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Sitting on a small island in the mouth of the Sil river, is a small abandoned monastery. Once home to a small cell of monks from a larger institution in the Terraversan town of Silithona, it now lays derelict due to the drawing of the new border running through the river Sil. A cool breeze gently flows through the stand of pine trees on the islands western shore and the smell of pine litter create a peaceful atmosphere that the monks once found a most soothing environment to meditate in.


Belonging neither to North or South Silithona, it was selected as the perfect place to hold talks between Corrington and Oleon. A small party of joint Corlander and Oleon engineers has worked to clean up the place and set up for the negotiations. Now it lays ready to receive the delegations.


Blue and Red coats form a small honour guard to ensure the monastery remains secure until the delegations arrive.


Loosely based on Sveti Đorđe island in Montenegro which I found on the internet and looks like an amazing place to visit one day!!

My first foray into Stud.io and I have to admit, It takes some getting used to after only having used LDD! I actually started the build in LDD but on attempting to add the first pine tree, I lost about three hours of work in the first crash - so I gave up and went over to Stud.io. Much more stable, and well worth it for the new pieces and better placing options!

@KotZ @CapOnBOBS@Ross Fisher I can email you the .io file if you guys want to play around with it and add/expand (just PM me your email). My laptop couldn't handle the rendering when I started to add more so the side away from the camera isn't completely finished and I would have liked to tidy up the ground a bit better. Also there is no interior of either building, so it leaves it open for your interpretation should you wish to depict the actual meeting scenes.

Corlander representatives will be Colonel Allcock @Ayrlego, Lord Spud @Spud The Viking, Major Brickford @LM71Blackbird and Captain Brickleton @evancelt.

I will open the negotiations shortly with an additional post in this thread.

Absolutely stunning, "not bad" for a "first foray into Stud.io." Great venue for the talks and love the idea of Red and Blue Coat troops working together to secure and clean up the place. Up on shore, Captain Gaspar of 1st Grenadiers is ordering food, wine, and other necessities for the attendees with the local RNTC agents



Wonderful digital one !

What a peaceful atmosphere. I love those trees, and the roof technic is to be reminded !


Awesome, as usual

It is a really beautiful monastery with a landscape. The only thing missing are more minifigures.

Looks great! I like the light/dark bley simplicity of the walls and the brown ground color works well as dirt/pine needles on a pine island.

Any idea how many 3741 are in the build? 894983498? :pir-grin:

Looking forward to working alongside the blueys

This is lovely, the trees in the background really set the building off well, great colors for the roof especially the occasional light nougat piece, and the textures on the building are also excellent.

WOW! That is a massive monastery. Those trees are stunning.

  • Author
  On 11/8/2021 at 6:56 PM, evancelt said:

how many 3741 are in the build?

10 528!

  • Author

As the delegations meet for the first time across the table in the main building of the monastery, Colonel Allcock began by introducing the principles for the Corlander delegation.

Representing the Crown of Corrington are Colonel Dirk Allcock, Lord Fredrick Spud, Major Nathaniel Brickford and Captain Jonathan Brickleton.

After the groups had been introduced and pleasantries conducted, Colonel Allcock opened the summit.

"Esteemed Gentleman, thank you for accepting our invitation to treat here today. It is an honour to meet you all in person. As we are mostly military men; and are here to primarily discuss military matters, please forgive my lack of diplomatic protocols and flowery speeches. I believe our goals here can best be meet with direct, plain speech - let the diplomats wax lyrical later on these topics, but let us get down to business."

"I regret the recent conflict between our two great Empires - despite our historical enmity, I have always been of the opinion that we would better serve our Crowns working together in this new world. Had there been more plain dialogue between our nations prior to your expedition to King's Port, then I dare-say would could probably have avoided the recent state of war between us."

"By now you will have seen the dossier I forwarded to your delegation on the worrying build up of Lotii forces on El Oleonda. I am sure you have received similar intelligence from your own sources in the area. Without a coordinated response, I believe the enemy may succeed in their goal of wiping out our settlements in the far east - especially if we continue to fight amongst ourselves in the area."

"To this point I present you our baseline position. Corrington feels that we must act against the Lotii on the ground on the island of El Oleonda. We recognise that The Empire of Oleon has extensive interests on the island and wish to ensure you that should our troops land on the island, they are only there to act against the Lotii threat."

"The Crown of Corrington has no designs on permanent settlements on the island - on successful conclusion of hostilities against the Lotii, all Corlander military personnel will withdraw from the island, both from former Lotii territory, Carnite territory or Oleonese territory (should our negotiations here allow us entry to your territory on the island). The Crown of Corrington would recognise that El Oleonda would fall within an Oleonese 'sphere of influence' and would recognise the legitimacy of all Oleonese settlements on the island, both current and future."

"In return, we ask that the Crown of Oleon grant us a similar 'sphere of influence' on the island currently known as 'Arlentina' and recognise the the legitimacy of any future Corlander settlements on that island whilst refraining from establishing your own settlements there."

"Should these terms be agreeable, we would also seek your position on possible military cooperation in a campaign against the Lotii on El Oleonda. This concludes my opening statement"

OOC: over to you Oleon! @KotZ @Ross Fisher @CapOnBOBS

OOC: Full response to come shortly.

  • Author

Colonel Allcock decided that after the effort his team had put into restoring the monastery, it would be a pity for such a delightful location to fall into disrepair again. Thus after the conclusion of the talks, Corrington will maintain the monastery as a neutral meeting point which can be used by citizens of all nations. The hall that formally housed the monks will be turned into accommodation for citizens who are recuperating from injury and illness, while the main chapel building will be used as a conference hall.

OOC: After some discussion amongst our members, Corrington will submit this build for licensing as a Royal Art and Culture. It will not count towards settlement totals for North or South Silithona as it falls within neither. A precedent for Royal builds outside of faction territory has been previously set by Oleon with this Royal build.

"Pleasure to meet all of you," the Duke of Vitoria replied, a genuine smile on his face. "In attendance from Oleon are myself, the holy Bishop François, Colonel Beauchamp, as well as my nephew Emile Perrault. The latter two I believe participated in various engagements in the recent, how shall we say, conflict. Let it be known we are willing to move past those engagements and start our relationship on a new foot. Yes, perhaps more dialogue would have worked better for everyone."

"We were completely in the right..." Emile murmured to himself.

Duke Perrault raised a hand to silence Emile. "Please forgive my nephew. The war was a sore spot for him. Emile..."

"I apologize, gentlemen," Emile said after a moment. "My personal feelings should not affect our mission here."

Robert flipped through his dossier again. "Yes, what your scouts have found is quite concerning. We've receieved word of similar things. The delegation from Oleon concurs that we cannot allow our settlements to be swallowed up by this hostile force."

Duke Perrault rubbed his beard in thought. "We agree that something must be done, and swift military action could be an option. I do not wish to explain the interests we have on the island, be sure nothing unsavory or criminal. Say we pursued a joint mission and allowed you to land troops on El Oleanda, we would like to ensure your soldiers would not cause harm to the citizens or use it as an undercover spying mission to see our defenses.

"I understand this would require a lot of trust and goodwill to be given between both sides quite quickly after the Terraversa affair.

Then, a monk approached Lieutenant Saint-Clare and whispered something in his ear. He then passed the message on to the Bishop. François turned quickly, and said, got his answer, and nodded. The monk scurried off.

"Gentlemen," he addressed the delegates, "I hope you will forgive an old man, but I grow weary. Might we take a break for an hour or so?" 

The Corlanders murmered between themselves, and Bishop François watched their reactions with a beady eye. Eventually a recess was agreed, and he left the table, dragging his colleagues with him.

"Is everything alright, Father?" asked Colonel Beauchamp, surprised.

"One of our people has been murdered," he said calmly, quietly; leading the way back to their quarters.

"What!?" demanded the Duke of Vitoria. He realized the intensity of his voice and brought it back to a whisper. "How can this be?"

Turning a corner they met the monk coming back towards them, a knife in his hands. The military men, putting two and two together, guarded themselves for a fight. The Bishop brushed past them.

"This is the weapon?" he asked. His monk nodded. The Bishop turned to Saint-Clare. "Lieutenant, take this man's name, his shrewd thinking has given us control of this situation. Colonel, check and double-check your sentries. We have had an intruder."

"Damnit, François, what is the meaning of this?!" begged the Duke. Bishop François turned and held the dagger out to him.

"Our quartermaster has been slain, with this. It is a Lotii blade, I saw enough of them at the Battle of Fort Arltrees. We are meant to beleive that the Lotii are conspiring to compromise these talks, possibly by poisoning our foodstuffs."

" 'Meant to'; you suspect it isn't the Lotii?" asked Beauchamp, returning from dispatching his NCO.

"Of course not. If this attack was genuine, it was very clumsy. Lotii assassins are reputed to be some of the best in the world, and yet this one left a blade that indicated his country of origin, and utterly failed to kill anyone of importance? Come to your senses gentlemen."

"Then who?" asked he Duke.

"I could name a dozen plausible groups and nations who would want these talks to fail. The Eslandolans, The Sea Rats, The Atwi, yes. Then, of course, there are factions within Corrington and even Oleon herself who would not approve of a positive outcome."

"We must warn Lord Spud's people," demanded the Colonel.

"Nonsense!" cried the Bishop, catching Beauchamp's arm. "We should do no such thing, and see how they react."

"I concur with the Bishop," Emile added.

"They could be in danger." interjected the Duke. "We are obliged to warn them, or else suffer the consequences if he worst should befall one of theirs."

"Robert," replied the Bishop, with pity, "They are in no danger. This was the work of one of their people."

"What?!" demanded the Duke. "You'd better have substance for that accusation. I'll not have you hide behind your robes this time, Jules!"

"We must accept that the ineptitude of the attack rules out the Lotii. Had they wanted to upset these talks, Lord Spud would likely be dead instead, and it would be Lieutenant Saint-Clare's blade that would be found in his back." The soldier looked suitably nervous at the fact he didn't have the sword at his side - these were peace talks, after all. "And yet, if we choose to bury our heads in the sand and ignore that evidence, then we must run to Corrington and beleive that our two nations, frequently at each other's throats, are best by a common enemy. That the best solution would be to reach the exact outcome that our friends across the table are hoping for."

The Bishop made a noise. Was it a chuckle? A Scoff? Both? "If this is the Corlanders, as I suspect. I begrudgingly respect them for this."

"This is absurd, Jules," replied the Duke. "I know Corrington's envoys. I have dined with them on occasion, and I will not believe that they are capable of such conspiracies!"

"They should be warned," agreed Beauchamp, siding wih his superior.

"Fine," conceded the Bishop. "But tell them that we found no weapon. See how quickly they produce some poor Lotii prisoner as proof."

"I have an idea," Emile spoke up. "Give me an hour. Uncle, if you want this meeting to go well, give me an hour. That's all I ask."

The military men shared an uneasy glance.

"Who are you normally negotiating with, Father, that this is your first reaction?" begged Beauchamp, changing the subject.

"Priests," replied the Bishop. "Now, if you don't mind, I really do think I need a rest. Continue the delegation."

The other men shared a glance. Duke Robert then said, "Do what you need to."

Duke Robert went to the Corlander delegation. "Fogrgive us gentlemen, but just thirty or so minutes more. We are all famished and the Bishop needs some rest."

Forty minutes later the meeting reconvened.

"Sorry for the delay," Robert said. "The Bishop is still feeling unwell."

Now the rest of the Oleon delegation was just him and Beauchamp. "My nephew is... looking for something. As we were discussing...

"The Crown of Corrington has no designs on permanent settlements on the island - on successful conclusion of hostilities against the Lotii, all Corlander military personnel will withdraw from the island, both from former Lotii territory, Carnite territory or Oleonese territory (should our negotiations here allow us entry to your territory on the island). The Crown of Corrington would recognise that El Oleonda would fall within an Oleonese 'sphere of influence' and would recognise the legitimacy of all Oleonese settlements on the island, both current and future.

"You claim no designs for permanent settlements on El Oleonda when we complete this proposed victorious mission. And I would hope you would pull back forces after a such engagement where they do not belong, and I assure we would do the same if in your territories. The 'sphere of influence' seems preposterous. There is no "influence.' It is Oleon and her colonies and territories. I would say the same for any settlements you have elsewhere. That being said, I appreciate you and your Crown recognizing the legitimacy."

At that moment, the doors to the room opened. Emile Perrault entered, practically dragging a quite angry looking, tied up soldier that came to the delegation. Emile proclaimed "I present to you, Hugo Mollet."

Emile then went up to Lord Spud and produced a Lotii dagger. "This man, Hugo Mollet, is one of our men. Well, used to be."

"How dare you work with these corries?" Mollet spat. "After Terraversa?"

Emile ignored him. "He turned to the Lotii, or they found him. Eitherway, he was trying to kill you, Lord Spud. He himself killed our quartermaster a few hours ago in an attempt to keep our meeting break down. Perhaps he thought turning to the Lotii was an acceptable way to keep Oleon proud against you."

Emile pushed Mollet to Lord Spud. "As an effort of goodwill, I turn him over to you. Do what you may."

Duke Robert swallowed hard. "Well this is all news to us. So, it seems like the Lotii are trying to influence nations and cause us to break out into war so they can easily pick up the broken pieces. It seems that the only way to continue forward is for us to work together to crush the Lotii and show them the power of Oleon and Corrington.

"As we continue with this, we are willing to grant your so called "sphere of influence" for the Corlander settlements. As you are asking for the ability to position your military on our lands, I can only ask in response we do the same, and possibly on ships as well. If we are to work jointly, then let us do so."

The builds that I made to go with this story:

Intrigues at the summitIntrigues at the summitIntrigues at the summit

I thought it might be interesting to spice up the storyline just a little by throwing in a murdering. Kudos to @KotZ for tempering my instincts. 

  On 11/15/2021 at 1:25 PM, KotZ said:

tied up soldier that came to the delegation. Emile proclaimed "I present to you, Hugo Mollet."

Is the implication that Mollet was the soldier on the back of the wagon? Because thats really funny!

  On 11/15/2021 at 7:55 PM, Ross Fisher said:

The builds that I made to go with this story:

I thought it might be interesting to spice up the storyline just a little by throwing in a murdering. Kudos to @KotZ for tempering my instincts. 

Is the implication that Mollet was the soldier on the back of the wagon? Because thats really funny!

Thanks! And yep!

As Lord Spud passed off the would-be assassin to two of his most trusted bodyguards for further "interrogation", Major Brickford decided to take the opportunity to comment on the last topic of discussion. 

Sirs, while we certainly agree that in order to achieve the common goal of victory against these Lotii aggressors, the landing of troops outside of El Oleanda would be both unnecessary and a misuse of resources and valuable supplies. Our near constant patrols on Brickford Landing have found nothing but one Loti scouting party and Spudkirk has only seen the flags of the warships. While our harbors will be open to you for the duration of the campaign, we fail to see the need to land troops outside of El Oleanda. Athough Oleon claims ownership of the land in question - which the Nation of Corrington does formally recognize - in its current contested state, let us successfully push out the Lotii before we talk of "our lands" or "your lands" may we?

 Our mission is to bring a swift victory against our common foe rather than using this as a time for situational reconnaissance against one another. Furthermore, neutral meeting places tend to lend better results than when we meet in towns flying under one banner or the other.

I believe that most importantly our duty as Officers in our respective nations is to support our troops with food and supplies, for as we know from our younger days of service, an army matches on its stomach!

As Major Brickford was finishing his remarks, Lord Spud returned from handling the assassin situation to make his remarks on the situation.

Having the failure of an assassin in his custody, Lord Spud commented to the parties,

"Gentlemen, I thank you for the delivery of this miscreant. We shall see to it that he is dealt with justly. Perhaps even he could inform us further about the Lotii? Though, we shall refrain from using your inquisition methods, eh?" The sarcasm was clearly lost on the Oleon men, who stared blankly back at Lord Spud.

"We in Corrington believe that every man, no matter the crime, deserves the right to a fair trial. Therefore, I think it only fair that this man is to be taken from this meeting place and shot."

"Now, let us get back to more important matters." Hastened Lord Spud. "I have to strongly emphasise what Major Brickford has stated, the matter at hand is El Oleanda. I'm sure your other colonial towns would not endorse our actions here if it were to allow hundreds of redocats into their streets, shops, and fortifications. No, let us focus on defeating the Lotii."

"As laid out in the document informing us about the Lotii, they are a highly professional force. Their navies have been the bane of both our fleets and merchant ships for the last few months. So let's work together to eradicate them from this part of the world. I am keen to give these Lotii a good thrashing."

Lord Spud had a wry smile, as he imagined getting revenge for the horrors of the Lotii raid on Spudkirk last year.

Edited by Spud The Viking

Captain Brickleton was a man of action. Even before hearing about the assassin he had been sizing up objects in the room he could use if it came to fight. He had settled on a brass candlestick situated on a nearby endtable.

As Lord Spud began speaking, Brickleton had watched the Oleonese delegation listen attentively about the Lotii assassin. He chuckled quietly to himself as they missed his joke about inquisition methodology. Lost in translation, eh? However, as Lord Spud continued on about Spudkirk and Corlander settlements, Brickleton saw Emile's eyes begin to glaze over


CRAAAAASH!!! The brass candle holder made a terrible clang as it collided with the ground.

Stepping forward, Brickleton began:

Apologies, Gentlemen. My arm appears to have clumsily knocked the candlestick.

If I may, let us dispense with flowery language and be frank. Corrington has no designs on the Lotii settlements on El Oleonda. We simply wish that they stop harassing our settlements and shipping.

To that end, I restate in plainspeak what we are after: a partnership to rid El Oleonda of the Lotii. We will help you remove their threat from the island and in return you may do what you wish with their settlements once we leave. We think this promise of additional holdings on the island is ample incentive for you to agree to work alongside us. We will help with the fighting and you will reap the immediate rewards. Corrington just wants safety for our settlements elsewhere in the New Haven sea. And of course the spheres of influence mentioned earlier would help solidify this position.

As our partnership would be very targeted at the island of El Oleonda, we think it makes the most sense to discuss allowing Corlander temporary quarter in Oleonese settlements on the island. And, if it aids in your logistical operations, we are prepared to offer you access to our harbors in the New Haven sea so that you might better move troops and supplies to El Oleonda.

What say you, Oleonese delegation?

@KotZ @CapOnBOBS @Ross Fisher

Edited by evancelt
El Oleanda --> El Oleonda

The Duke turned to COL Beauchamp, "Edward, what of the assassin?"

"I have the traitor in my stockade awaiting his Court Martial..." Beauchamp began while pacing the antechamber, "He is not of my Regiment, but as I am responsible for the Crown's defenses of TV, I will ensure he has his day in court, but the notes from the Corries' second interrogation match our own. He proudly accepts responsibility for his act and only regrets being caught. His own admission is enough for the guillotine, but we shall see."

The Duke nodded, "Well maybe he can fill in some details about his accomplises or this Lotii dossier before he lays his head on the chopping block. Keep me posted, now... back to the matter at hand..." 

Captain Brickleton ever so slowly squeezed his hand into a fist and then released the clench.

He pondered to himself:

What were the Oleonese waiting for? This seemed like a win-win treaty for both sides, but the bluecoats continued posturing.

Yes, the murder had certainly heightened tensions for both sides, but this agreement would have Corrington acknowledge Oleon's claim to El Oleonda. Without it, there was no acknowledgement of their claim.

If Oleon didn't change tact soon, perhaps he would take Colonel Allcock aside and suggest they leave Pine Island to attend the tentative meeting with Carno that they had proposed the week earlier. Seawatch wasn't an ideal base of operations on El Oleonda, but it would do.

Edited by evancelt

  On 11/17/2021 at 3:07 PM, evancelt said:

Captain Brickleton was a man of action. Even before hearing about the assassin he had been sizing up objects in the room he could use if it came to fight. He had settled on a brass candlestick situated on a nearby endtable.

As Lord Spud began speaking, Brickleton had watched the Oleonese delegation listen attentively about the Lotii assassin. He chuckled quietly to himself as they missed his joke about inquisition methodology. Lost in translation, eh? However, as Lord Spud continued on about Spudkirk and Corlander settlements, Brickleton saw Emile's eyes begin to glaze over


CRAAAAASH!!! The brass candle holder made a terrible clang as it collided with the ground.

Stepping forward, Brickleton began:

Apologies, Gentlemen. My arm appears to have clumsily knocked the candlestick.

If I may, let us dispense with flowery language and be frank. Corrington has no designs on the Lotii settlements on El Oleonda. We simply wish that they stop harassing our settlements and shipping.

To that end, I restate in plainspeak what we are after: a partnership to rid El Oleonda of the Lotii. We will help you remove their threat from the island and in return you may do what you wish with their settlements once we leave. We think this promise of additional holdings on the island is ample incentive for you to agree to work alongside us. We will help with the fighting and you will reap the immediate rewards. Corrington just wants safety for our settlements elsewhere in the New Haven sea. And of course the spheres of influence mentioned earlier would help solidify this position.

As our partnership would be very targeted at the island of El Oleonda, we think it makes the most sense to discuss allowing Corlander temporary quarter in Oleonese settlements on the island. And, if it aids in your logistical operations, we are prepared to offer you access to our harbors in the New Haven sea so that you might better move troops and supplies to El Oleonda.

What say you, Oleonese delegation?

@KotZ @CapOnBOBS @Ross Fisher

"I must agree with Beauchamp here." The duke's tone was firm. "We will try this man ourselves. Before any sentence is carried out, I do grant you permission to try him in your own courts, as this also involves you. Does this seem fair, gentlemen?"

"I am pleased you all agree this territory disputed with the Lotii are rightfully Oleon's. Allowing us to expand our colony on the island certainly is ample incentive for us to work with you."

The duke thought a moment. "Yes, we agree to allowing your forces temporary quarter on the island. I must be clear though, you may not force your forces into our subject's homes. We would prefer camps outside of settlements. Remember, we are working together on this, and the hegemony of Oleander culture must not be corrupted. I would hope you would ask the same of us, if the roles were reversed. And even more importantly, we ask that the WTC be not involved. in settlements of ours. I understand we are trying to bury the hatchet, but please understand there are still some hostile feelings between our nations. And we want this endeavor to go smoothly."

"As for the harbor and allowing us to move our ships and troops around, that is agreeable with us."

"Now gentlemen, if all these terms are agreeable, I say we need to pull out our maps and discuss our plan of action."

Now that mutually beneficial terms had been agreed upon after much deliberation from both sides of the table Major Brickford took the opportunity to  direct the meeting to preparing for the expedition into occupied Lotii Territory. 

Gentlemen, now that we have decided on who will be involved in our joint endeavor, shall we turn our attention to preparing ourselves to leave for the New Haven Sea with haste? For we do not know when the Lotii will decide when one of our settlements will become their next victim. We should gather our charts and maps of the area as well as prep our troops of our joint force so that we may be ready to face the Lotii head on!

[OOC] Our next coordination should happen on El Oleonda - and then we can start planning to get troops east as soon as the tMRCA results are in :excited: Until the next tMRCA when we can move our troops, we can work on story builds and the like. See on the battlefield! 



Duke Robert nodded at Brickford's statement. "I must say, gentlemen, I've always heard a good negotiation is when both sides are dissatisfied. This meeting may prove the exception to the rule." He quickly turned to his nephew. "Don't."

"Unless my colleagues Bishop Francois or Colonel Beauchamp have anything to add, I think we are done here. We shall rendezvous on El Oleonda for our next meeting."

If nobody has anything else to say, the Oleander delegation gets up to leave.

Emile grits his teeth and goes to the Corrington delegation. "I say this as calmly and politely as I can. I... regret... my choice of words earlier. I understand not all of you are bad, and we were on opposite sides of a war. I... am... willing to bury the hatchet to ensure the success of this endeavor we are to go on."

[OOC] I think the ball now is in the court of, well, the Court. We'll take it from here and get some new stuff hopefully soon.

To the Representatives of the Empire of Eslandola, ( @Capt Wolf)

His Royal Highness has seen it in his divine wisdom to empower me to extend his hand in cooperation in a common enterprise and has authorized me to communicate towards that purpose.

In his Royal grace, the King has forgiven the many injustices and aggressions of Corrington and in a spirit of cooperation has pledged the might of his Army and Navy in mutual action with Corrington against the rising threat of the Lotii. To further expand this coalition, the King extends the hand of cooperation to the Empire of Eslandola.

Though, our two peoples have been at odds with one another in the past, our shared history is one much more palatable than that which has been overcome with the Queen of Corrington. Certainly, if the Lotii threat can compel Oleon and Corrington to cooperation, than the practical and shrewd leaders of Eslandola can see the same wisdom.

The merchants of Eslandola ply the same Brick Seas Commons as Oleon, Corrington, and the Lotii. The use of these commons requires, from time to time the investment in their preservation as free, safe, and open lanes upon which our mutual trade can flourish. Now is such a moment and while Eslandola has a large share of that trade, the contribution of your Empire in the protection of these commons would have a proportionately large benefit to your fleets.

In the spirit of reconciliation of historic tensions, mutual cooperation in the present crisis, and improved relations and shared prosperity in the future, the King invites you to join the appointed representatives of Oleon and Corrington coordinating the details of our combined efforts at the Pine Island Monastery on the Island of Terraversa.

In Service of His Majesty,

Robert Perrault, II, Duke of Vitoria


Bishop François

Colonel Beauchamp 

Edited by CapOnBOBS

  • 2 weeks later...

Willem Guilder, leader of Eslandola's Colonial Council (at least until his term ends at the end of the year), reviewed the letter from the esteemed representatives of Oleon, as well as the letters received from various Eslandian power brokers.


The Colonial Council was not currently in session, so Guilder had written the council members and leaders of the major Trade Companies. Generally, they were in agreement to cooperate with the other Halosian nations against this new threat, but what form would that take? The East Trade-Wind Company (@Garmadon) was all for attacking the Lotii at sea to protect the shipping lanes, but expressed no desire to commit land forces. The Merchant's Colonial Trading Company (@Kai NRG) was not opposed to an alliance, but was hesitant to suggest any specific action. And MAESTRO (@Maxim I) was unheard from at this time. How was Guilder to respond? At the very least, he must accept the invitation...


To Duke Perrault and the representatives of the Empire of Oleon (@CapOnBOBS@KotZ, @Ross Fisher),

We welcome the news that Oleon recognizes the value of working together for our common interests. Eslandola never directly engaged in any hostilities in the recent unpleasantness in Terraversa, and as agreement in the matter was reached by all, we hold no grudges.

Eslandola also acknowledges the importance of keeping the sea lanes safe for trade, and heartily supports efforts to make sure the Kingdom of the Lotus does not infringe upon our collective rights to the sea.

The Council, the Trade Companies, and I welcome any suggestions on how best we may cooperate to keep the New Haven Sea safe. As such, I accept your invitation to discuss the matter at the Pine Island Monastery.

Yours sincerely,


Willem Guilder, Admius Legistrad, Eslandola

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