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Thank you @JimsBridges for being, I think, the first person to post a positive post since the official photos were released a few days ago in this thread. I agree it is not quite what we were expecting or hoping for, neither would we ever likely get something so good as Dawid Szmandra designed, but we have what is before us, and we can choose to try and make it better, or else design our own version.

It does seem expensive,  even the recent mooted price of €559 or NZ$1000 as it currently correlates to, is steep. Yes, I agree with the lack of string ( I wish we could buy lego string in 100 metre lengths), and the hook could be actual metal like the cranes used to be ~15 years ago.

Will I buy it? Not sure yet, but I have not ruled it out at the moment.

Enjoy :)


Edited by The Southern Brickfan

2 hours ago, allanp said:

 I don't know if the real crane has that function.

They sure do, though usually as a green, amber, red indicator light mounted to the crane (and on the LICCON HUD). However, it doesn’t restrict the operating functions. Unless lockouts/slew limits have been configured the operator remains in complete control of the crane (for better or worse). 

  • Milan locked this topic
7 minutes ago, mortenm said:

Why do I feel like the last 10 comments are total off topic? *huh*

Because they are.

Guys, a dozen off-topic posts have been hidden. Let's focus on Lego, not on fossil fuel.
@1gor we have asked you before not to bring politics and world conflicts on the forum. Please, do not do it again.

  • Milan unlocked this topic
20 hours ago, Saruzeufel said:


This crane is is the largest in the world, the other things are not.

CC88.3200 is now largest crawler crane. But these are all largest from their manufacturer. 

LR13000 is a heavy lift crane, not the same as a normal crawler crane like an LR1300 for example.

Edited by Bricktrain

9 hours ago, JimsBridges said:

Have loitered in this forum for months waiting for updates, posting for the first time (ever) to throw a few different opinions into the mix.

Firstly, have played with some big cranes in my job, and will 100% outlay the cost to have this model on my desk at work. No, I can’t really afford it, and am acutely aware of how different it looks to the real thing, but there is a (surprisingly large) community of people who are super stoked to have Lego build something so close to what we love doing (building things and lifting heavy stuff). Its a niche flagship model that’s for sure, but it’s the kind of thing I think a few people will happily pay for (already thinking about how to remove the fly jib and run it as a single boom).

Secongly, much like real cranes I’m certain that 500g is the safe working limit for stability, not part failure. Lattice booms are ultra strong, and at low radius can lift eye-wateringly heavy loads. For these cranes it’s all about stability limits, and my guess would be that both height and boom operation have been cropped here to keep it within extremely conservative limits. Real crawlers are very easy to tip without an experienced operator, Lego would have been fielding a tsunami of complaints if they’d delivered a model with realistic geometry and performance.

Overall, I think it’s not quite as realistic as I’d like, but still a model i’d love to own and build. It’s a great base from which to build a lot of modified crane configurations too, so it’s a hard yes from me.

I also appreciate the different POV.  In reality, I think this sums up TLG's reasons for this model nicely, and probably their change in development philosophy over the past several years.  They are not interested in creating the most mechanically sophisticated models because folks buy things for many different reasons, but primarily for these reasons specified by @JimsBridges.   Highly niche or esoteric skill-sets (and therefore appetites) is not the game they are into satisfying, but a more generalist consumer that understands, hey it might not be perfect, but it somewhat resembles the real thing and hits a strong "cool factor." 

I still think the model is subpar, however.  And @JimsBridgesalthough I completely understand your reasons you specified I guess I am still left asking why not use other Lego bricks to just create something more realistic?  Or, if you don't have the time or resources to develop something from the ground up, why not just buy something like Mould King's 17015 set or any number of other "kit" sets out there?  I would argue that MK's set, and others that can be found on Aliexpress site or others roughly match a LR 13000 just as close at this new model from Lego but they are like around 1/3 to 1/4 of the cost?  Is it just because they do not carry the Liebherr trademark?  

35 minutes ago, nerdsforprez said:


I still think the model is subpar, however.  And @JimsBridgesalthough I completely understand your reasons you specified I guess I am still left asking why not use other Lego bricks to just create something more realistic?  Or, if you don't have the time or resources to develop something from the ground up, why not just buy something like Mould King's 17015 set or any number of other "kit" sets out there?  I would argue that MK's set, and others that can be found on Aliexpress site or others roughly match a LR 13000 just as close at this new model from Lego but they are like around 1/3 to 1/4 of the cost?  Is it just because they do not carry the Liebherr trademark?  

And what is the long term clutch power of these other sets? Is the plastic these parts are moulded from as good as what Lego's is?  Will it have the same longevity as Lego?  They are cheap because they have been ripped off from other designers who have already done the hard work in designing and building them and spent the time to make up good followable instructions - nor have they had to deal with the patent owners for the actual equipment.  And I have yet to see someone from within this thread who has said that MK does it better actually show the MK set that they have bought and built...it astounds me that people are ripping Lego sets to shreds based on photos and photos alone.

Having read this entire thread, the whinging from posters is phenomenal - if you want 100% accurate and absolutely everything to scale then go and buy diecast.  Or go and get a job at Lego and become a designer for these 'flag ship' models and then you'll start to understand the requirements that a global company like Lego have to meet.  The same whingers in this thread are funnily enough the same whingers from the R9800 and D11 threads...too much whinging and not enough building.

I, for one, will be buying it with the $$ I've been putting aside every payday since the set was announced....it'll get built and then as the MOCs for it start to appear to improve it, it'll get torn apart and rebuilt.  Just like I did with the R9800 and the Efferman undercarriage improvement and the Efferman conversion from face shovel to backhoe.

Edited by kiwimtnbkr

43 minutes ago, kiwimtnbkr said:

And I have yet to see someone from within this thread who has said that MK does it better actually show the MK set that they have bought and built...it astounds me that people are ripping Lego sets to shreds based on photos and photos alone.

Uhmm, no?

Did do MK sets. Don't show/comment here or anywhere (except see below) on EB, because it is not allowed. See the difference? Competition ... You need to go to the Community Forum, because one "cannot" post in this thread or any other except the mentioned forum - with close to zill responses there, as it is forbidden territory. It is what it is. BTW: Love LEGO since 1965 - and I am color-blind, but not blind.


11 hours ago, Bricktrain said:

CC88.3200 is now largest crawler crane.

Thank you for the correction. I did not research enough into cranes.

11 hours ago, kiwimtnbkr said:

Having read this entire thread, the whinging from posters is phenomenal - if you want 100% accurate and absolutely everything to scale then go and buy diecast.  Or go and get a job at Lego and become a designer for these 'flag ship' models and then you'll start to understand the requirements that a global company like Lego have to meet.  The same whingers in this thread are funnily enough the same whingers from the R9800 and D11 threads...too much whinging and not enough building.

No, we're expressing our opinions, which we are free to do. If you can't deal with that, then maybe a public forum isn't the place for you.

19 minutes ago, Maaboo35 said:

No, we're expressing our opinions, which we are free to do. If you can't deal with that, then maybe a public forum isn't the place for you.

And I am expressing my opinion that some of the posters in this forum come across as whingers.  If YOU can't deal with that, and the shoe fits, then maybe this public forum isn't for you either.

Edited by kiwimtnbkr

1 minute ago, kiwimtnbkr said:

And I am expressing my opinion is that some of the posters in this forum come across as whingers.  If YOU can't deal with that, and the shoe fits, then maybe this public forum isn't for you either.

 You have added nothing to this thread by shelling other users - in your first post here in two years, by the way, which is bad form. If you like this 🐕, then great. Good for you! But don't invalidate or insult other users simply because you don't agree with their opinions.

4 minutes ago, kiwimtnbkr said:

And I am expressing my opinion that some of the posters in this forum come across as whingers.  If YOU can't deal with that, and the shoe fits, then maybe this public forum isn't for you either.

I think the small issue here is that the term whingers is used in a derogatory way. If you disagree with said opinions that's fine but there's no need to be mildly insulting about it.

As far as I can see, there are only two problems with this set.

  • the short boom
  • the price

All the rest seems fine to me.

  • People who can't stand the price: don't buy it. That tells TLC the price is too high.
  • People who can't stand the low height: wait until the boom parts come available as parts. Then, nothing (except, again, price) should hold people back from extending the boom to 3 meters or whatever they find realistic, and have the tall crane they want.

The price is a marketing thing, they probably test how far they can go and what profits will do when asking more for a set. Sure, there are some expensive parts, but I do think a serious margin is taken just to test the market. And the low height is probably a safety thing.


5 minutes ago, allanp said:

I think the small issue here is that the term whingers is used in a derogatory way. If you disagree with said opinions that's fine but there's no need to be mildly insulting about it.

Okay, I've got it now...posters are allowed to bag and insult the Lego Group for their business decisions because they are a 'faceless corporation' but calling said posters out on it isn't.  Gotcha!


Edited by kiwimtnbkr

15 minutes ago, kiwimtnbkr said:

Okay, I've got it now...posters are allowed to bag and insult the Lego Group for their business decisions because they are a 'faceless corporation' but calling said posters out on it isn't.  Gotcha!


Okay, I've got it now... Just because other posters are writing insults, it's ok if you do it too.


Edited by Andman


the A in AFOL stands for "adult". Let's act a bit mature, please. That would make it a bit more pleasant to be here for those of us who just want to discuss a Lego set.

30 minutes ago, Erik Leppen said:

People who can't stand the low height: wait until the boom parts come available as parts. Then, nothing (except, again, price) should hold people back from extending the boom to 3 meters or whatever they find realistic, and have the tall crane they want.

THIS! Still unsure about the lenght of the boom pieces, but it should be rather easy to mod, just like the 42042 had already another assembly of a boom piece coming with it. I am sure Markus Kossmann did expect the moccers do try out the real possibility of this set. The non-lego brands have some really big cranes in store, but I highly doubt their stability will be this good.

But one negativ point you are missing is the scale of the set considering the original crane: The whole base is just off in scale. Either the cabin has to be smaller or the whole crane to be bigger.

It's more in scale with the LR1400, which has "just" 400t instead of 3000t.

Edited by Jundis

51 minutes ago, Erik Leppen said:

As far as I can see, there are only two problems with this set.

  • the short boom
  • the price

The wrong proportions
The single triangle frames on top
The wrong colors of the triangles
The too small tracks that are also wrong positioned

It will tke very long before the framss become available

Apart from the above mentioned things, I'm curious where will the new parts be used again

I feel like the price is kinda justified given the motors, hubs, large lattice pieces, and weights/counerbalances. I personally think that lego overcharges a lot for things like motors and large pieces, but they are a company that tries to maintain QC, good working conditions, and licensing agreements. But the influx of chinese clone sets and recent dip in lego quality hasn't helped with perception of LEGO's brand value...

If they still do all the quality control that they used to, then it makes sense that large frame pieces are so pricey given that there's probably a higher failure rate for parts given the complexity of the new molds.

I'm not so hot on the trend to create new complicated molds though... I always thought that technic should be about creative solutions to problems and the past few years it seems like lego has been making more new molds than new and creative solutions in builds. There's nothing really wrong with that, but people here seem to forget this when they look at price per piece in sets now.

My biggest criticism of this set is the intended market. I don't get it. It seems like LEGO is trying to target serious adult hobbyists (or people with too much money) whenever they release these ridiculous $400+ sets, but its these same hobbyists that are going to be the most critical of the sets LEGO puts out, so I have no idea what the intentions behind this set are. On one end, serious hobbyists might be put off by the relative simplicity of these sets compared to their MOCs, but on the other end I don't see many casual/average consumers saying to themselves "I want to buy a $700 plastic crane that takes up a quarter of a bedroom just to keep it on display and maybe play with it every other weekend".

Maybe they're still trying to cash in on the lockdown-era market while they still can, lots of people did get into LEGO because of it... I know I made some dumb purchases out of boredom, but I don't see a long-term viability in that strategy.

My biggest disappointment is that there isn't a winch for raising and lowering the derrick,  I was hoping for an app which would have been suitable for using with MOCS but this one is a major shortfall to me. 

The price is higher like all the PU sets, there is a lot of development in the app as well as the build itself I would expect.

Loving the new parts and colours though, we have been getting a great selection of usable parts lately. 

Looking at the boom I have been trying to work out the parts between the outer frames to make the top and bottom of the boom, being the luffer and derrick are a different width than the main boom,  and there looks like separate pieces not just one piece like the side frames.

9 hours ago, Bricktrain said:

Looking at the boom I have been trying to work out the parts between the outer frames to make the top and bottom of the boom, being the luffer and derrick are a different width than the main boom,  and there looks like separate pieces not just one piece like the side frames.

They look the same width to me. But I can't see how the four panels of a section of boom are connected at the corners, as I can only see a single beam in each corner. Are the 4 sides actually made of 1 single piece?

I must admit, despite the unrealistic proportions, it is more mechanically realistic than previous flagships so I find myself more tempted to get it. I think this will be mine as soon as there's a good deal on it. Not a day one buy like the John Deere but some day.

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