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32 minutes ago, Zepher said:

She plays all three recordings.

The computer whirs for a moment in response...

"Playing <08/27|0430> [Personal Recording: Dr Jamie C. Luce]"
The patient is Michael Moran, goes by “Bugsy.” Moran was found unconscious on the deck of cargo container Delta at 1630 fixed Cosmopoli standard time on 08/26, according to regular Hart timekeeping practices. He has lacerations to his pectoralis and his abdomen, as well as contusions on the back of his head. Moran also has minor memory loss from the incident, likely as a result of a concussion. I, unfortunately, do not have the equipment on Valencia to do a proper study, but I’ve noticed a strange phenomenon with these injuries; it appears as if the skin around each wound has almost immediately begun to atrophy. Now, since I have no idea what is going on here, I’ve advised that Ilbery take some safety precautions, and heighten security on the ship. I have, uh, promptly been ignored, but I’m going to keep talking to Chief Gail and see if there’s anything I can do about it. Until this, I’ll keep running tests on Moran. Hopefully, it’s nothing - but I'm finding that increasingly damn unlikely.

The screen goes blank for a moment before booting up again.

"Playing <08/29|1027> [Incoming Interior Message: Assistant Engineer Artemis Callaghan"
Hey, Bugsy. I was just chatting with Joan; she said they’re keeping you in there for another three days?

Word travels that fast, eh? It’s nothing, Arty, don’t worry yourself about it.

I am worried. Nothing has been normal about this trip. Shortcutting through the nebula, all the mess with that Carpathia guy, none of this bodes well. McSorley keeps going off about what this is going to do to Hart’s reputation. And now they’re keeping you locked up in there? I thought you said Dr. Luce didn’t even have a diagnosis?

Bugsy shrugs nonchalantly. 
It’s no big deal. I honestly just tripped and fell on shift, I don’ know why everyone’s making such a fuss about it. Doc Luce is just cautious, it’s what she gets paid to do. 

People are talking, though. Chief Gail is trying to get the captain to implement security measures, and-

Hey, we’re gonna be fine, Arty. Look, it’s been a stressful job. Let’s say when we get to the Queen of Hearts, we take a day off, see the sights? Stars, maybe take a week?

…yeah. I think I’d like that. Get some rest, Bugsy.

 The screen goes blank again as it shifts to the final recording,

"Playing <09/01|0942> [Personal Recording: Dr Jamie C. Luce]"
So, it finally happened. Captain Ilbery sent this announcement out last night:

Luce turns on a separate recording.

Crewmates of HMS Valencia, this is Captain Ilbery speaking. It gives me no pleasure to say this, but at the stern suggestions of Chief of Security Andrea Gail, I have decided to implement lockdown procedures. We will be monitoring shift changes, and regularly performing checkups. Only designated staff may access the bridge, or engineering, both of which will require vocal confirmation. Any other requests for access will be considered at a case-by-base basis. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause, but rest assured that this was done with yours and Hart’s best interests in mind. Let’s hope that the rest of this trip is a smooth one.

The recording of the captain flicks off and returns to Luce.

-now am I mad? No, of course not. It’s the right call. But I've been saying that since day one, and it's taken this long. Dominoes, this whole operation. The morning managed to be even worse.

She sighs deeply, and wipes sweat from her brow. 
We lost Moran today. He succumbed to his injuries and flatlined at 0830 fixed standard time. I’d like to make one final autopsy, though I’m still not as equipped as I’d like to be for something like this. Something screwy was going on in Moran’s nervous system, and even after he fell back unconscious his mental activity remained off the chart. And there’s still… something I don't have words for happening in his body, even after death. …I wonder if I could get Dr. Greenlaw to take a look at him, but I haven’t heard from her in a few days. My fear, though, is that whatever happened to Moran is a... science thing and not a medical thing. I can't explain it. But I need answers. And I'm not getting them in my office.

The screen goes blank again, before fading back to the initial warning screen.

"Ilbery." Merei whispers, adding another name to her list. "It appears I should have given into my imagination. The recordings confirm that Bugsby is indeed on that table, and additionally that Hart seems to be suspicious. I'm glad our friends on the Actaeon have said they are not in his inner circle. Whatever Hart was freighting, either for themselves or others, seems dangerous. And I think some people, either aboard or higher up, knew. Leading to this shortcut through dangerous space. But this is speculation, not fact. The fact, at the moment, is we will need voice activation to get to the two places we most need to get to. Meaning, more than ever, we will need someone from the crew alive." Merei clutches her disk. "I'm nervous for Luce as well. The note seems to be written in a panic, and probably after the last recording, and in both her final recording and in her note she is stuck in here. Where is she now?"

"We should move. I'm not sure Engineering is an option, but we can try. The collapse limits options as well. We will need to move towards the bow of the ship. The science lab seems a good choice. We can see if Greenlaw is there."

"I think I am currently in agreement with your assessment, Merei." Zaria nodded solemnly. "Heading to the science lab sounds like the best call, seeing how our ability to travel further towards the stern is blocked." Keeping her khopesh in hand, she silently bows her head and mutters a brief set of final rites to Bugsy before returning her attention to the group. "If we are finished investigating here we should move on. It is unhealthy to linger among the dead."

Edited by Kintobor

Kirwin looks around the computer- checking for a way to copy the recordings on to a remote device or to record the messages.

Kirwin says "Yikes this is definitely turning out to an adventure via attrition thing. It would be handy to know what initially affected Moran." 

2 hours ago, Zepher said:

"We should move. I'm not sure Engineering is an option, but we can try. The collapse limits options as well. We will need to move towards the bow of the ship. The science lab seems a good choice. We can see if Greenlaw is there."

Kirwin nods at Merei. "Yes, it looks like engineering is cut off on this side of the ship. We need to find out what happened here. Also, if we can't figure it out we may have to scuttle this ship so Hart can't take it back to a populated station. I don't want a chance of any of our new co-workers to catch something that turns their insides into goo!"

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37 minutes ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin looks around the computer- checking for a way to copy the recordings on to a remote device or to record the messages.

Kirwin Coding Check (DC 3) - 6, 3, 3, 4, 5 +1 (Four successes)

Kirwin grabs a portable drive and is able to copy the audio files directly onto it. 

11 hours ago, The Legonater said:

Kirwin Coding Check (DC 3) - 6, 3, 3, 4, 5 +1 (Four successes)

Kirwin grabs a portable drive and is able to copy the audio files directly onto it. 

"Ok, I've got the info if we need to move to the next room." 

Edited by karmajay

"I'm good here. Listening to those messages are making me increasingly worried about what we will find."

  • Author

The heroes head back up the starboard corridor. This side of the ship appears to be, if nothing else, holding together better. No debris blocks their path, just the creeping isolation of the derelict freighter. Sure enough, on their left they find the science lab, apparently free to access. The doorway to the bridge is, however, closed, with an electronic lock on the front. 


Do the heroes continue into the science lab?

"We need not be cautious. Either Greenlaw is on the other side of the door, friend or foe, or they are not." Merei opens the door and peers inside. "Hello?" she whispers.

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Upon opening the door, Merei finds a room empty of either friend or foe. The science lab appears to be a cluttered mess, a mess that has been done no favours by the turbulent forces of the gravity storms outside. A few beakers and test tubes lay around the area, as well as a few capsules containing scientific findings and research. Another computer from Greenlaw's personal desk appears to be active. Luckily, there are no bodies to be found in this lab. 


Zaria tentatively steps into the science lab, sword drawn and at the ready. She ignores the computer and heads for the desk with the drawers, investigating it's contents.

"I think Greenlaw's not in here, Merei. I do not know what we were expecting to find, but maybe not finding anything was the best outcome for now."

Kirwin steps into the room and whispers softly "Who would have thought adventure was this....creepy?"  They glance at Merei. "Haven't you ever seen any type of scary media?" Kiriwn looks around again. "I bet you'll be able to get some free drinks telling the story of this ship back at the hotel!"

Kirwin walks over tot he computer and investigates it.

"I have seen scary media, my friend. Traveling as I did, I had a lot of time to spend with myself in the Aether. Most of it was spent on research. Some of it on entertainment. That is why I am being particularly cautious." Merei accompanies Kirwin over to the computer, looking around the room for any signs of either supplies or struggle. "A second room with no one alive in it. I don't know if we should take heart in the fact that we've only found two corpses, or if we should be concerned. Is it possible the majority of the crew has safely locked themselves in one of the two areas we can't access? Should we just knock?"

29 minutes ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin steps into the room and whispers softly "Who would have thought adventure was this....creepy?"  They glance at Merei. "Haven't you ever seen any type of scary media?" Kiriwn looks around again. "I bet you'll be able to get some free drinks telling the story of this ship back at the hotel!"

Zaria cocks her head in Kirwin’s direction with a quizzical look, her eyebrows furrowed. 

“Kirwin, the drinks are already free back at the hall.” Zaria pauses for a moment before correcting herself. “I believe the drinks are free at the- now you have me second guessing myself. Let us continue investigating this room. Drinks and comfort come after we’ve finished our job here.”

  • Author
15 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria tentatively steps into the science lab, sword drawn and at the ready. She ignores the computer and heads for the desk with the drawers, investigating it's contents.

Rummaging through the drawers, Zaria stumbles upon an Aether Brew.

4 hours ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin walks over tot he computer and investigates it.

Kirwin finds a similar startup message plastered on the screen.

The system has undergone an unscheduled shut-down. Ship-wide communications now operating on backup power!
As standard procedure, the last 3 recorded messages have been stored in backup files. Here are your messages:

<08/23|0230> [Professional Catalogue: Dr. Linda Greenlaw]
<08/28|1632> [Personal Recording: Dr. Linda Greenlaw]
<09/07|1323> [Incoming Interior Message: Dr Jamie C. Luce]

Would you like to play back recordings?

4 hours ago, Zepher said:

Merei accompanies Kirwin over to the computer, looking around the room for any signs of either supplies or struggle. 

Merei Perception Check (DC 1) - 4, 5, 3 (Two successes)

There does not appear to have been any violence in this room that Merei can find. Looking through the scientific research, she stumbles on an Essence of Precaution.

Kirwin plays and then records the...recordings...on the storage device they already have.

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2 hours ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin plays and then records the...recordings...on the storage device they already have.

This computer is a little more responsive, and quickly opens up the first recording.

"<08/23|0230> [Professional Catalogue: Dr. Linda Greenlaw]"
Given all the recent commotion with that Carpathia fellow, I have elected it necessary to catalogue the more prized materials of our shipment, especially any I deem of scientific benefit. Mortizar’s private shipments are of particular interest to me. I, alas, could not gain access to all of Mortizar’s containers, and not everything could come with me through the decontamination gate. But, I have enough items to begin a catalogue, and I am sure we will have plenty of time here to work through the rest of it.

So! First of all, we have here a deep, multi-faceted crystal forged in the pressure from the Nendaran Gate Collapse. Exceptionally rare, quite exquisite! I might reckon, due to the unique conditions, a gem such as this rates even higher than diamond in terms of hardness and toughness and the like. I would estimate its yield strength approaches approximately 180 GPa. Quite impressive!

A beeping sounds in the original recording, suggesting an emergency battery state. If Greenlaw notices, she doesn’t much seem to care, absorbed in her findings.
Next, we have a dazzling flower picked from the far depths of the Republic of Kossia. Classification is difficult as it is of no genera that I am aware of, at least, nothing in our public records. Now, aside from the striking deep carnelian colour, giving it an obvious aesthetic purpose, I imagine this particular plant has some medicinal value. Of course, to be certain I would-

The video and audio abruptly cuts off, the rest of the footage presumably lost to a dead battery. There is a pause as the computer shuffles to the next recording.

"Playing <08/28|1632> [Personal Recording: Dr. Linda Greenlaw]"
I was able to recover some of the material found where Bugsy was knocked unconscious, and I brought it to my lab!! I’m dubbing it GL-7743, and I’ve spent all day running tests on it. It’s a shy little substance, especially around the presence of fire. It also appears to be subliminally intelligent on some level, which is fascinating! From my tests, it seems to respond to primal urges, though nothing too complex. I have never seen its equal! Where did it come from?? The nebula maybe! I imagine you’d have to be quite the hardy specimen to survive out in the wilds of space! In any case, I intend to return tomorrow and see if I can find any more samples for research! There could be some sort of breakthrough here.

"Playing <09/07|1323> [Incoming Interior Message: Dr Jamie C. Luce]"
Damnit, Linda, it’s been a week, where are you? What happened in there? I think you were right about all of this… I can’t sit on my rear anymore. If only you could’ve heard what Ilbery just ordered… I’m making a move. Somebody has to. I've already been able to find a way around the vocal locks with a little bit of resourcefulness and some tips from Engineer Worley - it's amazing what you can do with technology these days. I hope you’re still out there, Linda. I'm coming to find you next.

The screen goes blank, returning to its original message.

Edited by The Legonater

"This is no longer imagination or speculation anymore. I am resistant to both, but when facts lead us to conclusions, we must respect that. Something very bad happened here. And it looks like Greenlaw, and her investigation of whatever interacted with Bugsby, disappeared before Luce. During the hallway lockdown, it would look like." Merei glances over at her friend Kirwin, and the device they are holding in their hand. "You, my good friend, are a genius. We are needing to override voice activated locks, and you are carrying around voices. We should try playing these back by locks and seeing if they can get us anywhere. Remaining on high alert. And if these voices don't work, we must collect others. Does anyone else need anything else here?" Merei's eye slit surveys the room. "Whatever Greenlaw was studying was once in this room. I fear it isn't anymore, but does anyone want to look for it?"

Hearing Greenlaw describe the test subject's fear of fire, Merei will look inward and attempt to summon the nuclear fusion she knows lies deep within her. OoC: I never want to abuse the fact that Merei in theory gives off light or heat mechanically, but the fact that she is part star is important to how she views herself, and I can't imagine her not summoning that in this moment. Let me know what you think. If there is a check involved, it'd be religion for very specific reasons related to the religion of her homeworld.

Zaria stashes the plasma potion on her person for the time being before turning her attention to the capsules in the room, looking to see if she could identify the contents inside.

  • Author
18 hours ago, Zepher said:

Hearing Greenlaw describe the test subject's fear of fire, Merei will look inward and attempt to summon the nuclear fusion she knows lies deep within her. OoC: I never want to abuse the fact that Merei in theory gives off light or heat mechanically, but the fact that she is part star is important to how she views herself, and I can't imagine her not summoning that in this moment. Let me know what you think. If there is a check involved, it'd be religion for very specific reasons related to the religion of her homeworld.

Merei Religion Check (DC 1) - 2, 3, 2, 6 (One success)

The Celestial reaches inside herself and accesses the fundamental forces under which she was born. Her skin takes on a more active glow, adding a touch more light to the room.

13 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Zaria stashes the plasma potion on her person for the time being before turning her attention to the capsules in the room, looking to see if she could identify the contents inside.

Zaria Perception Check (DC 1) - 5, 1, 3 (One success)

As far as Zaria can tell, the capsules match with what was described in the recordings. On the ground appears to be a gleaming gem, mostly clear with flecks of an amber hue. On the shelf, to the right, is an intricate flower coloured a deep red. In the capsule beside the flower, however, is a more gooey, rust-coloured liquid substance. It crawls up the surface of the capsule, and in its middle is a bright, glowing red space that seems to follow Zaria's movements. The moment that Merei lights up, the substance reacts, throwing itself against the opposite wall of the capsule. The container shakes a little in response, before holding still. 

Merei walks a little closer to the container, but doesn't get too close. "This presents a dilemma. It seems to be important evidence, but I'm not sure how safe it is to take this with us. Much less aboard the shuttle. What do you all think?" 

"If we have any means to, I say we incinerate the damn thing." Zaria says bluntly. "If it is what we believe it to be, the creature that killed Bugsy, then it is a menace to us and others. It should be destroyed."

Kirwin says" At the very least before we move on let's collect the items in the room that are from Hart's secret stash. Then maybe if we explain the situation no one else will need to come aboard for awhile or ever."

"I don't like the idea of destroying it entirely. We don't know what it is yet, or how it ended up here." Merei looks down at it. "But I don't want to put people in danger either." Merei searches the room, trying to see if there is anywhere they can secure it more safely. "This way our decision can be made when we understand more, Zaria."

"I'm of the mind we should bring it with us," Varen adds. "But I'm not going to cry over spilled milk if we destroy. Let's at least document it first."

OOC: Sorry for the abscence, was my anniversary this weekend

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