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3 hours ago, Kdapt-Preacher said:

There's absolutely no chance that they make an $800 set of a ship most people wouldn't even recognize and that they hadn't even considered deserving of a regular set up to that point.

To be extremely, extremely technical, the nebulon B appears in more movies than any other starship in the star wars universe*, and we have had the 77904 set, which isn't really a regular set but has sold well (though as you implied that was after the survey)

I couldn't see an $800 set either, unfortunately, but Lego must be prepared to make a UCS version of the ship, since they did place it in the survey with the gunship and TIE bomber.

*that is differentiating the ISD I and ISD II and also differentiating the Tantive IV from other blockade runners, if that differentiation is not made it is equal to those. I thought I should explain so I don't seem crazy!

Didn’t expect these sets. I’m still kind of hesitant to believe that this list is legit. Set names like ‘Mandalorian throne and vaults’ just sound off to me.

Edited by Legopls

Just now, Stuartn said:

To be extremely, extremely technical, the nebulon B appears in more movies than any other starship in the star wars universe*, and we have had the 77904 set, which isn't really a regular set but has sold well (though as you implied that was after the survey)

I couldn't see an $800 set either, unfortunately, but Lego must be prepared to make a UCS version of the ship, since they did place it in the survey with the gunship and TIE bomber.

*that is differentiating the ISD I and ISD II and also differentiating the Tantive IV from other blockade runners, if that differentiation is not made it is equal to those. I thought I should explain so I don't seem crazy!

To be even more technical, the GR75 has also been in four movies, the Lambda-class shuttle has been in five (albeit as wreckage in 7 and 9, and only in the Special Edition of ESB), the T-65 X-wing has been in seven (as wreckage in 7 and 8), and the Millennium Falcon has been in eight movies (although if we're distinguishing between ISD I and IIs we might distinguish between the RotS and Solo versions of the Falcon). :grin: But I do take your point! LEGO has clearly considered making a UCS Nebulon B, and I agree with the general consensus around here that all three ships from that contest are probably on the shortlist of UCS sets to make in the next couple of years. It just doesn't make sense for an $800 set; it would work very well as a 'regular' $200-400 UCS and wouldn't benefit purely from being huge in the same way the ISDs do.

It's funny how people are so hesitant to believe it because "it's sounds to good to be true". MandRProductions has been a reliable source for YEARS, he's never missed a shot and I don't see why he would now.

4 minutes ago, adam1210leg said:

It's funny how people are so hesitant to believe it because "it's sounds to good to be true". MandRProductions has been a reliable source for YEARS, he's never missed a shot and I don't see why he would now.

He has not been "reliable for years," up until last year with the 501st battle pack he was wrong more often than not. It sounds too good to be true because Ahsoka v Maul, Imp Transport, Bad Batch shuttle, Mando fighter and Gideon's cruiser are all sets that fans have been wishlisting for.

1 hour ago, Kdapt-Preacher said:

To be even more technical, the GR75 has also been in four movies, the Lambda-class shuttle has been in five (albeit as wreckage in 7 and 9, and only in the Special Edition of ESB), the T-65 X-wing has been in seven (as wreckage in 7 and 8), and the Millennium Falcon has been in eight movies (although if we're distinguishing between ISD I and IIs we might distinguish between the RotS and Solo versions of the Falcon). :grin: But I do take your point! LEGO has clearly considered making a UCS Nebulon B, and I agree with the general consensus around here that all three ships from that contest are probably on the shortlist of UCS sets to make in the next couple of years. It just doesn't make sense for an $800 set; it would work very well as a 'regular' $200-400 UCS and wouldn't benefit purely from being huge in the same way the ISDs do

I was mainly thinking of larger ships, but I'll admit I forgot about the GR75 being in episode IX.

I agree it doesn't need to be huge, and it would probably actually benefit from being smaller, as it wasn't a big ship, I would be content to get the 77904 set, of only it was sold here, or maybe something just slightly bigger.

I think that all three sets on the shortlist will probably be the same or similar size and price point (around 350) if they are ever done, as that way Lego would know that whatever is chosen, it will work with their planned set line-up.

For everyone saying “it’s a wishlist, it’s too good to be true”, Ryan has seen the images, allegedly, which means there’s a catalog kicking around somewhere, which means this is probably at least 90% accurate.  

The first wave he provided correctly was winter/spring 2019 wave in late 2018. It's been over two years and almost everything from him since then turned out to be true.

5 hours ago, Zap Rowsdower said:

While there's a lot to be excited for in this wave, i'm a bit bummed that we're still missing some overdue remakes. I really hope we see a new ARC-170 and TIE Interceptor soon.

Check out the awesome rebuilds/conversions of the new TIE fighter to a TIE interceptor.

I am buying this set for this purpose!

I'm really not bothered about The Mandalorian, but I'd definitely get the ITT and Light Cruiser. If the Meditation Chamber gets a proper release and does have the Admiral figure it's rumoured to have than that'd be incredible, I'd have to get an extra Admiral torso for Piett/Ozzel though. 

Is the May the 4th rumour nonsense? Only seen it posted once - the Lars Homestead. 

This is a pretty solid wave! I'll most likely have to pass on most of the sets as LEGO is bringing out a ton of sets for Harry Potter, Jurassic World and Marvel as well but I'm definetely interested in some of these sets. Here are my overall thoughts: 

UCS R2-D2 - I never got the last R2-D2 so it's great to see this coming back. It will most likely not fit in my budget but I'll definetely pick it up if I can!

UCS Gunship - No way this will fit in my budget, hard pass. 

Mandalore Throne & Vault - A $20 set with S7 Ahsoka and Maul? Must buy! 

Imperial Transport - Doesn't really interest me but if he's interesting I might BL Greef Karga.

Slave 1 - Horrible minifigure selection, hard pass. 

Bad Batch Shuttle - Curious to see what this will end up looking like and I really appreciate that they included the entire team (knowing LEGO I wouldn't have been surprised if they had spread them out like the Knights of Ren) but at $100 I'll most likely pass on this one as well. Maybe with a good discount?

Moff Gideon's Light Cruiser - Was really looking forward to this set but the minifigure selection is honestly pretty disappointing (solid selection but the amount is just garbage). I'll either wait for a discount or skip this one. 

Mandalorian Fighter - This one could definetely be interesting but I'll probably just end up getting Bo off BL. 

Meditation Chamber - Interested to see what this will end up looking like but I'm not interested in buying it.

There is another list of summer SW sets, some sets are same in both lists, some are different or have different set number, for example: 75309 UCS Republic Gunship x MBS Attack on Endor / 75310 Mandalore Throne & Vault x Rebel Ambush / 75316 Mandalorian Fighter x Revenge of Palpatine...I wonder which one is the correct one. I´m sorry if this was discussed before.

5 minutes ago, Mr. Cube said:

There is another list of summer SW sets, some sets are same in both lists, some are different or have different set number, for example: 75309 UCS Republic Gunship x MBS Attack on Endor / 75310 Mandalore Throne & Vault x Rebel Ambush / 75316 Mandalorian Fighter x Revenge of Palpatine...I wonder which one is the correct one. I´m sorry if this was discussed before.

That list was discussed a few pages back and I believe also confirmed to be fake. 

Pretty great wave from the sounds of things, although realistically I probably won't get much of it. 

Although Slave I is the weak link, I am interested to see if it turns out anything like 6209 since I missed the 20th anniversary one and it's doubled in price since Mando came out :sad:

Hopefully, if not, this release gets that set (and the Maul figure, if its the Crimson Dawn one) to go down in price. 

At very least I forsee a lot of my time being spent on eBay and Brjcklink looking for the figures. What a selection! 

Edited by SEmrys

1 hour ago, hondohnaka said:

For everyone saying “it’s a wishlist, it’s too good to be true”, Ryan has seen the images, allegedly, which means there’s a catalog kicking around somewhere, which means this is probably at least 90% accurate.  

I can confirm Ryan has seen the images and discussed brickbuilt prison for Maul during gaming stream,but was hesitant to talk more cause images are not final. Its not just a random list he got in his email. And he has been right with buildable the child and much more in the past.

Guyon2002: Thank you. If this new list is legit, then the summer wave will be much better than I expected!

14 hours ago, avengers777 said:

Here's the complete list from Ryan's video:

75307 - Advent Calendar ($40 USD)

75308 - UCS R2-D2 ($200 USD) w/ Homestead GWP

75309 - UCS Gunship ($350 USD)

75310 - Mandalore Throne & Vault - Ahsoka and Maul ($20 USD)

75311 - Imperial Transport - 2x stormtrooper, Greef Karga, and mortar trooper ($40 USD)

75312 - Slave 1 - Boba Fett and Han ($50 USD)

75313 - UCS Unknown - Death Star or AT-AT? ($800 USD)

75314 - Bad Batch Shuttle - Echo, Hunter, Crosshair, Tech, and Wrecker ($100 USD)

75315 - Moff Gideon's Light Cruiser - Beskar Mando, Grogu, Cara Dune, Fennec Shand, Moff Gideon, and unknown (possibly a dark trooper) ($160 USD)

75316 - Mandalorian Fighter - Bo-Katan, Gar Saxon, and blue mandalorian loyalist  ($60 USD - Walmart exclusive)

75319 - Unknown ($30 USD - Target exclusive)

75369 Meditation Chamber (18+) - Darth Vader, stormtrooper, and imperial officer (most likely Piett)

Amazing list! Love every bit of it! hope this turns out to be legit. I wonder what the Target Exclusive could be... any ideas? Glad there isn't a single set from the sequels.

Only regret for me is the minifig selection for the ITT, no Mythrol? Give me just 1 stormy and I will take the Mythrol in exchange.

Do you think they will re-release UCS X-Wing at some point?

8 minutes ago, Mane said:

Do you think they will re-release UCS X-Wing at some point?

At some point? Probably.

Now the dust has settled a bit...


75308 - UCS R2-D2: meh. Not for me. the GWP sounds cool though.

75309 - UCS Gunship: quite excited to see just how big this will be. Earmarking it for Christmas.

75310 - Mandalore Throne & Vault: I have Ahsoka and I'm not desperate for a Maul figure, so doubt I'll get it.

75311 - Imperial Transport: I'll probably end up getting this at some point, not a day one purchase though.

75312 - Slave I: nah, got the UCS one already.

75313 - Mystery UCS: $800? No way.

75314 - Bad Batch Shuttle: probably a day one buy. The themes that the Bad Batch could talk about have me quite excited for it already, so if it lives up to expectations this will be very high on my list.

75315 - Moff Gideon's Light Cruiser: again a probable day one buy, even if the exact figure line-up remains a mystery. I saw someone suggest this would include some midi TIEs à la Vader's Castle which would be cool.

75316 - Mandalorian Fighter: pretty non-plussed by this, I might pick it up on clearance for Bo Katan though.

75369 - Meditation Chamber: this sounds like a set along the lines of last year's Bespin set so hopefully it isn't another regional exclusive. Whether I'll get it depends largely on how it looks.

I think the fact that some of us thought this was a wishlist speaks for the quality of the wave. The Slave I does seem to be the weak link, but even then LEGO hasn't really made a bad Slave I since 1999, and for $50 there can't be too many complaints.

This might also be the most diverse range of Star Wars sets in terms of era coverage. There's at least one set from each of the OT, PT (non-CW), ST, CW, Mando and Bad Batch; the only ones that aren't represented are Rebels and Resistance, and even then the ITT appeared loads in Rebels.

Oh wow, I just realised that the Mandalorian Throne Room set will be the first Clone Wars playset! It's an annoying pattern I picked up years ago but I never thought they would make a set based on a building or landscape instead of a vehicle!

I clipped the part of the stream where Ryan talks about Mauls jail cell he saw. If you dont wanna watch the clip basically someone asked will it be like Han in Carbonite and he responded it is brickbuilt and doesnt respresent what we see in the show atm and he hopes it gets fleshed out to what we see in the show by the time we get the final product. He also said UCS R2-D2 looks very similar to older one. Best set by the looks of it in his opinion is Gideons ship and Mando fighter is similar to size as the last one. Dont think he saw gunship or promo set.
He also said worst set out of new waves is darth vader bust cause they added some thing on his neck that no longer makes it a helmet. 

Clip contain some obscene language if you are sensitve to that. Info is in first 10 seconds and last 14 seconds of a 1 minute clip.

Edited by PreVizsla
new info

Holy moly, lots of incredible news!
This might be a rather expensive year, compared to previous years :innocent2:

The Mandalore Throne & Vault sounds intriguing, as does The Mandalorian Starfighter, the latter of which will have an new character as minifigure.
Not too sure about the Bad Batch Shuttle yet, but it could be a very cool set as well. Same with the Imperial Troop Transport.
I think I'll definitely want Moff Gideon's Cruiser, though. I always welcome new/more Imperial starships, so if it looks good -which I'm sure it will, at this point- I'll get it.
Is there aaany indication on when we might expect pictures of this? :blush:


There’s like 7 sets I want from the second half of this year. The most I’ve wanted in years! Buzzing. Hopefully the $30 set is good also. 

Ahsoka v Maul


Mandalorian Fighter 

Bad Batch Shuttle 

Gideon’s Cruiser 

Meditation Chamber 


2 hours ago, CF Mitch said:

Holy moly, lots of incredible news!
This might be a rather expensive year, compared to previous years :innocent2:

The Mandalore Throne & Vault sounds intriguing, as does The Mandalorian Starfighter, the latter of which will have an new character as minifigure.
Not too sure about the Bad Batch Shuttle yet, but it could be a very cool set as well. Same with the Imperial Troop Transport.
I think I'll definitely want Moff Gideon's Cruiser, though. I always welcome new/more Imperial starships, so if it looks good -which I'm sure it will, at this point- I'll get it.
Is there aaany indication on when we might expect pictures of this? :blush:


We didn't get last year's pictures until June IIRC, not sure if that's consistent with how early they've been in the past though.

8 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said:

He has not been "reliable for years," up until last year with the 501st battle pack he was wrong more often than not. It sounds too good to be true because Ahsoka v Maul, Imp Transport, Bad Batch shuttle, Mando fighter and Gideon's cruiser are all sets that fans have been wishlisting for.

Yes he is very reliable! He leaked Vaders Castle and no one believed him at the time. Then he leaked Mustafar duel set almost 1 year before it released, and Baby Yoda buildable figure among most famous leaks. So yes he IS RELIABLE. Just saying

Edited by benderisgreat

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