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All these new Clone Wars sets have so few EP2 Clones included with them almost guarantees we will be seeing a 4-minifig $10 battle pack with EP2 clones very soon!! LEGO is obviously not using EP2 Clones to sell these type of sets this time around and instead they are using 'exclusive' Jedi's to help sell them.

I thought we were going to see this (pic below from the CW trailer) on the side, but the little 'Crumb' dude is more family friendly.


I would love to see TLC put that in. *wub* At the very least in MF form....

A bit off topic, but where is the CW trailer? Off to search... EDIT: Found it. It's *wub*!


Edited by Mr. Mandalorian

I don't know how all of you are missing it, but as someone pointed out (and although you don;t have to agree) I would bet my UCS MF on that radar dish on the side having a twin and that both fold down into the turrets.

I feel that the Crumb image is a symbol of the particular unit this ship belongs to and the other markings are kills like what bomber crews did during WWII.

Obi-Wan and Ventress are most likely going to be cartoony but good luck making Plo Koon' odd face cartoony TLC!

Ventress = two more curved lightsaber hilts!!! I only have the 1 from the only Dooku fig and have been dying for more. I can only hope they are the chrome hilts. (If TLC uses straight hilts for her I will not get this set!!) <-Personal opinion.

Overall (even though things can change) two thumbs up!!

Whoever found this pic, do you possibly have similar resolution pics for the other sets so the name debate can be ended? If not, I understand.

Edited by OOM-9

Although, i never really owned a RGS before, but its time for me to own one. It seemed that the new version have much stickers and less clone troopers. However, the new mini-figs make up for it, was hoping to see 4 clone troopers instead of 2 :-/ Nevertheless, this is a great ship in the re-make of Ep 2: Clone wars which is one of my fave ship :-P Let's hope this ship won't burn a big hole in our pockets!

Awesome!!! I wanted a the original Clone Gunship alot but I never got it. Now I can!

I like the RGS and the AT-TE *wub*

I will for sure get several of each.

I like the new designs. They might be getting a few changes though... :-|

But just that they are coming again is a bless...


You know i'm kinda split on how to feel about this new RGS, now if you don't already have one then i can fully understand people being sooo excited. Hell it's one of the best designed lego sets ever IMO, It's also the first big set that i bought more than one of.

However if you have one already then i think your gonna be a bit disapointed, you see to me this (Much like the AT-TE) lacks the usual improved redesign seen in other sets. Sure it's better but not that much, Oh and just what the hell is with that new sticker of jabbas pet?? I would of hoped for something alot better, of course this might have some link to the new cartoon so it might turn out ok.

Oh and as for the figs then i more than welcome Plo Koon and Assjai Ventress *wub* I can't wait to see just how those two are gonna look.

Great find Benk *y*

I agree. The original gunship is my favorite LEGO Star Wars set. I have TWO on display in my office right now. This one looks similar but at first glance it doesn't look like they made many improvements. Now, I am the first to say that the original did not have many improvement areas so it is kind of a wash. Here are my thoughts:

- While the lift up missile launcher thingy was probably the weakest part of the original design, I can't say the dual flick missiles are any better. Especially if they are not retractable (I can't tell from the preliminary picture.)

- The doors on the re-design appear to be the exact same mechanism except they are a few studs taller. It appears the rear crew compartment is slightly taller/larger perhaps to contain a speeder. If it includes a speeder, this would be a significant improvement.

- The two front and single rear laser cannons are much longer on the redesign which (to me) means they are much more likely to get snapped off even in mild play. The shorter ones were much more manageable.

- It does appear that the side "bubble" laser cannons do flip out and possibly have a bubble. Obviously, we can't tell from this photo but that makes sense. If they are a self-contained bubble and you can fit a minifig in it, that would be a huge improvement.

- The two wing bubble cannons appear to be identical to the original. Obviously, this is easily addressed for the purist out there by simply adding the additional 1/2 bubble on the opposite side of the wing.

- The side bubble lasers are forward of the rear crew compartment and has a 6-8 stud space separating the two. This is more accurate than the original. It will be interesting to see if there is anything inside the ship in this area.

- The cockpit and front section (aside from the sticker) look almost identical to the original. Presumably, the front splits open to reveal a small crew section like the original. I didn't much care for the magnetic toolchest of the original, but it was true to LEGO form.

- The engine area (just aft of the cockpit) and side storage compartments look similar to the original. Can't tell much until we actually build the thing.

- I would have liked to see a different color scheme this time around. Still looks like a sticker nightmare. Let's just hope these stickers are not susceptible to the cracking and peeling of the original.

- I'm not going to comment on the minifigs. It's all preliminary so why get worked up about it now. It will likely change a dozen times before we can actually buy it so don't worry. I'll be happy with whoever they ultimately put in the set.

Thanks for the photo, looking forward to seeing more.

I'm not a PT collector - so I missed the first AT-TE and RGS (and I was in my DA that time) - but I will definately get these two sets. :-)

i think im gunna get a part time job (only 17) just so i can afford a wole army of these! holy ****** ** *** theyre awesome. colossal. suweeeet!

only two clones? whats up with that?

assajj and plo koon? i have no idea what thats about, though its a pre-lim and will probs change, because plo never went within a planets distance in SW:CW animated, this will probably be expanded upon though in upcoming show.

in short: wow

Love it, love it, love it! *wub* *wub* *wub*

I don't care if it is only 2 clones, they'll make a battlepack before it's all over and I'll grab them by the ton. What they won't make is a Jedi battlepack with unique Jedi, so I'll take them every chance I get and this is a nice way to do it.

I'm a bit surprised by a Ventriss figure, but that's fine. I figured we'd get her and a fleshie Dooku together, but then he'd be cartoonified and I'm not sure I care much about that, so this is good with me.

Plus, and someone may have mentioned previously ... PRELIMINARY. We might get 4 clones, we might get 3 clones, we might never get this set at all... er, sorry, went too far there. 8-

I was thinking the same thing, LFADN, althought it probably isnt. :-/


Maybe the guns are behind these doors on the left of the picture :-| .

this is a great set! :-$ better than the first... however, it would have been nice to have had a cargo version instead of the one we already had a few years back...

still, most definetely worth the 140 euro or so price tag

Im sure this is nothing new compaired to what everyone else has said, but this thing is beautiful, I am definately buying this *wub* Even though it holds great similarities to the old gunship, this one has some improved aspects, like matching colors rather than random tan and orange bricks thrown in, aswell as different techniques to get the lower slant.

I look forward to this one.

This news makes *yoda* happy *sweet*

This does look like a fantastic set, and its preliminary !! Impressive to say the least 8-

I can finally get a RGS!! (I was young when the first one came around, very young)

And if anyone's bothered by the sticker, just don't stick it on, find another use for it like someone you don't like's forhead...

PS: I like the idea of the EP2 Clone BP, but different topic i suppose...

Edited by Darkest Hope

I agree with you 100%! You should work on your typing, though ;-) . I had a hell of a time correcting your post for my quote and I still haven't figured out how you managed to get a 9 into the middle of "good"! X-D

In fairness it was 2am in the morning by my time but even I don't know how I managed a 9 in there *wacko* :-P

I'm glad TLC has picked PLo Koon because he has that face mask and eye caps so he wont have anime eyes, which means he will fit right in next to Kit Fisto in my collection. *y* I hope he will have a molded head but I suppose I'll just have to wait to see the final version.

Not that I'm complaining but I was hoping for a new Mace Windu to replace my crappy LULS one. Ah well maybe We'll get one in 2009

Hey! Did you even think about this? Assajj Ventress VS. Obi Wan & Plo Koon??? This could be one tight episode!

I'll take it, kowackian lizard monkey logo and all (I don't even use stickers).

Actually, when you think about it, Jango is somewhat asexual in nature, mostly devoted to fighting. He had to get his kid as part of the cloning arrangement. All of the clones are based on him and should be the same, especially since they were developed purely for war and haven't really lived much of a life outside of that yet. The Jedi are mostly asexual in nature (look at the trouble Anakin's straying from that causes...). Would they really have sexy bomber art on their ships? Not likely. The artists as ILM, on the other hand, would be all over that, and that's why it appears in the movies, as obscured and blurry as it may be. They love sneaking things in.

Hm. Interesting theory! If I may add something, didn't planes back in WWII also feature cartoons, like the Looney Tunes & stuff? Well, I'm sure that these monkey-lizard creatures are the laughing stock of the SW galaxy! X-D

I can finally get a RGS!! (I was young when the first one came around, very young)

And if anyone's bothered by the sticker, just don't stick it on, find another use for it like someone you don't like's forhead...

PS: I like the idea of the EP2 Clone BP, but different topic i suppose...

LOL! Dude, I love your Avatar pic! :-D

But seriusly people stop making such a fuss about stickers!

If you watch the trailer for the Clone Wars cartoon then you will see a clip of clones defending what looks like a sort of jabbas palace, in that clip Ventress can also be seen. So i'm wondering if the new RGS ties into that ep, perhaps it is jabbas palace and perhaps jabba's pet is there mascot or something.

I know it's a real stretch but hey who knows. :-/

i'm actually surprised to see the nose art on a lego set. In this case, it's a typical WW2 thing: a creature (in this case of the sw universe), a red text, probably the name of this ship, and mission markings. I'd say this individual gunship has about 40 bomb missions... yep, the sticker looks out of place. maybe it's because of the prototype and all, but the sticker looks whiter than the bricks. that's never good. I think the idea of having nose art is great, but it doesn't look very well executed. It's also likely that it's a one sided sticker. nose art usualy only comes on one side. honestly, i think it would have been better if the sticker were on a plate like the one to the upper right... With a little luck there's also a sharkmouth in the box, next to this sticker... or a "skull and bones". that's popular too... that way, people who buy multiples can create individual lego models...

for me, the good thing about the nose art is that it's one step closer to actual lego airplane models.... kinda waiting for those...

They're putting Ep 2 clones, Asajj Ventress (spelling?!), Obi-Wan AND Plo Koon in ONE box?! Dang, I just spent

Edited by Mr Spielbrick

If you watch the trailer for the Clone Wars cartoon then you will see a clip of clones defending what looks like a sort of jabbas palace, in that clip Ventress can also be seen. So i'm wondering if the new RGS ties into that ep, perhaps it is jabbas palace and perhaps jabba's pet is there mascot or something.

I know it's a real stretch but hey who knows. :-/

If you ask me the nose art belongs to an ARC trooper team.

And in the trailer they defend a factory or hangar,but thats my opinion. *sad*

Edited by Stealth Hunter

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