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And now, here's my Confederacy of Independent Systems Droid Army, gentlemen:

B1 Battle Droids:



B2 Battle Droids:



General view:


My CIS Droid Army: (not complete, though, still some waiting to be given "new" arms.... :classic: )


Comments, gentlemen? ) :sweet:


Doctor Sinister! :sing:

Hear me! I challenge your Republic Army to a noble fight! And let the Galaxy burn! :laugh:

Edited by The Penguin

[jumps behind the couch]

That's one massive droid army. :thumbup::thumbup:

I guess my army of clones would be swiped pretty fast.

I'll just have to call Dr.S then :tongue:

[phones Dr.S]

Me: Bring everyone

DrS: Whaddya mean "Everyone"?

Me: Evvveeeeerrrryyyoooooneeeeeeeeee!!!

  The Penguin said:
B2 Battle Droids:

Shouldn't that be B2 Super Battle Droids? :wink: Anyway, nice CIS army, The Penguin! :thumbup: That must be at least 7 BPs and 7 Hailfire sets! :oh: How did you give the BDs from the BPs new arms and blasters? Bricklink?

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

  KimT said:
[jumps behind the couch]

That's one massive droid army. :thumbup::thumbup:

I guess my army of clones would be swiped pretty fast.

Thank you very much, KimT! ) :thumbup:

I'm trully honored. ) Plus to that I have some CIS armored vehicles, that were not included here. Say, 2 MTTs, several Homing spider droids, etc.... Since most of them were modified to look not like TF variant but a CIS one (colour, first of all) may I ask you to let me open a separate(ist :laugh:) topic for my MODs? ) :sweet:

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
Shouldn't that be B2 Super Battle Droids? Anyway, nice CIS army, The Penguin! That must be at least 7 BPs and 7 Hailfire sets! How did you give the BDs from the BPs new arms and blasters? Bricklink?

I guess, you are right, but I've always thought that Super Battle Droid was a kind of a nickname for B2 Battle Droid, isn't that so? ) I guess I'll have to look it in Wookiepedia.... ) :sweet:

Thank you very much! ) :classic: Indeed, since I live in CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States) and an economist by education, I'm bound to have a Droid Army! ) :laugh:

Yes, it's 7 hailfire droid sets, 6 battle backs and my favourite BrickLink mostly. )))) :thumbup: That formed the bulk of the army + several additions from HSD sets, MTTs, DGS, etc.... ))))


In a way to tease you, gentlemen, I'm planning to start making a comic story, like I my previous one:


I already have quite an interesing, IMHO, plot in my mind, so I hope you'll like it! )))) :wink:

Thank you very much for your comments, gentlemen! ) :sweet:

wow Penguin, that are the largest LEGO battle droids army i ever see.

althought i never like the battle droid design, this army really makes me amazed.

cool. :thumbup:

  The Penguin said:
Thank you very much, KimT! ) :thumbup:

I'm trully honored. ) Plus to that I have some CIS armored vehicles, that were not included here. Say, 2 MTTs, several Homing spider droids, etc.... Since most of them were modified to look not like TF variant but a CIS one (colour, first of all) may I ask you to let me open a separate(ist :laugh:) topic for my MODs? ) :sweet:


If you did MOD, then an individual topic is more than welcome around here. :thumbup:

  The Penguin said:

Doctor Sinister! :sing:

Hear me! I challenge your Republic Army to a noble fight! And let the Galaxy burn! :laugh:

Impressive army Mr Penguin sir - but unless you have any vehicles to transport those droids, I am confident my Republic forces will win the day!

Dr. S.

  Doctor Sinister said:
Impressive army Mr Penguin sir - but unless you have any vehicles to transport those droids, I am confident my Republic forces will win the day!

Dr. S.

Sure, I do. ) :classic:

And soon, you'll see them. ) :sweet:

Thanks a lot! )))) :thumbup:

  • 2 weeks later...

Quite a old pic now but here is my battle droid army before the droids with the new arms and blasters came out.


  KimT said:
So many sand-red battle droids :wub:

Impressive Mutley, most impressive.

Yea, I love the red/tan droids. It's whats tempting me to get the hyena bomber

Personelly I dont have a big army, I have about 5 clones and about 8 droids and 4 SBD, 1 Halfire droid and one spider droid

:blush: I just DONT have the money or the space to get them :sceptic: I just use my imagination when I battle :tongue:

Edited by hollisbrick

  mutley777 said:
Quite a old pic now but here is my battle droid army before the droids with the new arms and blasters came out.
  KimT said:
So many sand-red battle droids :wub:

Impressive Mutley, most impressive.

Seconded! :oh: How many Ep.2 RGS' did you get?? :wacko: Also, what does your army look like today, now that you have the new BDs? :sweet:

  hollisbrick said:
Yea, I love the red/tan droids. It's whats tempting me to get the hyena bomber

Erm, I hate to burst your bubble there, but the BDs from the HB are either brown (most likely) or dark red. :sceptic: Sand red pieces aren't being produced anymore due to costs. :hmpf::cry_sad:

  hollisbrick said:
Personelly I dont have a big army, I have about 5 clones and about 8 droids and 4 SBD, 1 Halfire droid and one spider droid

:blush: I just have the money or the space to get them :sceptic:

So why don't you get them then? :tongue:

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
Erm, I hate to burst your bubble there, but the BDs from the HB are either brown (most likely) or dark red. :sceptic: Sand red pieces aren't being produced anymore due to costs. :hmpf::cry_sad:

Damn that sucks I really like that colour :cry_sad:

Red is still good though :thumbup:

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
So why don't you get them then? :tongue:

Sorry I was dreaming :cry_sad:

  chris_austin said:

Very nice Gungan army! That's first I've ever seen, and it's really impressive considering there's only a handful in old sets.

  The Penguin said:

*huh* (I finally get to use that smiley). Amazing, Penguin, just amazing...

  mutley777 said:
>snipitty snip snips<

*oh2* Wow, that Geonosis army is spectacular!

Here are my armies:


1 General Greivous (2 green, 2 blue lightsabers, bley hilts)

1 Asajj Ventress (2 red lightsabers, bley curved hilts)

1 Darth Vader (1 red lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 Darth Maul (1 double-sided red lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 [Custom] Count Dooku (1 red lightsaber, bley curved hilt)

2 Commander Battle Droids (1 pistol each)

3 Pilot Battle Droids (1 pistol each)

2 Security Battle Droids (1 pistol each)

22 Battle Droids (1 pistol each)

5 Super Battle Droids (No accessories)




I have quite a lot of battle droids, with a lot of help from the MTT. The Count Dooku fig is custom, but hopefully we'll see a flesh non-CW Dooku. I really like displaying the battle droids because they fit so perfectly next to each other, and I don't have to keep a stud in between each of them since they don't have regular minifig arms. All of the battle droids in my collection have twisted arms, thanks to extra twisted arms in some sets.


2 Royal Guards (1 black spear each)

1 Grand Moff Tarkin (No accessory)

1 Imperial Officer (No accessory)

1 AT-ST Pilot (No accessory)

5 Stormtroopers (No accessories)

2 Snowtroopers (No accessories)

1 TIE Pilot (No accessory)

1 Shadowtrooper (No accessory)

1 Mouse Droid



I don't have many Imperial figs, or even enough weapons to give them, but their good enough for me for now. The bulk of them come from the ISD, and the rest from the TIE Interceptor and Imperial BP. A friend gave me the Snowtroopers and AT-ST pilot. :sweet:


1 Commander Cody (2 commander blaster pistols)

1 Commander Fox (2 commander blaster pistols)

2 Clone Troopers {Clone Wars} (1 blaster rifle each)

2 Clone Commanders {Episode III} (1 blaster rifle each)

1 AT-RT Pilot {Episode III} (1 blaster rifle)

2 Shocktroopers {Episode III} (1 blaster pistol and 1 pair of electrobinoculars each)

4 Clone Troopers {Episode III} (1 blaster rifle each)

1 Clone Pilot {Clone Wars} (1 blaster pistol)

5 Clone Pilots {Episode III} (1 blaster pistol each)

1 Republic Captain (1 blaster pistol and 1 pair of electrobinoculars)

1 Republic Pilot (1 blaster pistol)

1 Naboo Pilot (1 harpoon gun)

3 R2-D2s

1 R2-R7

1 R2-R4

1 R2-D5

1 Anakin Skywalker {Episode I} (No accessory)

1 Qui-Gon Jinn (1 green lightsaber, black hilt)

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi {Episode III, w/ or w/o comm. link} (1 blue lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 Anakin Skywalker {Episode III, w/ comm. link} (1 blue lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 Yoda (1 green lightsaber, chrome hilt, and 1 brown cane)

1 Kit Fisto (1 green lightsaber blade, bley hilt)

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi {Episode I} (1 blue lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 Obi-Wan Kenobi {Clone Wars} (1 blue lightsaber, bley hilt)

1 Plo Koon (1 blue lightsaber, bley hilt)




Sorry, that basketball player just couldn't resist some camera time. :grin: There's your Astromech army, Oky Wan, although I don't have many. Yes, technically R2-D5 is Imperial, but I just wanted

him to be by the other astromechs (insert geek smiley here).

Rebel Alliance:

1 Chewbacca (1 bowcaster)

1 Han Solo (1 pistol)

1 Luke Skywalker {Return of the Jedi} (1 green lightsaber, chrome hilt)

1 Luke Skywalker {Pilot} (No accessory)

1 Wedge Antilles (No accessory)

1 Dak Ralter (No accessory)

1 Leia Organa {Hoth} (No accessory)

4 Rebel Troops {A New Hope} (No accessories)

1 C-3PO {Chrome Gold} (No accessory)

2 Rebel Troops {Hoth} (No accessories)

2 A-Wing Pilots (No accessories)

1 K-3PO (No accessory)

3 Rebel Mechanics (No accessories)



Besides those figs, I also have a yellow Skiff Han and a yellow Tatooine Luke, although I didn't include them because I want all of the figs to be fleshie. I got a lot of these figs from my friend.


Well, that's it. Sorry for the super long post, and feel free to comment!

Edited by JimButcher

Very nice army/collection, Jim! :sweet:

  JimButcher said:
I really like displaying the battle droids because they fit so perfectly next to each other, and I don't have to keep a stud in between each of them since they don't have regular minifig arms.


  JimButcher said:
There's your Astromech army, Oky Wan, although I don't have many.

Cool! :grin: Thanks!

  JimButcher said:
I got a lot of these figs from my friend.

Hm... does that explain why you have an uneven number of droid pilots? :look:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Oky Wan, the reason for having three droid pilots is that one of them is "custom". I took one of my droid BP BDs, and replaced it's tan torso for a blue one from an old Mars Mission set. :wink: You have quite the army as well, and I'll look forward to some pics!

  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to four BPs and two MTTs that I got recently, I now have quite a large droid army! :sweet: I have about 67 Battle Droids, including 4 pilots, 4 securities, and 2 commanders. I also have 14 Super Battle Droids, 2 MTT-style Droidekas, 1 Dwarf Spider Droid, 1 Homing Spider Droid, 1 Hailfire droid, 1 Droid Starfighter, and 1 Snail Tank Droid.



Thanks to the spare arms and blasters from the two MTTs and all my 2008 sets, I was able to exchange the arms of my old-style droids (those with megaphones for blasters) until only 10 standard battle droids and the two Pilots and Commanders were left with the old-style arms. I thought that the pilots and commanders don't need to be able to hold blasters since their job is it to pilot a vehicle or oversee the battlefield and command troops. I put 6 of the standard droids onto the STAPs and gave the other 4 modified megaphone blasters (which now look like bazookas/missile launchers) turning them into assault droids.


Here you can see that I am the proud owner of an assassin droid BP. :sweet: And - Oh No! - It looks like Threepio got into the droid factory again! :hmpf::laugh: This usually headless droid is actually not a droid, but the body of Aldar Beedo from the SW Bucket. I didn't want to display it without a head, so I figured the Threepio thing out. :grin:


My STAP armada.


The Snail Tank is one that I build with the instructions of the official one, but with my own parts. This way, it kinda became a brown recolored version of the official Snail Tank. The Droid Starfighter is my attempt at updating my old DSF in the style of the one from the Naboo Fighter set. It worked our pretty good, I think, considering that I didn't have the right parts in the right colors sometimes.

Click here for more, hi-res pics.

I am still planning to add the new AAT to my CIS army, but after that, I'll try to concentrate on enlarging my Republic army because it's not very large at the moment. I have 6 Phase 2 clones, 3 Star Corps Troopers, 3 Shock Troopers, 1 Phase 2 clone pilot, and 1 Scout Walker driver. From the Clone Wars, I have 10 Phase 1 clones, 1 Fox, 1 Rex, and 1 Commander Cody impostor. That "impostor" is a generic clone with Cody's helmet printing that I got from the Clone Speed Build Contest in my local Lego Store. I switched his arms with orange ones and gave him pistols and a visor so that he now looks just like Cody, except that he doesn't have the orange markings on his torso.

Of course, my army of Phase 1 clones is going to be much larger once I get my hands on some more of the new BP! :devil: I will post pics of them as soon as my Republic army is large enough to be a match for my CIS army. :wink:

You can see most of my clones and droids in my Battle of Dagobah diorama.

My Rebel and Imperial armies are not worth mentioning. However, I do have an army of 17 yellow slave Leia clones! :grin: They had them in the Build-Your-Own-Minifig section of my Lego Store once, and I couldn't resist getting them all. :laugh: I'll post pics of them some day.

So, what do you think?

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi
holy mother of .... huuuge pics removed

Hmm... I guess I have to rally my armies and make a few pics of them...

I think i got my fair share of droids...

Oky Wan Kenobi, please resize the images to 640 x 480. The current images are not adhere to Eurobricks Site Guidelines. Please resize it immediately, or I will take down the images first before it will create slow connection for other users whom is on slow connection. Thanks.

I have:

100 or so droids, 20 SBDs and all the sith.

50 Ep 3 clones (All types)

15 CW clones

40 Imps

40 Jedi

20 Aliens

30 Rebels

40 or so misc./custom aliens

Pics soon!

Edited by Jammiedodger714

  Oky Wan Kenobi said:
So, what do you think?

Not much.

Pictures were heavily oversized, so I removed them.

Please post them again, when you've resized them.


  Jammiedodger714 said:
I have:

100 or so droids, 20 SBDs and all the evil jedi.

50 Ep 3 clones (All types)

15 CW clones

40 Imps

40 Jedi

20 Aliens

30 Rebels

40 or so misc./custom aliens

Pics soon!

Does the topic say "List your army" or does it say "Show your army"?

We want pics, not lists... it's not that difficult.

Also wouldn't the so-called "evil jedi" be "Sith"?

Yeh. I meant Sith. EDITED.

I was about to take pics, but my camera needed charging. :hmpf_bad: I will definately add pictures tomorrow. Sorry. :cry_sad:

Edited by Jammiedodger714

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