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Set Name: The Titanic
Set Number: 10294
Price: US $629.99 | €629.99 | £569.99.
Pieces: 9090
Year of release: 2021
Dimensions: Height: 17.5 in. (44cm), Width: 6 in. (16cm), Length: 53 in. (135cm)

75192 Millennium Falcon. 75252 Imperial Star Destroyer. 10276 Colosseum. What do these sets have in common? They all fit into Lego’s largest possible (at least, currently) box size. They all promise a truly special building experience, a vast array of parts, and impressive finished product. And now, a fourth contender has entered the ring: 10294, The Titanic.

If you’re reading this review, you are most likely at least vaguely aware of the tragic yet groundbreaking ship. It was a marvel of engineering, luxury, and size. While it’s dwarfed by modern day ships, the 882’x92’ ship was miles ahead of anything during it’s time. Of course, 882 feet long is a bit too large for a LEGO set: So instead, it has been recreated at 1:200 scale (the same scale, by the way, as the Architecture Statue of Liberty). 
This set promises to break a record of its own: the longest LEGO set ever sold. It’s also the second highest parts count in a set (beaten out only by the World Map). But is it a set worth buying? Let’s dive in (pun most certainly intended) and find out. 

This set was provided by The LEGO Group for review purposes. All opinions in this review are my own and do not express those of LEGO. But as always, my main goal with these reviews is to try to showcase and to describe to you the details of the set in as much details I can so that you may form your own opinions, as everyone will have their own preferences.

The Box

As with most Lego-for-adults sets now, this set is pictured with the black backdrop and generic Lego pieces border. The ship itself dominates a large portion of the box and really stands out against the black. As mentioned above, this is one of the extra-large cube shaped boxes, and is absolutely packed to the brim with around 30 pounds of pieces. It’s quite a hefty box to lug around, and certainly feels like a product worthy of the sizable chunk of change you just spent on it. 

The rear of the box flips the ship around, showing you that no angle of this set is missing detail. Some separate detail windows give you an indication of what else this set is hiding. Don’t worry, we will get to those in time. 


Interior Boxes
As with other sets in this scale, the interior features sub-assembly boxes. This set contains three, each box using the cool black & gold blueprint style look. Each one constitutes one-third of the ship.


I don’t want to make this review too repetitive, so allow me to show you how the instructions are packaged in box one. As with some other large-scale sets, they are packaged in a cardboard sleeve to keep them pristine. Each of the three sub-assembly boxes includes an instruction booklet (though, only this one comes with the plastic flags. The other boxes include only instructions.) I'll be honest, I'm disappointed that the set doesn't come with the premium spiral-bound booklet like the UCS Star Wars sets, though I suppose they opted to prioritize the potential group building aspect. 

Info Pages
Like other adult oriented sets, each booklet contains some images of the real Titanic ship. You will also find random fun facts about the ship (and usually based on the element you are building at that moment) spread throughout the building pages of the books.

Building Pages
The building pages are featured on a gray backdrop. Overall, I find the instructions are decent as far as showing you want needs to go where for the most part. I noticed one error with the piece-callouts where a plate was ignored in one step and doubled in the next, and it can often be tough to tell the difference between dark red and brown. 

Brick Separators
It’s also worth noting that every single box contains a brick separator. That’s right, three in one set. I wondered what the purpose of this was. However, it seems to me that part of the intent here is that this set could be built as a family/friends exercise – everyone could work on their own sub-assembly box, with their own instructions and own brick separator. 

New or Interesting Pieces
Before we head into this section, keep in mind that this set has 9090 pieces, it’s often difficult to research the parts before the sets are revealed/on Bricklink, and with the growing number of elements and LEGO sets available, I definitely may have missed some potentially interesting pieces. As always, if you see something of interest that I didn’t see, let me know in the comments.

The set features three flags, printed on flexible plastic. It’s worth noting that the White Star pennant, French ensign, and the Royal mail pennant are not present here. I don’t believe the French flag was flown during its maiden voyage from what I have read, and I would guess that perhaps there were licensing issues related to the pennants, which is why they were excluded.

No stickers are included in this set. Naturally, this means that the few areas where the Titanic actually had its name listed are indeed printed. 


There’s also some printed slopes included, these will be necessary to finish the singular yellow stripe that wraps around the entire ship.
51546223627_7d2522a892_w.jpg 51547030856_8be14db987_w.jpg

1)    2x4 bricks with three axle holes. Looks like they are new in brown.
2)    Gold three-blade propellers without the axle-shaped hole in the middle. 
3)    Some varying dark red pieces. 
4)    White short pneumatic connectors and Exo-Force robot hands.
5)    Black 4x4 smokestack topper (Edit: new in black for this set, thanks to Lyichir for pointing it out). Also, bright light orange lightsaber hilts, 4l lightsaber bars, and 1x1 studs with posts. 
6)    22L and 47L (?) flex tubes in white

The Build
Section 1: Bow and Well Deck

Here we go, starting in on a 9090 piece journey. We begin with the bow, which immediately throws us into some of the more complicated angles of the ship. In general, the ship is built upwards, with the sides being built with varying SNOT techniques. You can see the beginning of some of those methods here. 

The build continues up. The actual deck of the entire ship uses a variety of interesting techniques, combining traditional tiles with unique SNOT builds to achieve some of the small details. Here you can see some bricks with technic pins are carefully arranged to later allow surface details to be added. 

Lower Windows
Okay, let’s cut to the chase. This set gets repetitive. Yes, there’s variations to each section in where bricks are laid down, but once you’ve built the first section or two, you’ll basically understand how many of the basic design components of the rest of the set will come together. With this in mind, I’m going to be showing you some fundamental build techniques that the set uses (but won’t show you every instance of it). The build pictured above represents some of the small round windows for the black parts of the hull is replicated with similar building techniques for numerous parts of the ship. 


As you can see, this set offers a valuable historical lesson: the Titanic’s anchors were made of hot dogs. 

Completed Bow and Well Deck
We add on the forward mast, cargo hatches & cranes, as well as the anchor crane. 

Section 2: Bridge and Funnel
We begin work on section 2; as you saw from the box, while we are building this set in 6 sections, there will be three main segments total. Between each of those sections, you will see a “slice” of the interior. Here we begin to see the interior detail, starting with the engine furnaces. 


Interior Rooms
Here you can see we start to build more of the interior sliced rooms. This particular segment of the ship will build up the grand staircase. You can also see half of the ship’s swimming pool. Again, this is a part of the build that you’ll do a lot. Sure, not every room is the same design, but the same principle; you build up the center portion (which, you can see under the staircase pieces has holes to eventually hold a locking mechanism), put down some tiles and pieces to represent the varying rooms and whatnot, and then some small doors are used to represent walls without being too thick.

On the other side, you can see the rest of the ship is built with pretty simplistic bricks to later allow the sides of the ship to snap into place. 

Like I mentioned earlier, you can see we get into some repetition here with more of those small window builds. We add on some 1x2 bricks with technic holes to represent larger windows. Then, we build some stacks of tiles to be slotted in sideways to represent yet another shape of window. Once again, you’ll see these techniques represented a lot throughout the ship (layering those little tiles gets pretty tedious. Then again, I was building this set at lightning speeds to get the review prepared, so I’m sure building at a more reasonable pace won’t be as bad). 

First Funnel Base

Section Two Complete
The funnel is then added to the top. The bridge can also be seen here. 

Hull Siding
Next we move on the merging sections 1 and 2. To do this, we need to fill in the missing hull sections. If you’re like me and find laying down tiles satisfying, you’ll love the sections like these that use massive slabs of 2x6 tiles. 

Here’s another thing that I’ll show you once, but bear in mind you’ll build four more of these later in the build. These are the stands to actually keep the ship elevated. They are well built and sturdy, though unfortunately, the brown plastic has quite a bit of color variation. Granted, it’s exaggerated under my studio lighting, but if you display your sets in brightly-lit Moducases or the like, that’s a problem that will persist.  


Segment 1 Complete
And here we go, the first third of the ship is complete! I’m going to handle this review a little differently than traditionally. This set is a journey, distinctly split into three portions. As such, we are going to take a look at each part before we move on to final product. 


And to start, let’s look at the size. Here we have it compared to my most recent review, the T2 Camper van. I could have chosen any number of sets here, but I wanted to go with something that’s likely on display at your local Lego store right now so that you have a vague idea of what size I am using in comparison here. The rear bumper has been lined up with the rearmost portion of this segment, so you can see the length and height differential. What’s important here is that this section (which is the smallest third of the ship) is already truly large. 


Front View
Spoiler alert: This set is big. Very big. Very long. And it absolutely does not fit in my photo studio by the end of this review. As a result, it was near impossible for me to even get a photo of the finished model from head on. But once I did, I realized that it looked no different that just looking at this front section head on, since the rear of the ship doesn’t get any wider than this, and thus isn’t visible. So, here is basically your front view of the ship. 

Rear Cross Section
Here we can see all of the rooms and floors that have been built up. Again, a main focus here is that the grand staircase is prominently featured though the centermost portion.


Section 3: Funnel and Main Cabins
As we move to the next section, we start off with the coal bunkers. I particularly like how they constructed the microscale ladders and walkways down here. 

We continue to add floors upward. A few things to note here: first, this section and the next are quite square in design, so they don’t require the same angled constructs like the previous sections. Another thing, this slice we are building will directly meet up with the one constructed in Segment 1. While you can’t actually see the two edges of the ship once combined, you can see that this is mean to be the “other side” of the floor, as we can see the other half of the pool built here. 

Hull Walls
You then start building up the sides of this section which utilize similar techniques as we saw in the previous segment, attached with some simple side-mounted studs. Nothing crazy complicated here, but it involved building a lot of small, repetitive construct to make those small windows.

More Windows
Like I said, you’re going to start noticing some repetition. You build up the walls with the small windows, add on the columns of stacked tiles, the 1x2 bricks with technic holes, etc. Outside of the slices floors on this side, this cubic build mainly just exists to support the sides and decks on top. 


Upper portions added
We then add on the deck detailing above including some lifeboats, the grand staircase skylight, as well as the second funnel (again built with similar techniques as we saw previously.)

Section 4: Funnel and Compass
Okay so I skipped ahead a lot here because, well, there’s really not much to show you that hasn’t been seen already. It’s another very square structure, and in fact has quite a few less floors for the interior sliced view, since the lower section will house a portion of the ship’s engines (to be built later). Outside of that, it uses basically a lot of the same builds as the previous section. 

Locking Key
Here we have one of the two keys that we will build. The purpose of this is simple: this is what will connect segment 1 and 2 together (you build another one later to connect segment three). It’s basically an axle that drops through the ship, connecting the “sliced” floor segments we have built previous. It also features a bit of the deck on top.

Segment 2 Complete
Here we have it, sections 3 and 4 combined together. I’ll be honest, this was probably my least favorite “third” of the build. As I said, it’s very squared off, which basically means it’s just a less interesting variant of what we do for the first and third segments of the ship. That’s no fault of Lego, by any means, as it’s built exactly as it needs to be. But just an observation. 
I should mention, that once you put these two sections together, you permanently affix them together with further plates as you can see. While you can pretty easily split the ship into it’s three main segments, it’s not really easy to split it further into it’s six individual sections that you build up, without significant disassembly. 
Also, by the way, the ship’s main compass is situated up on top between the two funnels.

Segment 2 Size Comparison
Bringing our old friend the T2 back again, we can see how this section compares. It’s not quite as long as the previous segment, but definitely significantly thicker.  

Cross Sections:
Here’s the two cross sections in their entirety. Not much to say here that hasn’t been said already. I have to say, when it comes to micro build stuff like this, do I think it looks the best? No. Do I think it’s a cool little “party trick” to add some dimension to the set? Yes, absolutely. I wish sets like the UCS Star Destroyer had interior features like this, so I definitely appreciate the inclusion, even if it takes a bit of imagination stretching. 

Segments 1 and 2 together
First, ignore the backwards flag; perhaps the Titanic found itself in a tornado, causing the flags to flip every which way. In any event, we now have the first two segments combined together, with the locking key dropped in. At this point, this set is now officially stretching the width limits of my photo setup, and we still have the longest segment yet still to go. So, uh, things will get dicey, needless to say. 

Section 5: Funnel & Engine Room
As we dive into box 3, things get back to being interesting. We start off building up some of the set’s basic function: the engines/electrical plant will “power” the rear propellers of the ship. I say this very loosely. For example, you can see the construction above of the gears that are then hidden within a cylinder. This will directly be connected to the central propeller, but there isn’t really any proper activation of this function. Rather, this is a sort of feature where you know it’s there only because you built it.


Exterior detailing
Aaaand it’s back to the usual formula here. 


Section 6: Stern and Well Deck
Section 6 is definitely one of the most unique, as here we have some complicated shaping and the rear propellers. As you can see, these are basically straight-shafted in such a way to where they will connect to the axles we had established in the previous section. 


Hull Components
The hull takes on some interesting shapes here, and also must be built in such a way to wrap around the propeller constructs. 

Here you can see some of the unique rounded deck shaping taking place. As well, you can see how these microscale benches have been constructed and snap down via some SNOT techniques. A similar technique is used elsewhere throughout the set.

Steam Engines
Once you finished Section 6, you then proceed to build up steam engines with working pistons. I will say it was enjoyable to build these as they are a nice contrast to the rest of the set, perhaps they should have introduced this build during segment 2 instead of the end. If you twist that small gray gear, you will cause the pistons to move up and down. In addition, once this is hooked up to sections 5 and 6, it will cause one of the two outer propellers to spin. Now, mind you, this is a totally manual process, and cannot be done when the ship is actually fully assembled, you must separate the second and third segments to gain access to this function. 

Segment 3 Complete
At last, Segment 3 is complete as we combine sections 5 and 6 together. 

Segment 3 Size
Here’s another quick shot with the T2 for a random size comparison. If you’ve been following along and checking out these size shots, the main point of interest here is that this is definitely the longest of the three segments. 


Cross Section
I’ve already discussed the functionality a few photos prior, but just to call it out, here you can see the gray gears that you can turn to spin two of the three propellers.


Nothing much to say here – some pretty interesting techniques were used to achieve the shaping, I will say that everything is pretty sturdy overall. 

The Titanic comes with a small nameplate; it’s a simple build, but looks appropriately ornate to match the luxurious styling the Titanic once had. It’s worth noting that the letters here are reuse from the Ideas Typewriter. It was definitely expected that those pieces would come back in some way, and I’d say this was an appropriate use for them.

Finished Set
Well, LEGO has done it. They’ve made a set that just completely ruined the boundaries of my photo setup. You will have to excuse the rough looking studio in the following photos, but taking photos of this beast truly did present a challenge like no other. Anyway, this is what you’ve come here to see, so let me just dump some photos on you. 



Here's a profile shot of the real ship for comparison purposes.




At this point I'd like to call out the ship's one other function: a rigging tightener. One of the last steps is to add the final bits of string pieces that connect the masts, you can see the gray gear in the photo above which is where the string ends up. You then twist this a little bit to tighten up the rigging to your liking. It adds a similar level of enjoyment as the recent Fender set's guitar strings. 



Size Comparisons
The Titanic is the second largest Lego set as far as parts (second to the World Map, which I am currently building – maybe in a few weeks I’ll give you guys an update as to how that set scales with this one). With that in mind, it’s the largest non-Art set as far as parts count, and officially the longest. So how does it compare to some random sets from my collection? Let’s take a look.

So, yeah, it’s super long. It’s also quite hefty, my measurements come in around 31 pounds (14.2kg) though that also included some of the packaging. Here’s a bonus comparison, I apologize for having to go outside of my photo studio but there was simply no other way to take this photo:


Conclusion and ratings


I’m never really sure how to rate this kind of category; but the way I see it, this set has a great variety of parts, both in shape, colors and size. Most parts in the set come in high quantities, meaning that if you do buy this as a parts pack, you’ll get plenty of each element to utilize. There a nice variety of newly colored or interesting/rare elements, again in good quantities.  

If you care about PPR ratios, $630 for 9090 pieces is pretty good. Though I’ve never found this to be a sensible way to determine cost, as sets like the UCS Star Destroyer and World Map show this ratio can be skewed to extremes. At the end of the day, for $630, you are getting a large, hefty set. It has a wide range of sizes and shapes of parts. It’s a dense, compact build. While not as wide, it certainly is comparative to other massive scale sets like the UCS SD and Falcon, and IMO, has more of a shelf presence than the Colosseum. Value will be up to everyone to decide for themselves. But for me, when you look at what $630 gets you in this set versus other large scale sets, in my opinion the value here is definitely there.  Even when compared to other high end adult collectibles such as a Premium Format statue, I think this kind of pricing for what you get holds up. If you are willing to drop over 600 dollars on a LEGO set, I personally feel this set delivers on what you’d expect for something in that price range. 

The set has some incredible details, inventive building techniques, and overall it’s really enjoyable to go through the process of build this ship. I love that Lego didn’t cut corners here, going for fully brick-built windows over stickers, for example, was a nice change of pace. The build gets a little dry in the middle as you start to get into a rhythm of repetitive builds, the relatively less interesting square sections, etc but it picks back up by the end. Due to the set's size, it's an experience that will certainly take you some time to do. 

The engines and propellers add a bit of functionality here, and the ability to split into three sections is pretty cool and definitely gives it an edge over some of it’s other super-large Lego set sisters. There's also a working rigging tightener, which you'll likely get a lot of use from if you split this into it's three components pften. Outside of that, there’s not a whole lot else a ship like this really could have added in my mind. 

Let’s be real, this is not the goal of this set. It can’t float, it’s incredibly large and cumbersome, and it’s not minifig scale. I give it a few points though because the final model is quite solid. I didn't think the two locking pins would do much, but you can very comfortably pick the completed ship up without worrying that it will fall apart. No need to split it into three parts to move it, unless you don't feel like lugging around such a hefty model. But, the low score here is made up in the next section….  

…because THIS is the goal of the set. It looks good from all angles; nothing is left untouched here. Another major benefit to the set is the ability to split it into it’s three segments to showcase the cross sections inside, adding further value as you have a second way to display it. It’s a massive, truly beautiful display piece that will no doubt wow anyone who sees it. It’s worth mentioning that it’s size, while certainly beneficial in giving it that wow factor, is also a detriment. You have to seriously dedicate space to showcase this, whether it’s putting it out in the open on a desk/table, or having an expensive Moducase (or similar) solution to display it, due to it’s incredible length and heft. And that factor can definitely decrease displayability a bit, but I assume if you are buying this set that you are prepared to deal with such a challenge.  


First, let me clarify that the above rating should each be taken by themselves, as again things like playability were never the goal of this set. One category that I often consider adding above is accuracy to the real ship, but to be honest I refuse to score it in such a way. I know we have many members here who are ship or Titanic enthusiasts. I'm sure many of you will dig into some details of this ship far more than I am able, such as specific size ratios, colors, and other such things that likely take more than casual knowledge of the ship. With that said, at the end of the day this is a LEGO model that adheres to LEGO's official set building standards. I am of the opinion that there will always be a detail that could have been fine tuned more, regardless of the model. For me, I have always enjoyed the look of this ship and found it's story fascinating. I visited a Titanic museum when it was in Vegas a few years back, and seeing the history, the sheer size of a chunk of the hull, etc really peaked my interest. After building this model and seeing it on display, I must say that I am truly impressed with it. It's a massively impressive piece on display, and I think really respects the details and shaping for the most part of the original ship, at least from what I would expect from Lego versus a true scale model. I feel that it is a set that ship builders and Lego enthusiasts alike will enjoy, and I do feel that a great deal of thought and effort was put into the finished product. For that reason, I tend to rate this set pretty highly, as for my own personal preference I think it does what I want it to do. I did find myself asking, "did it need to be this big"? And it's true, even at this scale, things like the interior rooms are but a micro interpretation that we are left to use our imagination on, but it is certainly more than what could be achieved at a smaller scale. This was a landmark real-world achievement, and I think it was appropriate for the set to similarly be such a large scope. In the end, my ratings above are my own, but I am sure you will all have different insights and I look forward to hearing what everyone else thinks of this record breaking set. Thank you for reading!



  • VBBN featured this topic

very nice review and set! 

14 kilos? this set is no joke

You rated the value for money twice!


  • Author
13 minutes ago, MAB said:

You rated the value for money twice!


It's necessary for a set of this price point :tongue: Good catch, I was moving that section around and must have copied when I thought I cut it. 

Thanks for the review!

I don't really know what to think about this set.
On the one hand, a truly impressive thing with very and cunning building techniques. On the other - well, the transition between the tapered bow/stern and the straight sides looks really terrible (in the lower part of the black area).

Slight disappointment, I suppose.

Great review! I can only imagine what a challenge it must be to review a set of this kind of monumental scale.

The part used for the smokestack tops is 68325, which first appeared last year in the brick-built Minions and Mickey and Minnie Mouse sets. It indeed does seem to be new in black here.

Great review! This is quite a mind blowing set and I say is definitly worthy of the title of worlds largest 3D Lego kit. I don't know if you have the colosseum, but it would be neat to see a size comparison of the two. I did not expect that many details to be packed in and as a giant Titantc nerd its great to a see what appers to be a quite accurate interior!

However, I think its size is its biggest downside. I would have loved to pick this up, but its just too big to display anywhere in my house. I think It would have been a day one purchase for me if it was half as big at a 200-300 dollar price point. Maybe I might just MOC up one on my own...

Also, another interesting thing about this set, using the set dimensions listed online and using http://studs.sariel.pl/ , it looks to be about 1:200 scale. This actually makes it almost to scale with the 21321 IDEAS International Space station set, which is at 1:220!

This is seriously cool. I will read the entire review later. Looks like an interesting read.

I've gone back and forth to compare the model from the photo of Titanic and I think it's a very good representation of this model at that scale. I won't be too critical on its accuracy and I dare not compare it to the tiniest detail. It looks good on display.

This set won't fit my photo studio as well, as expected from the dimensions of this set.  

As mentioned on the review, playability is not its highest score but you'll be interested how kids will play this set -- if you will! :tongue: 

Great review as well. Now my heart will go on.

  • Author
56 minutes ago, Lyichir said:

The part used for the smokestack tops is 68325, which first appeared last year in the brick-built Minions and Mickey and Minnie Mouse sets. It indeed does seem to be new in black here.

I knew I had seen it before somewhere, thanks for the clarification! 

30 minutes ago, MuscoviteSandwich said:

Great review! This is quite a mind blowing set and I say is definitly worthy of the title of worlds largest 3D Lego kit. I don't know if you have the colosseum, but it would be neat to see a size comparison of the two. I did not expect that many details to be packed in and as a giant Titantc nerd its great to a see what appers to be a quite accurate interior!

Also, another interesting thing about this set, using the set dimensions listed online and using http://studs.sariel.pl/ , it looks to be about 1:200 scale. This actually makes it almost to scale with the 21321 IDEAS International Space station set, which is at 1:220!

I don't have the Colosseum unfortunately, seems like a set with far too many repetitive building steps for my taste. Though I will be visiting Italy next year, perhaps my mind will change once I've seen the real thing in person :laugh:

And yes! I mentioned at one point in the review that it's indeed called out as being 1:200 scale (in the instructions, actually) where they also reference the 1:200 scale Architecture Statue of Liberty. 

Amazingly detailed review. About the set, considering its cost, weren't you bothered by the harlequin pattern of the internal structure?

54 minutes ago, MuscoviteSandwich said:

However, I think its size is its biggest downside. I would have loved to pick this up, but its just too big to display anywhere in my house. I think It would have been a day one purchase for me if it was half as big at a 200-300 dollar price point. Maybe I might just MOC up one on my own...

Same here. It is a nice model and I'm sure would look good in a museum. But the size means I won't buy it so that knocks off points.

Does anyone have the measurements of this thing in inchrs? Trying to see if it will fit on my table

Most impressive from Lego. Don't know why I thought they would never make a Titanic model.

1 hour ago, Guyinaplaguemask said:

Does anyone have the measurements of this thing in inchrs? Trying to see if it will fit on my table

Read first post

Do you have the 3k piece Cobi set? Would be interested to see how it measures up alongside this beast 

3 hours ago, VBBN said:

I don't have the Colosseum unfortunately, seems like a set with far too many repetitive building steps for my taste. Though I will be visiting Italy next year, perhaps my mind will change once I've seen the real thing in person :laugh:

You will (change your mind) hehe :tongue: 

Thanks for the great in dept review. Now I need to get it.

I was talking to my dad the other day and he mentioned how awesome it would be if LEGO made a set of The Titanic. Guess he predicted the future, huh? The real question though, does this set sink when it hits an iceberg? :pir-laugh: All jokes aside, this is a pretty stunning and mind-blowing set, I'll try and track it down eventually, the price point is a bit steep for me :sad:

Amazing review, Veebs. Just reading this whole review back and forth to compare the details in the review. Thanks for sharing this with us and doing a great job to put this forward for our community. I will not get this item - simply because I don’t have any display space for it and it will be damn challenging for any display showcase with this length. :tongue: 

When I heard the rumors of this set and the size, I wasn't really interested... no room to display it, and not a big interest in the subject. However, your review (and of course others I've checked out) have swayed me... So congratulations Lego, your marketing through review sets is working and you can count me as a future buyer due to it :pir-huzzah2:


Nice review - one of the things I like about seeing multiple reviews online is the details that different people point out. Those tiny benches look great! 

Any estimate on how long it took to build? I know that building for reviews goes at a different pace than normal building (build faster, but then have to stop and take photos and such), but ballpark guess? 

What an impressive set - thanks for the review.

Some superb detailing - those benches are superb - but some awful parts as well - the engines bear little or no ressemblence to the real items  - could do much better Lego!

Still plenty of potential for the enthusiastic owner to improve!

On 10/7/2021 at 7:26 PM, Wonderpants said:

Do you have the 3k piece Cobi set? Would be interested to see how it measures up alongside this beast 



Lego's hull looks more realisic in shape i guess!

@Polarlicht The Lego model has much more details, but Cobi's overall shape is considerably closer to the prototype IMHO:


Edited by Tenderlok

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