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Having heard the call, the heroes navigate the busy corridors of Ebria Station towards the Northern Docks. There, they congregate in the spacious Hart Logistics hanger. They are overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the space; crewmembers dart back and forth around them as shuttles and freighters come in to land and take-off. Support vehicles whirl in every direction, ferrying supplies across the dock. Giant command towers stand at the walls of the hanger, commanding traffic. Beyond the gate shielding, the heroes can see the wide expanse of space beyond.


Lost in all the hustle and bustle of the station, the heroes find themselves gathering together on the hangar floor.

Kirwin (karmajay)
Character Points: 1/14
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 18
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Utility Belt
Inventory: 4 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 2 Plasma Potions, Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Hacking Chip

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi)
Character Points: 0/14
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 3/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 145
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Aetherbrew, Plasma Potion, Nanite Elixir

Varen Nastayo (KotZ)
26, Male, Human
Character Points: 1/13
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*
Known Spells (if applicable): 
Credits: 115
Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube
Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim

Zaria Kanara (Kintobor)
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 1/15
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 2/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep, Enhanced Vision
Credits: 125
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion (3), Aether Brew, Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll

MM Note: Welcome to Quest 7! Excited to finally be launching. If you have any questions, feel free to instant message me, or post OoC in the thread. Feel free to shop a little more, and please confirm your stats and involvement within the next 24 hours! 


Edited by The Legonater

  • Author

MM Note: Alright, the thread is updated and ready to go, everyone!

ooc: I made a purchase so my hero registry should be 100% updated as of now, thanks!

Kirwin walks into the hanger and says "Amazing!" They quickly look around embarrassed that the comment escaped. Even with a successful mission under their belt Kirwin wants to make sure others look at them in a professional manner and not as a beginning adventure.

Zaria entered the hanger, careful not to step into the path of any of the work vehicles. She takes a knee a few feet away from the adamite to adjust the straps on her boots, ensuring their fit as well as they can be before her next adventure.

OOC: Confirmed! Thanks for having me, Legonater. :classic:

OoC: Updated my stats - should be down the bat, up a Nanite Elixir and Plasma Potion, and at 145 credits. Also, just for fairness sake and not to be a party-pooper, how does Zaria know three spells with two spirit? Am I missing something?

Merei approaches behind Kirwin and speaks lowly in their ear. "There is no Bers or Yissam this time. We will have to be responsible for keeping these people safe, and they will be responsible for us too. What do you think they are capable of?" Merei sizes them both up. "The elf looks strong, and carries a blade. And the human is carrying a gun. Two people who are prepared to get into a mess. But we are missing Yissam's ability to keep us on our feet. We'll need to act differently."

29 minutes ago, Zepher said:

OoC: Updated my stats - should be down the bat, up a Nanite Elixir and Plasma Potion, and at 145 credits. Also, just for fairness sake and not to be a party-pooper, how does Zaria know three spells with two spirit? Am I missing something?

OOC: She has a holoscroll, allowing her to know an additional spell. :classic:

Zaria reflexively places her hands on her hips assertively as the celestial looks in her direction, unintentionally showing off her muscles. She was mostly unfamiliar with everyone here, save the ex-lawyer. While she knew what she would be getting into with Yelana or Soren present, the predominantly new faces left her feeling awkward and out of place.

"No need for secrets." Zaria smiled. "I promise I do not bite. I am Zaria Kanara, a priest of Varuth. It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." Zaria respectfully bows, clasping her right hand around her fisted left hand as she did.

12 hours ago, Zepher said:

OoC: Updated my stats - should be down the bat, up a Nanite Elixir and Plasma Potion, and at 145 credits. Also, just for fairness sake and not to be a party-pooper, how does Zaria know three spells with two spirit? Am I missing something?

Merei approaches behind Kirwin and speaks lowly in their ear. "There is no Bers or Yissam this time. We will have to be responsible for keeping these people safe, and they will be responsible for us too. What do you think they are capable of?" Merei sizes them both up. "The elf looks strong, and carries a blade. And the human is carrying a gun. Two people who are prepared to get into a mess. But we are missing Yissam's ability to keep us on our feet. We'll need to act differently."

Kirwin tries to act like they were aware Merei was there the whole time and that they weren't surprised by the whisper "Oh..! Um...yes! Well, they both look cool, calm and collected so it seems they know how to handle themselves so far!" 


9 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria reflexively places her hands on her hips assertively as the celestial looks in her direction, unintentionally showing off her muscles. She was mostly unfamiliar with everyone here, save the ex-lawyer. While she knew what she would be getting into with Yelana or Soren present, the predominantly new faces left her feeling awkward and out of place.

"No need for secrets." Zaria smiled. "I promise I do not bite. I am Zaria Kanara, a priest of Varuth. It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." Zaria respectfully bows, clasping her right hand around her fisted left hand as she did.

Kirwin stands up a bit straighter when Zaria speaks to them. "Oh, hello! I'm Kirwin and this is my friend Merei. We're successful adventures and we are also on this mission! Can you teach us how you pulled off that great heroic stance over there? It was very noticeable and it seems like a great way to get people's attention during a time of need!" Kirwin attempts to do a little stance flexing but without the frame of Zaria it is much less impressive.

  • Author

MM Note: Stats should be all updated!

The heroes continue to glance aimlessly around the hanger, making small talk, until a man’s head pops into view from around the shuttle before them. After spotting the heroes, the man’s eyes go wide and he leaps back into the ship.

"Look alive, they’re here! They- What do you mean you knew that? You saw them come and you didn’t- fine, okay, just start the pre-flight checks."

There’s some noise of rummaging from within, and then the man steps back outside.

Sorry about the wait, heroes – this way, in the shuttle.

A little confused, the heroes follow suit and step around towards the loading ramp of the Hart ship. Inside they fight a tight, cramped interior, with a man in dark brown leathers shutting closed an overhead container. Behind him, the heroes can just make out a woman with a metallic arm working away at the controls. Hearing the heroes approach, the man turns towards them and gives a quick friendly wave.


Hey there! Sorry again about all this; we weren’t expecting you to show for another hour or so. Hart rents this shuttle out to me personally, so don’t mind any mess you find in here.

He picks up a grey Hart cap and briefly shows it to the group as an example before tossing it back into the cockpit.

My name’s Jace Orion, I’m going to be your handler for the next while. If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to get us going sooner rather than later, so if you could all pile on board, we can begin burning starlight before I give you all the rundown.

You're missing one. 

Jace glances back at the cockpit for a minute, before scrambling and pulling a piece of paper from his pocket.

Wha- damnit. Do, uh... you folks wouldn't know a Varen Nastayo, would you? I’m afraid I’m not quite sure how this “Heroica” thing really works; are you all acquainted with each other? You’ve all done this sort of thing before, right?

MM Note: @KotZ

Edited by The Legonater

OOC: sorry been out of pocket all week, I'll update in a a few hours

Varen rushes in to the hangar. "Sorry about the everyone," he says as he flashes a smile, although a bit winded. "Got a little caught up with some old buddies from back in the day." He notices Zaria. "oh hey good to see you again." He takes a quick swig from a flask.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good to get this thing underway." He looks around the outside of the ship. "How fast does this thing go?"

9 hours ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin stands up a bit straighter when Zaria speaks to them. "Oh, hello! I'm Kirwin and this is my friend Merei. We're successful adventures and we are also on this mission! Can you teach us how you pulled off that great heroic stance over there? It was very noticeable and it seems like a great way to get people's attention during a time of need!" Kirwin attempts to do a little stance flexing but without the frame of Zaria it is much less impressive.

Zaria looks to Kirwin "Well, you put your hands on hips, you keep your elbows out, and... yeah." Zaria does it again to show Kirwin how the pose is done. "If you want to feel more confident, and you want others to think you feel confident, it's a good pose to hold."

OOC: It's basically just the Superman pose, sorry if my language isn't clear. :blush:

4 hours ago, The Legonater said:



My name’s Jace Orion, I’m going to be your handler for the next while. If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to get us going sooner rather than later, so if you could all pile on board, we can begin burning starlight before I give you all the rundown.

Stepping into the shuttle Zaria nods in Jace's direction. "Jace, it's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Zaria." She wasn't sure how well she felt working for another corporate entity, keeping her tongue still regarding whether it was a pleasure to meet a corporate representative. She remained pleasant to Jace, though. "By all means, let us be off. I am interested in knowing more about what we are getting ourselves involved with, but I am certain we have time."

1 hour ago, KotZ said:

Varen rushes in to the hangar. "Sorry about the everyone," he says as he flashes a smile, although a bit winded. "Got a little caught up with some old buddies from back in the day." He notices Zaria. "oh hey good to see you again." He takes a quick swig from a flask.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm good to get this thing underway." He looks around the outside of the ship. "How fast does this thing go?"

Zaria gave a wary smile, still unsure of what to make of Varen. "Yes. It is good to see you again as well. I guess I finally get to see what a lawyer is capable of doing."

Kirwin nods at Zaria and assumes the pose. He glances at the newcomer and gives them a thumb's up. "Welcome!"

21 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria reflexively places her hands on her hips assertively as the celestial looks in her direction, unintentionally showing off her muscles. She was mostly unfamiliar with everyone here, save the ex-lawyer. While she knew what she would be getting into with Yelana or Soren present, the predominantly new faces left her feeling awkward and out of place.

"No need for secrets." Zaria smiled. "I promise I do not bite. I am Zaria Kanara, a priest of Varuth. It is a pleasure to meet the two of you." Zaria respectfully bows, clasping her right hand around her fisted left hand as she did.

"I am happy to meet you, Zaria. As my friend here has said, I am Merei. What experience have you had in Heroica so far, so that we can know you better?"

11 hours ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin tries to act like they were aware Merei was there the whole time and that they weren't surprised by the whisper "Oh..! Um...yes! Well, they both look cool, calm and collected so it seems they know how to handle themselves so far!" 

"I'm not worried about their capabilities," Merei assures Kirwin quietly, glancing warmly over at Zaria, "I am simply suggesting we must discover a new way that we will operate within this new community."

6 hours ago, The Legonater said:


My name’s Jace Orion, I’m going to be your handler for the next while. If it’s all the same to you, I’d like to get us going sooner rather than later, so if you could all pile on board, we can begin burning starlight before I give you all the rundown. Wha- damnit. Do, uh... you folks wouldn't know a Varen Nastayo, would you? I’m afraid I’m not quite sure how this “Heroica” thing really works; are you all acquainted with each other? You’ve all done this sort of thing before, right?

"I'm happy to take off, though I'm eager to hear what you have to tell us. As for Varen, I don't know him yet..."

3 hours ago, KotZ said:

OOC: sorry been out of pocket all week, I'll update in a a few hours

Varen rushes in to the hangar. "Sorry about the everyone," he says as he flashes a smile, although a bit winded. "Got a little caught up with some old buddies from back in the day." He notices Zaria. "oh hey good to see you again." He takes a quick swig from a flask.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good to get this thing underway." He looks around the outside of the ship. "How fast does this thing go?"

"...but I do now. Hello, Varen. I'm Merei, and it is my turn to introduce my friend, Kirwin. That one currently giving you a thumbs up." Merei turns to Jace. "Varen raises an interesting point. How fast does this thing go?"

  • Author
6 hours ago, KotZ said:

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good to get this thing underway." He looks around the outside of the ship. "How fast does this thing go?"

3 hours ago, Zepher said:

"Varen raises an interesting point. How fast does this thing go?"

Jace lovingly rubs a hand on the shuttle's engine as he ushers everyone inside.

Actaeon is a fairly standard-issue Hart shuttle, so speed isn't really her specialty as much as reliability. We've thought about alleviating that, but for now she's still technically a loner, so I don't think they'll let anyone get under her hood. For now, Actaeon's real specialty comes from her pilot.

Everyone on-board? Good. Time to kiss Ebria goodbye.

The woman in front seems to close her eyes and dip her head for a moment before straightening and playing at the controls. In a moment, the shuttle was blasting off into space.

She's to the point, but she's never wrong. I suppose more formal introductions are in order; as I said before, my name is Jace Orion. I am a paid associate of Mr. Jefferson Hart Mortizar, the man behind Hart Industries. I'm the guy they send out to overview problems with shipping and handling that fall outside of what we might call the norm. Sometimes it's a lot of pencil-pushing, sometimes it's... this. Up in the front we have my associate-


Alexa Cygnus. She can be rough around the edges, but if I've learned anything in this business, it's that it's best not to do things alone. Cygnus has a certain... touch that I don't. 

Also, I figured it’d be good to have another pair of eyes.

And they all say I have the best eyes in the business. :wink:

They don’t. To business, Jace.

Right, of course. Before we get started, I'd like to know who we're working with. You all seemed to avoid my earlier question, which just makes a guy like me all the more curious - what am I really getting with a group like Heroica? Are you all experienced in this sort of thing?


Zaria finds a place in the back of the shuttle to sit, lower her satchel for a moment. It seemed both Merei and Jace.

”Well, my previous contract through Heroica had my crew and I steal a set of documents from a group of corporate figures on a luxury train. We succeeded, but the group was quite strained. We had a severe lack of trust, and greed clouded the minds of my colleagues. We succeeded, but I found myself questioning the trustworthiness of the group I led.” Zaria contemplates on the previous mission, still concerned with the flagrant lack of teamwork and the allure the cube seemed to arrest over her two allies. She sighed in frustration. “But that is behind us. Before joining this organization I wandered my home planet for one hundred years, seeing everything that there was to. As a priest of Varuth travelling is important to me, and joining Heroica seemed like a good way to see the Arm.” She crosses her legs, trying to find some amount of comfort in the shuttle. 

16 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria gave a wary smile, still unsure of what to make of Varen. "Yes. It is good to see you again as well. I guess I finally get to see what a lawyer is capable of doing."

"I'm capable of anything. I think."

14 hours ago, Zepher said:

"...but I do now. Hello, Varen. I'm Merei, and it is my turn to introduce my friend, Kirwin. That one currently giving you a thumbs up." Merei turns to Jace. "Varen raises an interesting point. How fast does this thing go?"

"Nice to meet you two." Varen gives a thumbs up back.

10 hours ago, The Legonater said:

Right, of course. Before we get started, I'd like to know who we're working with. You all seemed to avoid my earlier question, which just makes a guy like me all the more curious - what am I really getting with a group like Heroica? Are you all experienced in this sort of thing?


"I mean it depends, right?" Varen looked around at the others. "I've got a law background but am working more as a fixer or similar. My most recent mission with Heroica-my first actually- was doing some aetherdiving. I can shoot, I can talk, I can code."

11 hours ago, The Legonater said:

Right, of course. Before we get started, I'd like to know who we're working with. You all seemed to avoid my earlier question, which just makes a guy like me all the more curious - what am I really getting with a group like Heroica? Are you all experienced in this sort of thing?

"Well", Kirwin says while reaching into a pocket, "Here is a brochure. Looks like it has a strong history of helping people solve problems according to this! As far as Merei and I, we recently finished recovering top secret stolen documents for a client! I only had to touch one severed arm during the mission as well! Kind of a bonus actually since I'd never seen one before. A severed arm I mean, not stolen documents. Although that was a 1st time for that as well."

Kirwin realizes the others are staring at them and realizes they are rambling so they quickly stop talking and just nods towards Jace. "Yep, ready to help out!"

2 hours ago, karmajay said:

"Well", Kirwin says while reaching into a pocket, "Here is a brochure. Looks like it has a strong history of helping people solve problems according to this! As far as Merei and I, we recently finished recovering top secret stolen documents for a client! I only had to touch one severed arm during the mission as well! Kind of a bonus actually since I'd never seen one before. A severed arm I mean, not stolen documents. Although that was a 1st time for that as well.”

“Did you cut off the arm yourself?” Zaria asks, intrigued. A bewildered smile grows across her face from the sheer absurdity of the statement made by Kirwin. “The alternative would be that you found one lying around, and I think that would be worse out of the two possibilities.” 

5 hours ago, Kintobor said:

”Well, my previous contract through Heroica had my crew and I steal a set of documents from a group of corporate figures on a luxury train. We succeeded, but the group was quite strained. We had a severe lack of trust, and greed clouded the minds of my colleagues. We succeeded, but I found myself questioning the trustworthiness of the group I led.” Zaria contemplates on the previous mission, still concerned with the flagrant lack of teamwork and the allure the cube seemed to arrest over her two allies. She sighed in frustration. “But that is behind us. Before joining this organization I wandered my home planet for one hundred years, seeing everything that there was to. As a priest of Varuth travelling is important to me, and joining Heroica seemed like a good way to see the Arm.” She crosses her legs, trying to find some amount of comfort in the shuttle. 

"We will not have a lack of trust this time," Merei tells her. "And I am glad to hear you spent so much time observing your home planet. Observation is of utmost importance."

4 hours ago, karmajay said:

"Well", Kirwin says while reaching into a pocket, "Here is a brochure. Looks like it has a strong history of helping people solve problems according to this! As far as Merei and I, we recently finished recovering top secret stolen documents for a client! I only had to touch one severed arm during the mission as well! Kind of a bonus actually since I'd never seen one before. A severed arm I mean, not stolen documents. Although that was a 1st time for that as well."

Kirwin realizes the others are staring at them and realizes they are rambling so they quickly stop talking and just nods towards Jace. "Yep, ready to help out!"

"As Kirwin said, we have experience and finding things that are lost, though the scale of a speeder versus a whole ship is very different. I won't waste our time pretending one prepares us for the other. What matters is we were successful, and we will be again."

15 hours ago, The Legonater said:

Right, of course. Before we get started, I'd like to know who we're working with. You all seemed to avoid my earlier question, which just makes a guy like me all the more curious - what am I really getting with a group like Heroica? Are you all experienced in this sort of thing?

"Kirwin has already spoken to the whole of our collective credentials. We are new to Heroica - both Kirwin and myself, and it sounds the other two as well. As for my experience before, it is not vastly different than Zaria's, actually, although I'm envious of the time she has dedicated to it. As for myself, as I'm sure is obvious I grew up on Tehanulan, and spent some time on Tehanuyan in my youth as well. Passing between the two worlds is exhilarating and encouraged, or was in my family. After that I spent some time exploring and searching. Like Zaria. There is so much to see. My searches were met with limited success. It soon became apparent that to find what I want to find, I needed more connections and resources. As a result, here I am."

  • Author
6 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria finds a place in the back of the shuttle to sit, lower her satchel for a moment. It seemed both Merei and Jace.

”Well, my previous contract through Heroica had my crew and I steal a set of documents from a group of corporate figures on a luxury train. We succeeded, but the group was quite strained. We had a severe lack of trust, and greed clouded the minds of my colleagues. We succeeded, but I found myself questioning the trustworthiness of the group I led.” Zaria contemplates on the previous mission, still concerned with the flagrant lack of teamwork and the allure the cube seemed to arrest over her two allies. She sighed in frustration. “But that is behind us. Before joining this organization I wandered my home planet for one hundred years, seeing everything that there was to. As a priest of Varuth travelling is important to me, and joining Heroica seemed like a good way to see the Arm.” She crosses her legs, trying to find some amount of comfort in the shuttle. 

They say it's a good omen to have a priest of Varuth on travels like this. For what it's worth, I feel safer having you out here; let's hope we can all get along a bit better than your last outing. 

5 hours ago, KotZ said:

"I'm capable of anything. I think."

"I mean it depends, right?" Varen looked around at the others. "I've got a law background but am working more as a fixer or similar. My most recent mission with Heroica-my first actually- was doing some aetherdiving. I can shoot, I can talk, I can code."

"Anything" is a damn bold claim, I'll hope you can back it up. We can definitely always use a steady gun in case things get too hot. 

At that, Jace pulled back his jacket, showing off a sidearm strapped to his leg. The man gave a winning smile, but something in his eyes made it clear that he was stilling mulling over a few of Varen's words.

5 hours ago, karmajay said:

"Well", Kirwin says while reaching into a pocket, "Here is a brochure. Looks like it has a strong history of helping people solve problems according to this! As far as Merei and I, we recently finished recovering top secret stolen documents for a client! I only had to touch one severed arm during the mission as well! Kind of a bonus actually since I'd never seen one before. A severed arm I mean, not stolen documents. Although that was a 1st time for that as well."

Kirwin realizes the others are staring at them and realizes they are rambling so they quickly stop talking and just nods towards Jace. "Yep, ready to help out!"

Jace takes the brochure and flicks through it a little, nodding. Reaching back, he passes it up to the cockpit.

Cygnus, look! We got some more travel reading!

She grabs the pamphlet and looks it over, before tucking it in with her controls.

Good. Anything's better than that shit you find in Ætherspace.

Uncalled for. Well, Kirwin, let's hope this journey doesn't have any more severed arms for you. Unless- do you want to see more severed arms? ...I still don't exactly expect anything of the like.

1 hour ago, Zepher said:

"As Kirwin said, we have experience and finding things that are lost, though the scale of a speeder versus a whole ship is very different. I won't waste our time pretending one prepares us for the other. What matters is we were successful, and we will be again."

I like the confidence. You'd be surprised how much skills can transfer.

1 hour ago, Zepher said:

"Kirwin has already spoken to the whole of our collective credentials. We are new to Heroica - both Kirwin and myself, and it sounds the other two as well. As for my experience before, it is not vastly different than Zaria's, actually, although I'm envious of the time she has dedicated to it. As for myself, as I'm sure is obvious I grew up on Tehanulan, and spent some time on Tehanuyan in my youth as well. Passing between the two worlds is exhilarating and encouraged, or was in my family. After that I spent some time exploring and searching. Like Zaria. There is so much to see. My searches were met with limited success. It soon became apparent that to find what I want to find, I needed more connections and resources. As a result, here I am."

We'll actually pass by that way soon; maybe we'll be able to make use of your expertise. But you raise an... interesting point.

Jace glances back and forth across the heroes, sorting through thoughts.

So it seems like this Heroica of yours is a fairly fresh organization? You folks have only done a job or two each? I don't want to mislead you all or anything; this ain't going to be an easy op. I've already sent two Hart search parties out to track down this freighter, and have gotten radio silence from both of them. Mortizar is putting the pressure down from on top, and you all are my last shot. ...Not to put too much pressure on you or anything. I just want to be sure I'm getting my money's worth.

3 hours ago, Zepher said:

"We will not have a lack of trust this time," Merei tells her. "And I am glad to hear you spent so much time observing your home planet. Observation is of utmost importance."

"Kirwin has already spoken to the whole of our collective credentials. We are new to Heroica - both Kirwin and myself, and it sounds the other two as well. As for my experience before, it is not vastly different than Zaria's, actually, although I'm envious of the time she has dedicated to it. As for myself, as I'm sure is obvious I grew up on Tehanulan, and spent some time on Tehanuyan in my youth as well. Passing between the two worlds is exhilarating and encouraged, or was in my family. After that I spent some time exploring and searching. Like Zaria. There is so much to see. My searches were met with limited success. It soon became apparent that to find what I want to find, I needed more connections and resources. As a result, here I am."

"Let us hope that is the case." Zaria responds back, nodding as Merei opens up about her youth. "I have spent so long on Khazra' Fal that I have neglected seeing the Arm in full. I am hoping to one day see Tehanulan and Tehanuyan, but we will see, I guess. I have the fortune of having time on my side." Zaria states, a reflective, somewhat solemn note in her tone.

1 hour ago, The Legonater said:

They say it's a good omen to have a priest of Varuth on travels like this. For what it's worth, I feel safer having you out here; let's hope we can all get along a bit better than your last outing.

"Eih juvoka aj ujjihot. Varuth's watchful gaze will keep us safe during our travels." Zaria replied with a warm smile. "As nice as luxury trains are, I prefer good company and a sturdy pair of boots."

1 hour ago, The Legonater said:

Jace glances back and forth across the heroes, sorting through thoughts.


So it seems like this Heroica of yours is a fairly fresh organization? You folks have only done a job or two each? I don't want to mislead you all or anything; this ain't going to be an easy op. I've already sent two Hart search parties out to track down this freighter, and have gotten radio silence from both of them. Mortizar is putting the pressure down from on top, and you all are my last shot. ...Not to put too much pressure on you or anything. I just want to be sure I'm getting my money's worth.

Zaria gives Jace a side-eye glare. "I would not say I am fresh. You do not survive travelling Khazra' Fal on your feet without learning how to defend yourself." Zaria motions to her sword on her back. "Jace, I understand based on the description you provided that you want us to recover a shipment on a freighter for this Mortizar fellow. Can you give us a thorough run down of the events that have transpired? I would like to know everything you know before stepping foot onto anything floating in the abyss of space." As beautiful as the stars were and as eye-widening the majesty of the Arm was, Zaria was hesitant stepping onto a derelict freighter in the cold darkness of the void.

2 hours ago, The Legonater said:

We'll actually pass by that way soon; maybe we'll be able to make use of your expertise. But you raise an... interesting point.

"You mean we'll be flying past the twinned planets? Is that on our way, or near our destination itself?"

45 minutes ago, Kintobor said:

"Let us hope that is the case." Zaria responds back, nodding as Merei opens up about her youth. "I have spent so long on Khazra' Fal that I have neglected seeing the Arm in full. I am hoping to one day see Tehanulan and Tehanuyan, but we will see, I guess. I have the fortune of having time on my side." Zaria states, a reflective, somewhat solemn note in her tone.

Zaria gives Jace a side-eye glare. "I would not say I am fresh. You do not survive travelling Khazra' Fal on your feet without learning how to defend yourself." Zaria motions to her sword on her back. "Jace, I understand based on the description you provided that you want us to recover a shipment on a freighter for this Mortizar fellow. Can you give us a thorough run down of the events that have transpired? I would like to know everything you know before stepping foot onto anything floating in the abyss of space." As beautiful as the stars were and as eye-widening the majesty of the Arm was, Zaria was hesitant stepping onto a derelict freighter in the cold darkness of the void.

Merei again focuses warmly on Zaria. "You are welcome at the planets anytime. My family there is always welcoming. I've never met one of my people I didn't like." Returning her gaze to Jace, she nods twice in quick succession. "Zaria speaks exactly what was on my mind. I am fresh to this Guild, yes, and this Guild is fresh too, but I did not arrive without having lived life some and having done some exploring. Admittedly, Zaria had more time to do so. But it's all irrelevant, as we are the crew that you have hired, and so we are the people who will do the job. I'm interested to hear what you have to tell us."

6 hours ago, The Legonater said:


So it seems like this Heroica of yours is a fairly fresh organization? You folks have only done a job or two each? I don't want to mislead you all or anything; this ain't going to be an easy op. I've already sent two Hart search parties out to track down this freighter, and have gotten radio silence from both of them. Mortizar is putting the pressure down from on top, and you all are my last shot. ...Not to put too much pressure on you or anything. I just want to be sure I'm getting my money's worth.

"Do you happen to know the location of their last transmissions?" Varen asked. "Could we also get a list of the members of the parties, in case we run across them. Wouldn't want any friendly fire, am I right?"

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4 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria gives Jace a side-eye glare. "I would not say I am fresh. You do not survive travelling Khazra' Fal on your feet without learning how to defend yourself." Zaria motions to her sword on her back.

Jace, I swear, if you piss off the priest she's going to be least of your issues. I'll come back there and kick your megablocks myself.

I- er, right. Apologies, Zaria, and thank you for your prayer. Just being thorough, is all.

3 hours ago, Zepher said:

"You mean we'll be flying past the twinned planets? Is that on our way, or near our destination itself?"

The plan is to pass through the general area. Let me explain:

4 hours ago, Kintobor said:

"Jace, I understand based on the description you provided that you want us to recover a shipment on a freighter for this Mortizar fellow. Can you give us a thorough run down of the events that have transpired? I would like to know everything you know before stepping foot onto anything floating in the abyss of space." As beautiful as the stars were and as eye-widening the majesty of the Arm was, Zaria was hesitant stepping onto a derelict freighter in the cold darkness of the void.

12 minutes ago, KotZ said:

"Do you happen to know the location of their last transmissions?" Varen asked. "Could we also get a list of the members of the parties, in case we run across them. Wouldn't want any friendly fire, am I right?"

Right, so, as you’ve been informed, about two months ago we lost all contact with Hart Mortizar Shipping’s Valencia, a standard Hart-model freighter. For reasons of customer privacy, I don’t have access to the freighter’s full manifest, but I’ve been authorized to know that HMS Valencia was carrying high-priority cargo from past the Tehanui-lyon system along the edge of the Euripides Arm to Cosmopoli. We’re talking the fringes of deep space. Now I’m not sure why exactly they were out that deep, that’s just one of many questions I have about this whole mess. What I do know is that Valencia last reported in from Port 927-C, apparently known in those parts as Port Charon. The name’s little too ominous for me. After setting off, Valencia wasn’t heard from again. Nobody knows why.

We can make some educated guesses.

Space is spooky; wild space is spookier. The port is one of the last stops between Cosmopoli and Khazarak-Ellarial, and the surrounding depths of space are dangerous. Best case scenario is that some natural phenomenon knocked them off course and that Valencia is alive and well and just needs some repairs.

A high-profile Hart freighter vanished entirely, Jace. This is more than some natural phenomenon.

…Mr. Mortizar has any number of public enemies, not to mention private ones. Cygnus is convinced that this is some sort of corporate espionage, and I admittedly can’t disprove her. But the fact is we know relatively little. The search parties didn't seem to get past the port; those parties were led by agents Titania and Eston, by the way. So the plan is to head to Port 927-C so that we can poke around and find any clues that might be lying around there. That’s the Coles Notes, anyways – I assume you folks must have questions?

8 hours ago, The Legonater said:

Mr. Mortizar has any number of public enemies, not to mention private ones. Cygnus is convinced that this is some sort of corporate espionage, and I admittedly can’t disprove her. But the fact is we know relatively little. The search parties didn't seem to get past the port; those parties were led by agents Titania and Eston, by the way. So the plan is to head to Port 927-C so that we can poke around and find any clues that might be lying around there. That’s the Coles Notes, anyways – I assume you folks must have questions?

Kirwin asks "Did the other teams verify that the freighter actually arrived at Port Charon? We wouldn't want to be off track for our first clue gathering session!"

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