December 4, 20204 yr On 12/2/2020 at 2:42 AM, Brikkyy13 said: Nah, it’ll be more wishlisting than other years Lol On 12/2/2020 at 2:47 AM, MKJoshA said: Not on my watch! Lol again
December 4, 20204 yr 3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said: Yeah, I don't get the complaints about him being in the shuttle. This is the cheapest globally available retail set he's been in for about 3 years, I think (vader transformation being the last). I think the print was different since ROTS Vader was a bit different from OT Vader. I know the head was the fleshy one, not sure on the body print but it was a slightly different figure anyway. Now, in practice, very few people probably care, but just throwing that out there. The plus of the set being not a retail exclusive is that, despite being $80, several retailers carrying it means it's more likely to go on discount at some point. Walmart typically discounts stuff pretty quickly in the US, and Target has actually started as well. If that ends up around, say, $64.99 at some point (definitely plausible depending on how it sells, considering the Mandalorian AT-ST is at $40 for quite a while) that's not a bad deal at all. 2 hours ago, Redroe said: So once? No, there was the Hoth medical centre as well which was 100% overpriced at £40. She might have been in an X Wing in 2009 ish? Not exactly a glowing record. The point isn't that she was in that one cheap set, the point is how available and desirable the sets are. For some reason, ANH Leia in general is a much rarer figure than you'd expect? Like the most iconic version of Leia is probably ANH, in the same way that the most iconic Han is probably ANH and same with Tatooine Luke. There isn't really an issue with the latter two, but for whatever reason outside of the Death Star Escape, there hadn't been many ANH Leias, you basically had to buy a Millenium Falcon if you wanted her. Edited December 4, 20204 yr by Kit Figsto
December 4, 20204 yr 15 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said: For some reason, ANH Leia in general is a much rarer figure than you'd expect? I think the reason is LSW skews much more towards vehicle than location builds, and the main ANH vehicle Leia is associated with is the Tantive IV (expensive) and then the Falcon (ANH crew version from 2011). If Lego released more vignettes similar to Death Star Escape, like a Detention Block set, maybe Trash Compactor, Yavin control room (which the new X-wing is a nod towards) or Yavin throne room, her fig would be a lot less rare.
December 4, 20204 yr 13 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said: For some reason, ANH Leia in general is a much rarer figure than you'd expect? Like the most iconic version of Leia is probably ANH, in the same way that the most iconic Han is probably ANH and same with Tatooine Luke. There isn't really an issue with the latter two, but for whatever reason outside of the Death Star Escape, there hadn't been many ANH Leias, you basically had to buy a Millenium Falcon if you wanted her. ANH Han Solo is almost as rare as well. The only affordable set he’s been in since the last MF microfighter in 2014, is the 2018 Cantina. Another thought I’ve had about this wave is that ‘the budget’ hasn’t been reduced and is instead put towards having some of the sets available for much longer.(I know MandR had the same thought as well) So 75295, 75300, and 75301 being on shelves for 2 years perhaps so they’re always available for kids and new collectors. That would be a marked difference from when the 2019 A-wing and AT-ST lasted all of 6 weeks.
December 4, 20204 yr I'm going to interject my thoughts. Usually I'm quite opinionated one way or another. But for some reason... I can see the points from both sides arguments. To which at some degree, I also agree with both. The problem is, while statements of facts are being presented for one side, and the other, regarding last year's released, availability/desire/new collection starters etc... Ultimately its still people's opinions on if its the right choice or not, because there is no right or wrong choice, just *the* choice that has already been made by TLG. Some think it a good choice. Some think it bad. I personally can see the good and bad. Because there are 2 types of customer to satisfy. New customers. Existing customers. At some point that balancing act will wobble, as it is now. I can clearly see for the most part, people are sticking to their guns, and so opinions won't change, and this discussion is going to go on and on and on, and literally get nowhere further than it already is. I feel like i need to say something as an end note like let's all just chill out a bit, about it, and move on, or something... But that sounds crap. But I guess it'll have to do now I typed it and can't think of anything else
December 4, 20204 yr 6 hours ago, Redroe said: Lando, baby. So happy about that. So once? No, there was the Hoth medical centre as well which was 100% overpriced at £40. She might have been in an X Wing in 2009 ish? Not exactly a glowing record. As @Mandalorianknight says. This is lego going cold turkey. I would encourage everyone, if they want this new approach to continue more than a couple of years and yield good PT, ST and nu-EU sets to show support with their wallet because that is realistically the only message we can send. I was more so responding to @Guyon2002's comment about the "big three" and vader being in the same wave, but yeah lando's cape covered the print too. It is amazing that they made him, and his desirability definitely shows if you look at BL prices for the snowspeeder. Ouch, we had that set in america at $30, which converts to about 22 pounds, so you're actually literally correct in that it was about 100% overpriced, at least compared to the american cost. She was in a 2012 y-wing too, but the y-wing and medical chambers were both different variants. Yes exactly. If you want more of these smaller scale, if you want PT sets in this style, and you can afford it, vote with your wallet! I'll be getting the x-wing if i can. 5 hours ago, Redroe said: They have experimented a lot in recent years (launched 4+, action battle and some other wacky thing, I forget what, all in 2019!) Showing they really aren't afraid to take a risk. Cutting the size of waves and scaling back sets like they have is actually a pretty ballsy move. They could easily have carried on the way they were and made plenty of money, one assumes. As for the second half of your post, I have to disagree again i'm afraid. We can only work with what they've given us. I am sure after the swarm of locusts had finished clearing every shop in the UK of 501st battle packs, they're aware of the PT demand. These new sets have been in the pipeline for a long time, the next few waves will be what really shows us what they are planning. We are working on very little info. Exactly. We voted with our wallets against the action battles, and we can vote for this new style. Agreed with the second part of the post, too. They know there's demand for PT. If they see demand for the new style, too... get ready for a $50 ARC-170 with 4 figures. 3 hours ago, Kit Figsto said: I think the print was different since ROTS Vader was a bit different from OT Vader. I know the head was the fleshy one, not sure on the body print but it was a slightly different figure anyway. Now, in practice, very few people probably care, but just throwing that out there. The plus of the set being not a retail exclusive is that, despite being $80, several retailers carrying it means it's more likely to go on discount at some point. Walmart typically discounts stuff pretty quickly in the US, and Target has actually started as well. If that ends up around, say, $64.99 at some point (definitely plausible depending on how it sells, considering the Mandalorian AT-ST is at $40 for quite a while) that's not a bad deal at all. For some reason, ANH Leia in general is a much rarer figure than you'd expect? Like the most iconic version of Leia is probably ANH, in the same way that the most iconic Han is probably ANH and same with Tatooine Luke. There isn't really an issue with the latter two, but for whatever reason outside of the Death Star Escape, there hadn't been many ANH Leias, you basically had to buy a Millenium Falcon if you wanted her. Yeah, I really hated that they did that. Torso is the same but they used the fleshy face, which is just so annoying to me. Also agreed about that point on the shuttle. Yup, she's way rare than you'd think. ANH leia appeared in four sets....between 2010 and 2020...only one of which was under $100...and one of which was $500. Completely insane for one of the "big three'.
December 4, 20204 yr 8 hours ago, Lego-Freak said: one or two PT sets, but of course overdone ones (Naboo Starfighter and Sith Infiltrator anyone?) with a new Maul minifig sporting an even dumber facial expression than the last one I actually think it's about time they do another Naboo Starfighter It's a beautifull ship and they've only made 2 minifigure scale versions so far, the last one being released in 2015. Ofc there are plenty of other things to remake first but when they do eventually return to this ship I definetely wouldn't mind
December 4, 20204 yr 21 minutes ago, Guyon2002 said: I actually think it's about time they do another Naboo Starfighter It's a beautifull ship and they've only made 2 minifigure scale versions so far, the last one being released in 2015. Ofc there are plenty of other things to remake first but when they do eventually return to this ship I definetely wouldn't mind No, there have been four--1999, 2007, 2011, and 2015. They aren't as overdone as snowspeeders, sure, but don't act like there haven't been plenty of them, LMAO.
December 4, 20204 yr @Guyon2002: Sure, the Naboo Starfighter is pretty much due for a remake (the cycle being 3 years usually), but I mentioned that one specifically because it‘s AGAIN a remake without minifig potential. What can they include besides the usual TPM candidates? As I‘ve said, I don‘t mind remakes as long as A) the wave is balanced out with new stuff too and B) there is at least one new or majorly updated minifig included. Just look at the 2014 ROTS remakes where they went out of their way to include new minifigs, regardless of much sense they made (Palpy in the vulture droid set and a Neimoidian soldier in the Tri-Fighter?! ). TPM has been covered extensively, how about giving AOTC some love It‘s unfathomable to me that the bounty hunter chase still hasn‘t been remade. Zam Wesell is one of the very few early minifigs that has never been redesigned or rereleased for whatever reason
December 4, 20204 yr 36 minutes ago, Kdapt-Preacher said: No, there have been four--1999, 2007, 2011, and 2015. They aren't as overdone as snowspeeders, sure, but don't act like there haven't been plenty of them, LMAO. I just searched for Naboo Starfighter on Brickset and went with it lol, didn't know they used other names as well. But my point still stands: it's been 5 years so another one wouldn't be unwelcome.
December 4, 20204 yr 4 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said: What can they include besides the usual TPM candidates PADME.
December 4, 20204 yr 17 minutes ago, Redroe said: PADME. She IS one of the usual TPM suspects How about a ROTS version of her, that‘d be new Edited December 4, 20204 yr by Lego-Freak
December 4, 20204 yr Just now, Lego-Freak said: She IS one of the usual TPM suspects How about a ROTS version of her, that‘d be new No, no, NO. No she is not. That outfit has been released 3 times in 20 years, with each podracer update and its usage outside of that context is nil. Queen Amidala exists. Arena Padme exists. There is a CW version. That isn't a usual suspect. Though I admit there is little demand for various ornate senate gowns. But for TPM alone; What about her orange handmaiden gown? The black dress she wore for most of the first act? Sabe variant? And most of all: her battle dress from the third act when she dominates the film? They have missed or deliberately avoided EVERY opportunity to do us a Naboo Padme figure. (Amidala is almost a seperate character).
December 4, 20204 yr 40 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said: What can they include besides the usual TPM candidates? Two words: Boss Nass
December 4, 20204 yr There are plenty of new figures they could include in a N-1 rerelease. I agree, Padme in this outfit would be perfect. Sio Bibble would also be a good choice, as would Nute Gunray and Rune Haako.
December 4, 20204 yr 1 minute ago, Brikkyy13 said: Padme in this outfit would be perfect. Sio Bibble would also be a good choice, as would Nute Gunray and Rune Haako. 47 minutes ago, Redroe said: And most of all: her battle dress from the third act when she dominates the film? I concede, that would actually be a cool addition BTW, the new Mando episode was AMAZING There‘s definitely set potential here: The imperial counterpart to the FO troop transports from TFA would make for a cool set. There‘s also that new trooper type with the orange markings, a morsar trooper I think And of course, a new Slave One with Boba and Fennec. Oh, and RIP Razor Crest, you shall be missed
December 4, 20204 yr 43 minutes ago, Lego-Freak said: I concede, that would actually be a cool addition BTW, the new Mando episode was AMAZING There‘s definitely set potential here: Reveal hidden contents The imperial counterpart to the FO troop transports from TFA would make for a cool set. There‘s also that new trooper type with the orange markings, a morsar trooper I think And of course, a new Slave One with Boba and Fennec. Oh, and RIP Razor Crest, you shall be missed As far as remakes go, I really do hope they do a new N-1, they have yet to perfect the design and it has been awhile since the last one, plus I think the last one was too big. With the new rescaling of the 2021 sets, I think there's great potential to bring solid updates that many have been asking for for some time. The episode was absolutely incredible! Definitely some awesome set and figure potential! As a massive Boba Fett fan, I could not be happier! This is exactly what I've been wanting for years! I dig the Imperial dropship, definitely great set potential. Maybe the dropship with that grenadier Stormtrooper, old Boba Fett, Fennic Shand and a regular Stormtrooper or 2. Edited December 4, 20204 yr by ToaDraco
December 4, 20204 yr 2 hours ago, Lego-Freak said: What can they include besides the usual TPM candidates? I am waiting for Rune Haako minifig since 1999 and they still didnt make him in LEGO form(32 minutes screen time),they can also do screen accurate Nute Gunray,re-release Padme in dress,or Padme in battle dress. They can do theed palace,lucrehulk,droid landing craft and MTT,Naboo Starfighter,Sith infiltrator for sets we already have,something like ucs sith infiltrator would be pretty cool. Season 3 mandalorian spoilers(not plot spoiler) Spoiler Lot of you talked about naboo starfighter so i just wanted to mention they made that vehicle for mandalorian season 3. So another reason to release it Season 2 Ep 6 Mandalorian spoilers Spoiler They did Razor Crest really dirty both season and i think this is it with that vehicle i really hope Mando can get Mandalorian fighter or some new cool vehicle and not slave 1 somehow.
December 4, 20204 yr 3 hours ago, Lego-Freak said: I concede, that would actually be a cool addition BTW, the new Mando episode was AMAZING There‘s definitely set potential here: Reveal hidden contents The imperial counterpart to the FO troop transports from TFA would make for a cool set. There‘s also that new trooper type with the orange markings, a morsar trooper I think And of course, a new Slave One with Boba and Fennec. Oh, and RIP Razor Crest, you shall be missed Spoiler Agreed. The transport really reminded me of the one in TFA. Almost like an early prototype. Plus you’ve got two versions of Boba. Plus Gideon’s ship would make a good flagship set. There’s at least 2-3 sets you could get from this episode alone. Edited December 4, 20204 yr by Tariq j
December 4, 20204 yr Man this episode was amazing Miles better than last weeks and I'm so excited to see where the final 2 episodes go! Even though I'm not a big fan of the Trouble on Tatooine set I'm now definetely considering buying it, if only to show my support for more Mando sets (and that beautifull Mando fig). As for this weeks episode: Spoiler Boba Fett is my favorite character in all of Star Wars so seeing him obliterate Stormtrooper helmets with a gaffi stick and reunited with his armor was a dream come true, I'm not joking when I say I teared up! The precursor to the FO troop transport was awesome to see as well, just a tiny bit of sequel connectivity that I really appreciate! Things I'd like to see LEGO do include an extremely weathered Slave I, that pre-FO transport and Moff Gideon's Arquitens. Man, what a time to be a Star Wars fan! Edited December 4, 20204 yr by Guyon2002
December 4, 20204 yr 5 hours ago, Redroe said: They have missed or deliberately avoided EVERY opportunity to do us a Naboo Padme figure. (Amidala is almost a seperate character). Back when I was an action figure collector I read that Padmé was a shelfwarmer and not popular with kids. Maybe that's why they don't really include her in sets. That being said, I would love a new Padmé variant in Lego. I would prefer the Theed battle version or the Mustafar version. I really hoped she would be included in the 2020 Jedi Interceptor (although that wouldn't make any sense) but alas. Edited December 4, 20204 yr by Legopls
December 4, 20204 yr On 12/4/2020 at 1:59 PM, Legopls said: Back when I was an action figure collector I read that Padmé was a shelfwarmer and not popular with kids Times have changed since Padme was an action figure on store shelves.... Star Wars has been reoriented to include more girls, they wouldn't have that problem now. (Padme is just as strong a female character as Leia and Rey, but Star Wars was a very boy thing in the early 00's). Ironically enough of course, it's now mostly adult male collectors clamoring for more Padme! (come to think of it which adult male wouldn't clamor for their own Natalie Portman?) Edited December 10, 20204 yr by Redroe Went off target.
December 4, 20204 yr Author 28 minutes ago, Redroe said: So, I went off on one a bit here based on recent discussion/disagreements and some Mod please shoot me down if I am unforgiveably off topic but: since TLG are doing this soft reboot of sorts: let's play a little game? Consider yourself shot! We have a thread for wishlisting. It's not this one. Thanks.
December 4, 20204 yr I would also like to voice my support for more Padme minifigures. For one of “the big three” of the Prequel Trilogy, it’s an absolute travesty that we’ve only gotten her once in the last five years? We get prequel versions of Anakin and Obi-Wan at least once a year, most of the time. I’ve been collecting Lego Star Wars since the release of TFA and the only versions of Padme I own is the figure that came with the most recent Podracer (who had an overused face print that didn’t really resemble her but that’s besides the point) and I Bricklinked the Episode 2 figure from 2013 for the low price of $20 USD. I imagine that Padme’s small role in The Clone Wars Season Seven won’t help our chances of seeing her in more sets. The fact that she was wearing her Episode 3 outfit in that one scene from Season Seven adds salt to the wound because we’re still lacking that version of Padme. (There’s not too many sets to get that figure in, especially since she was poorly utilized in ROTS). The ROTS version of Padme is actually pretty hard to find in Star Wars merchandise in general; Funko even cancelled the their POP of her. Lego doesn’t have this problem representing the other main characters. From the ST, we get plenty of Rey, Finn, Poe, and BB-8 figures (of course, these characters are more relevant and their trilogy has only ended recently) and from the OT, we have a plethora of Luke, Han, Chewie, Threepio, and Artoo figures at any given time. Leia could use more coverage too, but Lego has at least gotten better about putting her in more sets. Still, it shouldn’t have taken three years for me to get a Leia minifigure in my collection (the Hoth one in the Medical Chamber in 2018) and four for me to get her in her most iconic outfit (Episode 4 dress in the Death Star Escape and the Tantive IV, both from 2019). With that out of the way, I can name at least two potential sets from today’s episode of The Mandalorian but I still don’t know how to use the spoiler tag here, so I won’t name them. I’m just going to say that based off how tightly the lid was sealed on the second half of the season, I wouldn’t expect Lego sets based off of it to be guaranteed next year. We might still see a couple, but I’m not going to get my hopes up. This might be a good thing though; after all, we’re still waiting for more sets based off Season One and the first half of Season Two. Edited December 4, 20204 yr by The Stud
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