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6 hours ago, LegoCyt said:

Amazing list! Love every bit of it! hope this turns out to be legit. I wonder what the Target Exclusive could be... any ideas?

Sorry to speculate, but my money is on a Mandalorian battlepack type thing, similar to the 501st troopers set. Getting Gar Saxon without any underlings strikes me as weird, as does Bo Katan having just a single follower; selling a 2v2 or something would be a good opportunity to provide both sides with troops. 

2 minutes ago, ood0 said:

Sorry to speculate, but my money is on a Mandalorian battlepack type thing, similar to the 501st troopers set. Getting Gar Saxon without any underlings strikes me as weird, as does Bo Katan having just a single follower; selling a 2v2 or something would be a good opportunity to provide both sides with troops. 

Wouldn't surprise me if the 332nd trooper would also get reused in such a set. 

10 minutes ago, ood0 said:

Sorry to speculate, but my money is on a Mandalorian battlepack type thing, similar to the 501st troopers set. Getting Gar Saxon without any underlings strikes me as weird, as does Bo Katan having just a single follower; selling a 2v2 or something would be a good opportunity to provide both sides with troops. 

the only thing that makes me doubt this (aside from the consensus that "battlepacks are gone") is that the last battlepack we got was a mandalorian battlepack. Very different mandalorians, yes, but mandalorians none the less 

Could we expect the $30 set to contain Rex? This is a wave with a lot of focus on Siege of Manadalore, Rex is crucial to that scene and the Bad Batch arc, there seems to be a “give the people what they want” mentality, and Ahsoka was in last year’s wave and she was another crazily expensive minifig, $30 was the price of Trouble on Tatooine, which had a desirable character in it, not to mention the fact that LEGO just released the 501st battle pack. That said, it could also be an OT set given how there are relatively few. Maybe a sequel set?

Edited by Brickroll

1 hour ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

We didn't get last year's pictures until June IIRC, not sure if that's consistent with how early they've been in the past though.

Oh. That's gonna take a while then :grin:
Thanks for answering!

Regarding the reliability of MandRProductions, I had my doubts as well. When I heard he was the initial leaker of all this info, I thought, "wait, wasn't he the guy who kept producing false rumors and such?", but since, in this case, he is backed by people who are reliable, I'm going to assume the provided list is correct.
Regardless, it never hurts to keep expectations low.


So I've been thinking, if LEGO had enough knowledge about season 2 to make a big set based on the final episode with multiple spoiler characters, there's NO WAY they didn't know about Boba Fett and Slave I's return. If that's the case and they still chose to make the $50 Slave I OT- inspired I find it completely unacceptable and absurd, especially barely 2 years after the amazing 20th anniversary set. The ONLY way that can maybe be okay is if old Boba shows up in the $30 set but even then LEGO has screwed themselves out of making the perfect tie-in set for both Mandalorian season 2 AND the Book of Boba Fett. In otherwords, I REALLY hope the minifig selection for it is wrong or is just a placeholder. It would be so much better if it was old Boba and Fennec Shand. If not, I really hope the $30 set is Boba and Fennec and a couple Stormtroopers with a dropship(or even just Boba since Fennec already comes in another set). The fact there's a mortar trooper in one of the other sets makes this possibilty seem even more likely. Granted, a proper build for the dropshop would need to be much more expensive so it could just be some terrain or even the Tython shrine.

16 hours ago, Brikkyy13 said:

Imperial troop transport should have 6 troopers and a pilot at a minimum, or Cara and Mythrol as well as Greef. 2 stormtroopers and a mortar trooper from a completely different episode isn’t enough for what’s meant to be a troop transport. No doubt those stormtroopers will have the terrible new helmets that can’t turn their heads 

You do realize that 7 figures "at a minimum" in a $40 set is an insane expectation, right? 

10 hours ago, LegoCyt said:

Only regret for me is the minifig selection for the ITT, no Mythrol? Give me just 1 stormy and I will take the Mythrol in exchange.

We were never going to get a new one-off mold in a $40 set, especially for a character that I don't really think has any staying power.  If it was maybe ten or fifteen years ago, I'd agree, or if Mythrol/his species appeared in other stuff, but I think at this point new molds for one set only are going to be super uncommon.  There are some exceptions (like, for some reason we got Boolio in the last Falcon, but that was also 4 times the price of the ITT, so that might have something to do with it), but pretty much every set I'm looking at over the past 5 years that had a new mold was either close to $100 or more, used it for a main character, or used it multiple times in the wave (such as Zorii Bliss' helmet being used in like three sets).

Apparently Slave One is back in stock. That makes this choice of sets even more confusing. The small X wing makes sense since the version on the market had a completely different color scheme. Maybe it is Jango Fett’s slave one? It would be weird to retire a perfectly good, if expensive set, and in only six months put another of the exact same version out.

14 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

 7567 501st troopers!

I see what you did there :D

As usual I'll be waiting (a long time) for the first pictures to come out before making any final decisions on the new wave, but from what we know now it's shaping up to be a good one.
At the moment the sets that most catch my interest are the TCW duel -I'm hoping for a Maul who is not grinning like a maniac jacked up on glitteryll- and the ITT, as someone said we are in need of more Imperial ground vehicles not on legs.

The meditation chamber sounds quite interesting but I don't enjoy the supposed 100+ price point, and the same goes surprisingly for the ne R2, since I'm not really a fan of the display models.

The UCS are both out of my budget and not something I collect, but I'll be stotking up on popcorn for when the gunship it's revealed with its limited minifig lineup and the brown ice cream studs will hit the fan with complaints from the people who still think tha UCS Gunship meant "Every clone legion YOU wanted and a gunship".

The Gauntlet leaves me quite indifferent, while I don't hate the ship I realize it's not a design that speaks to me. It's just there, it fits in the universe, but it's not that memorable to me, a bit like the AT-AP. Nice minifig lineup though, maybe I'll consider it if it drops in price by november/december.

I reserve judgement on the Arquitens until I see it, but the lineup is definitely good; while I'm on the fence about the Bad Batch: I am quite optimistic about the series and glad the whole squad is in one set, but the price and the fact that I think their role would have been a nice way to reintroduce Delta Squad after their cameo leaves me a bit meh about the set.

Finally, this might be an unpopular opinion, I think the Slave One is almost perfect the way it seems to be. It fits with the "scaling down reboot" started by the winter wave, it's from the objectively most loved movie in the saga and can easily double as a Mando set. Boba is gonna be from ep V? Yes, but I don't think LEGO knew of the Repainting of the Armor when they designed it and I'm sure a new one will come out eventually with the Book of Boba Fett down the line. It should have had Fennec instead of Han? Maybe, but this way we need to pay LEGO another 160$ for the Arquitens if we want her and I'm sure they'll really like that; and Han is still a pretty iconic character. It could have used another fig? YES! Definitely. This is it's main fault, had it included someone like Bespin Lando or Bespin dress Leia it would have pulled in a larger number of people.
All in all I think it's a great, and moderately cheap, set for new/casual buyers who enjoyed The Mandalorian and ep V, just not for me, or I guess any of us who already own a recent Slave One such as the 2019 one.

20 minutes ago, Per_SW said:

I see what you did there :D

As usual I'll be waiting (a long time) for the first pictures to come out before making any final decisions on the new wave, but from what we know now it's shaping up to be a good one.
At the moment the sets that most catch my interest are the TCW duel -I'm hoping for a Maul who is not grinning like a maniac jacked up on glitteryll- and the ITT, as someone said we are in need of more Imperial ground vehicles not on legs.

The meditation chamber sounds quite interesting but I don't enjoy the supposed 100+ price point, and the same goes surprisingly for the ne R2, since I'm not really a fan of the display models.

The UCS are both out of my budget and not something I collect, but I'll be stotking up on popcorn for when the gunship it's revealed with its limited minifig lineup and the brown ice cream studs will hit the fan with complaints from the people who still think tha UCS Gunship meant "Every clone legion YOU wanted and a gunship".

The Gauntlet leaves me quite indifferent, while I don't hate the ship I realize it's not a design that speaks to me. It's just there, it fits in the universe, but it's not that memorable to me, a bit like the AT-AP. Nice minifig lineup though, maybe I'll consider it if it drops in price by november/december.

I reserve judgement on the Arquitens until I see it, but the lineup is definitely good; while I'm on the fence about the Bad Batch: I am quite optimistic about the series and glad the whole squad is in one set, but the price and the fact that I think their role would have been a nice way to reintroduce Delta Squad after their cameo leaves me a bit meh about the set.

Finally, this might be an unpopular opinion, I think the Slave One is almost perfect the way it seems to be. It fits with the "scaling down reboot" started by the winter wave, it's from the objectively most loved movie in the saga and can easily double as a Mando set. Boba is gonna be from ep V? Yes, but I don't think LEGO knew of the Repainting of the Armor when they designed it and I'm sure a new one will come out eventually with the Book of Boba Fett down the line. It should have had Fennec instead of Han? Maybe, but this way we need to pay LEGO another 160$ for the Arquitens if we want her and I'm sure they'll really like that; and Han is still a pretty iconic character. It could have used another fig? YES! Definitely. This is it's main fault, had it included someone like Bespin Lando or Bespin dress Leia it would have pulled in a larger number of people.
All in all I think it's a great, and moderately cheap, set for new/casual buyers who enjoyed The Mandalorian and ep V, just not for me, or I guess any of us who already own a recent Slave One such as the 2019 one.

The thing is, of all the Star Wars ships LEGO has made in recent years, Slave I is one of the last ships that "needs to be scaled down" as it is, the outstanding 20th anniversary one was a little too small. Oversized, exorbitantly-priced single-person fighters is one thing but a large vessel like Slave I is perfectly reasonable at the size it already is. There is no way I can reasonably conceive of a $50 Slave I at this day and age being even remotely in the right scale and look remotely as accurate as it should while also being sturdy enough for play. It did not need this treatment and the previous set is still on store shelves in a lot of places, heck it's still at Walmarts and Targets near me. Maybe it's a 5+ set, then I could understand their reasoning.

Edited by ToaDraco

55 minutes ago, Kit Figsto said:

We were never going to get a new one-off mold in a $40 set, especially for a character that I don't really think has any staying power.  If it was maybe ten or fifteen years ago, I'd agree, or if Mythrol/his species appeared in other stuff, but I think at this point new molds for one set only are going to be super uncommon.  There are some exceptions (like, for some reason we got Boolio in the last Falcon, but that was also 4 times the price of the ITT, so that might have something to do with it), but pretty much every set I'm looking at over the past 5 years that had a new mold was either close to $100 or more, used it for a main character, or used it multiple times in the wave (such as Zorii Bliss' helmet being used in like three sets).

I see the logic there, but I can think of some sets for Star Wars where they created new molds like alien jedi heads that weren’t more than $30, of course we are talking Clone Wars era. They could use a head piece over a regular Lego head, like they did for Knights of Ren, which I doubt will appear in any future sets and had less screen time and performance than the mythrol did. So not including the Mythrol is kind of a lazy option rather than a logic move from Lego’s part imo.

10 minutes ago, LegoCyt said:

I see the logic there, but I can think of some sets for Star Wars where they created new molds like alien jedi heads that weren’t more than $30, of course we are talking Clone Wars era. They could use a head piece over a regular Lego head, like they did for Knights of Ren, which I doubt will appear in any future sets and had less screen time and performance than the mythrol did. So not including the Mythrol is kind of a lazy option rather than a logic move from Lego’s part imo.

They could easily just recolour the swamp monster helmet, it would look good enough. A new mold really isn't needed for the character.

Just now, ood0 said:

They could easily just recolour the swamp monster helmet, it would look good enough. A new mold really isn't needed for the character.

My thoughts exactly

Just now, Brickadeer said:

Due to promobricks, 75313 is a UCS AT-AT.

Thanks :thumbup: I'm so glad it's an AT-AT! Thanks to its verticality, this will be a lot easier for me to display compared to another MF- or ISD- style set :laugh: What a relief

11 hours ago, TeddytheSpoon said:

This might also be the most diverse range of Star Wars sets in terms of era coverage. There's at least one set from each of the OT, PT (non-CW), ST, CW, Mando and Bad Batch; the only ones that aren't represented are Rebels and Resistance, and even then the ITT appeared loads in Rebels.

I am glad that TLG have shown that they can cover almost all aspects of the franchise like this is a single wave, considering the amount of new content Disney are creating over the next years. It gives confidence that all new shows and content will have some representation in sets. I wonder if this might become a new direction for the SW theme, with OT sets represented as UCS,MBS, statue/helmet and other 18+ sets, as well as downscaled sets such as Slave I, and recent TIE Fighter and X Wing, while the current content (such as CW and Mandalorian, as an example) occupies the main sets.


I've been reading what you all people have been saying and I must admit I'm also beyond shocked to receive such a good wave this summer. The only ones I might be passing on are the Slave I (since I got the 20th anniversary one for Christmas), UCS R2 and the 800$ beast set. I have my doubts about the Gunship... My decision on that one may change on the minifigure selection and the overall look of the set. If there's no P2 Cody nor Jedi Bob, I might pass on that one.

An AT-AT? Huh, it's certainly one of the most wished-for UCS sets, but I am still surprised TLG is actually doing it. I wonder how they'll address the feared stability issues?

FWIW, the AT-AT Cavegod submitted to LEGO Ideas has around 6000 pieces: https://ideas.lego.com/projects/9a93c059-9944-42f8-a9af-6fd0c75bfba9

However, the revised version is almost 9000: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-4042/AllOutBrick/walker-assault-2020/#details

While this different MOC has almost 6500: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-7540/jhaelego/minifig-scale-at-at-w-interior/#details

What are the odds TLG makes it minifigure scale? Better start saving early for it.

2 hours ago, Per_SW said:

I see what you did there :D

The meditation chamber sounds quite interesting but I don't enjoy the supposed 100+ price point, and the same goes surprisingly for the ne R2, since I'm not really a fan of the display models.

The UCS are both out of my budget and not something I collect, but I'll be stotking up on popcorn for when the gunship it's revealed with its limited minifig lineup and the brown ice cream studs will hit the fan with complaints from the people who still think tha UCS Gunship meant "Every clone legion YOU wanted and a gunship".

Yeah, I'm thinking the price point has to be wrong, because no way the meditation chamber is $100 or more, it'd have to be much larger than minifig scale.

I too am waiting for the minifigure lineup to be revealed as a clone pilot or two and a single p1 trooper, and then the fans will complain that it didn't have literally every named clone trooper ever.

1 hour ago, Brickadeer said:

Due to promobricks, 75313 is a UCS AT-AT.

Called it! I'm pretty excited to see this thing, it's got to be pretty big.

3 hours ago, Brickroll said:

Apparently Slave One is back in stock.

Yes! "I've been waiting a long time for this, my little green friend"  Wait, where? It's still out of stock on lego.com (either that or the restock sold out in 3 hours.)

Edited by Mandalorianknight

6700+ piece AT-AT is going to be really really large if that leak is true.

It will definitely have me holding off buying the current AT-AT. Decent chance I end up with both, but maybe I'll only get the system scale one if it's on a really good sale. It's a really good model, but I won't ever have space to display 2 AT-ATs at the same time.

I definitely would have preferred a Death Star but an AT-AT is also an option most of us have wanted for a long time, myself included so I’m happy with it. We’ll get an enclosed Death Star eventually

1 hour ago, Stuartn said:

I am glad that TLG have shown that they can cover almost all aspects of the franchise like this is a single wave, considering the amount of new content Disney are creating over the next years. It gives confidence that all new shows and content will have some representation in sets. I wonder if this might become a new direction for the SW theme, with OT sets represented as UCS,MBS, statue/helmet and other 18+ sets, as well as downscaled sets such as Slave I, and recent TIE Fighter and X Wing, while the current content (such as CW and Mandalorian, as an example) occupies the main sets.

Ditto. I had my doubts given their attitude to TV in the past but I'm glad they seem to be embracing the diversity of Star Wars.

I'll be interested to see how they pull off the AT-AT structurally. I maintain that $800 is too much for a LEGO set, but if they are going to be a thing... Can we at least have one that isn't like 80% grey? Sure the size is impressive, but having the Falcon, ISD and AT-AT all next to each other is a whole lotta drab colour.

I'm relieved it's an AT-AT. I've got Raskolnikov's and I'm super happy with it, it's the perfect size. That saves me $800

3 hours ago, Mandalorianknight said:

You do realize that 7 figures "at a minimum" in a $40 set is an insane expectation, right? 

I don’t think it’s too much to ask for when Ninjago gets 9 figures in a $30 set. We get 4 figures in $15 battle packs, stands to reason that they should be able to do more figures as the pricepoint goes up. 

Edited by Brikkyy13

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