Posted June 13, 200816 yr Welcome to another exciting episode of EB News Presents! Staudie is running the camera, so there is no telling what you might see. He's also doing the closed captioning on the pics, so don't hold me responsible for anything it looks like I say there. That's right. In the future, you may be seeing reviews and other forms of participation out of tonight's guest, WhiteFang. He'll actually be paid more than Staudie, which isn't saying much. Now, what are you two staring at? Ah, I see. Yeah, cut him some slack. He's been with me for a long time. Used to chase around this fellow named Hook until he got ticked off. Greynard? I've been forgetting to put you in the EBRP, haven't I? I haven't noticed. Where have you been? You know that pub with the barmaid who has a parrot... Ah, excellent. Let's get started! Q. Why the name WhiteFang and the Historical sigfig? A. WhiteFang was orginally represented as one of the arms division, in my story project that I have decided to do known as Sacred Lands in 2005. Lord Kenneth, which is "me" is supposed to take over the command from his father. At that time, the plot and characters are finalised except for the naming. This name "WhiteFang", was inspired by a game called "Tactics Ogre" which I used to play in my Gameboy Advance. Somehow, I loved this name very much. The most interesting part, is when I was in India for overseas millitary excerise, it somehow enlighten me to use "WhiteFang" to represent me, since its primary power is "white" magic/alignment. This sigfig which I am using below, This mini-figure was orignated from the 6086: Black Knight's Castle. He is the White Knight, that rides on the white horse. And that is the single character which make me fall in love with Castle since 1993. I simply fall in love with that character as first sight. I can still rememember, that I always cherish this figure, and playing with it. Somehow, it just reflected me. A classic set I'm proud to own, and a fine choice for a sigfig. Q. Castle? A. Actually, my first theme was Town/City in 1980s. That was my first LEGO theme which I had grew up with. I did not grow bored with my town sets. Just that due to unfortunate incident, most of my sets are in crumbles now, hiding somewhere in the storeroom. I can remember that my father bought the 6086 Black Knights Castle for my brother. I played and built it together with him. Since then, that is the only set that make me fall in love with Castle. My father was so worried, that too much Castle will lead me to a violent nature. I wish I had grew up faster. In fact, there are many wonderful and excellent Castle sets available when I was a child. Q. How long have you collected lego? A. If you calculate how long my parents bought LEGO for me right from the start? I guess it should be 21 years ever since I love LEGO. However, if I estimate based on my buying power as a teenager till an adult now, I have actually collected LEGO for 8 to 9 years, buying and buying. Q. What are your 3 favourite sets? A. My first set that is top in the list will defintely be 6086: Black Knight's Castle. This set is totally awesome. One day! I promise I will write an intensive review for it. To summarise, this set offered 4 horses, including 2 bardings. 10 mini-figs plus a ghost. In fact, this set is the best Castle in my opnion. Dungeon, towers, gates, pub, mini-little side gate, and etc. This set offers outstanding playability. In fact, this is the set, that got me fallen in love with Castle! My second following set will be 3683: Fabuland, Amusement Park. This set is my only biggest Fabuland sets, which offered me great parts and 4 Fabuland figs instantly. As a child, this set is really very fun to play with. It had so much memories for me, and I am glad that this set is very safe in my hands. I like the building process, and built it again and again. The ferris wheel, slide, merry go round. Every little attraction in these set is so nice to play with. Fabuland is an excellent past theme. My third following set will be 6378: Town, Shell Station. This set is my favourite set in my Town. Although, I must admit that this set is currently in its tombstone, but one day, this set will be in my revival list. This set looks almost the same as any petrol station during that time. The Shell Logo was very nice, even though it's made up of sticker. The pumping station looks real, with a measurement counter, hose, and etc. It even comes with a cute 4 studs vehicle to tow your broken vehicle around. This set is greatly missed by me. I still have both Black Knight's Castle and that Shell Station (it was my first town set, I think). Sure, the big Shell logo is a sticker, but the rest are printed pieces, even the trashcan. I still have all of the printed pieces and the windows/door with stickers in perfect condition, so that set is slated for a future restoration. Better hurry or I might review it before you do! Q. What is your Favourite Theme? A. Castle and more Castle. My favourite theme at the moment will be Castle and Indiana Jones. City still interests me especially, Cafe Corner, Town Plan, Market Street and Green Grocer. But for now, my core theme will always be Castle! Why? Because under this theme, there are many great sub theme, such as Black Knights, Dragon Masters, Forestmen, Ninja, Crown, Dwarves, etc! All winners there! Q. Best In Real Life Lego Moment? A. I don't have many great moments in my real life. There is very few people around me that truly love LEGO as much as I do. I must admit that my best moment is building the 4996: Beach House with my girlfriend. We bought all 3 of the same sets and built 3 different designs together. It was a fun building experience. Well, this is the only LEGO set, she loved. I do hope she will show some interest on other themes too especially "Castle". Q. While on the subject your best EB moment? A. My best EB moment, will be thanking Hinckley and ImperialShadows respectively. For me, a rather young member, I was given a title by Hinckley and ImperialShadows awarded me the Fabuland Builders' Guild tag, after the one month probation period. All these wonderful things, in one week. And now, I am given a chance to be featured in EB News too. Thanks Staudie! Hey, you did all the work, we just recognised it. You've earned all of it yourself, and we appreciate the effort. Q. What do you think of these "Themed" Months? A. Theme Months in Eurobricks is something that really stands out among other forums. In fact, I find this could be an unique selling point for Eurobricks! By far, I had experience Castle Month and the current Indiana Jones month. I can understand that the admins are putting alot of efforts to make these events happening for us. As far as I am concerned, Theme months are excellent! Q. What sets would you like to see TLC come up with? What do you think of the WW theme question? A. An UCS Castle? A Factory Castle? A Powerhouse castle, that offer unlimited imagination such as inn, gates, blacksmith, etc. I think the current Castle theme is doing a good job. There is some more improvements to go. But, I will defintely do not wish to see the revival of KK theme. That was in fact, my dark age. I had supported my Wild West, and had expressed my view in Klaus-Dieter topics. Although, I am not a big Wild West fan which have adequate knowledge on it, but I guess it will be rather interesting to look back something which had actually happened before in "History". I always love history. I think it will be much better than coming out something unrelated, just for playing purposes without any education values behind it. I am sure most of us, will love to find out interesting facts or history related to that theme. Therefore, in my opnion, Wild West should returned. After all, Brickster's Gravestone theme had proved that Wild West had unlimited possibiltes. Q. How could you decribe ImperialShadows's mental stability? A. Seriously, I do not know how ImperialShadows keep up his sanity. You see, as a fellow EBRP player. We had progressed together with our story plots. Controlling multiple characters and engaging conversation can be tiring mental job. He is even better, he can even communicate with 5 birds under Aluvar. To add on, there is Flangdor, Grandoth, Shadows, Adrick etc. And most importantly, of course the lovely Princess Alyss. Sometimes, he is not stable, and will bring his birds around, disturbing other people, especially with Bluvero in the recent Mystery Castle Game. I have no idea what you're talking about, I just let each personality take care of itself. Hey, he mentioned us! Shush Bluervo. But he mentioned me specifically! Yes he did. He's very nice like that. No no, it isn't about him, he mentioned ME! Bluervo, your last name wouldn't be Hinckley, would it? That's not funny! Q. Can we see your lair? A. Sure, below are some pictures of how I "stored" my LEGO. Unfortunatly, due to dust problem. I hardly left my sets open for too long. They will be sealed or kept safely within days of display. Once in awhile, I will take them all out for some playing! Sorry, I don't have any shelves to show my display yet. One day, you will see it soon. These are some of the containers or boxes that I stored my play sets. Recently, I had bought these LEGO sets last month. Just to share with you all how I throw all this sets and kept it nicely. Q. Any famous last words? A. Keep an open mind. Let your imagination run free! No one has a more open mind than Staudie. Q. Am I Annoying? A. Haha, not really! You aren't the worst. Trust me, there are more annoying people than you. We vote them to death in the Mystery Castle, typically. Q. Who should we Interview Next? A. Well, I am not sure whom we should interview next. There are many nice "Fellows" whom have not been interviewed. There are some great new members whom are "Citizen" and "Knight" too. Maybe, they should be given a chance too. Well, I think that about finished up the show. I'm surprised though... We mentioned you-know-who and he hasn't showed up. Ah, there he is! He really needs to try a different barber. Somehow, I think Staudie was responsible for this. I really should stop this before he gets hurt, but I'm so tired from being in school all night (mmmm, inside joke!) And on that note, I think we've reached the end of this weeks program. I hope you'll all tune in again next week when our special guest will be a complete surprise to you. Did you really think I was going to tell you? *camera fades*
June 13, 200816 yr I think these are the best pictures used to date... Also 3 things. Did Anyone notice the jelly? Did anyone notice the white wolf flag? If you dont get the Hickley gag look here. Staudie. EDIT - Yes, I like giving myself compliments... Darn you Hinckley! *Goes to get a Hinkley 2.0 shirt* Edited June 13, 200816 yr by Stauder
June 13, 200816 yr Author I think these are the best pictures used to date... I'll admit, there are some of your best pics to date, though you really need to sweep the studio. Oh, and buy me a new cape!
June 13, 200816 yr I'll admit, there are some of your best pics to date, though you really need to sweep the studio. Oh, and buy me a new cape! I think I sould go visit a old firend of yours... Heloo bricklink... Well... Maybe not Staudie.
June 13, 200816 yr great work guys! very funny stuff, im going to search all the old ones up now... i agree with shadows, might want to dust off your base plate! Keep up the good work, looking forward to the next one. Did Anyone notice the jelly? i most certainly did, laughed very hard... regards Cpt. PB
June 13, 200816 yr Staudie and ImperialShadows, a very big thank you from me for featuring me in EB News. And, thanks for inviting me to be part of EB News Review team. Glad to be part of the team! The pictures are done very nicely. Staudie, thanks for doing up that sig-fig of me. Shadows, I am trying to restore my Shell Petrol station. Unfortunately, I managed to recover the tow-truck instead. I will need a long time for me to restore back the Station. Let's see whom will be the first to review this set. I am glad you owned two out of my favourite three. I will be looking forward to this special guest.
June 13, 200816 yr Another great interview, and with very nice pictures Thanks all, EB News Staff (that should sum up all the 3 of you, now ). LuxorV
June 13, 200816 yr Author Shadows, I am trying to restore my Shell Petrol station. Unfortunately, I managed to recover the tow-truck instead. I will need a long time for me to restore back the Station. The only part I've rebuilt is ... the tow truck! :laugh: I do have all the printed pieces though, with the possible exception of the red main logo that crossed two bricks. If it's missing, you can count on seeing a decal made when I get to that point. I did, however, restore that perfectly lovely Forestman's Crossing last night. I it soooo much! I should take pics! Right now I'm sifting through an eBay lot that I bought strictly for a few parts worth twice what I paid and found a few complete 2001 Alpha Team sets that I wasn't expecting in the mix. It's crazy sometimes.
June 14, 200816 yr Yay, you interviewed WhiteFang! It is great to be able to learn a bit more about a fellow castle fan, and EBRP player. You have been making a huge contribution to the forum, and I for one greatly appreciate it! Dragon Knights ON! (although those other factions are OK as well. Black Knights are probably my second favourite, mainly because I would normally consider them to be a part of the dragon knights, like a related bloodline or something). You know the 6086 Black Knights Castle is one of my favourite sets as well, I chose it as one of my top 3 in my interview. After finally buying it a few months ago, I have also been considering taking the time to make a review, but I just haven't yet. The race is on! It is just such a great set, with so many cool details and nice figures. Oh, and congratulations on securing a job on EB News! You know, I was once offered a job as a location manager/cameraman, I'm not quite sure what happened about that... Once again, a great interview, well done Shadows and Staudie, you work as a great team. I look forward to your future reviews as well WhiteFang!
June 14, 200816 yr Author Oh, and congratulations on securing a job on EB News! You know, I was once offered a job as a location manager/cameraman, I'm not quite sure what happened about that... One of your dragons sat on Staudie's tank while he was doing the show. I specifically said that it was supposed to happen when he was in it. Can't follow directions... Plus he never put me in his banner. Me either. Me either. Me either. Nope...
June 14, 200816 yr I did, however, restore that perfectly lovely Forestman's Crossing last night. I it soooo much! I should take pics! You know I love that Forestman Crossing very much. I will love to see some pictures of that. Great job by restoring that Classic set. Unfortunately, I was not able to own this set. Hope I am able to get it online one day. Yay, you interviewed WhiteFang! It is great to be able to learn a bit more about a fellow castle fan, and EBRP player. You have been making a huge contribution to the forum, and I for one greatly appreciate it! Dragon Knights ON! (although those other factions are OK as well. Black Knights are probably my second favourite, mainly because I would normally consider them to be a part of the dragon knights, like a related bloodline or something). You know the 6086 Black Knights Castle is one of my favourite sets as well, I chose it as one of my top 3 in my interview. After finally buying it a few months ago, I have also been considering taking the time to make a review, but I just haven't yet. The race is on! It is just such a great set, with so many cool details and nice figures. Oh, and congratulations on securing a job on EB News! You know, I was once offered a job as a location manager/cameraman, I'm not quite sure what happened about that... Once again, a great interview, well done Shadows and Staudie, you work as a great team. I look forward to your future reviews as well WhiteFang! Dragonator, thanks for your kind words. Well, it seemed now you have gotten to know me better apart from the characters in EBRP. So you do have the 6086 Black Knights Castle too. It's an excellent judgement by purchasing this set. I am sure you find this set really very great to have. Now, we shall see whom will be the first to make this review. Location manager/cameraman? You should have accept the offer. Well, I will be helping Staudie in some of my future reviews. I am more interested, in reviving past sets. I think these are some little things which can't be forgotten.
June 15, 200816 yr One of your dragons sat on Staudie's tank while he was doing the show. I specifically said that it was supposed to happen when he was in it. Can't follow directions... Plus he never put me in his banner. Me either. Me either. Me either. Nope... Ahh! Forget I said anything! It's not Ragnir's fault, he was after your shiny limo, so I had to distract him. And I don't own a pink bird... or a blue one... although I have no excuse for shadows. Oh wait, I am on the TV! I'm the game show host! Looks like I got your dream job Shadows. Now get back to the castle set! Mystery Castle waits for no man! (Or woman, but I don't think there are any playing...) Dragonator, thanks for your kind words. Well, it seemed now you have gotten to know me better apart from the characters in EBRP. So you do have the 6086 Black Knights Castle too. It's an excellent judgement by purchasing this set. I am sure you find this set really very great to have. Now, we shall see whom will be the first to make this review. I'd say you probably will, I don't have the time at the moment. I really love the castle, it is one of my all-time favourites. Location manager/cameraman? You should have accept the offer. Well, I will be helping Staudie in some of my future reviews. I am more interested, in reviving past sets. I think these are some little things which can't be forgotten. Trust me, I tried... I look forward to your reviews though, they should be great!
June 15, 200816 yr Author You know, I'm wrong about 6086. When I edit the reviews, I don't always look at the pictures, so I kept thinking of 6074 from 1986: Black Falcon's Fortress, the third castle I ever owned, and one of my favourites because it was black. I never had 6086, it came during my dark ages. And I don't own a pink bird... or a blue one... although I have no excuse for shadows. I don't have any excuse for Shadows either. Oh wait, I am on the TV! I'm the game show host! Looks like I got your dream job Shadows. I ran "A Pirate's Life!" like a game show. I plan a game show chapter of the EBRP eventually, right when it's least expected. Aluvar has done his fair share of hosting things as well, though it isn't commonly known. Shadows comes by it honestly. Well, I'm not sure about that, but ...
June 15, 200816 yr Shadows comes by it honestly. Well, I'm not sure about that, but ... What about all those threats and bribes? Stauder.
June 16, 200816 yr Interesting interview WhiteFang. It's always great to learn more about "good message posters" like yourself. I had aslways thought your name might have come from a wolf/dog reference of some kind, so it's was neat to learn how you actually picked it. Maneuvers in India. Sounds like you've done some traveling. That's awesome! Thank you for mentioning Grave Stone. Although Wild West is one of my favorite themes, I'm a big Classic Castle fan at heart. In fact, I own all the new Castle sets. My only regret is that during a very long Dark Age period, I missed out on ALL the classic castle sets (esp. Forestmen). It's also neat to hear your story about you and your girlfriend building three copies of the same set together. It's great that you and her shared your Lego interest together. Many years ago, a young lady had bought me the Caribbean Clipper. I'll never forget that someone had bought me that great set. These are the sets that one values the most (rather than the ones you pick up yourself at the local toy store). Great interview. You're definately a valued member of EB and bring a lot to the Lego community. I'm glad to know you better and I hope you keep up the great posts.
June 16, 200816 yr Great interview ! I thought the name WhiteFang came from Gundam Wing. It's a Japanese anime in which there is an organisation called like that. 6086 is one of my favorite sets too. When I was a kid I always wanted it, but they weren't for sale anymore, so a few years ago I bought one of Bricklink in an almost new condition (together with several other BK sets). The white Dragon Knight is certainly one of the most memerable figs IMO. Btw, how old are you actually if I might ask?
June 16, 200816 yr Ah, yes - this interview actually reminded me that I have a character in the EBRPG that I've never used...actually I haven't started at all =P Oh well, better late than never! And, of course, another great interview! You'll make a fine addition to the team, WhiteFang. ~Trexxen
June 17, 200816 yr You know, I'm wrong about 6086. When I edit the reviews, I don't always look at the pictures, so I kept thinking of 6074 from 1986: Black Falcon's Fortress, the third castle I ever owned, and one of my favourites because it was black. I never had 6086, it came during my dark ages. I hope you will find another great buy on eBay. I missed many many Castle sets in the past. In fact, Forestmen, Black Knights, Black Falcon, and etc are among my favourite factions. It's a great pity, when I miss the chance to own it. Interesting interview WhiteFang. It's always great to learn more about "good message posters" like yourself. I had aslways thought your name might have come from a wolf/dog reference of some kind, so it's was neat to learn how you actually picked it. Maneuvers in India. Sounds like you've done some traveling. That's awesome! Now, you know the source of my name. It's kind of stupid, thinking of a name while on excerise in foreign grounds. Well, I guess it must be the extreme heat that had gotten me crazy. But, I am glad I had chosen the right name. Thank you for mentioning Grave Stone. Although Wild West is one of my favorite themes, I'm a big Classic Castle fan at heart. In fact, I own all the new Castle sets. My only regret is that during a very long Dark Age period, I missed out on ALL the classic castle sets (esp. Forestmen). You own the Classic Yellow Castle and that is enough proof to show that you are a big Classic Castle fan. I have the same regret as you too, missing out on almost ALL classic castle sets. Guess, I will need to find these treasures in the near future. It's also neat to hear your story about you and your girlfriend building three copies of the same set together. It's great that you and her shared your Lego interest together. Many years ago, a young lady had bought me the Caribbean Clipper. I'll never forget that someone had bought me that great set. These are the sets that one values the most (rather than the ones you pick up yourself at the local toy store). I can totally understand how you feel at that point in time. The feeling is very sentimental and precious which will be retained through the years. Will like to share with you something too. Forget to mention this earlier. This year, my birthday! My old friends gave me a big surprise by giving me the current LEGO Castle Chess set as a gift, and a cake with a chess set picture on it. I will love to share that picture, one day. It was one of mine happy moments, with LEGO and my friends. Great interview. You're definately a valued member of EB and bring a lot to the Lego community. I'm glad to know you better and I hope you keep up the great posts. Thanks Brickster! I am glad I am contributing to EB in a right way. Great interview ! I thought the name WhiteFang came from Gundam Wing. It's a Japanese anime in which there is an organisation called like that.6086 is one of my favorite sets too. When I was a kid I always wanted it, but they weren't for sale anymore, so a few years ago I bought one of Bricklink in an almost new condition (together with several other BK sets). The white Dragon Knight is certainly one of the most memerable figs IMO. Btw, how old are you actually if I might ask? I know Gundam Wing too. A very nice anime. But I prefer Naurto and Bleach though. It seemed many people had different perceptions of the orign of my name. It's pretty interesting to hear from you, guys. LuxorV thought I was a fan of Jack London whom wrote the book, White Fang and Brickster thought my name came from a wolf/dog reference. It's wonderful to hear that you get to own a 6086 with a near perfect condition. Hmm, my age is around 24 to 26 this year. Ah, yes - this interview actually reminded me that I have a character in the EBRPG that I've never used...actually I haven't started at all =P Oh well, better late than never!And, of course, another great interview! You'll make a fine addition to the team, WhiteFang. Hi Trexxen, Welecome to EBRP too. Did not know you have a character lurking within the characters topic. You are right, better late than never. Hope to see more of your particpation in EBRP.
June 17, 200816 yr I only recently started catching up on the back catalogue of interviews but I really enjoy them. Thanks imperialshadows and stauder! Your sense of humour is very distinctive and there's nothing better than a good comedy double act WhiteFang, I really appreciate the way you have gone back to some 'classic' sets and reviewed them on EB. Sometimes there's such a flood of new stuff that you get caught up in the rush and forget what's gone before. Like others here I pretty much missed the whole of Classic Castle and a lot of what I've seen only comes from brickset or the instructions archives. It has been really interesting to see photos of sets which have made me reevaluate my preconceptions - thanks to you, I've reevaluated aspects of the Ninja theme and come to like it a lot more!
June 18, 200816 yr WhiteFang, I really appreciate the way you have gone back to some 'classic' sets and reviewed them on EB. Sometimes there's such a flood of new stuff that you get caught up in the rush and forget what's gone before. There are so many new stuffs coming up and many new exciting themes are making their way into our world. It's very encouraging to see changes and improvements. In a way, we can't forget about the past as well. I believed it's the past sets that had really gotten us to love LEGO, collect LEGO and build LEGO. It's a wonderful feeling to look through the old sets with nostaglic feeling, and a stronger urge to hunt it through eBay, Bricklink and etc. Like others here I pretty much missed the whole of Classic Castle and a lot of what I've seen only comes from brickset or the instructions archives. It has been really interesting to see photos of sets which have made me reevaluate my preconceptions - thanks to you, I've reevaluated aspects of the Ninja theme and come to like it a lot more! Thanks for your encouraging words. Glad that I had gave you new insights towards the Ninja theme. I am happy to know that you have like Ninja much more. Reviews are great sources to further conclude whether this is the set you wish to own it. Furthermore, it can give us a better understanding towards the sets before you made your purchase.
June 19, 200816 yr omfg, somehow I missed this. WhiteFang is a dedicated LEGO fan :) Good choice to interview him! 6378: Town, Shell Station - hey, I have this and it's very very good indeed!
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