Waterbrick Down Posted May 19, 2021 Posted May 19, 2021 ~Note: This topic is meant for players that meet the class requirements or are interacting with the spells section in character. If you have any questions about the classes or spells, please ask them in the appropriate Rules & FAQ’s or General Discussion threads.~ THE TRAINING CENTER AT HEROICA HALL “Greetings, I was beginning to wonder if anyone would eventually show up. My name is Roderick and I oversee the Training Center here at Heroica Hall. We’ve converted the hotel’s old exercise room into a splendid space for brushing up on your combat technique. Or if you’re more the studious type, feel free to peruse through the Holotomes for practicing new spells before you head out on your next mission. I’m currently assembling a training regimen that should come in handy for those of you who want to specialize in certain skills, it should be ready pretty soon. If you’ve got any questions for me just ask.”Spells Spells require proficiency in one of the four Casting Proficiencies: Arcana, Nature, Occult, or Religion. Nearly all spells require Spirit to cast. Some spells require a certain number of Casting Proficiency Successes to work. A character may prepare a number of spells equal to their Spirit Attribute before heading out on a mission. You may change your prepared spells in between missions. Please list your currently prepared spells in your Hero stats located in the Hero Statistical Registry thread. Alter Form: (Nature/Occult) Change form for 5 minutes (or 5 Combat Rounds) Disguised Visage - Costs 1 Spirit - The Target may change their visual appearance. Concealed Visage - Costs 3 Spirit - The Target may turn invisible Changed Visage - Costs 5 Spirit - The Target may change their biological form as long as they maintain roughly the same size. Transformed Visage - Costs 7 Spirit - The Target may change their biological form regardless of size. (Mission Master Discretion) Charm: (Arcana/Religion) Successes = Minutes (or Combat Rounds) Target is affected by the spell Beguile Person - Costs 1 Spirit - Intimidation/Performance/Persuasion skill checks are made with advantage against the humanoid Target. Afterwards they know a spell has been cast. Command Person - Costs 3 Spirit - A humanoid Target follows a single word command that is not directly harmful to themselves. Beguile Monster - Costs 5 Spirit - Intimidation/Performance/Persuasion skill checks are made with advantage against the monstrous Target. Afterwards they know a spell has been cast. Command Monster - Costs 7 Spirit - A monstrous Target follows a single word command that is not directly harmful to themselves. Elemental Evocation: (Arcana/Nature) Successes - Elemental Armor = Damage Elemental Bolt - Costs 1 Spirit - Hits 1 square Elemental Ray - Costs 3 Spirit - Hits 3 connected squares Elemental Cone - Costs 5 Spirit - Hits 5 connected squares Elemental Blast - Costs 7 Spirit - Hits 7 connected squares Enhanced Vision: (Religion/Nature) Gain sight for 10 minutes (or 10 Combat Rounds) Dark Sight - Costs 1 Spirit - Target may see in the dark (black and white) without the aid of light Arcane Sight - Costs 3 Spirit - Anything of a magical nature glows with an aura to the Target True Sight - Costs 5 Spirit - Target may see in the dark, anything of a magical nature, and anything invisible. Future Sight - Costs 7 Spirit - Target may see a future event of their choosing (Mission Master Discretion) Entropic Mending: (Occult/Nature) Successes +1 = Minutes (Or Combat Rounds) a broken or unrepaired object can be considered operational. Momentary Reversal - Costs 1 Spirit - Bypasses a Simple Engineering check or restores 1 Vitality/Minute (Or Combat Round) Enabling Reversal - Costs 3 Spirit - Bypasses a Skilled Engineering check or restores 2 Vitality/Minute (Or Combat Round) Extensive Reversal - Costs 5 Spirit - Bypasses a Difficult Engineering check or restores 3 Vitality/Minute (Or Combat Round) Lasting Reversal - Costs 7 Spirit - Bypasses an Impossible Engineering check or restores 4 Vitality/Minute (Or Combat Round) Gain Entry: (Arcana/Nature) Opens a locked or closed object Glancing Knock - Costs 1 Spirit - Bypasses a Simple Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check, ends a “Temporary Lock Spell” Determined Knock - Costs 3 Spirit - Bypasses a Skilled Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check, ends a “Sturdy Lock Spell” Forceful Knock - Costs 5 Spirit - Bypasses a Difficult Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check, ends a “Steadfast Lock Spell” Unrelenting Knock - Costs 7 Spirit - Bypasses an Impossible Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check, ends a “Permanent Lock Spell” Gravimetric Propulsion: (Arcana/Nature) Target is uninhibited by gravity for 3 minutes (or 3 Combat Rounds) Propelled Descent - Costs 1 Spirit - Target’s falling Velocity is reduced to 1 Propelled Ascent - Costs 3 Spirit - Target’s may move vertically up to their Velocity on their turn Propelled Acceleration - Costs 5 Spirit - Target may move in any direction up to their Velocity on their turn Propelled Formation - Costs 7 Spirit - Up to 3 Targets may move in any direction up to their Velocity on their turn Gravity Sink: (Arcana/Occult) Successes - Target’s Kinetic Armor = Kinetic Damage to Target Pulling Point - Costs 1 Spirit - Pulls Target 1 squares toward a point Pulling Tear - Costs 3 Spirit - Pulls Target 3 squares toward a point Pulling Fissure - Costs 5 Spirit - Pulls Target 5 squares toward a point Pulling Void - Costs 7 Spirit - Pulls Target 7 squares toward a point Healing Light: (Nature/Religion) Successes +1 = Vitality restored Sustaining Healing - Costs 1 Spirit - 1 Target Plentiful Healing - Costs 3 Spirit - 2 Targets Generous Healing - Costs 5 Spirit - 3 Targets Masterful Healing - Costs 7 Spirit - 4 Targets Illusory Clone: (Arcana/Occult) Gain 3 Duplicates (# Duplicates -1/# Duplicates) chance to take damage instead of the caster. Diverting Duplicate - Costs 1 Spirit - Duplicates disappear after taking 1 hit Distracting Duplicate - Costs 3 Spirit - Duplicates disappear after taking 2 hits Convincing Duplicate - Costs 5 Spirit - Duplicates disappear after taking 3 hits Flawless Duplicate - Costs 7 Spirit - Duplicates disappear after taking 4 hits Mystic Binding: (Nature/Occult) Successes = Minutes (or Combat Rounds) Target is Restrained Hampering Hold - Costs 1 Spirit - 2 Target Thwarting Hold - Costs 3 Spirit - 4 Targets Irresistible Hold - Costs 5 Spirit - 6 Targets Debilitating Hold - Costs 7 Spirit - 8 Targets Obfuscate: (Arcana/Nature/Occult/Religion) Creates a harmless sensory effect for 5 minutes (or 5 Combat Rounds) Misdirecting Illusion - Costs 1 Spirit - 1 effect Distracting Illusion - Costs 3 Spirit - 2 effects Impeding Illusion - Costs 5 Spirit - 3 effects Incapacitating Illusion - Costs 7 Spirit - 4 effects Photonic Modulation: (Arcana/Nature/Occult/Religion) Effects lighting in 4 squares for 2 hours (or 2 Combat Rounds) Revealing Light - Costs 1 Spirit - An area or Target is lit with bright light Obscuring Fog - Costs 3 Spirit - An area is lightly obscured (-2 success for ranged attacks and perception skill checks) Obscuring Darkness - Costs 5 Spirit - An area is covered in darkness impossible to see in without a light source or dark vision (-4 successes for ranged attacks and perception skill checks) Obscuring Void - Costs 7 Spirit - An area is covered in impenetrable darkness (-6 successes for ranged attacks and perception skill checks) Purging Font: (Occult/Religion) Cures an Ally’s Negative Status Condition Acute Purge - Costs 1 Spirit - 1 Target Effective Purge - Costs 3 Spirit - 2 Targets Ardent Purge - Costs 5 Spirit - 3 Targets Intense Purge - Costs 7 Spirit - 4 Targets Quantum Transposition: (Arcana/Religion) Teleports one Target Minor Transport - Costs 1 Spirit - Ally Target or Self is moved to a square of the caster's choice Major Transport - Costs 3 Spirit - Enemy Target is moved to a square of the caster's choice Planetary Transport - Costs 5 Spirit - Ally or Enemy Target or Self is removed from the grid for 1 round Galactic Transport - Costs 7 Spirit - Ally or Enemy Target or Self is removed from the grid for 2 rounds Restful Sleep: (Nature/Religion) Successes = Minutes (or Combat Rounds)Target is Stunned (An ally may spend an action to remedy the condition) Momentary Slumber - Costs 1 Spirit - 1 Target Dozing Slumber - Costs 3 Spirit - 2 Targets Snoozing Slumber - Costs 5 Spirit - 3 Targets Deep Slumber - Costs 7 Spirit - 4 Targets Securing: (Arcana/Religion) Creates a lock on an object preventing it from being opened also closes an open object Temporary Lock - Costs 1 Spirit - Item requires a Simple Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check to open Sturdy Lock - Costs 3 Spirit - Items requires a Skilled Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check to open Steadfast Lock - Costs 5 Spirit - Item requires a Difficult Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check to open Permanent Lock - Costs 7 Spirit - Item requires an Impossible Athletic/Technology/Sleight of Hand check to open Sickening Radiance: (Occult/Religion) Successes - Energy Armor = Combat Rounds Energy damage is dealt to Target Singeing Dose - Costs 1 Spirit - Does 1 damage Scorching Dose - Costs 3 Spirit - Does 3 damage Searing Dose - Costs 5 Spirit - Does 5 damage Lethal Dose - Costs 7 Spirit - Does 7 damage Solar Flare: (Nature/Religion) Successes - Elemental Armor = Elemental Damage Searing Flare - Costs 1 Spirit - Blinds an adjacent Target for 1 Combat Round Bursting Flare - Costs 3 Spirit - Blinds an adjacent Target for 2 Combat Rounds Empowered Flare - Costs 5 Spirit - Blinds an adjacent Target for 3 Combat Rounds Explosive Flare - Costs 7 Spirit - Blinds an adjacent Target for 4 Combat Rounds Sonic Sweep: (Arcana/Religion) Successes - Energy Armor = Energy Damage Distracting Frequency - Costs 1 Spirit - Silences an adjacent Target for 1 Combat Round Accosting Frequency -Costs 3 Spirit - Silences an adjacent Target for 2 Combat Rounds Silencing Frequency - Costs 5 Spirit - Silences an adjacent Target for 3 Combat Rounds Deafening Frequency - Costs 7 Spirit - Silences an adjacent Target for 4 Combat Rounds Spirit Ally: (Nature/Occult) Summons a Familiar for 5 minutes (or 5 Combat Rounds) Lesser Familiar - Costs 1 Spirit - Stats: Vitality 2, Skill 1, Melee Weapons 1, Standard Kinetic Weapon Common Familiar - Costs 3 Spirit - Stats: Vitality 5, Skill 3, Melee Weapons 2, Calibrated Kinetic Weapon Greater Familiar - Costs 5 Spirit - Stats: Vitality 8, Skill 5, Melee Weapons 3, Engineered Kinetic Weapon Grand Familiar - Costs 7 Spirit - Stats: Vitality 11, Skill 7, Melee Weapons 4, Precision Kinetic Weapon Tongues: 10x [(Religion/Occult) Successes +1] = Words that can be sent/understood Speak with Distance - Costs 1 Spirit - A message can be sent and replied to by one Target within a 1 mile radius. Only they can hear the message. Speak with Understanding - Costs 3 Spirit - A message and response can be understood by all Targets without the need for translation. Speak with Dead - Costs 5 Spirit - A message can be sent and replied to by one nearby deceased Target as long as it has a method by which to communicate. Speak with Power - Costs 7 Spirit - A message can be sent and replied to by one Target within the entire Galaxy. Only they can hear the message. Transmute Matter: (Arcana/Occult) 5 square feet of non-hostile material is converted Wooden Transmutation - Costs 1 Spirit - Object becomes wood Stone Transmutation - Costs 3 Spirit - Object becomes stone Titanium Transmutation - Costs 5 Spirit - Object becomes titanium Adamantine Transmutation - Costs 7 Spirit - Object becomes adamant Velocity Amplification: (Nature/Occult) Successes - Kinetic Armor = Kinetic Damage Accelerated Strike - Costs 1 Spirit - Frightens an adjacent Target for 1 turn Accelerated Bash - Costs 3 Spirit - Frightens an adjacent Target for 2 turns Accelerated Smite - Costs 5 Spirit - Frightens an adjacent Target for 3 turns Accelerated Takedown - Costs 7 Spirit - Frightens an adjacent Target for 4 turns Warding Bond: (Arcana/Religion) Increases Target’s Armor Bonus by 5 Interposing Ward - Costs 1 Spirit - For next attack Shielding Ward - Costs 3 Spirit - For next 2 attacks Resistive Ward - Costs 5 Spirit - For next 3 attacks Preserving Ward - Cost 7 Spirit - For next 4 attacks Classes Picking a class means you have a minimum of 5 in one of the Required Proficiencies. You may change classes in-between missions, but only if you meet the required Minimum Proficiency. Classes are also loosely grouped into six roles or playstyles each corresponding to a different color: Controller, Damage, Defender, Specialist, Support *Icons by Lorc Quote
samurai-turtle Posted August 26, 2021 Posted August 26, 2021 Hello, Roderick. I take it this is the place to practice, and learn new "skills". I am probably going to need some books from the library. Like for beginners, lets see if MILES gets messed up I will need to fix him not to mention any other "robots" around, so an engineering book. And something to boots one's spirit or how to do such things, so a book on that. And just for fun I will read up on some medical magazines. Plus smack around the Training Dummies or are they robots too? As Polaris spends time in the Training Center reading, memorizing and target practicing. She fell a sleep once or twice until eventually she got better at certain skills. Spend three points on: 2 point(s) for Spirit to bring it up from a 0 to 1 and 1 point on Engineering Proficiency to bring it up from 0 to 1 Quote
Waterbrick Down Posted August 27, 2021 Author Posted August 27, 2021 "That's quite the list there, but certainly, let me gather the necessary training materials." Quote
KotZ Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 Varen entered the training room. "Do I need to sign a waiver for this? If so, I might need to send a redline back." He walked over to the old rack of weights. "Mind if I use these and spend 2 points to increase my Strength from 1 to 2?" Quote
Waterbrick Down Posted August 27, 2021 Author Posted August 27, 2021 On 8/27/2021 at 9:27 AM, KotZ said: Varen entered the training room. "Do I need to sign a waiver for this? If so, I might need to send a redline back." He walked over to the old rack of weights. "Mind if I use these and spend 2 points to increase my Strength from 1 to 2?" "By all means, feel free." Valesia wanders into the training room and spots Polaris. "You're back, Sugar! Glad to see you in one piece after our splitting off for missions. I was just looking to do some communing, if you wanted to join me. Thorvald mentioned something about you wantin' to know more about healing. I find there's nothing outside of cookin' that can set one's spirits right like a good communing." That being said the Cladrasith took a seat near a window looking to the courtyard, closed her eyes, and began to hum a low soothing melody as she focused upon her home world and the nature around it. Nature 2 → Nature 3 (-3 Character Points) Quote
Khorne Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 (edited) Felix strolled into the training room, looking around not sure what to make of it. Whilst wandering around he softly hit one of the punching bags he passed, making it wiggle in the air. No longer in his prime, the Chimeran yearned to be as fleet of foot as he once was and started putting in some training. Afterwards, he headed to the library to looked into the realm of the Occult and see if he could learn more about it. Current CP: 4/13 Skill: 2 → 3 (2CP spent)Short Range Weapons: 1 → 2 (2CP spent)Spirit: 1 → 2 (2CP spent)Nature 1 → Occult 1 (new spells: Illusory Clone, Spirit Ally) CP after training 0/13 Edited August 29, 2021 by Khorne Changed upgrades Quote
samurai-turtle Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 1 hour ago, Waterbrick Down said: Valesia wanders into the training room and spots Polaris. "You're back, Sugar! Glad to see you in one piece after our splitting off for missions. I was just looking to do some communing, if you wanted to join me. Thorvald mentioned something about you wantin' to know more about healing. I find there's nothing outside of cookin' that can set one's spirits right like a good communing." That being said the Cladrasith took a seat near a window looking to the courtyard, closed her eyes, and began to hum a low soothing melody as she focused upon her home world and the nature around it. Thanks, their was times I thought we were not going to make it. But that is in the past and we are alright, and it looked like you did fine on your mission too... Right now I am just trying to get my spirit up. So I can cast spells consistently. If you look around you might see my results from my "ice breath"... Yeah, if you go any tips on healing spells I am all ears... So we are going to sit here and think about stuff. Do me a favor if I fall asleep don't wake me up right away... Quote
Waterbrick Down Posted August 27, 2021 Author Posted August 27, 2021 16 minutes ago, samurai-turtle said: Thanks, their was times I thought we were not going to make it. But that is in the past and we are alright, and it looked like you did fine on your mission too... Right now I am just trying to get my spirit up. So I can cast spells consistently. If you look around you might see my results from my "ice breath"... Yeah, if you go any tips on healing spells I am all ears... So we are going to sit here and think about stuff. Do me a favor if I fall asleep don't wake me up right away... "My mission companions were quite resourceful. I did wonder who had cooled down the training room, it's quite pleasant. A key to healing is recognizing the hurt, the distractions and allowing it to be washed away by the ebb and flow of life. Channeling this allows us to bring restoration and peace to those around us and ourselves." Quote
Peppermint_M Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 Aysu found the training room, it was not as busy as the hall but there was activity, "Hi, I'm wanting to do some target shooting." She pointed her rifle. "There is a safe spot to do that yeah?" Quote
Waterbrick Down Posted August 27, 2021 Author Posted August 27, 2021 On 8/27/2021 at 3:04 PM, Peppermint_M said: Aysu found the training room, it was not as busy as the hall but there was activity, "Hi, I'm wanting to do some target shooting." She pointed her rifle. "There is a safe spot to do that yeah?" "Take your pick of targets, just be careful with the live rounds." Quote
Peppermint_M Posted August 27, 2021 Posted August 27, 2021 25 minutes ago, Waterbrick Down said: "Take your pick of targets, just be careful with the live rounds." "Not a problem!" Aysu smiled and set up her rifle to begin practising. Firing at the targets and working to improve. Long Range Weapons 2 + 1 = 3 Character points 3/13 - 3 = 0/13 Quote
Duvors Posted August 28, 2021 Posted August 28, 2021 Ducking slightly as he entered the room, Enson looked about himself for a moment before spotting the Adamite. "Don't mind me Roderick," he called out, "I'm just here to pick up some reading material." Sifting though a small selection, he picked out a cold-weather survival guide and a medical journal, bowed to Roderick, and retired from the room. Start: +3 CP Survival: 0 -- 1 (1CP)Medicine: 1 -- 2 (2CP) Quote
The Legonater Posted September 29, 2021 Posted September 29, 2021 After dropping off his bags, Soren steps into the Training Center, still pent up from the train ride. He takes in an icy breath of air, trying to cool himself down. His magic needed realigning; of course it did. The more transcendent aspects of casting tended to evade him. Soren switched his Arcane proficiency to a Nature proficiency, and then switched out Entropic Mending to Mystic Binding. Concentrating, he summoned an icy pillar to envelop a dummy from across the room. There. While mending had been useful in a pinch behind a cockpit, he didn't want to risk someone getting away from him again if he could avoid it. Especially if he was going on the hunt again. The pilot's nerves still ached at him, though. Pulling out his handgun, Soren fired shot after shot at the now-frozen dummy. If he wasn't going to be behind the stick, he was going to have to prove himself useful in other ways. Besides, there was no way he was going to let someone like that so-called spy show him up again. It was going to leave him vulnerable in some areas - especially in the armour department. But, that was life. Start: +5 CP Short Range Weapons: 1 -- 2 (2 CP)Skill: 2 -- 3 (2 CP) (+1 CP remaining) Quote
Kintobor Posted September 30, 2021 Posted September 30, 2021 Zaria enters the training room, yearning to hone her skills. Unimpressed with her running game, she steps up to a space dedicated for jogging and sprinting: lanes sectioned off and poles set aside for jumping practice. Equipping a stopwatch, she spends the next few hours pushing herself as she attempts to move swifter and more precise, shaving seconds off her previous lap attempt. Sweat trickles from her brow as she finishes her laps, taking time to rest and rehydrate after she's happy with her new time. Moving to a more quiet space, Zaria takes to the holotomes and grabs one one meditation techniques and faith, taking time to scroll through its contents and study. It had been awhile since she last studied the texts of religious scholars, something she was loathe to admit: it was just too much fun enjoying the countryside. After some time in reading, she turns to meditation, trying to parse her thoughts after the metaphorical train wreck she was involved in. She crosses her legs and closes her eyes, trying to close out the outside world and to focus inward unto her emotions and her connection to Varuth. Part of her was looking for guidance, another part wanted forgiveness. She felt tore up inside over stealing the documents. She knew what she was going to need to do when she signed up, but the people she stole from where not the villains she was hoping for, but more neutrally grey figures just trying to make their way in the world. At least her desire for adventure and justice had some calling: Blackguard. They would face divine retribution for endangering the lives of the passengers and staff of the train. Zaria exhaled, not immediately realizing she had been in the midst of turning to breathing exercises during her meditation. She felt ready putting her renew sense of self to use. Setting up next to a dummy, Zaria spends the next few hours putting her studying to use, replacing Solar Flare for a new spell: Sonic Sweep. Although it takes time, Zaria begins to consistently hit the practice dummy with the invocation for the spell and a flourish of her fingers: silencing the dummy from a distance with a peel of energy crackling in the air. Over time she pictured Pierce in place of the dummy, and found her conviction and righteous-feeling fury fuelling her casting prowess. Tired and hungry, Zaria calls it for the night and heads off to find someplace to sleep: preferably in one of the former hotel's many rooms. Start: +5 CPVelocity: 2 -- 3 (2 CP)Religion: 1 -- 2 (2 CP) (+1 CP Remaining) Quote
Zepher Posted October 20, 2021 Posted October 20, 2021 Entering into the training center (preferably with her friend Kirwin) Merei explains her desire to wear some protective gear and listens patiently as Roderick explains that she is, frankly put, just too damn weak to wear any. She commits to a training regimen over the next week or two, and, more importantly, has Roderick write down how she can implement the work on her own so that she may continue while in the field or staying in her quarters in the Hall. Her body spent most days after training, she dedicates the rest of her time to reading and surfing the Aether. At first her searches concern Haast, Cosmopoli, and new developments on her twin home worlds, but soon, as always, her searches widen and she finds herself descending down wild rabbit holes of galactic religions, corporate structures, old spy thrillers and their authors florid lives, the history of warehouses and shipping containers, and occasionally the very nature of the Aether itself. Exhausted in both mind and body by most evenings she goes to the bar and watches the people there, making note of all the little things they do... 4 CP: +1 strength (+1 vitality) +1 smarts Quote
CMP Posted October 21, 2021 Posted October 21, 2021 With great interest, Yissam♥ enters the training center, whipping her AV Rig about and making sure to get the facility from every angle. Roderick seems bemused, perhaps, at her desire to stream her own training, but allows her to do so all the same. Sadly, even with all the athletic equipment in the world, she ultimately gravitates towards the various Holo-tomes stacked about, turning what would've been golden segments of long-untouched workout segment Powerstone Regimen into somewhat quieter and infinitely more chill segments of Datadive. Spending the vast majority of her time analyzing the available Holo-tomes, it's easy to appreciate how much of a selection is available, and if nothing else she's definitely got even better ideas of how to make reading look entertaining. Spoiler 2 Points to Smarts (2 -> 3); 2 Points to Proficiencies (Performance 1 -> 2) Quote
Dutch Thriceman Posted October 22, 2021 Posted October 22, 2021 "Friend Roddy, I've come to train. I'd like to be a bit faster and also a bit more scary. Like those killer bots that started in the new slasher flick; Spoopies Animatronic Funhouse of Horrors. Very inspiring stuff!" 4 / 14 character points Intimidation 1 > Intimidation 2 (2 points spent) Athletics 1 > Athletics 2 (2 points spent) 0 / 14 character points Quote
karmajay Posted October 22, 2021 Posted October 22, 2021 (edited) Kirwin slowly enters the training center. A bit out of their element, they feel better after seeing members of the last adventure also training. Kirwin makes an embaressed half wave to them. Kirwin realizes that what they thought they knew about the culture of the city were vastly different from the actual thing. They still have a lot to learn. Kirwin then checks with Roderick in regards to strength exercises. Roderick shows Kirwin how to do some pushups and some more moderate calisthenics. Kirwin continues to perform the training on their off time. Kirwin explains to Roderick how they ended up piloting a speeder during a high speed chase. Roderick explains to Kirwin some methods that they could have used to help in the situation. Before leaving Kirwin also picks out a holotape called "The Aethernet and You: A study on the Physics and Mythology of the Aether Realm and its Impact on the Reality of Certain Planets, Places and Peoples" 5 char points available Strength 1 -> Strength 2 (+1 Vitality) -> 2 points spent Coding 1 -> Coding 2 - >2 points spent Remove Culture 1, Add Piloting 1 1 char point remaining Edited October 22, 2021 by karmajay Quote
Kintobor Posted October 24, 2021 Posted October 24, 2021 Zaria steps briefly into the training room to fill out her holoscroll. Looking through her options in various tomes, she decides on Enhanced Vision, jotting down motions and the invocations to create the spell's intended effect. After spending longer than she'd like, she puts the tomes away and steps out of the training room, ready to use her new spell. Zaria adds Enhanced Vision to her list of known spells. Quote
Peppermint_M Posted December 3, 2021 Posted December 3, 2021 The journey back to the station had been restful for Aysu, after the mission and the excitement of the races. She was ready to train for using her new weapon. Working on her strength, the kickback on a kinetic weapon was something she had to be able to handle. (Expend 1 points to bring Aysu's strength stat to 3) EDIT: Amended stat change/point allocation. Quote
samurai-turtle Posted December 5, 2021 Posted December 5, 2021 Coming into the trading center /library Polaris requested some material one a familiar read "how to boost one's spirit" another material was surprisingly simple title "nature". As Polaris went threw the material she ended up dosing off. To a familiar dream, a lady in a snow storm but this time she started to get clearer... Hello there, you seem to be getting better with the "forces of nature". As your...let's call it guide. I now want to show you how to summon a creature more pacifically a "Crystalgon". I am sure you have a ton of questions so why not ask a few now. Ok, where you the one that modified MILES in the aether space? And why me? What are you exactly? Is their going to be more of this stuff? And did I see you when I was hospitalized? And can anyone else see you? And do you want something out of me? Ok one question at a time. Did I modified MILES in the aether space? Yes and no all I did was help him realize it was possible and to have a more direct linked to your mind. As for why you? I really don't know I thought we could be friends... I am going to change things up a little bit, for the the next answer. Yes, you did see me when you were hospitalized. The next few things might be answered in this way. At one point I was royalty but at a young age I had powers like yours Polaris until eventually I evolved into to a "Spirit of Nature" unlike most ancient deities I really didn't want to be blindly worship. What I really want is friends but I am not sure how to get them. So I took an arcade form of worship "Clerics". I figured that is what I need "Clerics" to help find me friends. So if you occasionally talk about me that is fine, I don't want "people" feel forced into some lame religion. Is that everything... Wait, wait, wait their is others around that can heal with their spirit. Can I do that? Oh that, it is simple, let me do this. Then she touched Polaris' head. Waking up with a headache. But while all this was going on MILES was off with Roderick. Well that was something new. I wonder if I will ever see her again? I should fine MILES... What the heck happened to you!?!? In his familiar mono tone voice. /// Roderick help me upgrade my body with spare parts he had laying around the place. And a fine job if I do say myself. But MILES made the upgrade so easy. /// But that is not all, I do more things now, like this. /// And this... Ok, I get it. But that spinning thing going to make me sick. While you were doing this. I too learned some new things. Like this... Polaris casted Spirit Ally. Crystalgon! Said the new creature. As the creature occasionally spun on it's x,y and z axis (and probably a few others). Is that a Spirit Ally? I never seen one before. ... Oh MILES I will let you know when special parts come in. Yes it is. ... Their is going to be more of this form you two? /// Of course. I got to protect you some how... OoC: How I am spending my points. 2 points to upgrade Spirit from a one to a two. 2 points to upgrade Melee Weapons from a one to a two. 2 points to upgrade Nature from a one to a two. 2 points to upgrade Skill from a two to a three. And last 1 point to upgrade Long Range Weapons from a zero to a one. P.S. Replacing spells Elemental Evocation With Spirit Ally, and adding Healing Light. Quote
Duvors Posted December 10, 2021 Posted December 10, 2021 (edited) Enson entered the Training Center quietly, tea in hand, looking around expectantly. It took only a moment for him to relocate the shelf of manuals that he had borrowed from last time he was here. Fishing about in his pockets for a moment he soon withdrew his previous selections and slid them back into place. Start: +9 CP Survival 1 -- 0 (+1 CP)End: +10 CP Having done this, Enson began looking around inquisitively, wandering further into the room. After a few minutes went by without him finding what he was looking for he made a polite cough and called out gently: '"Excuse me, Roderick? Roddy? Are you there?" "Just a Moment!" an answering voice called from behind a door, slightly ajar, off to one side of the room. A few seconds later the Adamite emerged, cheerful as always. "I'm sorry, I was just taking an inventory. What can I do for you?" "Sorry to bother you, I was just wondering if anyone was using the meditation garden. I'd, ah, I'd like to spend a little time there." "No, it's free at the moment." "Ah good. I... have been feeling a little tense lately and I feel the need to properly recompose myself. Do you think we could set up a schedule so anyone else who wants to use it knows when it is occupied?" "Sure, I'll just get the log." He paused for a moment, "Is there anything else?" "Well..." Enson said as he reached into his pocket, "I'd also like you to teach me how to properly use this." As he finished he drew a small object, like the hilt of a sword, from his pocket and held it out to Roderick. "I see, may I?" Having received a nod from Enson he gently took the object and examined it closely. Stepping away from Enson, he moved into the middle of the room and held it out at arm's length with the 'end' pointed away from him. As he turned a small dial with his thumb, a blade of white light - straight with a slight curve at the end - extended slowly from his hand with a whoosh. He began slowly circling a space in the middle of the room, assuming a few practice stances as he did. He began to take a few practice swings with it, the blade humming and hissing through the air. Seemingly satisfied, he held it point up and slowly retracted the burning brand, which quieted like a slackening breeze as he did. "Well," he said, moving over to Enson and handing the weapon back over to him, "That seems a nice pice of kit you have there, not the standard torch of raw plasma. That blade is shaped by layered magnetic fields for more precise cuts, and there's some sort of shifting weight in the hilt that replicated the feeling of a lightweight blade." He made a motion with his hand like someone swinging a sword. "Makes it feel more natural to the wielder and therefore easier to use." "Yes, I did notice that. So do you think you can set up something for that?" "Yes, I believe so." he said with a confident smile. Edited December 10, 2021 by Duvors Quote
Endgame Posted December 14, 2021 Posted December 14, 2021 Decker's time in the tundra taught him much. He was now the proud owner of a custom-paint-job Double Barrel Voltaic Shotgun (seriously, the paint job on this thing was AWESOME), but he needed to put in a little bit of work to learn how to use it. With 9 points, Decker: Boosts Strength by 1 (-2 Character Points) Boosts Skill by 2 (-4 Character Points) Goes from 0 to 1 in 3 proficiencies: Medicine, perception, Athletics (-1, -1, -1, for a cumulative -3 Character Points) Decker DaCabe (Endgame) 24 year old male HumanCharacter Points: 0/19Vitality: 7/7Velocity: 2Strength: 4Skill: 3Smarts: 1Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 1, Short Range Weapons 2, Medicine 1, Perception 1, Athletics 1Credits: 72Equipment: Double Barrel Voltaic Shotgun (Calibrated Energy Short Range Weapon), Sandblasted Cuirass (Standard Kinetic Armor),Inventory: Unloaded Pistol (Calibrated Kinetic Melee Weapon) Quote
Yzalirk Posted December 15, 2021 Posted December 15, 2021 After completing his first successful mission on that frozen tundra, Ronin enters the Training Center and begins to meditate, reflecting on his time there and trains himself. Ronin (Yzalirk)[REDACTED] Male [REDACTED]Character Points: 9/19Vitality: 5/5Velocity: 2Strength: 1Skill: 3Smarts: 3Spirit: 0/0Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Deception 1, Melee Weapons 2, Stealth 1Known Spells: NoneCredits: 322Equipment: Cloaking Generator, Hard Light Katana (Calibrated Energy Melee Weapon)Inventory: Gator Tooth (Can be converted into either a Kinetic or Elemental Standard Melee Weapon by a craftsman), Ion Laser (Calibrated Energy Artillery Weapon) After taking many beatings, his Vitality increases by +2 (9 CP - 4 CP = 5 CP) His Artillery proficiency increases from 0 to 1 (5 CP - 1 CP = 4 CP) His Perception increases from 0 to 1 (4 CP - 1 CP = 3 CP) His Survival increases from 0 to 1 (3 CP - 1 CP = 2 CP) His Skill increases from 3 to 4 (2 CP - 2 CP = 0 CP) Ronin (Yzalirk)[REDACTED] Male [REDACTED]Character Points: 0/19Vitality: 7/7Velocity: 3Strength: 1Skill: 4Smarts: 3Spirit: 0/0Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Artillery 1, Deception 1, Melee Weapons 2, Perception 1, Stealth 1, Survival 1Known Spells: NoneCredits: 322Equipment: Cloaking Generator, Hard Light Katana (Calibrated Energy Melee Weapon)Inventory: Gator Tooth (Can be converted into either a Kinetic or Elemental Standard Melee Weapon by a craftsman), Ion Laser (Calibrated Energy Artillery Weapon) Quote
The Legonater Posted December 21, 2021 Posted December 21, 2021 (edited) Soren returned to the training center after a long flight, trying to stretch his tired limbs. He considered keeping up with his flying skills at a piloting module, but he figured the time for that would come soon. For now, he needed to build up his magic. If he wanted it to have any relevance fight, he'd need it to be able to have some actual force. He flexed at the muscles in his palm, freezing the air around him into an icicle that he swung around like a weapon. Soren practiced freezing the target dummy, accidentally breaking an arm off. Holding the arm back to the dummy, Soren let out more cold magic, freezing the arm back in place and temporarily repairing the target. All the while, he got faster, reacting quicker to new stimulous. He didn't have armour, but maybe if he was skillful enough, he wouldn't need any. Start: +7 CP Nature: 1 -- 2 (2 CP)Spirit: 2 -- 3 (2 CP)Skill: 3 -- 4 (2 CP)(1 CP remaining) Edited January 2, 2022 by The Legonater I realized I actually had one additional CP from #6 Quote
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