It won’t happen. It did not for TPM. However, that does not stop me from creating a list of stuff I’d love them to release to celebrate the movie. 

75XXX Republic AT-TE Walker £84.99: Kit Fisto, Pablo-Jill, Clone AT-TE Driver, Clone Sergeant, Super Battle Droid (x2) 

75XXX Jango Fett’s Slave One £99.99: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Taun We 

Yeah, the films themselves never get anniversary waves. The closest we get is special packaging and convention exclusives.

Pretty much everything on your list is in desperate need of a remake, but for some reason these two stuck out for me. The AT-TE's had more recent models then, say, airspeeder chase or geonosian starfighter, but it's a much more well-known vehicle and I'm surprised it's been 8 years since the last one (excluding the scavenged AT-TE from rebels, as while I love the series, most of the sets were bad). And it's been too long since the last jango slave one, looking to be even longer due to BoBF.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

  On 3/12/2021 at 9:42 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

Boba fett was in the $25 freezer in 2015-16 (I forget) and the $30 skiff in 2017, but he's still pretty hard to get a hold of and the bricklink prices are absurd for a figure that appeared in sets that cheap. He's one of those figures that's just always going to be in high demand.

Oops, I forgot about the Carbon Freeze Chamber, and I apparently mentally glossed over that 2017 Skiff remake.  For whatever reason, I thought the 2012 version was the most recent, I guess I just sort of didn't pay attention to the newer one since it's more or less the same set and I already had the 2012 one.  

I would want...

Some Order 66 scene lego sets from 20-30 dollars

The Muunilinst 10 gunship (or just any Star Wars: Clone Wars 2003 sets) for $120

And maybe a remake of the Battle of Endor set.


  On 3/13/2021 at 4:10 AM, Kit Figsto said:

Oops, I forgot about the Carbon Freeze Chamber, and I apparently mentally glossed over that 2017 Skiff remake.  For whatever reason, I thought the 2012 version was the most recent, I guess I just sort of didn't pay attention to the newer one since it's more or less the same set and I already had the 2012 one.  

I only remember the freeze chamber because it's how I got boba (and it had a ton of trans-orange 1x2s for mustafar or sullust mocs). And yeah, the skiff is one of those that they make minor changes to and re-release every 5 years or so (2022 skiff incoming)

Alright, clone wars seasons 4-7 time. Instead of making a SoM wishlist, I'm just going to link the one I made digital MOCS for the sets of last year here. (It was my first time doing a full wave of digital MOCS, so most are on the smaller side and aren't that good looking back)

Clone wars (second half) wave:

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Edited by Mandalorianknight

Revenge of the Sith updated wave list. I am imagining this as the 20th anniversary wave in 2025... 

AT-RT Walker £24.99: AT-RT Driver, Merumeru

Battle Droid Transporter £39.99: Pilot Battle Droid (x2), Security Battle Droid (x2), Battle Droid (x6), Wookie Warrior 

Duel on Coruscant £49.99: Palpatine, Yoda, Mas Amedda, Bail Organa 

Obi-Wan’s Blue Jedi Starfighter w/Booster Ring £79.99: Obi-Wan, R4-G9, Commander Cody, General Grievous

Republic UT-AT £84.99: Ki-Adi Mundi, Commander Bacara, Galactic Marine, Super Battle Droid (x2) 

Padme’s Star Skiff £129.99: Padme, Obi-Wan, Anakin, R2-D2, C3-PO 

Republic AT-OT Walker £129.99: Aayla Secura, Commander Bly, 327th Star Corps Trooper (x2), Battle Droid (x2)   

  On 3/17/2021 at 8:01 PM, ArrowBricks said:

Revenge of the Sith updated wave list. I am imagining this as the 20th anniversary wave in 2025... 

AT-RT Walker £24.99: AT-RT Driver, Merumeru

Obi-Wan’s Blue Jedi Starfighter w/Booster Ring £79.99: Obi-Wan, R4-G9, Commander Cody, General Grievous

I had to look up merumeru, he looks like if the punisher was a wookie. Great list, though a 25 euro AT-RT with 2 figures is a horrifying thought :laugh:. I also like the starfighter with booster ring idea, it's a nice way to make the set more than just a recolor.


The next one for my lists is also revenge of the sith, here's my take:

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  On 3/17/2021 at 10:16 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I had to look up merumeru, he looks like if the punisher was a wookie. Great list, though a 25 euro AT-RT with 2 figures is a horrifying thought :laugh:. I also like the starfighter with booster ring idea, it's a nice way to make the set more than just a recolor.


The next one for my lists is also revenge of the sith, here's my take:

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Yep all your sets could easily have been in mine. There is so much left from that film! Haha yeah the AT-RT I had in mind would be similar to the 501st one just a little smaller. 

On another note, the 2003 Clone Wars animated show is coming to Disney +. Definitely increases the chances of the odd set from that series for sure! 

I would love

UCS Ebon Hawk with crew (~7k pieces, $700): actually conflicted about this as BrickBoyz has a FANTASTIC model

UCS Ghost (~8-9k pieces, $800): actually conflicted about this as BrickVault has a FANTASTIC model

UCS Naboo Fighter (same scale as UCS X-Wing, A-Wing, etc; ~1.5-2k pieces, and $200)

UCS B-Wing remake (2k Pieces, $200)


Edited by Naixin

Jedi Temple, as a UCS and a GWP architecture/smaller build.

Ahsoka/Rex Y Wing s7 cw...yes.


CW MTT with a massive pile of droids...

Anything CW seems to be the theme...

  On 3/18/2021 at 8:19 PM, Naixin said:

I would love

UCS Ebon Hawk with crew (~7k pieces, $700): actually conflicted about this as BrickBoyz has a FANTASTIC model

UCS Ghost (~8-9k pieces, $800): actually conflicted about this as BrickVault has a FANTASTIC model

UCS Naboo Fighter (same scale as UCS X-Wing, A-Wing, etc; ~1.5-2k pieces, and $200)

UCS B-Wing remake (2k Pieces, $200)


As much as these would be awesome, unfortunately the only one with even a small chance of getting made is the Naboo Fighter. The Ebon Hawk and Ghost unfortunately aren't well known enough to justify UCS models and the first B-wing didn't sell well and was only 9 years ago. A Naboo Fighter remake makes sense though.

The addition of the 2003 CW series to Disney+ and Durge coming back to canon is giving me unreasonable hopes for another microseries CW set. 


  On 3/20/2021 at 7:32 PM, Gontron said:

The addition of the 2003 CW series to Disney+ and Durge coming back to canon is giving me unreasonable hopes for another microseries CW set. 


Say no more!

Azure Angel ($49.99) Remaster of the 2015 set. Includes Anakin, Ventress, R4, and an ARC Trooper (blue)

Defense of Coruscant ($69.99) Tri-Droid, Vulture Droid, Kybuck mold, and a barricade w/turrets. Yoda, Mace Windu, Captain Fordo (Phase II), 2x Clone Troopers, 2 Super Battle Droids.

Republic Lander ($129.99): Captain Fordo (Phase I), 2x ARC Troopers (Blue), 2x Clone Troopers, ARC Gunner

Attack on the Chancellor ($59.99) Palpatine's Office. Palpatine, Shaak Ti, Roron Cobb, 2x Clone Troopers (one with rocket launcher), General Grievous.

Obi-Wan vs Durge ($29.99) 2 BARC Speeders (battle pack size), 2 Swoop Bikes. Obi-Wan (Clone Armor), Durge, 2x Hawkbat Battalion Clone Troopers, 2 IG Lancer Droids.

Aquatic Warriors Battle Pack ($14.99) BPs no longer likely, but a man can still dream. 2x Clone SCUBA Troopers, 2x Mon Calamari Warriors.

Jet Troopers Battle Pack ($14.99) Saesee Tiin (Clone Armor), 3x Clone Troopers w/jetpacks (wing-style)


  On 3/20/2021 at 7:32 PM, Gontron said:

The addition of the 2003 CW series to Disney+ and Durge coming back to canon is giving me unreasonable hopes for another microseries CW set. 

If durge can come back, so can fordo, right?......right? 

I've got two lists today, the Solo list that's next up chronologically and a CMF since that's the discussion in the main thread:

Solo wave:

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Edited by Mandalorianknight


OK, my turn to set out a few CMF wish-lists.  Going to stick with what appears to be Lego's new standard of only 12 minis per set:

Set 1: Rogue One/Original Trilogy I

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Set 2: Rogue One/Original Trilogy II

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Set 3: Rogue One/Original Trilogy III

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Of course, they can all be mixed and matched as well.

Cheers :)

My ideas for a CMF spanning all trilogies are:

General Grievous as minifigure  (pre-cyborg), with cloak and staff

Galactic Marine, with Kama, backpack and blaster rifle

P2 Cody Figure, with Kama, Paul’s tons and blaster pistols

Wat Tambor

Force Ghost Obi Wan Kenobi, with cloak and transparent lightsaber hilt and blade

Crix Madine, with Death Star hologram

Darth Vader with partial helmet and Luke head (as in ep. V)

Ewok with baby ewok and weathered stormtrooper helmet drum

Sith Rey (as in ep. IX) with double bladed lightsaber and Wayfinder 

Stormtrooper Finn with blaster

Max Kanata with jet pack and blaster

Galen Erso with hologram and Death Star plans

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