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Wow, these are just tragic. Bummer. Guessing the theme is not gonna survive past its second wave. I mean, the movie is probably gonna do well, maybe even great, but Avatar merch was never a big draw, not even in 2009. Stuff doesn't even sell at Pandora in Disney Parks.

This is gonna be another well deserved slap in The LEGO Groups face, and maybe they'll wake up to the fact that they're betting on the wrong Avatar.

Edited by Alegrispa

At first I thought the Jake figure had a massive stain on his shirt, like he’d spilled greasy food down it and was cool with it. Turns out it’s the silhouette of a Samson rotorcopter. That’s the only thing that’s caught my attention so far, a stain that’s not a stain.

I was looking forward to the Samson and AMP suit, but neither set appeals. Both are undersized and overpriced, plus Sand Green is an odd color choice for the AMP suit, so an easy pass from me. Will have to wait and see if anything better comes from the following wave.

I kinda like the designs of a few sets.  Will definitely buy it once it's on clearance XD

I’ll get all these as I enjoy the licence, the prints and new moulded heads look great. I hope we get a hammerhead down the line and more gunships. 

The AMP suit is much smaller than I expected compared to LEGO’s usual approach to Mechs, some of the part choices are weird too, they should have used a different knife and the yellow gun(?) build I don’t recognise. I can MOC my own gun and will show it here in time. 

Samson build is rather messy looking, needs more smoothing over & looks a bit short and fat in proportion. Maybe it looks better from above rather than low angles. 

I like the build of the pod base, looks well detailed overall and looks as I expected 👍. I like that it’s big enough that the wheelchair fits inside too. The door & ramp and the way it opens up makes it very playable.

I hope the eye loops are strong enough that if you use some string you can lift the base up with the helicopter.😁

Edited by Bugbot20082

I like the human builds--will probably just buy the AMP suit and the Samson separately if someone parts the set out on Ebay/Bricklink

  On 7/20/2022 at 8:58 PM, Alegrispa said:

This is gonna be another well deserved slap in The LEGO Groups face, and maybe they'll wake up to the fact that they're betting on the wrong Avatar.

Why are you so salty about LEGO trying out a new theme? :jollyroger:

„They shouldn‘t do [theme/set I don‘t personally care about]! Instead, they should focus all their resources on [theme/set *I* do care about]!!“

Basically 90% of AFOL comments these days whenever a new theme emerges :tongue:

Actually surprised Indy got a mostly positive response! Then again, it‘s not a new theme

Edited by BrickBob Studpants

  On 7/21/2022 at 4:05 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

„They shouldn‘t do [theme/set I don‘t personally care about]! Instead, they should focus all their resources on [theme/set *I* do care about]!!“

Basically 90% of AFOL comments these days whenever a new theme emerges :tongue:

Actually surprised Indy got a mostly positive response! Then again, it‘s not a new theme

In this particular instance, I agree, as I don't think an ATLA theme would do much better than an Avatar theme as that guy claimed.

But I don't think Avatar was a good idea for a full theme. The vast majority of kids do not know or care about Avatar, and I'm not sure that the second film is going to ignite a frenzy of kids wanting merchandise of it. As for adults...  I don't know many who actually care enough about Avatar to shell out for sets. You mentioned the Indiana Jones theme, which I think is a good example of a theme that, while it might not be fresh in the minds of kids, is REALLY nostalgic for generations of adults, many of who do show the films to their kids, ensuring the franchise lives on. Avatar was a flash in the pan.

I do wonder if lego is "pitting the themes against eachother", sort of like they did with spongebob and ATLA back in 2006. If so, I know which horse I'm betting on. And it's not the weird blue one.

I appreciate what LEGO is going for with these, especially with the lovely scenery builds that double as display stands.

The base and helicopter set is the best of the bunch for me, and the parts count looks fine numerically, but even then I'm still wondering where all of those parts went? The value for the size of the included models doesn't seem to be there, even though the Minifigures are also very good, it includes the horse, and there's the new wheelchair in that set.

The other newly revealed sets don't do too much for me since I don't usually care much for creature builds or mechs. The contrast between the smooth moulded head and blocky body of the Thanator is too much, and the banshees look just fine, if overly dominated by the vinyl wings.

  On 7/21/2022 at 4:33 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

In this particular instance, I agree, as I don't think an ATLA theme would do much better than an Avatar theme as that guy claimed.

But I don't think Avatar was a good idea for a full theme. The vast majority of kids do not know or care about Avatar, and I'm not sure that the second film is going to ignite a frenzy of kids wanting merchandise of it. As for adults...  I don't know many who actually care enough about Avatar to shell out for sets. You mentioned the Indiana Jones theme, which I think is a good example of a theme that, while it might not be fresh in the minds of kids, is REALLY nostalgic for generations of adults, many of who do show the films to their kids, ensuring the franchise lives on. Avatar was a flash in the pan.

I do wonder if lego is "pitting the themes against eachother", sort of like they did with spongebob and ATLA back in 2006. If so, I know which horse I'm betting on. And it's not the weird blue one.

Agreed on this. I think Avatar has some beautiful sets, but it's not going to sell as well as LEGO hopes. The first movie was a "flash in the pan," and as much as I'm sure a lot of people will go see the sequel because the first one was "the big movie" for so long, I really don't expect it to do that great, unless it truly has some amazing story and not just cool visuals. 

Not enough adults will care enough for these sets, and not enough kids will likely want them either. I think they're banking some on the cool helicopters and creatures, but even that won't save a theme from being a clearance buy for a lot of people. 

  On 7/21/2022 at 3:33 PM, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Why are you so salty about LEGO trying out a new theme? :jollyroger:

I was rooting for this theme, I'm just very let down.

Why do you feel the need to defend a new licensed theme based on one of the most successful movies of all time owned by the biggest media company?

  On 7/21/2022 at 4:33 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

In this particular instance, I agree, as I don't think an ATLA theme would do much better than an Avatar theme as that guy claimed.

ATLA as an IP is in crazy high demand right now, even before they've shown anything from all the projects in development. Sets based on it would absolutely sell better than these sets.

  On 7/21/2022 at 4:05 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

„They shouldn‘t do [theme/set I don‘t personally care about]! Instead, they should focus all their resources on [theme/set *I* do care about]!!“

While I agree I am guilty of that in the Indy discussion, ATLA is relevant in this discussion on account of it sharing the name Avatar, and that has interfered with both franchises in the past.

One thing to consider in the Avatar V Avatar discussion is there is a much more active fanbase/ cult following for the former. I mean if I were to go into Forbidden planet ( a comic book/ fandom merch shop chain) I'd find shirts, coasters and about a foot wide section of shelfspace as well as avatar comics in the comic section but for avatar I'd be lucky to find more than an artbook. And look on fanfiction.net I'll guarantee that you'll find thousands more Avatar fics than Avatar fics. Or look up fanart on Instagram, hell even Lego mocs.

So while Avatar might have had more people watch the movie, Avatar has more fans that interact with the franchise, that care about it, that would want to buy merch.

But I could be a real heathen and admit that the avatar that I'd most want sets from would actually not be this one or the last Airbender, it would be the legend of Korra ( which is admittedly a Airbender sequel show).

But in terms of these sets, I don't care too much for the prices they are at. I think the eyes and noses on the blue people look a little off for Lego. If there's a good discount I'd like the base set for it's parts. Hopefully some of the interesting part will be on PAB one day.



The highlight for me is the return of the long arms/legs. Hope they'll stay around. 


The two Avatar franchises have nothing in common except for the name, so no idea why they‘re always pit against each other :tongue:

Also, I fail to see why releasing sets based on one of the highest-grossing movies ever is supposed to be such a bad idea. Sure, Avatar may not have entered the pop culture zeitgeist in any meaningful way, but it has up to 4 sequels coming out.

Less of a risk than other licenses they‘ve picked up in the past :shrug_oh_well:

I feel like Lego doesn't do themselves any favors by mixing factions in single sets the way they do.

Would I buy that mech suit by itself? Absolutely. Will I buy it for $60 packed with a goofy blue wolf? Absolutely not.

Would I buy that helicopter by itself? Yes. Am I going to spend $90 to get it? No. I don't care about the floating rocks or aliens. Also, I don't really get how that is a 887 piece set, either. It just doesn't look like that much stuff.

I'm guessing for every person who buys a set even though they only like half of it, there are 10 people who skip the set entirely.

Edited by danth

  On 7/21/2022 at 10:45 PM, danth said:

I feel like Lego doesn't do themselves any favors by mixing factions in single sets the way they do.

Would I buy that mech suit by itself? Absolutely. Will I buy it for $60 packed with a goofy blue wolf? Absolutely not.

Would I buy that helicopter by itself? Yes. Am I going to spend $90 to get it? No. I don't care about the floating rocks or aliens. Also, I don't really get how that is a 887 piece set, either. It just doesn't look like that much stuff.

I'm guessing for every person who buys a set even though they only like half of it, there are 10 people who skip the set entirely.

I was talking with a friend (who refuses to use this site for some reason) who had a similar sentiment. He loves the human army's aesthetic but doesn't care about the blue people's stuff. He told me he's gonna try and buy the Sampson by itself on bricklink (Though given the commanality of the sentiment, 

  On 7/21/2022 at 6:57 PM, Alegrispa said:

ATLA as an IP is in crazy high demand right now, even before they've shown anything from all the projects in development. Sets based on it would absolutely sell better than these sets.

I said I didn't think it would do much better, not that it wouldn't do better at all. And yes, ATLA is an in demand IP... but almost exclusively among the 18-30ish demographic. The kids that grew up with it (tying into my Indiana jones thing) are now on the prowl for more ATLA content, but that's not the same as lego's target demo. I think an ideas set (if they'd accept one for once) or an 18+ set of Appa could do well, but I can't see a full line of 6-12 sets selling well. At least Avatar itself has the advantage of a movie coming this winter, whereas ATLA, while setting up that studio and implying it's got multiple projects on the way, hasn't announced anything concrete further than "live-action remake" AFAIK. And we all know how well that did.

Anyway, TLDR is that you run into the same problem with ATLA that you do for Avatar; the demographics aren't right yet. With Avatar, they really have to bank on the second movie being another juggarnaut, because the first doesn't have many kid fans, and it's faded enough for adults that I can't see enough buying sets for it. With ATLA, the generation that grew up with it are young adults now, but there's nothing new with the franchise yet and it hasn't been long enough for those who liked it as kids to show it to kids of their own. I'll again bring up IJ as a counterpoint, which while in a similar "sets come out months before the film" situation as Avatar, has the advantage of the nostalgic middle aged men and their kids who grew up with it. I suppose Harry Potter works here too. The Fantastic Beasts films, with their steady decline in quality and viewership, aren't what's driving sales. It's the nostalgic parents and kids that are reading and watching the classics.

  On 7/21/2022 at 11:02 PM, Mandalorianknight said:

I was talking with a friend (who refuses to use this site for some reason) who had a similar sentiment. He loves the human army's aesthetic but doesn't care about the blue people's stuff. He told me he's gonna try and buy the Sampson by itself on bricklink

I’m the opposite. Love the “blue people”. I do love the Mech, and the colonel too. Just wish the Mech was slightly bigger. 

I loved the movie, and I love the sets. They aren’t amazing, but they have a charm to them I appreciate. I never thought we’d get sets so that is amazing. 

Lego are absolutely right to make sets based on Avatar. The new film will be massive. Everybody knows Avatar, and everyone knows it’s impact.  The fact there will be more films IS HUGE. The theme, fingers crossed will be a great success. 

I think the sets will be great. 

Only issue for me is the price as some do look small. 

  On 7/21/2022 at 9:08 PM, BrickBob Studpants said:

The two Avatar franchises have nothing in common except for the name, so no idea why they‘re always pit against each other :tongue:

Also, I fail to see why releasing sets based on one of the highest-grossing movies ever is supposed to be such a bad idea. Sure, Avatar may not have entered the pop culture zeitgeist in any meaningful way, but it has up to 4 sequels coming out.

I guess what brought it up was the idea that the Ideas Airbender set was not chosen because Lego thought it would get confusing.

I really think this comes down to being iconic. Did Avatar make a ton of money, show 3D could do something in a theatre and become a cultural phenomenon of it's day? Yes  It may have led to a Iconic movie experience, but not a iconic brand.

How many people were clamoring for merchandise of any kind back then, or prior to the new films being announced. Not many.

I am not sure any generation is excited for this versus a Star Wars, Indiana Jones, or current Marvel movies etc.

While Avatar is visually appealing and should make a good theatre experience, (dont count out Cameron) He only makes Billion dollar plus movies when people say they won't! I only think this brand will make cash at the theatre.

Personally I judge my movies by re-watch ability, and while I saw Avatar a few times in the theatres, and own in on Blu ray, I have never watched it completely again.

Not trying to hate on it, just dont know many fans of my generation who care, my kids are not intrigued for the trailers, so which generation pines for Avatar toys? As a lego fan I wish it luck, but I think this sells poorly, which will be interesting for the future movies. 

Let's not bury our heads in the sand and pretend the competition doesn't already have a superior Halo branded sci-fi helicopter set on the market.  (The suggested retail is $80, don't feed the scalpers, wait for a restock. :wink:)

I wanted to like these, I really did.  When the best thing about new sets is the terrain side builds, they have failed spectacularly.


  On 7/22/2022 at 12:29 AM, Frizzlefry25 said:

I really think this comes down to being iconic. Did Avatar make a ton of money, show 3D could do something in a theatre and become a cultural phenomenon of it's day? Yes  It may have led to a Iconic movie experience, but not a iconic brand.

See this is the problem right here, Avatar made no significant impact on pop culture.  Most of the people I know that saw the trailer during the latest Marvel movie thought they were re-releasing the original. *huh*  I literally had someone at work tell me, "Hey did you see they are re-releasing that blue space elf movie?"  That is not a good sign for drawing crowds to the theater.


  On 7/22/2022 at 12:29 AM, Frizzlefry25 said:

While Avatar is visually appealing and should make a good theatre experience, (dont count out Cameron) He only makes Billion dollar plus movies when people say they won't! I only think this brand will make cash at the theatre.

Terminator Dark Fate would like to say hello.  The "real Terminator 3 by James Cameron" bombed at the box office.  Terminator has had way more impact on pop culture and thus nostalgia pull than Avatar.

Avatar had two major things that lead to its massive box office success.  First it had the draw of being the first James Cameron movie after Titanic so all the fans of Titanic went to see it.  Second it was the first really good digital 3D movie so all the tech-geeks saw it multiple times.  Neither of those two things matter for the sequel.  The story itself was completely forgettable. (hence making no significant impact on pop culture)

I hope I am wrong and the new movie is really good and does really well.  More sci-fi in the mainstream pop culture can only be a good thing for the types of movies and Lego sets I like.  Unfortunately I see this as more likely being the next Eternals.  Sure it did well in the box office but well,,, no cares and the Lego sets (and all the other toys) are on clearance.  :sceptic:

  On 7/21/2022 at 6:57 PM, Alegrispa said:

I was rooting for this theme, I'm just very let down.

Why do you feel the need to defend a new licensed theme based on one of the most successful movies of all time owned by the biggest media company?

Because you were criticising it in a very childish fashion: LEGO deserves a slap in its face because they are doing the Avatar theme I don't want, instead of the Avatar theme I do want!

You were acting as if they somehow made it personal :tongue:

And yeah, sure, maybe the other Avatar theme would do better, but there is literally no correlation between those two except for the name. That's it, the similarities end there.

  On 7/22/2022 at 6:23 AM, THELEGOBATMAN said:

Because you were criticising it in a very childish fashion: LEGO deserves a slap in its face because they are doing the Avatar theme I don't want, instead of the Avatar theme I do want!

Not at all what I meant.

LEGO deserves a slap in the face because of all the stupid things they've been doing lately. Mainly increasing prices despite record profits and declining product quality.

  On 7/22/2022 at 9:28 AM, Alegrispa said:

Not at all what I meant.

LEGO deserves a slap in the face because of all the stupid things they've been doing lately. Mainly increasing prices despite record profits and declining product quality.

Ah, gotcha.

I wouldn't call increasing prices "stupid" tho. Inflation is really doing its job.

Also, curious to hear what you mean by "declining product quality"?

Does anyone have any more pictures from comic con on the avatar sets? They look pretty good in person, and I noticed that there was a tag with a QR code next to each set. They had the words "pre order" on them, and I'm wondering if we could get some better pics or videos, and scan them. I'm wondering if theres an exclusive comic con pre order thing, its unlikely, but the sets had the tags, including the 3 sets that aren't currently available for preorder. Most likely is that it just goes to The LEGO.com page for the sets, but I'm curious. the 3 sets that had the tags but aren't on preorder are the site 26 and Samson, the brickheadz and the mech vs thanitor. 

Side note: 

Has anyone here actually preordered any of the 2 sets available? I'm thinking of picking up the tree of souls set but it looks like the tree itself bends pretty bad in person due to the leaf pieces being used to support all the antennas. 


Edit: Yeah it looks like it says "add set to Wishlist" for the 3 sets. Oh well. cant wait to see them in person!

Edited by a guy from somewhere

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