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The heroes form up into a defensive unit as the hungry creatures advance. Aysu tries to snipe a Frost Hawk out of the sky, but the bird dodges her shot and swoops in for an attack of its own with its piercing talon, leaving the agent bloody. Enson tries to hold his breath from the overwhelming stench of the carcass, but accidentally takes in a full mouthful of the foul odor nearly losing his lunch. Slightly off his guard, he catches a javelin in the side from one of the Glacier Mongers who quickly charge at him. Ronin readies himself for the oncoming onslaught and easily deflects the advances of a lunging Frost Hawk, beating back the bird with ease. Polaris bunkers down with MILES and prepares herself for her next move even while keeping her stomach down from the horrendous smell of the decomposing drake. Decker's mask seems to offer him some reprieve from the putrid gasses and he steels himself while trying to down one of the hawks. Unfortunately the hero's boomerang goes wide and while he attempts to catch the returning weapon he is blindsided by the snowy Polar Gator its maw snapping a bite of the scrapper.

Round 1
Aysu attacks Frost Hawk A - (6,1,4,+2,-2) 2 Successes vs. (5,5) 2 Successes = 0 Damage 
Enson Survival Proficiency Check (DC 3) - (6,2,3,3) 1 Successes = Nauseous for remainder of Round 
Enson moves to M9
Enson Defends Himself - +2 Dice to Next Defensive Combat Check
Ronin Defends Himself - +3 Dice to Next Defensive Combat Check
Polaris Survival Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (6,3,2,6) 2 Successes = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Polaris Defends Herself - +2 Dice to Next Defensive Combat Check

Decker Survival Proficiency Check (DC 3) - (6,5,6) 3 Successes = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Decker moves to M4
Decker vs. Frost Hawk A - (3,6,+1) 2 Successes vs. (5,5) 2 Successes = 0 Damage

Frost Hawk A moves to N6
Frost Hawk A attacks Aysu - (2,5 6,6,+1) 3 Successes vs. (1,4,3) 1 Success = 2 Damage (Hunger Wears Off)
Frost Hawk B moves to N10
Frost Hawk B attacks Ronin - (1,6 6,4,+1) 3 Successes vs. (6,3,5,6,3,6) 4 Success = 0 Damage (Hunger Wears Off)
Glacier Monger Chopper moves to K11
Glacier Monger Hurler moves to K12
Polar Gator Juvenile moves to L3

Polar Gator Juvenile attacks Decker - (4,1,1 4,1,4, +1) 3 Successes vs. (6,2,+1) 2 Successes = 1 Damage (Hunger Wears Off)

Environmental Hazard:
At the beginning of every round all heroes near the drake's corpse, must make a Survival Check to avoid becoming Nauseous* for the duration of the round. The DC is set accordingly:
1 Space away DC 3
2 Spaces away DC 2
3 Spaces away DC 1
4+ Spaces away DC 0

Nauseous (-1 Dice to Offensive Combat Checks for the Round)


51554753748_38705134a4_t.jpg Juvenile Polar Gator (L3)
Vitality: 10/10
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Athletics 1, Perception 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Gripping Maw (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon), Toughened Hide (Standard Kinetic Armor)

51506144479_7563e747b8_t.jpg Glacier Monger Chopper *Hungry (1st offensive Combat Check Lucky)* (K11)
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Athletics 2, Melee Weapons 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Icicle Cleaver (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51506366990_087e5b94f2_t.jpg Glacier Monger Hurler *Hungry (1st offensive Combat Check Lucky)* (K12) 
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Short Range Weapons 3, Perception 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Twisted Throwing Javelin (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51421749805_cb25c5792a_t.jpg Frost Hawk A *Immune to Restrained* (N6)
Vitality: 2/2
Velocity: 5
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Acrobatics 2, Melee Weapons 2, Perception 3
Equipment: Icicle Talons (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)

Frost Hawk B
 *Immune to Restrained* (N10)
Vitality: 2/2
Velocity: 5
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Acrobatics 2, Melee Weapons 2, Perception 3
Equipment: Icicle Talons (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)


48966140126_7e3935929e_t.jpg Ensonvilterayquis (Enson) (Duvors) *Mission Leader* (M9)
60 cycles old male Quo'ri
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Insight 1, Medicine 2, Melee Weapons 1, Religion 2, Survival 1
Spells: Healing Light, Purging Font
Credits: 20
Equipment: Void Star Hammer (+1 Melee Elemental), Utility Belt (Tool, grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Successes)
Inventory: Nanite Elixir 2x, Plasma Potion, Polar Gator Head (A trophy from the heroes' kill, worth 20 Gold)

ice_bear_mech_profile.jpg Polaris Ursaring [with M.I.L.E.S.]  (samurai-turtle) (M8)
15 cycle old female "Chimeran" 
Character Points:  5/18
Vitality:  8/8
Velocity:  2
Skill:  2
Smarts:  2
Spirit:  1/1
Proficiencies: Coding 1*, Engineering 1 (+1, tool), Medicine 1 (+1, tool), Melee Weapons 1, Nature 1,  Short Range Weapons 1, 
Spells:  Elemental Evocation, 
Equipment: Mecha Strike (Standard, Kinetic, Melee Range Weapon), Utility Belt (tool) Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success, 
Inventory:  Plasma Potion (x2)

51248320975_bcf967b704_t.jpg Aysu Kundakçı (Peppermint_M) (N7)
22 Rotations Old, Female? Adopted Human.
Character Points: 4/17
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 3
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Long Range Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Spell: Enhanced Vision
Credits: 75
Equipment:  Environment Safe Ammunition "ESA" Rifle (Calibrated Long Range, Energy), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion 2x, Essence of Glibness, Pack of Crystalline Feathers (6), Field Rations (Consumable, Restores 1 Vitality), Gator Hide (Can be converted into either Kinetic or Elemental Standard Armor by a craftsman), Gator Tooth (Can be converted into either a Kinetic or Elemental Standard Melee Weapon by a craftsman)

FRa4548.jpeg Ronin (Yzalirk) (N9)
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0/0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Deception 1, Melee Weapons 2, Stealth 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Cloaking Generator, Hard Light Katana (Calibrated Energy Melee Weapon)
Inventory: Crimson Wart (Apply to a weapon to cause Poisoned 1 when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable))

DmpTTOh.png Decker DaCabe (Endgame) (M4)
24 year old male Human
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 5/6
Velocity: 2 3
Strength: 3
Skill: 1 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 1, Short Range Weapons 2
Credits: 10
Equipment: Whirlwind Boomerang (Standard, Elemental, Short Range Weapon), Sandblasted Cuirass (Standard Kinetic Armor),
Inventory: Wyrmsfoot (Apply to a weapon to cause Slow* when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable)), Unloaded Pistol (Calibrated Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51431956996_e570848a26_t.jpg Sigrun's Sled (N8)
Rations, Tents, Bedding, Compass, Shovel, Rope, Snowshoes, Picks, Flares, Fuel, etc.

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@Waterbrick Down you're still using last round's image, and Decker is mistakenly listed as attacking Hawk a instead of the gator. Furthermore, my movement order last round was given before the mistake with the numbering was noticed, so the square I was trying to reach would actually be M9, which is important because the hurler wouldn't have been able to get in range of me.

3 hours ago, Duvors said:

@Waterbrick Down you're still using last round's image, and Decker is mistakenly listed as attacking Hawk a instead of the gator. Furthermore, my movement order last round was given before the mistake with the numbering was noticed, so the square I was trying to reach would actually be M9, which is important because the hurler wouldn't have been able to get in range of me.

MM Note: Decker is listed as attacking the Frost Hawk.

On 11/13/2021 at 11:23 AM, Endgame said:

Decker could feel the stench of the Drake carcass filling his mask. Why the hell didn't I buy one of the Speeder Refresheners, he thinks, rolling to M4 (The second to last row, not as labelled) and tossing a boomerang at Hawk A

Enson moved to M9, Hurler damage removed and Hunger restored. Picture updated. Thanks, sorry I didn't catch that earlier. :thumbup:


"Polaris, get that bird off Aysu.  Ronin, with me!"

Enson will move to L10 and attempt to shoulder check the chopper into the hurler.


"Have I dented a damn thing with this boomerang yet?" Decker moans. He claps his palm against the side of his helmet, trying to get himself centered, glaring at the wound on his arm and then at the juvenile polar gator. "Listen, fella, I get we might've... put your relative out to pasture, but this really isn't nice."

Looking to get even further away from the odor of the dead drake, Decker moves one space down to N4 and throws his boomerang at Frost Hawk A.


OoC: Sorry if it seems like I am inactive, 7 and 8 hours ago I was still at work.  Unfortunately it seems like I am usually at work when the combat actions are being posted.😬



Polaris and Decker manages to finally strike true and knock the avian out. The injured hawk harries Ronin as Enson body checks into the Glacier Mongers forcing them to stumble back. The monsters quickly regain their feet however and charge right back weapons in hand. Thankfully the Quo'ri's earlier defensive preparations come in handy and he easily deflects one of the Monger's icy sword. Ronin running beside his companion retaliates with a decisive slice across the creature's torso, but not to be outdone, the Monger's own companion hurls a javelin that nearly downs Ronin. The Polar gator slides through the snow chasing after it's pray, but this time Decker nimbly dodges aside as the predator's jaws snap close.

Round 2
Aysu attacks Frost Hawk B - (1,1,2,+2) 2 Successes vs. (4,1) 1 Success = 1 Damage 
Frost Hawk A attacks Aysu - Opportunistic Attack - (3,3,+1) 1 Success vs. (1,2,2) 0 Successes = 1 Damage
Enson Survival Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (5,5,4,4) 4 Successes = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Enson moves to L10
Enson Tries Something - Athletics Proficiency Check - (4,1,5) 2 Successes vs. (4,1,2,1,1) 1 Success = Glacier Monger Chopper and Glacier Monger Hopper moved back 1 space.
Ronin attacks Glacier Monger Chopper - (1,3,+2) 2 Successes vs. (1) 0 Successes = 2 Damage
Polaris Survival Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (4,3,3,2) 1 Success = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Polaris moves to M6
Polaris attacks Frost Hawk A - (3,+1) 1 Success vs. (2,3) 0 Successes = 1 Damage

Decker Survival Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (1,4,3) 1 Success = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Decker moves to N4
Decker vs. Frost Hawk A - (5,2,+1) 2 Successes vs. (5,1) = 1 Successes = 1 Damage, KO'd

Frost Hawk B moves to M11
Frost Hawk B attacks Ronin - (6,5,+1) 3 Successes vs. (5,5,3) 2 Successes = 1 Damage
Glacier Monger Chopper moves to M10
Glacier Monger Chopper attacks Enson - (3,1,5 5,2,4,+1) 3 Successes vs. (6,1,4,6) 3 Successes = 0 Damage (Hunger Wears Off)
Glacier Monger Hurler moves to L13
Glacier Monger Hurler attacks Ronin - (4,3,6 5,3,2, +1) 3 Successes vs. (3,3,1) 0 Success = 3 Damage (Hunger Wears Off)
Polar Gator Juvenile moves to M5

Polar Gator Juvenile attacks Decker - (1,3,2, +1) 1 Success vs. (4,6,+1) 3 Successes = 0 Damage

Environmental Hazard:
At the beginning of every round all heroes near the drake's corpse, must make a Survival Check to avoid becoming Nauseous* for the duration of the round. The DC is set accordingly:
1 Space away DC 3
2 Spaces away DC 2
3 Spaces away DC 1
4+ Spaces away DC 0

Nauseous (-1 Dice to Offensive Combat Checks for the Round)


51554753748_38705134a4_t.jpg Juvenile Polar Gator (M5)
Vitality: 10/10
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Athletics 1, Perception 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Gripping Maw (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon), Toughened Hide (Standard Kinetic Armor)

51506144479_7563e747b8_t.jpg Glacier Monger Chopper (L10)
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Athletics 2, Melee Weapons 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Icicle Cleaver (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51506366990_087e5b94f2_t.jpg Glacier Monger Hurler (K13) 
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Short Range Weapons 3, Perception 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Twisted Throwing Javelin (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

Frost Hawk B
 *Immune to Restrained* (M11)
Vitality: 1/2
Velocity: 5
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Acrobatics 2, Melee Weapons 2, Perception 3
Equipment: Icicle Talons (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)


48966140126_7e3935929e_t.jpg Ensonvilterayquis (Enson) (Duvors) *Mission Leader* (L10)
60 cycles old male Quo'ri
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Insight 1, Medicine 2, Melee Weapons 1, Religion 2, Survival 1
Spells: Healing Light, Purging Font
Credits: 20
Equipment: Void Star Hammer (+1 Melee Elemental), Utility Belt (Tool, grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Successes)
Inventory: Nanite Elixir 2x, Plasma Potion, Polar Gator Head (A trophy from the heroes' kill, worth 20 Gold)

ice_bear_mech_profile.jpg Polaris Ursaring [with M.I.L.E.S.]  (samurai-turtle) (M8)
15 cycle old female "Chimeran" 
Character Points:  5/18
Vitality:  8/8
Velocity:  2
Skill:  2
Smarts:  2
Spirit:  1/1
Proficiencies: Coding 1*, Engineering 1 (+1, tool), Medicine 1 (+1, tool), Melee Weapons 1, Nature 1,  Short Range Weapons 1, 
Spells:  Elemental Evocation, 
Equipment: Mecha Strike (Standard, Kinetic, Melee Range Weapon), Utility Belt (tool) Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success, 
Inventory:  Plasma Potion (x2)

51248320975_bcf967b704_t.jpg Aysu Kundakçı (Peppermint_M) (N7)
22 Rotations Old, Female? Adopted Human.
Character Points: 4/17
Vitality: 3/6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 3
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Long Range Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Spell: Enhanced Vision
Credits: 75
Equipment:  Environment Safe Ammunition "ESA" Rifle (Calibrated Long Range, Energy), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion 2x, Essence of Glibness, Pack of Crystalline Feathers (6), Field Rations (Consumable, Restores 1 Vitality), Gator Hide (Can be converted into either Kinetic or Elemental Standard Armor by a craftsman), Gator Tooth (Can be converted into either a Kinetic or Elemental Standard Melee Weapon by a craftsman)

FRa4548.jpeg Ronin (Yzalirk) (L11)
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 1/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0/0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Deception 1, Melee Weapons 2, Stealth 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Cloaking Generator, Hard Light Katana (Calibrated Energy Melee Weapon)
Inventory: Crimson Wart (Apply to a weapon to cause Poisoned 1 when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable))

DmpTTOh.png Decker DaCabe (Endgame) (N4)
24 year old male Human
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 5/6
Velocity: 2 3
Strength: 3
Skill: 1 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 1, Short Range Weapons 2
Credits: 10
Equipment: Whirlwind Boomerang (Standard, Elemental, Short Range Weapon), Sandblasted Cuirass (Standard Kinetic Armor),
Inventory: Wyrmsfoot (Apply to a weapon to cause Slow* when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable)), Unloaded Pistol (Calibrated Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51431956996_e570848a26_t.jpg Sigrun's Sled (N8)
Rations, Tents, Bedding, Compass, Shovel, Rope, Snowshoes, Picks, Flares, Fuel, etc.


Aysu, Decker get in a position behind me so we can constraint fire power on this Gator... I feel like we are playing that game where you can get bigger but if you get hit you shrink, with this "guy". 

Attacks junior Gator. 



Round Initiative:

"Ronin, over here!"

If no contradicting orders received, Ronin will mover to M10 and attack the chopper, Enson will use a plasma potion on him.

If Ronin acts otherwise, Enson will move to M11 and use a plasma potion on him.

You've, ahh, you've mixed up the glacier monger avatars on the map.

15 minutes ago, Duvors said:

Round Initiative:

"Ronin, over here!"

If no contradicting orders received, Ronin will mover to M10 and attack the chopper, Enson will use a plasma potion on him.

If Ronin acts otherwise, Enson will move to M11 and use a plasma potion on him.

You've, ahh, you've mixed up the glacier monger avatars on the map.

MM Note: Right you are, fixed.


"Way ahead of ya!" Decker calls out, already making a dead sprint towards L8,  hoping that it would allow Decker the space he needs to target any of the remaining opponents.

Posted (edited)
45 minutes ago, Endgame said:

"Way ahead of ya!" Decker calls out, already making a dead sprint towards L8,  hoping that it would allow Decker the space he needs to target any of the remaining opponents.

Your velocity is one too low to reach that square, you won't even get out of range of the gator. Also, please take an action.

Edited by Duvors
Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Duvors said:

Your velocity is one too low to reach that square, you won't even get out of range of the gator. Also, please take an action.

L8 is exactly 4 spaces away from my current position, right? I was using the Dash action to cover ground and get back in the fold of the party. I think everything else I could do will just put me further from the party and/or trigger an Opportunistic Strike, and the only other space that's really advantageous me is where Aysu is setting up shop.

Edited by Endgame
46 minutes ago, Endgame said:

L8 is exactly 4 spaces away from my current position, right? I was using the Dash action to cover ground and get back in the fold of the party. I think everything else I could do will just put me further from the party and/or trigger an Opportunistic Strike, and the only other space that's really advantageous me is where Aysu is setting up shop.

I think you're forgetting that you currently have three velocity due to the cocoa, and every square in the 7 column is within optimal range of the gator, not adjacent to an enemy, and more-or less in the middle of the party. In fact there is nowhere you can reach in a single move that would subject you to a OA unless you were attacking one of the enemies next to Ronin and me, way out of your range. You don't have to change anything, but I am confused as to why you were worried about an OA to begin with.

57 minutes ago, Duvors said:

I think you're forgetting that you currently have three velocity due to the cocoa, and every square in the 7 column is within optimal range of the gator, not adjacent to an enemy, and more-or less in the middle of the party. In fact there is nowhere you can reach in a single move that would subject you to a OA unless you were attacking one of the enemies next to Ronin and me, way out of your range. You don't have to change anything, but I am confused as to why you were worried about an OA to begin with.

Sorry, brainfart, I got mixed up and thought an OA procced if you just shot a ranged weapon adjacent to an enemy.

Decker moves to N7 and throws his (borrowed) boomerang at the Polar Gator once more.

"This cocoa really is somethin'," Decker mutters.



Aysu fires off a shot that pierces the gators hide as Decker and Polaris fail to overcome its defenses. Ronin and Enson square off against the mongers with the latter ensuring Ronin stays on his feet. The chopper lunges forward at the Quo'ri, catching Enson on his side. The hurler sinks another javelin into Ronin while he's distracted with a harrying frost hawk. Across the snow bank, the gator charges Polaris ripping into the metal and plating of MILES and sinking its teeth into the Chimeran.

Round 3
Aysu attacks Polar Gator - (1,1,3,+2) 2 Successes vs. (2,3,4) 1 Success = 1 Damage 
Ronin Survival Proficiency Check (DC 2) - (1,1,1) 0 Successes = Ronin Nauseous for remainder of round
Ronin Defends Himself - +3 Dice to next Defensive Combat Check
Enson Survival Proficiency Check (DC 2) - (6,6,4,5) 4 Successes = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Enson moves to M10 (M11 currently occupied)
Enson uses Plasma Potion on Ronin - (4,+2) = 6 Vitality Restored

Decker moves to M7 (N7 currently occupied)
Decker attacks Polar Gator - (4,1,+1) 2 Successes vs. (4,5) = 2 Successes = 0 Damage
Polaris Survival Proficiency Check (DC 1) - (3,6,6,4) 3 Successes = Not effected by Environmental Hazard
Polaris attacks Polar Gator - (3,+1) 1 Success vs. (6,1) 1 Success = 0 Damage

Frost Hawk B attacks Ronin - (1,4,+1) 2 Successes vs. (3,6,4,5,1,2) 3 Successes = 0 Damage
Glacier Monger Chopper attacks Enson - (6,2,4,+1) 3 Successes vs. (2,6) 1 Successes = 2 Damage
Glacier Monger Hurler attacks Ronin - (1,6,1, +1) 2 Successes vs. (1,3,1) 0 Successes = 2 Damage

Polar Gator Juvenile attacks Polaris - (1,3,6, +1) 2 Successes vs. (2,3) 0 Successes = 2 Damage

Environmental Hazard:
At the beginning of every round all heroes near the drake's corpse, must make a Survival Check to avoid becoming Nauseous* for the duration of the round. The DC is set accordingly:
1 Space away DC 3
2 Spaces away DC 2
3 Spaces away DC 1
4+ Spaces away DC 0

Nauseous (-1 Dice to Offensive Combat Checks for the Round)


51554753748_38705134a4_t.jpg Juvenile Polar Gator (M5)
Vitality: 9/10
Velocity: 2
Strength: 3
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Athletics 1, Perception 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Gripping Maw (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon), Toughened Hide (Standard Kinetic Armor)

51506144479_7563e747b8_t.jpg Glacier Monger Chopper (L10)
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Athletics 2, Melee Weapons 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Icicle Cleaver (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51506366990_087e5b94f2_t.jpg Glacier Monger Hurler (K13) 
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Short Range Weapons 3, Perception 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Twisted Throwing Javelin (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon)
Innate: Piercing Claws (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

Frost Hawk B
 *Immune to Restrained* (M11)
Vitality: 1/2
Velocity: 5
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Acrobatics 2, Melee Weapons 2, Perception 3
Equipment: Icicle Talons (Standard Elemental Melee Weapon)


48966140126_7e3935929e_t.jpg Ensonvilterayquis (Enson) (Duvors) *Mission Leader* (M10)
60 cycles old male Quo'ri
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 3/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Insight 1, Medicine 2, Melee Weapons 1, Religion 2, Survival 1
Spells: Healing Light, Purging Font
Credits: 20
Equipment: Void Star Hammer (+1 Melee Elemental), Utility Belt (Tool, grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Successes)
Inventory: Nanite Elixir 2x, Plasma Potion, Polar Gator Head (A trophy from the heroes' kill, worth 20 Gold)

ice_bear_mech_profile.jpg Polaris Ursaring [with M.I.L.E.S.]  (samurai-turtle) (M8)
15 cycle old female "Chimeran" 
Character Points:  5/18
Vitality:  6/8
Velocity:  2
Skill:  2
Smarts:  2
Spirit:  1/1
Proficiencies: Coding 1*, Engineering 1 (+1, tool), Medicine 1 (+1, tool), Melee Weapons 1, Nature 1,  Short Range Weapons 1, 
Spells:  Elemental Evocation, 
Equipment: Mecha Strike (Standard, Kinetic, Melee Range Weapon), Utility Belt (tool) Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success, 
Inventory:  Plasma Potion (x2)

51248320975_bcf967b704_t.jpg Aysu Kundakçı (Peppermint_M) (M7)
22 Rotations Old, Female? Adopted Human.
Character Points: 4/17
Vitality: 3/6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 3
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 1
Proficiencies: Long Range Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Spell: Enhanced Vision
Credits: 75
Equipment:  Environment Safe Ammunition "ESA" Rifle (Calibrated Long Range, Energy), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion 2x, Essence of Glibness, Pack of Crystalline Feathers (6), Field Rations (Consumable, Restores 1 Vitality), Gator Hide (Can be converted into either Kinetic or Elemental Standard Armor by a craftsman), Gator Tooth (Can be converted into either a Kinetic or Elemental Standard Melee Weapon by a craftsman)

FRa4548.jpeg Ronin (Yzalirk) (L11)
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 3/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0/0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Deception 1, Melee Weapons 2, Stealth 1
Known Spells: None
Credits: 10
Equipment: Cloaking Generator, Hard Light Katana (Calibrated Energy Melee Weapon)
Inventory: Crimson Wart (Apply to a weapon to cause Poisoned 1 when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable))

DmpTTOh.png Decker DaCabe (Endgame) (M7)
24 year old male Human
Character Points: 5/15
Vitality: 5/6
Velocity: 2 3
Strength: 3
Skill: 1 2
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 1, Short Range Weapons 2
Credits: 10
Equipment: Whirlwind Boomerang (Standard, Elemental, Short Range Weapon), Sandblasted Cuirass (Standard Kinetic Armor),
Inventory: Wyrmsfoot (Apply to a weapon to cause Slow* when damage is dealt (Poison) (Consumable)), Unloaded Pistol (Calibrated Kinetic Melee Weapon)

51431956996_e570848a26_t.jpg Sigrun's Sled (N8)
Rations, Tents, Bedding, Compass, Shovel, Rope, Snowshoes, Picks, Flares, Fuel, etc.


You updated haven't updated Enson's position, and the monger avatars have switched around again.

Enson will attack Frost Hawk B.

46 minutes ago, Duvors said:

You updated haven't updated Enson's position, and the monger avatars have switched around again.

Enson will attack Frost Hawk B.

MM Note: Grrr, this is what I get for trying to photo edit with two different programs. Fixed.

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