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Pirates Mafia IV - Day Five: Night Moves

It was late at night...


Kieran Newport (Tariq j) was walking the decks, observing the cannons.

"Arr. Something is off."


From behind him, a shadowy figure emerged with a musket. Kieran raised his famous two guns, but he wasn't quick enough.



Kieran was dead.


The next morning...


"Avast. Kieran Newport was a Traitor!"

"Hurray!!" everyone shouted.

"What about Vivian?" someone asked.


"Oh, right. I forgot about that. She was a Loyal Pirate. Good luck today!"



Captain Redbeard (NPC)

Players (4):
Isaac "Dragon" Wallace - Played by Jack Sassy
Murphy "Bad-Eye" Blake - Played by Duvors
Noah "The Map" Nelson - Played by JintaiZ
Harper "Sea-Salt" Lawson - Played by Rumble Strike

Overboard (4): 
Douglas "No Hook" Wembley - Played by Darkdragon (Loyal Pirate)
Spencer "Cutlass" Milford - Played By KotZ (Loyal Pirate)
Vivian "Viv" Pierce - Played by Kaanere (Loyal Pirate)
Kieran "Two Guns" Newport - Played by Tariq j (Traitor)

1) You are either a Loyal Pirate or a Traitor. The town need to eliminate the scum and the scum need to outnumber the town. In the hopefully unlikely event of a parity, the scum will win. There are no third parties.
2) There are no recruits or any action similar in this game.
3) A game day will last 72 hours. You may vote after 24 hours. Note, even if a majority vote is achieved, the day will not end early. Nights will last at most 48 hours, during which you can send in your night actions. 
     3a) Do not talk about the game outside of the threads.
4) Each day you can vote to lynch a player. Voting is mandatory. It should be done in this fashion: 
                     Vote: Character (Player)
                     Unvote: Character (Player)

    Ensure your vote is in bold so I don't miss it please!
5) The alignment of players who have been lynched, as well as those who may have died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day. The person playing the character that died will not be revealed until the end of the game.
6) You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to you by the game host via PM. This includes the details of your character and role, as well as any night actions results. Role claims and reporting of results are acceptable, but in your own words only.
7) If you die, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any players. Any information you had is null and void and is not allowed to be passed on under any circumstances. 
8) Don't edit your posts, please!
9) Please try to post every day!

10) There's no clues in pictures or the minifigures.
11) I encourage roleplay with your characters! I have given some flavor text, but feel free to make them your own! 

Yarr, that be great work by the Vig, finally a Scum is caught and sent to Davy Jones locker! 

I have to say I am not surprised Miss Pierce was Town, I did have my doubts about it and voted for Mr Newport, not to toot me own horn there. 

Now there can only be 1 traitor left, or we'd be at parity. 

I know where my vote is goin. 

  On 8/24/2021 at 10:45 PM, Rumble Strike said:

I know where my vote is goin. 

Same here.

Ye mind bein' less pointlessly vague?

It's sad to see what happened with Miss Pierce, but just like with Master Milford, she was acting way too suspicious. She was a firce warrior and the little time I knew her, she always made sure that no pointless fights broke out on the deck. Farewell, Miss Pierce, ye were a good sailor.


So, Master Kieran was the traitor. Now we know at least one man responsible for these deaths. I be still keeping me eye on ye, Blakey.

Time for more vote analysis, with 2 more confirmed crew, especially useful now we have a Scum in there:

Day One (No Lynch):

Vote Count with votes/unvotes in the timeline
Harper Lawson (Rumble Strike) - 0 (JintaiZ)
Murphy Blake (Duvors) - 1 (JintaiZ, Kaanere, Duvors)

Noah Nelson (JintaiZ) - 4 (Duvors, Rumble Strike, Jack Sassy, Darkdragon, Tariq j)

Spencer Milford (KotZ)- 0 (JintaiZ)
Douglas Wembley (Darkdragon) - 3 (KotZ, JintaiZ, Duvors)


Day Two:

Vote Count with votes/unvotes in the timeline
Douglas Wembley (Darkdragon) - 5 (Rumble Strike, JintaiZ, JintaiZ, Tariq j, Kaanere, KotZ)
Noah Nelson (JintaiZ) - 1 (Darkdragon)
Kieran Newport (Tariq j) - 1 (Duvors)

Vivian Pierce (Kaanere) - 0 (JintaiZ)

Murphy Blake (Duvors) - 1 (Jack Sassy)


Day Three:

Vote Count with votes/unvotes in the timeline
Spencer Milford (KotZ) - 4 (Duvors, JintaiZ, Jack Sassy, Rumble Strike, JintaiZ)
Noah Nelson (JintaiZ) - 1 (KotZ)
Vivian Pierce (Kaanere) - 1 (Tariq j, JintaiZ)


Day Four:

Vote Count with votes/unvotes in the timeline

Vivian Pierce (Kaanere) - 5 (penalty, penalty, JintaiZ, Duvors, Jack Sassy, Tariq j)
Kieran Newport (Tariq j) - 1 (Rumble Strike)
Murphy Blake (Duvors) - 1 (Jack Sassy)
Noah Nelson (JintaiZ) - 1 (Kaanere) 


What can we glean from this? 

Mr Newport would have been the hammer on Mr Nelson on Day One, but Mr Blake took off his vote, removing the majority.  I can't see a Scum hammerin another Scum Day One, especially when there are only 2 of them.  With Mr Nelson's erratic behaviour, is Mr Blake's unvote a Scum ploy to keep in play a Townie who is confusin the rest of the ship?  Is this why Mr Newport was surprised when I said I had reached an accord with him the next day?  Was the potential discord worth more than getting rid of a Townie with such a small crew?

Day Two,Mr Newport is squarely in the middle of the Wembley votin, whilst Mr Blake votes for Mr Newport, keepin off the Wembley bandwagon, citin some of my reasonin that he seemed a bit too 'middle of the road'.  That vote manages two things - keeps off a Town bandwagon and enables him to point and say 'I voted for Scum, if I was Scum why would I do that?'.  Admittedly, you can throw this argument at meself on Day Four as well.

Interesting that on Day Three, the last four surviving crew are all there, on a Town lynch.  3 are Town, 1 Scum.  Mr Newport votes somewhere else, Scum spreadin their votes around.

Day Four, easy to get a Townie with penalty votes lynched, Mr Blake is the hammer with Mr Newport following afterwards, maybe feelin he has to do this as he voted for her Day Three.  More Scum on the Pierce bandwagon? They separated out Days Two and Three.  Mr Nelson is a stone cold Townie lyncher, he's got three Town in a row.

@Duvors So you are following the bandwagon when the majority can't be reached without your vote, but you're not following the bandwagon if the majority is reached anyway? Strange behavior...

I'll be honest, I only voted fer Kieran that one time because I didn't think Wembley was guilty an' felt sorry fer 'em in spite o' how they were actin'. I really couldn't pick between Kieran an' Vivian an' when after th' former on a whim. Th' rest o' th' time I just be goin' after whoever everyone else though was suspicious.

At this point I can't be choosin' between ye. Yer all th' three tha' be givin' me th' strongest impression o' loyalty fer most of th' voyage, even Mr. Lawson, as much as he annoys me.

  On 8/25/2021 at 12:56 PM, JintaiZ said:

@Duvors So you are following the bandwagon when the majority can't be reached without your vote, but you're not following the bandwagon if the majority is reached anyway? Strange behavior...

Ye seem t' imagine I can magically know who be gettin' voted out aforehand.

  On 8/25/2021 at 4:39 PM, Duvors said:

At this point I can't be choosin' between ye. Yer all th' three tha' be givin' me th' strongest impression o' loyalty fer most of th' voyage, even Mr. Lawson, as much as he annoys me.

That be a bit harsh, Mr Blake. I don't recall us havin many sharp words this voyage. 

Blakey, remind me, what made you think that Nelly was suspicious during day one?

  On 8/25/2021 at 4:56 PM, Rumble Strike said:

That be a bit harsh, Mr Blake. I don't recall us havin many sharp words this voyage. 

Sorry, I meant Wallace.


  On 8/25/2021 at 5:04 PM, Jack Sassy said:

Blakey, remind me, what made you think that Nelly was suspicious during day one?

Th' same thing as everyone else, 'is bizarre behavior. I change me mind before th' day ended as y' can see. I think that may 'ave prevented a day one lynch from occurrin'.

  On 8/25/2021 at 5:54 PM, Duvors said:

I think that may 'ave prevented a day one lynch from occurrin'.

And yer saying this as proof that yer innocent? What troubles me most is that self vote ye did. Makes good sense to draw attention from yerself, and don't give me the same excuse as yesterday.


Ye didn't kill me last night because it would bring all the suspicion towards you, what I would like to know is who do ye believe is the second traitor? You said earlier today that all three of us seem loyal to ye, would that be vote skipping from ye, Blakey? You know they cost ye penalties and that wouldn't be so good.

  On 8/25/2021 at 6:09 PM, Jack Sassy said:

And yer saying this as proof that yer innocent? What troubles me most is that self vote ye did. Makes good sense to draw attention from yerself, and don't give me the same excuse as yesterday.


Ye didn't kill me last night because it would bring all the suspicion towards you, what I would like to know is who do ye believe is the second traitor? You said earlier today that all three of us seem loyal to ye, would that be vote skipping from ye, Blakey? You know they cost ye penalties and that wouldn't be so good.

I'm saying that as a statement of fact. You want a defense? Fine, I'm a terrible town player. I genuinely have difficulty stringing together events from multiple days together and am entirely reliant on other people's directions and analysis. That's it. That's the defense, the only one I ever have regardless of what side I'm on. And as for my 'excuse' for voting for myself, @#$% you, because it's true. You all seem to not know or remember this but ever since that time I managed to pull off a scum victory after being the only member of my team left standing I have been killed on the first night in every single game I've joined since then. I genuinely believed I was marked for death regardless of what I did and I quite frankly consider it a miracle that I've survived this long, especially with you hounding me constantly for no damn reason.

Have you ever considered that you haven't been killed specifically because you're so adamant I'm guilty? No, because you're a fool with tunnel vision. As for the second traitor, I genuinely don't care at this point. And I don't care about penalties either. Even if I do vote again today I'll likely be for myself so this stupid hell experience ends and I can get on with my life.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that.

Wow I think we have broken Mr Blake.

I'm sure there still be rum in the stores, as long as Miss Pierce never drank it all, that is. The woman had a terrible thirst for it. Go help yourself to some, I will maintain the sails. 

  On 8/25/2021 at 7:30 PM, Duvors said:

I'm sorry. I shouldn't've said that.

I'm sorry for pushing it that far, mate. Didn't mean to do so, after all it's a game where we all have fun role-playing. Sorry about that, I suggest you help yourself with some rum, as Master Lawson suggested.

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

For several reasons:

  • You've proven yourself to be town by not voting for other townies, though that may be the trick.
  • I understand this is a pirate game, but you're talking pirate-y to the extreme.
  • Did you do a fake vote on Newport because the majority won't be reached and you're trying to make us believe Newport is not your scum teammate?

Well, lads. This moment has come around. Once again, I be sorry for what happened earlier, Blakey, some folk have called me too berserk in the past. Ye do not want this to go on any further and I wish not to offend ye again, so understand this - I believe ye to be a traitor since the beginning and have not changed me mind, I know ye might find that annoying but that be the way things work here, I suppose. Ye want this to end, if that be yer decision, then so be it. No hard feelings, lad, as I said before.


Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

My apologies to everyone. It was ridiculous of me to have an outburst like that after calling someone else out for the same thing. I should have retained more self control.

Mr Blake with his own hammer vote! Not somethin ye see every day! 

Still, out of all the remainin crew, ye are the one I trust least, so I will make it a clean sweep and maybe we can sail on to calmer waters. 

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors) 

  On 8/26/2021 at 5:06 PM, Duvors said:

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

Why? If there self-targeting wasn't allowed who would you vote for?

  On 8/26/2021 at 5:46 PM, JintaiZ said:

Why? If there self-targeting wasn't allowed who would you vote for?

No-one. I give up. I'm leaving.

  On 8/26/2021 at 6:00 PM, Duvors said:

No-one. I give up. I'm leaving.

So ye're a traitor?

I don't know why ye wouldn't want to find the other traitor if you were a loyal pirate. If ye're actually a traitor with a weak kill ability and a dead teammate, I completely understand your frustrations.

  On 8/26/2021 at 6:37 PM, JintaiZ said:

So ye're a traitor?

I don't know why ye wouldn't want to find the other traitor if you were a loyal pirate. If ye're actually a traitor with a weak kill ability and a dead teammate, I completely understand your frustrations.

Look, sorry, I'm just under too much stress to continue playing.

  • Author

Vote Count: 
Murphy Blake (Duvors) - 4 (JintaiZ, Jack Sassy, Duvors, Rumble Strike)

With 4 players it takes 3 to lynch. We'll say about six hours remain if it's unanimous. 

  On 8/25/2021 at 10:56 PM, JintaiZ said:

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

  On 8/26/2021 at 4:18 PM, Jack Sassy said:

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

  On 8/26/2021 at 5:06 PM, Duvors said:

Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors)

  On 8/26/2021 at 5:26 PM, Rumble Strike said:

\Vote: Murphy Blake (Duvors) 




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