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The space battles look cool, you can play as Jedi. there is a new class: officer.

Sounds to me like lucasarts has turned away from the darkside of video games.

Discuss what could be the coolest game of this year *glasses*



Check out the trailer!! This game looks awesome! :oD

I like the idea that you can fly about then land your ship in a landing bay and then run about! The Jdi idea looks really neat as well, I guess it will be like in BF1 when 1 Jedi accompanied the troops.

I can't wait for the fall (we call it autumn! ;)), when this is released!



I can't wait to be able to fly a V-Wing over coruscant. I hope you can destroy enemy ships from the outside and sabotage turrets unrepairably on the inside


Check out the trailer!! This game looks awesome! :oD

I like the idea that you can fly about then land your ship in a landing bay and then run about! The Jdi idea looks really neat as well, I guess it will be like in BF1 when 1 Jedi accompanied the troops.

I can't wait for the fall (we call it autumn! ;)), when this is released!


They say the Jedi won't be like in Battlefront 1. They'll have a handicap (as in golf, we won't have Dr.Stephen Hawkings Jedi Knight) so it'll be fair.

I love the idea of flying your ship out and having a space battle.

I want to play on Utapau!!!!!!!!


I'm really hoping for a Mygeeto map (you know the planet Ki-Adi Mundi was on during order 66). If your clones the half way through your objective could be to kill Master Mundi *wub*

I think the only space battles that have been confirmed are Coruscant and Endor. I'm really hoping for a space battle above Muunalists as seen in the clone wars cartoon. *drools*

I'm really hoping for a Mygeeto map (you know the planet Ki-Adi Mundi was on during order 66). If your clones the half way through your objective could be to kill Master Mundi *wub*

I think the only space battles that have been confirmed are Coruscant and Endor. I'm really hoping for a space battle above Muunalists as seen in the clone wars cartoon. *drools*

Three words:

Death Star Trench

I'm really hoping for a Mygeeto map (you know the planet Ki-Adi Mundi was on during order 66). If your clones the half way through your objective could be to kill Master Mundi *wub*

I think the only space battles that have been confirmed are Coruscant and Endor. I'm really hoping for a space battle above Muunalists as seen in the clone wars cartoon. *drools*

Three words:

Death Star Trench

Has that been confirmed?


Head on over to LucasArts to look at information.

Apparently, capital ships are unflyable but have a pre-set course so they are not completely motionless.

Loada of Jedi have been confirmed.

Also it looks like we are getting order 66 maps (Mygeeto, Felucia, Salecami e.t.c)

For more information head over to LucasArts *satis*

Head on over to LucasArts to look at information.

Apparently, capital ships are unflyable but have a pre-set course so they are not completely motionless.

Loada of Jedi have been confirmed.

Also it looks like we are getting order 66 maps (Mygeeto, Felucia, Salecami e.t.c)

For more information head over to LucasArts *satis*

And of course there's a trailer!!!



Some guy at TFN posted a lot of nice information.

heres some info I found for space

Cap Ships-

Clone Wars-

Alright, in the CW, the Clones have the Venator Class Star Destroyer, and Republic Assault ship, both are more or less the same. THe CIS has the Banking Clan Frigates on certain levels, and one OR two of the Trade Federation battleships. The Invisiable Hand is also in the game, and has a similar set up and is only on the Corosant Space Level. Thats the only cap ships for the CW. None of these are playable, as in flyable, but the Venator and the RAS have 8 HEAVY blaster cannons, four on each side, that are controlable, but are normally computer controled, this means if your not siting in the driver seat, there is an inaccreate computer controling it that can hit a target, if it flies strait, level, and SLOW. On the Banking Clan Frigate there are many small laser cannons, same deal, but theres somthing like a HUGE turret that their toying with but to my interpretation, I dont think that matters. The TF Battleships have about 10 heavy cannons, some on the core, some on the outer ring. The launch bays are where you would expect them on the Frigate and TFB, but on the Venator, the sid bays are the only ones, the top doors from the movie arnt there. Asside from that, thats the extent of the CAP ships.

Galactic Civil War-

This is the fun part, the Alliance has the Mon Cal ships, now I wish he told me, but Im not sure if their will be things like the Librity and the Independence (Admiral Akbars ship). They have various turrets, protecting the launch bays, and FOUR HEAVY blaster cannons on each side protecting the bays. They also have the Blockade Runners, that are only targets, and cant be played as, or in. They do move, on a preset track, and they have computer controled guns, somewhat better than the CAP ship computers, I.E. more accreate. They are either your target, or somthing you must defend. He said somthing about the battle of Endor having the Frigate Redemption (Rebel Frigate) but it would act as only a static object, and would not be a base and/or spawn. On the subject of spawn points, the cap ships have two each, one in each bay (all cap ships have two bays and only two) The layout is, on one side you have a launch bay, in between you have corridors, and gunnery control, then more coridores, then the other launch bay, its set this way to give the deffending team more time to stop the enemy from boarding and taking the ship. Ah back to the CAPs, the Empire has only the Standard Star Destroyers, no executor, , They have a similar lay out, but there is a middle bay on the bottom, and somehow they put bays on the sides (improvation) they have the known type of cannons AND I CANT WAIT!!!! BTW, all outside turrets are destroyable, and can be rebuilt, and/or they respawn after awile.


Clone Wars-

The republic has the ARC 170 fighter, duh, and it has three spots, pilot, who controls the cannons and weak missiles, front gunner, has control of smart missles that track targets and bombs that can destory targets, and a rear gunner, who has control of a heavy cannon. The ARC is fast, so its a highbrid fighter/bomber. THey also have the V-Wing, which is similar in play to the Tie fighter. The Jedi Starfighter wont be featured in any space battles, but they may appear in the ground battles, but they're not in space. The Jedi Inteceptor, (Obi Wans and Anikins) are in the space however, and are fast, manuveable, AND TOUGH TO KILL. Unfortionatly, you will have to fight your teammates for them, as their is only one per ship on some maps, and one per map on others. They have no other space based vehicles, but in some of the hangers, as static details, you can see Gunnships. THe CIS has the Vulture droid, which has many advantages, and disadvantiges. It can be in walk mode in AND out of the ships bay, so you can walk on a friendly ship and/or enemy ship, and its lasers are farely powerful, and can be used to land in an emey bay, clear the solders, and jump out and take the bay. Now the bad part is a) Very weak, takes only a few hits to kill, b ) weak blasters against FIGHERs so it takes more to kill enemy fighters. They also have the Tri Figter, and is very good. He didnt mention anything about buzz droids, so I doubt they're in the game, as they'd be to hard to set up. They are however, fast, manuverable, and STRONG. AS for the Utapaun P38 fighter, I dont know, as there is no space battle over Utapaun, so he didnt say.

Galatic Civil War-

The Rebels have all that you would expect, Y-Wing, X-wing, they need no description, unfortionatly, no B-Wing, but there is a possible A-Wing, there not sure yet, and it MAY be dumped at the end of production, like the MTT was in BF1, as it is mentioned in the manual, but not in the game. The Imperials have the standard Tie Figher, and the Tie Interceptor. The Tie/I is fast manuverable, and has a good fire rate, but dont get hit, IT HAS LITTLE ARMOR, it will be easily destroyed so dont get fired apon and the AI has been improved, so THEY WILL shoot at you.



The Repbulic has the ARC-170, which doubles as a bomber. The bombs come out three at a time, and they will fall exactly were the bombader puts them. The CIS has the Tri Fighter, who has missles that are big enought to take on a CAP ship turret. Keep in mind bombers are really only for disabliling CAPS, but these two are exceptions, they can easily do ship to ship.

GCW- Once again, the Y-Wing doubles as a bomber, now, I have used it as a fighter with great sucess, so it just dependens on how you use it. Now the only ture blue bomber in the game is the Tie Bomber. Its the same as it was in the first game, just a bit faster and not as lumbering.



A little disabpointing, the CIS has the Neimointian transport, that we all expected, but the Republic doesnt have the Theta that we all expected, they have those ones from the CW mini seris. They each carry a pilot, and 6 troops.


The empire has the Tydirian type shuttles, Sentinal I think is the class name. THey have weak blasters, and 6 troops, which is VERY uselfull for taking an ememy ship. The Alliance has the same, he said to go along with the movies, I say its cutting corners

Space Itself-

In the space battle there is an auto right, to the "top" of the map. You can fly pretty far, but the MAPS ARE HUGE!!!!!! So dont worry about flying away. You will notice fast that the maps have blaster fire and cap ship fire all over the place and really just makes it seem real. I realize this sounds like I've seen them, but the way my bro described it, it seemed like I did


LA expects a certain ammount of teamwork from players in space. No more rambo, skywalker, lets take a squadron of ties by ourself attitude, if one REALLY good pilot takes on three medium class pilots, he will loose, and thats the way LA wants it. Also, if a fighter and a transport duke it out, the figtier will win, without much problem, as the transports are SLOW. They expect the following tasks. The fighters go in FAST and clear as many of the enemy fighters as possible, while this is going on, the bombers go in and destroy the turrets protecting the bays. Once down, the bombers fly circles around these turrets to stop them from comming back. Now the fully loaded transports come, loaded with troops, come in, land, and begin stoping targets. Now, the thing is, how do you distribute your forces, do you put all of them to attak the enemy, or protect your ships. All can decide how fast, or if you can beat the enemy.

Space Enginers-

Whatever you want to call them, they act as the repair force for the CAP ships or fighters and other craft if the repair droids are destroyed. To repainr the gunns on the Cap ship you have to fix the computer console, there is no space walking, period.

As for the other things, such as tricks, there easy to do, they involve for PC, (thats the only info I got sorry) they involve double clicks and stuff like that.

Now EVERYTHING mentioned here, unless noted, is in the game, unless they drop it in the end, but nothing else will likely to be added.

I'm a bit dissapointed that the Republic transport isn't a modified for space gunship, at the moment the ship it sounds like is way to big. :(


I just wonder if you can fly about in space as a rocket trooper or something.

I'm going to lead commando raids on enemy capital ships. All I can say is:


Yo! Saddle up, lock and load!

I just wonder if you can fly about in space as a rocket trooper or something.

I'm going to lead commando raids on enemy capital ships. All I can say is:


Yo! Saddle up, lock and load!

You can only be a Pilot or A soldier class in space :|

You can only be a Pilot or A soldier class in space :|

Maybe you don't grasp the point. By 'commando' I do not mean 'commando class', nor do I mean 'Tom Berenger in Platoon'. I mean me and groups of soldiers running about on enemy ships engaging in WACKY ANTICS.

Also, I heard that you could be an officer in space but whatever.

You can only be a Pilot or A soldier class in space  :|

Maybe you don't grasp the point. By 'commando' I do not mean 'commando class', nor do I mean 'Tom Berenger in Platoon'. I mean me and groups of soldiers running about on enemy ships engaging in WACKY ANTICS.

Also, I heard that you could be an officer in space but whatever.

I was reffering to the comment

I just wonder if you can fly about in space as a rocket trooper or something.


  • 1 month later...


UK get's this a day earlier.

I'm gonna have a very happy halloween, I might skip trick or treat this year and just watch ROTS and fight on BF2 during the cheesy bits.


maybe with the patches that came after. I only have horrible memories from my past experience with this game. Then I found a real game : dawn of war (incredible : this games works without a patch when you buy it !)


Looked at the site, looks very good to be honest.

Wonder if we will get a first person view from the ships or just a third person?

I personally like seeing the inside of the cockpit... :$


Looked at the site, looks very good to be honest.

Wonder if we will get a first person view from the ships or just a third person?

I personally like seeing the inside of the cockpit... :$


Yeah same here, it's much easier to aim that way.

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