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[Factions Ep. VIII - Cat A] [Q17 - Socorro - STG] Assembling the Team, Destination - Ank Kit'aar

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The Town.


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The Team.


Explorers and heavy fire support:

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Engineers and infantry:

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Flight crew:



There are some things I need to mention regarding this build, its sections and their construction periods.

Originally, one section was built back in 2018 for Socorro Guild introduction page; and it can be seen here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/nikolai-mordan/44426153860/ - as you see, it features four buildings as well as some speeders  and scenery. This part is now heavily modified (buildings are updated, strengthened, details added, layout changed and whole base structure rebuild) - but essentially it is the same as in the intro. Other sections were built later during last two years and some of them on various completion stages were shown on our LUG offline events in 2019 and 2020 (cantina section and surrounding area was in design and development stage since 2019, and was completely rebuilt to improve stability in summer 2020; landing area was built late 2020). The rightmost area was built in March-April 2021 as a completely new section for this contest, as well as two speeders - "bubble-cockpit" craft and white Skyhopper-inspired craft.

The Razor Crest was also in progress since Spring 2020, and i even posted WIP shots on this forum. However, the RC will be submitted as "Category C" project it the separate topic - so this is not to be judged as part of this layout anyway.

None of the builds, however, were earlier posted anywhere as "completed builds". I've posted WIP shots here (RC, for examples, or the speeders/banthas) or on my Instagram and Flickr pages / FB closed groups, and this was never my intention to do them as "separate projects".

My original idea was to expand the Socorro layout, and post the additional sections/crafts/building interiors (there are interiors in various stares inside most of the buildings; but none worth showing yet) as I build them. But other things intervened, and new sections were built mostly for offline events as rushed builds, which needed a complete or partial rebuild/redesign afterwards - so i didn't want to post an "unfinished" build here before the offline event, and never had time to "finalize" the sections after it.

To sum it up - the 100% "new and never before shown" section is the one to the far right + flying crafts; "old but never explicitly shown online" are the cantina section and landing area, and mid-section is "old refurbished build".



Edited by goatman461
(edit after the deadline) added the target exploration area in the title

Fantastic sprawl. Such a bustling town, and really creative building designs with nice details. It's obvious how much work went into each and every wall and vehicle and bit of greebling. The exposed studs I'm going to treat as a stylistic thing, this thing is gonna score reeeealll well

17 minutes ago, Darth Bjorn said:

This is really impressive - I don't know where to begin. So many studs though! :pir-cry_happy:

Thank you! :) I do have plans for removing studs from the roofs, yes. Especially from the roofs. But need to find a good solution. Good news that the layout is not going anywhere, and I will return to the existing buildings when time comes for interior attempts. ;)


Wow! I love how many round buildings you have. Would love to see a behind the scenes for your techniques. I agree the exposed studs on the roofs starts to detract from the build. But I'm glad you didn't wait to post this, it's fantastic!

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