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ISD- Imperial Star Destroyer

I really hope the Death Star inludes a junk eating tentacle monster thingy (whose name I do NOT recall and a m too lazy to look up X-D )

Dianoga. ;-)

I noticed that some were curious about the markings on Rex's helmet. Apparently, the symbols are called "Jaig eyes" and are an award given to Clone troopers for particular acts of bravery. The idea was passed down by the Cuy'val Dar, or Mandalorian instructors of the GAR. Linky.

What doesn't make sense to me is that if you give one clone the Jaig Eyes, you'd just as well give it to all of them. :-D


EDIT: If anyone already mentioned it and I missed it, sorry. :-$

No problem! I didn't know they were called Jaig Eyes, but I knew the Cuy'val Dar put em' on some clones. But I think the reason it was only some clones who got them were those clones who learned the Mando language and understood the symbols, like the two clones in the Entertainment Earth 3 3/4 in. Elite Forces of the Republic set who have the Mando skull on their breastplate and the Jaig Eyes on their helmet, so, since it was only given to those who actually gave a minute to Mando(for example, ARC troopers like Ordo, commandos like Delta and Omega, and clones like Trooper Corr), AND who performed particular acts of bravery as you said, I'm hoping Rex will know Mando and it will play into the series! *wub* Because obviously some random clone who saves a Jedi or a whole battalion, etc. etc. who doesen't know Mando won't understand the importance of the Eyes.

You say that as if there aren't figs of them already *wacko*


Well, the way I see it, he says that as if he never had a chance to get them and he isn't about to pay 15$ and up for a figure on EBay. :-|

Edited by trooperdavinfelth

Dianoga. ;-)

No problem! I didn't know they were called Jaig Eyes, but I knew the Cuy'val Dar put em' on some clones. But I think the reason it was only some clones who got them were those clones who learned the Mando language and understood the symbols, like the two clones in the Entertainment Earth 3 3/4 in. Elite Forces of the Republic set who have the Mando skull on their breastplate and the Jaig Eyes on their helmet, so, since it was only given to those who actually gave a minute to Mando(for example, ARC troopers like Ordo, commandos like Delta and Omega, and clones like Trooper Corr), AND who performed particular acts of bravery as you said, I'm hoping Rex will know Mando and it will play into the series! *wub* Because obviously some random clone who saves a Jedi or a whole battalion, etc. etc. who doesen't know Mando won't understand the importance of the Eyes.

Well, the way I see it, he says that as if he never had a chance to get them and he isn't about to pay 15$ and up for a figure on EBay. :-|

Exactly. ;-)
You say that as if there aren't figs of them already *wacko*

Chuck I understand his point: there is a sweet new coloured 3PO (Pearl Gold) and Yoda was a rather rare fig (appeared in 3 sets: 2 expensive X-wing and Wookie Catamaran and a cheap one that was pretty hard to find Jedi Duel)


woow i got myself a yoda when i the sets first came out and i actually forgot that i had it and i found my yoda:D Neways the sets are kinda digging on me so the at-te is the onoly one im really interesteed in...i gues il just wait foor the final results and see how all the sets look when finished

I have little doubt that lego will give us another chance of getting a *yoda* fig, he's so popular that not doing so wouldn't make any sense.

Exactly. ;-)

Glad to see I'm right! *sweet*

Chuck I understand his point: there is a sweet new coloured 3PO (Pearl Gold) and Yoda was a rather rare fig (appeared in 3 sets: 2 expensive X-wing and Wookie Catamaran and a cheap one that was pretty hard to find Jedi Duel)


Woah, when I first heard Jedi Duel I thought of one of those 'Impulse' SW sets from Epi. 6 and Epi. 1! But then reality struck and I remembered AOTC! (which I have; couldn't miss Dooku ;-) )

Glad to see I'm right! *sweet*

Woah, when I first heard Jedi Duel I thought of one of those 'Impulse' SW sets from Epi. 6 and Epi. 1! But then reality struck and I remembered AOTC! (which I have; couldn't miss Dooku ;-) )

It's just a shame that with all these new sets we have yet to see a fleshie dooku, that's something i want but i just hope he has a better face.

Chuck I understand his point: there is a sweet new coloured 3PO (Pearl Gold) and Yoda was a rather rare fig (appeared in 3 sets: 2 expensive X-wing and Wookie Catamaran and a cheap one that was pretty hard to find Jedi Duel)


and the magnet set ;-) and keychains

Edited by Looking for a display name

and the magnet set ;-) and keychains

True, but not many people like to go through the trouble of taking ou t the keychain. Also, while the magnet is convienent as a fig, most people like the traditional fig regardless ;-)

I have little doubt that lego will give us another chance of getting a *yoda* fig, he's so popular that not doing so wouldn't make any sense.

*Shudders at the sight of a Clone Wars Yoda*


Edited by Chuck

*Shudders at the sight of a Clone Wars Yoda*



doesn't seem that bad... :-/

Found a biger pic of the RGS box art ;-)


Enjoy ;-)


commander cody's gun holster seems to restrict his leg movements. i kinda see that piece as useless if movement is that restricted. see cody on the speeder bike. :-P

on the other hand, i'm kinda disappointed. such a large set and only 5 MFs. :-(

and am i the only one who thinks obi's hairpiece looks horrible? it looks like a donald trump combover.

Found a biger pic of the RGS box art ;-)


Enjoy ;-)


wow that looks great!

im proper looking forward to this!

excitement on *y*

do you see the speeders made of a trike body?

THIS IS SO COOL!! brown trikes also on *y*

also its out in august for

Edited by Looking for a display name

do you see the speeders made of a trike body?

THIS IS SO COOL!! brown trikes also on *y*

I haven't noticed that detail 8-

Many Thanks my little aeh big green friend :-D

Where did you found it is there more were it came from? *sweet*

Edit: *lol* just found out that "looking for a display name " has the rank : Looking to get banned *wacko*

Aayla wants too a rank :-)

Edited by aayla-secura

Where did you found it is there more were it came from? *sweet*

on BS and really no clues :-P


on BS and really no clues :-P


I'm pretty sure it's just this pic with the contrast turned up and the background removed ;-)

I'm pretty sure it's just this pic with the contrast turned up and the background removed ;-)

Thanks for clearing that up sam *y*

Found a biger pic of the RGS box art ;-)


Enjoy ;-)


Why is there not a second clone trooper for the cockpit?

There is too few minifig in this set. Heroes, ok. But the troopers *n*

Yeay Tks Sam, you're probably right about it ;-) I posted it since its a clear pic ;-)


Yeay Tks Sam, you're probably right about it ;-) I posted it since its a clear pic ;-)


I'm guessing that lego will show either obi, plo or the cody sat there on the back of the box, either that or it will be like the cloud car with only one pilot.

It's just a shame that with all these new sets we have yet to see a fleshie dooku, that's something i want but i just hope he has a better face.

Too true, too true. He looks so much better in the game. :-| But you never know; maybe with the new line, Dooku will have yet another a new hairpiece. :-X If he does, I can't really see him being any good, unless it's a REALLY good piece. The original head was just so perfect for him, and the game captured that so perfectly.

Nice pic, XWY! This has probably been mentioned before, or not, but where does Cody store his visor? On the fig lineup he has it; it's dark grey; on the speeder bike, he's got a plain orange helmet. :-/ Is it in one of the side compartments on the RGS? I can see at least four possible places for accessories! 8-

Edited by trooperdavinfelth

My guess is there will be sockets for the visor to fit in. You can remove it probably. And the antenna...I don't know. Maybe on the left side of the helmet, the knob is a hole instead and the antenna fits in there.

My guess is there will be sockets for the visor to fit in. You can remove it probably. And the antenna...I don't know. Maybe on the left side of the helmet, the knob is a hole instead and the antenna fits in there.

That's probably it... But that would mean you could put the visor/antenna on any clone! 8-

I'm sure its that ;-) Those helmets can either have the antenna or the visor ;-) Thats why they show it like that on the front of the box !! You can bet that on the rear it will show those possibilities (like with the Rogue Shadow and different hairpiece on Vader and Juno ;-) )


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