July 27, 200816 yr so if you do I know the late news. but I saw this box at the lego store and quickly made pictures of but I do not buy this set ga he is too expensive on the content
July 27, 200816 yr so if you do I know the late news. but I saw this box at the lego store and quickly made pictures of but I do not buy this set ga he is too expensive on the content Too much for what you get? I guess everyone's entitled...
August 11, 200816 yr hey i have already preorderd this thing, best set ever. any questions i know a whole lot.
August 11, 200816 yr The throne room scene comes with cuffs and the Emperor's force lightning - thats a ridiculous level of detail God bless Lego ..and hurrah for the fact I ordered this set at the reduced (i.e American) price
August 11, 200816 yr The throne room scene comes with cuffs and the Emperor's force lightning - thats a ridiculous level of detailGod bless Lego ..and hurrah for the fact I ordered this set at the reduced (i.e American) price Dammit, good for you. Reviews are a good thing, notch notch if You know what I mean So make one for the rest of us, when you get it.
August 13, 200816 yr hey i have already preorderd this thing, best set ever. any questions i know a whole lot. I know the vader can fit in the mini tie. Can he sit in there or does he have to lie flat?
August 13, 200816 yr After seeing images of this thing on Jediinsider, I am going to have to figure out how to buy this thing under the radar of the future Missus. Seeing as I bought her a big engagement ring, I think I will pull it off.
August 16, 200816 yr Seems like someone got this set early after all . Death Star pics Simply amazing .
August 16, 200816 yr Wow, now that's what i call hi-res pictures. I'll buy this set right away, but i already decided for the giant castle chess set. Sorry, you must wait until next year death star
August 16, 200816 yr I know the vader can fit in the mini tie. Can he sit in there or does he have to lie flat? He doesnt fit in there If you use your head its fairly obvious....
August 16, 200816 yr Seems like someone got this set early after all .Death Star pics Simply amazing . Thanks Dark Rebellion! Im hoping mine will be here in a week or so. I would love to do a review when I can....
August 17, 200816 yr He doesnt fit in thereIf you use your head its fairly obvious.... According to the pdf of the Death Star building instructions, Darth Vader DOES fit in the TIE Fighter, and he sits, he doesn't even need to lie down... Nonetheless, it looks pretty stupid, and the cockpit window is actually blocked by a black 4x4 round plate directly behind the windscreen, so you can't see Darth Vader in there.
August 23, 200816 yr I wish to ask a question - how Han, Luke, Chewy and Leia jump's to trash compactor? Yes, I saw a hole between 1-st and 2-nd floor, but with what help of the mechanism? May be it : ???
August 25, 200816 yr This photo is from the Flickr album mentioned a few days ago: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pac_man/27920...57606751482940/ Does the color of Han Solo's shirt & sleeves look a little off to anybody else? The sleeves appear to be the same color as Obi-Wan's outfit behind him, and the shirt on his torso looks to have a green tint -- even the flesh area appears a little green-ish. I haven't had an Episode IV Han since the Mos Eisley Cantina set in 2004 (which I only had for about 3 mos. before selling it -- at a loss. Dammit!); is this how LEGO originally designed this minifig? After looking at all the other photos on Flickr, I can't wait to own this set. The trick is trying to save up for it and clearing a big enough work area (and clearing my calendar) to allow me to build it.
September 2, 200816 yr He doesnt fit in thereIf you use your head its fairly obvious.... Well genius, saw this at the Lego store today and Vader does fit in there. In fact, he sits up. I use my head lots throughout the course of day. Not sure what you are using.....
September 3, 200816 yr The Death Star set looks so good! A bit pricey though (very large understatement). I don't know if anyone has posted this yet, but the Death Star set is on the Replacement Parts page http://us.service.lego.com/en-US/replaceme...ts/default.aspx Just type in 10188 and VOILA!!! J
September 3, 200816 yr Is it normal that S@H wants 400€ before they bring my DS to the post office, when I ordered it for 300€ at July first? I think, I will call them for that tomorrow. The callcenter is now closed... Nice partlist. They even packed a megaphone in the set.^^
September 3, 200816 yr Is it normal that S@H wants 400€ before they bring my DS to the post office, when I ordered it for 300€ at July first?I think, I will call them for that tomorrow. The callcenter is now closed... Nice partlist. They even packed a megaphone in the set.^^ I got the same email, even though i ordered at the lower price I suspect its just a automatic email to everyone - after all we have the recipt, they cant change the price now
September 3, 200816 yr Must be a mistake. I've heard that they will ship to all who paid the reduced price. Call them and ask... Perhaps you'll get a "Ooops, sorry" bonus offer?
September 4, 200816 yr Does anyone know how long this set is likely to be avaliable (based on the other USC sets that have been released). I really want to buy it but i have to save up first ><
September 4, 200816 yr Is it normal that S@H wants 400€ before they bring my DS to the post office, when I ordered it for 300€ at July first? Yeah, that's normal, don't worry about it. I got the same message but then checked my credit card and I've been billed for the correct (much cheaper) amount.
September 4, 200816 yr Yes, it was a mistake. So, the Death Star costs 299.99€ and will arrive next week. I can just imagine the postman carring the box on his back to my house.^^
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