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MM Note: So, the briefcase is in the backseat, underneath Merei. In order to grab the briefcase, anyone needs to either be next to that square or on top of it to grab it (including anyone currently in the speeder, if one of you wants to grab it). It takes a full action to pick up the briefcase, and anyone can attempt to swipe it off of any other character (so even if you have it, someone can in theory roll an athletics check to grab it it from them.)

2 hours ago, CMP said:


Yissam♥ keeps her swearing internal as the second car pulls up to the Haast, but focuses on the wall of dubiously-real static between her and Cavrac.

"M'kay, bud, I hate to relegate you to windshield wiper, but you're the best shot we've got! BRING ON THE HYPE, HYPE!"

She Rallies HYPE. With a garbled, modulated roar, and a lot of encouragement, HYPE attacks, swinging one of its massive Static Claws at Cavrac.

"Nice, free #$%&ing publicity." RKO calls back. Carvrac steels himself for another bout with HYPE.

"Graah! I'm not afraid of this beastie! Bring it, you gutter punk!"

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13 hours ago, Kintobor said:

MM Note: So, Deception is the most obvious, skill, but if you’re trying to get Gheyns to focus on you, I’m open to creative solutions within reason. :classic: Doing so will count as the “Try Something” action instead of attacking Gheyns, just so you know. 


“If you want to dance, metal man, you’ll need to keep up with me.” Gheyns replies cheekily, levelling their sword in Bers direction. 

As Bers notices Hype is dealing with Cavrac he decides to make another attempt to get his duel with Gheyns.

As the disembodied voice announces: 'System Shift Enabled, Combat Mode Engaged, Have A Nice Day'

51263128802_d3d0ff0e38_t.jpg "H3Y Y0U WU55Y, N0T1C3 TH3 C@M3R@... "

9 hours ago, CMP said:



51263128802_d3d0ff0e38_t.jpg "D0 Y0U R3@LLY W@NT T0 B3 BR0@DC@ST T0 TH3 W0RLD @S TH3 W3@K WU55Y WH0 W@S T00 @FR@1D T0 DU3L!!! W3T S3WNB@G!?!"

Bers tries to intimidate Gheyns into a fight with him, riling him up while already in combat mode. His voice heavy, metallic and garbled.

Posted (edited)


Upper Hand Role
Kirwin’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (2,2,3) Three Failures
RKO’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (2,3,3,5,6) Two Successes

Failure: Attacks that miss Heroes have the potential to hit the Speeder

Merei drinks an Aetherbrew (5+1) Three Spirit regained
Bers Moves to E4, intimidates Gheyns (3,4,4,5) Three Successes vs. (1,3,3,4,4) Two Successes. Bers succeeds in distracting Gheyns for the round.
Kirwin Rallies HYPE (+3 offence dice for HYPE’s next attack) (-1 success on next piloting proficiency check)
Yissam♥ Rallies HYPE (+2 offence dice for HYPE’s next attack)
HYPE Attacks Carvrac (2,3,4,4,6,6 +1 Success) 6 successes vs. (1,3) Two Failures. Six damage (jeez)

Carvrac moves to B4, consumes a Plasma Potion (4) Four Vitality restored.
Gheyns moves to E5, attacks Bers (3 +2 Successes) Two Successes vs. (1,6 +1 Success) Two Successes. No damage. SPEEDER DAMAGE (4 +2 Successes) Three Successes vs. (1,1) Two Failures. Three damage dealt to Speeder
RKO activates Defensive driving (First defensive die roll is an auto success)

Merei takes a short opportunity given to her to ensure her spiritual energy is restored by downing an aetherbrew, feeling her ability to sling spells returning in full. Kirwin and Yissam♥ both do their best to ensure that HYPE's upcoming attack on Carvrac is as brutal as can possibly be, as the glitchy, feral creature slashes into the biker gang leader, ripping through his coat and furs, leaving him gasping for air and moving away. Bers revs his chainsword and steels himself for a potential fight with Gheyns, who grins as she seemingly takes the adamite's bait for the most part. Moving into the Haast Dragoon, she swings her blade at Bers, the blade bouncing off his armour plating. RKO, noticing that she's surrounded by two hostiles, begins to defensively sway the speeder she occupies. Carvrac, in response, downs his plasma potion.

"Gheyns, stop &$^%ing around and just grab the briefcase!"

"Not if I can help it, you weaselly little scamp! Yellow bellied thieves, the lot of you!"

The battle continues as the heroes weave through traffic.


Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi)
Character Points: 1/11
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 3/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 0
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect

Designation: B3R5 - 3rk (Dutch Thriceman)
Age: Unknown, Gender: Mechanical, Race: Adamite
Character Points: 1 / 11
Vitality: 6 / 6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 2, Intimidation 1, Athletics 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Chain-Greatsword (Standard Kinetic Weapon) Mecha-Plate (Standard Kinetic Armour), AV Rig
Inventory: Shield Booster

Kirwin (karmajay) *DRIVER*
Age: Unknown, Gender: Unknown , Species: Adamite
Character Points: 2/11
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 1, Culture 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 0
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Utility Belt
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Rusty Wrench (Standard Melee Kinetic Weapon)

Yissam♥ (CMP)
141-year-old feminine Stratitarian
Character Points: 1/11
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 1/3
Proficiencies:  Coding 1, Culture 2, Occult 1, Performance 1
Known Spells: Entropic Mending, Spirit Ally, Tongues
Credits: 10
Equipment: Prism Gauntlet (Standard long-range elemental weapon)
Inventory: Essence of Glibness, Essence of Intellect

Vitality: 2
Velocity: 1
Skill: 1
Proficiency: Melee Weapons 1
Equipment: XXX (Standard Melee Weapon)

Antony’s Haast Dragoon V4 Speeder
Vitality: 20 *The Vehicle is considered in good condition when it has hit points remaining*
Velocity: 3
Ram Attack: Three Dice
Skill: 2


Vitality: 5/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Proficiencies: Short Range Weapons 2, Athletics 2, Piloting 2, Intimidation 2
Equipment: Thump-Gun (Standard Short Range Energy Weapon), Road Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Exo-Suit
Inventory: Shield Booster, 30 Credits
Passive: Adrenaline Rush- Carvrac begins combat having taken a Bulking Stim (Vitality doubled during turn taken)

Vitality: 7/7
Velocity: 3
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Proficiency: Melee Weapons 1, Arcana 2, Intimidation 2, Athletics 2
Spirit: 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Equipment: Princess (Precision Kinetic Melee Weapon), Leather Body Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour)
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Energy Cell, 30 Credits
Passive: Ready For Combat- Gheyns begins combat with an Interposing Ward active (Armour bonus increased by 5 for the next attack).

RKO *Driver*
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 2
Proficiency: Artillery Weapons 2, Explosives 2, Piloting 2, Arcana 2
Spirit: 2
Known Spells: Gain Entry, Elemental Evocation
Equipment: Customized Klondike Express (Precision Energy Artillery Weapon), Modified Bunker Elf Survival Suit (Standard Energy Armour)
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Middling Enveloping Smoke Grenade, Middling Enveloping Flash Grenade, 30 Credits

RKO's Rented Speeder
Velocity: 5
Ram Attack: 2 dice
Skill: 2

Edited by Kintobor

"It is my hope that I'm not being petty, but it seems our very first priority should be keeping this briefcase away from Gheyns. Kirwin, it will be very hard for them to get the case onto their speeder if we're nowhere near their speeder. Can we make that happen? I think Yissam and I can support Bers even from a distance. And he seems to like the fight." Merei picks up the briefcase and moves to C5.

OoC: Can characters (both enemies and heroes) move through hostile creatures' squares? I can't remember. Also I imagine you're not going to let me be mean and use gravity sink to pull people off speeders? What happens if I move RKO or Carvrac? Does the whole speeder move? No effect?

6 hours ago, Zepher said:

OoC: Can characters (both enemies and heroes) move through hostile creatures' squares? I can't remember. Also I imagine you're not going to let me be mean and use gravity sink to pull people off speeders? What happens if I move RKO or Carvrac? Does the whole speeder move? No effect?

MM Note: I believe moving through a tile occupied by a friendly character is fine, you just cannot stop your movement in one. Hostile characters cannot be moved through.

As for using Gravity Sink, it is actually an option. Moving RKO or Carvrac would push them off the car. As for what happens to the vehicle when it doesn't have a driver... find out in game. :classic:


Yissam♥ once more rallies HYPE.

"Go on, put on a show for us!!"

HYPE doesn't let up, pursuing Cavrac to B5 and slashing at them again.


Kirwin yells "Come on HYPE, you got this!" Kirwin rallies HYPE

OOC: I believe I still have the tracker device that was removed from the speeder that we found at the diner, correct? Also, is the background realistic and we are actually pretty high in the sky?

1 hour ago, karmajay said:

OOC: I believe I still have the tracker device that was removed from the speeder that we found at the diner, correct? Also, is the background realistic and we are actually pretty high in the sky?

MM Note: You do indeed still have the tracker. The background, while maybe not a direct one-to-one, is accurate enough in that you are high off the ground. Your character can look down and see other lanes of vehicles, the buildings of Cosmopoli descending down until they don't due to the ruins beneath the city proper, and that it is a very, very far drop. So, in terms of an in-game description, you're actually higher up than the image shows, I just couldn't find a good enough image to depict what I imagine it looks like.




Upper Hand Role
Kirwin’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (1,2,6) One Success
RKO’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (3,3,6,6,6) Three Successes

Failure: Attacks that miss Heroes have the potential to hit the Speeder

Merei picks up the briefcase and moves to C5
Bers Attacks Ghenys (2,3 +1 Success) One Success vs. (Auto Success,3 +1 Success +5 Ward) Seven Successes. No Damage
Kirwin Rallies HYPE (+3 offence dice for HYPE’s next attack) (-1 success on next piloting proficiency check)
Yissam♥ Rallies HYPE (+2 offence dice for HYPE’s next attack)
HYPE Attacks Carvrac (2,2,3,3,5,6 +1 Success) 3 successes vs. (1,1) Two Failures. Three Damage

Carvrac moves to B3, Attacks Kirwin (1,2 +1 Success) One Success vs. (3) One Failure. One Damage dealt

Gheyns moves to D4, attacks Merei (5 +2 Successes) Three Successes vs. (2,3) Two Failures. Three damage.
RKO invokes Elemental Bolt on Merei (3,3) Zero Damage dealt. Elemental Blot vs. Speeder (3,6) One damage! -1 to next Upper Hand Piloting check.

Merei, noticing Gheyns lock into combat with Bers as they jump into her speeder, grabs the briefcase and makes her way up to the front of the vehicle, onto the hood. Bers takes a sweeping swipe at Gheyns, the attack swinging over his head. RKO's rocking of the speeder and Gheyns' ward make the attack reflect in a flurry of sparks as the chainsword revs against the magic protecting the other sword wielder.

"You are really making it hard to ignore you. Now, gimme that briefcase." Gheyns reaches down to grab the briefcase, but finds it missing. Her attention turns to the front of baby blue Haast speeder as Kirwin and Yissam♥ continue to rally HYPE as it takes another devastating swipe at Carvrac, who in retaliation fires a shot at Kirwin, knicking them in the arm. Gheyns weaves back onto the rented speeder they came from and gracefully strikes Merei with their sword, striking them across the chest. RKO attempts to follow up with an invocation of the elements, but her shot banks and melts an acidic streak across the Dragoon. Gheyns prepares another strike against the Celestial, but pauses.

"Another strike from Princess' steel and you're a goner. Let's make this easier on both of us. Hand over the briefcase, and we'll let you go with the speeder. Our employer only wanted the contents inside it and not the speeder." Carvrac stirs, spitting out blood.

"Gruh... this speeder, and that briefcase, are MINE!! You hear me?! MINE!!!"

"Would you just shut the $&%^ up!" RKO shouts at Carvrac as she tries to regain some control of the speeder after focusing on combat. The battle continued as the speeders swerved through traffic. The announcer on the radio in RKO's speeder could barely be heard over the fight, their raspy voice chuckling.

"That was Let's Twist Again, a classic if I do say so. I remember doing the twist with my squeeze, here's to all you love birds twisting tonight. We've heard your requests, we know what all you cool cats and jive hounds want to hear next: Johnny B. Goode. I hope you're all behaving out there tonight, Cosmopoli!"

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi)
Character Points: 1/11
Vitality: 3/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 3/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 0
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect

Designation: B3R5 - 3rk (Dutch Thriceman)
Age: Unknown, Gender: Mechanical, Race: Adamite
Character Points: 1 / 11
Vitality: 6 / 6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 2, Intimidation 1, Athletics 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Chain-Greatsword (Standard Kinetic Weapon) Mecha-Plate (Standard Kinetic Armour), AV Rig
Inventory: Shield Booster

Kirwin (karmajay) *DRIVER*
Age: Unknown, Gender: Unknown , Species: Adamite
Character Points: 2/11
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 1, Culture 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 0
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Utility Belt
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Rusty Wrench (Standard Melee Kinetic Weapon)

Yissam♥ (CMP)
141-year-old feminine Stratitarian
Character Points: 1/11
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 1/3
Proficiencies:  Coding 1, Culture 2, Occult 1, Performance 1
Known Spells: Entropic Mending, Spirit Ally, Tongues
Credits: 10
Equipment: Prism Gauntlet (Standard long-range elemental weapon)
Inventory: Essence of Glibness, Essence of Intellect

Vitality: 2
Velocity: 1
Skill: 1
Proficiency: Melee Weapons 1
Equipment: XXX (Standard Melee Weapon)

Antony’s Haast Dragoon V4 Speeder
Vitality: 19 *The Vehicle is considered in good condition when it has hit points remaining*
Velocity: 3
Ram Attack: Three Dice
Skill: 2


Vitality: 2/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Proficiencies: Short Range Weapons 2, Athletics 2, Piloting 2, Intimidation 2
Equipment: Thump-Gun (Standard Short Range Energy Weapon), Road Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Exo-Suit
Inventory: Shield Booster, 30 Credits
Passive: Adrenaline Rush- Carvrac begins combat having taken a Bulking Stim (Vitality doubled during turn taken)

Vitality: 7/7
Velocity: 3
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Proficiency: Melee Weapons 1, Arcana 2, Intimidation 2, Athletics 2
Spirit: 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Equipment: Princess (Precision Kinetic Melee Weapon), Leather Body Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour)
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Energy Cell, 30 Credits
Passive: Ready For Combat- Gheyns begins combat with an Interposing Ward active (Armour bonus increased by 5 for the next attack).

RKO *Driver*
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 2
Proficiency: Artillery Weapons 2, Explosives 2, Piloting 2, Arcana 2
Spirit: 2
Known Spells: Gain Entry, Elemental Evocation
Equipment: Customized Klondike Express (Precision Energy Artillery Weapon), Modified Bunker Elf Survival Suit (Standard Energy Armour)
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Middling Enveloping Smoke Grenade, Middling Enveloping Flash Grenade, 30 Credits

RKO's Rented Speeder
Velocity: 5
Ram Attack: 2 dice
Skill: 2


OOC: Passive: Ready For Combat- Gheyns begins combat with an Interposing Ward active (Armour bonus increased by 5 for the next attack).

Bruh, this feels like cheatin' bruh, is this permanent... if so I want one haha.

2 minutes ago, Dutch Thriceman said:

OOC: Passive: Ready For Combat- Gheyns begins combat with an Interposing Ward active (Armour bonus increased by 5 for the next attack).

Bruh, this feels like cheatin' bruh, is this permanent... if so I want one haha.

No, it's gone off so it no longer is in effect. If they cast Interposing Ward on themself again, then it will be in effect, but the ward has gone off, so you're free to smack them without that +5 to their armour save.


OoC: Not every battle is meant to be winnable either. Sometimes it's near impossible and you should flee. Sometimes it's near impossible and you should still try to win.

"Kirwin. Kindly move us out of melee range. We'll be in deep trouble if you don't." Turning back to Gheyns Merei's flames keep calm, cool, collected, though she's pretty hurt. "Sewnbag, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a learner and observer, and my curiosity has been piqued by how badly everyone wants this briefcase." Merei backs up to E6, and then uses gravity sink, trying to move RKO to D2.

On 10/13/2021 at 6:45 AM, Kintobor said:

No, it's gone off so it no longer is in effect. If they cast Interposing Ward on themself again, then it will be in effect, but the ward has gone off, so you're free to smack them without that +5 to their armour save.

You had me at No

"... you're a cheeky sewnbag aren't you, I don't like it ... and when whoever I am fighting is preoccupied with something else." Bers says as he takes another swing at Gheyns.

6 hours ago, Zepher said:

OoC: Not every battle is meant to be winnable either. Sometimes it's near impossible and you should flee. Sometimes it's near impossible and you should still try to win.

"Kirwin. Kindly move us out of melee range. We'll be in deep trouble if you don't." Turning back to Gheyns Merei's flames keep calm, cool, collected, though she's pretty hurt. "Sewnbag, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a learner and observer, and my curiosity has been piqued by how badly everyone wants this briefcase." Merei backs up to E6, and then uses gravity sink, trying to move RKO to D2.

OOC: I think I'm gonna take a aoo and I'm not certain Bers should be alone over there :(

"Ok but we can't leave Bers to fight for himself!" Kirwin moves the speeder to D7 and says to Merei "Here put this tracking device in the briefcase and throw it out of the speeder. That may mix up their decision making for a bit and give us an opening"

57 minutes ago, karmajay said:

OOC: I think I'm gonna take a aoo and I'm not certain Bers should be alone over there :(

OoC: My thinking on the matter is to definitely NOT leave Bers on their own. The benefit of separating from them is that I (and I believe Pie) can heal Bers at a range. It's a gamble. I think the fight will take some creative thinking (not necessarily this plan, by the way, if people have a better one). Bers could also hop back aboard as we try to sink their speeder... but in a brawl we're beat. Their speeder also has pretty low HP, we could try attacking that directly. The other option is to just give them the briefcase. Hype could go join him over there too if we need someone else onboard.

"That is not a poor idea, Kirwin, but my hands are full," says Merei as she holds out the briefcase and her archaic Aether terminal disk"Can you plant it? Yissam♥?"

Posted (edited)

If Bers can strike and step back to F5, I can move to E5 and heal Merei. HYPE won't be able to hit Cavrac, I'll have to swap his target to Gehyns, but it means we form a wall long enough to where she can't get to Merei.

Edited by CMP

Mission Master Note: If you guys still want time to plan that’s fine by me. :classic: Remember to bold your actions when you’re ready to proceed with the combat round. 

14 hours ago, CMP said:

If Bers can strike and step back to F5, I can move to E5 and heal Merei. HYPE won't be able to hit Cavrac, I'll have to swap his target to Gehyns, but it means we form a wall long enough to where she can't get to Merei.


1 hour ago, Kintobor said:

Mission Master Note: If you guys still want time to plan that’s fine by me. :classic: Remember to bold your actions when you’re ready to proceed with the combat round. 

OOC: I don't mind doing this if I can CMP.


OoC: I’m locked in. It’s three days between combat rounds, that’s more than enough time for us to strategize - if we fail it’s in us and the dice at this point!

5 hours ago, Dutch Thriceman said:

OOC: I don't mind doing this if I can CMP.

Alrighty. Sounds like a plan. :thumbup:

Yissam♥ moves to E5 and attempts to cast Entropic Mending on Merei. HYPE moves to C5 to strike at Gheyns.



Upper Hand Role
Kirwin’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (1,3,6) One Success
RKO’s Piloting Proficiency Check: (1,2,3,5,6 -1 Success) One Success

Success: Attacks that miss Heroes do not have the potential to hit the Speeder

Merei moves to E6, invokes Pulling Point on RKO, moving her to D2. (2) Zero Damage. RKO moved to D2 (Out of Combat)
Bers Moves to F5 and Attacks Gheyns (1,4 +1 Success) Two Successes vs. (6,6 +1 One Success) Three Successes. Zero Damage
Kirwin Moves the speeder to D7
Yissam♥ Casts Entropic Mending on Merei (3) One Vitality restored!
HYPE Attacks Ghyens (Out of Range)

Carvrac moves to C4, Attacks Gheyns (2,4 +1 Success) Two Successes vs. (4,6) Two Successes. Zero damage

Gheyns moves to D3, takes control of the vehicle, descends (Ends Combat)

Merei responds to Gheyns' offer by casting a spell on RKO, attempting to push her out of the vehicle. Gheyns turns to look at their fellow mercenary as she struggles to maintain in her seat until she topples over the side and falls.

"*&#@!! GHEYNS!" Gheyns' hair frizzes in a ripple from the top of her head to her neck, shaken by the act.

"Damn it, I'm coming, RKO!!" Bers takes the opportunity to swing at the the sword wielding assailant as she makes a move for the driver's seat, Kirwin moving the speeder's apart as Bers moves to remain with his allies. Yissam♥ heals Merei for a round of combat to come as HYPE, unable to move to their destination, glares at Gheyns as they take the driver's seat of the rented speeder and quickly descends in a race to catch their friend, Carvrac taking the opportunity to fire on them as they do so, his cursing echoing from below.

"NONE OF YOU ARE SAFE FROM MY WRATH!! THAT CAR, THE BRIEFCASE, IT WAS MINE!! MIIIIIIIINNNEEE!!!" As the gang leader's fight with Gheyns descends below and behind the heroes, they drive off into the city lights towards the drop off point and away from whatever fate had in store for the two mercenaries and the biker. If the directions Antony provided were correct, they'd reach the meeting space at the parking lot by the Yndrari Frontier Miner's Guild. Buildings and speeders whizzed past the heroes as they could finally rest from the fight.

All heroes gain two points of experience.

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi)
Character Points: 3/13
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 2/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 0
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect

Designation: B3R5 - 3rk (Dutch Thriceman)
Age: Unknown, Gender: Mechanical, Race: Adamite
Character Points: 3 / 13
Vitality: 6 / 6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 2, Intimidation 1, Athletics 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Chain-Greatsword (Standard Kinetic Weapon) Mecha-Plate (Standard Kinetic Armour), AV Rig
Inventory: Shield Booster

Kirwin (karmajay) *DRIVER*
Age: Unknown, Gender: Unknown , Species: Adamite
Character Points: 4/13
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 1, Culture 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 0
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Utility Belt
Inventory: Plasma Potion, Rusty Wrench (Standard Melee Kinetic Weapon)

Yissam♥ (CMP)
141-year-old feminine Stratitarian
Character Points: 3/13
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 1
Strength: 1
Skill: 1
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0/3
Proficiencies:  Coding 1, Culture 2, Occult 1, Performance 1
Known Spells: Entropic Mending, Spirit Ally, Tongues
Credits: 10
Equipment: Prism Gauntlet (Standard long-range elemental weapon)
Inventory: Essence of Glibness, Essence of Intellect

-Wire-Wrapped Astro-Ball Bat (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
-Road Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour)
-Modified Laser Blaster (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon)
-Sawn-off Shotgun (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon)
-30 Credits
-Energy Cell

Please distribute loot accordingly.



"Well that was... anti-climactic. Friends, perhaps I do need to add a ranged option to my toolbox, do you mind if I take the shotgun, I don't feel skilled enough to take a long range laser blaster but a small short range backup shotgun sounds like a good secondary to my Chain-Greatsword at the moment."


“It’s only anti-climactic if you feel the need to see your enemies fall. If you are interested in information-” Merei holds up the briefcase “-the best is yet to come. Kirwin, take us somewhere safe and discreet. Let’s see what everyone wanted to get their hands on so desperately.”

“As for the weapon, I was going to suggest the same thing.” Merei gives the shotgun to Bers and takes the Brew for herself. “I would be interested in those leathers as well, but not if someone else has their eye on them.”

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