June 18, 200816 yr The torture droid is not as I expected. Just a central piece with small 1x1 round pieces around and a claw piece for the drug (Yeah, the torture droid is using drugs to keep his victims from sleeping). The prob droid of the hoth base was well made (it's almost the same : a black droid floating above the ground) but this new one is too small. I also have a little feeling about that R2-D2. It looks shortest to me than the originals. Is that a new head? Does anybody have any idea how tall this thing? I've been trying to work out where to put it. I think it is between 60 and 80 cm.
June 18, 200816 yr When does this set come out and how much will it coast?When does this set come out and how much will it coast? I think you better start reading this thread as I'm sure the cost has been mentioned several times! But he's asking how much will is coast... I imagine, not very far, since it doesn't have any wheels. I guess since its somewhat round, it might roll a little bit... Steve
June 18, 200816 yr I don't mind the Torture Droid, considering it's pretty much to scale. I admit, the Probe Droid was brilliant, but I think this does the trick nicely. The Mouse Droid is quite large too, but overall I think the minifigs are well interpreted . -- Andrex
June 18, 200816 yr Jeez! I leave the country for two weeks and LEGO makes an amazing set. You guys need to get rid of me more often. Andrex, there was nothing brilliant about that probe droid. Its arms were so ridiculously small! I think I will try to get this set. Edit: Wait, were you being sarcastic? God I should pick up on that better. Edited June 18, 200816 yr by filefolders
June 18, 200816 yr Haha I have no idea in all honesty. Taking a proper look at the Probe Droid, you are correct, it.. only closely resembles the true design. I am however quite happy with the Torture Droid. -- Andrex
June 18, 200816 yr Hhohhhhh.... wipe that slobber from my chin. Forget the Clone Wars sets, I'm working 24 hours a day to save up for this. But no DS Gunners? Even with all the other minifigs? I'm hoping for a Death Star Battle Pack.
June 18, 200816 yr Firstly I must says that this set is amazing. It has many rooms and a massive 24 minifigures. I think the minifigures are 1. Stormtrooper Luke 2. Stormtrooper Han 3. Chewie 4. Princess leia (I'm not sure how it's spelt) 5. R2-D2 *new head piece print* 6. C-3P0 *new gold colour* 7. Obi-Wan 8. Luke *episode IV outfit* 9. Han Solo 10. Luke *episode VI* 11. Black Death Star Trooper type person X2 12. Stormtrooper X2 13. Darth Vader *new torso* 14. Grand Moff Tarkin 15. The Emperor 16. Imperial red guard X2 17. Torture/ Interrogation droid 18. Black Protocol droid *new minifig I think* 19. Black Astro droid *possible redesign* 20. Mouse droid 21. IG-88 type droid I have noticed many levers and gears on this set, i'm sure these do interesting tasks e.g. closing doors
June 18, 200816 yr Thank you very, very much to all of you who gave us the pics and the information! This DS is simply amazing, awesome, brilliant!!! :wub: DS Troopers!!!! But the price of 400 US-Dollar (will be 400 Euros, too, won't it?!) is magnificent, too ! I think I won't buy it . Reason one: If I have got luck I'll be aible to do holiday work (250 Euros) plus if I save all the money the next months (50 Euros) it'll be 300 Euros - so 100 Euros more ! It's time TLg releasing a City bank so I can do a bank robbery to buy all the sets I want ! Reason two: If I save all my money I (perhaps) get for my birthday (about 100 Euros - hopefully) I'd be able to pay it. But then I wouldn't have any more money to buy some of next year's sets. And - since TLG really rocks at the moment what concerns the themes City and SW - there surely will be great sets next year, too. And hopefully a Tantive 4 in minifig scale, too, which already alone would surely cost 100-150 Euros. And I'm really looking forward to (hopefully) see a post office, a bank and some Factory Western sets. And there surely will be a great train, too. And ... and ... On the other hand the DS is so amazing that it surely would be a shame to not get it . I don't know what to do. Any offers ? Perhaps somebody who would like to give me 400 Euros as a present ? Klaus-Dieter
June 18, 200816 yr This'll be my piggy bank after I've bought all of this new lego. He He... I know what you mean That's why I will only get most of The Clone Wars sets because I don't have loads of money to spare.
June 18, 200816 yr This'll be my piggy bank after I've bought all of this new lego. Your still has bones? I sold those to afford the clone wars sets.
June 18, 200816 yr Firstly I must says that this set is amazing. It has many rooms and a massive 24 minifigures. I think the minifigures are1. Stormtrooper Luke 2. Stormtrooper Han 3. Chewie 4. Princess leia (I'm not sure how it's spelt) 5. R2-D2 *new head piece print* 6. C-3P0 *new gold colour* 7. Obi-Wan 8. Luke *episode IV outfit* 9. Han Solo 10. Luke *episode VI* 11. Black Death Star Trooper type person X2 12. Stormtrooper X2 13. Darth Vader *new torso* 14. Grand Moff Tarkin 15. The Emperor 16. Imperial red guard X2 17. Torture/ Interrogation droid 18. Black Protocol droid *new minifig I think* 19. Black Astro droid *possible redesign* 20. Mouse droid 21. IG-88 type droid I have noticed many levers and gears on this set, i'm sure these do interesting tasks e.g. closing doors Haha you made a fantastic point there! It's like when we get a set title, and we go mad listing possible minifig rosters, only to be left disappointed. Here they went insane, and covered all possible aspects! Also, nothing wrong with a little interactivity! Now then.. money! I'm doomed in this department, being a British Student. Especially since I just blew all my money on a Crisis Core PSP after paying for my World Challenge trip.. but I shall persevere! I'll doubt this'll be sold out any time soon, considering the price range . -- Andrex
June 18, 200816 yr I totally agree with you, Led ZePPelin! It's incontestable a :wub: set but the price is really :sad: ! I always thought that Lego's thought is to release sets which (nearly) everybody is aible to buy. But with this one . Hopefully TLG won't release more sets in the price class like this one - otherwise I'll have to stop collecting Lego (Star Wars) which would be really . I think I'll wait for information and pics on the sets of the first half of next year - and then I probably will not buy the DS (nevertheless) . Why only did TLG include those "old" minifigs of Han, C-3PO, R2, Chewie, IG-88 and Luke (two minifigs). Not that I don't like them - they are really nice - but including these minfigs rises the price. I'd have prefered to get the DS with less rooms and less minfigs - but for maximum 250 Euros (which wouldn't be cheap nevertheless)! Klaus-Dieter Edited June 18, 200816 yr by Klaus-Dieter
June 18, 200816 yr I'm happy with the additional minifigs, being such a big fan of the OT. I missed out on most new sets containing the main character minifigs, so this is an ideal opportunity for me to get them all in one go. They fit, and all the scenes make it a complete and interesting set. Yes it's expensive, but I.. just love all the content! -- Andrex
June 18, 200816 yr It's like when we get a set title, and we go mad listing possible minifig rosters, only to be left disappointed. -- Andrex I used to look down on the people who do that. Who's wily now?! Do we know if this is the final final design/minifigs? Are they really putting all those rare figs from the UCS MF in there?
June 18, 200816 yr Bugger me! I've just got back from holiday to find this. Incredible. I've skipped over all the pages between the first and last so I hope I've not missed anything important (still got 12 new EB pages to check)
June 18, 200816 yr Ohh. OHHHHHH! That is an amazing set. Seriously, that is the best collection I've ever seen. The list of adventures goes on and on, and look at that cast of characters. This would be a definitebuy for me, but $399.99 USD . . . :sing: :sing: Oh man! I don't have NEARLY enough! Besides, it's what, 2,000 pieces at most? Even with all it includes, $400?! Not even $300?! Oh my lord! Oh dear! Even so, I :wub: :wub: :wub: this set. Hear me? it! Edited June 18, 200816 yr by Adam
June 18, 200816 yr Ohh. OHHHHHH! That is an amazing set. Seriously, that is the best collection I've ever seen. The list of adventures goes on and on, and look at that cast of characters. This would be a definitebuy for me, but . . . :sing: :sing: Oh man! I don't have NEARLY enough! Besides, it's what, 2,000 pieces at most? Even with all it includes, $400?! Not even $300?! Oh my lord! Oh dear! Even so, I :wub: :wub: :wub: this set. Hear me? it! It's got 3803 pieces, apparently.
June 18, 200816 yr It's got 3803 pieces, apparently. That explains a few things! Edited June 18, 200816 yr by Adam
June 18, 200816 yr It's got 3803 pieces, apparently. Still, TLC has the Death Star II slotted as having over five thousand and it's only 270 bucks. But all the new minifigs makes it worth it. For me.
June 18, 200816 yr Interesting note - it appears that lego has been nice and decided to include chrome saber hilts! I guess the mentality is "Why not go the whole hog and chrome the lightsabers? Its a special edition." hooray for the return of chrome to Star Wars.
June 18, 200816 yr Still, TLC has the Death Star II slotted as having over five thousand and it's only 270 bucks. But all the new minifigs makes it worth it. For me. The hell? DSII only has 3417 pieces. The Falcon, the biggest LEGO set ever, has 5195 and clocks in at $500
June 19, 200816 yr Yeah, but the UCS Death Star II was just plates and technic bricks, for the most part. This has minifigs[/b]
June 19, 200816 yr Since I am a lego master and have so much lego, it took up all the space in my room, I will have to make more space for this set. Does this set really coast $400usd? If, that is a lot but will be worth it!
June 19, 200816 yr Author Compare it to the Giant Castle Chess Set, also coming out about the same time - $US199.99 for 2481 pieces - and hundreds of those are just black/ white tiles. Say 10188 was also a non-licensed set - for 3500 approx pieces you'd maybe throw on another $100. (Although last year's 10181 has 3,428 and is also $199.99 but maybe the price is lower as the pieces are large amounts of the same brick, no figs) It wouldn't surprise me if the license threw on another $100, just as a round figure (I have no idea what the terms of the license are; I doubt they're that high, but TLC just seems to prefer round figures when it comes to the supersized sets - probably working on the basis that if someone is paying $350 for a set, they probably want it so much that an extra $50 isn't going to stop them). I also suspect that in 07 the Republic Gunship would have been a $USD99.99 set and the market has changed since then. Eg, despite the disparity between the US price of the 7662 MTT and the new Gunship, the UK price (79.99 GBP) is the same for both.
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