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I must get that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Omg there is ALOT of minifigs in this set : royal guard, stormtroopers, black astromech droid, new R2-D2, princess leia, white droid, ben kenobi, (new?) darth vader torso, han solo in stormtrooper uniform, moff tarkin (episode iv), A NEW EMPEROR (episove vi), DEATH STAR TROOPER YAY, mouse droid, c3-po, chewbacca with crossbow!!!, han solo normal, luke skywalker in stormtrooper uniform, episode iv and vi luke skywalker, black protocol droid and a torture droid!!!!!

This is the best set ever!!!

-Lot of rare minifigs!!!

-New minifigs!!!

-lots of rooms

-lots of pieces!



Actually I'm not so impressed when thinking it over.

First of all, in a set this price I would at least have expected a little more than usual.

Why didn't they do the cool stormtrooper from Cloud City?

Printed legs please:


And giving us a black AT-ST driver instead of a Death Star trooper is also a bit cheap.

No new molds and only a few minor print alterations - not good enough for a set worth 399USD.

Yes we get a lot of minifigs, but really I don't need yet another C3PO, R2D2, Luke, Han, Chewie and so on.

I am aware that they have to be there, but then at least give us little more.

This set must be intentioned for AFOLs and it needs a little more to be "the best set ever!"


Well I'll be. This IS a surprise.

Nothing short of insanity, of course. :tongue:

Definite get for me. 27 minifigs is a treat one can't pass up on. And three Lukes, two Hans, two nice new Vaders, a(thankfully) new version of the Emperor, Leia, four somewhat nicely done Death Star Troopers(maybe more; I still can't see that beautiful looking cannon in the first shot with the blunt shooter :wub: ), four Stormtroopers, two Tarkins, Motti's droid, the mouse droid, an IG droid(strange, I don't recall this one. :look: ), R2 and 3PO, Chewbacca(another one, lol), Obi-wan(first in fleshie! w00t!), and the Royal Guards.

This is a score. The two turbolasers, the garbage chute, the detention block with the detention cell, the Imperial planning room, the overloading gun from Special Edition, the special hangar with the damaged Tie Advanced, the Superlaser firing chamber, R2 and 3PO's communications room, the shield degenerator room for 'Obi, the throne room for Epi. VI, the 'wrong turn', an unknown repair room(yellow crane arm), and Vader's transformation chamber.

Now what my question is is this: There are two Death Star Troopers and two Stormtroopers on one side. On the other there is the same. There is one Vader and one Tarkin on each side. Does this mean we are only getting one Tarkin, one Vader, two Stormtroopers, and two Death Star Troopers? I was personally hoping for more...

Oh well...

And the Death Star Troopers... The helmets are mediocre, methinks. They DEFINITELY could've been done better had they used the Rebel helmet, painted it black, put a black visor on, and maybe put a sticker on which has some holes, because that is what makes the DS trooper's helmet special.

So I'd give this a 9 out of ten. The one out of ten is for the Death Star Troopers and the Tie Advanced. Come on, Lego! You're better than that... :hmpf:


Edited by trooperdavinfelth

And giving us a black AT-ST driver instead of a Death Star trooper is also a bit cheap.

No new molds and only a few minor print alterations - not good enough for a set worth 399USD.

Yes we get a lot of minifigs, but really I don't need yet another C3PO, R2D2, Luke, Han, Chewie and so on.

I am aware that they have to be there, but then at least give us little more.

This set must be intentioned for AFOLs and it needs a little more to be "the best set ever!"


Good point but then again for a set like this they couldn't miss out the main characters since that would make little sense. Besides I don't have a Han, Darth etc so to get all of the main trilogy protagonists and antagonists in the one set is lovely.

I agree some of the choices are a bit skimpy considering the price but adding new molds would only further inflate the price. Besides we get a new Darth and Palpentine torso as well as chrome lightsaber hilts again.

Well I'll be. This IS a surprise.

Nothing short of insanity, of course. :tongue:

Definite get for me. 27 minifigs is a treat one can't pass up on. And three Lukes, two Hans, two nice new Vaders, a(thankfully) new version of the Emperor, Leia, four rather nicely done Death Star Troopers(maybe more; I still can't see that beautiful looking cannon in the first shot with the blunt shooter :wub: ), four Stormtroopers, two Tarkins, Motti's droid, the mouse droid, an IG droid(strange, I don't recall this one. :look: ), R2 and 3PO, Chewbacca(another one, lol), Obi-wan(first in fleshie! w00t!), and the Royal Guards.

This is a score. The two turbolasers, the garbage chute, the detention block with the detention cell, the Imperial planning room, the overloading gun from Special Edition, the special hangar with the damaged Tie Advanced, the Superlaser firing chamber, R2 and 3PO's communications room, the shield degenerator room for 'Obi, the throne room for Epi. VI, the 'wrong turn', an unknown repair room(yellow crane arm), and Vader's transformation chamber.

Now what my question is is this: There are two Death Star Troopers and two Stormtroopers on one side. On the other there is the same. There is one Vader and one Tarkin on each side. Does this mean we are only getting one Tarkin, one Vader, two Stormtroopers, and two Death Star Troopers? I was personally hoping for more...

Oh well...

The minifigs we are getting are printed at the top of the box:

Edit by Hinckley: pics removed by request of TLG.

No multiple Darth etc.

Good point but then again for a set like this they couldn't miss out the main characters since that would make little sense. Besides I don't have a Han, Darth etc so to get all of the main trilogy protagonists and antagonists in the one set is lovely.

I agree some of the choices are a bit skimpy considering the price but adding new molds would only further inflate the price. Besides we get a new Darth and Palpentine torso as well as chrome lightsaber hilts again.

The minifigs we are getting are printed at the top of the box:

Edit by Hinckley: pics removed by request of TLG.

No multiple Darth etc.

OK, thanks. But I still miss the fact that you can't have all your figures spread evenly over the set; you shouldn't have to play with only one side at a time! :cry_sad:

Anyways, they don't need a new mold; as I said you only need the Rebel helmet with a black visor with the holes on the visor to make it look authentic. Here are some reference pics:




As you can clearly see there are holes on the helmet and a sticker could solve this problem, EB users hatred of stickers notwithstanding. :tongue:

I agree.

Using the rebel helmet in black would have made a great Death Star Trooper.

It puzzles me how LEGO decided to go with the AT-ST driver helmet instead.

It's still a great set and I'm definately getting it. (along with all the other SW sets :wacko: )


I agree.

Using the rebel helmet in black would have made a great Death Star Trooper.

It puzzles me how LEGO decided to go with the AT-ST driver helmet instead.

It's still a great set and I'm definately getting it. (along with all the other SW sets :wacko: )


It's also possible that these aren't the final figures in the set, but only preliminary images.

If they're already in the LEGO cache that makes it less likely, but also possible.

Still, all the rest of the awesome in this set sort of offsets a couple of sub-par hats :tongue:

Rumor has it that TLG is raising the prices on LEGO due to the massive drop the dollar has made in value.

I am not sure if this raise will hurt the rest of the world, but it will surely bring US pricing closer to European pricing.

I really hope so, not that I can't affort this, I just feel bad spending that money al at once on something you actually don't need. I hope this will not be an anual habbit, because I read lost of post already with people who will have to pas. I think I will just save money until I have enough, 50 € every month should do it after a year, and not buying any of the Clone Wars sets oucourse...

Pretty sure these are the final pics and how the set is.

S@H pics.

No matter, one of the customizers out there will make us a great helmet within long :thumbup:

Perhaps even Dark Helmet's helmet. :tongue:


It's also possible that these aren't the final figures in the set, but only preliminary images.

If they're already in the LEGO cache that makes it less likely, but also possible.

Still, all the rest of the awesome in this set sort of offsets a couple of sub-par hats :tongue:

I doubt it; they are very crisp images. Plus, the set's been known about since the Green Grocer was noticed. Remember that thread? 'New sets found on Lego's Replacement Parts page'... I remember that, lol... :tongue:


:tongue: JK!

$400?!? You've gotta be kidding me. Please tell me it isn't true! :cry_sad:

Well, that's the price of the Death Star 2. :sceptic: I think. And it DOES have 24 minifigs, a first for the Lego Company. :thumbup:

I really hope so, not that I can't affort this, I just feel bad spending that money al at once on something you actually don't need. I hope this will not be an anual habbit, because I read lost of post already with people who will have to pas. I think I will just save money until I have enough, 50 € every month should do it after a year, and not buying any of the Clone Wars sets oucourse...

You actually don't NEED? :oh3:

BRING OUT THE GALLOWS! :grin::sweet::wink::tongue:


Pretty sure these are the final pics and how the set is.

S@H pics.

No matter, one of the customizers out there will make us a great helmet within long :thumbup:

Perhaps even Dark Helmet's helmet. :tongue:


Yes indeed... I'm sure all those wily customizers are making something as we speak... :tongue:


Finally, a Death Star Droid. The Emperor's new face. All those sides to the same coin...

I like the set, it is realy cool. But i think its to expensive for me. I hope it came out on cristmas, so i can wish me it ^^

Wow..a must buy for me.....i wont be selling my new born but thankfully we get the baby bonus here is Australia. :wink: I hope this play set is a sign of things to come and i and not to concerned about the troopers helmets...i can always paint some of my rebel helmets black.

i have never seen a topic grow so fast with replys.....its doubled in size since i started reading..lol

And what about set 10179?

It looks good but it doesn´t have any interroir or functions.

$400?!? You've gotta be kidding me. Please tell me it isn't true! :cry_sad:

Who the hell said that? Sorry but I didn´t searched in the whole thread after this.

The DS don´t looks like this expensive. And that this set has a PG-12+ instead of PG-16+ it doesn´t look like 400$. More like 200€ or 250€.

Who the hell said that? Sorry but I didn´t searched in the whole thread after this.

The DS don´t looks like this expensive. And that this set has a PG-12+ instead of PG-16+ it doesn´t look like 400$. More like 200€ or 250€.

I dunno; it's my guess that it's four hundred. Lol, PG-12! :laugh:

Yeah, maybe three hundred, possibly three-fifty. :wink:

Besides, it's just a frame with lots of play functions. :tongue:

What's the embargo date on the press release, if you don't mind me asking? Or are embargo dates themselves embargoed? :wacko: Must not confuse self.

No idea, but you'll know as much as I do now by July 1st.


Who the hell said that? Sorry but I didn´t searched in the whole thread after this.

stash2sixx was the first post I noticed the price mentioned, on the first page. I haven't seen anyone with firm backup of the price, but that doesn't mena it's wrong.

I view this set like I view the Indiana Jones sets. Wonderful details, beautiful design, great minifigs, lots of playability; but until I win the lottery, I'll never own one.

:cry_happy: it's...it's...

BEAUTIFUL!(ok, kimt)

But seriously, this set is like being force-fed liquid awesome!

Edited by maiq the liar
let's cool it on the chat language

At $400 (likely $600+ CND) I can't justify purchasing this. I'm impressed by the figure selection but the set itself seems a bit bland to me. After the Cafe Corner and the UCS sets, this looks rather plain. As a playset it's wonderful. I just can't see myself forking over that kind of cash for a playset though.


I WANT ONE WHEN IS IT OUT?! HOW MUCH!? XXXXX I XXXX!also price in GB� sterling

Edited by kimt
Enough on the "chat"

Okay people.

I know You're exited about this set, but let's discuss it and refrain from posting like this was a chat.

Stay cool and stay on target!

Or else there'll be......trouble


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