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I love this set, but it's just funny to think about...

If this was a UCS like it was in 2005, it was liked but didn't exactly break any standards. But now that it has no walls and stuff inside, along with 21 figs, people are having heart attacks. That is one beautiful set though, and I know just what to buy for it. I haven't watched Star Wars for quite some time, but I remember from the LSW game that DV's Tie Advanced was flanked by two normal Tie Fighters. I know they're going to be different colours and all but... anyone else hoping that the Tie Advanced and Tie Fighter are in the same overall scale?! I'm going to be saving up for this all summer long, buy it for Christmas... along with those two Tie Fighters if I can afford it unless they release some more mini's or it's a brickmaster exclusive... and then end LEGO with the biggest bang in set history.

Looks very good. That's a lot of minifigs too. I wonder if you can close it up, so it actually looks like the DS.

The inclusion of, yet another TIE fighter, seems odd.


This is the most beautiful set the TLC ever created :tongue::cry_happy::oh::oh3: . This is pure awesome all the new clone wars sets looks OK putting next to this beast. This is a must buy for me. If you count the new torsos and the awesome new R2-D2 (finally a different one :laugh: ) this is the perfect set.

EDIT: Anyone has note that the stormtrooper Luke and the normal Epi. 4 Luke have a different hair piece (long hair) from the Epi. 6 one (short hair). Another question the new Vader

Edited by darkrebellion

Just frakin' fantastic! Finally, another chance to get a gray Emperor... but I'm not too keen on Luke's new hairdo.

I don't like that it includes 3 Lukes and 2 Hans.

They should have just included a few stormtroopers and let the kids figure out how to take the heads off to make a disguise...

Is R2's head different? It looks like it might be grey?


Sweet Pearls of Lutra! :oh:

That's impressive. New torsos for luke, Vader, Palpie, and R2? R2 looks...different.

Does Vader actually fit in that TIE?

What is IG-88 doing in this pic? Torturing the anti-C-3P0?

!!! THAT is too awesome for words :look: Look at it! All the details from different scenes! :oh: All the revamped character designs! Even references to Expanded Universe; see IG-88 over there!? :laugh: Man, I never would've thought we'd get another fig of him! Turbolaser batteries! Cameras! Trash compactor with Dianoga! More Imperials than you could imagine in a TLG set! I don't care what it costs, I must have it...no matter how much it'll set me back. Ow...

OMG, that is awesome but how on earth am I going to be able to afford it?

OK, now that I'm off the floor I can comment. Chrome saber hilts are back!! Is that a silver crossbow that chewie has? Watch everyone start selling off their least favourite star wars sets in order to pay for this baby.

Edited by hewman

Whoa, I just had an out of body experiance. :laugh: I thought I had gone crazy for a little while, but this may possibly be the absolute most awesome lego set to be seen by the naked eye. :oh: I can't wait to see it on my shelf! :wub:

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OMG, that is awesome but how on earth am I going to be able to afford it?

Must... sell... firstborn.

If you don't have a firstborn, better start breeding :wink:

Wow! So much minifigs are given in this set.

USD400 for the minifigs. . . *huh*

Edited by baby

I have relatively valuable MISB sets that I might sell in order to get this. Then again, I may just forget buying the new RGS and have 1/3 of the price.

Am I in heaven? Because I'm not in hell, thats for sure(well, I'm not at least, but my wallet just had an anxiety attack.) All I can say is wow. For a collector who missed a lot of sets, and needs some big SW sets to recreate scenes, well, let me tell you, look no further than this. I'm just imagining this next to my UCS Falcon, just how the Falcon will get in is the problem. :tongue: Anyway, new updated mini's and all of the classic scenes are enough for me to stop making pointless MOCs at home and say, "Hey, i'm going to my LEGO store." :tongue:

This set looks great, but it sucks for those who can not afford this, I really hope for the kids that most of the figures that come with it will be for sale in smaller sets, eventually.

There are only two new minifigs (the droid and 2x death star trooper) in it (the others you can make with some modding) but the R2D2 looks like having a new head... small picture...

Edited by Bobskink

Am I in heaven? Because I'm not in hell, thats for sure(well, I'm not at least, but my wallet just had an anxiety attack.)

No, see, this is hell. You see the beautiful set, but then you see the price... Kind of reminds me of the Greek myth when the guy has to roll a boulder up the hill, but it keeps falling down...

It's like completing the outside and adding a (not to scale) interior to the UCS Death Star! I thought the UCS Falcon was cool, but this is an Absolute. Must. Buy.

:cry_happy: It's so beautiful....

I am amazed at this set. Look at the figures? I didn't imagine half would be in there! Plus 4 stormies! (I know there are technically only two, but since the Han/Luke stormtrooper helmets are on the floor I presume you get them, so essentially four) and Grey Emperor! I thought they'd only include scenes from the original! I was sold from the first pic, and then I saw it had a back! I'm amazed!

But the price :cry_sad: What will I do? Such a perfect set, but if it's going to be so expensive in Aus, how can I afford it?


*EDIT* I just noticed, in the trash compactor scene, one part is connected to the grey wall, but the other is sticking out. Does that mean it'll move in? Even better!

Edited by Big T

No, see, this is hell. You see the beautiful set, but then you see the price... Kind of reminds me of the Greek myth when the guy has to roll a boulder up the hill, but it keeps falling down...


So what you're saying is that Star Wars LEGO collecting is a Sisyphean task of the greatest magnitude.

I can't argue. After the ISD, DSII, Falcon, and now this...it's almost like we're being killed with what we desire :tongue:

This is the set of the year... period.

Even though I'm a CW junkie, this has got to be the most awe inspiring and sentimental Star Wars set ever released (so far).

Now here's a few thing that I noticed from the pictures that were so generously provided by svelte_corps:

-There are 13 different sections all with ample amount of playability factors.

-Those 13 sections represent the following places/scenes:

1) The Death Star Conference Room.

2) The Trash Compactor room where Han, Luke, Leia, and Chewie are almost crushed (and for Luke almost eaten alive) to death.

3) The Detention Block command room where Han has a nice chat with some Imperial Officers.

4) The Death Star main weapon firing station.

5) The room from which R2-D2 and C-3PO save the rest of the heroes from being crushed to death in the trash compactor room.

6) The Tractor Beam generator (which Obi-Wan deactivates).

7) The room where Darth Vader gets his daily manicure meditates.

8) Two Turbo Laser batteries (on the outside of the DS).

9) The Emperor's throne room (where Darth Vader and Luke duel).

10) The hangar with Darth Vader's Tie Advanced X1.

11) The bottomless pit which Leia and Luke swing across.

12) A storage room with a little crane and some boxes.

13) The thirteenth section is not shown completely, but I'm guessing that it's the place where DV and Obi duel.

As shown on the box in a small picture towards the bottom of the box.

-There is a firing missile that can be seen (in the pic of the box) shooting towards nothing (as usual) over Alderaan.

-It appears that TLC has begun chroming Lightsaber hilts again. :oh3:

-More than half of the figs are redesigns or are completely new. :cry_happy:

Now onto the minifigs:

As you might have noticed this set come with more minifigs than some people have in their entire Star Wars collection. :tongue:

Here's a list of the included minifigs:

-Emperor's Royal Guards, we probably get two of these guys because of the fact that we've only ever gotten them in pairs.

-Stormtrooper, just your standard trooper, we will get at least two (as shown in the pictures).

-A redesigned R2-D5

-A redesigned R2-D2

-Princess Leia

-An unknown droid (recolored IG-88), who I think is supposed to be some sort of Sith Medical Droid due to the fact that he is seen with Vader in his Meditation Chamber.

-Old Obi-Wan Kenobi, in standard Jedi garb.

-Redesigned Darth Vader

-Han in Stormtrooper outfit

-Grand Moff Tarkin

-Redesigned Emperor

-Death Star Troopers, we will get at least two with this set (as shown in the pictures).

-Mouse Droid



-Han Solo

-Luke in Stormtrooper outfit

-Luke from Episode IV

-Luke from episode VI

-A black Death Star Protocol Droid

-An Imperial Torture Droid

Total Minifigure count *drum roll*: 24+ minifigs! More than any other Lego set ever I believe. :oh:

That's all I can think of right now. :grin:

$399.99 USD


Quite a hefty price point, but it looks like it is well worth the money.

... they shouldve added plates to cover the Death star.

No they shouldn't, because the set covers both the DS I and II. :wink:

I think the other two stormtrooper helmets are supposed to be of Luke and Han in stormtrooper suit :classic: .

That would be a smart assumption darkrebellion.

In closing, I would just like to say thank you to svelte_corps for making my day with these wonderful pictures. :sweet:

Now all I want are some better pics of 7678-81, and for all these wonderful sets to be free. :laugh:

-Tarfful, who has no idea how he's going to afford this, only that he will somehow find a way.

Edited by Tarfful

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