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So two of the Obi-Wan figs are listed with printed cloak. I hope if it's like the one on Ep IV Obi-Wan they go the extra mile with side printing or dual molding because the unfinished look of that fig looks bad at any angle that isn't head on. The representation of Ep II Obi-Wan with cloak in The Skywalker Saga Game is designed like it was dual molded. (Not saying that the game is indicative of how the actual fig will be done)

The UCS Razor Crest rumor persists. As cool as the set could be, it would have to essentially come with MBS level of good / new figs for me to shell out that kind of money for it when I have a perfectly decent play-scale representation of the ship. If it has literally every detail the ship has in an interior maybe I'd get it. I still feel like either the price or the ship are wrong.

Edited by Archer

-AT-TE sounds like an excellent set. I'm glad for you guys, and personally I hope next year we get a 212th battlepack, with 3 troopers and a new airborne.

-The P2 helmet finally has holes. So many possibilities!

-Both Obi wan sets sounds very cool.


So this year, we're getting three long overdue characters/designs: a Kaminoan, P2-Cody and Aunt Beru. A remarkable achievement!



I hope Taun We doesn't end up being too expensive to buy separately. I definitely would like to get a Kaminoan at some point, but I already have the Starfighter + Hyperdrive Ring from a couple of years ago, so the new starfighter probably won't do anything for me. Then again, I might just wait since the fact that they are willing to make a Kaminoan head mold at all suggests that Lego will probably give us at least one more eventually. 

This wave is shaping up very nicely with quite a few desirable figures and builds, I'm really looking forward to it! 

3 hours ago, HatBricks said:

The Scythe coming with 3 inquisitors is perfect! Sounds like the 5th brother brings back his armor piece, but the worlding of the article is a bit confusing in regards to the grand inquisitors armor, but given the prominent mention of armor piece, it sounds like it's back for him too. a unique Obi-wan is just icing on the cake at this point.


Speaking German kind of fluent I can tell you at least they describe the Grand Inquisitor and the female Inquisitor to only have printed armor and capes. The 5th brother is said to bring a shoulder piece. If it's the same from his former version in the AT-ST - they don't say but would make sense, as the mold was perfect and not that old.

A shame - the last Inquisitor had 2 of the greatest molds (printed shoulder armor + dual molded helmet) SW ever did.

Oh and unfortunate they don't use minidolls for Kaminoans. Would have been such an awesome crossover/reuse of perfect existing pieces.

Edited by Kim-Kwang-Seok

Do my eyes deceive me? Are we finally getting a Phase 2 Cody? Seriously though this wave sounds pretty good. It’s good to see we’re getting all 3 Inquisitors here plus a Kaminoan minifigure. I actually wish the Justifier has been a location based set like Tipoca City from Kamino especially since we’re getting Obi Wan’s starfighter.

My order finally arrived, and I was a little surprised by the promos. The polybag AT-ST looks stupid, but I think that's more so just the Hoth AT-ST in general looking dorky to me. It's got nice parts and it's free, so I'm not complaining. The Beskar keychain was really surprising. Upon opening the package, I was a little surprised how small it was, from all the images I'd seen for some reason I thought it was about the size of a credit card, but any size concerns were quickly taken away by the quality. It's metal, it's got some heft to it, and it looks great! I'm glad I got it. I'm keeping the Beru one sealed, but it looks nice.

The only standard sets I've built from my order so far are the final 2 snowtrooper packs I needed, so there wasn't much new there, although I managed to get a halfway decent MTV-7 out of some of the parts. I'm very excited to start my Yoda's training set, it looks so good. The box art is superb. (Actually, that reminds me, there was a printing issue on the box of one of my snowtrooper packs, which I'd never see before. The thumb punch out thing was printed above where it actually was.)

3 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Having all three Inquisitors in a single set is awesome, and poncho Kenobi will be great and unique.

36 minutes ago, Tariq j said:

It’s good to see we’re getting all 3 Inquisitors here plus a Kaminoan minifigure.

Fourth Sister: Am I a joke to you? :tongue: 

The two Kenobi sets are definitely the most interesting ones to me :thumbup: I hope we get at least another one next year to fill in some of the gaps, like that cute droid from the trailer! 

I really don’t like the price of Cad Bane’s ship with that thin minifigure lineup. On the other hand I like the price of the Inquisitor ship a lot better with that set’s minifigure lineup.

1 hour ago, BrickBob Studpants said:


The two Kenobi sets are definitely the most interesting ones to me :thumbup: I hope we get at least another one next year to fill in some of the gaps, like that cute droid from the trailer! 

Which droid are you referring to from the trailer? 

Oh by the way this might be some bad news, but the way promobricks describes the new helmets the holes aren’t where most think. They aren’t on the side portion like the phase one helmets, it’s actually in the indents above those and Cody uses the original sunvisor piece in orange with the pegs clipping into those holes. So the helmet won’t work for Rex, it’s more catered specifically to Cody and other commanders.

Edited by FoggyFate

1 hour ago, FoggyFate said:

Oh by the way this might be some bad news, but the way promobricks describes the new helmets the holes aren’t where most think. They aren’t on the side portion like the phase one helmets, it’s actually in the indents above those and Cody uses the original sunvisor piece in orange with the pegs clipping into those holes. So the helmet won’t work for Rex, it’s more catered specifically to Cody and other commanders.

That is definitely unfortunate if that's the case, but I also wouldn't be too worried about Rex. He's probably the second-most popular character to originate from one of the animated Star Wars shows, and he also has the added benefit of (most likely) still featuring in future Star Wars media. I would be more surprised if we don't see him again, especially if he ends up being important in future seasons of the Bad Batch.

1 hour ago, FoggyFate said:

Oh by the way this might be some bad news, but the way promobricks describes the new helmets the holes aren’t where most think. They aren’t on the side portion like the phase one helmets, it’s actually in the indents above those and Cody uses the original sunvisor piece in orange with the pegs clipping into those holes. So the helmet won’t work for Rex, it’s more catered specifically to Cody and other commanders.

That actually makes a lot of sense, if the holes were placed on the indents directly it looks like it would be too wide to accommodate a sun visor piece. I think it won’t detract too much from the look of an antenna on a clone though and I still hope we get a Rex with that mold in the future.

Most of these sets sound pretty good overall with decent minifigure lineups, but I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to do a big flagship set of Cad Bane's very unimportant ship. I mean on the one hand, cool that they're giving the big set treatment to random new material, but on the other hand... Venator? Anything else actually important and memorable? The minfigure lineup of that set is also pretty slim for such a big one.

I'm sceptical of the diorama-like treatment of the Obi-Wan vs Vader set, but that might be more to do with thinking that the idea of an Obi-Wan vs Vader showdown is an absolutely terrible story decision. The set itself sounds pretty good and perhaps could be repurposed into a proper RotS Mustafar battle.

I'm sad no Joel Edgerton Owen at this point either, but maybe there's more to come.

26 minutes ago, Clone OPatra said:

Most of these sets sound pretty good overall with decent minifigure lineups, but I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to do a big flagship set of Cad Bane's very unimportant ship. I mean on the one hand, cool that they're giving the big set treatment to random new material, but on the other hand... Venator? Anything else actually important and memorable? The minfigure lineup of that set is also pretty slim for such a big one.

I strongly suspect that they're betting on (and/or have inside information about) it playing a more prominent role in S2 of Bad Batch. And they've also got the tie-in with Cad Bane having just appeared in TBoBF; even though the ship itself didn't show up there, he's a desirable character right now and anything connected to him will get a bump too.

6 minutes ago, Kdapt-Preacher said:

I strongly suspect that they're betting on (and/or have inside information about) it playing a more prominent role in S2 of Bad Batch. And they've also got the tie-in with Cad Bane having just appeared in TBoBF; even though the ship itself didn't show up there, he's a desirable character right now and anything connected to him will get a bump too.

Full disclosure... I'd never heard of Cad Bane before BoBF and still don't know much about him or his ship. I'm just starting up the Clone Wars series and am loving it, but have a long way to go to get to the Bad Batch, Rebels, etc., which also means a long way to go before I get to know Cad Bane enough to want this ship. The Justifier does seem obscure to me, but I would have to think LEGO is confident enough in a ton of fans who have seen far more than I have and will want the ship.

41 minutes ago, Clone OPatra said:

Most of these sets sound pretty good overall with decent minifigure lineups, but I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to do a big flagship set of Cad Bane's very unimportant ship. I mean on the one hand, cool that they're giving the big set treatment to random new material, but on the other hand... Venator? Anything else actually important and memorable? The minfigure lineup of that set is also pretty slim for such a big one.

Pure speculation, but if a UCS Venator was in development for an upcoming release, that could be the reason for no playscale version this time around to go alongside the other Prequel sets.

16 minutes ago, mirkwoodspiders said:

Full disclosure... I'd never heard of Cad Bane before BoBF and still don't know much about him or his ship. I'm just starting up the Clone Wars series and am loving it, but have a long way to go to get to the Bad Batch, Rebels, etc., which also means a long way to go before I get to know Cad Bane enough to want this ship. The Justifier does seem obscure to me, but I would have to think LEGO is confident enough in a ton of fans who have seen far more than I have and will want the ship.

It is obscure, for sure--Cad Bane featured prominently in TCW, but the Justifier was new in Bad Batch, so it's only ever actually appeared in one episode so far. It's not the most obscure thing they've made from those shows (that's still the Wookiee gunship, which got not one but two sets out of less than five seconds of screen time in Rebels), but it's up there, and I do think it's fair to say that basically nobody today has any particular attachment to it (or even would recognize it out of context, probably). That's why I think that besides a general feeling that this is a good time to have a Cad Bane figure available, they're probably counting on the ship featuring more prominently later. Bad Batch Season 2 is supposedly coming later this year, so depending on exactly when the Justifier set is released it may well coincide with that.

I just rewatched the Cad banes scenes from Bad Batch. I forgot how many pieces of armor he had in that show, even more than in CW. I hope they give him Beskar Mando / BoBF Boba level printing for his arms because that will only be the bare minimum needed to do him justice. 

Even with the seemingly small amount of figs being offered in the set, between Cad, Todo, and Omega there could be 3-5 new moulds required. It depends how they do Todo and whether or not the mould for bane's respirator were destroyed.

8 hours ago, THELEGOBATMAN said:

I meant it in this context :wink:

Fair enough :laugh:

9 hours ago, Batman1 said:

Which droid are you referring to from the trailer? 

The one that looks like a flying saucer (1:06 in the trailer) :classic:


8 hours ago, FoggyFate said:

Oh by the way this might be some bad news, but the way promobricks describes the new helmets the holes aren’t where most think. They aren’t on the side portion like the phase one helmets, it’s actually in the indents above those and Cody uses the original sunvisor piece in orange with the pegs clipping into those holes. So the helmet won’t work for Rex, it’s more catered specifically to Cody and other commanders.

Wait, where did you see this? I can't find it on their articles or instagram.

1 hour ago, Clone OPatra said:

Most of these sets sound pretty good overall with decent minifigure lineups, but I still don't understand who thought it was a good idea to do a big flagship set of Cad Bane's very unimportant ship. I mean on the one hand, cool that they're giving the big set treatment to random new material, but on the other hand... Venator? Anything else actually important and memorable? The minfigure lineup of that set is also pretty slim for such a big one.

Yeah, exactly. A set that big needs to either be something iconic, great value, or have a lot of great figures. The justifier really doesn't have any of that. Bane's great and all, but for a $160 set, you might as well just buy the duros head from the rebel battle pack in 2015, some generic cowboy hat and trenchcoat torso, and be on your way for like $6.


Just finished the dagobah set...it's my new favorite set, beating out 2020's bespin duel. It looks INCREDIBLE, is pretty good value for $80 (sure, most of the 1000 parts are smaller, but despite being so dense it's also pretty sizable), it's just a great set. There are some awesome techniques like using different colors under the trans-green tiles to make the water look shallower by the shore, and white plates under the tiles by the x-wing to make it look like there's more of it underneath. The figures are great too, and while a force ghost ben would have been nice, it's definately not necessary. I cannot WAIT to get more of these in the future. I wasn't planning on getting the other two, but after this one, I might have to get the trench run.

Edited by Mandalorianknight

2 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

I'm sad no Joel Edgerton Owen at this point either, but maybe there's more to come.

I think based on how they've handled TV shows in the past, there's a strong possibility that we get one more set at some point after the show is released.  The only reason that might not happen is that the show is only six episodes (TBoBF was seven, but it also tied into the Mandalorian, so the N-1 is sort of a Mando set more than anything), but it'd definitely be nice to get a set with young Owen and Beru.  

1 hour ago, mirkwoodspiders said:

Full disclosure... I'd never heard of Cad Bane before BoBF and still don't know much about him or his ship. I'm just starting up the Clone Wars series and am loving it, but have a long way to go to get to the Bad Batch, Rebels, etc., which also means a long way to go before I get to know Cad Bane enough to want this ship. The Justifier does seem obscure to me, but I would have to think LEGO is confident enough in a ton of fans who have seen far more than I have and will want the ship.

While I like Cad Bane's character, having watched all of the shows, I still think this is puzzling.  He's most prominent in TCW, had a couple of appearances in Bad Batch, and that's really it other than expanded universe stuff.  It's possible that the ship and/or Cad Bane have a larger role in S2, because I know that's happened before with seemingly perplexing choices of sets/minifigures that turn out to make perfect sense once the show/movie actually comes out.

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