June 18, 200816 yr Dear me... that's just insanity. Its a beaut... I don't think my wallet could afford something of that grandeur!!! ben m.
June 18, 200816 yr Thats the whole thing hey! Why pay 800Aus if you can get it off ebay.....Lego and S@H need to look at their pricing for this set and realise that our dollar is about 95us cents not 50 us cents You have to remember that when us Aussies buy from Shop @ Home, the money gets converted into Euros or Danish money or whatever and not into USD. So the AUD-USD exchange rate has no bearing on how expensive stuff is. Actually I'm not so impressed when thinking it over.First of all, in a set this price I would at least have expected a little more than usual. Why didn't they do the cool stormtrooper from Cloud City? Printed legs please: And giving us a black AT-ST driver instead of a Death Star trooper is also a bit cheap. No new molds and only a few minor print alterations - not good enough for a set worth 399USD. Yes we get a lot of minifigs, but really I don't need yet another C3PO, R2D2, Luke, Han, Chewie and so on. I am aware that they have to be there, but then at least give us little more. This set must be intentioned for AFOLs and it needs a little more to be "the best set ever!" KimT Because the set is so big and isn't going to be produced in massive numbers or sold in retail stores (LEGO store being the exception I guess), they cant spend the huge $$$ making new molds for it.
June 18, 200816 yr Since when do you need a mold for a stamp? (which they already have anyway) However, printing is expensive, especially on minifig parts (the printed minifig torso being the most expensive part that TLC produces) so it is a little bit unrealistic to expect TLC to print those.
June 18, 200816 yr You have to remember that when us Aussies buy from Shop @ Home, the money gets converted into Euros or Danish money or whatever and not into USD. So the AUD-USD exchange rate has no bearing on how expensive stuff is. Actually like many international businesses most of TLC's transactions are done in US $s, what this means is that with a weakening US $ that the price in US $s of lego sets will start to rise, however, the great disparity between US prices and other prices around the globe will start to shrink. This will take a little while to filter through as Lego would have signed many contracts in US $s that are still to expire.
June 18, 200816 yr A playset like this doesn't appeal to me at all, but that's just my personal taste, I prefer good-looking, on scale Lego models like the RGS for example. I think this is really nice for kids, but what <14 year old could afford something in a price range like this? The collection of minifigs on the other hand is truly astounding!
June 18, 200816 yr This set looks just wonderful . So playable, and full of MFs from the 3 classic episodes, too. I wish I had the money to get it . LuxorV
June 18, 200816 yr its likely not ig-88 its probably some random droid technision, if you look close in one of the pics it shows th IG droid repairing the black protical droid. ...and of course, IG-88 isn't white. I agree that it's just an IG droid technician.
June 18, 200816 yr omfg, 14 pages already!! this set is 3 800 pieces, I really want to buy it. I wonder how long it will take me to build it!!
June 18, 200816 yr i'm a bit confused as to why everybody seems to love this set. to me, it looks like a fairly basic model, even for a playset... Looks quite expensive too...
June 18, 200816 yr Anyone notice that in the room where are Vader, Tarkin and a stormtrooper is like an entrance to an elevator in the middle of the playset (The one made with semi-circular bricks of a quarter of the whole circular wall). Maybe we got a manual fuctional elevator . I thought about it too, but there is no possible exit for it, is there? The longer I look at the super deformed tie fighter, I want a super deformed X and Y, that would be too sweet. Not an 18-wide Tumbler for Batman but the opposite, that could be nice.. btw, the printed Stormtrooper came with Imperial Inspection, Cloud City "only" had the printed Boba. Well, I know there are critics and this set is not perfect, but Cafe Corner isn't as well and still rocks. This set could be nice in my collection, I just wished that Echo Base could have been just a slice of this... This is by far the best LSW playset and I would definetely like to have it. You can compare it to the Stardestroyer or the Sandcrawler (which work as bases) but not to UCS MF or ships in general. If you don't like bases, this is not your cake obviously. I will just wait for the 1st pictures of the new OT sets in 2009 and then make a decision. Zzz out (dreaming of super deformed death star)
June 18, 200816 yr a-m-a-z-i-n-g......................................... i want him!!!!! he is soooooooooo cool! i love that thing...
June 18, 200816 yr i'm a bit confused as to why everybody seems to love this set. to me, it looks like a fairly basic model, even for a playset... Looks quite expensive too... I'm just guessing on this one but I would imagine that it has more to do with the figures than anything else. I actually agree with you about this one. While the Falcon was a fantastic build that was remarkably complex for a LEGO set, I don't really see anything really exciting here beyond the figs.
June 18, 200816 yr I don't think it's just the figs that people like about it. I myself don't need x more lukes and x more hans and so on. But the set is just an awesome PLAYset! There's lot's of playability in it and there are scene from all over the OT In short - this set has almost everything and more most of us wished a DSset to have :wub:
June 18, 200816 yr But the set is just an awesome PLAYset! There's lot's of playability in it and there are scene from all over the OT There's that, and it's also a good display set. You can go ahead and populate that thing with all sorts of other Minifigs beside the ones it comes with. It's also a nice way to have several little cinema scenes in one piece, which is nice. This has got to be the best set of this nature that LEGO has produced for Star Wars. Cloud City was pretty good, but Jabba's Palace was abysmal. That Final Duel set for Revenge of the Sith was pretty pointless, so, if nothing else, this will be a good Minifig display shelf
June 18, 200816 yr I can see why people think it's cool- it recaptures so many old SW scenes very nicely and in one neat, spherical package.
June 18, 200816 yr btw, the printed Stormtrooper came with Imperial Inspection, Cloud City "only" had the printed Boba. Oh...my bad. I'd still prefer them (TLG) to add the printed legs. They have added other printed legs in this set and leaving out this one is just not right IMHO. As for the brick count not being on the box, could be because it's a European box and they don't have that printed on them. The prices are NOT validated and therefore they must be considered guessing for now. KimT
June 18, 200816 yr Eurobricks Emperor a-m-a-z-i-n-g......................................... i want him!!!!! he is soooooooooo cool! i love that thing... Judging from the quality of yours posts I get the feeling you are not ready to be on an adult site like Eurobricks. Let's have a little chat in private.
June 18, 200816 yr When I first saw it, I thought it was beautiful (death star trooper ). But then I started to realize that, well, it would be too expensive (it has 20 some figures that will kill my wallet) and would have looked better with an exterior shell. I might eventually get it, but with the Clone Wars, Bionicle, and Castle it would be hard to fit in. I at least have to get that death star trooper. Edited June 18, 200816 yr by Holy Diver
June 18, 200816 yr The figures are more than awesome and the set on its own is nice. But does the LEGO Company really want us to pay 400 dollar for a playset? This isn't normal? In this year we got so much wonderful sets (which I have bought a few of, so still plenty of money to spend on) and now they're comming with this? It will be bought by a lot of Star Wars fans, but the price is really making trouble. There are cooler sets to get this year, for less money...
June 18, 200816 yr this is a set I will *eventually* have to have. When I saw the DS I scenes I thought OK, but LEGO added the throne room, making it perfect for DS II too. This is my idea of an interior. That's it isn't it? It's made for the interior, not for the outside... That has got to be one of the first sets to do that. That's why there is no outer hull, because it can be used as DS I and II. All those figures... Marvelous. TT
June 18, 200816 yr When does this set come out and how much will it coast? When does this set come out and how much will it coast?
June 18, 200816 yr Eurobricks Emperor When does this set come out and how much will it coast? I think you better start reading this thread as I'm sure the cost has been mentioned several times! Welcome on Eurobricks!
June 18, 200816 yr I don't actually have any Luke/Leia/Han Solo/Chewbacca figs lying around from recent sets, so those are a bonus for me. However, I love this set because I am simply a massive fan of the OT, and the Death Star scenes happen to be favourites of mine. So many classic moments that I adore are recreated here, and with such a fantastic design, it's perfect in my eyes. That's why I like it. -- Andrex
June 18, 200816 yr Does anybody have any idea how tall this thing? I've been trying to work out where to put it.
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