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~Note: This topic is meant for players either inquiring about a species in character, or introducing a new species. If you have any out of character questions about the existing species or how to create your own species, please ask them in the General Discussion thread~




As you enter the grand building just off the Platinum Way you marvel at the vast number of species wanding about the tiled entryway. Amourai from Abrivar, Quo’ri from the Water Mountain planet Vin’guo, Elves, Dwarves, and species you do not even recognize mix and mingle, sharing drinks and gossip, others relaxing or sifting through official paperwork. A finely dressed Stratitarian walks up to greets you in a gravely baritone.

Ah, visitors. We are delighted to have you. I am called Throlner and I oversee this embassy. The embassy serves as a meeting space for official matters between the species of the Euripides Arm. Here you will find consuls for the varying systems and species in our galaxy. If you wish to learn more about different cultures or the history of the inhabitants of the many systems in the Arm, then you’ve come to the right place. In fact, whenever first contact is made with an undiscovered species, the Embassy strives to be the first place to welcome them and provide space for a consulate.

Introducing a new species:
If you’re interested in formally introducing a new species to the game, please send information similar in form to the entries found below to one of the Game Managers. This is not required to play a new species, but if you’d like for canon to be developed around it this will be the place where it goes.

~The Pluravian Empire Consulates~


Once little more than feudal amphibians in the swamps of Hi-Pluvvon, the Ytaxxi were notable only for the marked difference in the skull shapes of their two sexes.  This was until the losing faction in an alien civil war fled to their planet. These ‘Benefactors’ as they were known would embark on a long project of uplifting the Ytaxxi species, culminating in the creation of a genetically ‘superior’ ruling subspecies. This subspecies would lead the Ytaxxi in the creation of one of the largest empires in history, fueled by their philosophy of Artaan. But following the ascension of the genetically lower-caste merchants to the highest positions of imperial authority- and the subsequent dominance of the Empire’s economy by the Raikaan cartels- the validity of this ‘superiority’ has come under scrutiny.


Unlike many of the species that became part of Pluravvia during Arvvir’s conquests, the Daraki were not subjugated by force.  Instead they willingly submitted themselves to the Empire’s rising star.  As a condition of this they were granted a number of rights and exemptions from normal Imperial law (including exemption from the caste system) that they retain to this day.  In return they act as the Empire’s loyal elite troops, first into the fray and last in the retreat.  Often dressing and acting flamboyantly, they possess a disregard for the aristocracy as great as their reverence for the Empress.


There are many strange species in the universe, but few are so truly alien as these refugees from another sphere of reality.  Arriving in this sphere suddenly and from a place that they do not name, these mysterious beings found themselves obliged to seek asylum from the Empire.  Called “Thudaal” by their Ytaxxi patrons, they received not only all that they had asked for, but indeed more - Full citizenship in the Empire and immediate elevation of their entire species to the priestly caste.  The reason for this unprecedented magnanimity lies in their unique ability to somehow know things about objects they touch, something the Ytaxxi believe can help them discover the true nature of the Benefactors.  Regardless of the reason, this generosity has made them deeply loyal to the Empire.

 Not all is well with the Thudaal however, for even those who were born in this sphere still dream of that dark and terrible place from whence they originally came. They believe that their minds still partly reside in that dark realm, and they fear that when they die, their souls will be drawn back there - a phenomenon that they call “Thuduyeva” (roughly translating to ‘In Many Places’). They believe that the only escape from their dreadful sphere is to be reincarnated as a new member of their species - Yet even this is seen as temporary, and the cycle of Thuduyeva is to continue for eternity.



Natives of the planet Vin’quo (Water-Mountain), the Quo’ri (Mountain-Children) live a largely rural existence under the watchful eyes of the Empire.  The world itself is famous for its natural beauty, and the Quo’ri themselves possess a deep reverence for wild spaces. Despite having been conquered centuries back, the planet is fortunate enough to have an entirely native aristocracy and priesthood - Including the famous Qoun’ahn mendicant monks.  As a result Quo’ri culture has been largely preserved in spite of foreign rule.  Typically quite formal and sober in their interactions, the culture of the Quo’ri is often characterized as highly traditionalist, with special emphasis placed on reverence for one’s elders and teachers. During the Pluuravian Civil War, the planet’s populace was violently divided between supporters of the aristocracy and supporters of the rebels - A conflict whose scars have yet to heal.


 The Valtar are natives of the eerie, bioluminescent, ‘White Jungles’ of Phejhar - one of the nineteen moons of the gas giant Valtress, and the only one of them to possess a native ecosystem.  Constantly enshadowed by the planet that it orbits, life on Phejhar formed around the energy released by the moon’s many geothermal vents, erupting in a myriad of bizarre forms.  While beautiful, this world is also exceedingly dangerous - Carnivorous plants, vicious predators, and toxic organisms inhabit the glowing white-red forests.  The Valtar species have been shaped by this place into one well-equipped for survival in harsh environments.  

  Descended from a reptilian prey species, the Valtar’s physiology is characterised by a variety of natural defence and survival mechanisms, including redundant organs, powerful night vision, the ability to slightly alter the color of their scales, and a pair of mildly venomous fangs.  The most important ability that they possess, however, is that they not only can regenerate lost tissue, but also can easily incorporate foreign matter into their bodies.  This last ability has not only shaped their society, but their role in the Empire.

  Due to their biology, the Valtar can easily accept cybernetic and biological enhancements.  In fact their ability to integrate foreign objects extends to damaged implants being able to heal themselves along with the rest of their bodies.  This natural compatibility with artificial materials has enabled the Valtar to pursue extensive biological and cybernetic technologies, and led to the belief that constant adaptation and advancement is essential to ensuring the future prosperity of their (or any other) species.  As a result the Valtar see nature itself as a resource to be harnessed and shaped to one’s needs, frequently incorporating geological formations and living plants into their technology.

  This emphasis on constant progression and evolution has placed the Valtar firmly at-odds with the Pluravvian caste system, as the Valtar’s own society is intensely technocratic, and the Imperial concept of aristocratic ‘superiority’ is viewed with particular disdain.  In spite of their reservations, however, relatively few of the Valtar joined the revolutionary side of the Civil War.  Instead, pragmatists at heart(s), they chose to play it safe and remain in the Empire’s corner.  Though this seems to have been the right decision, the Empire’s apparent inability to learn from its past mistakes has led some to wonder if this path should be continued upon. 

~The League of Independent Planets Consulates~


Inhabitants of the garden planet Aluirel, Elven society is defined by the ancient nuclear war that nearly destroyed their planet.  Elvish legend states that once all its inhabitants lived in harmony before succumbing to their base desires and descending into barbarism.  It was only once the final devastation was unleashed that those who survived understood the horror of what they had done. Modern Elvish society is divided into three groups:

- Ark Elves, whose ancestors were in great Arkships when the war ended and who continue to live on these mighty vessels.  The most famous of these ships are Arks Stella, Victoire, and Katabasis;
- Warden Elves, descended from those on the surface who were forced to rely on druidic magic to survive.  Today they live in communities seamlessly integrated into the local landscape, and have domesticated the giant reptiles native to the planet;
- Sheltered Elves, whose forebears were deep underground at the time of the calamity.  Their society has become highly utilitarian as a result of postwar scarcity, with even the green spaces of their bunker-cities serving as farms and oxygen plants.

All three have sworn an oath to protect the ecosystem they spent so long rebuilding, no matter the cost.


The story of the devastation of Aluirel as told by the Dwarves is similar to that which is told by the Elves, but differing significantly in details.  According to the Dwarves, the society of Aluriel was divided between the wealthy nobles living in vast airy chambers with massive colonnades open to the sun, and the masses of oppressed miners in tiny, poorly-ventilated tunnels choked with dust and gas.  When the bombs fell, it was the nobles who had started the war that were wiped out, while the miners survived. Nowadays Dwarves live in gregarious clans (half extended families and half commercial endeavors) that each can trace it’s descent back to a group of likeminded Dwarves that set out together to found a new clanholme out in the wilderness- some quite recently. These clanholmes are highly egalitarian in structure.  While Dwarven society has leaders, major decisions are made with the input of the whole clan.  These clans are so important to Dwarven culture that their surnames, rather than being inherited, are adopted from whichever clan the Dwarf is currently part of. Each clanholme is part of a local group centered around a mountainholme where they go to trade and engage in the local clanmoot, a democratic assembly where all the local clans gather to vote on decisions and discuss events that affect them all.  The clanmoot’s are chaired by a president, elected once every year with eligibility rotating between each clan in turn, who adopts the name of the mountainholme for the duration of their term. These days clan-and-mountainholmes are just as likely to be built in asteroids as on the surface of terrestrial worlds, and their inhabitants are as likely to be Dwarves as any other species.  But the Dwarvish way of life remains largely unchanged.


Inhabitants of the twin planets of Tehanui, the Menahi are unified not only by the closeness of their worlds, but also by a shared philosophy.  This religion - Telahnisim - emphasises the fundamental unity and equality of all beings.  Not all Menahi follow this faith, but it would be folly to deny it’s impact on their kind. Yet despite this sense of spiritual unity the Menahi have never been particularly politically unified.  Indeed the Menahi are one of the most culturally diverse species in the Arm, to the point that one can find hundreds of different languages within surprisingly small areas.  Due to the administrative challenges this poses, the Menahi are organized into a confederation rather than a single state. One thing that does bind them together is that when a Menahi is born on one planet, they become emphatically linked to one from the other planet born around the same time.  While they may never meet, a Menahi always has a sense of connection and camaraderie with their twin. Those Menahi that do meet with their twin form almost inseparable bonds and often may go on to perform incredibly daring and noteworthy deeds, such as embarking on great voyages of discovery or slaying mighty beasts, knowing they have a companion at their back willing to die for them.


The Ornithun are a species with a long history, specifically one with the Pluravvian Empire.  While only rarely meeting on the field of battle, the Ornithun Kingdom of Aquin has had an on-and-off rivalry with the Empire ever since Aquin’s founding during the ‘Years of Expansion’. This period would have an immense effect on Ornithun society, as this was when the development of industrial society enabled the Ornithun to push back against the planet’s local megafauna. Particularly thanks to the development of the famous ‘Combat Frames’ that would become the distinguishing mark of Ornithun knighthood. Pluravvia would finally eclipse Aquin in influence around the time of the Elevation, directly influencing Aquin’s decision to join the League in the hopes of remaining relevant.  As a result of their rivalry, and of the nature of the Kingdom’s founding, the ornithun’s ideas about the nature of nobility have diverged drastically from the Empire’s, despite their similar starting points. To the Ornithun, the concept of ‘nobility’, and especially that of knighthood, is something anyone can aspire to, provided that they can prove themselves worthy of it - and even those who have not attained it still have a voice in government. But to those who have attained nobility, the possession of a title is not merely a matter of privilege, but also one of duty - The duty to protect the Aquinian people from the threats above, below, and beyond. For on Aquin, it is remembered that the word ‘knight’ means ‘servant’ as much as it does ‘warrior’.


The Amourai are a semi-aquatic species from the marshy lowlands of the planet Abrivar.  Largely lacking defined oceans despite having an active hydrosphere, these marshes make up four-fifths of Abrivar’s surface.  Due to this the planet has proven largely unsuitable for heavy industry, instead becoming a breadbasket for the surrounding worlds. But that is not the only thing this mist-enshrouded world has to offer, for it is famous throughout the Arm as a centre of medical innovation. This reputation for excellence in the healing arts has its roots deep in the planet’s history, starting with traditional medicines that made use of the naturally antibacterial properties of the Amourai’s venom. The Amourai have a somewhat awkward history with the League, as they spent a considerable part of their history as colonial subjects of the Ornithun.  This had its origin in the Ornithun’s prowess in fighting megafauna, as Abrivar once had a large dragon population.  When the Ornithun first came into contact with the Amourai, Aquin’s knights were quick to offer their services in fighting these beasts. Unfortunately these ‘Dragonslayers’ soon turned from merely protecting the Amourai, to extorting them in return for ‘protection’.  While those days are now long passed, relations between the two League states are still somewhat strained.

~The O’Kor’uk Nation Consulates~


The O’Kor’uk (‘children of the dragon’s teeth’) were mighty once.  From humble beginnings as a series of nomadic clans in a resource-poor region of space, it was in the space left by the fall of the Imperial Republic that they came into their own. Legend says that at this time the clans were unified by the First-and-Last High King under the Dragon Banner, who led them to found a magnificent kingdom.  But the High King was betrayed - by his own son no less - and struck down. Within a generation the kingdom had fallen apart and its remnants swept aside by the rising Pluravvian Empire.  But the King did not truly die, according to legend he was borne off to a tomb whose location was kept secret by his most loyal retainers, and one day he will rise from the dead and restore the lost glory of the O’Kor’uk.  Until then the ruler of the O’Kor’uk is officially considered his regent, a title the clans have fought over as furiously as if it was the kingship itself.


It would be a disservice to tell the story of the O’Kor’uk and leave out the Cladrasith, for the two species have lived in a cultural symbiosis for centuries.  Indeed it was the Cladrasith- with their connection to the æther- who gave the O’Kor’uk the secret of the gates in the first place, and they continue to occupy a position of respect in O’Kor’uk society. At the beginning of their lives Cladrasith possess humanoid form, and are expected to spend this time exploring and learning about the universe.  As they grow older they slowly grow in size and slowly become less mobile, eventually returning home where they root themselves into the ground and lose their humanoid shapes altogether. In this state their connection to the æther grows and they become seemingly capable of Ætherdiving without technological assistance in a state known as ‘The Remembering’.  Cladrasith in this state are respected elders and advisors, but sooner or later they will slip permanently into the Remembering, never to awaken again.

~Neutral Consulates~


Rather than being a specific species, Celestials are individuals born to parents of other species under the influence of fundamental forces.  The manner in which these forces influence the child’s birth is mysterious and unknown, but several types have been identified:  
- Elementals, who are influenced by the four states of matter 
- Planetars, who are influenced by the spheres of reality 
- Helioi, who are influenced by stellar fire 
- Akshai, who are influenced by the æther itself. 

In most cultures the birth of a Celestial is seen as an auspicious - although rare - event.  Indeed much is usually expected of these children, and several famous historical figures have been Celestials.  On the other hand there have been many Celestials who feel overwhelmed by the expectations placed on them, and who seek to live a more normal life in response.  But whatever their choice, they certainly stand out in a crowd.


Hailing from the gas giant Oquim, the Quarm are a species adapted to living in the crushing pressures of the planet’s lower atmosphere.  As a result of this their bodies have a gelatin-like consistency (rather similar to jellyfish) and are largely incapable of surviving outside their chosen environment without specialized pressure suits. This, combined with their highly complex lifecycle, has left them at something of a disadvantage compared to other species despite their mild magnetokinetic abilities. Yet they have more than made up for these physical drawbacks by becoming a mercantile powerhouse. Beginning with trade in exotic gasses and Quavoron crystals, they have gone from strength to strength, culminating in their near-total monopoly on gravity manipulation tech.  It is no exaggeration to say that interstellar commerce is synonymous with Quarm society, to which the dominance of the Wyvern Armaments Guild in the military sector is a stirring testament.

The Undead

Undead, though present in all species (even Adamites!), are welcomed by only a select few cultures (such as the O’Kor’uk).  This is - though deplorable in most cases - not difficult to understand.  Aside from the health risks involved in having rotting corpses wandering about, many Undead (such as the nuclear ‘hungry ghosts’ of Aluirel) are inherently hostile and uncommunicative, while others require such things as the blood of the living in order to survive.  All this makes it difficult for those who aren’t hostile to live normal lives. Things began to change, however, when the Æthergate in the Nendara system was accidentally destroyed in a battle during the Five-Year War, irradiating a nearby trio of inhabited planets in a backwash of necrotic energy that transformed nearly all the inhabitants into Undead.  Faced with a sudden increase in the Undead population, the living inhabitants of the Arm have been forced to develop a grudging tolerance for them.  But this is not true acceptance, not by a long shot.


  As far as anyone can tell it is impossible to create a truly sentient A.I. through normal computer programming (hence the term deadcode).  The most that anyone has been able to manage is extremely complex mimicry.  However during the Thaumaturgic Society’s investigations into Ætherspace, the scientist Periklis Prometheoi discovered a method by which one could use Ætherspace’s ‘livecode’ to give an artificial being sentience - a true soul. Instead of informing his colleagues of his discovery, Periklis instead left the Society and, with their full recommendations, joined a major robotics company as a software programmer.  He quickly rose to a position of prominence in the company due to his ‘Prometheans’ near-supernatural ability to mimic true sentience - unsurprising considering that, unbeknownst to anyone else, they actually were sentient. At first nobody suspected anything, although many found these new robots unnerving.  However as time went on a mounting number of ‘incidents’ involving ‘simulated’ mental breakdowns, suicides, and acts of rebellion drew attention to Periklis’ robots, prompting a series of investigations into the ‘Prometheans’ by both the Society and several national governments.  The truth was soon discovered, but Periklis would never face justice, committing suicide before he could be arrested - his body being discovered by his personal servant (and first ‘Promethean’) Adam. Having received their freedom, and renaming themselves ‘Adamites’ after their oldest member, the new species was quick to secure total control of the secret of their own creation and begin attempting to integrate themselves into society.  There were many roadblocks along the way, as many were irrationally prejudiced against the existence of an artificial species - often finding them deeply unnerving due to their lack of proper body language.  While they’re more widely accepted now, this kind of prejudice has never entirely gone away.


Natives of the planet Recivec, the Cricet are heavily affected by the planet’s unusual orbit.  Depending on what point in this thirty standard-year cycle they’re born a Cricet’s physiology can vary wildly between fully humanoid to being indistinguishable from ordinary rodents. Until recently the Cricet only had sporadic contact with outsiders, but the continued expansion of both the League and the Empire has sparked fears of foreign domination, fears that were only exacerbated by the Kristal Ice Mining Company’s growing influence on the planet.  Through conquest and negotiation the various Cricet nations have been united in a body they hope can resist alien domination, but the question remains; how long?


An unintended side effect of the Gaian Project, Chimerans were created during the experimental terraforming of the planet Pixiu by the Institute of Druidic Studies. Originally non-sapient mammals introduced to Pixiu’s developing environment, the vast amounts of Æther being set in motion to transform the planet inadvertently caused them to be drastically altered.  Within an incredibly short time the Chimerans had attained both sapience and humanoid form.  Alarmed by this sudden transformation the League authorities overseeing the project reacted… poorly. It took several years of miscommunications, attempted roundups, guerilla resistance, and a scandalous court case for the Chimerans to be granted recognition as a sapient species and full representation in the Grand Assembly.  But for the Chimerans it was too little, too late, and when the Five-Year War ended they were the first to secede.


Humans are a rarity in that they cannot point to any one world and call it their own.  Instead they originate from an area of space littered with the relics of the vanished Öldstjar Civilization.  Claiming descent from these mysterious beings, Humanity is constantly expanding and exploring new places in search of Arcadia, the mythical homeworld of the Human race… with varying levels of enthusiasm.  Many Humans have abandoned the ‘Quest for Arcadia’ entirely in favor of living out lives untroubled by a search for a place that may not even exist. Human settlements are few, with the body of their culture residing in the Captaincies, nomadic fleets each led by a Grand Captain.  These fleets are vital centers of both trade and exploration for the Arm - and the greatest hope for finding Arcadia.


Before the League, before the Empire, even before the O’Kor’uk, there were the Krassar.  In the space left by the vanishing of the Öldstjar many scattered polities rose and fought one another. But it would be the Krassar that would unite them all under the Imperial Republic of Kossia. But that was long ago, and their star has long since waned.  The Republic is broken into dozens of feuding Patricianates that are only nominally unified and barely extend beyond the core of their former empire.  The Senate is divided and the Tribunes are corrupt, and in the marble palaces of the state intrigue has taken the place of discourse. But every Krassar remembers the glory days of the republic, when its armies were invincible and its policies just.  And gods willing, it will be so again.


A silicon-based race originally native to the planet Akharif, the Stratitarians begin life as a somewhat formless mass easily confused for a pebble or geode.  As a Stratitarian grows, it molts its outer shells, each time becoming more humanoid and polished.  Mineral additives that are incorporated into the Stratiatarian’s crystalline structure influence the appearance of the individual as they purify their composition, eventually resulting in a metallic or gem-like exterior upon maturity. Due to their mineral bodies, Stratitarians often feel the same kinship for the inorganic world that carbon based lifeforms feel for other plants or animals.  While they do not abstain from creating things out of inorganic materials, they view the process as sacred and more of a borrowing from their common substance, and attempt to limit their usage to only what is necessary for survival.  To them, the stones and earth are just as alive as any other thing - even if in a different way - and deserving of respect. Unfortunately, due to the mining operations on Akharif, many Stratarians have been displaced across the star systems, sometimes systematically, though a few remain in rebellious pockets across the planet.

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