Posted July 14, 20213 yr *This entry has earned 4 XP* The orders came straight from the three triumvirs. -- Assault Iridonia destroy all in your path. Show these terrorists that their actions have consequences. Civilians are to be shown leniency and to be reeducated in imperial thought. Terrorists, criminals, armed civilians, other militia groups and Iridonia securty forces are to be annihilated. No mercy, No quarter and No prisoners! Show them that the Triumvirate will not tolerate chaos, terrorism and anarchy!-- A large fleet of star destroyers and other craft brushed aside the Iridonia local fleet. An orbital bombardment softened the planets defensives. Arthur landed with a paramilitary force called Imperial Security Auxiliary Legion or ISAL. They were made up of imperial militias, ex stormtroopers and civilians loyal to the empire. They were created personal by Arthur himself, he believed that they would be more loyal than pirates' or mercenaries. Once the stormtroopers landed they did most of the fighting. Arthur with his men did encounter a small group of rebels that were easy to take down. The rebel officer was wounded and Arthur quickly kicked his blaster aside. Weakly the rebel officer replied " The new republic and others will hear about this!" *cough* *cough* " I hope they make you suff" His words were cut off by a blast to the head. Arthur replied " The empire will rise like the phoenix, it's a real shame terrorist you wont live to see it" Arthur motioned for his men to follow and they continued their journey through the streets of Iridonia. // I am happy with both the build and story. I have been trying to improve on my story building along with better lighting of the build. criticism and comments welcomed! // Edited August 2, 20213 yr by goatman461
July 30, 20213 yr On 7/14/2021 at 6:35 PM, williambrickalliance said: I am happy with both the build and story. I have been trying to improve on my story building along with better lighting of the build. criticism and comments welcomed! You can really tell... I love the concept of ISAL! Hope to see much more of them... It is brutal, but you've really done well with depicting executioners moving through the streets. Next challenge is trying to use snot techniques, or other creative brick use... ;)
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