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The Inquisitor ship looks like it could be a great build. Lots of angles, will be interesting to see how it all goes together. Also great to see how much interior space there is, I was initially thinking it could be like the Knights of Ren transport, just an exterior shell, or the interior all taken up by technic beams to hold the outer shell together. And it's so black! Light just falls into it.

I'm not a Brickheadz fan but the Vader one looks good; I think the issue with Obi-Wan is just the style used in that theme which necessitates a massive forehead. Reminds me of similar issues with the Constraction figures, where helmeted or robotic characters looked much better than those with human facial features.

1 hour ago, Mandalorianknight said:

I'm glad they put a kaminoan in the set, what else would you want it to be in? A $30 set that hasn't been released since 2017, and not at a sub-$100 price point since 2002, isn't bad IMO.

As for the orange hair thing...I dunno. On the one hand, it's lego, and I don't need photo accuracy. On the other hand...it is pretty orange. For a character like Cal, where he's got reddish hair, I think the orange is is fine, but for obi-wan, I think you may be right. Especially for the kenobi sets, like seriously, his hair is "nougat" at that point.

Oh I didn't necessarily mean the thing about packaging a desirable figure with a starfighter in a negative light. It's just a grand tradition, that's all. It's happened with the Gungan Sub and A-Wings and Y-Wings and X-Wings and even already with Jedi Starfighters too. I don't reasonably expect LEGO to do any Kamino scene as a playset, and this figure fits the actual "scene" more than many have before.

Brown. I always have and always will want Obi-Wan's hair to be basic old reddish brown. It shines a little lighter and little orsnge-ish depending on the lighting, but the dude still has brown hair. And if not full on brown, then nougat if I'm being generous, or the new medium brown. But it's always going to stay orange.

I have to say, I'm warming up to the Scythe as well. The minfigures are definitely excellent.
Too bad about Obi-Wan's hair still being orange, though. I get why it's that color for PT Obi-Wan, but in the trailer for the upcoming series it definitely looks darker brown...

The starfighter, on the other hand, I'm still not fond of.
In my opinion, it looks too much like a Delta 7B Aethersprite from TCW than the flatter version Obi-Wan flies in AotC, which I'm currently watching.
Ah well, what do you do, I guess. 

I'll continue eagerly awaiting pictures of the Obi-Wan vs. Darth Vader set :sweet: 


I didn’t get the 2017 Delta 7, so I don’t know if this works with either one, but to people who have that set, does removing the part that covers R4’s body and putting R4’s head on it make it look like a Delta 7b from the Clone Wars or does it look really ugly?

The Scythe is a brilliant brilliant set. One extra figure probably was needed, but in truth it’s not the end of the world. 

The Starfighter, has excellent minifgures. I love Taun We, and Kenobi is a nice change. However, I am not happy with the Starfighter. I do not understand the obsession with making the cockpit higher to accommodate the Astromech body. I’m really disappointed because the ship is so good in universe! It needs to be flatter, let alone more pointy at the front. 

It could be a case that in person the set looks better, but the pictures don’t look good. I remember the 2017 version was ridiculed and then people slowly appreciated it.

Both sets are available for pre-order now.

Glad to see that the box art from Walmart pictures was unfinished, and not an actual new design.


I take it that the 2 new Brickheadz are sold separately due to different brickheadz numbers (174, 175)? 

Edit: my bad, just saw the box. I'm not much of an expert on brickheadz to the numbers threw me off

Edited by Alpha Draconis

1 minute ago, Alpha Draconis said:

I take it that the 2 new Brickheadz are sold separately due to different brickheadz numbers (174, 175)?

No, they are just one set, 40547: Obi-Wan Kenobi & Darth Vader. I've never bought any Brickheadz so I may be incorrect, but I believe every model has a unique number, so a set that includes multiple will have a number for each.

I have to say, the more I look at the Scythe, the more I like it. I'm going to try and hold off on it until later this year, but if Kenobi ends up being good I could see myself picking it up sooner rather than later. 

6 hours ago, ArrowBricks said:

The Scythe is a brilliant brilliant set. One extra figure probably was needed, but in truth it’s not the end of the world. 

It needs to be flatter, let alone more pointy at the front. 

The Scythe really is an amazing set. An extra figure would have been nice, especially Owen, but like you said, not the end of the world.

12 hours ago, Clone OPatra said:

Brown. I always have and always will want Obi-Wan's hair to be basic old reddish brown. It shines a little lighter and little orsnge-ish depending on the lighting, but the dude still has brown hair. And if not full on brown, then nougat if I'm being generous, or the new medium brown. But it's always going to stay orange.

Yeah, reddish brown works too. I think it depends, like you say, on film/setting. Nougat I think is the best choice for episodes 2 and 3, but ep1 obi-wan's hair is so clearly reddish brown. As for the Kenobi show, I'd say nougat or even dark tan.

The starfighter looks good but also bad from some angles...I was so excited for it but...love/hate. 

I like the scythe, but will hold off and see how I like the show. Maybe can find it on discount. Great figures and build for sure. 

So the Brickheadz are not celebration exclusive then? 

Glad the boxes don't in fact have those white circles.

So Vader 100% has what looks to be red printed eyes on his helmet? I do wonder if the minifig has this or if it's just for the box design, be interesting to see them print on the helmet.

Also his torso and legs don't appear to be a new print and if this is the exact Vader we are getting he doesn't have printed arms unfortunately.

Obi Wan looks good for his Tatooine robes design, looks like we will get a hood piece with his new mullet piece in the duel set? Hope so.

Does anyone have any idea how much Taun We might cost second-hand? I definitely would like to get her, but I don't have any reason to buy the new starfighter. Typically I don't buy minifigures second-hand since I tend to find them to be too expensive, but I imagine Taun We wouldn't cost too much since the set is only $30.

I pre ordered both sets.

3 inquisitors in one go is too good to pass on, and I've been waiting years to get a Kaminoan.

Looking at the 3d views, the Grand Inquisitor and Fifth brother both have clips for their lightsabers on the back of their new armor pieces, Taun We has back printing on her dress piece (Not sure if we've even had a minifig with that before, but even if it isn't new it's still very nice) and R4 does not have back printing.

Guess that will make the back printing R2s from the dioramas extra special.

7 minutes ago, HatBricks said:

and R4 does not have back printing.

I was just about to mention that. Really, quite a shame. 

22 minutes ago, Meadius said:

Does anyone have any idea how much Taun We might cost second-hand? I definitely would like to get her, but I don't have any reason to buy the new starfighter. Typically I don't buy minifigures second-hand since I tend to find them to be too expensive, but I imagine Taun We wouldn't cost too much since the set is only $30.

There’s no real practical way to guess that at this point. As long as the set is still available from LEGO it won’t be that bad, but that’s definitely one that I could see being valuable secondhand if they don’t release another Kaminoan before the set retires, so some folks might hold onto them in anticipation of that. 

1 hour ago, Meadius said:

Does anyone have any idea how much Taun We might cost second-hand? 

IMO I wouldn't expect Taun We to ever go for less than $8 or $10 USD. Now, that would still be a savings over buying the set itself if she's truly all you care about, but I really doubt she'll go for less.

1 hour ago, HatBricks said:

 (Not sure if we've even had a minifig with that before, but even if it isn't new it's still very nice) 

The dress piece has been printed on the back loads of times.

1 hour ago, Graupensuppe said:

They could have made Taun We slightly taller by using the old 2x2x2 slope.

Her neck looks too stout, too. It doesn't capture the long, slender look of the movie character. I don't know if LEGO could have done much different, but I'm not a huge fan of the minifigure the more I look at her.

1 hour ago, mirkwoodspiders said:

Her neck looks too stout, too. It doesn't capture the long, slender look of the movie character. I don't know if LEGO could have done much different, but I'm not a huge fan of the minifigure the more I look at her.

Lego couldn't have done anything else, at least without making it a mini doll or something. Lego internally probably has some sort of standard for how thin they can make a mold and I doubt they could have made her neck any thinner without risking it's structural strength and having it break.

54 minutes ago, SillySeeker said:

Lego couldn't have done anything else, at least without making it a mini doll or something. Lego internally probably has some sort of standard for how thin they can make a mold and I doubt they could have made her neck any thinner without risking it's structural strength and having it break.

You are probably right. I figure if they could have made the neck more slender, they would have.

The Obi-Wan from the Scythe Transport will also be a perfect base for a Cal Kestis figure. All you need is a head without the beard and a shorter hairpiece (and honestly, you could get away with the same hair, even). That new poncho style will get a lot of mileage for custom figs generally.

EDIT: Also, I like that Obi-Wan's starfighter includes the communications dish that pops out of the side. That's not a huge play feature, but it's something that no previous version of the ship has had, which is pretty notable given that this is like the tenth Delta-7 to be released.

Edited by Kdapt-Preacher

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