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I knew it would be swoop bike and not imperial troop transport. 
Beyond happy for the set,first i dont have to buy razor crest that i didnt even like or buildable the child just for 1 minifigure. Beskar mando sounds amazing. Rest of it is just bonus,tent opens up possibility for prequel,ot or mando fans to build a village/camp. Idk why people complain about Cobb cause he is so easy to make in purist form. Only sad about not getting bantha but i doubt it would be molded so i dont really care. All in all beskar mando + the child with additonal builds and 1 more figure for only 30$? yes please.

4 hours ago, jdubbs said:

The label on the Sandcrawler box would likely disagree with you. But thank you, as it's been a while since I've been able to punch the "Mindless UCS nomenclature debate" square on my EB Bingo card!

i thought that was the free space? I'm almost done with mine, I just need "clearly fake list gets multiple pages of discussion" and I'll have bingo. :grin:

2 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

75299 Encounter on Tatooine 276 pcs. 

The Child, BESKAR Mando and a Tusken Raider are included alongside Mando’s swoop bike, a ballista and a Tusken ‘tent’. 

Where is this info? The usual fella’s over on Instagram via Promobricks. 

Not bad, not bad. Beskar mando is all I wanted, but another child for cheap is good, and I do like that we're getting more tusken stuff, I loved the new things we learn about them in the show.

 Ironically I just made a set moc-up as speculation and it had his swoop.


People are too upset about this IMO. Beskar mando and the child in a cheap set is great, as lego could easily have put them in more expensive sets (like the child right now) to get them to sell. I loved the tusken's role in the mandalorian, so I might be a bit biased here, but all I think's missing is a bantha. Cobb would be too big of a spoiler to put in a set, I suppose.

1 hour ago, jdubbs said:

Bigger than the typical LEGO speederbike, but smaller than Enfys' swoop speeder thing. 

Eh...I guess at least it's not a repeat of the Enfy's bike. 

5 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

I voted for Gunship for 1 reason and 1 reason only and that is because it was the only prequel set,if the option was jar jar bust or sebulbas podracer i would vote for that too and most likely buy it. We need a change,we are in 10th year of ONLY original trilogy ucs sets(14 sets in a row not including other sets that include plaque). We also didnt get a single non droid prequel figure in advent calendar since 2013,0 prequel brickheadz,all prequel anniversaries ignored,0 +4 prequel sets etc. With gunship i expect Captain Rex or Commander Cody,everything else is just bonus. If i have to choose i would rather have ucs playset than display set even though i dont play with it,but i will buy it if its display too unless it comes with yellow head jedi bob. I really hope this ucs set vote and millions lego will make from AAT set will change something.

you would buy a UCS jar jar bust but a Jedi Bob minifig is enough for you to poopoo the gunship?

1 hour ago, Lego-Freak said:

and Beskar Mando is still just a variant at the end of the day. 


1 hour ago, Redroe said:

Cobb Vanth is Boba Fett with red arms and legs, so not getting him doesn't bother me especially,

As is Cobb Vanth as Redroe points out.

All you wanting a Cobb vanth, just grab a random bearded minifig head, red arms with boba fett torso and legs, and there you have him. Lego literally don't need to make any new prints for him. Is $30 a bit steep? Possibly... but throwing all in what they have from the sounds of it, is pretty much what one would expect from Star Wars value.
As it is, I don't have any of those 3 figs yet (Tusken Raider) so am extremely happy to get the Child, Beskomando and the raider in one small set.

Bit disappointing there aren't any new figures besides the Beskar Mando variant but glad to see another Tatooine themed set. It will go well alongside the others that have recently come out.

2 hours ago, Fuppylodders said:

Beskar armour mando and the child in a cheap set, and people still complaining? :iamded_lol:

People in this thread were expecting a full blown Stormtrooper transport for $30, of course they’re going to be disappointed. LEGO Star Wars fans will complain about anything. The UCS Gunship could turn out to be a massive display model with alternate instructions to build a minifig scale model, include 50 clones and people will still find something to complain about.

Getting Mando and baby yoda in such a small set is awesome, as is another chance to get the new Tusken Raider head mould, I look forward to seeing pictures. If we’re lucky maybe the tent will be made out of a fabric element like the one from 7624


I have the Crest and the Child so I have two Child minifigures already so literally the only draw to this set for me is Beskar Mando. Another figure would have been really nice

Will be getting this for sure (either for myself or one of my sons). I already have both torso variants for the "new" Tuskens and I doubt they will make a new one for this set but Beskar Mando and the Child in a cheap set I'm all for.

I really don't get the people saying that Cobb Vanth not being included isn't an issue because you can make him yourself. You can make almost every character yourself, that doesn't mean we don't need an official one. Folks have been making custom Beskar Mando's for a while as well, yet people have still been moaning about the lack of such a figure for almost a year. I guess LEGO should just stop making new characters alltogether, we can make them ourselves :hmpf:

2 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

I really don't get the people saying that Cobb Vanth not being included isn't an issue because you can make him yourself. You can make almost every character yourself, that doesn't mean we don't need an official one. Folks have been making custom Beskar Mando's for a while as well, yet people have still been moaning about the lack of such a figure for almost a year. I guess LEGO should just stop making new characters alltogether, we can make them ourselves :hmpf:

Speaking only for myself, I would much rather LEGO devote resources to truly unique figures that cannot easily/accurately be assembled from existing parts.  For that reason characters like the Client, Gideon, Kuiil, etc. would top my list, ahead of Cobb. And I don't think I've seen anything approaching an accurate Beskar Mando made from existing parts... the Phoenix custom is of course beautiful, but it's also a small fortune (and sold out).

11 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

I really don't get the people saying that Cobb Vanth not being included isn't an issue because you can make him yourself. You can make almost every character yourself, that doesn't mean we don't need an official one. Folks have been making custom Beskar Mando's for a while as well, yet people have still been moaning about the lack of such a figure for almost a year. I guess LEGO should just stop making new characters alltogether, we can make them ourselves :hmpf:

You can't get a Beskar mando made yourself without using paint or sharpies and at that point you're modifying Lego. Can't make a baby yoda from other bits.
Sure an official one would be great, I do agree with you there. But we don't know what TLG are going to be putting out. He hasn't shown up in a single individual set and suddenly everyone is up in arms about it... (*edit: although I do see your concern as TLG have a habit of leaving out obvious characters in obvious sets and then never making them at all when perfect opportunities come and go... I do have my fingers crossed for you that Cobb comes in another future set :thumbup:)

20 minutes ago, Balrogofmorgoth said:

I have the Crest and the Child so I have two Child minifigures already so literally the only draw to this set for me is Beskar Mando. Another figure would have been really nice

I do expect (hope??) that won't be the only set Beskar Mando comes in, you may just have a bit of a wait on your hands unfortunately :( 

Edited by Fuppylodders

I really wouldn't have expected Vanth to be included given that he's kind of a spoiler and a lot of the one-off characters from Season 1 didn't get figures either. Heck, Kuiil never got one and he was in what, 3 or 4 episodes?

4 hours ago, Makin Bacon said:

you would buy a UCS jar jar bust but a Jedi Bob minifig is enough for you to poopoo the gunship?

Some people have decided that the gunship has to come with a legion of clones and all the commanders...

I'm calling it now, #notmygunship posts will spam lego's social media as soon as the set's revealed and it has, like, 3 figures.

4 hours ago, Fuppylodders said:

All you wanting a Cobb vanth, just grab a random bearded minifig head, red arms with boba fett torso and legs, and there you have him. Lego literally don't need to make any new prints for him. Is $30 a bit steep? Possibly... but throwing all in what they have from the sounds of it, is pretty much what one would expect from Star Wars value.
As it is, I don't have any of those 3 figs yet (Tusken Raider) so am extremely happy to get the Child, Beskomando and the raider in one small set.

While I understand why cobb isn't in the set and am fine with it, I can personally vouch that purist customs of him don't look great. The boba fett torso has a light grey suit, and putting dark red arms on him looks really weird, like he's wearing a grey tank top over a red shirt. Still super happy with the set, cobb would have been to big of a spoiler and could easily have leaked before the episode premiered.

4 hours ago, wesker said:

Bit disappointing there aren't any new figures besides the Beskar Mando variant but glad to see another Tatooine themed set. It will go well alongside the others that have recently come out.

Tusken raider might be a new variant, we've been getting a few new printings lately.

3 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said:

People in this thread were expecting a full blown Stormtrooper transport for $30, of course they’re going to be disappointed. LEGO Star Wars fans will complain about anything. The UCS Gunship could turn out to be a massive display model with alternate instructions to build a minifig scale model, include 50 clones and people will still find something to complain about.

Getting Mando and baby yoda in such a small set is awesome, as is another chance to get the new Tusken Raider head mould, I look forward to seeing pictures. If we’re lucky maybe the tent will be made out of a fabric element like the one from 7624

Oh, right. "star wars fans complain about everything" was my free space on the bingo card. :head_back:

I agree this is a great set. Side note: it's especially great we're getting more tuskens, they're already pretty cheap on bricklink but the new season has really made me want to mass them.

3 hours ago, jdubbs said:

Speaking only for myself, I would much rather LEGO devote resources to truly unique figures that cannot easily/accurately be assembled from existing parts.  For that reason characters like the Client, Gideon, Kuiil, etc. would top my list, ahead of Cobb. And I don't think I've seen anything approaching an accurate Beskar Mando made from existing parts... the Phoenix custom is of course beautiful, but it's also a small fortune (and sold out).

I go over this above, but I feel like Cobb is a harder custom than gideon, maybe the client too. That said, I totally understand why he wasn't in the set, and I'm super happy with the set we got.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

I don’t see what the big issue is here? People have been clamoring for a Beskar Mando figure since he got his upgraded armor in Season One and now he comes in a cheap set. Some people couldn’t afford or didn’t want to buy the Razor Crest or buildable The Child sets, so now they can get Baby Yoda in the same cheap set. An extra Tusken Raider is fine by me since they’re good to have multiples of. The builds themselves sound like typical $30 set material.

There’s no way Lego would have a Cobb Vanth figure ready within three months of his live-action debut. They undoubtedly got their first look at him the same time that we did and that would’ve been too late since this set was in development by then. Jon Favreau has been playing his cards close to the chest when it comes to this show, which is why there wasn’t much revealed in the trailers and why there isn’t much merchandise based off the second season yet.

I do hope we get more Mando sets in the second half of next year though. We still need Kuiil, The Armorer and Moff Gideon figures from Season One. (I wouldn’t mind getting The Client, Incinerator Stormtrooper and Heavy Infantry Mandalorian figures as well.) From Season Two, we already know we need Cobb and new versions of Greef and Cara, plus any new or spoilery characters who show up.

Edited by The Stud

7 hours ago, jdubbs said:

Speaking only for myself, I would much rather LEGO devote resources to truly unique figures that cannot easily/accurately be assembled from existing parts.  For that reason characters like the Client, Gideon, Kuiil, etc. would top my list, ahead of Cobb. And I don't think I've seen anything approaching an accurate Beskar Mando made from existing parts... the Phoenix custom is of course beautiful, but it's also a small fortune (and sold out).

Moff Gideon is incredibly easy to make a custom of. First Order Tie Pilot torso, old Lando head, black swept back hair, black legs, black cape. That's basically it. Cobb Vanth however doesn't have a single head that actually looks like him, and just using the Boba torso doesn't do justice to how ill fitting and acid scarred his armour is.

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm calling it now, #notmygunship posts will spam lego's social media as soon as the set's revealed and it has, like, 3 figures.

Yep, everyone hoping for these massive Clone Wars based battalions is going up be incredibly disappointed when it's a single Episode 2 based clone pilot and normal clone trooper.

I don‘t know how you guys feel about it, but my disappointment in the Mando set is primarily rooted in the circumstance that it’s the only Mando set in the wave and thus the only set that had any minifig potential to begin with. I‘d be a lot less critical of it if we had other Mando sets to currently look forward to (or anything remotely new for that matter), which we don‘t :sceptic: I put all my hopes for this lackluster wave into this set and that‘s how it turns out...

For a long-time collector like me, this is easily the lamest wave yet. No battle packs, all rehashes with just one set that includes something that can be called „new“, probably just one new character (and a pretty boring one at that), and not a single new mould anywhere. What is this?!

I hope the summer wave gets A LOT better than this :hmpf_bad: 


2 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said:

For a long-time collector like me, this is easily the lamest wave yet.

So far it's working out pretty well for me, I've never owned a TIE Fighter, couldn't spare the money for the Razor Crest, and although I don't want the X-Wing or the Lambda, I may try and track down some of the figs. 

It's a great wave for us poor folk lacking a big collection :grin: 

But yeah, I agree that it's a shame there isn't a little more variety. Hopefully Cobb will endure and we'll get him somewhere down the line. The episodes dialogue implies to me that he will. 

3 minutes ago, SEmrys said:

It's a great wave for us poor folk lacking a big collection :grin: 

True, but why does the whole wave have to be nothing but repeats? :tongue: The theme has always been full of redesigns, that‘s not a new trend, but I‘ve never complained before because there were either enough new vehicles to counterbalance them or at the very least some interesting minifigs. This wave has nothing of the sorts

I was a little disappointed with the leaked details of the 75299 set, as I wanted it to be a new character to the season & a starfighter. I doubted it was going to be an ITT, as I considered the piece count to be a bit low.

Upon further reflection I'm looking forward to having a Beskar Mando. I also don't have any Tuskens or buildings in my SWL collection.

I do hope that a larger Mandalorian set is released later in the year though.

19 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said:

True, but why does the whole wave have to be nothing but repeats? :tongue: The theme has always been full of redesigns, that‘s not a new trend, but I‘ve never complained before because there were either enough new vehicles to counterbalance them or at the very least some interesting minifigs. This wave has nothing of the sorts

I do agree with you. I'm just trying to see the positives. I guess it's just down to the lack of sets. 

Hopefully the bigger waves will scratch that itch. 

The Tusken Tent is new, I guess? :def_shrug: 

I'm yet to pick up a Mandalorian set, and depending on how I can save my pennies this may well come in before the Crest. Seems OK to me - Beskar Mando and the Child in a cheap set is fantastic, and I'm loving the new Tusken raiders so I'll happily add them to my tribe.

While I'm not fussed about Vanth not being there (until two weeks ago he was a minor character from a five-year-old book, and LEGO might not have been provided with details on him), I do hope we see more Mandalorian sets than the three we've got/are getting. It's arguably the most popular Star Wars content since TFA in terms of reach.

9 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said:

Getting Mando and baby yoda in such a small set is awesome, as is another chance to get the new Tusken Raider head mould, I look forward to seeing pictures.

'New' haha.... I bought three of those heads along with a bunch of Jawas when they were released in one set in 2014 was it? And now you can't buy a Tatooine set without getting mobbed by them. I'll never learn.

This does mean I don't need to keep my baby Yoda wrapped in cotton wool in a strong box whenever my son or nephew are in the vicinity. 

What I am curious about is how this set compares to the new starfighters. A TIE for 40 but a speeder bike for 30? This is why I was expecting the ITT. It seems like it would be in the same design and scale bracket as this new reboot format.

Edited by Redroe

Why I'm disappointed about no Cobb is because this would have been the perfect opportunity to include him in a set. That said I'm still looking forward to this set.

Why I'm disappointed about no Cobb is because this would have been the perfect opportunity to include him in a set. That said I'm still looking forward to this set.

11 hours ago, Gremer2 said:

I really wouldn't have expected Vanth to be included given that he's kind of a spoiler and a lot of the one-off characters from Season 1 didn't get figures either. Heck, Kuiil never got one and he was in what, 3 or 4 episodes?

Not to mention the Armourer, another key figure that’s notable by her absence.

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