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Eslandola’s Colonial Council is where business of state is conducted in public, unless national security merits private deliberations.



Eslandola’s Admius Legistrad, the leader of the Colonial Council, is

  Willem Guilder, Eslandola Secretary of Trade, Governor of An Holli, and Director of the MCTC;


The delegations representing the colonial regions and the trade companies are made up of three representatives each.


The East Trade-Wind Company is represented by @Garmadon :

  Agent Gilles Guelds

  Lieutenant Horatio Hillsboroughbergmachier, retired of the ETWC Elites



The Merchant’s Colonial Trading Company is represented by @Kai NRG :

  Captain Edward Argentum

  Esterhazy de Troir

  Chef Jalape


The MAESTRO Trade Company is represented by @Legostone:

  Jerome Monezterrell, Eslandola Secretary of the Navy, Governor of Isla de Victoria, and Mayor of Fuerto Unido;

  Captain Lamar Evercrees of the Santiago; and

  Farrucio Paraja, naval architect extraordinaire

The Independent traders of Eslandola are represented by @gedren_y:

  Commodore Hammish Grei

  Lady Valentia Cantoni

  Viscount Alexander Doblin


The Sea of Storms Region (An Toli, An Holli) is represented by @Capt Wolf:

  Willem Guilder, Eslandola Secretary of Trade, Governor of An Holli, and Director of the MCTC;

  Aaron van der Meede, attorney and chairman of the Weelond town council; and

  Pieter Reyngout, tavern owner and Weelong town council member.


The Sea of Thieves Region (Nelissa, Berreli, Ferro Azure, Torrach Bonn, Isla Philippe) is represented by @Umbra-Manis:

  Revon de Crocodil, mayor of Salida Este

  Captain Reginald Haddock, retired pirate hunter

  Councilor Hadelson, jewel merchant


The Prio Seas Region (Isla de la Victoria, Otoño, La Sombra) is represented by @Faladrin:

  Lady Condora, officer of the MAESTRO Green Messenger Agency

  Chief Apulo, of the Mehuãtajir people, and mayor of Mehit

  Doctor Ayuda of Fuerte Unido


The Colonial Council of Eslandola is in session.




It was in July of 620 that the council last met. Among the order of business was the offer of assistance to Archduke Oldis of Terraversa, in light of the rumors that a foreign power was fomenting an uprising on the island. Subsequently, Oleon's invasion became public knowledge, and, with the outbreak of war in September of 620, Eslandola sent mercenaries to aid in Terraversa's defense. Now word has reached all of the Brick Seas that Kings Port has fallen to the bluecoats, and the Colonial Council reconvenes to discuss what Eslandola should do now.

Commodore Hammish Grei strides in with righteous intent, carrying the same reports he had last session, now all crumpled and folded. He heavily plops them down on the Independents' desk, and sits with his arms crossed, glaring about the assembly hall.

Viscount Doblin and Lady Cantoni enter with more reserved measure, but their concern over recent events is well etched in their gaze. Viscount Doblin nearly stumbles getting into his seat. Lady Cantoni adjusts her seat slightly, and gives Hammish a one-handed shoulder rub to get him to sit more calmly.

Edited by gedren_y

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Aaron van der Meede and Pieter Reyngout walk into the council hall deep in conversation, but in hushed tones. Van der Meede looks tired, while Reyngout appears more energized. They take their seats at the Sea of Storms desks. Willem Guilder is not with them.

Esterhazy de Troir and Chef Jalape from the MCTC delegation enter the hall in deep debate.  Everyone thinks they're discussing the situation in Terraversa, but actually they're saying, "Hang the calories, everything tastes better fried!" and "But you have high cholesterol, you'll end up dying of a heart attack--mark my words!"

Councilor Hadelson was looking over papers delivered to him minutes ago by a messenger, when he stood up suddenly for a man of his age, his spectacles falling to their chain as he did. "This is a blatant attack on the freedom of a pillar of the free trading network in these seas!" 

 Doctor Ayuda entered first in front of a meditative Chief Apulo walking and thinking all at a time. The chief got out of his dreams when hurting a chair he apologized to it like it was a Councilman he had hurt. He exclaimed :

- That's it ! I know what we have to do ! Boy ! My ship ! We're leaving !

And Chief Apulo ran out of the room he just went to enter...

- Erh... Sorry for my co councilman... Said Doctor Ayuda very embarrassed. He was very strange in the ship and he seems very involved in that Terreversa crisis. I am not sure he will return to vote. Consider me the voice of Chief apulo then.

In fact, added Doctor Ayuda. I will be the voices of my two comrades, because Lady Condora is already helping in Terraversa. She was supposed to help Oldis retreat among the mercenaries in Pamu and for now I am without any news of her but be sure I will transmit to the council what happens to her.

And this is on these words Doctor Ayuda, the last representative of the Prio sea, sat alone behind his deck.

Lord Maximilian Damaximus, who was taking care of some administration after his long absence and happened to be in the Council building watched al his old friends gathering.

Not a council member himself, he was very eager to follow the upcoming discussions. Who could he bribe to translate his own agenda??

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Willem Guilder finally arrived, hobbling through the doors and up to his desk.

"Ah, it is good to see so many faces in the Council, even if it is for such a discouraging purpose."

Guilder settled himself into his chair and propped up his good foot.

"As you all have heard by now, Kings Port has fallen to the bluecoats, and they threaten the entire island. I personally mustered more than four battalions of mercenaries, but they arrived too late to reach the battle in Terraversa's capital. And I understand that others are working hard to aid our trade partner." Guilder nodded toward Doctor Ayuda and Commodore Grei."Word has also reached me that MAESTRO has sent nearly a full regiment to Nova Terreli, where our ships have gathered for what comes next." Guilder then motioned toward van der Meede. "And of course the MCTC has several battalions as well. It appears that while we may be late to help, we are all pitching in to help an ally, Archduke Oldis, who has stood with us ever since the early days of the war with Mardier."

Guilder looked around the room to see the resolve in the faces of the council members. It brightened his spirits.

"I guess the question is, can we do more than send mercenaries to assist Oldis? Do we engage the bluecoats directly? What else can we do? I open the floor for debate."

Commodore Grei stood in a rush, pounding his fist on his much perused reports, and exclaimed, "'Too late' is right! Our delegation for urged humanitarian aid early. Tried to get this body to act! We called for the building, and funding, of a hospital. A hospital that could have tended to those wounded in defense of democracy. And maybe, just maybe, returned them to enough form that Kings Port might not have fallen. And now what Oleon has done, it is beyond the pale! I call for sanctions! I . . ."

The Commodore's fellow delegates pulled him down into his seat. "Let us handle this," Lady Cantoni cajoled him, and rose to address the assembled, "When last we met, this body elected to seek out the truth in the allegations set before it. Now we have the truth. And yes, whilst some of the anecdotes in Commodore Grei's reports came from dubious sources . . . "

"Dubious, my big behind," Hammish grumbled.

Valentia glared at him, but continued, "The picture they painted was largely a true one. Worse as it turns out. The nation of Oleon has committed to the usurpation of Terraversa's democratically elected government. That a theocratic monarchy could think to do such a thing to a government like our own is, as the Commodore boldly claimed, beyond the pale. The very sovereignty of all nations is at issue here. We are not advocating a declaration of war, as Corrington has done, but we here must take a stand!" She took a breath, then finished with, "My colleague will now explain our position on aid and economic relief."

Hammish began to rise again, but Viscount Doblin held him in place as he stood to speak, "Our positions on Terraversa's needs are two-fold, a resubmittal of our proposal of humanitarian aid in the form of a hospital, and economic relief for Terraversan trade."

"For the hospital," Alexander continued, "There are quite a number of empty houses in the Terraversan cities still held by the legitimate government of the island that can be properly purchased, and quickly outfitted. To staff such an undertaking we should make it a National Service for all those who practice medicine to do foreign humanitarian aid work. I am certain that Priestesses and Consorts of the Crahaish neh Triuri who practice medicine would answer the call, but so would more traditional doctors and nurses, as well as those of our indigenous island citizenry."

The Viscount motioned to a page to bring him a glass of water. After quenching his thirst, he returned to his address, "For a measure of economic relief, I propose that we as a nation cover all Eslandola settlement port taxes (if any still exist) for all Terraversan vessels, and offer to Terraversan trade vessels the opportunity to convoy with our trade fleet. These measures to last for the duration of the current conflict."

Alexander paused for a moment to take a measure of the room, then finished with, "On the matter of our response to Oleon, I think it prudent to hear what my fellow members have to propose before making ours."

Edited by gedren_y

Doctor Ayuda stood firmly out of his chair and added to the Viscount offer of assistance to the terraversan ships :

- A Total and free of charge help has to be offered to our historical Democratic ally !

But I would go farer my dearest congressmen...

Since Oleon is acting in plein seight; We, as a State; as a fierce defender of all Democratic Nations; as a Humanist Country; have to pronounce sanctions against Oleon !

I am proposing to :

1/ Close our ports to Oleon Vessels. And of course avoid the Oleonese ports with our fleets. Stopping the commercial exchanges with Oleon !

2/ Blocade the Oleonese vessels actually in our ports : assign their crew in surveillance and Seize their goods. No Doublons for Trade should be distributed to the ennemies of the Democracy.

3/ Any Oleon vessel we seized will have to pay its license cost to get out freely of one of our port.

4/ The immediate seizure of all Oleonese properties installed in our sovereign soil !

5/ A state of emergency if war is not the solution.

6/ A possible financial help to the ones who would like to develop the humanitarian bridge between our mercenaries in Pamu and the Terraversan refugiees.

Lady Condora is already in Pamu to help the wounded from Kings Port battle. A hospital and some other structures are needed. She is already at work ! Don't let her down my friends !


Finally the Doctor heavily falls onto his armchair looking exhausted after such a difficult proposition.

Lord Damaximus followed the discussion.

He always admired the passion and enthousiasm of Doctor Ayuda. And Doctor Ayuda is right, Something should be done...

but seizing property will make a trade-oriented nation not so popular for future foreign investors. 
And seizing property in Trador is absolutely off limits as it was a promise to foreign settlers and adventurers that their properties would always stay theirs, even in troubling times.

Maybe Damaximus should write this down and pass the note to Guilder

Esterhazy de Troir stood up from the MCTC bench.  "There's a lot to be said against Oleon's behavior, but let's remember that it's not our business as a government to spank them when they get out of line.  As individuals, we're all ready and willing to help our oppressed friends in Terraversa, but taking steps against Oleon as a nation is a grave matter that must be discussed calmly.  We applaud our fellow Eslandians who have already taken steps for relief of the wounded, and even sending mercenaries to help Terraversa is a decision we are happy to leave to each Eslandian, but becoming involved as a nation is a huge responsibility. 

"And in the heat of the moment, let's be sure not to take short-term measures for success that will prove to be long-term disasters.  As Lord Damaximus is thinking--" ("How do you know what Lord Damaximus is thinking?" Chef Jalape hissed.  "Super futuristic technology that I don't have time to explain right now," Esterhazy said.) "--as Lord Damaximus is thinking, seizing Oleon property that was acquired within our borders in good faith, is an act that may benefit us in the short run, but in the long run could do irreparable damage to our public image."

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"Hear, hear!" remarked Guilder. "Lord Damaximus and Mr. Esterhazy i think have made good points. We must take the long view, and measure how we jump into the fray."

Guilder shuffled through his papers, looking for something. Finding it, he looked up and continued. "I see troop raising efforts are strong. But we have lost some ships over the previous months. How are our shipbuilding efforts going? What are our hopes for getting some new sisterships into action in the near future?"

Dr Ayuda answered Guilder in no time :

- I can confirm you the shipbuilding effort is rising right a the time we are talking.

I just had confirmation that el Senor De la Manzana is personnaly involved now in Elysabethtown to train; form and recruit troops but also new vessels. He already managed to buy a new ship to replace the lost Messenger in no time !

Our MAESTRO shipyards in Elysabethtown are thriving ! They will probably benefit from a new expansion too...

"The Crahaish neh Triuri have made two of their ships available for the ferrying of troops," Commodore Grei chimed in, "And construction of the Faithful Ramshead, work on which halted when the Carno/Lotti conflict began, has resumed. I am unsure, though, whether it will be ready in time for this trading season."

  • 2 weeks later...
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A courier entered the main doors and delivered papers to the desk at the front of the hall. Guilder looked through the dispatches, frowned, and pounded his gavel to gain the attention of the council members, who had been talking among themselves.

"I have word from Lady Condora in Terraversa," stated Guilder. "The bluecoats have taken quite an obstinate negotiating position as the peace talks are about to begin. I fear they do not really plan at negotiating at all. As such, I seek the authority of the council to inform our representative at the talks that, if Oleon does not negotiate in good faith, that the Eslandian government will not prohibit it private citizens and trade companies from helping the Terraversan cause in any way they see fit, including using military might against OL ships and troops wherever they might be encountered." Guilder looked around the room to see if the importance of that request was sinking in. "What are the councilmembers thoughts on this matter?"

Chef Jalape scratched his head and asked, "I thought we were already allowing our citizens to participate in this war on their own hook?"


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3 minutes ago, Kai NRG said:

Chef Jalape scratched his head and asked, "I thought we were already allowing our citizens to participate in this war on their own hook?"

"Ah, no. I should have been clearer," Guilder replied sheepishly. "To this point, we have sent troops to Terraversa to reinforce Oldis's forces in Pamu, and assumed that those troops would see combat with bluecoats on the island, but not elsewhere."

Guilder looked and saw that there were still quizzical looks. 

"Given the tenor of the Oleander opening statement heading into the peace talks, I think we need to make it clear that, if the Oleanders do not bargain in good faith, combat can occur anywhere. If private citizens want to raise troops and fleets and attack bluecoat troops in Oleander cities like Eltina or Lavalette, rather than just Oleander positions on Terraversa, the Eslandian government will not disapprove. I fear that this may be the only way to make the bluecoats come to the bargaining table in good faith, as they fail to see the larger ramifications of their invasion. They have already lost Fatu Hiva to the Corries' WTC. I see no reason to prohibit Eslandians from doing the same. But as this would be awfully close to a declaration of war, this council must discuss the matter."

Esterhazy nudged his fellow council member, and said in an undertone, "What a pity Captain Argentum isn't here to weigh in on this matter.  I think we all know exactly what his sentiments would be..."

Lady Cantoni stood in a huff, and announced, "I won't countenance the invasion of sovereign territory for the expressed purpose of overthrowing the rightful government. We were going to propose sanctions on both Oleon and the WTC for their actions. Though one has done less than the other, they both violated another nation's sovereignty, and on this principle I will not bend! We should not do as they have done. We should be better! If we are to punish these violators, we should do it the Eslandola way, with our economic power. Oleon has committed much of their wealth to their endeavor, and the WTC is a business. We can do much to them without committing their sins."

Dr Ayuda jumped out of his chair and added :

- I am joining Lady Cantoni to insist on the economic sanctions we should apply.

A direct action, even if it seems the right thing to do, is always a step forward to the war.

In Eslandola we are an economic power and not warmasters. Even if I am sure our friend el Senor Felipe de la Manzana would be on the bridge of his ship immediately if it is the armed solution which will be chosen.

I must insist on the former propositions I had listed in particular a full boycott of Oleon merchants and the immobilisation of the Oleonese ships visiting our ports.

Esterhazy stroked his chin and stood up.  "Economic sanctions are hardly less a declaration of war than simply granting citizens permission to do as they please.  In fact, since they represent an official anti-Oleon action taken by the government as a whole, it seems to me to be even more of a declaration.  Also, although it may seem more humane than warfare, economic sanctions frequently hit the poorest hardest, not the rich who can fend for themselves.

"I don't say that they aren't the way to go, economic sanctions may be appropriate, but I doubt we should expect Oleon to treat economic sanctions as less than a valid reason for declaring war against us."

Lord Damaximus followed the discussion with even greater interest after the proposal of Governor Guilder.

Permission to decide ourself to attack Oleon wherever we want. That would be ultimate kaos. The Oleonaise Romeo's and he never been really friends.

Rumours say that Oleon is building a new fleet already. Hopefully the ships he ordered would be ready on time. Luckily the works on those ships started years ago.

He peeped at the large map of the known world inside the Council Room.

So many opportunities.

But what would be the consequences of this? A full blown war? He prefers a huge presence in Terraversa to show Oleon that the tides are turning.  Terraversa must stay independent...


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Aaron van der Meede rose from his seat at the Sea of Storms delegation. "What do you think economic sanctions will do to Oleon?" he asked, looking at Dr. Ayuda. "In concept, I agree with your thoughts. In reality, Oleon ships do not call on our ports, so we can do nothing to them. On the other hand, their taking of Kings Port threatens to close a wealthy friendly port to us, a port with which we have a favorable trade agreement. Their attack on Kings Port is in effect a very real attack on our economics. It requires a real response."

Lord Damaximus whispered something in the ear of a bellboy.

A few minutes later, he received a note.

Faction - Previous Funds - loss/margin each turn (without MRCA income)

Corrington - 17289 - (-1141)

Eslandola - 23430 - (+405)

Oleon - 54735 - (-1130)

He was not sure economic measurements against Oleon would do a lot. Aaron Van Der Meede was also right pointing out Oleon ships don't visit Eslandolan ports (except for one that was diverted).

He whispered again some instructions in the ear of the bellboy and not much later, everyone in the room was aware of those financial numbers

Edited by Maxim I

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