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Thanks again for this great contest and all the effort @Jim & @Milan !

Also congratulations to the winner, which is really well deserved :-)

  • Jim unpinned this topic
1 hour ago, Jim said:

You are disappointed about a lot of things. You are always disappointed. Furthermore, you have been arguing and debating during the entirety of the contest. While most of the builders (like Brickend) can live with (and kinda agree) with my assessment, you are still the one complaining.

I believe that contests should be made and executed in a way that there's no doubt who the winner is and there shouldn't be any arbitrary overriding of the results by the Jury if the contest is supposed to be fair, that's why I'm in for the Jury vetting the submissions first against the rules (which need to be precisely specified) and then the popular vote should decide.

1 hour ago, Jim said:

Please bear in mind that Milan and myself are putting a lot of time in a contest. I am even funding shippings costs of the prizes myself (since TLG doesn't ship the prizes anymore), just to make sure the winners get some sort of reward. So, I think it's wise to change your attitude and lighten up a bit. Of course you can disagree with something. I don't have any issues with that. But please don't argue about/debate every single thing.

I don't argue with that, but that doesn't mean I can't give my feedback on the execution of the contest, so the next time it'll hopefully will get better...

Finally, once again the size issue - without the strict scale requirement many smaller remakes that are perfectly executed didn't even make it to top 10 (although indy transport did), so it feels disheartening for those who prefer small builds and I'm not sure whether it makes sense to compete in such open contests with small builds in the future.

And thanks to @HorcikDesigns and @MangaNOID for giving me your votes :)

28 minutes ago, SaperPL said:

Finally, once again the size issue - without the strict scale requirement many smaller remakes that are perfectly executed didn't even make it to top 10 (although indy transport did), so it feels disheartening for those who prefer small builds and I'm not sure whether it makes sense to compete in such open contests with small builds in the future.

The contest surely was one of the most ambitious and most competitive so far. Also the variety of models has been bigger than ever.

But the winners entries weren't that big if you'd ask me. @Thirdwiggs original 8854 has 500 pieces, @Seasiders 8848 only 398. Even @RiGis 8872 has only 763 parts.

If there will be a GBC-Contest, I am completely with you to have a part limit, but in TC20, this would have hindered creativity as great build wouldn't even be considered.

Edited by Jundis

10 minutes ago, Jundis said:

But the winners entries weren't that big if you'd ask me. @Thirdwiggs original 8854 has 500 pieces, @Seasiders 8848 only 398. Even @RiGis 8872 has only 763 parts.

The amount of elements is not the same thing as the size. I've got a small model (the red and black cars in my signature) that has 445 pieces and is really small. Size wise, I'd say those are medium sized models and also the amount of parts match to medium sized sets.

6 minutes ago, Jundis said:

If there will be a GBC-Contest, I am completely with you to have a part limit, but in TC20, this would have hindered creativity as great build wouldn't even be considered.

While I agree about this restricting creativity, my point is that even when you explicitly state that the contest is firstly about how close to the original model you are, people will still vote on what they like. I believe that even if mods explicitly stated that the voting should be about which is the most alike the original set, a lot if not most of the people would still pick based on what they like and not based on how well the model is resembling the original set. So I prefer creativity within specified limits - TC18 was like that iirc, and there were some really creative entries submitted.

Everyone has their own opinion, and that is why there are organizers of the competition and the jury.

For me, such contests are, first of all, a fun pastime. Results are secondary. And if my work was not assessed as I wanted, then I did something wrong (for example, I preferred someone else's opinion to my understanding of the essence of the competition :drunk:).

Congrats to the winners, respect for the organizers and thanks to the participants!

Wait for another challenge!

Congrats to the winners! And thanks to the organizers and the folks that voted for my entry :)

This was a great contest and I enjoyed to see many great MOCs.

10 minutes ago, RazzPinazzo said:

For me, such contests are, first of all, a fun pastime. Results are secondary. 

Agree 100%!!! And apart from the ranking all contestants finished a MOC, which gives me personally a great feeling of accomplishment :)

21 minutes ago, RazzPinazzo said:

For me, such contests are, first of all, a fun pastime.

This so much.

Winning would be nice, but making it the main priority takes the fun out and leaves just a sour taste.

Congrats to the winners! This was my first contest, didn't really hope I'd rank well, glad I got a vote at least :) as I knew I'd be stretching the rules with size difference and an overly modern reinterpretation. But I enjoyed my build as well as seeing all those great sets of my childhood being rebuilt :) It was hard to vote indeed.

@Thirdwigg, I am especially happy with your winning as your rebuilds are quite remarkable. And I still remember one summer day when I tried to reverse engineer 8854 from a few brochure pictures with my limited parts that I had at the time :)

First off, congratulations to the winners!!!  All thoroughly awesome builds!  These contests are a real treat to the community, can't wait for the next one! 

I'm a little disappointed my favourite entry didn't fare a little better, but at least it was joint first in the public/popular vote, and that's still something to be incredibly proud of!! 

Well done to all who participated with their awesome entries, and also to all those who voted. 

And finally (and most importantly), a huge thanks to both @Jim & @Milan for making these contests possible.

I don't want to complain about the contest, I know a lot of hard work went into this, and I appreachiate it. All I will say is that a Jury of only 2 people isn't really ideal.

Just know that all your entries are awesome!:drool: Depending on who you ask the winners could have easily been completely different.

10 hours ago, KevinMD said:

@Thirdwigg and @Seasider were my two favorite entrants so I am thrilled to see them take gold and silver.  I thought ‘wigg’s choice to wheels seemed too large for the set,

It's been a long time since someone called me Wigg. Thanks for bringing me back.

8 hours ago, MangaNOID said:

Not at all! Enjoy your win it is the deserved winner!

we know and knew of how the rules of voting was happening so a valid win to you :classic: no sourness no regrets sir, enjoy your drink :pir-huzzah1:

Thanks, and I have one set aside for you if you ever visit. Or I'll bring them if I'm in your area again.

2 hours ago, gyenesvi said:


@Thirdwigg, I am especially happy with your winning as your rebuilds are quite remarkable. And I still remember one summer day when I tried to reverse engineer 8854 from a few brochure pictures with my limited parts that I had at the time :)

Thanks again, and I'm glad you like my rebuilds, 8854 included.

Congratulations to the winners, and to all the contestants :classic:
This was one of the most enjoyable contests to follow, with awesome models, great ideas, and of course, such a nice nostalgia kick. Again, the most important goal still was to have fun, and I believe that was mission accomplished, too :wink:

Thanks to all who praised it and to all who provided valuable constructive input on how we can improve it. I do hope that each time we have a new contest, we get a bit better at it, and I like the fact that we do it together. 
I believe that next competition, with some adjusted voting rules, could be even more satisfying, and ultimately, more fun!

I know that Jim and me will give our best :thumbup:


I will frontpage the winner!

  • Author
6 minutes ago, Milan said:

I will frontpage the winner!

Thanks. I forgot that!

Make that winnerS. All three. You can copy the top of this topic.

8 minutes ago, Jim said:

All three. You can copy the top of this topic.

Done! All the winners are frontpaged with their individual topics linked via the frontpaged pictures.

  • Author
31 minutes ago, Milan said:

Done! All the winners are frontpaged with their individual topics linked via the frontpaged pictures.


I can only repeat what @KevinMD said; besides that whenever I stuck with development of my current project I start plan to optimize my Unimog 423 

and you @Thirdwigg very often gives me right direction, soil think we fulfill main purpose of this forum

This was an awesome contest and probably my favorite thing since I joined the forums. I didn't have the post count to vote, but there were so many wonderful models. Big congrats tot he winners, big thanks to those that ran the contest, and excellent work to all that entered.

So this contest end up with friend's vote. The more friends you got, the more vote will be given.
I have been experienced with many contest with the same condition, so I'm not surprised with the result.
Most of my winning model were picked by the jury that commit to the contest's rule (not by friendship), but later I found out that TLG also got another reason not to pick entry from my country due to the shipping cost.(so they take my entry as a free idea)
I didn't vote for any entry due to my opinion that it is not fair to compare a small one with a big one.(some also still using the old parts, example: the metal hook)
Thank you for all of you that pay attention to my progress page & voted for my entry, it was a great time to share my building skill to achieved better look for an existing set.
(even it costs more than the 1st prize set for the parts to finalized the model)
I would like to thanks @Jim and @Milan for having this contest.


45 minutes ago, Gray Gear said:

@dickylaban what are you talking about? @Milan already said that he is paying for the shipping costs himself, TLG has no influence on the winners of this contest *huh*

If I understand correctly, essentially the same problem I have, the more popular the person can get the more votes. As I remember right, his indy storm WIP topic is second most viewed TC20 WIP topic.

Like top 123 winner in this contest. Thirdwigg's model is great of course but some point is different with original model. (wheel is bigger, boom extension use worm gear insted rack and pinon, front and rear fender's color is different with original, and knob for operating crane is located on different side)

Seasider and RiGi's model is nearly 1:1 scale and color combination and knob location is same with original model. Considering this contest's theme is studless remake and not classic remake I think Searider or RiGi is winner. I chose Aston Martin for the same reason. If the theme of this contest was a classic remake, I would have chosen 8232 or 8459. And I originally think 8479 before I heard no electronic.

Edited by msk6003

2 hours ago, msk6003 said:

If I understand correctly, essentially the same problem I have, the more popular the person can get the more votes. As I remember right, his indy storm WIP topic is second most viewed TC20 WIP topic.

Like top 123 winner in this contest. Thirdwigg's model is great of course but some point is different with original model. (wheel is bigger, boom extension use worm gear insted rack and pinon, front and rear fender's color is different with original, and knob for operating crane is located on different side)

Seasider and RiGi's model is nearly 1:1 scale and color combination and knob location is same with original model. Considering this contest's theme is studless remake and not classic remake I think Searider or RiGi is winner. I chose Aston Martin for the same reason. If the theme of this contest was a classic remake, I would have chosen 8232 or 8459. And I originally think 8479 before I heard no electronic.

Popularity? That's why there is a post limit, so no new members can vote (no point to gather voters on Facebook/Youtube/Insta). Popularity here on Eurobricks? I don't see it a problem either, there's not that many posts here so you don't have to "pre-filter" what MOC you check and what you don't.

Honestly, your entry was a bit ugly, based on a model that was also ugly (not your fault), you were using so many system bricks with many literally copied areas from the original. I know, Technic is about functions and all, but since 1990, looks also matters (because we have the parts to make them look good), and even more so building Techniques. True, this contest was very controversal how you interpret the rules and ""spirit"" of the contest. It was certeanly not about perfectly exact placement of knobs and everything. That is just one (and not that important) criteria. In my opinion, it was cetrainly not the best contest we had.

Just accept the results as most of people accempted it. There were contests when popularity mattered (no post limit). For example I came in second in a contest instead of first because of the one-time-poster-from-same-country-as-the-winner votes (I guess because of a Facebook sharing, I didn't blame the contestant). I swallowed a big and accepted it, even though it was more "unfair" than you are claiming now.

A more realistic claim would be that bigger is always better, but once I was so upset that I went through all contest to check my theory. It wasn't true.
In a contest you have to accept that you really have to make something big in ALL aspects: concept (and fitting the theme), evaluation and presentation. It's not about parts you have. I managed to win a contest with a small inventory but with a killer concept, proper models and I took the time to make proper photos and video. I passed a contest because parts were two days late off the finish date. I swallowed the crap and went on. I guess that makes me a """pro"""? 

Edited by Lipko

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