Posted June 26, 200816 yr Meh, why not. -Spongebob -BIONICLE -Technic -Racers -Agents -Code Lyoko -Baseball -Batman -Kingdom Hearts -Speed Racer -Indiana Jones -Star Wars -Pirates -Mars Mission -Anything else that would be coming back -Rho-
June 26, 200816 yr Techinc will always be my 1rst lego love! followed by - City - Agents - Ferrari (Kind of a tie with Agents really) - Creator - Racers - Speed racer (If they make any more) - Indie
June 26, 200816 yr I don't think there's much chance they'll continue with the Speed Racer theme, I'd love more City sits along the lines of the recycle/garbage truck and cement mixer from last year.
June 26, 200816 yr code lyoko? AHAHAHA that will NEVER HAPPEN there was a thread about it in the embassy section. Agents City SW Space [Like Star Justice ] Creator Edited June 26, 200816 yr by Darth_Legois_619
June 26, 200816 yr in 2009 City city trains Castle 2 new theme duplo technic bionicle starwars 10 years racers agents in 2009City city trains Castle 2 new theme duplo technic bionicle starwars 10 years racers agents and iniana jones sets no mars and no speed racers
June 26, 200816 yr legomilk, thanks for your great information. I will be looking forward to the 2 new themes. And, I am very curious what will be the new trains be look like for the City theme. Next year, looks very promising! Furthermore, you said next year? There will be more Indiana Jones sets. I am getting so excited! Thank you so much!
June 26, 200816 yr Based on Legomilk's list City Let's guess: Hospital (or related), Post office (or related), Construction. And what about some buildings and not just vehicles? city trains Cool, but I just don't have a place to put them. It would be great if they had some "expansion" wagons (and a rail to put under it); I'd buy one Castle Last year was great, this year was good. Let's wait and see. 2 new theme New as "never seen before"? Or new as "they haven't been out for the last 10 years"? You all know what I mean duplo SIDC (Sorry, I Don't Care) technic I'd love a mall set like this year's Mini forklift bionicle SIDAD starwars 10 years I'm not a great SW fan, but I like battle packs. racers Let's hope for some Tiny Turbos, they're nice and cheap. agents I'm not buying any of 2008 sets (unless they're some 50% off). Indiana Jones I'll be buying this year's smaller sets, and that could happen again next year. No more Mars Mission? Then let's hope for something closer to classic space (and something better than space skulls). And, though it's old news, too bad there'll be no more Exo-Force.
June 26, 200816 yr Hey legomilk, do you mean to say that TLC will hold the SW license until 2018? YES! YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES yes... *eherm* Anyway, Code Lyoko is about the worst thing that could happen to the world in Lego format... And I don't think legomilk knows what the two themes are but that there are two themes coming.
June 26, 200816 yr Interesting topic, -Rho-! Thank you very much for that news, legomilk! City Like The Cobra I hope for and think there will be a new hospital and a post office . I hope so much for a new bank . And I hope for more buildings -especially shops -, too. Construction wouldn't interest me apart from if TLG releases something like a new sort of Public Works Center. And please more harbor sets ! Trains Since the least train theme was in my opinion really boring (only the two trains and this windy train station ) I hope we get this time more additional stuff like extra waggons, a modern engine shed with roller gates, a big train station with a lot of nice interior and a cargo loading station. And I hope for an exclusive train like an Eastern And Oriental Express or a Transibiric Train - that would be . Castle Bcause of TLG's fantasy area I don't care much about this "Castle" line. The only things I surely will get are a new advent calendar and - if there are - some good Impulse sets (the wizzard, the knight and the knight with the catapult this year are really nice ). 2 new themes Although I really would like to see a comeback of Western like Flatfoot Thompsen I fear that nexr year is too early to expect (if anyway some Factoy sets would be counted as a whole new theme ). I think that these two new themes will be a Space theme and Pirates (ok, I don't have problems with that although I probably won't buy a single set of this theme). Duplo I'm a bit - but really only a bit - too old for this theme ! Technic I'm not interested in this theme. Bionicle I'm not interested in this theme. Star Wars Since - apart from the Rebel Scout Speeder and the DS - this year is a very poor year concerning OT sets I hope TLG will release some great OT sets next year. I hope for the Tantive 4, Imperial Shuttle with Imperial Pilot, black suited Officer and a gangway opening in the front, Endor Bunker, Wampa's Cave and Hoth BPs with commander minfigs. Racers I'm not interested in this theme. Agents I'm not interested in this theme. Indiana Jones I'm not interested in this theme. Let's see what's going to happen . But if it's like last year we'll get the set names and numbers in the middle/end of July - so not much time to wait ! Klaus-Dieter Edited June 26, 200816 yr by Klaus-Dieter
June 26, 200816 yr to me you're sorry, I can not disclose any details what is expected in 2009 but I know there are many theme birthday in 2009 mainly come from large sets but beware lego will by the high oil price can tap more expensive
June 26, 200816 yr to me you're sorry, I can not disclose any details what is expected in 2009 but I know there are many theme birthdayin 2009 mainly come from large sets but beware lego will by the high oil price can tap more expensive Thank you very much for that hint, legomilk! BTW: Are Factory sets counted as "new theme(s)", too? I browsed through the catalogue from and there are a list of sets which TLG released in 1999: -Star Wars => next year's 10th birthday which is official -Rock Raiders => I don't think that we'll get a theme similar to that -Adventures => very unlikely since there's already IJ -Ninja => although I would really it I think it's very unlikely -Space Port => might be - I really would like a comeback of these space port sets since they were (mainly the ones from 1995!) -Extreme Team => similar to Ferrari -RESQ => we already got the CG sets this year -City => we luckily have City A -Auquazone => very unlikely since there aren't sets this year -Insectoids => although I wouldn't like a theme like this one it might be possible since it'S very similar to fantasy space -Technic => we have -Bionicle => we have Summary: A new theme/Two new themes like Space Port and Insectoids (generally fantasy space) are in my opinion very likely - especially if TLG throws the "normal" Space Port theme together with a fantasy theme (which I personally would - but that wouldn't matter since I will spend all my little money on SW and City ). So there would be some space explorians who meet some violent aliens. And this again with some fantasy vehicles, a lot of action elements, bushwa - those elements which apparently have to be included in non-City sets in order to that kids like them . But ok . What do you think? Klaus-Dieter Edited June 26, 200816 yr by Klaus-Dieter
June 26, 200816 yr code lyoko? AHAHAHA that will NEVER HAPPEN there was a thread about it in the embassy section. Do you have a link? Anyhow, I'd like to see: Star Wars - hopefully not as many great CW sets for my wallet to be killed by. City - some nice sets in there. Space - so many cool options Pirates - I can see some nice sets in that line. Castle - great line! Bionicle - some nice parts Agents - great looking sets. I think that's about it.
June 26, 200816 yr Code Lyoko and Kingdom Hearts will never happen. Licensed themes need to be at least mildly popular to even be considered. Bionicle (to an extent) Agents Space Castle the 2 new themes
June 26, 200816 yr in 2009City city trains Castle 2 new theme duplo technic bionicle starwars 10 years racers agents Thank you again, Legomilk! City - Yes, it is confirmed for a 5 year! I'm actualy thinking a second Emergency Rescue wave might be possible, with a new hospital and some vehicles not done before as single sets, like a boat, a plane, and maybe a smaller emergency responce vehicle. I'm betting that the Trains will be the main subtheme in the summer - I think we can expect at least two new large trains, and possibly a train station and train crossing. Maybe even a cargo center! Castle - I think it's almost guarenteed that its elves next year. Can't wait to see the sets! Duplo, Technic, Racers - not interested in any of these, but I do like the dirrection technic is going in, and the racers might be okay. Maybe new Speed Racer kits? Although I doubt it. Bionicle - From what Greg F - the head writer of bionicle - has been saying, Bionicle 2009 may really bring back the awesomeness of the very first year. I'm very excited for this theme as well, although I may not buy much, since this year I'm buying a ton. Starwars - I am so hoping for a revival of original Trilogy kits. There's so much from the first three movies that either hasn't been made or hasn't been made well enough. We need more Hoth, Endor, and Tatooine sets! Agents - Looking foward to the second wave, considering how awesome the first wave is. Loving the whole theme. Two New Themes - Honestly, I'm almost certain that we shall see a new, modern incarnation of classic space in 2009, since it looks like Mars Mission is ending this year. I also think the second new theme will be some sort of history theme - I'm rooting for Pirates, although it could be Western or even a brand new theme like Rome or Ancient Egypt (I mean what it looked like back when it was a thriving civilization, not a lot of ancient ruins). Only one thing worries me - no Batman on the list. Is the Dark Knight a gonner?
June 26, 200816 yr Thanks Legomilk for the insight. When you say theme birthdays I immediately think of 30 years between 2009 and 1979 and what happened in 1979? Classic space, yellow castle, and town. The very beginning of Legoland. Yes there was something in 1978 but it really didn't solidify until 1979. -Tohst
June 27, 200816 yr to me you're sorry, I can not disclose any details what is expected in 2009 but I know there are many theme birthdayin 2009 mainly come from large sets but beware lego will by the high oil price can tap more expensive legomilk, I am grateful that you shared with us, such niche information. And, I will have to agree that LEGO will be much costly due its high oil price, which translates a bigger hole for our pockets. Edited June 27, 200816 yr by WhiteFang
June 27, 200816 yr It is interesting that legomilk seems to imply that many of the 2009 theme birthdays will be large sets. Maybe they're standalones? On the other hand, how much larger can sets get? I think 08 must have been one of the biggest years already in terms of set size and production - there's so many massive sets (approx 1000+ pieces) and a lot of them are arriving in the second half of the year as it is. It boggles the mind!
June 27, 200816 yr City -- Not Interested In This Line. City Trains -- Not Interested In This Line. Castle -- Elves I hope they make tree-top houses like the forestmen. 2 New Themes -- As Grevious said, ancient civilizations would be nice. To Grevious: You said that you like striving cities and what not? I have to disagree with you there. I rather have ruins and a new line like explorers, kinda like Time Twisters but not thrown together. But I don't know, maybe cizilizations are better? We already had Adventurers, we could get that big pyrimid/tomb set and make some Egypitians. Romans or Greeks would be even better! Chariots, Minithors, Gods', Kraken, kinda like the Vikings line. One thing is for sure that if these lines would be Factory I woudn't buy them. Factory has a limited piece palette. Duplo -- Come on! More? Technic -- Not Interested In This Line. Bionicle -- Not Interested In This Line. Star Wars 10 Years -- Not Interested In This Line. Racers -- Not Interested In This Line. Agents -- My favorite line! Well why worry about not having new sets? Its been confirimed that there will be 5 new sets next year. I can't wait. The possibilities for new sets are endless! Maybe Dr. Inferno's son, Flameboy? Anything is possible with a spy theme! I know! Just like they have sets of Dr. Inferno's goons stealing from Castles, Mayan Temples, etc.. They could make them steal from Egyptian Pyrimids or Chinese tombs or canabalistic African villages! Indiana Jones -- Three words: Temple Of Doom. Come on TLC! Make some Mola Ram figs already! And Short Round! And Thuggies! And Willie! And the weird chinese nazi dude! And.. simply everything..
June 27, 200816 yr Are you asking which themes we intend to follow in '09? If so, then Castle and Indy. If you want to know what new theme's we'd like to see, then anything historic and something with animals (zoo, safari, farm, etc.). Steve
June 27, 200816 yr to me you're sorry, I can not disclose any details what is expected in 2009 but I know there are many theme birthdayin 2009 mainly come from large sets but beware lego will by the high oil price can tap more expensive So look up some riddles and post the details in riddle format. But no, you have to hold true to your position whatever it may be so I won't push it. But can you please tell us if Lego has extended the Star Wars license? I heard it would end in 2011...
June 27, 200816 yr perhaps that lego starwars goes through to the end of 2013 but is not sure there to explain how the sales in 2010 and 2011.
June 27, 200816 yr Greeks This would be so good because Lego can release this theme as a sort of fantasy theme where there are lots of mythological beasts such as the Minotaur, but also Cyclops, Centaurs, Hydras, Manticores, The Chimera, Collossus (Titan), Medusa and most importantly -Pegasus! I can easily imagine the theme having each set as a scene from a different Greek myth. Each would have: - At least one mythological beast of some sort from the Greeks - A continuity of similar greek warriors throughout the sets - A few small bits of scenery, and also NEW ARMOUR AND WEAPON MOLDS
June 28, 200816 yr GreeksThis would be so good because Lego can release this theme as a sort of fantasy theme where there are lots of mythological beasts such as the Minotaur, but also Cyclops, Centaurs, Hydras, Manticores, The Chimera, Collossus (Titan), Medusa and most importantly -Pegasus! I can easily imagine the theme having each set as a scene from a different Greek myth. Each would have: - At least one mythological beast of some sort from the Greeks - A continuity of similar greek warriors throughout the sets - A few small bits of scenery, and also NEW ARMOUR AND WEAPON MOLDS Dude, that's like the exact same thing I said . ... Romans or Greeks would be even better! Chariots, Minithors, Gods', Kraken, kinda like the Vikings line. ...
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