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Mandalore Throne
Nice to see the lightsaber duel sets haven't gone the way of the battle packs. I believe this is the first one not to be based on one of the live action movies. Looking forward to a new Clone Wars Darth Maul.

Imperial Transport
Glad we're getting a proper minifigure scale version of this vehicle. The Rebels battle pack version just doesn't cut it. Hopefully Greef Karga will be a new Season 2 variant and not a reuse of the Season 1 figure that came in the Razor Crest.

Slave I
Don't need to replace the 20th Anniversary version but I'm still interested in seeing how they pull this off with the reduced price tag. I understand why they went with Boba's version again since it appeared in The Mandalorian recently but I really wish they would revisit Jango's as that is in desperate need of a remake.

Bad Batch Shuttle
No surprise here. Was expecting the show to get at least one tie-in set and this one seemed like a no brainer.

Moff Gideon's Light Cruiser
Looking forward to this as I've always enjoyed the flagship sets. I imagine the interior will borrow some of the design choices from the last two Star Destroyers. Glad Moff Gideon is finally coming and the addition of Fennec Shand is even better.

Mandalorian Fighter
Finally Bo-Katan is getting a minifigure! And on top of that we're also getting Gar Saxon! Its also been close to a decade since we last had a Mandalorian Fighter so I'm looking forward to seeing how much they've improved the design since then.

Darth Vader's Meditation Chamber
Guessing this will be like the Bespin Duel set from last year? Hopefully it won't be regional exclusive so people outside the US have a chance to get it without paying a fortune.

Overall sounds like an excellent summer wave coming up. The set choices feel fresh and interesting while the minifigures are delivering on some much requested fan favorites. Being so heavily focused on the Mandalorian and Clone Wars also makes up for the lack of variety from the beginning of the year.

This list is good. Too good...

But I'm told its legit, and if it is, oh boy. Ashoka vs Maul? ITT? Moff Gideon's cruiser? Hell yes. 

UCS gunship should be absolutely massive, I'll have to save for this one. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out. Hoping for P2 Cody, but I'll keep my expectations in check. Either way, I'll be very happy to pick this up once it comes out.

Mando fighter is a maybe, and slave I is an easy pass since I just bought the 20th anniversary edition right before it left shelves. Bad batch doesn't really interest me, but maybe it will if the show turns out good. We'll see. 

Decent variety this wave, l fantasise the UCS Gunship could be in a Geonosis arena setting, cant picture it being practical for play or display at too big a scale...but in the arena setting rescuing Jedi could be epic

Edited by cyberrage

Overall very pleased with the wave! Definitely getting the R2-D2 seeing as I missed out on the 2012 version. Also excited for the Bo Katan minifig. Still waiting on a battle of Exegol set with TROS Palpatine though...

So the Death Star is getting half the piece count we initially thought, and it may even be an AT-AT 

Will be interesting to see the scale of the Bad Batch shuttle considering it's meant to be $100 and the Imperial shuttle coming soon is $80. Guessing it comes down to the minifigs and the amount of new moulds/prints required for the 5 new figs.

  On 1/14/2021 at 1:22 AM, Legoman123 said:

So the Death Star is getting half the piece count we initially thought, and it may even be an AT-AT 

We were never getting an 11,000 piece Death Star 

Advent Calendar - Maybe: I liked advent calendars in the past, but I'll have to see how it looks.

R2-D2 - Must buy: I've been hoping for a remake of 10225 for a long time!

Republic Gunship - Maybe: Considering the price, it should be a very accurate and detailed model of the gunship. Will have to wait for final pictures as it is expensive though...

Slave I - Must buy: I've been wanting an affordable version of Slave I for a long time so it's a dream come true!

Bad Batch Shuttle - Must buy: One of my favorite vehicles in Star Wars and therefore I have high expectations for the set.

UCS Death Star/AT-AT - No: I'm loving the idea but I never spend too much money on a single set.

The rest of the sets I probably won't get.



Edited by JintaiZ

This whole wave seems very nice, most excited for the Mandalore throne and Vader’s meditation chamber.

l’m really really hoping the $800 dollar set isn’t a Death Star or AT-AT, as we have gotten tons of those and having potentially having a new vehicle or location in this incredibly high price range is interesting to me. 

Is there any chance of the $800 dollar set maybe being the Nebulon B? That would be a dream come true for me..

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:16 AM, someguy827 said:

This whole wave seems very nice, most excited for the Mandalore throne and Vader’s meditation chamber.

Is there any chance of the $800 dollar set maybe being the Nebulon B? That would be a dream come true for me..

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:16 AM, someguy827 said:

I doubt it would go over well with gunship voters if they did the Nebulon B so much larger than the gunship, considering they would both be display scale.

Edited by Brickroll

  On 1/14/2021 at 12:25 AM, Brikkyy13 said:

That list honestly sounds too good to be true, but the figure selection is absolute trash all round so it must be real. I’m going to have to be quick on S@H if these sets come out, no way we’ll be able to find them on shelves in Australia after release day. 

Gideon, Fennec Shand, Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, Maul, Ahsoka, all five Bad Batch clones, a mortar trooper, and possible dark troopers are trash? We know of 25 figures and at least 11 of them are new, with another 4-5 possible if Maul, Ahsoka, etc are new versions. And three of the others are stormtroopers, which are usually the most-requested army building figures. This is the most new characters we've gotten in a wave in years. What do you consider a good figure selection if not this? :tongue:

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:16 AM, someguy827 said:

Is there any chance of the $800 dollar set maybe being the Nebulon B? That would be a dream come true for me..

There's absolutely no chance that they make an $800 set of a ship most people wouldn't even recognize and that they hadn't even considered deserving of a regular set up to that point.

Edited by Kdapt-Preacher

  On 1/14/2021 at 1:33 AM, MaximillianRebo said:

Will be interesting to see the scale of the Bad Batch shuttle considering it's meant to be $100 and the Imperial shuttle coming soon is $80. Guessing it comes down to the minifigs and the amount of new moulds/prints required for the 5 new figs.

I'm guessing it'll probably be a bit larger in the hull/cockpit sections giving it more of an interior.  I feel like if the show centers mostly on those five, their shuttle might be sort of like the Ghost was for Rebels, where they spend a lot of time in it, so giving it some interior sections is probably pretty necessary.  

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:22 AM, Kdapt-Preacher said:

Gideon, Fennec Shand, Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, Maul, Ahsoka, all five Bad Batch clones, a mortar trooper, and possible dark troopers are trash? We know of 25 figures and at least 11 of them are new, with another 4-5 possible if Maul, Ahsoka, etc are new versions. And three of the others are stormtroopers, which are usually the most-requested army building figures. This is the most new characters we've gotten in a wave in years. What do you consider a good figure selection if not this? :tongue:

Agree, the only set with a bad lineup is the Slave I.  Heck, you could even say the weakest one after that is the duel set, since Ahsoka just got put out and Maul isn't super uncommon anymore, but that's still by no means a bad set figure-wise.  I'm assuming Ahsoka is the same, since the AAT version of her was based off of the Mandalore episodes, so it wouldn't really make sense to change it.  The Mandalorian loyalist is also a good figure, since we haven't had any of those for like a decade (I think we had the one in the last version of the fighter and the battle pack, I forgot if Maul's speeder had one or not).

Edited by Kit Figsto

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:22 AM, Kdapt-Preacher said:

Gideon, Fennec Shand, Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, Maul, Ahsoka, all five Bad Batch clones, a mortar trooper, and possible dark troopers are trash? We know of 25 figures and at least 11 of them are new, with another 4-5 possible if Maul, Ahsoka, etc are new versions. And three of the others are stormtroopers, which are usually the most-requested army building figures. This is the most new characters we've gotten in a wave in years. What do you consider a good figure selection if not this? :tongue:

There's absolutely no chance that they make an $800 set of a ship most people wouldn't even recognize and that they hadn't even considered deserving of a regular set up to that point.

Ahsoka won't be a new variant since the one we already got with the AAT is the same as her outfit in the duel with Maul.

  On 1/14/2021 at 1:18 AM, NewEngland_IV said:

Still waiting on a battle of Exegol set with TROS Palpatine though...

Unfortunately I don't think we'll be seeing much more from the sequels. When the only new set coming this year is a cheap recolor of the 4+ X-Wing and every other toy manufacturer has completely jumped ship and abandoned the films, it doesn't bode well for the future of the Sequel Trilogy.

While there's a lot to be excited for in this wave, i'm a bit bummed that we're still missing some overdue remakes. I really hope we see a new ARC-170 and TIE Interceptor soon.

I'm probably most interested in the Bad Batch shuttle. If Slave I were to be Jango's variant I'd definitely get the set. Boba's is less appealing. 

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:22 AM, Kdapt-Preacher said:

Gideon, Fennec Shand, Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, Maul, Ahsoka, all five Bad Batch clones, a mortar trooper, and possible dark troopers are trash?

Don’t get me wrong, the figures themselves sound great. It’s the actual selection of figures I dislike. It’s more of a comment on the fact that fake set lists usually have a ludicrous amount of figures for each set. Mandalore duel and Bad Batch Shuttle are the only 2 selections I’m happy with. 

Imperial troop transport should have 6 troopers and a pilot at a minimum, or Cara and Mythrol as well as Greef. 2 stormtroopers and a mortar trooper from a completely different episode isn’t enough for what’s meant to be a troop transport. No doubt those stormtroopers will have the terrible new helmets that can’t turn their heads 

Slave I speaks for itself, only Boba and Han (though Han will probably have his carbonite block too). Missed opportunity for Bespin Lando, Leia or someone else from ESB.

Gideon’s cruiser sounds like a good lineup depending on what last figure is, but only 6 figures in such a large set is getting old. If it turns out the unknown is a dark trooper, then that means there’s only 4 traditional figures in the set. 

Mandalorian fighter, again, doesn’t have enough figures for me. Perfect opportunity for a Mauldalorian, or Almec, or Rex... Satine, Pre Vizsla, more clones, literally anything else.

As usual I’m just disappointed that we don’t get nearly as many figures in Star Wars sets as they do in other themes. I get not putting in named characters because they would probably need to pay the actors for the use of their likeness, but not getting faceless troopers is insane. The last time we got more than 1 of the new stormtroopers in the same set was the 20th anniversary dropship, and once again that was a set that you couldn’t get in Australia. Constantly sold out on S@H and never came to retail stores, it was a toyworld exclusive and they sold out day 1 and never restocked. 

Uh hi, thought I’d add my two cents on the new sets. 
Slave 1: I’m very excited for this one! It seems this’ll be based on Empire Strikes Back again, it would’ve be been cool to get Slave 1 from Mandalorian, with an updated Boba.

Mandalorian Throne and Bad Batch Ship: I’m not very far into Clone Wars, so I don’t really get what these sets are based on.

Mandalorion Ship: Sounds cool. Don’t have very strong feelings over this set.

Moff Gideon’s Light Speeder: Sounds awesome. My most anticipated set. I’m very excited.

Vader’s Meditation Pod: Sounds fine. Did I see it’ll be 18+? So, like the Bespin Duel?

All the other stuff: It’s ok.

  On 1/13/2021 at 9:38 PM, Kit Figsto said:

Falconfan and Nino on Instagram posted this list as well, so I assume it's legitimate.

Good to know, if they posted it it's almost certainly legit.

  On 1/14/2021 at 12:06 AM, TeddytheSpoon said:

Don't count your chickens just yet, we don't know what figures are in the advent calendar :laugh:

Advent calendar figures: TROS rey, TFA rey, Farmboy Luke, Pilot Luke, Child Anakin, Mustafar anakin.

Since I guess these are real, my thoughts on the wave:
UCS R2-D2: So I was wrong and there are three this year, I guess. Artoo needed the remake, the 2013 one was great but the age is showing. I'll either get the cruiser or get this and bricklink Bo and Fennec.

UCS republic gunship: everything is proceeding as I have foreseen...the gunship is the cost of an actual UCS set and likely sized like one, and the complaints are already beginning. Wait until people find out it doesn't come with every named clone in the series plus 7567 501st troopers! I won't get it, I don't collect UCS and I've been bricklinking parts for the 2013 gunship.

"mandalore throne and vault": This seems like the mandalore duel? Nice way to get ahsoka and maul, I guess, though I'm not sure what the "vault" is. I've already got S7 Ahsoka and a maul figure so I'll pass, but it'll probably be a good set.

Imperial Troop Transport: I've got a MOC of this thing that I've been waiting to release until I finish all my Mando S2 Mocs, I want to see how close I got to what it actually is. I'll definitely buy the set itself, It's nice to have more non-walker imperial ground vehicles and the figure selection sounds nice.

Slave one: I think @Brikkyy13 predicted this like a year ago. This sounds nice as a S2-adjacent set, even if the figures aren't for it, since boba fett is making a comeback. I won't get it as I'm hunting the 2019 set and I feel like a slave one sized ship needs to be larger than a $50 set can provide.

UCS death star or AT-AT? I like the implication that they know it's one of the two but can't figure out which one. Nothing else to say here as we don't know what it is yet.

Bad Batch Shuttle: Sounds great as a bad batch tie in, it's an interesting ship and clone force 99 is interesting. Not worth $100 to me, but maybe the show'll change my mind.

Moff gideon's cruiser: we all saw this coming, I hope it comes with fennec so I can bricklink her. A new Cara Dune would be great too, the last one is seriously inaccurate. I don't want to spend $160 on this when I have a star destroyer already but I might cave.

Mando fighter: This is surprising. Personally I won't get it, but I'm sure it'll sell well.

Vader's Meditation chamber: not sure what's going on here. If it's like bespin duel I'll probably get it, but it's an interesting set concept. And isn't this the 18+ set that was supposedly like $100? I can't see this being that much.


This is a lot of sets that are only cartoons or Mando and the only film set is micro scale. My first thought was that this sounds too good to be true for the younger MandR crowd and it was just Ryan trolling again.

  On 1/14/2021 at 2:56 AM, Zap Rowsdower said:

While there's a lot to be excited for in this wave, i'm a bit bummed that we're still missing some overdue remakes. I really hope we see a new ARC-170 and TIE Interceptor soon.

I'm probably most interested in the Bad Batch shuttle. If Slave I were to be Jango's variant I'd definitely get the set. Boba's is less appealing. 

I am also disappointed there’s nothing like those two. Really the only sets that interest me are the Mandalorian fighter and the Shuttle. Possibly the Aquitens if there is a green lightsaber. More interested in the Tatooine homestead than a UCS Fartoo.

Pure speculation but I’m still hoping 75313 is a rerelease of 75192.

Edited by Paul11283652

  On 1/14/2021 at 3:39 AM, Mandalorianknight said:

Slave one: I think @Brikkyy13 predicted this like a year ago. 

I probably suggested that the Slave I from the MBS Cloud City would make a good set if released on its own. Does anybody have the piece count for that model?

  On 1/14/2021 at 4:37 AM, DarthTrocious said:

297 pieces according to Bricklink Special Assembly page:


That total includes no figures.

For reference, 7153 (2002, Jango version) had 360 pieces with two minifigures ($50), 6209 (2006) had 537 pieces with four minifigures plus the Han in Carbonite brick ($50), whereas 75243 (2019) had 1,007 pieces with four minifigures, the Carbonite piece, and also the Leia plus display stand ($120).  I think, if I remember the rumored piece counts correctly, it was right around 500 as well, so I think something similar in size to 6209 or 7153 is likely, and honestly, given their modern build techniques 15+ years later, I think that they can do it justice at that size.  Those models scale-wise didn't look bad at all to me.

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