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OoC: I was willing to burn a round on just figuring out if it was possible is the reason I didn’t try yet haha. Thanks for being generous! Also Greenlaw’s proficiencies aren’t leveled.

“Kirwin, I don’t know what your heroic heart dictates you do. There are people to save and monsters to fight. But I know Zaria will do what she does best, and hope Varen and Viper will help her do it. Which means I must first try for the freedom of the others.” Merei assesses the victims, trying to determine who most deserves her sympathy, who can teach her the most, and who is most dangerous. She shakes her head at herself. She wants to save Greenlaw. The experimenter. But Zaria and the Hydra have both made clear that she is perhaps not as faultless as the others. She will attempt to free   McSorley.

"... Merei is right." Zaria bluntly comments. "We are not freeing the innocents enthralled by this beast unless we sever the connection they have. I will keep the lesser Hydras at bay while you two take time freeing the captured crew." Zaria confidently turns to Varen and Viper. "Alright, you two. This is about to get rough, but with proper coordination we can handle this. Viper," Zaria points to Hydra Sprout B. "That's your target. Varen, you have a tendency to take heavy damage. Let me rectify that, if only temporarily." Zaria casts Interposing Ward on Varen as she invokes Varuth's name.

Kirwin nods and will attempt to free Luce.

  • Author
1 hour ago, karmajay said:

Kirwin nods and will attempt to free Luce.


14 hours ago, Zepher said:

She will attempt to free   McSorley.

MM Note: To be clear for both of these, are you attempting to burn out the Hydra, or sever its tether? These are different actions so I just want to be sure. 

Additionally, would someone be able to supply an action for Varen?

OoC: Merei will try to burn the Hydra out. I'm also willing to drop a spirit into the attempt, if that will aid in any way.

Hearing the other's plan, Varen with turn with a sigh and fire on Hydra Sprout D.

Kirwin will use the flamethrower to tr to force the connection out of the person.

  • Author

Round One:
Zaria casts Imposing Ward on Varen - (+5 armour, -1 Spirit)
Varen vs Hydra Sprout D - (5, +1) Two Successes vs. (6) One success = One damage
Merei attempts to free McSorley - Merei Religion Check DC 1/3 (-1 Spirit to add +3 dice) (3, 5, 1, 4, 1, 3, 5, 2) Three successes, McSorley Freed.
Kirwin attempts to free Luce - Kirwin Long Range Weapons Check DC 1/3 (6, 6, 3) Two successes. Luce Unstable.
Viper vs Hydra Sprout B - (2, 4, +1) Two successes vs. (4) One success = One damage

Simon Dunn vs. Viper - (6, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (5, 6, +1) Three successes = Zero damage
Hydra Sprout A moves to E3
Hydra Sprout A vs. Zaria - (4, 2, 3, +1) Two successes vs. (1, 6, +2) Three successes = Zero damage
Hydra Sprout B moves to D5
Hydra Sprout B vs. Varen - (3, 4, 1, +1) Two successes vs. (5, 1, +5) Six successes = Zero damage
Hydra Sprout C moves to G5
Hydra Sprout C vs. Merei - (5, 1, 1, +1) Two successes vs. (4, 6) Two successes = Zero damage
Hydra Root rallies Simon Dunn - (+4)
Linda Greenlaw moves to B1
Linda Greenlaw casts Elemental Ray on E4, E5, and E6 - (1, 6, -3 Spirit) One success = One damage to Zaria, Varen, Viper
Luce tries to recover - (2) Luce still unstable
Hydra Sprout D moves to G4
Hydra Sprout vs. Kirwin - (3, 4, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (4, +1) Two successes = One damage

The final battle kicks off with a start. Zaria whispers a prayer, summoning a shield around Varen just in time to block an onslaught from one of the Sprouts. In turn, Varen pops up to fire a shot at another Sprout, grazing it as it hurtles itself after Kirwin, sinking its mandible into Kirwin's arm. Shaking off the attack, Kirwin fires their flamethrower at Dr Luce. There is an angry hiss as Kirwin sprays flames on the Root's host; the Hydra tendril holding Luce convulses, gripping her tighter and dropping her to the ground. For the moment, though, she's out of the fight. Merei follows suit by expending some of her spirit to guide and empower her inner flame. Reaching out, she is able to fully burn the parasite from McSorley, and the engineer collapses relatively unscathed. Viper joins the onslaught by putting a shot into the Sprout that attacked Varen, however, he isn't able to steady his shot well before ducking away from Dunn's gunfire. Meanwhile, the two other Sprouts charge for Zaria and Merei, who successfully dodge the feral creatures. Their confidence quickly wavers as the controlled Greenlaw waves a spell in the air and summons a ray of earthy energy that crashes into the party's front line. The Root, observing the first bout, gives an unsettling gurgle and empowers Dunn for his next round.


The Enemy:
Hydra Root 
Vitality: 25/25
Velocity: 0
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 4
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Intimidation 1, Nature 3, Perception 1, Survival 3
Equipment: ??
Passive AbilityHive Mind - Any damage done to the Root will be instead distributed evenly among anyone under its thrall. The Root can Rally or Defend those under its thrall without being physically adjacent to them.
Special Actions: If the Root has no minds under its thrall, it may take one of the following actions on its turn:
Parasitic Reach - The Root makes a Smarts check against a member of the party. If the Root succeeds, that character is under its thrall for the next turn. 
Colony Defence - The Root summons more Hydra creatures into the battle, rolling a d4 - 1, Failure; 2, Two Hydra Sprouts, 3, a Hydra Meiosphere, 4, a Hydra Calyx.

Linda Greenlaw (Controlled)
Vitality: 3/3
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Spirit: 1/4
Smarts: 3
Known Spells: Elemental Evocation, Entropic Mending, Healing Light
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Nature 2, Perception 1
Equipment: Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir

Jamie Luce (Controlled) (Unstable)
Vitality: 4/4
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Medicine 4, Perception 1, Survival 2
Equipment: Recovered Hart Rifle (Calibrated Long Range Energy Weapon), Plasma Potion x2, Essence of Precaution

Simon Dunn (Controlled)
Vitality: 4/4
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 3
Smarts: 2
Proficiencies: Coding 1, Perception 2, Piloting 3, Short Range Weapons 2
Equipment: Pilot's Sidearm (Standard Short Range Energy Weapon), 20 Credits

Hydra Sprout A
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout B
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: 5 Credits
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout C
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Bulking Stim
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive Ability: Self-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout D
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: 10 Credits
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

The Party:
Kirwin (karmajay)
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 6/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 18
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Utility Belt
Inventory: 3 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 4 Plasma Potions, Hacking Chip, Captain Ilbery's Security Card, Alien Mandible (Standard Kinetic Weapon), Makeshift Flamethrower (Standard Short-Range Elemental Weapon), Skeleton Key Card (Unlocks 1 lock per mission)

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi) 
Character Points: 4/18
Vitality: 6/6 
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 2/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 161
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Plasma Potion, Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir, Holo-Tome 
(+1 to non-Spell Arcana, Nature, Religion, and Occult Checks)

Varen Nastayo (KotZ)
26, Male, Human
Character Points: 5/17
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*
Known Spells (if applicable): 
Credits: 124
Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube
Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim, Aether Brew, Plasma Potion, Ion Scope (This weapon ignores Obscurement)

Zaria Kanara (Kintobor) 
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 5/19
Vitality: 5/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 0/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Credits: 139
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour w/ Repulsor, +1 Defend Rolls), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion (4), Aether Brew x2, Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll (Enhanced Vision)

Viper Carpathia (Will take suggestions)
Vitality: 4/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Persuasion 1, Short Range Weapons 2, Survival 1
Equipment: Starblazer Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Captain's Sidearm (Standard Short-Range Energy Weapon)


Kirwin tosses a grenade at h4 to hit hydra c and d

Merei moves to D4 and tries to free Simon, dropping another spirit into it. "You're about to start really hurting us," she tells the pilot. "Better to be free."

OOC: Greenlaw should be at 0 Spirit. :classic:

Zaria buffers at the blast of energy as it coils around her. Gritting her teeth, she strikes Hydra Sprout B. "Viper, move back (F6) and help me keep this thing off of Varen (attack Hydra B)! Varen, perhaps defending yourself might be the best move for the time being!"

  • Author
26 minutes ago, Kintobor said:

OOC: Greenlaw should be at 0 Spirit. :classic:

MM Note: Why, exactly? Elemental Ray costs three spirit to cast and Greenlaw started with four. Unless I'm missing some reason she should have expended an additional point of Spirit. 

33 minutes ago, The Legonater said:

MM Note: Why, exactly? Elemental Ray costs three spirit to cast and Greenlaw started with four. Unless I'm missing some reason she should have expended an additional point of Spirit. 

Sorry, I misread "Smarts" for "Spirit". :wall:

Carry on. :blush:

  • Author
3 hours ago, Kintobor said:

Sorry, I misread "Smarts" for "Spirit". :wall:

Carry on. :blush:

MM Note: All good - that's probably on me for accidentally mixing up the order. :laugh:

We're not quite at 24 hours so no rush, but I'm going to be out for a chunk of the evening so I figured I'd put up the call now. If @KotZ or someone else is able to supply an action for Varen by tonight I'll be able to run the next round for you by the morning. :thumbup:

OOC: Varen will defend himself.

  • Author

MM Note: I see now you said that in your earlier post, my bad!

Round Two:
Zaria vs. Hydra Sprout B - (4, 6, +1) Three successes vs. (1) Zero successes = Three damage 
Varen defends himself (+2)
Merei moves to D4
Merei attempts to free Dunn - Merei Religion Check DC 1/3 (-1 Spirit to add +3 dice) (3, 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 5, 5) Three successes, Simon Freed.
Kirwin throws a grenade at H4 - (Three damage to Hydra Sprouts C and D)
Viper moves to F6
Viper vs Hydra Sprout B - (2, 6, +1) Two successes vs. (1) Zero success = Two damage

Hydra Sprout A vs. Zaria - (3, 6, 6, +1) Three successes vs. (4, 4, +2) Four successes = Zero damage
Hydra Sprout B death roll (6) 
Hydra Sprout C moves to F5
Hydra Sprout C vs. Merei - (2, 4, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (6, 4) Two successes = One damage
Hydra Root defends Greenlaw - (+2)
Linda Greenlaw casts Elemental Bolt at Zaria - (5, 5, -1 Spirit) Two success = Two damage
Luce tries to recover - (1) Luce still unstable
Hydra Sprout D moves to D5
Hydra Sprout D vs. Kirwin - (3, 6, 2, +1) Two successes vs. (3, +1) One successes = One damage

The battle continues as the Sprouts converge on the party. One gnaws uselessly on Zaria's heavy armour as she turns and cleaves her khopesh through another Sprout. Viper finishes off her target as he adjusts his positioning. Varen prepares himself for the next attack. Merei again sends out her celestial energy to expel a tendril from Simon Dunn, freeing him. Kirwin primes a grenade to life and hucks into a collection of Sprouts, which take heavy damage. The Sprouts attack back, taking bites out of Kirwin and Merei as the Root boosts Greenlaw's defenses. Greenlaw herself fires another bolt towards Zaria, the earthy rocks bursting through her layers of armour. Luce continues to lie on the ground, semi-parted from the hive mind. The group stands tall, feeling good about their chances against the alien horde.

No description available.

The Enemy:
Hydra Root 
Vitality: 25/25
Velocity: 0
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 4
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Intimidation 1, Nature 3, Perception 1, Survival 3
Equipment: ??
Passive AbilityHive Mind - Any damage done to the Root will be instead distributed evenly among anyone under its thrall. The Root can Rally or Defend those under its thrall without being physically adjacent to them.
Special Actions: If the Root has no minds under its thrall, it may take one of the following actions on its turn:
Parasitic Reach - The Root makes a Smarts check against a member of the party. If the Root succeeds, that character is under its thrall for the next turn. 
Colony Defence - The Root summons more Hydra creatures into the battle, rolling a d4 - 1, Failure; 2, Two Hydra Sprouts, 3, a Hydra Meiosphere, 4, a Hydra Calyx.

Linda Greenlaw (Controlled)
Vitality: 3/3
Velocity: 2
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Spirit: 0/4
Smarts: 3
Known Spells: Elemental Evocation, Entropic Mending, Healing Light
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Nature 2, Perception 1
Equipment: Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir

Jamie Luce (Controlled) (Unstable)
Vitality: 4/4
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Medicine 4, Perception 1, Survival 2
Equipment: Recovered Hart Rifle (Calibrated Long Range Energy Weapon), Plasma Potion x2, Essence of Precaution

Hydra Sprout A
Vitality: 5/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout C
Vitality: 2/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Bulking Stim
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive Ability: Self-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout D
Vitality: 1/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: 10 Credits
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

The Party:
Kirwin (karmajay)
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 18
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Utility Belt
Inventory: 2 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 4 Plasma Potions, Hacking Chip, Captain Ilbery's Security Card, Alien Mandible (Standard Kinetic Weapon), Makeshift Flamethrower (Standard Short-Range Elemental Weapon), Skeleton Key Card (Unlocks 1 lock per mission)

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi) 
Character Points: 4/18
Vitality: 5/6 
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 1/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 161
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Plasma Potion, Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir, Holo-Tome 
(+1 to non-Spell Arcana, Nature, Religion, and Occult Checks)

Varen Nastayo (KotZ)
26, Male, Human
Character Points: 5/17
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*
Known Spells (if applicable): 
Credits: 124
Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube
Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim, Aether Brew, Plasma Potion, Ion Scope (This weapon ignores Obscurement)

Zaria Kanara (Kintobor) 
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 5/19
Vitality: 3/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 0/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Credits: 139
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour w/ Repulsor, +1 Defend Rolls), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion (4), Aether Brew x2, Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll (Enhanced Vision)

Viper Carpathia (Will take suggestions)
Vitality: 4/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Persuasion 1, Short Range Weapons 2, Survival 1
Equipment: Starblazer Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Captain's Sidearm (Standard Short-Range Energy Weapon)

Stumbling from the onslaught of earth and rock, Zaria wipes the dirt from her face as she takes in her surroundings. She could not take these batterings for much longer, but by Varuth's grace she would see this combat through. "Varen, I'm moving. We are taking down the one by me." She points at Hydra Sprout A. "Vyper," Zaria points to the Hydra sprout D by Merei, "that's your target!"

Zaria moves to F3, then strikes Hydra Sprout A.

Kirwin uses the flamethower on Hydra C

Varen moves to C7 and fires on Hydra Sprout C. Merei moves C2 and tries to free Greenlaw, again using spirit.

  • Author

Round Three:
Zaria moves to F3
Zaria vs. Hydra Sprout A - (4, 3, +1) Two successes vs. (5) One success = One damage 
Varen moves to C7
Varen fires on Hydra Sprout C - (5, +1) Two successes vs. (5) One success = One damage
Merei moves to C2
Merei attempts to free Greenlaw - Merei Religion Check DC 1/3 (-1 Spirit to add +3 dice) (4, 6, 3, 3, 1, 3, 6, 1) Three successes, Greenlaw Freed.
Kirwin vs. Hydra Sprout C  - (+1, -1) Zero successes vs. (4) One success = Zero damage
Viper vs Hydra Sprout D - (5, 3, +1) Two successes vs. (2) Zero success = Two damage

Hydra Sprout A vs. Zaria - (1, 6, 3, +1) Two successes vs. (46, 5, +2) Four successes = Zero damage
Hydra Sprout C moves to D6
Hydra Sprout C vs. Varen - (4, 6, 3, +1) Three successes vs. (2, 3, 5, 4) Two successes = One damage
Luce tries to recover - (1) Luce dies.
Hydra Root uses Colony Defence - (4), Hydra Calyx
Hydra Sprout D death roll (2) (4)

Hydra Calyx initiative - (6, 2) One success

Zaria kicks off the round by charging at the unharmed Sprout. It attempts to bite down on her but she evades the attack and scrapes her khopesh along its back. Varen and Kirwin team up against another Sprout, and the lawyer is able to score a shot before Kirwin scares it off with their flames. The Sprout skitters away from Kirwin and towards Varen, landing a glancing blow. In the chaos, Merei serenely approahces Greenlaw, and expells the Hydra from her with the last of her spirit. Meanwhile, Viper fires a clean shot at the remaining Sprout, seeming to put it down. There is a brief moment of calm before the tone turns dour. Luce gives one final gasp of attempting to recover, unstabilized from the harm of the Hydra, and closing her eyes for good. Then, there's a deep gurgling from the Root, who appeared to be waiting to see what would happen to the doctor. The webbing on the wall forms a Calyx, which enters the battle. There's a horrific screeching from the Sprout Viper killed as it stretches itself back together, pulling from the ground beside it to regain its form. Although there are no humans currently under the Root's thrall, it's clear the party isn't out of this yet. 

No description available.

The Enemy:
Hydra Root 
Vitality: 25/25
Velocity: 0
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 4
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Intimidation 1, Nature 3, Perception 1, Survival 3
Equipment: ??
Passive AbilityHive Mind - Any damage done to the Root will be instead distributed evenly among anyone under its thrall. The Root can Rally or Defend those under its thrall without being physically adjacent to them.
Special Actions: If the Root has no minds under its thrall, it may take one of the following actions on its turn:
Parasitic Reach - The Root makes a Smarts check against a member of the party. If the Root succeeds, that character is under its thrall for the next turn. 
Colony Defence - The Root summons more Hydra creatures into the battle, rolling a d4 - 1, Failure; 2, Two Hydra Sprouts, 3, a Hydra Meiosphere, 4, a Hydra Calyx.

Hydra Sprout A
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout C
Vitality: 1/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: Bulking Stim
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive Ability: Self-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout D
Vitality: 4/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: 10 Credits
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)

Hydra Calyx
Vitality: 10/10
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Intimidation 1, Nature 1, Short Range Weapons 3

Equipment: None
Innate: Swiping Claws (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon), Striking Talons (Calibrated Kinetic Long Range Weapon)
Passive AbilityThorn Shoot - Forgoes a Position action to make a Long Range attack, using its Velocity stat as its proficiency modifier

The Party:
Kirwin (karmajay)
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 18
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Utility Belt
Inventory: 2 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 4 Plasma Potions, Hacking Chip, Captain Ilbery's Security Card, Alien Mandible (Standard Kinetic Weapon), Makeshift Flamethrower (Standard Short-Range Elemental Weapon), Skeleton Key Card (Unlocks 1 lock per mission)

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi) 
Character Points: 4/18
Vitality: 5/6 
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 161
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Plasma Potion, Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir, Holo-Tome 
(+1 to non-Spell Arcana, Nature, Religion, and Occult Checks)

Varen Nastayo (KotZ)
26, Male, Human
Character Points: 5/17
Vitality: 3/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*
Known Spells (if applicable): 
Credits: 124
Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube
Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim, Aether Brew, Plasma Potion, Ion Scope (This weapon ignores Obscurement)

Zaria Kanara (Kintobor) 
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 5/19
Vitality: 3/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 0/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Credits: 139
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour w/ Repulsor, +1 Defend Rolls), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion (4), Aether Brew x2, Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll (Enhanced Vision)

Viper Carpathia (Will take suggestions)
Vitality: 4/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Persuasion 1, Short Range Weapons 2, Survival 1
Equipment: Starblazer Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Captain's Sidearm (Standard Short-Range Energy Weapon)

Edited by The Legonater

Kirwin throws a grenade at E5 to hit Hydra c and D.

OoC: Well. Crap. I forgot that the rules allowed for someone unstable to die if they fail three rolls. Whoops!

"Zaria, Varen, Viper. This is your moment to do what you do." Merei drinks an Aetherbrew and steps back to B4.

  • Author

MM Note: Still waiting on actions for Zaria and Varen!

Zaria strikes Hydra Sprout A with her khopesh. "Viper! I need you here (F5) to defend Kirwin!"

Varen stays put and fires on the Hydra Root.

  • Author

Round Four:
Zaria vs. Hydra Sprout A - (5, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (2) Zero successes = Three damage 
Varen vs Hydra Root - (1, +1, -1) Zero successes vs. (3, 2) Zero successes = Zero damage
Merei drinks an Aether Brew (3)
Merei moves to B4
Kirwin throws a grenade at E5 - Hydra Sprouts C and D take 3 damage
Viper moves to F5
Viper defends Kirwin (+2)

Hydra Sprout A moves to C6
Hydra Sprout A vs. Varen - (4, 1, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (1, 6) Two successes = One damage
Hydra Sprout C death roll - (6)
Hydra Calyx uses Thorn Short against Kirwin - (4, 6, +2, -1) Three success vs. (6, 2, +1) Two successes = One damage
Hydra Root uses Parasitic Reach against Zaria - (6, 4, 6, 6) Four successes vs. (1) Zero successes = Zaria controlled by the Root.
Hydra Sprout D moves to G5
Hydra Sprout D vs Kirwin - (3, 4, 5, +1) Three successes vs. (5, 1, 5, +1) Three successes = Zero damage

Controlled Zaria initiative - (5, 3) One success

The fight turns bloody as Zaria cleaves her blade once again through the Sprout. Merei chugs an Aether Brew to replenish her resources as she backs herself towards the humming energy canisters, gazing up at the massive head of the Root as the fluid Hydra substance drips from its incisors. Varen tries to take a shot at the Root while it is defenseless, but his shot goes wide. Kirwin thumbs another grenade to life and throws it into a crowd of Sprouts, incinerating one so that it's unable to regrow. Viper fires a shot to defend Kirwin as one Sprout charges at them, only to get hit by the Calyx from a distance. Meanwhile, the Sprout Zaria had been focusing on turns tail and claws into Varen. She prepares to give charge when a deep drumming overwhelms her mind. The noise sends her in a daze, and before she's even aware, a tendril attaches itself into her neck. Thoughts and screams flood her mind as she turns towards the members of her party with newfound bloodlust. 

No description available.

The Enemy:
Hydra Root 
Vitality: 25/25
Velocity: 0
Strength: 1
Skill: 2
Smarts: 4
Proficiencies: Insight 2, Intimidation 1, Nature 3, Perception 1, Survival 3
Equipment: ??
Passive AbilityHive Mind - Any damage done to the Root will be instead distributed evenly among anyone under its thrall. The Root can Rally or Defend those under its thrall without being physically adjacent to them.
Special Actions: If the Root has no minds under its thrall, it may take one of the following actions on its turn:
Parasitic Reach - The Root makes a Smarts check against a member of the party. If the Root succeeds, that character is under its thrall for the next turn. 
Colony Defence - The Root summons more Hydra creatures into the battle, rolling a d4 - 1, Failure; 2, Two Hydra Sprouts, 3, a Hydra Meiosphere, 4, a Hydra Calyx.

Hydra Sprout A
Vitality: 1/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: None
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Sprout D
Vitality: 1/5
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Melee Weapons 3, Nature 1, Survival 1
Equipment: 10 Credits
Innate: Piercing Mandibles (Standard Kinetic Melee Weapon)
Passive AbilitySelf-Pollination - 1/3 chance to revive upon death, gaining 1d4 health.

Hydra Calyx
Vitality: 10/10
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Smarts: 1
Proficiencies: Intimidation 1, Nature 1, Short Range Weapons 3

Equipment: None
Innate: Swiping Claws (Standard Kinetic Short Range Weapon), Striking Talons (Calibrated Kinetic Long Range Weapon)
Passive AbilityThorn Shoot - Forgoes a Position action to make a Long Range attack, using its Velocity stat as its proficiency modifier

Zaria Kanara (Kintobor) (Controlled)
226 Year Old Female Elf
Character Points: 5/19
Vitality: 3/6
Velocity: 3
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 1
Spirit: 0/2
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Religion 2, Melee Weapons 2
Known Spells: Warding Bond, Sonic Sweep
Credits: 139
Equipment: Power Khopesh (Standard Kintetic Melee Weapon), Dune Sea Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour w/ Repulsor, +1 Defend Rolls), Farsight Goggles
Inventory: Plasma Potion (4), Aether Brew x2, Essence of Toughness, Holoscroll (Enhanced Vision)

The Party:
Kirwin (karmajay)
Character Points: 5/18
Vitality: 4/6
Velocity: 1
Strength: 2
Skill: 1
Smarts: 3
Proficiencies: Coding 2, Piloting 1, Engineering 2, Explosives 1, Technology 2 
Credits: 18
Equipment: Drone (Standard Long Range Elemental Weapon), Adventuring Leathers (Standard Kinetic Armour), Utility Belt
Inventory: 2 Hampering Minor Chemical Contained grenades, 4 Plasma Potions, Hacking Chip, Captain Ilbery's Security Card, Alien Mandible (Standard Kinetic Weapon), Makeshift Flamethrower (Standard Short-Range Elemental Weapon), Skeleton Key Card (Unlocks 1 lock per mission)

Merei Teo
Age 24 Female, Helioi-Touched Celestial (Born Menahi) 
Character Points: 4/18
Vitality: 5/6 
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 3/3
Proficiencies: Occult 1, Religion 1, Coding 1, Insight 1
Known Spells: Healing Light, Solar Flare, Gravity Sink
Credits: 161
Equipment: Teo Family Pocket-Watch (Kinetic Weapon), Utility Belt (Grants +1 Engineering or Medicine Check Success)
Inventory: Essence of Intellect, Plasma Potion, Aether Brew, Nanite Elixir, Holo-Tome 
(+1 to non-Spell Arcana, Nature, Religion, and Occult Checks)

Varen Nastayo (KotZ)
26, Male, Human
Character Points: 5/17
Vitality: 2/5
Velocity: 2
Strength: 2
Skill: 2
Smarts: 2
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Culture 2, Deception 1, Insight 1, Persuasion 2, Long Range Weapon 1, Coding 1*
Known Spells (if applicable): 
Credits: 124
Equipment: Lawyer's Rifle (Standard Long Range Energy weapon), Translator Cube
Inventory: 1x Essence of Glibness, 1x Essence of Intellect, Ion Repeater (Standard Energy Long Range Weapon), Adrenaline Decoction, 2x Bulking Stim, Aether Brew, Plasma Potion, Ion Scope (This weapon ignores Obscurement)

Viper Carpathia (Will take suggestions)
Vitality: 3/7
Velocity: 2
Strength: 4
Skill: 2
Smarts: 3
Spirit: 0
Proficiencies: Athletics 1, Persuasion 1, Short Range Weapons 2, Survival 1
Equipment: Starblazer Armour (Standard Kinetic Armour), Captain's Sidearm (Standard Short-Range Energy Weapon)

Edited by The Legonater

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