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The Imperial ConsortiumTIC_logo2.jpg

Formerly The Imperial Triumvirate

Faction: The Imperial Consortium
Faction Leader: @shockwave_bricks
Members: @Gubi0222, @ARKUM ELO, @williambrickalliance, @Bociephus, @Spud The Viking, @Anton_Bricks, @StandaartWoudt, @halixon, @P2_br1ck, @Lego Jokel, @OG-Bricks, @Anton_Bricks
Faction pseudonyms: TIC
Affiliation: Imperial Remnant
Headquarters/Capital: Atrisia
Systems: Zonama Sekot (F13), Gannaria (H15), Cerea (I16), Chalcedon (I16), Glee Anselm (J7), Mondress (J7), Vicondor (J7), Byss (K11), Trenwyth (I16), Khomm (L12), Balosar (L12), Thomork (L12), Trellen (M11), Byblos (M12)
Sectors: Mandress Sector 
Grid: J7, F13, I16, L12



"The Empire improves every system it touches. Judge by any metric. Safety, prosperity, trade, opportunity, peace. Compare Imperial rule to what is happening now. Look outside. Is the world more peaceful since the revolution? I see nothing but death and chaos."

―"The Client,"

The Imperial Consortium (TIC) was a coalition formed of opportunistic Imperial warlords that toppled the former leadership of the Imperial Triumvirate. Consolidated under seven high ranking imperial warlords, this new Imperial Remnant had taken refuge in the deep core, and the unknown regions, in order to regroup and rebuild.


The Imperial Triumvirate was just the beginning. The first victory of many. From the embers of the Imperial Triumvirate, a new order rises; The Imperial Consortium.


The Formation of the Triumvirate (5 ABY): The Imperial Triumvirate was formed shortly after the battle of Endor. Moff Barthol had just returned with the 31st fleet, also known as the Ethereal Fleet, from a decade-long mission in the unknown regions. Witnessing a crumbling empire, Moff Barthol decided to go against Vice Admiral Sloane’s command and seek out old allies, still loyal to the emperor. Shortly after, the 31st fleet joined forces with the armies of the Crim Dominion, an old imperial loyalist state ruled by the mysterious Crimson Duchess. The Triumvirate was not fully formed until shortly after Operation Cinder. Moff Barthol wanted an old trusted friend, a viceroy of Nacronis to join his cause. In the meantime the viceroy had tried to foil the destruction of his homeworld and crippling Operation Cinder, resulting in his death by the hands of his own son, Prince Serion. Seeing this as a true act of loyalty to the empire, Moff Barthol decided to give Prince Serion his father’s place, as the third and last leading member of the Imperial Triumvirate.

Restoring the Empire (6-9 ABY): The Imperial Triumvirate grew rapidly with more Imperial Remnants joining the united front, winning important battles at Fondor, and Devaron, but also gaining influence on core New Republic worlds like Hosnian Prime, and Kuat. Only the secrecy kept the Imperial Triumvirates territory from being publicly acknowledged.


The Invasion of Iridonia ‘The Manifest’ (9 ABY): It was unknown who sanctioned the Invasion of Iridonia, but one thing was certain. The Imperial Triumvirate was no longer a secret. The republic-friendly Pentastar remnant, stationed on Iridonia, quickly realised their inevitable loss, and evacuated what troops and ordnance they could. The remaining troops, and New Republic defence forces were no match for the united imperial front. Within a week, Imperial Triumvirate banners soared above Iridonia. For days, the New Republic was incapacitated, with no response. The glory of the former Empire had been restored!

Alas, no one could foresee that the imperial union would shatter from within. Rumor has it that it was the Triumvir, Supreme Moff Barthol himself, that provided the enemy with plans enabling the New Republic to launch tactical assaults that crippled the Imperial Triumvirate.

Salvaging what was left, the remnants of the shattered empire, took refuge in the far reaches of the galaxy once more. This time however, not defeated. Something had changed. Imperial embers smoldered across the galaxy. Imperial facilities, and installations lay dormant, and abandoned, scattered across the galaxy, like a thousand scars. Scars that could once again become bleeding wounds.

The reformation of the Imperial Consortium (10 ABY): The rise of the Imperial Triumvirate would have toppled the New Republic, had it not been for traitors within the high command. In order to save the remaining Imperial forces, a league of Moffs and Warlords mutinied against Imperial Triumvirate High Command, and the three Triumvirs. The reformed Imperial Consortium took refuge in the Deep Core Security Zone, and various Imperial worlds in the Unknown Regions. From these secure strongholds, the Imperial Consortium would once more plot to reclaim their former glory.





The leadership of the Imperial Consortium consisted of a league of high-ranking imperial officers, warlords, and moffs. This league was formalized in the form of a ruling Council, aligning and overseeing matters across the individual imperial remnants, fleets, and assets. Although consolidated under a united leadership, each warlord still maintained a large degree of autonomy of their remnant.


Director Elia Friyarthumb_L01.jpg

Species: Human; Gender: Female; Homeworld: Coruscant; Affiliation: ISB Law Enforcment, and Re-education;

Director Friyar had previously held the position as Inspector General, reporting directly to Grand Prince Serion, and overseeing law-enforcement operations in the Imperial Triumvirate ISB. Among her most notable achievements was, instilling peace and order on the Imperial Triumvirate outpost on Marat V. Her intimate knowledge of the Triumvirs’ plans, has made her one of the most well respected leaders of the Imperial Consortium.

Admiral Adagio Vorithumb_L02.jpg

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Byblos; Affiliation: ISB Internal Affairs, Investigation and Special Operations;

Admiral Adagio Vori: Admiral Vori, was an ISB Director, and admiral of the 31st Security Fleet, in the early days of the Imperial Triumvirate. The Admiral was presumed killed by another high-ranking member of the Triumvirate High Command, but was secretly held prisoner on Kalist VI. From his cell, Admiral Vori orchestrated much of the plan to overthrow the Triumvirs, leading to him being freed during the chaos of the Iridonia campaign.

Admiral Harr Sinierthumb_L03.jpg

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Brentaal IV; Affiliation: Imperial Navy;

Admiral Sinier was the Fleet Admiral of the 76th Defence Fleet, formerly stationed on Geonosis, after the construction of the DS1. Although this position was not the most prominent, it provided the Admiral with a detailed understanding into the Empire’s inner workings. Although loyal to the Imperial Triumvirate, the Admiral’s fate was similar to that of Admiral Vori. With a natural hatred towards the Triumvirs, Admiral Sinier quickly became a close ally of Admiral Vori.

Marshal Imrakun Mortainthumb_L04.jpg

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Commenor; Affiliation: Imperial Army, Daluuj Imperial Training Center;

Imrakun Mortain served as Colonel, stationed on Alis Point during the Galactic Civil War. Nothing more than a security outpost, established after rebel activities had been confirmed in the system. The Colonel was successful in establishing an infantry training facility, earning him the post as commander of the Imperial Training Center on Daluuj, replacing the late Commander Orlok. After the Imperial Triumvirate’s campaign on Daluuj, Commander Mortain agreed to join forces with the Imperial Consortium earning him the rank of Marshal.

Moff Krant Cerato - @ARKUM ELOTIC-61.jpg

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Serenno; Affiliation: 224 Imperial Armored division, Serrennian aristocracy;

Moff Skal Rhonba, was a relatively unknown leader in the once mighty 224 Imperial Armored division. Born and partially raised on Serenno, and a member of serrennian high society, Rhonba rose quickly in rank, learning from the most esteemed military leaders during the beginning of the first galactic empire. Survivor of the battle of Fondor, and leader of a now formidable force, Rhonba is hell bent on justice for the countless imperial lives lost during the battle of Endor.

General Dar Ruumokthumb_L06.jpg 

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Corellia; Affiliation: Imperial Army, Imperial Department of Military Research;

After leading several successful occupation campaigns throughout the Expansion Region, the then Lieutenant Colonel was reassigned to Empress Teta to oversee the local armed forces, and the development of new assault vehicles and walkers. Alongside Admiral Yzu, the General defended Empress Teta long after the end of the Galactic Civil War. After the Invasion of Iridonia, General Dar Ruumok abandoned his post on Empress Teta with a garrison of his own, in order to join the newly founded Imperial Consortium.

Moff Iax DraenarTIC-52.jpg - @Gubi0222

Species: Human; Gender: Male; Homeworld: Commenor; Affiliation: Foreign relations, Special Operations;

As a diplomat of The Commenor Remnant, Moff Iax Draenar was responsible for the merge of our remaining units into the Imperial  Triumvirate. He end up in the Imperial Triumvirate High Command as the Regional Governor of Core Territories, after the forced retirement of Director Vori. Now, with the formation of The Imperial Consortium, he became a ruling Council, working on Foreign relations, Special Operations.





Although subjugated to the Galactic Concordance, the Imperial Consortium continues to carry out sinister schemes and plots to restore the former glory of the Empire. Most of these activities are covert and highly secret, calling for highly trained commando soldiers, and other special forces. You could find yourself among this elite, carrying out pivotal missions coming from the very top of the Imperial Consortium.



Training of new stormtroopers has been banned, but training of security personnel and repurposing old stormtrooper gear works just as well. The army, navy, and security troopers are still the backbone of the Imperial Consortium.



In order to make the wheels keep turning, ancillary personnel are vital. This includes cargo pilots, scientists, manufacturers, operations officers, clerks, and the list keeps on going. Although this group does not make it to the recruitment posters, these professionals are vital to the various operations.


The Imperial Consortium has withdrawn to the Deep Core Security Zone, and various fortress worlds in the Unknown Regions. Here the new imperial order will further secure their strongholds, and once more expand the Imperial borders, to reclaim what is rightfully theirs.



In this section you will find various custom printable accessories free to use in your creations. Banners and Pauldrons can be printed on regular paper, and carefully cut out (They don’t last long, but they look pretty good if you don’t move them too much). Stickers are a little more tricky, since you need glossy sticker paper in order to get the same look and feel as real lego stickers. If you have any questions or ideas for new accessories, please feel free to PM Darth Bjorn.


PAULDRONS: The Imperial Consortium has salvaged much of the former empire's military ordnance. Along with salvaged an repurposed equipment, Imperial gear and uniforms has been upgraded. New rank pauldrons have also been issued. This PDF should match the exact size of official LEGO Star Wars pauldrons, when printed at 100% size. If not, experiment with the print size, since it varies from printer to printer.

Download the Imperial Pauldrons PDF here

BANNERS: Patriotism and propaganda is an integral part of the continuation of the Imperial values. In order to display patriotism, Imperial banners, and flags can be seen across hundreds of loyal, or subjugated worlds.

Download the Imperial Banners PDF here


Frequently Asked Questions 

Send a PM to the faction leader @shockwave_bricks, explaining why you wish to join the Imperial Consortium! Sign up now! The empire needs you! 

As a faction rising from the remnants of the Galactic Empire and building on the same values, you should aim for a style that resembles imperial architecture, starships, crafts and equipment - like imperial garrison bases, imperial star destroyers or even AT-ATs and AT-STs. These could be heavily modified and improved since they might be salvaged or repurposed. Your special forces squad or stormtrooper squad could also be carrying out missions to various planets, giving you an opportunity to build a wide variety of Star Wars landscapes.

The Imperial Consortium is constantly expanding its territory. Above you will find a map of sectors, systems and hyperlanes accessible to the faction. You are allowed to build anywhere in the Star Wars galaxy, but only by building in accessible systems can you earn Influence Points (IP = System Control) for your faction. In order to further the faction's territory, all members of the Imperial Consortium is encouraged to earn IPs for the faction.

Members of the Imperial Consortium can build in any system, where the faction has control or a presence (red regions, grids, and systems). Members can also build on any system along the red hyperlanes.


The Imperial Consortium offers many different roles, but only few make it to the high chains of command. The Ruling Council is the supreme leadership, run by the TIC moffs. Only players who have shown exceptional commitment to the faction, will be considered for one of these seven seats. Below are a few pointers as to ways that would improve your chances at being considered for this promotion. Completing some or all of these tasks below, to a good standard, will improve your chances to catch the eye of your faction leaders, and your chances at getting promoted to the rank of Moff of the Imperial Cosortium.

  • Earn 100IP for the Imperial Consortium
  • Participate in challenges and episodes
  • Tackle targets given by your faction leader
  • Submit new entries with a regular interval
  • Single-handedly take control of a system
  • Recruit new members to join our faction



Edited by shockwave_bricks

A Galaxy Divided: Character Info

After the disaster at Iridonia and other defeats inflected upon the Triumvirate. The once great remnant was forced to flee to the outer regions to once more rebuild. Once forces were gathered they were renamed the Imperial Consortium. Arthur Greyford once loyal to the Triumvirate repledges his loyalty to the Imperial Consortium. 
"May the empire rise stronger from the ashes " Arthur Greyford agent of the empire.
\\ A character update for season two of factions\\

  • 4 weeks later...

My troops are armed and ready to fight for the Empire! We will not let the fire of order and justice go out. 


Commander Mira is a specialized human Trooper she was token in a village raid by the empire both her parents were killed in battle. She was raised by the Empire, raised to kill with no mercy and leave no survivors and is a commander of a squad called nemesis squad which was a specialist squad in the time before the dark times of the republic

the Image will not load literally nothing works I’ve tried everything  


Edited by goatman461
pasted url from flickr

On 12/13/2021 at 4:48 PM, Lego Jokel said:

Joined 👌💪

After the death of Commander Sheltav on Iridonia, his best soldier, Raimus is now working for the war lords.

(sorry for bad quality, couldn’t upload better picture)


Edited by Lego Jokel

Star Wars Factions sigfig: Lieutenant Cryton

Lieutenant Winters is a by the book soldier and works hard to serve the Imperial Consortium. New Sigfig for Factions Season 2. 

Converting 248XP from @ARKUM ELO (Factions season 1)

50IP to Trenwyth - P5

50IP to Byss - K11

24IP to Zaddja - H15

Converting 100XP from @shockwave_bricks (Factions season 1)

50IP to Khomm - L12

Converting 34XP from @Bociephus (Factions season 1)

17IP to Kalist VI - K12

Converting 32XP from @williambrickalliance (Factions season 1)

16IP to Kalist VI - K12

Converting 19XP from @halixon (Factions season 1)

10IP to Kalist VI - K12

Edited by Darth Bjorn
Added conversion details

Lieutenant Bohe Trask.

Lieutenant Bohe Trask.


    Trask began his military career in the fleeting days of the grand army of the Republic. Before the Republics transition into the Galalctic Empire Trask was captain of the arquintens cruiser “Tantis”. After the rise of the Empire & the elimination of the Jedi order Trask was promoted to lieutenant commander of the Imperial 45th support fleet. He commanded from the quasar carrier “Cutlass” during most of the galactic civil war and continued to serve even after the Emperors death at Endor.


During the Empires last stand at Jakku Trask realized the Inevitable defeat as he watched the SSD “Ravager” fall to the planets surface, soon after he abandoned his post in the blockade calling for all ships under his command to retreat into Hyperspace and regroup at Rhen Var to await further orders.

After four years of loss, and running from new republic prosecution Trask would align the remaining 45th fleet forces with the larger remnant group the Imperial Consortium.

Edited by OG-Bricks


Agent Arano Varn, Consortium Special Forces

Born on the planet Onderon in 15BBY, Arano saw his life through the Empire's lens. Life was good under the empire; prosperous, orderly, fertile. Then a group of insurgents... 'Rebels' came and stole all that from him. His parents, dead in a strike by Rebellion soldiers. His younger sister, obliterated on the space station she worked at when a Rebel mission went south. Arano and his older sister Alara swiftly joined the Empire's forces in the fight back against these rebels. Both made their way into the ISB, one of the closest ways they could directly (or indirectly) hurt the Rebellion in meaningful measures. Arano worked into the special forces, while Alara solidified a position in intelligence. Arano worked through the end of the uniform Empire and all through the remnants, into his position now as a Special Forces operative for the Imperial Consortium. This place was what to him, stood for the original Imperial ideals and values. Through this, he seeks to restore some semblance of what his home once was in the Galaxy.

Cpt. Gubi Totho and Moff Iax Draenar are returning in Factions: A Galaxy Divided, to serve The Imperial Consortium.



Moff Skal Rhonba and Lieutenant Commander Scosalt Pronma of the once mighty 224th Imperial Armored Division emerge from the unknown regions to pledge their allegiance to The Imperial Consortium!


Moff Skal Rhonba [SW Factions RPG]

 Moff Rhonba

After devastating losses during the galactic civil war, Rhonba’s starship was hijacked by rebel agents during The Battle of Fondor. The rebels sabotaged the navigation system causing the ship to blast into hyperspace, to places unknown… The 224th managed to reclaim the ship, but was now alone, in unknown territory…

Lieutenant Commander Scosalt Pronma [SW Factions RPG]

 Lieutenant Commander Scosalt Pronma

Scouts of The Imperial Triumvirate had discovered the remaining 224th during their excursion to the unknown regions. By the time they returned to headquarters, the New Republic had repelled the Triumvirate's advance, causing them to splinter into multiple imperial remnants.

Edited by ARKUM ELO

  • Author

Converting 245XP from @Gubi0222 (Factions season 1)

50IP to Thomork - L12

50IP to Balosar - L12

23IP to Tsoss Beacon - L11

Converting 69XP from @Scout Trooper Brix (Factions season 1)

35IP to Eclipse - L11

Edited by Darth Bjorn

  • Author

The Imperial Consortium will use it's CMF LTC IP on Trellen (M11) 50IP, Byblos (M12) 50IP, Hoth (K18) 6IP, and Empress Teta (L10) 12IP.


Hi everyone, from now on this will be my sigfig :)

His name is Igno (from Ignotus which means unknown in latin). When he was a child, his parents died during the battle of kashyyyk, and after surviving on his own, he entered the special forces of the imperial consortium.


The Followers of the Force have created a Blockade in the Kinyen system (L15). The purpose of this blockade, cornerstoned by a powerful Mon Calamari warship, is to secure neutrality on the Great Gran Run. To that end, it applies to both Imperial and Republic affiliates, preventing either from invading the other. 

Edited by RocketBoy

Converting 53XP from @oblivion_builder (Factions season 1)

27IP to Tsoss Beacon - L11

Edited by shockwave_bricks

  • 2 weeks later...

General Orson Valtorion. 

Home Planet: Karelia

He is a general 286 stormtrooper corps. Joined the Consortium after battle on Irdonia. 

1 minute ago, Lego_zlobny_chebyreck2 said:

General Orson Valtorion. 

Home Planet: Karelia

He is a general 286 stormtrooper corps. Joined the Consortium after battle on Irdonia. 


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