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I’m guessing his jetpack isn’t included, only because Lego probably wants to avoid Mando’s cape from getting wrinkled or bent from sitting down on the bike and having another accessory on top of it. 

I think that if and when Lego does Mando with the jetpack, he’ll have a cape piece similar to the one Boba Fett uses so that this whole potential problem will be negated. 

Edited by The Stud


4 hours ago, jdubbs said:

But that is entirely different from them saying "we're not going to let you do a Cobb figure, full stop." Or, "We're not going to let you put out prequel sets any more." Or, "You must release this many X-Wings and that many landspeeders each year." Which is what a lot of people here seem to think... it's just part of the same tired, false narrative that evil overlord Disney micromanages LEGO into all the bad decisions LEGO makes... 

I think the argument is more so "lego wasn't informed about cobb vanth for secrecy reasons". At least I hope so, I skimmed the last few pages. Are people really connecting the lack of cobb to this "disney is the literal devil and they're responsible for every bad thing that lego does" delusion?

3 hours ago, Pirean_Grammaticul said:



What, you don't remember this scene? Where luke skywalker's skin color changes, he goes back in time, and meets young anakin? It's most people's favorite scene in The Phantom Menace!

3 hours ago, nintendude64 said:

Wow you guys really go in-depth into speculating about release schedules over here.

Over in the Marvel forum, we're just like:

"No leg printing :cry3:"

Anyway, anyone think they can tell the helmet color from the clearer Mando pic? I am really hoping it's silver, but it looks scarily close to gun metal.

Accurate summary of the marvel forum, that's why I had to stop reading it :laugh:.

Image is bad quality, but I'm certain it's silver and not gun metal. It's tough to make out details, but the color looks silver.

16 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

It will be interesting to see what color Mando's helmet will be but what I really want to know is wether LEGO included his jetpack or cheaped out on it :tongue:

The image is maximum potato quality so I can't entirely tell, but I think that maybe, maybe, there Might be a jetpack across from baby yoda on the speeder.

7 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said:

Even if it’s omitted from the set, at least it’s not hard to get since the Mando jet pack mould already exists in pearl dark grey :shrug_oh_well:

Looks like he's got more silver colored armor in this set, but luckily we've got that too!

For the jetpack, even if it's not ON the minfigure, I hope that it will at least he clipped into some part of the speeder as part of his baggage. 

59 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

It will be interesting to see what color Mando's helmet will be but what I really want to know is wether LEGO included his jetpack or cheaped out on it :tongue:

I imagine they must surely include it but I want to see if they find a way to do jetpack plus cape.

I butchered my Mando gen1's cape with some scissors to get his rifle mounted on his back. I felt bad about it but the fig looks awesome that way.

1 hour ago, PreVizsla said:

AAT is incredible imo and yeah some people got them for figures,but most people buy sets only for figures,just imagine if razor crest didnt include the child their sales would be cut in half while brickbuilt the child would sell twice as much. Not cause 1 set is better than other but solely cause of 1 figure. Also without ahsoka or her clone set would be 30$ and people would still mass buy it.

So most people buy sets for their figures, yet the AAT sales would still be huge if it didn't come with two highly desirable figures? The same AAT that most people have complained about the inaccuracy of the design?

48 minutes ago, Makin Bacon said:

So most people buy sets for their figures, yet the AAT sales would still be huge if it didn't come with two highly desirable figures? The same AAT that most people have complained about the inaccuracy of the design?

Do they? Sometimes one may get the impression it's like that if you follow this forum, but Im not too sure that is actually the case. Personally,  will only buy a set for the figures if I basically want all the figures not one or two, and in those cases im not at all sold on the actually set, I will only buy it when it's discounted or second hand sale for atleast 40 % of the original cost.

If i'ts just one or two figures that are interesting then Bricklink is usually a way better option then buying the whole set I think, however thiis year particullarly the prices of individual minifigures seem to have skyrocked on BL.

Edited by Sneakguest

I just don’t get why TLG doesn‘t commit to the Mandalorian as much as they did to TCW and Rebels :sceptic: Is it because the sets based on Rebels and Resistance didn‘t do so well or because a live-action series is completely new ground for them? Either way, they should’ve realised by now that the demand for more Mando is definitely there.

I was just thinking how great this wave could have been if the lineup included 2-3 additiinal Mando sets to continue the trend of “current movie tie-in” sets that had been part of each January wave in the last 5 years (with the exception of 2019, which didn’t have any new Solo sets). It’s not that hard to come up with some ideas: Stormie BP, Moff Gideon’s TIE, a set with Blurrgs, done :tongue: If Mando was this year’s movie instead of a series, they probably would’ve done that.

I hope they will compensate for the current Mando draught in the 2HY wave :thumbup:

1 hour ago, Lego-Freak said:

I just don’t get why TLG doesn‘t commit to the Mandalorian as much as they did to TCW and Rebels :sceptic: Is it because the sets based on Rebels and Resistance didn‘t do so well or because a live-action series is completely new ground for them? Either way, they should’ve realised by now that the demand for more Mando is definitely there.

I just looked up Star Wars Resistance to see how the release corresponded to the couple of LEGO sets that were made for it and not only did a whole season air after those sets were released, which I was completely unaware of, but it was only 12 episodes long and it was scheduled in direct competition with The Mandalorian season 1, The Rise of Skywalker, and The Clone Wars season 7. Can't imagine why the LEGO sets (which were only a couple of overpriced TIE variants anyway) might have sold poorly... :look:

I agree that there need to be more Mando sets going forward, and regular system ones at that - I have no use for Brickheadz or a $79.99 scale model of Baby Yoda - but between the crazy amount of Star Wars stuff going on, serious diminishing returns on merchandise from Star Wars TV, an apparent slash to the theme's budget, and a Disney-mandated crackdown on spoilers leading to the Razor Crest not getting to shelves until a year after the show premiered, it's not exactly surprising to me that it's taking a while for LEGO to catch up. I'm certain that a 2008 situation of no movies on the horizon and a brand new TV show getting all but two sets in a whole year is never going to happen again.

5 hours ago, Makin Bacon said:

So most people buy sets for their figures, yet the AAT sales would still be huge if it didn't come with two highly desirable figures? The same AAT that most people have complained about the inaccuracy of the design?

Yeah there's no chance the AAT would be as hard to find as it is if it didn't come with Ahsoka or the clone.  The design is so-so but it has two brand new figures of popular characters.  

9 hours ago, Makin Bacon said:

So most people buy sets for their figures, yet the AAT sales would still be huge if it didn't come with two highly desirable figures? The same AAT that most people have complained about the inaccuracy of the design?

AAT is imo best star wars set under 41$ since duel on naboo in 2017,you remove the trooper and make set 30$ it would still sell,if you remove ahsoka and leave trooper for 30$ it would still sell. Probably wouldnt sell as well without both,but who would pass on 25$ AAT to fight your 501st troopers?

To discuss innacuracies around AAT,all you need to do is switch side guns,remove 3 pieces from cannon and add reminding line from sticker sheet as middle line. You have a perfect set and you spent 1 minute moding it. Problem here is that MandRproductions hates it,he is well loved by almost everyone in lego community (me included) and he shaped lot of peoples opinion around the set cause everyone cares about his opinion on lego star wars sets,i saw personal good friends saying its the greatest set and they will get 10 of them to this sucks its innacurate after watching the review. I think he is subconsciously trying to paint AAT as worst as possible to make 501st set sell better cause success of that set is his success and i dont blame him its his opinion,but thats where most of complaining came from. Same guys that said cobb is irrelevant and worst star wars character are starting to complain he isnt in the set after Ryan said something. AAT received such a criticism and unfairly harsh treatment that people were measuring it with tape measure and comparing it to actual model to prove its not minifigure accurate which is absolutely absurd and ludicrous,while talking about innacurate at-rt and no one to even ride it in the set is strictly taboo. And even without that we are all lego star wars fans we complain about literally everything cause we are passionate about it.

Not all that happy with how short the episode was but it was very solid. The only thing I could maybe see become a set is 


the raid on the Gozanti with a Bo Katan figure. Speaking of Bo Katan, I hope she succeeds in hunting down Gideon so we can see them battle and I really like how they managed to naturally introduce Ahsoka. 

Other than that there's not much to do for LEGO.

38 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

AAT is imo best star wars set under 41$ since duel on naboo in 2017,you remove the trooper and make set 30$ it would still sell,if you remove ahsoka and leave trooper for 30$ it would still sell. Probably wouldnt sell as well without both,but who would pass on 25$ AAT to fight your 501st troopers?

To discuss innacuracies around AAT,all you need to do is switch side guns,remove 3 pieces from cannon and add reminding line from sticker sheet as middle line. You have a perfect set and you spent 1 minute moding it. Problem here is that MandRproductions hates it,he is well loved by almost everyone in lego community (me included) and he shaped lot of peoples opinion around the set cause everyone cares about his opinion on lego star wars sets,i saw personal good friends saying its the greatest set and they will get 10 of them to this sucks its innacurate after watching the review. I think he is subconsciously trying to paint AAT as worst as possible to make 501st set sell better cause success of that set is his success and i dont blame him its his opinion,but thats where most of complaining came from. Same guys that said cobb is irrelevant and worst star wars character are starting to complain he isnt in the set after Ryan said something. AAT received such a criticism and unfairly harsh treatment that people were measuring it with tape measure and comparing it to actual model to prove its not minifigure accurate which is absolutely absurd and ludicrous,while talking about innacurate at-rt and no one to even ride it in the set is strictly taboo. And even without that we are all lego star wars fans we complain about literally everything cause we are passionate about it.

The AAT wouldn't sell nearly as well without Ahsoka and the 332nd trooper, that's all people talked about while the build itself was fairly heavily criticised. Just because you personally love it doesn't mean everyone else shares that idea. I'm in the first camp as well, I'd definetely like to get Ahsoka and her trooper but I really don't give a crap about the AAT. 

And to say MandR is ''well loved by almost everyone in the lego community'' is a pretty massive overstatement. I know tons of people who dislike him and the way he approaches things, myself included. And that's totally ok, we don't need to like everyone and everything but if almost the entire lego community loves him as you claim you'd say he'd have more than 301k subscribers... :tongue: 

46 minutes ago, PreVizsla said:

Problem here is that MandRproductions hates it,he is well loved by almost everyone in lego community (me included) and he shaped lot of peoples opinion around the set cause everyone cares about his opinion on lego star wars sets

Yeah... maybe with the 12 year olds. :hmpf: Can't say I've encountered many AFOLs that feel the same way.

Regarding the latest episode:


Was great finally seeing Bo-Katan show up in live action. It would be a real shame if she isn't included somewhere in the summer wave - especially after she's already missed the chance twice with the Clone Wars sets and then Rebels.


8 hours ago, Lego-Freak said:

Stormie BP, Moff Gideon’s TIE, a set with Blurrgs, done :tongue:

Yep. That would cover season 1 nicely. I don't hear anyone crying for lack of a Toro Calahan (sic?) minifig. 

Cobb's speeder from S2 so far. Nothing from episode 10 struck me as set-worthy. SPOILERS follow it was mainly filler and while TLG loves to do giant spider sets, I can't see the krykna making the cut ahead of more regular SW fare like the ITT or even the boat from the upcoming episode. The sets seem to occupy more lower price point territory thua far.

31 minutes ago, wesker said:

Regarding the latest episode:

Couldn’t agree more, it‘s time for that character to finally get a minifig :thumbup: 

The episode was awesome, can‘t wait to see where this season is going! I think after the next episode or two, the footage in the trailers is all accounted for, so we‘re basically going in blind for the second half of the season :moar: This is the way!


Now these characters I would prefer much over Cobb something..
We can only hope the designers have somewhat been planing with this or we dont have a chance for Bo, Ahsoka and others until winter 2022...


2 hours ago, PreVizsla said:

AAT is imo best star wars set under 41$ since duel on naboo in 2017,you remove the trooper and make set 30$ it would still sell,if you remove ahsoka and leave trooper for 30$ it would still sell. Probably wouldnt sell as well without both,but who would pass on 25$ AAT to fight your 501st troopers?

To discuss innacuracies around AAT,all you need to do is switch side guns,remove 3 pieces from cannon and add reminding line from sticker sheet as middle line. You have a perfect set and you spent 1 minute moding it. Problem here is that MandRproductions hates it,he is well loved by almost everyone in lego community (me included) and he shaped lot of peoples opinion around the set cause everyone cares about his opinion on lego star wars sets,i saw personal good friends saying its the greatest set and they will get 10 of them to this sucks its innacurate after watching the review. I think he is subconsciously trying to paint AAT as worst as possible to make 501st set sell better cause success of that set is his success and i dont blame him its his opinion,but thats where most of complaining came from. Same guys that said cobb is irrelevant and worst star wars character are starting to complain he isnt in the set after Ryan said something. AAT received such a criticism and unfairly harsh treatment that people were measuring it with tape measure and comparing it to actual model to prove its not minifigure accurate which is absolutely absurd and ludicrous,while talking about innacurate at-rt and no one to even ride it in the set is strictly taboo. And even without that we are all lego star wars fans we complain about literally everything cause we are passionate about it.

This post is absurd to be honest. Nothing personal against the guy or his channel but most AFOLs don’t watch his content, myself included, he definitely has a younger audience. Doesn’t really appeal to most of us. We don’t care what he says and we certainly don’t form opinions on sets based on his comments on them. Really, no one cares. Kids might care. The rest of us don’t. A lot of us read the Aftermath trilogy and heard Cobb was coming to the show as a rumor and absolutely never thought for a second that Cobb was irrelevant or the “worst Star Wars character”. Again, those must be the kids. Personally, I love the AAT set and don’t expect every Lego vehicle to have perfectly accurate dimensions. The figures are of course the main draw of the set though, to argue that is simply ridiculous. And I really think you completely overestimate the amount of people here who like those YouTube channels for 12 year olds

4 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

Not all that happy with how short the episode was but it was very solid. The only thing I could maybe see become a set is 

  Reveal hidden contents

the raid on the Gozanti with a Bo Katan figure. Speaking of Bo Katan, I hope she succeeds in hunting down Gideon so we can see them battle and I really like how they managed to naturally introduce Ahsoka. 

Other than that there's not much to do for LEGO.

The AAT wouldn't sell nearly as well without Ahsoka and the 332nd trooper, that's all people talked about while the build itself was fairly heavily criticised. Just because you personally love it doesn't mean everyone else shares that idea. I'm in the first camp as well, I'd definetely like to get Ahsoka and her trooper but I really don't give a crap about the AAT. 

And to say MandR is ''well loved by almost everyone in the lego community'' is a pretty massive overstatement. I know tons of people who dislike him and the way he approaches things, myself included. And that's totally ok, we don't need to like everyone and everything but if almost the entire lego community loves him as you claim you'd say he'd have more than 301k subscribers... :tongue: 


I'm not even sure we could get the gozanti given the size, but luckily Bo-Katan's armor hasn't changed much so if we got a clone wars set we could re-use the figure.

And yeah MandR is pretty controversial among afols (kids might like him idk). Didn't he make some video where he did a fake interview with a lego designer, but mocked one specific designer in the group? He just seems entitled and mean-spirited to me when things don't go his exact way. I mean, he literally pressured lego into making a set he wanted and then within a few months he's already talking about how they never listen to the fans and how 2021 will be the worst year ever. :hmpf:

4 hours ago, wesker said:

Yeah... maybe with the 12 year olds. :hmpf: Can't say I've encountered many AFOLs that feel the same way.

Regarding the latest episode:

  Reveal hidden contents

Was great finally seeing Bo-Katan show up in live action. It would be a real shame if she isn't included somewhere in the summer wave - especially after she's already missed the chance twice with the Clone Wars sets and then Rebels.


Agreed on both points. 


Although I'm not sure where Bo-Katan would fit into a set yet, the boat seems like it wouldn't sell well and the gozanti might be too big, we definitely need her somehow. Even a polybag, c'mon lego, please?


16 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:

MandR is pretty controversial among afols (kids might like him idk)....... I mean, he literally pressured lego into making a set he wanted and then within a few months he's already talking about how they never listen to the fans and how 2021 will be the worst year ever. :hmpf:

Generational thing I think. As a PT generation fan I find that Jangbricks (an OT generation fan) does the fairest and best reviews of sets but he doesn't cover news (much) or rumours (ever) and I think its because you can't possibly preserve the quality of your content if you try to produce news based on a company that is notoriously secretive, unless you have a direct line in, or do opinion pieces that are very subjective. MandR (a CW generation fan) does both and sprinkles it with sensational headlines like WE KILLED SW BATTLEPACKS.... well, we didn't. The demise of the humble BP, as we have covered in this thread to the point of thrashing the dead bantha, had multiple factors and none of them were the unprecendented popularity of the 501st legion troopers, which wasn't even marketed as a BP. Just an example of why I find his content unappealing.

Mando was good, lots of easter eggs again. SPOILER (kinda): that might be an understatement

27 minutes ago, Mandalorianknight said:


  Reveal hidden contents

Although I'm not sure where Bo-Katan would fit into a set yet, the boat seems like it wouldn't sell well and the gozanti might be too big, we definitely need her somehow. Even a polybag, c'mon lego, please?



If she ends up fighting Moff Gideon and we get his TIE, she could very easily pop up in a set with him, although that might end up being wishful thinking.


20 minutes ago, Redroe said:

Generational thing I think. As a PT generation fan I find that Jangbricks (an OT generation fan) does the fairest and best reviews of sets but he doesn't cover news (much) or rumours (ever) and I think its because you can't possibly preserve the quality of your content if you try to produce news based on a company that is notoriously secretive, unless you have a direct line in, or do opinion pieces that are very subjective. MandR (a CW generation fan) does both and sprinkles it with sensational headlines like WE KILLED SW BATTLEPACKS.... well, we didn't. The demise of the humble BP, as we have covered in this thread to the point of thrashing the dead bantha, had multiple factors and none of them were the unprecendented popularity of the 501st legion troopers, which wasn't even marketed as a BP. Just an example of why I find his content unappealing.

I'm not sure I agree on the generational front, I think it's more of a vocal minority. HelloGreedo did a great video on how (some) Star Wars fans mellow with age as far as attitudes towards PT and CW go, from an OT generation perspective, and I reckon the same thing is starting to happen as PT generation fans mature and start quietly appreciating everything rather than being particularly vocal about what they like and don't like. I agree that M&R is too sensationalist for me (although I respect the hustle, after all he is making a living out of LEGO), but I think some of his comments just feed, and feed off of, the vocal minorities.

32 minutes ago, Redroe said:

 MandR (a CW generation fan) does both and sprinkles it with sensational headlines like WE KILLED SW BATTLEPACKS.... well, we didn't. The demise of the humble BP, as we have covered in this thread to the point of thrashing the dead bantha, had multiple factors and none of them were the unprecendented popularity of the 501st legion troopers, which wasn't even marketed as a BP. Just an example of why I find his content unappealing.

But come to think of it, the battlepacks RIP is still just an assumption right? I mean we don't know if they are schedules for the summer or if they just skip a year.

14 minutes ago, Sneakguest said:

But come to think of it, the battlepacks RIP is still just an assumption right? I mean we don't know if they are schedules for the summer or if they just skip a year.

Yup, unless there's some inside info we don't know about, but even then I assume it would only stretch as far as this year's summer wave. But that doesn't get as many clicks as 'RIP Battlepacks'. :wink:

22 minutes ago, Sneakguest said:

But come to think of it, the battlepacks RIP is still just an assumption right? I mean we don't know if they are schedules for the summer or if they just skip a year.

If that's true I shall be a happy AFOL.

29 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said:


I'm not sure I agree on the generational front, I think it's more of a vocal minority. HelloGreedo did a great video on how (some) Star Wars fans mellow with age as far as attitudes towards PT and CW go, from an OT generation perspective, and I reckon the same thing is starting to happen as PT generation fans mature and start quietly appreciating everything rather than being particularly vocal about what they like and don't like. I agree that M&R is too sensationalist for me (although I respect the hustle, after all he is making a living out of LEGO), but I think some of his comments just feed, and feed off of, the vocal minorities.

Yeah I didn't get my point across quite well enough there, I was following on from a previous remark about '12 year olds"... the younger the audience, the younger they like their presenter I guess. 

I think PT fans have had to fight their corner for so long they assume people are out to get them :laugh: but there does seem to be a general reappraisal of the prequels at work, due to the questionable storytelling of the Disney era.

For me I'll always maintain that TPM is the most Star warsy Star Wars. 

Edited by Redroe

6 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:
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I'm not even sure we could get the gozanti given the size, but luckily Bo-Katan's armor hasn't changed much so if we got a clone wars set we could re-use the figure.



They've already made a Gozanti set. 75106, Star Wars Imperial Assault Carrier, for Rebels. 


9 hours ago, Lego-Freak said:

The episode was awesome, can‘t wait to see where this season is going! I think after the next episode or two, the footage in the trailers is all accounted for, so we‘re basically going in blind for the second half of the season :moar: This is the way!


We're still yet to see the Greef Karga episode (likely next week's, given that Carl Weathers is directing it) and the one with the imperial base looking thing which the scout bikes and the Outlander TIEs launch off from.

It's also likely there's going to be another big team-up finale which could hopefully provide us with the likes of Cobb Vanth, Bo Katan and Boba Fett in the same place, providing possible sets they could make with the characters, although I doubt Lego would put them all in the same set due to them all being pretty desirable.


6 hours ago, Redroe said:

Generational thing I think. As a PT generation fan I find that Jangbricks (an OT generation fan) does the fairest and best reviews of sets but he doesn't cover news (much) or rumours (ever) and I think its because you can't possibly preserve the quality of your content if you try to produce news based on a company that is notoriously secretive, unless you have a direct line in, or do opinion pieces that are very subjective. MandR (a CW generation fan) does both and sprinkles it with sensational headlines like WE KILLED SW BATTLEPACKS.... well, we didn't. The demise of the humble BP, as we have covered in this thread to the point of thrashing the dead bantha, had multiple factors and none of them were the unprecendented popularity of the 501st legion troopers, which wasn't even marketed as a BP. Just an example of why I find his content unappealing.

I agree, Jang's got the best reviews. MandR does annoyingly enough seem to have an exclusive source, but yeah the way he conducts himself and how sensationalized and clickbaity his videos are make it tough to watch, especially when 90% of his rumor and leak videos are him complaining about a relative lack of prequel sets.

Just now, ood0 said:
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They've already made a Gozanti set. 75106, Star Wars Imperial Assault Carrier, for Rebels. 


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We're still yet to see the Greef Karga episode (likely next week's, given that Carl Weathers is directing it) and the one with the imperial base looking thing which the scout bikes and the Outlander TIEs launch off from.

It's also likely there's going to be another big team-up finale which could hopefully provide us with the likes of Cobb Vanth, Bo Katan and Boba Fett in the same place, providing possible sets they could make with the characters, although I doubt Lego would put them all in the same set due to them all being pretty desirable.



That's why I think it's unlikely. The rebels sets based on obscure things like the gozanti and wookie gunship pretty much killed the ability of the star wars animated series to get more than 1-2 sets a wave, so while it's possible due to the gozanti being relatively more known now and the mandalorian overall being more well-recieved than rebels (which is also as good show but was not well-recieved by the fans) it could show up, I think it might not just given how those sets preformed. Heck, there are only four sets out for the mandalorian released over a whole year, and it's probably the most popular star wars content among fans and audiences alike since the OT.



Man that episode was incredible! So happy to see Bo Katan in live action and I can't wait to see Ashoka, most likely in episode 5 since that's the episode Dave Filoni is directing. As far as set potential goes, I don't think they'd do another Gozanti so the boat would be more likey. I'd be especially great if meant we would get a Quarren or 2! I have no doubt we'll see Bo in at least another episode or 2 which would provide more opportunities for possible sets.

Edited by ToaDraco

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