December 8, 20213 yr Cool. Learned a new German word: Farbseuche Colour disease? The high speed train is clearly a display piece for the office shelf. The bogies don't even pivot. Looks like you have to buy two to make a full train. Hmm, that seems deja vu... 16 hours ago, Toastie said: Well, they give away the instructions for free, as TLG does ... It appears that you have to register on BB before you can download their instructions. TLG lets you download without providing any personal information. It'll be funny if we are cloning BB models with LEGO.
December 8, 20213 yr 38 minutes ago, dr_spock said: It'll be funny if we are cloning BB models with LEGO. Some of their 8-wide designs look good. But if their brick quality is low, this is the way to go. Not all their parts are available from Lego, though.
December 8, 20213 yr On 12/6/2021 at 11:16 PM, Stuartn said: OK, its official. TLG has lost the plot in my opinion. I've only just noticed that the high speed train is listed as a creator expert set. Originally I had no issue with the set as AFOLs clearly aren't the target audience, but now I know it is marketed as an expert set ( I see where people are coming from. Oh no... now that is a mistake... UGH! The box even has a promo for Lego Life. The 5 wide taxi set is still available, it appears to be listed under "exclusives" but not any flavor of creator. The blue train poly bag is listed under "train," again, absent from any flavor of creator. Maybe the high speed train is the replacement for the crocodile? (grin, though I do hope my statement stays a joke rather than becomes reality). Also interesting that the US shop still does not list the crocodile as "retiring soon"
December 8, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, dr_spock said: Colour disease? Color epidemic plague (matches well with current times) - color pestilence - or simply color vomit (I like that the most , it has a certain touch to it) ... Well I have registered - just in case, let me know All the best Thorsten
December 8, 20213 yr 19 hours ago, M_slug357 said: @Amoreternum Is BB’s brown brittle too…? Totally agreeing on the whole third-party-as-a-thread-or-sth-like-that-thing, would be nice to exchange ourselves on what is okay and what is to be avoided, espcecially with the bigger Mould King-stuff coming up. Regarding your question, I had no issues with brittle bricks, but the quality in general is far below Legos. A lot of pieces show weird mould-marks, I guess, and I heard a lot about scratches on parts. Colors can be off. The clutch power is so-so to okay, but the measurements of the individual bricks are of by a tiny bit, bending at least the hopper car and while some parts need force to be put together, others fall apart. Both cars I own (the hopper and the tank car) need to be modified to run, at least mine, but overall it's not a bad deal for the price tag. Not like the Adler, ehem. Back to topic, Lyichirs idea sounds reasonable. Edited December 8, 20213 yr by Amoreternum
December 8, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, Amoreternum said: Totally agreeing on the whole third-party-as-a-thread-or-sth-like-that-thing, would be nice to exchange ourselves on what is okay and what is to be avoided, espcecially with the bigger Mould King-stuff coming up. Regarding your question, I had no issues with brittle bricks, but the quality in general is far below Legos. A lot of pieces show weird mould-marks, I guess, and I heard a lot about scratches on parts. Colors can be off. The clutch power is so-so to okay, but the measurements of the individual bricks are of by a tiny bit, bending at least the hopper car and while some parts need force to be put together, others fall apart. Both cars I own (the hopper and the tank car) need to be modified to run, at least mine, but overall it's not a bad deal for the price tag. Not like the Adler, ehem. Back to topic, Lyichirs idea sounds reasonable. Strange 🤔 In my experince the parts quality in the one BB set I dared buy and numerous BB rare train elements otherwise retired by LEGO har been good to idential and sometimes better than the genuine stuff. The same or way better color consistency, same to slightly worse tolerance and clutch power, identical shine except too many scratches on tiles in the set but not those in part packs. The mould marks are inferior to LEGO but don't really matter as they are placed in studs. The motors are hit or miss, either better in few cases or worse in many cases. The tracks are really good for the low price though not near the best which isn't LEGO but BrickTracks and FX Bricks imo. BB designs range from abysmal to very nice in huge variety, the instructions are poor to average and the actual building experince severely lacking. The BB set price per part can't be beat currently. A quality in itself. Overall, I would call far below in quality quite a stretch, more like slightly below but not much, maybe a 8/10. But yeah, back to LEGO trains 2022 (if we are lucky) 😁 Edited December 8, 20213 yr by dtomsen
December 8, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Lyichir said: Perhaps if Lego intends to release more sets in the Creator theme that do not have alternate builds they will need to revise those web categories, but for the time being it would be incredibly misleading for them to put a model like this in the Creator 3-in-1 category with other simpler Creator sets. But LEGO did release 2 Creator sets this year which don't have alternate builds , 40468: Yellow Taxi and 40469: Tuk Tuk , which don't really seem to be under any category right now. They do share a very similar box design as the train, just smaller sets. On the other hand I can see the Train being even more of a display model then those 2 other vehicles, difference between train wheels or rubber wheels. Somehow 30572: Race Car is showing under Expert as well while it's a small polybag car from 2019. Edited December 8, 20213 yr by TeriXeri
December 8, 20213 yr 38 minutes ago, dtomsen said: Strange 🤔 In my experince the parts quality in the one BB set I dared buy and numerous BB rare train elements otherwise retired by LEGO har been good to idential and sometimes better than the genuine stuff. The same or way better color consistency, same to slightly worse tolerance and clutch power, identical shine except too many scratches on tiles in the set but not those in part packs. The mould marks are inferior to LEGO but don't really matter as they are placed in studs. The motors are hit or miss, either better in few cases or worse in many cases. The tracks are really good for the low price though not near the best which isn't LEGO but BrickTracks and FX Bricks imo. BB designs range from abysmal to very nice in huge variety, the instructions are poor to average and the actual building experince severely lacking. The BB set price per part can't be beat currently. A quality in itself. Overall, I would call far below in quality quite a stretch, more like slightly below but not much, maybe a 8/10. But yeah, back to LEGO trains 2022 (if we are lucky) 😁 Well, gotta admit I got carried away for a bit since I really want to like their stuff but the aforementioned points do annoy me. I had a lot of issues with the Adler, missing pieces included, for example, but I do know from a few german channels on the tube that quality ranges from good to very bad even in the same batch of sets which is puzzling. But for the price? A steal. But yeah, back to topic, it's just so tempting D:
December 8, 20213 yr 8 hours ago, legotownlinz said: Listing it in the Creator Expert section Absence of children on the lifestyle photo Review samples were provided to AFOL YouTube channels, e.g. Altogether it doesn't seem coincidental. The theory this was meant to be a GWP does make sense.
December 8, 20213 yr 27 minutes ago, Amoreternum said: But yeah, back to topic, it's just so tempting It really is - and without something decent from TLG, or better: Phased out by TLG, I believe this is really >on< topic. Sure, we are talking about a competitor here, but is that really true? There are other products discussed in TrainTech (and elsewhere) as well - and I surely never want to miss them - all the superb work of @michaelgale as one example (or the Buwizzies). You could argue that this is no competition, as TLG does not make 9V track anymore. Well, TLG also doesn't make any decent carriages anymore. Gone ... My Own Train, 10022, 10025 ... so BB >carriages< are no competition anymore , which then renders this thread as being >on< topic. My experience with BB is really not BB, but rather MouldKing sold by BB. And I must say, that experience was wonderful. The Flying Dutchman. Clutch power better as compared to TLG's bricks (it is a display model, so that is perfect), which would be perfect for carriages as well. No issues with anything - even colors were >perfect<. Well, to me; I am color-blind to a certain extended extent so I am very happy with what I got. Brick-wise - they all matched perfectly. >No< brick was geometrically off. I don't know what I will get this time - but just to reiterate: 24 € for a 6-wide, 40 cm long, dark green carriage ... you know, TLGs new 4-wide ... display train thing ... is 36 cm long ... for 20 €. I am very happy to change this and that on the crap-carriage, should that turn out to be necessary. At €24 I cannot care less about accepting that challenge. We'll see. All the best, Thorsten
December 8, 20213 yr 3 hours ago, Toastie said: Color epidemic plague (matches well with current times) - color pestilence - or simply color vomit (I like that the most , it has a certain touch to it) ... Well I have registered - just in case, let me know All the best Thorsten Thanks. Good to know. I think I am ok with building from a picture but it would still be useful. How's this for farbseuche?
December 8, 20213 yr 32 minutes ago, dr_spock said: How's this for farbseuche? You >nailed< it. A picture is worth a thousand thesaurus entries Thomas (as in: Representative for the color gurus) is more concerned about "knowing that is in there". (This is why I like the "vomit" wording so much :D). Or that you can see the vomit - hmm - wait. Vomit becomes vomit, when it sees the light, right? So that does not make sense here ... Rephrasing: When you can see, what potentially becomes vomit (at a certain angle) - from the outside. I believe the almost life-sized star destroyer (among others) apparently had that issue ... but who knows. Since I was born, I have come to rest with colors Best Thorsten
December 8, 20213 yr All considered BB is 4/10. You once in a while get a set that is acceptable, but issues tend to pile up. Switches are often already damaged or warped an since they source their bricks from the cheapest factory quality is all over the place. The V100 is too small in comparison to the waggons, etc.
December 8, 20213 yr Farbseuche sounds like one of these words that will find its way into the english language like Kindergarten, Hinterland, Weltschmerz or Oktoberfest I see 3 porblems with Farbseuche: (a) For many it is a unpleasant experience when building sets. (b) You often can see colorful pieces through gaps and holes in the final build. And/or you know they are there and thats makes you crazy. (c) It may be hard to reuse all the pink, purple, yellow, bright green, etc. and such pieces in other builds.
December 8, 20213 yr 18 minutes ago, AndreMW said: All considered BB is 4/10. You once in a while get a set that is acceptable, but issues tend to pile up. Switches are often already damaged or warped an since they source their bricks from the cheapest factory quality is all over the place. The V100 is too small in comparison to the waggons, etc. Could you give me a list of all the BB sets that you have evaluated in order to form this conclusion so that we can be sure that you have evaluated a representative sample? Edited December 8, 20213 yr by Tube Map Central Typo
December 9, 20213 yr 15 hours ago, AndreMW said: All considered BB is 4/10. You once in a while get a set that is acceptable, but issues tend to pile up. Switches are often already damaged or warped an since they source their bricks from the cheapest factory quality is all over the place. The V100 is too small in comparison to the waggons, etc. This is exactly why it would be great if we could openly discuss our different personal experience with BB and in what ways BB enhance* our LEGO train hobby (and not) just like all other third party providers already allowed here. *Emphasis on enhance not replace Edited December 9, 20213 yr by dtomsen
December 9, 20213 yr 5 minutes ago, AndreMW said: A brief discription or the topic of the video would be useful, THX
December 9, 20213 yr 1 hour ago, AndreMW said: @AndreMWI suppose you should have actually watched his videos. Bricked4You is e.g. totally happy with the BB VT100 (8w). He would probably be pretty pissed, if you refer to his channel as "documenting BB problems". For my personal impression of BB: They are continually getting better. If you bought some old model from them some years ago, you'd be pretty underwhelmed with the brick quality (primarily clamping force of e.g. headlights and scratches). As they are using much more advanced building techniques than TLG and sometimes rely on the clamping force of that one knob -- that will lead to disaster, if you want to play with those models. Their most recent bricks are pretty decent and have a slightly higher clamping force than LEGO, so the handling of the models has much improved. They still do not have XL-wheels, so some of their 6w steam locomotives still are lacking. But as there are people that build 8w steam locos with L-wheels, ymmv. All in all: If you want a box-shaped locomotive or waggon or a building, their quality problem is of no concern. If you want a steam locomotive, there is no place else, you could buy one from. The one thing that people often forget when looking at BB: Whats is the alternative? What are you comparing their stuff to? Sure you can buy an old LEGO Emerald with one waggon for 500+ EUR instead. Sure you can MOC something in 100+ hours and 300+ EUR instead. Sure you can buy a MK, Kazi, LEGO or even Duplo play-train instead. Sure current TLG instructions are easier to follow. Sure you can buy some PDF instructions for 10 EUR and pay 300+ EUR on Bricklink. But BB is the only company that sells model trains from bricks for decent money. If you want something for your 3 year old to play with, if you have large amounts of time and money, if you prefer "fantasy" trains, if you are an inexperienced builder: You will find something better elsewhere.
December 9, 20213 yr This is turning into a 'fanboy' thread. In our heart, all we want is LEGO to come up with cool train system like they had back in the 80s and early 90s. But LEGO hasn't come trough in the last 15 years and chances are slim they will in years to come. So, it's normal that people are looking at other options, like BB (but there is also habricks, blokbricks and some others). I do find it sad that people can not accept this. Look at it this way: if BB to name one can design and release nice sets in a short time frame, why won't LEGO do the same? And I'm sure we all like building and designing stuff and for a long time, LEGO has been our number one source. I once remember a time when alfa romeos would 'rust away in the brochure', things change...
December 9, 20213 yr 2 hours ago, Black Knight said: The one thing that people often forget when looking at BB: Whats is the alternative? What are you comparing their stuff to? Sure you can buy an old LEGO Emerald with one waggon for 500+ EUR instead. Sure you can MOC something in 100+ hours and 300+ EUR instead. Sure you can buy a MK, Kazi, LEGO or even Duplo play-train instead. Sure current TLG instructions are easier to follow. Sure you can buy some PDF instructions for 10 EUR and pay 300+ EUR on Bricklink. But BB is the only company that sells model trains from bricks for decent money. If you want something for your 3 year old to play with, if you have large amounts of time and money, if you prefer "fantasy" trains, if you are an inexperienced builder: You will find something better elsewhere. Amen. 100% agreed. Best Thorsten
December 9, 20213 yr 2 hours ago, *thomas* said: This is turning into a 'fanboy' thread. In our heart, all we want is LEGO to come up with cool train system like they had back in the 80s and early 90s. But LEGO hasn't come trough in the last 15 years and chances are slim they will in years to come. So, it's normal that people are looking at other options, like BB (but there is also habricks, blokbricks and some others). I do find it sad that people can not accept this. Look at it this way: if BB to name one can design and release nice sets in a short time frame, why won't LEGO do the same? And I'm sure we all like building and designing stuff and for a long time, LEGO has been our number one source. I once remember a time when alfa romeos would 'rust away in the brochure', things change... Agreed. At what point do we get back on the rails? We might be on a disused branch line, but LEGO does throw us a bone now and then. Still, the pickings are slim and many are expanding their horizons. People are saying that here, but LEGO will remain deaf to our pleas regretfully. They should listen to my 9 year old nephew who killed a PUp motor from using it for a solid year. He demands more, but there's nothing in the catalog.
December 9, 20213 yr 5 hours ago, Black Knight said: The one thing that people often forget when looking at BB: Whats is the alternative? What are you comparing their stuff to? Sure you can buy an old LEGO Emerald with one waggon for 500+ EUR instead. Sure you can MOC something in 100+ hours and 300+ EUR instead. Sure you can buy a MK, Kazi, LEGO or even Duplo play-train instead. Sure current TLG instructions are easier to follow. Sure you can buy some PDF instructions for 10 EUR and pay 300+ EUR on Bricklink. But BB is the only company that sells model trains from bricks for decent money. If you want something for your 3 year old to play with, if you have large amounts of time and money, if you prefer "fantasy" trains, if you are an inexperienced builder: You will find something better elsewhere. Lego is lucky that Bluebrixx doesn't understand the AFOL train market neither. Bluebrixx's focus is on price, but AFOLs actually want detailed models and good quality. It might be possible that their cheap products attract new customers, but they won't make Lego customers switch to Bluebrixx. At least I never considered to buy any of their crappy 6-wide stuff. Only the upcoming 8-wide models are of interest if the quality of the bricks is sufficient. But if half of the bricks need to be replaced with Legos, then taking their instructions and source everything from Bricklink is the better choice. I'm excited to build my first Bluebrixx set, hopefully this weekend. Edited December 9, 20213 yr by legotownlinz
December 9, 20213 yr Every AFOL has other demands, but the one thing LEGO is lacking is consistency AND volume.
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