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The heroes take their leave of Irgonstead and the Oc|Tan facility heading back for Heroica Hall. It had been a whirlwind of a trip with their cohesion as a party stretched dangerously thin. Each member wondered what the future would bring and whether they had truly acted rightly or had only furthered the machinations of some underlying scheme that was yet to be revealed. Regardless they knew they had fulfilled their duty albeit barely and that a new day would bring fresh opportunities, adventure, and a chance to be... heroes.

MISSION SUCCESS! (+3 Character Points for overall Mission Length)


Zaria Kanara (Kintobor)
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 1, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Solar Flare
Credits: 175
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Repeating Slug Thrower (Standard Kinetic Long Range Weapon), Plasma Potion, Beam Blade (Standard Melee Energy Weapon

Soren Aeolus (The Legonater)
31-year-old male Human
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Arcana 1, Insight 1, Piloting 2, Short-Range Weapons 1
Credits: 210
Known Spells: Elemental Evocation, Entropic Mending
Equipment: MK-12 personal handgun (short-ranged standard energy weapon), Tactical Leathers (Standard Energy Armor)
Inventory: Farsight Goggles, Hacking Chip, Vibro-Knife (Melee Standard Energy Weapon), Plasma Potion

Yelana Fennix (Classic_Spaceman) 
Unknown age Female Human. 
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 2 
Strength: 2 
Skill: 3 
Smarts: 2 
Spirit: 1/1
Proficiencies: Artillery Weapons 1, Perception 1, Deception 1, Arcana 1 
Credits: 190
Known Spells: Obfuscate 
Equipment: Modular Sniper Rifle (Calibrated Energy Artillery Weapon), Farsight Goggles, Radiation Gauntlet (Standard Energy Armor)
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Cloaking Generator, Standard Issue Security Blaster (Standard Short Range Energy Weapon)



"Alright Kish, let's get this thin' unloaded and moved to the lab."

"Of course, you have the necessary protective equipment, no?"

"Of course, right here in ma briefcase.... ummm."

"Well this might be a problem"

"Don't go tellin' me about yer problems too. Kish an' me already have enough."

"Voices again?"

"What? Oh aye. Can't figure 'em out. Always talkin' about some appeal to the imperial convocation sovereign planetoid treaty of blah blah blah."

"You've really got to get off the Dwarven mead my friend."

"I know, I know."


MM Note: Thanks to all for playing and reading! I'll have more to say in the Mission Master Lounge, but suffice it to say you've been a blast to Mission Master for and hurray Mission 1 of Heroica: GATS is now complete! :sweet:

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MM Note: Soren's little adventure in the Engineering Car while Yelana and Zaria left

On 9/23/2021 at 8:41 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

Soren finds himself alone in the engineering room, the engineers still unconscious, the cube pulsating on the floor where Agent Slice had dropped it.

On 9/23/2021 at 9:09 PM, The Legonater said:

Soren looks intently at the cube that had brought so much stress. All these different parties squabbling over so small a thing? The engineers treated as just a regular new power source, not the game-changing innovation Kish had claimed it was. Yelana sure seemed intent on praying open some dark secrets of it. Perhaps...

Soren reaches into his jacket and pulls out Kish’s journal, attempting to read it. 

On 9/23/2021 at 9:17 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

Soren Technology Proficiency (DC 1) - (4,2,6) 2 Successes

Soren quickly skims through the journal, mostly notes from Kish. He describes his overall feelings about the project, how he hopes such a device can be used for the betterment of the Arm, but has doubts M-Tec will be as generous as he hopes. Kish also wrote down several speeches he planned to give to his superiors of how to use the technology well. There's also notes about the energy signatures, the observed pulsing, and the odd frequencies, though Kish was unable to identify it. A few paragraphs detail the journey to pick up the source as well as their boarding of the Express. A few final notes are about his traveling companion and how the dwarf often claimed to be hearing voices.

On 9/23/2021 at 9:23 PM, The Legonater said:

The notes confirmed what Soren had already suspected - this thing was going to be much better in the... hands? of Kish than Blackguard or some OcTan stooge. 

His eyes fell on the tactical leathers. The specs seemed to mostly dictate energy armour... the leathers would be too awkward to protect him from combat damage, but surely they’d allow him some radiation protection? 

Soren slips on the leathers underneath his regular outfit and picks up the cube. 

On 9/23/2021 at 9:25 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

The cube while emitting radiation, seems to be dampened by the armor.

On 9/23/2021 at 9:42 PM, The Legonater said:

Huh, notes Soren. He pockets the cube, and sits against the wall, gazing out the hole Blackgaurd made into the scenery beyond. He hated getting himself into these RobinHood-type scenarios; it was best to avoid asking questions and to focus on the job. But the questions had been asked, and now he was here. Yelana was going to throw a fit when they got to Oc|Tan empty-handed, but at this point he had no way of knowing her allegiances anyways. And every once a while, doing a good thing was better than the job. 

Soren waits in engineering.

On 9/24/2021 at 1:30 PM, The Legonater said:

As he waits, Soren fiddles with the key he picked up from Kish, trying to gain insight (?) as to its use.

On 9/24/2021 at 2:33 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

Soren Insight Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (6,5,4,1) 3 Success

Soren is certain the key is for a piece of luggage.

On 9/24/2021 at 3:36 PM, The Legonater said:

Soren frowned. The odds of him making it back to baggage unnoticed by anyone was slim. And even if he made it there, he didn’t have the code to get in. He held onto the key anyways, watching it glisten in the light, wondering if the luggage would be free whole they disembarked. Until then, he continued to wait.

On 9/25/2021 at 10:41 AM, The Legonater said:

Soren hears footsteps through the broken door, and it occurs to him that he’ll need an alibi for the cube. In a flurry, he throws his gun in one direction, then pulls out the vibro knife and attempts to delicately slash it across his left cheek, before tossing it across the engine room in the opposite direction as his gun. The pilot then drops to the ground, splaying himself across the floor while protecting the cube in his jacket with his body. 

On 9/25/2021 at 11:49 AM, Waterbrick Down said:

Soren Performance Check - (2,5,2) 1 success 

Soren slashes himself and attempts to make the scene look like an assault with some success.


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