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Good news! A certain admin of a certain site is on his way to the New York Toy Fair preview show where the entire '08 lineup will [hopefully] be shown. *sweet*


What do you mean ? I don't follow you mate ;-)



Those :-D They've been used by AFOLs as greebs for spacey MOCs for awhile now, and it's interesting seeing them canabalize their own parts and use them in ways not previously done in 'legal' MOCs. Shows a lot more freedom and free-thinking

Ah okie I get it now !! Tks mate, I didn't know the name of that part ;-) I think its really a clever use of that part (which was obviously not intended from the beginning :-P )

free-thinking on !!


free-thinking on !!


So.... send in the carrots.... X-D *y*


Those :-D They've been used by AFOLs as greebs for spacey MOCs for awhile now, and it's interesting seeing them canabalize their own parts and use them in ways not previously done in 'legal' MOCs. Shows a lot more freedom and free-thinking

I noticed those on the side wings but I didn't realised thay put some on the center wing as well... somehow it gets me a bit worried as to the symmetry of the thing, now... ah well, from this side, it looks good anyway.

I love how they included an alternate sticker for the... uh... flying clone vehicle (sorry, I'm terrible with Star Wars names... X-D). Posing Twi'leks are much better than Kowakian monkey lizards! (Okay, make that Star Wars vehicle names. X-D)


Edited by iamded

I love how they included an alternate sticker for the... uh... flying clone vehicle (sorry, I'm terrible with Star Wars names... X-D). Posing Twi'leks are much better than Kowakian monkey lizards! (Okay, make that Star Wars vehicle names. X-D)


That would be Republic Gunship or LAAT. ;-) And I too like the alternate sticker. Only wish they would include pieces and stickers to change it into the ARC LAAT. 8-|

General Tarful


The Magna Guard looks a bit crappy, but then again it is a prototype :-D

The rest of the figs are *wub*

The RGS is a freakin rip-off >:-( As are all the other sets!

$55 for the V-19 and $45 for the P-38!! :-|



The Magna Guard looks a bit crappy, but then again it is a prototype :-D

The rest of the figs are *wub*

The RGS is a freakin rip-off >:-( As are all the other sets!

$55 for the V-19 and $45 for the P-38!! :-|


and $120 for the rgs

Well, the magnaguard definately does look worse, but Plo Kloon certainly looks better! ;-) I love the close-ups of the clones, and those pistols are flippin sweet! 8-

have you noticed that the RGS and the AT-TE both have to regular EPII clones not including rex and cody *sweet* *sweet* *sweet* ;-)

Is it just me or do I see a fleshie head under the helmet?


Also note that the visors no longer have holes in them.

Stauder ;-)

Absolutely Flipping Awesome

Do you think that you could stop posting the same thing in topics?

Is it just me or do I see a fleshie head under the helmet?


Also note that the visors no longer have holes in them.

Stauder ;-)

Yes that is a fleshie head and the helmet has no 'holes' so to speak. Too bad this was all discovered and talked about a few pages back. :-P :-D ;-)

New set/picture analysis, as follows:

On another note why are there 2 clones sitting in the backround of the pic of ARC Cody and Asajj? Maybe they have listened to are pleas, I mean requests and we're getting more clones after all. I hope they are just standing in forreal clone pilots. 8-|

After looking at the clones more closely I'm begining to like these Phase 1.5 clones more and more, but still nothing can compare to the origianals. *wub*

TLC is lucky I'm a devoted SW Fan, especially of the PT, or else they wouldn't be able to make me fork over 120USD for 1 'plain no bubble turrets RGS with a sticker of a lizard monkey and 90USD for a AT-TE w/ only 1 clone and 1 ARC, Rex. But I have a feeling that if they made an ARC RGS everybody and I mean everybody would eagerly pay 120USD for it and I'm betting that a lot of people, myself included would buy multiples. Come on TLC we want an ARC RGS!! The new RGS and AT-TE are brillantly designed and much better than the origianals, except for the lack of bubble turrets on the RGS and getting only 2 clones in the AT-TE, and the fact that they are about 10USD overpriced, maybe 20USD for the RGS. X-D Don't get me wrong they are both great and I will get multiples but hopefully when they come out we will have abou 3 more clones in the AT-TE and 2 real clone pilots in the RGS, that would make up a lot for the price in my opinion. :-)

And why on earth is the V19 55USD! I mean we only get 1 minifig and the spring levers, don't know the actual name :-$ , can't make be that expensive to produce. I will still buy due to the fact that the V19 is one of the coolest fighters EVER, and I'm interested in how well the wing mechanism actually works.

On to the Minifigs:

Plo Koon: much better now that I can see him clearly, but still needs some minor improvements like widening his head a bit. ;-)

Asajj: very acurate to how she is portaryed in the upcoming series/movie, and those lightsaber hilts. *wub*

Still like to have a non cartoon version though. 8-|

Rex and Cody: Every time I look at them I like them a little bit more.

Ani and Obi: Ani is the same fig you get in the 20USD Jedi starfighter, meh :-/ and Obi looks like hes angy/paranoid not in his character at all! Needs vast improvements such as entirely new face and hairpiece, he looks like Donald Trump. :-D

Ashoka: my favorite new minifig of all, she is simply stunning *wub* , in my opinion she is the best cartoon style minifig yet.

Clone Pilot (in V19): I only have one request erase that FIN! Right now he is a Clone Commander w/pilot marking on his helmet. *wacko*

Magna Guard: One word Icky! He needs a total makeover!

Thats all for now.

Sorry for this very long post, I just wanted to voice my opinion of the new sets in one semi-organized post.

A Wookie general still waiting for pics of the TX130S, which will hopefully turn up soon! General Tarful

Edited by GeneralTarful

I have it on very good authority for an authorised seller that the Gunship will be $180 and the AT-TE will be $150 in Australia. These are the prices this seller was quoted from Lego.
Oh! *sweet* That would be much better. Going by the current Star Wars exchange rate (USDx2) they would be $180 and $240 which would be way too much. :'-( (Sorry for not reading your reply until now. :-$ )
The first has plenty of new pics including some interior shots of the AT-TE and Gunship.

Thanks! The speeders pretty cool too!


Oh! *sweet* That would be much better. Going by the current Star Wars exchange rate (USDx2) they would be $180 and $240 which would be way too much. :'-( (Sorry for not reading your reply until now. :-$ )

Thanks! The speeders pretty cool too!


That is by far the best rendition of a speeder bike so far! What I can't understand is why can't they put one of those or a BARC speeder into clone and stormtrooper battlepacks, I mean the piece count ca't be that high to make one of those things. 8-|

Oh and thanks Non Point Fan for the links to new pics, that RGS keeps getting better and better every time I look at it!

General Tarful

Edited by GeneralTarful

Thanks Sinner!

This brown part in the middle is from the old 3 wheel police motorcycles!

i would think the bands are more likely there to hold the plates in place.

saying that, I can't think what the pole thing does!??!

Not sure a simple up and down movement could replicate the movement required for all 6 legs though!

These pics are from asmzine.com's coverage of toy fair:



The magna guard is definitely a prototype. It looked a lot better at the UK Toy Fair.

It's a shame LEGO didn't show the other new sets coming out this year, like the Tank and Droid Gunship :-(

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