December 6, 20213 yr "I think I understand enough to know it is dangerous, Merei. We have a responsibility to destroy this thing to ensure what happened to Bugsy does not happen to others." Zaria replies sternly. She was more concerned knowing this creature was present on the ship than anything else, but while it was here it was seemingly a threat and it should be dealt with.
December 7, 20213 yr Author 1 hour ago, KotZ said: OOC: Sorry for the abscence, was my anniversary this weekend MM Note: No worries, congratulations! 1 hour ago, Zepher said: "I don't like the idea of destroying it entirely. We don't know what it is yet, or how it ended up here." Merei looks down at it. "But I don't want to put people in danger either." Merei searches the room, trying to see if there is anywhere they can secure it more safely. "This way our decision can be made when we understand more, Zaria." Merei Perception Check (DC 1) - 3, 5, 4 (Two successes) To Merei's surprise, the capsule is an industrial scientific grade, and is quite secure in and of itself. She notes the capsule that had fallen on the ground and can't even find a crack in its glass, and moreover that the creature had been unable to escape. They could presumably break the capsule if they desired, but it was not likely to happen by accident.
December 7, 20213 yr "It seems contained for now. If you are absolutely certain we must destroy it, Zaria, you may. But I would like to study it more first. It seems a shame to give up any information that can be gleaned from this, and it is well contained at the moment. Even an attempt to destroy it may be more dangerous than its current state." Merei returns to the hallway. "I believe we are now faced with just the Bridge or Engineering - the entrance to the Mess has been collapsed. Kirwin, can we try playing some voices outside either and see if we can open them up?"
December 7, 20213 yr 11 hours ago, Zepher said: Kirwin, can we try playing some voices outside either and see if we can open them up?" "Sure, that was the plan if we come up against any of those voice locks!" Kirwin picks up the gem and the flower for safe keeping. ooc: Wasn't 100% sure if the flower is here from the recording above but I'll act like it is.
December 7, 20213 yr Author 7 hours ago, karmajay said: "Sure, that was the plan if we come up against any of those voice locks!" Kirwin picks up the gem and the flower for safe keeping. Kirwin pockets the capsules for both the gem and the flower, storing them in his equipment bag for safe-keeping. 18 hours ago, Zepher said: Merei returns to the hallway. "I believe we are now faced with just the Bridge or Engineering - the entrance to the Mess has been collapsed. Kirwin, can we try playing some voices outside either and see if we can open them up?" Looking up and down the corridor, Merei remembers that the path to Engineering has also been rendered inaccessible by the debris. Turning back the other direction, she face the doorway to the bridge, still very much locked and awaiting user access.
December 7, 20213 yr "Kirwin, let's try these recordings first. If they are unsuccessful, we can try hacking our way through, but I imagine that will be difficult."
December 8, 20213 yr 38 minutes ago, Zepher said: "Kirwin, let's try these recordings first. If they are unsuccessful, we can try hacking our way through, but I imagine that will be difficult." 4 hours ago, The Legonater said: Kirwin pockets the capsules for both the gem and the flower, storing them in his equipment bag for safe-keeping. Looking up and down the corridor, Merei remembers that the path to Engineering has also been rendered inaccessible by the debris. Turning back the other direction, she face the doorway to the bridge, still very much locked and awaiting user access. Kirwin says "Ok, let's take a look at this bridge door."
December 8, 20213 yr Author 4 minutes ago, karmajay said: Kirwin says "Ok, let's take a look at this bridge door." The lock of the bridge door blinks red. As the pair approach it, a computerized voice rings out. <Lockdown Measures Implemented. Only [Bridge Staff] may enter. [Bridge Staff] this shift entails: [Captain Edward Ilbery] [Head Pilot Jason Dunn] [Asssitant Pilot Jane Irving] [Bridge Engineer Alexi Larson] [Bridge Engineer Jim Noble] [Comms Officer Greg R. Wood]. If you are part of this shift's [Bridge Staff] please supply vocal confirmation. If you are not part of this shift's [Bridge Staff], please return to your designated station. Thank you!>
December 8, 20213 yr 38 minutes ago, The Legonater said: The lock of the bridge door blinks red. As the pair approach it, a computerized voice rings out. <Lockdown Measures Implemented. Only [Bridge Staff] may enter. [Bridge Staff] this shift entails: [Captain Edward Ilbery] [Head Pilot Jason Dunn] [Asssitant Pilot Jane Irving] [Bridge Engineer Alexi Larson] [Bridge Engineer Jim Noble] [Comms Officer Greg R. Wood]. If you are part of this shift's [Bridge Staff] please supply vocal confirmation. If you are not part of this shift's [Bridge Staff], please return to your designated station. Thank you!> Kirwin adjusts the recording device and plays a string of recorded snippets in secession. Quote "this is Captain Ilbery speaking", "I have decided to", "access the bridge"
December 8, 20213 yr Zaria backs off from the capsule with the... thing inside, keeping a wary eye on it. "Very well. We can move on, but I still believe this creature should be destroyed."
December 8, 20213 yr Author 10 minutes ago, karmajay said: Kirwin adjusts the recording device and plays a string of recorded snippets in secession. Kirwin Coding Check (DC 3) - 5, 4, 5, 1, 1 (Three successes) Kirwin fiddles with the drive, and using his skills, he's able to string together a convincing edit of the original audio track. The door hums for a moment, before unlocking and sliding open. With just a glimpse of what lay beyond, the heroes begin to wonder just what they'd gotten themselves into... The room is dark, illuminated mostly by flickering screens and the light of the nebula beyond. Even more sinewy growths appear scattered around the area, spreading up the walls. In the middle of the bridge, Captain Ilbery paces wildly. He looks deathly pale, and his throat sounds hoarse and hagged as he mutters to himself. In his hand, he waves a gun, pointing it haphazardly across the space like something may appear at any moment. With the arrival of the heroes the weapon points in their direction, his eyes wide. Stop!! Come no closer! I- I will shoot!
December 8, 20213 yr Zaria stops as Illbery waves his gun around. She figured she could take him, but she was more concerned with his poor health and the sinewy tendrils growing around them. “Captain Illbery? We were hired to look into the disappearance of this freighter. My associates and I would prefer if you put the gun down.” Zaria sheathes her khopesh, but a growing unease grows in her gut. She was no diplomat, and a desire to prepare a warding bond was cautiously welling inside her.
December 8, 20213 yr Kirwin raises their hands above their head. "Captain we came here on a Hart shuttle with Jace Orion. They figured your ship needed help."
December 9, 20213 yr Author 11 hours ago, Kintobor said: “Captain Illbery? We were hired to look into the disappearance of this freighter. My associates and I would prefer if you put the gun down.” Disappearance? No, no, no, no- nobody can- There's a twitch in his demeanour and he seems to ignore what he was saying. The gun- I can't. I can't. 4 hours ago, karmajay said: Kirwin raises their hands above their head. "Captain we came here on a Hart shuttle with Jace Orion. They figured your ship needed help." Jace? ...Orion? No, no... Ilbery glances around the bridge as if noticing it for the first time, then in a flash his gaze fixes back on Kirwin. We don't need your help. You should leave.
December 9, 20213 yr 7 hours ago, The Legonater said: Disappearance? No, no, no, no- nobody can- There's a twitch in his demeanour and he seems to ignore what he was saying. The gun- I can't. I can't. Jace? ...Orion? No, no... Ilbery glances around the bridge as if noticing it for the first time, then in a flash his gaze fixes back on Kirwin. We don't need your help. You should leave. Kirwin looks toward the party. "Sir, It REALLY looks like you need our help. Maybe you could start by telling us what happened? The quicker we can get past this the quicker we can try to help your crew. You're the captain and we also need YOUR help to rescue this situation."
December 9, 20213 yr Varen keeps his rifle close, ready to shoot if needed. "I'm gona guess zombies," he whispers.
December 10, 20213 yr Author 11 hours ago, karmajay said: Kirwin looks toward the party. "Sir, It REALLY looks like you need our help. Maybe you could start by telling us what happened? The quicker we can get past this the quicker we can try to help your crew. You're the captain and we also need YOUR help to rescue this situation." As Kirwin speaks, he sees the captain struggling to keep his gun level. Help? ...No, safer... if you leave. Yes. Safer. The captain... I'm- Suddenly his gun straightens again, aiming directly at Kirwin. The captain isn't here right now. 2 hours ago, Zepher said: “Where is the rest of your crew, captain?” The crew has been accounted for. At that, Ilbery begins quaking again, his eyes darting around them. The crew- oh stars... I've doomed them. I... he glances down at his sidearm and blanches. Oh, Irvator - I shot Jim. I... this is all my fault.
December 10, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, KotZ said: Varen keeps his rifle close, ready to shoot if needed. "I'm gona guess zombies," he whispers. 31 minutes ago, The Legonater said: The crew has been accounted for. At that, Ilbery begins quaking again, his eyes darting around them. The crew- oh stars... I've doomed them. I... he glances down at his sidearm and blanches. Oh, Irvator - I shot Jim. I... this is all my fault. Kirwin whispers out of the side of their mouth toward Varen. "Um, Varen, I heard back at the base that you were good at talking to people? You maybe want to take over?" He whispers to Merei and Zaria "Maybe we should back out and give the captain his space?"
December 10, 20213 yr "I truly don't think that is wise," Merei mutters to Kirwin, flaring angrily as the captain aims at her good friend. "Talking is all well and good, but I would rather do it in a safe setting. There is growth in this room. Zaria, prepare yourself. Let us see if we can get the captain somewhere more reasonable." Merei, never having dropped her Terminal Disk, casts gravity sink, attempting to pull the gun from the captain's hand and towards the party.
December 10, 20213 yr Author 4 hours ago, Zepher said: "I truly don't think that is wise," Merei mutters to Kirwin, flaring angrily as the captain aims at her good friend. "Talking is all well and good, but I would rather do it in a safe setting. There is growth in this room. Zaria, prepare yourself. Let us see if we can get the captain somewhere more reasonable." Merei, never having dropped her Terminal Disk, casts gravity sink, attempting to pull the gun from the captain's hand and towards the party. Merei succeeds in tearing the gun from the captain's hands - but a moment later, a mass of rust-coloured tendrils tore out of his arm, snatching the weapon and returning it to his hand. I... oh no...
December 10, 20213 yr Zaria's khopesh comes out of its sheath as she prepares a warding bond. She wasn't taking chances in this situation. "I do not like where this is going. Demons, possession; I do not what is causing this, but we are getting to the root of this evil and destroying it." She gives Merei a side glance before turning to the rest of the group. "How do we want to handle this? I do not think the captain is in full control of his faculties."
December 11, 20213 yr "Well, that taught us something," says Merei. "I wish one of us had purging font. But, hopes and wishes aren't much use. Let's see if we can't save the good captain. Forgive me this experiment, Zaria, Varen." With her flames still burning bright, Merei rushes at the captain as quickly as she can, hoping that the heat and light her body naturally gives off will drive the strange tendrils from the captain's body. She will again cast gravity sink, trying to pull the captain in towards her so that the tendrils will be forced to evacuate him instead of puppeting him away from the charging celestial. OoC: Who the hell knows, but I don't have many other ideas!
December 11, 20213 yr Author 23 hours ago, Zepher said: 4 hours ago, Zepher said: "Well, that taught us something," says Merei. "I wish one of us had purging font. But, hopes and wishes aren't much use. Let's see if we can't save the good captain. Forgive me this experiment, Zaria, Varen." With her flames still burning bright, Merei rushes at the captain as quickly as she can, hoping that the heat and light her body naturally gives off will drive the strange tendrils from the captain's body. She will again cast gravity sink, trying to pull the captain in towards her so that the tendrils will be forced to evacuate him instead of puppeting him away from the charging celestial. Merei Religion Check (DC 1) - 4, 1, 6, 1 (Two successes) Leaping fast, Merei hurtles over the railing at the captain. Hands shaking, Ilbery is halfway through the process of pulling the gun away from the party and towards himself when Merei is on him, placing a hand on his chest and burning out the dark forces. In a flash, the blackish tendrils burst out of Ilbery's back and against the tactical screen of Valencia's bridge. Captain Ilbery is frozen for a moment, before collapsing to the ground, panting for breath and doubling over in pain. Th... thank... The relief is short-lived, however. The viscous mass splattered on the viewscreen dispersed, joining with the growths around the bridge and forming three sinewy creatures, mandibles gnashing towards the party. As the captain fell unconscious, the three creatures charged. PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Round 0: Kirwin Initiative Check - (1) 0 Successes Merei Initiative Check - (2, 6) 1 Success Varen Initiative Check - (3, 6) 1 Success Zaria Initiative Check - (3, 5, 2) 1 Success MM Note: Merei, Varen, and Zaria are all tied. ?? Creature A Initiative Check - (4, 4, 4) 3 Successes ?? Creature B Initiative Chek (6, 3, 1) 1 Success ?? Creature C Initiative Check (3, 5, 6) 2 Successes The Enemy:?? Creature A Vitality: 5/5Velocity: 3Strength: 2Skill: 1Smarts: 1Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1Equipment: Captain Ilbery's Security CardInnate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon) ? Creature B Vitality: 5/5Velocity: 3Strength: 2Skill: 1Smarts: 1Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1Equipment: Captain's Sidearm (Standard Energy Short Range Weapon)Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon) ? Creature C Vitality: 5/5Velocity: 3Strength: 2Skill: 1Smarts: 1Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1Equipment: Alien Mandible (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)The Party:Kirwin (karmajay)Character Points: 2/14Vitality: 6/6Velocity: 1Strength: 2Skill: 1Smarts: 3Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 Credits: 18Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Utility BeltInventory: 4 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 3 Plasma Potions, Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Hacking Chip, Aether Brew Merei TeoAge 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi)Character Points: 1/14Vitality: 6/6 (temp +3)Velocity: 2Strength: 2Skill: 2Smarts: 3Spirit: 1/3Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity SinkCredits: 151Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Aetherbrew, Plasma Potion, Nanite Elixir Varen Nastayo (KotZ)26, Male, HumanCharacter Points: 2/13Vitality: 5/5Velocity: 2Strength: 2Skill: 2Smarts: 2Spirit: 0Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*Known Spells (if applicable): Credits: 124Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator CubeInventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim, Plasma Potion Zaria Kanara (Kintobor) Blinded 226 Year Old Female ElfCharacter Points: 2/15Vitality: 6/6Velocity: 3 (x2)Strength: 2Skill: 2Smarts: 1Spirit: 1/2Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2 (temp +1)Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic SweepCredits: 139Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour +5), Farsight GogglesInventory: Plasma Potion (4), Aether Brew (2), Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll (Enhanced Vision) MM Note: Alright, finally our first fight. Feel free to correct me on anything, I'm bound to get something wrong in here. Edited December 12, 20213 yr by The Legonater
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