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4 hours ago, SEmrys said:

He's my most desired OT fig at this point. I have a space saved on my shelf for his eventual arrival, but I don't foresee that being anytime soon :sad: (come on Lego, prove me wrong). 

I feel like the next OT B-Wing would be a good spot for him, and it's coming up on 7 years (since it was a 2014 release and we know that we aren't getting one this winter) since the last one.  I know he wasn't a B-Wing pilot but it's sort of the same as them sticking random bounty hunters in with Slave I.  

On the subject of the sets, I just saw the Tauntaun and AT-AT microfighter pack, I like being able to get both an AT-AT driver and Hoth Luke in a cheap set, and I think that the inclusion of stud shooters is a little strange, since normally they just put it on the vehicle, and if they don't have any sort of weapon (like a creature), they just don't put any stud shooter.

5 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:
10 hours ago, SEmrys said:


I feel like the next OT B-Wing would be a good spot for him, and it's coming up on 7 years (since it was a 2014 release and we know that we aren't getting one this winter) since the last one.  I know he wasn't a B-Wing pilot but it's sort of the same as them sticking random bounty hunters in with Slave I.  

They did his sort-of meta alter-ego Ten Nunb in the last two B Wings. Even switching up his ever-changing white to red spacesuit. And they still need to do a B Wing that looks anything like decent.

An A wing would also be a great place for him (they did Lando and Ackbar in the last two for crying out loud). And surely if this new back-to-basics approach is really going to take off, an A wing can't be long in the pipeline. They could even keep the face print as it is as long as he has a cap mold with his big old ears.

So happy to get Dodonna. Literally a week prior to the reveal I was pricing up Antilles torsos on the aftermarket to do a custom. And the RA protocol droid is another AFOL gift. Lego know how to squeeze our wallets.

8 hours ago, Kit Figsto said:

I feel like the next OT B-Wing would be a good spot for him, and it's coming up on 7 years (since it was a 2014 release and we know that we aren't getting one this winter) since the last one.  I know he wasn't a B-Wing pilot but it's sort of the same as them sticking random bounty hunters in with Slave I.

Another option would be in the next MF reissue, which could line up nicely with the ROTJ 40th anniversary and do a ship with Nien Nunb and General Lando.

Having said that, I'd much prefer the B-wing option as this is a ship that is definitely due for a rerelease and wouldn't mean putting a desirable fig in a more expensive model.

Edited by MaximillianRebo

On 11/24/2020 at 2:53 PM, Lego-Freak said:

*glares angrily*

Meh. The prelim looked decent, but I‘m not expecting much in the minifig department. It‘s either the same Rebel posse as in the 2015 version or the same Imperial posse as in the 2005 version :shrug_oh_well:

OT sets left and right, but my man Nien still gets no love. Sad times :tongue: They‘re probably saving him up since he‘s now risen to the top of the impressively short list of missing OT figures, thanks to Zuckuss and the cantina patrons who‘ve hold on to the top spots for ages

Short list? They are still hundreds

8 hours ago, Sneakguest said:

Short list? They are still hundreds

Are there though? If we count figures that have never had a single release, I don't get that many at all: 

ANH: Aunt Beru. Motti. Muftak. Red Leader. Other than that its minor differences between Imperial insignia and Rebel flight helmets.

TESB: er.... ice cream guy I guess?

ROTJ: a few more here. Jabba's cronies deserve a bit more love. My personal faves would be Sy Snootles, Amanaman and Ephant Mon. I guess you could pick a few more Ewoks if you paused every frame. Nien Nunb, who started this discussion.

Beyond that I am struggling.

For TESB you could add Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa. Trying to think of any Rogue Group pilots who had dialog but no minifig. Hobbie Klivian?

7 minutes ago, MaximillianRebo said:

For TESB you could add Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa. Trying to think of any Rogue Group pilots who had dialog but no minifig. Hobbie Klivian?

Wasn’t Hobbie in the 2017 UCS snowspeeder? I don’t remember who those figures were but they had unique helmets.

23 minutes ago, MaximillianRebo said:

For TESB you could add Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa. Trying to think of any Rogue Group pilots who had dialog but no minifig. Hobbie Klivian?

Of course, Ozzel. I am in the way of thinking he already exists in minifig form, because I swapped Piett's head out for a moustachio one years ago.

Needa is just a standard 3x2 badge captain torso though. I hadn't counted Imp officers who share a rank badge as they are just a head swap away (and most of them have pretty generic "stern middle aged white guy" faces!)

16 minutes ago, Brikkyy13 said:

Wasn’t Hobbie in the 2017 UCS snowspeeder? I don’t remember who those figures were but they had unique helmets.

No they were Will Scotian and Zev Senesca. :)

2 minutes ago, BacktoBricks said:

No they were Will Scotian and Zev Senesca. :)

The first Zev Senesca helmet didn't look anything like the real thing, the second gen one might as well count as his first release.

Red Leader would have been a solid gold inclusion in that X Wing. I'm happy Leia is there, (super happy actually. TLG finally getting it right) but I'd have lost her for Red Leader.


29 minutes ago, Redroe said:

Red Leader would have been a solid gold inclusion in that X Wing. I'm happy Leia is there, (super happy actually. TLG finally getting it right) but I'd have lost her for Red Leader.

Red Leader + alternate plates to make it his X-Wing like they did in 2018 and 2012 with Biggs and Jek would’ve been awesome... though I do like seeing the main characters pop up in more sets, especially someone like Leia who is criminally under represented compared to Han and Luke. 

22 minutes ago, Redroe said:

Red Leader would have been a solid gold inclusion in that X Wing. 

Maybe in the next X-Wing released in 2023/24 :tongue:

It’s pretty obvious they’re struggling with including any new minifigs in OT sets, because there’s so little left. And Imperial officers / Rebel pilots are pretty boring variations IMO :snicker: Having Dodonna as the highlight of the wave is pretty telling.

Compare this to other properties, where the list of missing characters is embarassing at points, especially the shows and spin-offs. It’s mind-boggling to me that Shmi, Boss Nass, most of the CIS leadership, ROTS Cody, Bo-Katan, Galen Erso, Saw Gerrera, and Dryden Vos still don’t have a minifig representation to this day. Babu Frik, the TROS version of the Senate, 90% of the main characters of Resistance, and Kuiil are also notable emissions. 

In essence, I’m fine with more OT repeats (as they have no choice there), as long as they balance that out a bit with new minifigs from everything non-OT. Throw us collectors a bone or two, TLG :moar:

I just noticed that the front side of the millenium falcon cockpit no longer has a print, which was there in previous microfighters.

1 hour ago, Lego-Freak said:

It’s mind-boggling to me that Shmi, Boss Nass, most of the CIS leadership, ROTS Cody, Bo-Katan, Galen Erso, Saw Gerrera, and Dryden Vos still don’t have a minifig representation to this day. Babu Frik, the TROS version of the Senate, 90% of the main characters of Resistance, and Kuiil are also notable emissions. 

And even you missed any version of Padme! 

I think ST fans, one of whom I am not, can count themselves very lucky if any more ST figures are released. I think the sequels are going to be forgotten as quickly as possible. It grieves me, as until TLJ I was an anything-goes kind of SW fan. I favour OT but love the PT with childhood nostalgia.

Kuill should have been in the Razor Crest and I'll bang that drum til my hands fall off.

31 minutes ago, Redroe said:

I think ST fans, one of whom I am not, can count themselves very lucky if any more ST figures are released. I think the sequels are going to be forgotten as quickly as possible. It grieves me, as until TLJ I was an anything-goes kind of SW fan. I favour OT but love the PT with childhood nostalgia.

They'll get main characters but I reckon even B-list characters like Phasma or Hux might not get more figs. Ditto for Rogue One, I'd love to see more Blue Squadron or Pedrin Gaul, the original Red Five. Solo we'll see, I seem to recall seeing a TV series rumoured to follow on from the film.

That said, they could show up in Advent Calendars - that was the only place Antoc Merrick showed up, and there's been some good figs like the Death Star trooper or Cloud Car pilot pop up recently as well.

Edited by TeddytheSpoon

30 minutes ago, Redroe said:

And even you missed any version of Padme! 

I only listed characters that never got the minifig treatment (with the exception of the Senate) :wink: If variants were to be included, we’d be here all day :laugh:

33 minutes ago, Redroe said:

I think ST fans, one of whom I am not, can count themselves very lucky if any more ST figures are released.

The ST has been covered very well over the years, which I’m very happy about. Nonetheless, I hope they’ll continue to sprinkle in ST sets in the future, even though there’s not that much left they haven’t done yet. Give me Babu Frik and the Senate and I’m all set :tongue:

37 minutes ago, Redroe said:

Kuill should have been in the Razor Crest and I'll bang that drum til my hands fall off.

Not sure if I agree fully. If they release a set with Kuiil and a blurrg or two in the near future, all will be forgiven. If they don’t, I’ll join your band :head_back:

8 minutes ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

That said, they could show up in Advent Calendars - that was the only place Antoc Merrick showed up, and there's been some good figs like the Death Star trooper or Cloud Car pilot pop up recently as well.

Good point. Some of the characters I’ve mentioned (like Dryden, the Senate, or Galen Erso, not so sure about Saw) could easily be released in ACs, polybags or books. The Maul minifig from the recent encyclopedia was the Solo version after all, which goes to show they haven’t completely abandoned the spin-offs yet

A new Mon Mothma would also be nice to see, they did make her but that was over a decade ago and that fig looks really outdated.

4 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said:

A new Mon Mothma would also be nice to see, they did make her but that was over a decade ago and that fig looks really outdated.

Agreed. She’s in desperate need for an update (still laughing at Leia with TCW Anakin’s hairpiece over there:laugh_hard:) and there’s plenty of opportunities to do so. Maybe if we get sets based on the Cassian Andor series?

Edited by Lego-Freak

2 hours ago, Lego-Freak said:

I only listed characters that never got the minifig treatment (with the exception of the Senate) :wink: If variants were to be included, we’d be here all day :laugh:

Fair shout. But for a character as important as Padme not to have a single figure based on her many Naboo outfits in TPM, I almost count her as a seperate concern to later versions like the Arena AotC one. I mean, you can almost interchange many of the Luke and Leia variants between locations but Padme's different outfits are so diverse they demand more attention. 

This discussion is making me excited for whatever's coming in the second part of next year! They don't have any tie-in movies to cover and they've already done the typical re-dos like an X-Wing and TIE...so the next wave will hopefully include some of this stuff ?Prequel/TCW/Mando minifigures please

12 hours ago, Redroe said:

TESB: er.... ice cream guy I guess?

Others have mentioned the officers and Hobbie, so I'll just say:

How dare you call Wilrow Hood "ice cream guy" :laugh:!     As much as I'd love to get him in minifigure form, unfortunately due to his obscurity and how he's really only known as a meme (I mean really, everyone is evacuating and he rushes past lando with an ice cream machine), his only opportunity was betrayal at cloud city, so I think he might not get a figure for a long time.

8 hours ago, Redroe said:

And even you missed any version of Padme! 

I think ST fans, one of whom I am not, can count themselves very lucky if any more ST figures are released. I think the sequels are going to be forgotten as quickly as possible. It grieves me, as until TLJ I was an anything-goes kind of SW fan. I favour OT but love the PT with childhood nostalgia.

Kuill should have been in the Razor Crest and I'll bang that drum til my hands fall off.

You see, this is what people thought about the prequels when those came out. We'll have a lull for a few years and it'll get to the same amount of sets as prequels by 2022-2023. 

8 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

Ditto for Rogue One, I'd love to see more Blue Squadron or Pedrin Gaul, the original Red Five. Solo we'll see, I seem to recall seeing a TV series rumoured to follow on from the film

Rogue one is getting the "cassian" series so we'll probably get more figures there. Solo's been swirling with rumors (most underrated film in the franchise by the way), if I'm not mistaken one of the writers tweeted something suspicious on the anniversary of solo's release this year, but nothing concrete yet.

8 hours ago, Guyon2002 said:

A new Mon Mothma would also be nice to see, they did make her but that was over a decade ago and that fig looks really outdated.

Yeah, at this point it's almost like there isn't a mon mothma, kinda like with Zam where it's almost better to use other parts if you were trying to make an accurate figure of the character. Her figure doesn't have pupils, for crying out loud!

Maybe she'll get a figure for the Andor show, I'm sure she'll be in that.

Thanks to MandRproductions i discovered there is a vote on LEGO ideas page for Brickhead number 150. We can choose between minecraft,jaws,Star Wars and lilo and stich. When you pick a theme you can vote for a character you want to be made. My jedi mind tricks are a bit rusty,but you definitely want to vote for Jar Jar and Pre Vizsla. 

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